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Posts posted by funny1

  1. It's a project through the education department at USFlorida (or central Florida - which is it, Funny?) where they have tonnes of classics free for download and graded K-12.

    I'm not sure which school remos.

    So I was bowling with my son and his friend and I am in the middle of texting TL, when she calls me and puts Funny on the phone! How funny is that. TQ lovers uniting all around the country! LOL!!!

    So I got to say hi to Funny1, although it was very loud and hard to hear at the bowling alley!

    Nice to hear your voice. :lol:

    TL TL TL :P oh boy what can I say after meeting you.....

    You were very hospitable and it was nice to meet your family. Hopefully we can meet again. B)

    And you're one cool lady!!!

  2. Funny, good job. Keep 'em coming.

    Glad you liked it! I'm feeling the writng bug again. ;)

    I wrote something little last night (funny, you would be so proud!). It's not Oh, Baby, but it's something. I have to leave in a bit and won't be home 'til after 4, so perhaps around 5 or so, I will post it...

    I can't wait to read them Ms. Q. And btw I finished my two papers. :D:D:D

  3. In that case, I'm really curious to know how their "first night" came about. Where was it? When was it? What was she thinking? What was he thinking? Drunk? Sober? Grief induced (Alan's Death)? Lust or Love or Both?

    I figure this could work into your annals -- one or both have the memory and it sustains them.


    I wrote the Alan's death as their first time. But its alwys good to see what other people write.

  4. What do you mean? It comes into my head, it goes out through the 'puter. I'm not holding anything back - but I've got ideas...

    remos I think she means you were holding back writing the sexy lunacy fics. Or as its called erotica! That is what she is talking about you holding back. Saying you couldnt write them.

    BTW Hooked I think you are holding back on us too.

  5. Hey gang, I'm not sure if anyone is still in the BR. I'll check it out after I post this.

    Saw Shiloh tonight. He didn't want us to leave but there was no way he was coming home. My little Casanova has a harem at the camp. ALL the girls are totally in love with him. They actually came up to me and said "You're Shiloh's mom? He is so cute, I just love his eyes." Every single one of them. Apparently the first night there was a thunder storm so with Shiloh being the youngest, the Scouters checked on him and found he wasn't in his tent. It didn't take them long to find him in the girls tent snuggled up between the lot of them. No one is sure if he went to them or they called him over. Either way his first week of camp and he's already a legend!

    Hilarious reenactment of the War of 1812, complete with the burning of the White House. Shiloh was one of the American invaders but one of the last to fall. I love that they are teaching the kids history and having fun with it. The battles were fabulous. That many boys and sticks, and let the mayhem begin! Pictures were taken so I'll see if any are worth sharing.

    It was a good night but a long night. I'm just about ready for bed but I wanted to give you these before I went to sleep:

    LuNacy Fluff

    Excellent Adventures


    Okay, it's morning and is this cute or what. The kids cried a good while of the way home last night because they missed Shiloh and were upset that he was so sad. This morning I found Ruah sleeping in his bed because she missed him so much. I love my kids :wub: .

    remos I thought you said you couldn't write fics like these. OMG my computer just melted! I think you were just playing with us. Anyway good job on both as all ways. Remos that inhabition is so long gone! Man where is that ciggy when I need it!!! :P

  6. We miss you around Funny! And not just for your fics!!!

    funny, I am sorry about all the papers and !@#$. How did your most recent paper go? I am freaking out right now because I'm not sure if there will be room for me in the grad classes in the fall. And if there is...Oh my goodness, the course descriptions and long class sessions (although just once a week per class) are making me not want to go... I'm not ready to go back to school!!! :( :( :(

    Thanks I miss you guys too. This sucks being in a damn class for 7 hours and my brain shuts off after lunch. After a certain time my brain was like Charlie Brown "Whamp Whamp Whamp" :blink: Damn now I have to figure out what in the hell the teacher said, SH!T! :angry::angry::angry:

    Ms. Q I have no idea about that paper but i Know I missed a part of it so that sucks. Its because this class is so long that I cant remember all the stuff because I'm overwhelmed. Effing class.

  7. Speaking of hunting and finishing, Funny... I believe you owe me/us!

    remos I wish I could focus on that right now but this class is dominating my brain at the moment. And I wish I could focus on LuNacy fics but I just cant. I have a few papers that are the attention getter at the moment. Sigh if only I could. :(

  8. Somewhere along the Atlantic coast...

    The Annals...

    Northanger Abbey.)

    Thanks for the suspense on both fics!

    remos, why did you have to end it like that? :P Don't make me beg for more. LOL.

    For funny, Rach, and TL who asked in the breakroom (and for anyone else who is interested)...

    Click the text: Oh, Baby - Chapter 105

    Not quite as suspenseful as what remos has been writing, but it's another chapter. :D

    Whoo Hoo! Another part of Oh baby. Can't wait for more from the both of you guys.

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