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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Remos I know the feeling with SOC. That is why I haven't started a thread there is so long. They always merge LuNacy threads together when they are talking about something totally different. Meanwhile liason, lulu, scrubs and others always have ten threads going about the same damn thing. Anyway I hate that they left us hanging like that. I hope they are on tomorrow. But I loved what he said to her.

    mtgro welcome to the boards.

  2. Tracy is such an emotional multi-tasker, it will probably be all of the above. As for the leather coat, maybe that's a sign that she'll be mixing with the mob. Leather is required dress with them, apparently, regardless of the season.

    *waving to funny, hooked, remos and ms. q*

    *waving back atchu QueenTracy*

    The leather on gangsters in so on point Queen Tracy. I had to laugh. That's right it doesn't matter the weather as long as there's leather. :lol:

    I can't wait for tomorrow they are in previews whoohoo!!!! :P

  3. It's all about Lunacy this week. We have to rearrange this week's schedules if we must. :lol:

    Remos I'm with you on this one. I would do the same. I think I might, my coworkers better not come in my class this week, esp. tues. Better yet i'm gonna lock them out, so they can't interrupt my concentration this week. <_<

  4. hey funny girl, come out come out where ever you are!. Have't seen ya in a few days. Hope all is well.

    Hey TracyLuv I've been around but not so late. I've been getting my ass in that bed early. But I was here around 10ish but no one was here so I went to bed. I hope to chat with you guys in the br maybe today. Thanks for asking about me. Now off to work i go. ugh..... I'm counting down the days until the summer, not so much to get to the summer but to get rid of my kids forevah!!! Hope all is good with you TL.

    Remos I hope you are feeling much better?

    Hooked Thanks for the spoilers! :)

    SOC does suck! That's why I'm not on there as much any more.

  5. Thanks for the spoilers Hooked! I can't wait to see them play out. I'm glad you put the kids in water. I wish I could put my kids in water, oh wait we do go to the water (swimming) oh I dread those days. We have to go for two weeks. like the second to the last week before school is over. I hate it. We have to take them to the pool (I have to count them before getting on the bus, I have to recount them before we leave the pool, I have to count them again when getting on the bus.) And I have to do all of this within 30 minutes because the next class has to come to the pool. I hate it. No I abhor it. Then They have to get back to the school and redress so we can make lunch, and with this group... I want to pull my hair out.

    Remos I see you've been all over SOC lately.

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