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Posts posted by funny1

  1. Yay! MinervaFan posted!

    Okay it has been so long since I posted a fic that I don't even remember how to post it on the ficathon. But for now, here is a quick fic about the missing scene we will undoubtedly NOT get on GH after the Morning After the HS opening! This one is for you Funny1!!!


    Hooked I'm glad you wrote a new fic. Thanks mucho gracias! Nice work if only we could get something like that. Whens'd the next one? I always have to be greedy. :P

  2. Maybe he will put them back on her finger VERY soon, like after he get's lucky after the HS? heehee. Did anyone else notice that Tracy looked a little tipsy as she walked away in their last scene?

    TracyLuv Since Tracy is drunk maybe they'll both go into one of the staterooms or his office to get lucky! He can be drunk too.She is drinking for two. And giddy as a school girl on Luke's arm. There's no way she'd deny him. We can only hope. :P

    Funny1--Missed you last night!!!

    Hooked I had to get my ass in that bed last night. I had report card night starting at 6:30-7:30 and it was a long day. So we all went to a bar & grill and chilled before going back to school for more work. Of coures I missed you guys too.

  3. Oh... and in the irony of the world of ewcbo

    (Funny, I know you'll appreciate this one)

    The "Does anyone not like Luke/Laura?" thread has been closed, and the last few comments have been erased. Those included another poster suggesting (tongue in check) that the original question was "Blasphemy", and the one I made about ewcbo lovers having no sense of perspective when it comes to even the slightest comments being made about her. They like to dish it but they sure can't take it.

    *Doing my Tracy smirk and chuckle*

    You know me welll Remos! :D

  4. Well it appears that Lukey is in a jovial mood being a club owner again and a player in the game again this week...that is what the gist of the spoilers say. Hopefully he will bein full flirt mode and Tracy will be in his flirtatious path! She better be! There HAS to be a reason he has not taken his ring off at all and she hasn't put hers back on yet. Surely we are not the only ones who notice this.

    They need some lovin' hooked. i'm tired of the angst stuff. And yeah if he is in a great mood he better get his flirt on with tracy. Remember he did say he's saving all his flirt for her. :D

  5. ^^^ I remember school picnics!!!! They were so fun when I was a kid... We played games and ate hot dogs and ice cream... Good times... :lol: Except that one year that it rained, and they made us have it in the gym. That was lame - haha.

    Ms. Q it wasn't a picnic for the school students. It was for the faculty and staff and their families. Now that is a good picnic. Everyone had to watch their own kids. But it was too fun. We had a scavenger hunt (like the show Amazing Race) when ppl run off into the cars trying to out race other teams that was what we did. It was great, hot dogs, hamburgers, snow cones, bouncehouse, popcorn. And tons of music. I hope we do it again next year. :D

    **waves to funny**

    So will Tracy wear a dress to the HS Opening? She looked good last week. Let's hope they don't screw it up again.

    Sorry I missed you halee. *waves back at you* Nice chatting with you last night. Also waving at the lurkers on the boards.

  6. I was just dropping in to say hi to all. Nothing much here, I'm still trying to recover from the school picnic yesterday.

    tracynluke I'm glad you're on the boards. Welcome.

    I hope we see some LuNacy scenes and I hope they get closer. I can't take the distance too much more.

  7. I went to my first critique group today for my children's story. I was a bit intimidated because these other women have been at it for a while. What I submitted was basically done without much research or any real knowlege of verse/rhythm, etc. I have done no research to speak of, where I know these woman have. It was hard to open yourself up to people in person like that. They however, LOVED my story. THey loved the issue, the problem the resolution, the rising action, etc. The only problem was my meter and rhythm were off. They could totally picture it as a picture book. The best compliment I got was one lady said her 10-year-old asked to read it in the car on the way to school cause she saw it and loved it. And I would never have thought it would appeal to a 10-year-old. I am totally fired up to do some serious editing and revising. This was the red-head boy story. I came up with a title literally on the fly this morning, and that was their favorite part--go figure. Sometimes the things you dont' really give much thought are your best stuff!

    Anyway, just had to share my good stuff today! I know we won't get TQ likely but it could be a nice top to my morning. Now off to my book club meeting--I am so literary today!!!

    YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! For you Hooked!!! *throws confetti in the air* I'm glad your book is getting great reviews. It's awesome to hear great news! I hope it works out, and if you become famous from it never forget the little people.

  8. No Tracy or Luke today :(. Mainly just Michael getting shot stuff.

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo no LuNacy. Why doesn't it surprise me?

    Yeah!!! We can quote again :D:D:D


    Saw these on SZ for this week and next... nothing new, but it's a mention...

    Tracy waves money in front of Claudia, fully expecting to buy her out of Haunted Star.

    Next week: Luke feels good, back in the game.

    Thanks for the updates Remos! And Yeah we can quote I've missed that feature!!!!

  9. Hooked I just voted. And guess who I voted for. Thanks for the comments on the fic you and Remos. TIIC are such...... well idiots.

    I go back to work tomorrow, I am so excited, can you tell? I am waiting for school to be out. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Timeless I'm happy you can see yourself. WB!

  10. I'm glad the diva had a good time remos. it's is always ggod to provide the kids with great memories they'll never forget.

    I'm sitting here dreading work tomorrow. And having to work on lesson plans, thankfully I finished this weeks worth but have opted out of the next week as I usually do, (two weeks worth in advance) so I don't have to worry about them for two weeks, but the lazy-i-tis has taken a hold of me and therefore I won't do that much planning this week. Maybe next week.

    my new fic:


  11. i saw these spoilers on soc:

    Alice manhandles Edward when he attempts to eavvesdrop.

    Alan scolds Tracy.

    Claudia gets a warning from Tracy to back off from Luke.

    4/09 Bobby and Luke discuss Michael's tragedy over drinks.

    Eddie takes a liking to Claudia who arrives at the Q's door.

    4/10 Luke walks in on Tracy and Claudia' meeting.

    4/11 Luke begins to agree with Claudia about keeping Johnny and Lulu apart

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