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Posts posted by funny1

  1. What's up everyone? Just seeing how everyone is.

    Remos I've been enjoying the adventure fics. Keep 'em coming you fic machine you.

    TL hope you are enjoying the celebrating. Once again congrats!

    Hello to all the lurkers I see right now: QT, remos, hooked.

    I'm almost happy. Five more school days left not counting weekends. Teachers never do. I'm packing my classroom sh!t up. I'm almost there whoohoo.


    waving right back atchu QT!

  2. Damn I have been a busy bee posting on the blog! Pouring another glass of wine as we speak!

    Funny! Tonight is catch up night for your fics!!!

    Knh--OMG I totally forgot to read your letter. Going to do that this evening as well.

    I am horrible!!

    Still in the br by the way! 6:$5pm

    hooked I dont see you in the br? Are you sure you arent in another br universe. Its' been doing that lately.

  3. Remos once again you are a writing machine. Can't wait to read more about their adventires. Do you have any cigarettes since the last fic!!!!! And I dont smoke. Whew anyway.

    TL Congrats on your graduation!!!!!!!! You walk that stage proud!!!!

    *I have my blow horn and confetti for you.*


  4. This sounds promising.

    Hey guys, something really amazing just happened. I was googling trying to find if anyone has a screencap of the dance last week, and just entered "Luke and Tracy dancing", and guess what came up on top - The Annals dancing story. How cool is that!

    BTW, anyone have that screencap? We want to put it on the blog.

    The Oxford Dictionary, page 15.

    Oh I know its in the dictionary I'm just surprised that you would have said it. LOL

  5. Yup, he couldn't wait for that topic to be overwith. He was being interviewed with Jane, not the past. I lost count of the number of times he either praised her or defered to her. If not a huge crush, it's definitely a Mutual Admiration Society of two. Personally, I'm thinking big time crushing.

    I prefer the crush thing too remos. they act like a real married couple. So sweet.

  6. Thanks for all the compliments. I'm glad you are enjoying The Annals.

    Lainey, if you ever get inspired - or need someone to vet something else you are doing, please let me know. I understand the ebb and flow of this stuff. You are just too talented to let that part of yourself get lost completely.

    Funny, keep it coming. I'm really enjoying it.

    My blog buddies? Where art thou? I know some have popped in through Sunday. This is a group effort... just a reminder.

    QT, what are you doing up at this ungodly hour. You aren't usually one of the insomniacs around here.

    Hooked, I'm glad your company is leaving tomorrow - you're missed. Are you having girly fun?

    Through the night...

    Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures

    Glad you are enjoying The Forgotten Birth. Does this mean i have to supply you with another one?

    Keep 'em coming remos. You are a writing machine. Love the adventures. :D Hope to read more.

  7. *waving back atchu* QT!!!!!

    Nothing new going on in my world today. I am taking time to enjoy my days off. I have tomorrow off from school. WhooHoo!!!! This is the home stretch then school will be over and I can get rid of that ungrateful bunch of kids I have this year. Boy they were/are a rough group.

    I've been enjoying the blog as well everyone. It's so fun to read and post.

    EDIIT *waving back atchu* halee

  8. Loved my Dax today!! CH is determined to win my heart while JE is away (she won't, but let her continue to try!! ;) ).

    Love the Blog!!! I have bookmarked it. So fun!

    Hey Funny, please PM me when you finish your series.. I read the first two, and I think they're great.. but it's gonna drive me nutty not knowing the next chapter. So I'm going to read them all when you're complete. Looking forward to it!!!



    Thanks but Lainey you didn't see the next three after that?

    The Forgotten Birth part 6

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