Roseanna, Liberty, Luke, and Katie wait patiently with somber looks written on their faces. Meanwhile, Craig, off to the side, leans against the wall—clearly destroyed.
Liberty: (jumping up) I can’t sit here anymore I need answers and now!
Katie: And we’ll get them. (pulling her down) But until then we need to sit and be patient.
Liberty: But I can’t. I can’t! (on the verge of crying) I can’t bear to lose Gabriel too! Not after Dad, I can’t.
Katie holds Liberty as she sobs. Craig, over it, walks off. Roseanna gets up and chases after him.
Luke: (shaking his head) This is all my fault. . .
Katie: No it isn’t. It’s no one’s fault. Just an accident and Gabe will pull through just fine.
On Katie struggling to believe her own advice,
Roseanna slowly ease up to Craig with tears falling from his eyes as he gazes at the view of Oakdale. Roseanna reaches out to touch him but pulls away, unsure.
Craig: No words of encouragement are going to help me, Roseanna.
Roseanna: I know. . .
Craig: (facing her, snappy) Then why are you up here?!
Roseanna: Because you don’t need to be alone. Not at this time.
Craig: Yeah I do. I need space to think, to process this. I haven’t felt like this since—
Roseanna: Since Bryant?
Craig: Yeah.
Roseanna: Well Gabe is not dead and for we know, he might pull through this.
Craig: He better or I’m going to make Paul and Lucinda pay. . .
With fury and hatred taking over Craig,
Jami puts on the top of her scrubs when MJ, shirtless, comes around the corner. Jami smiles at him.
MJ: What?
Jami: Nothing. I just didn’t expect to see you half naked so soon.
MJ: (joking, covering his nipples) Then stop looking!
Jami burst into laughter when Chris bursts in. MJ quickly puts on his shirt and Jami ties her hair back and the two stand up looking at Chris.
Chris: Is he here yet?
MJ: Who?
Chris: Dr. Wyatt?
MJ: Not that I know of.
Suddenly, the three hear a woman moaning from the shower. Suspicious, Chris storms over to the shower, with MJ and Jami following, and opens the door to reveal DR. STEPHEN WYATT having sex with another female doctor. Off the woman screaming,
Chris: What the h*ll is going on?
The female doctor grabs the only towel and rushes out the shower. Stephen covers his male parts with his hands and embarrassed, smiles.
Stephen: Hey, Chris. Longtime since we’ve last seen each other. But not like this. . .
Chris: Pig.
Stephen: You'd know.
Chris slams the shower door.
Chris: And so you know, you’re needed in the emergency room. (to Jami & MJ) C’mon you two.
Jami, Chris, and MJ exit. Then Stephen peeks out of the shower and waves at the female doctor. She rushes back into the shower and the close the door. She tosses the towel over the shower, and on a shot of the towel lying on the floor and them laughing in the background,
Emily rushes in to find Paul grabbing the mail off the table. He notices something is wrong by the look on her face.
Paul: What happened?
Emily: If you answered by phone calls you’d know.
Paul: My phone died on the way home. Now what’s wrong?
Emily: You didn’t hear?
Paul: Hear what?
Emily: (grabbing his hand) Let’s have a seat.
Paul: (snatching away) How about you just tell me what happened? Is it Meg again?
Emily: . . .No.
Paul: Then what is it? Spill it.
Emily: It’s Gabriel. He was in an accident on one of the back roads.
Paul: What?!
Emily: Yeah—
Distraught, Paul runs past her, exiting and leaving the door open.
Emily: Paul! Paul, come back!
On Emily looking out the door distressed,
Open up on Carly standing the with a phone to ear. Jack and the kids, consoling him, sit nearby.
Carly: Alright. Thanks for calling me Roseanna and keep me update.
Carly hangs up the phone and turns to Jack, anxious.
Jack: (noticing her expression) What now?
Carly: Umm. . . it’s was Roseanna. She’s at the hospital.
JJ: Is she OK?!
Carly: Yes. She’s fine. But Gabriel isn’t. He was in an accident on one of the back roads near Route 66.
Parker jumps up and grabs his coat.
Carly: Where are you going?
Parker: To find Liberty and let her know.
Carly: But—
Parker exits.
Carly: . . .she already knows.
Carly sighs, and
Tom, Casey, & Margo, Dusty & Janet (with Johnny & Lorenzo), Holden, and Lily have joined everyone. We pick up with
Luke, Holden, and Lily, who sit off to the side.
Holden: Have you been checked out?
Luke: For what? Nothing is wrong with me.
Holden: But you still need to get checked out.
Luke: Well until I hear that Gabriel is alright, I am not moving from this spot.
Lily: I just don’t know why you didn’t let your father and I know that you were coming home, and where is Noah?
Luke: (agitated) Mom. . .
Holden: Maybe we need to give him some space, Lily.
Luke: Please!
Lily storms off and Holden gets up and chases after her.
Holden: Lily! Stop!
Lily: (stops) What?!
Holden: Why are you acting like this?
Lily: Because I’m sick of being treated by a second rate citizen in this family. First, you and now Luke is giving me attitude. I’m sick of it!
Holden: You’re being over the top.
Lily turns to storm off again when she notices Craig and Roseanna, arm in arm coming down the hallway. It’s apparent that something wrong.
Lily: Craig? What’s wrong?
Craig grabs Lily by the hand and leads her back into the
Everyone looks up at Craig, waiting to hear from him.
Craig: I, umm. . . I. . .
Craig, crying, looks to Roseanna for help.
Roseanna: It’s time to say our goodbyes.
Liberty: (jumping up, hysterical) Goodbye?! What are you talking about? Is Gabriel dying?
Roseanna nods.
Liberty: No!
Lily hugs Craig.
Lily: I’m so sorry.
Craig: Feel sorry for Gabriel. Not me.
Something catches Craig’s attention—it’s Paul. Hold on eye contact between the two,
Gabriel lies on the bed, motionless. Bob stands next to him, check his vitals on the machine. Jami then quietly eases in.
Jami: Dr. Hughes.
Bob: (turning) Hey. Is there something wrong?
Jami: No. Just came to see if you needed any help.
Bob: Sadly, there is nothing you or I can do.
Jami joins Bob and looks at Gabriel.
Jami: He’s so young and full of life. The youth always dies young.
Bob: Sadly, they do. Sucks because he was finally settling into Oakdale and gaining the home he always wanted. Boy was finally reunited with his father.
This strikes home for Jami.
Jami: He didn’t know his father?
Bob: Nope. But that’s life. You’re finally happy and life throws us all a cruel twist of fate. (sighs) I just can’t imagine how Craig is feeling.
Jami: Craig. . .?
Bob: His father. Sadly, his eldest son passed away in a car accident many years ago. Talk about history repeating itself.
Jami: Yeah. I guess.
Bob: I just couldn’t imagine being in Craig or anyone out there shoes. Having someone come into your life and all of sudden leave like that! (snaps his fingers) I don’t know if I could handle it.
Jami nearly cracks when MJ bursts in.
MJ: We need your help. Craig and Paul are fighting in the waiting room.
Bob: Was security called?
MJ: Yes, sir.
Bob: (handing Jami the chart) Stay here.
Bob and MJ exit. On Jami overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow,
The room is in an uproar as Craig has Paul pinned down on the floor, punching him repeatedly. Holden and Casey manage to pull Craig off as Tom and Dusty help a bloody Paul up.
John and Chris stand in between the two parties, serving as barriers.
Craig: You b*stard I could kill you and that old b*tch, Lucinda.
Lily: Craig!
Craig: Sorry, Lily, but your mother has brought this upon herself.
Margo: Craig, it was an accident.
Craig: Oh shut the h*ll up, Margo. Your dumb a** always take everyone else’s side but MINE! YOUR BROTHER! YOUR FLESH AND BLOOD!
Craig breaks free from Holden and Casey’s grip.
Craig: No one in here cares about me or my son—no one but Roseanna, Johnny, and Liberty! The rest of you are just posers. Phonies!
Katie: That’s not tr—
Craig: Shut up, Katie. You’re just like Margo! A fairweather sister! When you need me, you come running but any other time I am like dirt beneath your feet. I am nothing to you!
Katie starts to tear up.
Roseanna: Craig, let’s go.
Craig: Hold on, sweetheart, let me deliver these last fatal blows. (to Paul) You’ve robbed me just that b*tch of a sister of yours robbed me of Bryant.
Chris and John hold back Dusty and Paul as they both now rowdy by Craig’s last insult.
Craig: But why I am not surprised. You’re Barbara Ryan’s seed. Misery follows her everywhere she goes, and now it has rubbed off on you as well.
Paul: I think you got that backwards, buddy. Misery follows YOU everywhere.
Craig: Maybe. . .but not after today. For now on, I’ll be the one issuing out the misery. He was gone but now he is back—old, bitter, angry Craig is back! He’s back!
Craig takes Roseanna by the hand and walks off.
Paul: He’s back? Has he ever left? (to Margo) Aren’t you going to arrest him?
Margo: For once, no. And you aren’t going to press charges either.
Paul: He just beat me senseless, and cursed everyone out in here!
Lily: He’s in pain.
Dusty: But that doesn’t have a right for him to bring up Jennifer.
Luke: Who gives a d*mn! What about Gabriel! What about him! I don’t know why I came back here. First Reid and now Gabriel—I can’t deal with this!
Luke runs off.
INT. GABRIEL’S ROOM – Bob switches off the life-support machine. Bob walks out as we notice Liberty sits next to his bed. Liberty opens up a letter from Gabriel addressed to her and a ring falls out the envelope into her hand. Seeing this, she crawls into the bed, crying. She kisses him on the lips and places the engagement ring on her hand before resting her head on his chest. Meanwhile, Parker watches on from outside, saddened.
INT. LOCKER ROOM – Jami sits alone on in one of the showers, and pulls out a photo of Bob & Kim that she lifted off her mother. She holds the photo close to her heart and starts to sob uncontrollably.
INT. FAIRWINDS – Emily sits alone on the sofa when she hears the door. She rushes to see its Paul with a patched up nose. She runs over and inspects his face, and he sways her away before walking off, leaving Emily hurt.
INT. JACK/CARLY—Jack lies in the bed, destroyed by the news of his mother’s death. Carly crawls into bed, wiping the tears from Jack’s face before cuddling with him.
EXT. GRAVEYARD – While Janet stands back watching, Dusty, with Johnny, goes and places some flowers on Jennifer’s grave. Dusty holds his son tightly. Suddenly, Katie & Chris appear. Chris stands back as Katie goes and does the same as Dusty, placing flowers on Brad’s grave. John emerges with his own flowers and walks over and kneels down, placing flowers on Little Johnny’s (his son with Barbara) grave. We get a nearby shot of Bryant’s grave, which is near Little Johnny’s grave. John plucks off a flower and places it on his grave.
INT. WALSH ESTATE – Lily barges in, hysterical, falling into Lucinda’s arms. Lucinda consoles her.
INT. CAR – Holden drives around, looking concerned as he looks for Luke. He comes to a train track and notices Luke’s car parked off to the side. He then notices Luke, in a grief stricken daze, staring as a train goes down the track. Holden realizes this is the same place where Reid was killed. He gets out and puts his arms around his son, who collapses in his arm, in tears.
INT. GABRIEL’S ROOM – Craig & Roseanna return to see a nurse pull a sheet over Gabriel’s face before wheeling him out. Not being able to take it, Craig’s kneels buckle and he falls to the floor, crying uncontrollably. Roseanna sits beside him and holds him tightly.
As Craig buries his face in Roseanna’s chest, crying,
- Gabriel's funeral takes place
- Mo makes an enemy at BLC
- Clark, Henry's sister, comes to town with ties to Mo & Jami
- Craig reverts back to his old ways and unintentionally hurts Roseanna in the process
- Meg uses Ryder to break up Paul & Emily
- Noah returns
- Jack holds a funeral for his mother, which brings an old girlfriend of Brad's to town with all her baggage
- Holden finds love and it isn't with Lily
- Someone unexpectedly learns about Jami's secret
- Tom's competition, Carter, comes to town with some unexpected help, and with his eyes on Lisa
SN: I leave to go abroad next Saturday for London but don't let that prevent you from commenting, suggesting, and reading all the other great blogs on SON. When I return, the WORLD will keep on spinning. Hope you all enjoy. Feedback is much appreciated!