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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    Please let this be true!

    (And speaking of RHONY and its trendy Revamp, when are they going to drop that trailer?)

    I need this to be true and for the cast to be as described. I miss our gals so much.

    I think they should shoot a little longer - perhaps 2 or 3 weeks, a Summer In The City show that gives us 10-12 episodes. 

    4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I saw that over the weekend.... I hope it comes to fruition! I think it's a great idea actually. I just knew we weren't done with this group of gals forever. Too bad for Jill, huh? lol Oh well.  And love her or hate her, Ramona makes for great reality TV. I wonder if she'll jump back into the shark tank for a one-week adventure. 

    Jill overestimates her worth time and again. She is not important and will not be missed. 

  2. This season has been some of the most incredible reality tv, even without Scandoval. Tonight's episode featuring Scheana in height pettiness and Schwartz/Katie's fiasco of a dinner was a spectacle to behold.

    The reunion feels like it's boiling over. 

  3. NJ

    I'm liking this season, even though nothing is happening aside from the Theresa vs. Joe drama and I think both of them (and their spouses) are wrong... *shrugs*

    Jennifer embarrassed herself with that coffee cup reader. Could that have been more obvious? The women could hardly contain themselves with laughter it was so staged.

    And that's the problem with NJ right now - aside from the Theresa vs Joe drama, everything else feels very manufactured. 

    However, Dolores' hatred of Dina felt very real. Let's get a camera on Dina ASAP.

  4. 16 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I fully think if they had used the typeface from the 2003 opening it would improve it!


    The font change is a huge, huge improvement. That cannot be difficult to fix and Y&R should do so immediately. 

  5. The scene between Nina, Jill, and Christine was my favourite of today's episode...though Diane slapping the smug smile of Phyllis' face was welcome. I just hope Jack/Kyle/Summer aren't so stupid as to blame Diane for anything.

    Kate Linder getting to film with Eric Braeden had to be a trip for her. I doubt they'd shared a scene for 25 years aside from Katherine's funeral(s).

    Leanna Love has definitely been a highlight. Barbara Crampton just inhabits the role. 

    Sorry to see Jill exit the canvas again, but she was very well utilized in these gala episodes (there were a few nice nods to Jill's originating role) - where is she supposed to be living?

  6. On 3/26/2023 at 1:32 PM, Broderick said:

    He wasn't "fired".  He was dropped to recurring status.   The show could use him as often (or as rarely) as they wanted to.  

    He created a situation on Twitter which made TPTB less inclined to use him.  

    I think if Doug has played his cards right, he'd have 10 episodes a year without a problem. But he created an untenable position with someone at Sony in a position of power who did not like the social media whinging. 

    2 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    I think Kristoff,CLB and DD were all made recurring and asked to keep quiet and that they would be included in the opening and shown as contract in the credits.

    Yes, I believe it's nearing common knowledge that Kristoff St. John, Christian LeBlanc, and Doug Davidson all went the way of Kate Linder: the appearance of contract status but the reality of recurring. 

    The thing is, it's no different than Jess Walton, but she got ahead of TPTB doing it to her and made it her decision, way back in 2012. Tricia Cast, Tracey Bregman, Eileen Davidson, and Beth Maitland have all played the recurring game and probably enjoy their lives more and have a healthier relationship with the show.

    Doug's bitterness is his undoing. If he took it with the half the grace that Walton, Cast, LeBlanc, Bregman, or Maitland he would still be featured on the show today. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Thank god I’m not the only one that didn’t like Kenya on girls trip. She actually started it first with Ramona on the plane but nobody remembers that because they rightfully hate Ramona. But I remember it. And I thought she was a shitty friend to Cynthia on the trip as well.

    I agree with you both - Kenya was a terrible person on UGT.

  8. On 3/24/2023 at 2:01 PM, AMCHistory said:

    I love Mamie. I love Jill.

    But god that scene was painful. Mamie’s line delivery missed the mark. The back and forth had a bad cadence. The music did nothing to help. 

    Old school Y&R would have played some sentimental music to lull the audience into thinking there would have been a detente. The cameras would have been a close-up, so you could see deeply into each characters reaction. And when Mamie delivered her closing line, the music would have shifted, and the camera would have focused on her face into a fade to black. 

    This was a moment we have waited for for decades. It was treated like a throw away scene. 

    I agree. The line delivery of Mamie's last line was a missed opportunity. It easily could have played out as you alluded to with Jill offering bygones be bygones, with Mamie looking sincere...and then delivering the hell no. I expect Y&R is shooting like DAYS: minimal rehearsal and get it in the can.

    That being said...

    On 3/24/2023 at 4:15 PM, kalbir said:

    Mamie/Jill was the highlight today.

    I really enjoyed seeing them together, regardless of the faults in the episode. 

    On 3/24/2023 at 7:51 PM, Dylan said:

    I really enjoyed those scenes.

    "Jill Foster!!!"

    "Its Abbott." 

    That's when I knew Janice Ferri Esser wrote the script. Jill rightfully claiming her role as an Abbott was refreshing. 

    20 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    The gala episodes actually *feel* like Classic Y&R - with the sets, wardrobe, characters that don't normally interact - friends, enemies and instigators - Leanna and Audra. The tribute to KSJ was a nice touch that also mined decades of history - Victor/Neil business and personal relationship.

    As a formerly faithful viewer who's struggled to stick with more than a week every 6 months now, I'm entertained enough to watch through the gala episodes.

    Budgeting and scheduling for non-contract and guests is a challenge so instead of nitpicking stuff, I'm enjoying celebrating actors/characters I've watched for since I was a teen.

    Everyone looks great, but it's awesome to see Brytni in something other than scrubs!

    I agree. I am a longtime lapsed viewer who might tune in half a dozen times a year, but I have watched each of these gala episodes and enjoyed them. 

  9. I've tuned back in to see the Gala shows. They've been a welcome bit of excitement compared to the usual snooze that Y&R has become. 

    The return of Mamie is wonderful and in my opinion is the highlight. Veronica Redd exuded such natural warmth with Peter Bergman in her first scene it was like she never left. That flashback with the living room mirror is a good example why throwing away historic sets is such a mistake.

    If Peter Bergman's 'happy Jack' acting could get any hammier I'd ask for bread, cheese, and a frying pan. 

    Susan Walters, on the other hand, continues to be a welcome breath of fresh air. 

    Chelsea is an albatross of a character. Why tie Daniel down with her? She's a character that makes no sense on this canvas.

    Loved Jill's return to swoop in on the arbitration meeting. It looked like Jess Walton and Lauralee Bell had fun together - they probably hadn't shared scenes in 20 years. The Jill and Mamie scenes were great, though not the tone I would have chosen.

    James Hyde's acting is incredibly rusty. Granted, he was no great shakes on 'Passions' but he's not very good. 

    Eileen Davidson looks amazing. 

    Amelia Heinle continues to suck the air out of every scene she's in, though I'll give her credit for being semi-alive in that flashback with Nick where they were fighting about Adam. Heather Tom, you are so missed.



  10. 13 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    So it begins... ;) 


    I can vouch. They have in the background VERY loosely over the last month. Last week, Nikki (looking really good, especially her hair) drafted Michael and Lauren into helping with it. 

    So Jill WILL be in town and her hair has grown out.


    Dare I hope for w*ore hair? 


    10 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    🤣 JW rocked the s--- outta that big-ass hair in the 1990s.


    9 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Oh, yes!!! 


    One of my favorite memories as a teen. 

    I am really hoping for it. I think we'll get to see her sequins with a statement sleeve at the very least. The hairstyle she rocked never really went out of style - big and voluminous and sculpted. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Well, having Halle Berry co-present Best Actress paid off.

    It most certainly did. She looked gorgeous and totally thrilled. 

    33 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Totally agree. It was like a PowerPoint.

    It's just shocking that the Academy Awards, year in and year out for the last 15+ years, put out the worst Memoriam tributes. 

    3 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Maybe I’m getting older but these award ceremonies are feeling more and more like slogs. They’ve always been boring, but this was torturous IMO. Even with some nice speeches.

  12. Once Jamie Lee Curtis won the SAG award I thought her chances at the Oscar rose incredibly.

    Ultimately, she and Angela Bassett were both vying for ‘career’ Oscars where a body of work is rewarded, on top of the specific nominated performance. She deserved to win for ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It’ and I’m sorry she didn’t win tonight. 

    But I am also happy for Jamie Lee Curtis.

    This telecast is incredibly long winded and boring. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Cat said:

    I saw that, too, and that's why Quad is staying and Porsha (who apparently used to date Dr. Greg -- that man gets around) is on the show.

    Conetessa said that she quit rather than was fired. She indicated that M2M focused on her personal drama a lot (and not her doctoring) and that she was tired of "crying and cussing," hence her decision to leave. She probably didn't want scrutiny on her and Scott anymore.

    Anila was apparently fired. No surprise given the thirst she and her husband displayed, and the whispers of fakery surrounding the break-in.

    Contessa was boring this last season with her body building storyline. I agree that she probably didn't want to deal with further scrutiny with Scott. 

    I'd not heard any allegations that the break-in was fake. That is so awful if true given how traumatizing that can be for people. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    And the faker contingent (Giz, Robert, Ash, Mia and Cha) took a selfie of themselves out for a preproduction dinner. So they obviously think they're going to get a mere slap on the wrist from Bravo. They were probably figuring out which husband to accuse of cheating next, to distract from Juan's lawsuits, Bungalow Bryant, Charrisse shtupping Katie Rost (!) and Ashley's pennilessness.

    The Losers

    Giz, Juan's Roommate, The Dumbest Golddigger, The Stripper for Lobster, and The Defensive Lineman should be very afraid. At least half of them should be fired immediately after that last episode of the reunion.

    Giz: She is an arsehole. She should be ashamed of herself and the disregard with which she made totally baseless accusations against Chris. She really deserves some major karma for that kind of slander. 

    Juan's Roommate: Despicable, dishonest, hypocrite. No comprehension for just how ridiculous she is. She should be fired. 

    The Dumbest Golddigger: It will be interesting to see her living under Demon Darby's thumb next season. She is the only one who still has story left in her.

    The Stripper for Lobster: I don't see how she can stay on this show when she lies like a rug and has no credibility whatsoever. She just says anything and everything for attention and none of it is based in fact. How can anyone take a word she says seriously? 

    The Defensive Lineman: Epic flop. Bravo needs to stop trying to make her happen. She's never gonna happen. 

    The Winners

    One thing all three of these ladies have in common is that they have rock solid marriages where their spouses back them up. Funny enough, the Losers above cannot say the same. 

    Wendy: She and Eddie are fun together and real partners. Their laughter dismissing the 'Smiling Eddie' crap was great. I like them. I need her to focus on something and really succeed at it. 

    Candiace: Certainly, she finally lost her cool with Giz's bullsh*t, but she's not wrong. Women like Giz, who used an allegation of sexual harassment for storyline purposes, like it was some game, are why some people discount allegations made by legitimate victims. That said, she had a great season. This Demon Darby lawsuit is not going to hurt her. She should press ahead with Demon Darby - let's get this in open Court and subpoena everyone in production who dealt with Demon Darby's behaviour to tell the truth, under oath. Let's get document disclosure. Let's get Demon Darby's mobile phone, credit card, passports, and email records out in the open. He'll fold like a cheap tent. 

    Karen: Each of Juan's Roommate, Giz, and The Defensive Lineman tried to have a moment with The Grand Dame, but she gave them nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. It was a good lesson in paying people dust. Karen hardly spoke at this reunion and for good reason: she is secure with Ray. They have nothing to answer for, so they have nothing to fear. Whipping out that nail file was a thing of beauty. Karen knows who she is and is grateful. 

    Next season they're going to have to fire at least half of the Losers and give the show a refresh.



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