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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. ATL

    This season is rough and production knows it. When we see them doing editing tricks to give Kenya demon eyes, and editing the footage of the women packing up their bags and getting Uber Eats like it’s a late 90s R&B video you know they’re in big trouble.

    Kenya’s non storyline with that halftime show was such a flop. I’d have respect for her if she powered through and did it, but no she went off and got a chest X Ray that showed she’s fine. At least when Vicki Gunvalson melodramatically goes to the ER it has comedic value. 

    Speaking of tired storyline, Kandi should be careful because I cannot imagine anyone gives a f*ck about Mama Joyce continuing to hate Todd for the last decade, plus.

    Time to get cameras on Wigs & Cigs and Nene to try and save this franchise.


  2. On 5/25/2023 at 11:00 PM, Broderick said:

    Those folks have always had really nice houses.  Bill Bell was always fairly dismissive of his "weekend cottage" at Lake Geneva.  A few years ago, I was up there and saw this two-story 1920s mansion with a red-tile roof on the south shore of the lake.  I commented to the folks I was with, "That's sure a pretty one."  It looked to be about a 15,000 square foot house, and it had a tremendous amount of lake frontage (about 100 yards, it looked like).  The response was, "Oh that house is Casa del Sueno; it belonged to this guy who wrote soap operas.  His wife had a talk show in Chicago.  They moved to California in the 1980s."  Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who that was.  

    Bill and Lee's 'weekend cottage'


    16 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Do we know if Miss Lauralee has a fabulous estate as well?

    Yes. Her Bel-Air mansion is very close to where Brad and Bill Jr.'s are. She bought her neighbours house for $10.5 million some years ago only to demolish it, expand her backyard, and build a guest house.

    And she has 2 homes in the Malibu Colony. One on the beach side and one on the land side. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Cat said:

    I think that once Drew & Ralph's divorce starts to gather pace, ratings will go up. This is RHOA's 'unexpected scandal' moment which Bravo needs (and plans) to capitalise on. I haven't caught yesterday's episode yet, but thus far, Drew has been playing fake happy families on screen. This is the problem with Drew: she could be GREAT, but she's just good, because everyone's blind grandma can see that she is play-acting. Once she lets go of that, Drew could really go places on this show.

    And this may be the problem with this season's cast. It is a good cast but it's not great by the standards of RHOA's golden era which lingers in the minds of the audience. Last season's reunion didn't have as much momentum going into this season as we've enjoyed in reunions past.

    In a wider context, I think the show is still suffering from losing Porsha and firing Cynthia. Kenya has been curiously underpowered this season thus far. Sanya is ok but making classic newbie mistakes as she lets Sheree and Marlo use her against Kandi. And I agree with Kenya's latest Tweet: Marlo should not be a Real Housewife. For whatever reason, she's not up to it. She is doing too much and her acting is so poor. That tantrum she threw at Candiace's concert was cringe.

    Despite all my criticism, i am actually really enjoying this season a lot. In addition to Drew's personal story percolating, another thing that has me intrigued is people going after Kandi and pointing out how she's swept stuff under the carpet. IMO this is long overdue. Kandi does great things for her community but she does have a few skeletons, and if others' get exposed, so should hers. Otherwise it is yet another season of Todd bitching about Kandi not having enough time for him.

    Courtney is Yovanna 2.0. 

    I really agree with the bold. I like Kandi a lot, but she has swept anything under the carpet that she doesn't like. I am a believer that if people want to be on these shows then they should be prepared for their lives to be exposed out in the open. Otherwise, Kandi is boring to me and I really don't want to have another season of Todd complaining about how busy she is. 

    I disagree about Marlo though. I enjoy her. What I saw her doing with Drew was saying, 'why aren't you saying on camera that it's a shooting because that's what it was' because of her personal gripe with Kandi over her relative's death...Marlo is over the top when it comes to dealing with everything, but at least she's giving us something to watch. 

    Kenya remains a really ugly hearted bitch. When she admitted that the football game is sponsored by her haircare company I had to laugh. She's literally producing her own storyline. Zero organic with this one.

    Drew's marriage imploding needs to happen fast. 


  4. 18 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    This home is not my taste, but completely in line with Bill and Maria. Maria is huge in the LA contemporary art world. 

    It’s so sad to see that the kids sold all of Lee’s properties. They stood-in for show settings for decades. I am surprised no one wanted to keep it out of those memories. 

    The thing is the children all had their own homes that were equally as luxurious, if not more so.

    Lee's home in Malibu is the one on which the original Forrester beach house was modeled. It's located in the Malibu Colony. Lauralee has a home in the same community just up the street. 

    Brad's Malibu home is the exterior used for Steffy's house with Finn. Barbara Streisand is his next door neighbour. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Is this the mansion BB uses for its outdoor remotes?

    B&B uses Brad Bell's actual homes in Bel Air and Malibu for remotes, but they've also filmed at this house.

    The Forrester mansion is modeled after William J Bell and Lee Phillip Bell's house. They redid a lot of the exterior b roll footage to take advantage of drone technology. The house has since been levelled by LeBron James. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Luann and Sonja update The Simple Life for a new generation (featuring a certain late ‘80s pop star/dancer/choreographer-turned-reality TV judge).


    Word on the street is this show is actually very good. I'd watch Lu and Sonja read the phone book, so obviously I'm in, but I think Bravo chose wisely with them. They have always had a very real friendship.

  7. On 5/19/2023 at 12:28 AM, Faulkner said:

    In the 18-49 demo, VPR beat everything on broadcast, including Survivor and the season finale of The Masked Singer. Really big stuff, even if broadcast ratings aren’t what they used to be. The only thing on TV that outrated it that day was the Heat-Celtics game.

    Well deserved ratings...and imagine what they'll look like with Live +7 - they'll be even more incredible. 

  8. 10 hours ago, Vee said:

    She's mostly RT'ed other people's remarks, but there's this:

    This wonderful picture I'd never seen cropped up:



    Beautiful picture and thank you for posting. They were very close so I can imagine this loss is devastating. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    What a finale wow. I actually watched last week’s episode then watched the finale. Sandoval and Rachel truly are evil. But the crazy part is Kristen totally called this a decade ago.

    Yes! That flashback to Kristen foreseeing all of this was chilling. She called it. She knew.

    Also, very good redemption for Scheana. She cleared Sandoval with that conversation. 

  10. What an episode.

    This show deserves an Emmy. And I'm being serious. This show has documented the implosion of a relationship, on some of the most scandalous terms, in a really gripping way. 

    Sandoval's reaction was morally bankrupt. He is truly malevolent.

    Raquel is a psychopath with no empathy. 

    Schwartz was doing major damage control and failing at it.

    Meanwhile, you had Lala and James luxuriating in having called the duplicity correctly from the start. James' telephone call to Raquel was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. 

  11. NJ

    Well, this season sucked. What a flop. 

    I do not think we're seeing the fall of the House of Gorga. Not even slightly. Unless they totally botch the reunion I believe we'll see them return. This episode only reinforced that the relationship with Teresa is totally broken and it's not all their fault. Teresa and Louis (and Gia) are equally to blame. That Gia would call Joe and tell him they all think he could do better than Melissa, when it's clear the two of them are pretty devoted to each other...she's such a meddling cow. 

    The whole Laura/Affair storyline is so lame that for the finale to be premised on it...Lord give me strength. 

    Margaret annihilated Jennifer with the "Bill slept with a subordinate" line...Jennifer was literally screaming "She threw herself at him!" and frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog...Jennifer still doesn't get it. The affair is Bill's fault. She continues to make excuses for him and cannot move on.

    Danielle was a total flop this season. It's clear production hired her for the potential of the brother storyline. 

    Rachel is sane. I don't know if that will hurt her chances for a return, but it hasn't hurt Dolores whose the only one who had a 'good' season aside from Jennifer Fessler who should definitely be upgraded to fulltime. 

    Jackie was a non-entity and I don't see her returning. 

    Louis is a walking, talking, red flag. And that's who Teresa is dumb enough to marry. 

  12. 8 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    But again, no one on this show can really take a moral high ground as they've all slept with each other at this point. At this point, they should all laugh when someone cheats on this show as it is so common and expected. 

    Not quite. The duplicity that Sandoval and Rachel (that’s her real name) went to with Ariana is a new level. 

    The term “gaslighting” gets thrown around too much these days, but the scene between Ariana and Rachel where Rachel was telling Ariana that if she isn’t interested in having sex with Sandoval that it’s an indication their relationship is in trouble, as happened between Rachel and James, is a prime example of it. 

    There’s also the length of time. In this circumstance it was an 8/9 month affair while the others had one night stands which they often regretted. Rachel and Tom have yet to express any remorse. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Cat said:

    And soaps back in their glory days had a way of making these 'working mothers' rather glamorous (there was never not a time when Bobbie wasn't tossing her auburn hair or snapping off a clip-on earring to answer the phone) in that they dared to dream for bigger, better things, and work towards them. They weren't prepared to settle. It was relatable aspiration.

    What was so cool about Bobbie is the way she maintained that bridge between the show's name and the hospital/nurse's station. In that sense, she grounded the show like no other. And Jackie Zeman's natural loveliness really came through the screen, endearing the audience towards her. We sensed the warmth and the way other actors engaged with her.

    I remember watching summer 1988, and basically the show was split between Duke & Anna dismantling bombs here, there and everywhere, and drama between Bobbie & Jake in Port Charles. As someone mentioned, the spy stuff got the bulk of the headlines, but GH knew that it needed to mix it up with the Qs, the Lucy Coes and the Bobbies in order to maintain balance.

    “For 40 years, I was fortunate enough to play Jackie Zeman’s big brother on General Hospital. In all those years, I never heard her utter one disparaging word about any actor, crew member, or co-worker. In fact, I never heard Jackie express an unkind word about anyone, ever. In a highly competitive profession where ego, feelings, and emotions are bread and butter, I’ve found this quality to be extremely rare. I expect it will be even more rare now that dear Jackie is gone.

    “She was quite simply one of the kindest, sweetest people I have ever known. I will miss her laugh, and the deep, soulful look in her eyes whenever she expressed the love and pride she had in her two lovely daughters. Tonight, l already miss her, and feel a powerful ache where Jackie’s smile used to be.”

    Lovely words from Tony Geary, without a hint of snark or rancour. Jackie sounds like she was completely beloved by cast and crew. What a loss for them.

    The simplest way to put it is Tony Geary truly loved Jackie Zeman. His statement speaks volumes. She was a good person and most everyone knew it. She is being mourned widely and deservedly. 

  14. I am absolutely shocked and totally saddened.

    I loved Jackie Zeman. I loved Bobbie Spencer. Although I gave up on GH many years ago, I would tune in to see her and she never disappointed me. No matter what producer tried to fire her, Jackie hung in there and remained a loyal cast mate and a passionate advocate for daytime. 

    She deserves a major tribute. A life cut short far too soon. May her memory be a blessing.

  15. 23 hours ago, Cat said:

    RHONJ has hit a Potomac inflection point. Half the cast is on one side, the other is on another, and after this season, changes will have to be made as to how the show moves forward.

    Some of the drama is clearly manufactured, as @DaytimeFansaid. Like Danielle vs Who from Whoville. Rachel is clear-minded but antiseptic, so sometimes I forget she's on the show until she pipes up. Danielle says she's a tough Staten Island chick but can't handle confrontation. Jennifer trying to make Boogawolf happen with Margaret is another 'what' moment. And then there's Melissa strategizing with Housewife Joe to lay the groundwork for the Gorgas not to attend Teresa's wedding. Sigh. Teresa couldn't care less if they attend or not, but since Melissa already turned down Teresa's offer to be a bridesmaid, she can't keep dipping into that well to claim victimhood.

    Jenn Fessler could be a potential next season as she's got smarts. But she's too thirsty and smug and has been well coached. She is obviously Margaret's creature. I don't have a lot of time to listen to RH podcasts, but i listened to part of one featuring Marge's former BFF (one cruel highlight: Marge told the producers Jackie is too weak and emotional for the show, and that Jackie 'sleeps' with Evan with a t-shirt on) and it didn't surprise me. I find Marge is so mean and vengeful. She definitely accrues incriminating info about her castmates to keep them in line, so when Marge's wingman Jackie keeps piping up, she looks a fool.

    Still love Dolores.

    The only thing that feels real about this season of NJ is the hatred among the cast. Several of these women truly hate each other and will never move forward.

    The problem is that the grudges run deep on this show and they just never get over it. Unlike the RHONY legends, NJ's ladies cling to their disgruntled memories like a life raft. I really do not think Teresa could handle not having some grudges to sustain her. 

    Jennifer Aydin has the problem that she claims to move on, but clearly never does. And she's still angry at the wrong people. The only person who should be in her sights is Bill, but she doesn't want to end her marriage, despite how bad it all looks, so she goes after Margaret. 

    This isn't to say that Margaret is squeaky clean, but she only brings up the past in retaliation, it isn't her opening monologue like it is with Jennifer or Teresa. 

    The Gorgas and Teresa clearly hate each other and neither side is right or morally defensible. They are all bad people. 

    That said, I still find Teresa to be the biggest hypocrite on television. 

    57 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I think it's the same reason why Rinna turned into Rinnzilla. The Housewives landscape has changed, and it's a game of Survivor now; hence all these marriage infidelity rumors on Potomac, and Rinna's endless nasty behavior towards castmates (Kim, Yolanda, DENISE!, Kathy) 

    Not gonna lie, I still like Margaret overall. And Dolores is more of a needed tentpole character than people realize; especially this year as she bridges the gap between both sides. 

    I too still like Margaret overall and agree that Dolores is the tentpole character: she's the only one who can function with the whole cast!

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