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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. On 1/18/2023 at 10:35 AM, Faulkner said:

    I cannot stand Ashley. The only person she’s ever shown loyalty to is Monique, and that’s because M covered for Ashley’s sleazeball husband.

    She just seems completely amoral and out for herself. She’s lucky she’s beautiful and charismatic.

    Amoral is the right word. 

    8 hours ago, Cat said:

    It is actually kind of scary how that amorality hides behind her beauty and gentle speaking voice. She comes across as this happy soul who enjoys yoga and kumbaya moments -- and yet there is this steely ruthlessness and cynicism behind that cheery smile.

    This episode, when Candiace quietly told her that Ashley assumes everybody has bad motivations because of her experience with Michael Darby was astute (though perhaps not the whole story, as there was/is a lot more to the Darby marriage than Ashley is letting on. And I also think that like attracts like in the Darbys' case). However, it was Ashley's face which was the most startling to me. No cheery smile or glint in her eye. It was like a mask had been pulled back. Ashley's eyes looked blank and hollow as she absorbed what Candiace was saying.

    Yes, Candiace really got Ashley with that statement. Truth hurts!

    50 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Lord Baby Jesus!!!

    Karen!!!!!!!!! :D 




    I hope Karen annihilates them. And I hope Chris Basset gets justice!


    Honestly, [!@#$%^&*] Gizelle, Robyn, Ashley, and Charisse. This episode was outrageous as they all tag teamed Karen. What was really telling was how openly they were actually discussing the show when Charisse, Robyn, and Gizelle moaned and groaned about Charisse 'assembling this group of ladies' that Karen was not a part of. It was plain as day that Charisse is furious that she was the one who organized the cast, but it was Karen who became the breakout star of the show while Charisse got herself fired for being so cringe and boring. 

    What the [!@#$%^&*] was with Charisse claiming Karen went to rehab? When? For what? As Karen said to Candiace, Charisse proved by her words that Karen's suspicions about her were right and that Charisse was simply waiting to try and lord her own 'friendship acts' over Karen.

    Robyn is such a liar about her pathetic relationship with Juan. 

    Ashley tried to tee up another confrontation between Charisse and Karen at that lunch, but Karen was able to pivot so smoothly and transition Ashley to have discuss matters with Candiace. 

    Jacqueline and Mia = implosion. Mia threw away her friendship without a second thought.

    I think Potomac is getting dangerously close to being too toxic and might need a cast refresh for next years if they are to avoid the fate of Salt Lake City this season where everyone hated each other.

  3. 11 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    If Kate/Lauren Koslow is really done and that was her send off, I probably will be done with the show. I took months off after Abby was needlessly murdered “permanently” just because the two actresses didn’t want to commit long term to Days, because I thought it was so stupid and actually enjoyed the character. Kate Roberts has been my favorite character since I got into the show in the early 2000’s and to kill her off and cremate her without having a scene with Lucas/BD would just be criminal and I think I’d be fine not watching anymore.

    Agreed. If they wrote out Kate/Lauren like that, after 27 years, I would find it in unspeakable bad taste and disrespect. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Really? Potomac is still doing it for me, and I haven't had an issue with their editing/production interference. I thought last night had a lot of fun (The Grande Dame's one-liners continue to be full of win; you had to LOL at the universe telling us Robyn's wedding ain't ever happening with that veil blowing away in the breeze; Karen and Ashley teamed up is always a joy to watch; even some of Gizelle's lines had me cracking up). Plus you had the drama (Mia is such a trash person. I don't know all the history between her and her "bestie," but Mia will throw anyone under the bus for a chance at "a moment" on camera. You could tell her friend was cut to the core). 

    Plus, you had the build-up to the Karen vs. Charrisse confrontation. Ooh talking about her mama is a sensitive topic, and Charriisse's bloated champagne-filled ass is indeed thirsty to get her flute back. Karen told no lies by pointing that out. 

    Side note: With Potomac about to film their reunion, I wonder which show will take its Sunday slot? It seems we're due for Orange County to return first, but they're usually not a Sunday show. 

    I agree. Potomac is still doing it for me and I'm enjoying it. That said, Ashley is flopping this season and Mia is on the verge of needing to exit the show because she's so trashy.

    I am here for Karen annihilating the desperate hippopotamus though. 

    7 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Diana is a one-and-done officially:


    One of the most epic flops in Bravo history. 

    7 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    ... and then there was one. Poor lil Erika is on her own island, unless you count Kyle and Dorit who, to their credit, I think they see how the tide is turning... 

    Like any good hustler, I think Erika is going to make a play for getting in with Sutton as her audience sugar mama. 

    I feel like Dorit is going to get demoted to a Friend Of...Ditto Crystal. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Lisa Rinna really did torch a reputation she'd built up over 25 years, and for what. 

    It's sad. 

    I can't even really watch her old stuff after what I've seen of her on social media in the last few years, let alone the show. I guess she did me a favor by showing her true self.

    Indeed. That is a long held opinion of mine, as well as many others in this thread. Rinna threw away her reputation for an 8 year run on RHOBH. That said, she is turning 60 this year and so she was able to basically spend her 50s in the Bravo/reality world when it is doubtful she would have secured anything near as lucrative in the acting world - Rinna has long been in that tough spot of being known for her looks and limited range, so her 50s would have been Siberia in Hollywood, so perhaps it was the right gamble to make. 

    14 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    I think her stench has also rubbed off on poor Harry too. I do think her career is up in smoke due to being on this show, and I think her coming for Kathy, who is very well-connected, only made it worse. Lisa will be lucky if she's even able to book Depends commercials again at this point. 

    The mistake, from a career perspective, was letting her QVC apparel range go because that could have been a very lucrative second act once media ran its course. I will be interested to see how Rinna Beauty fares without a regular TV presence - her social media might be enough to sustain it. 

  6. Barbara Walters was an original. I fondly recall her last day on The View when every noteworthy female television journalist, including those on other networks, people she may have clashed with professionally, all came on stage and gave her a hug, one by one, each acknowledging that she had paved the way. And that is the indisputable truth about Barbara Walters - she did pave the way and she did shatter a glass ceiling. She got there by being tough, tenacious, and ambitious. She made her life happen. 



  7. On 12/25/2022 at 2:28 PM, Soapsuds said:


    Btw the cabin Diane is hiding at....isn't it the old Rawlins house where Cassandra lived that was Brad's place before that?

    It's definitely a set that has elements of Brad's old house in it. And thank goodness for that - it was a beautiful set and consequently, Diane's hideout looks a helluva lot better than what we'd normally see in a new Y&R set. 

    I tuned in as it's Christmas break and just like it is every time I dip into Y&R, the show feels like it's in a constant holding pattern. Aside from the Diane storyline, and the scenes between Tucker/Ashley and Ashley/Jack, the show feels incredibly stale. 

  8. 6 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    LOL I had to laugh at the fact the Forresters just spent having a cheerful Christmas only to fire Thomas on the night after Christmas.  And who holds a nighttime board meeting?


    Agreed - the shift in tone and timing was bizarre. It would have made far more sense if they'd had a few scenes in the saccharine Christmas episode where Thomas was alone and miserable, Brooke was bitterly chatting to Hope, and Eric was conflicted about what to do. 

    That said, I liked today's scenes and thought Matthew Atkinson did a good job, especially at the end when he managed to well up with tears. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:

    LOL I do like Heather, but you know she already rehearsed her lines ahead of time. Too bad for her then. 

    Similarly, as I have watched the past couple episodes of SLC with Whitney's flimsy excuse for still being mad at Heather, I can't help but think this is the poor man's version of Jill Zarin making on-camera beef with Bethenny in RHONY S3 only to have it blow up in her own face.  I'm sorry, but Whitney's insistence with having an issue with her cousin isn't landing. Let. It. Go. 

    Thank you! Whitney's routine is not landing and it's going to be a part of the implosion of the show along with Jen. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Messing with the Chancellor set lol…guess no one learns lessons. It’s similar to how Latham, MAB, and Young all were fired not long after writing out Ashley.



    3 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    I ALSO thought...see what happens when you mess with the Chancellor Mansion set? ;) 


    Did they do something else to the Chancellor mansion set aside from the horrible rotation, painted midnight blue, then back to yellow, with hideous mediocre furniture? 

    Griffith by himself will be a disaster.

  11. The ‘Fake Contract’ group is interesting to consider that it is simply about appearances.

    Given Christian appeared in heavy rotation for years, I always found his drop in episodes the most jarring and obvious that something went on behind the scenes. 

    It only reinforces that people like Jess Walton and Eileen Davidson had the right idea: keep your dignity and go recurring at your own choice. 

  12. SLC

    The editors are doing an awful lot to show the truth of what the women are actually saying. 

    I still do not understand Whitney’s issue with Heather actually is. I did not hear a single word that described anything logical. 

    I have no sympathy for Jen Shah and her suicide allegations. She has plead guilty to her crimes. She did it. At this point in the show she is still lying. Her “the bullying is not okay” is a farce. 

  13. 18 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    My two favorite Kirstie Alley moments:


    Those are both great clips of Kirstie's talent. She was a very talented actress who best translated on television. 71 is still way too young to die. Peace to her children and grandson.


    That was a doozy of appalling behaviour. 

    Mia is a nightmare of a human being. Granted, she revelled in being having sex with her husband when he was married to someone else...so she's morally bankrupt to start with. But the level of pettiness she displayed was simply disgusting. I am glad she tried it with Ashley who will never be intimidated. And then the last scene where she tries to articulate her position to Karen. She did such a poor job it was laughable as she had to be supported by that lap dog of a friend of hers. I am also glad she tried it with Karen who is an adult and was not about to play that game. Mia is an incredibly stupid woman and I hope she continues to implode. 

    Robyn's hypocrisy is so unbecoming and I hope she's dragged over the coals on social media and at the reunion. She admitted she hates Wendy and that's the only reason she is supporting Mia. What a dumb bitch. 

    Gizzelle went to great lengths to appease the producers and be their puppet, encouraging as much drama as she could. However, even she said that Mia's pettiness about Ashley and Candiace was foolish. 

    Charisse looked like a hippopotamus at the beach. She thinks she is really fabulous when the truth is she is tragic. 

    Ashley, Candiace, Wendy, and especially Karen won this episode by a country mile. 


  15. 42 minutes ago, Cat said:

    When someone is vague about their job? Total red flags. They either get their money from defrauding others (likely), or they are in espionage. Either way, step away!

    Simon legit looks like a military dictator in that uniform. 

    He's giving a very strong Dictator Chic Lewk...

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