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Posts posted by ReddFoxx

  1. It's hard to say how Stein voters would have voted with the absence of Stein in the race, but there is a chance that some of them would have voted for Clinton even if they had issues with her, just to stop Trump. Anyway, all that is moot since the damage is done.

  2. Mary Fallin might be a holy roller, but that didn't stop her from being a tramp with her security detail. It's an open secret in the political world.

    Then there is this photo where she got trolled. I think she was so excited to see a black supporter that she failed to notice right away that he was trolling her



  3. Paul Ryan worships Ayn Rand, who was nothing but a miserable person who promoted being selfish above all other things. Overhauling Medicare will fail, because it's political poison and there will end up being some Republican in both houses who quietly help kill any overhaul. If there is anything that would actually lose control of the House in 2018 for Republicans, it's ruining Medicare.

  4. 1 hour ago, AdelaideCate007 said:

    I have to go past the Amway Australia building here all the time. I've never known anyone that sells it though because pretty much everyone knows it's a scam.


    i was reading about this woman's education ideas and I see she's a big propionate of charter schools. I'm not super familiar with them or the idea behind them but from what I've read today, they seem like a terrible idea. Are they big in America? It seemed to be me, just from reading, that they either end up preying on people in inner-cities or are used to basically create a free private school for privileged children.

    There is a push for more of them here, but there is also plenty of opposition. The formula can eat up funding from lower performing public schools in low income areas, which doesn't serve those communities well at all.

  5. 7 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Isn't Amway a kind of pyramid scheme though?

    Yes, all multi-level marketing is. My aunt did it for while about 25+ years ago and ended up with nothing. There are some friends of my family who are still involved with it after 30 some odd years. Amway preys on people who want their own businesses and financial freedom, which is similar to Trump University. Birds of a feather.

  6. Gabbard is an opportunist. A lot of Sanders supporters were claiming that she was progressive just because she endorsed Sanders. The only reason she is a Democrat and adopted some progressive positions is because it's difficult to be elected as a conservative Republican in Hawaii.

  7. History dictates that the President's party loses seats in the midterms. With Republicans having total control, I can't see how they don't lose seats. The leadership has to offer something to look forward to in order to keep people engaged. The preparation for the midterm starts right now.

  8. 41 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Is this supposed to be some longterm good news? Of course the energy and financials stocks have soared. De-regulating the financial industry and basically dismantling every policy the EPA has enacted is a dream come true for these businesses.  I'll remember this when the financial industry crashes like it did in 1929, 1987, and 2008.

    Look at the avatar. Only someone with that idiot in their profile picture would believe that this is actually good news. Questionable taste and judgement all around it seems.

  9. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    I have been reading up on the proposed infrastructure bill and what a load of BS. And this is the thing democrats want to goto bat on? It basically is privatizing everything and outsourcing through bonds, providing tax credit to the bond purchasers, and allowing the bond purchasers to get their money back through the privatization aspect(ie; bridges would be tolled, roads tolled, etc). Also indicating things like community sewage and water rebuilding would never get done. And forget the rural areas, because the only way the projects are profitable is if you do them in areas where there is lots of spending available. So much for all those infrastructure jobs in places like rural WV and Kentucky.


    That's certainly not all of it, but it pisses me off that the democrats might be willing to sellout on this. Thanks to Bernie(I will work with Trump on a $10 minimum wage, versus blasting Hillary for a $12 min wage increase) and Chuck Schumer.

    Real infrastructure spending is unfortunately not on the table, even though it is sorely needed. This bill is just a way for Trump to try and acquire inventory for his companies. It's nothing but a scam.

  10. 44 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    If they wanted, they could try to build up a tourism industry, like Arkansas has, but some of those people in that video just astound even me, and I've seen a lot of hillbillies. One has to ask, does the country owe a job at a living wage to someone who has not even bothered to learn to read? The thing I've noticed about all these people, is they are uneducated, and simply had "jobs", none of them really had a CAREER, just mindless, repetative factory or mine jobs, it seems like these areas never developed a well rounded economy, it was just "settlers" depending on a couple of industrioes, and when technology moved on, they couldn't.

    All of this is exactly on the mark. Basically all the people there have done is live on whatever they could get from menial jobs and now cannot adjust to how things have changed.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yeah, good luck, Teddy, getting Congress to approve you. From what I understand, hating Ted Cruz is one of the few issues on which Democrats and other Republicans actually see eye-to-eye.

    To use a soap opera analogy, he's like that one actor/actress on set that no one likes because they are too difficult to work with. There has also been rumors that he has issues with body odor, but I don't know if that has much to do with why he's disliked.

  12. Legally, the President doesn't have to live at the White House, but if the President opts to live elsewhere then taxpayer dollars have to pay for extra security costs. It's an expensive mess that only Trump could create. Trump Tower is not a proper place for a President to reside, anyway. Unlike the residences that Reagan and Bush had, it's not rural and isolated enough for the Secret Service to guard it without disrupting the routine of residents.

  13. 20 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Why am I not surprised?!  I joked to people that Trump was probably going to fly in to the WH from Mar-a-Lago on weekends.

    NYC-ers want him gone because the security street blocks and extra traffic and helicopters are driving people nuts!

    He's creating a real nightmare for residents and the Secret Service, because it's logistically difficult to guard Trump Tower.

  14. Melania and her son are not going to move into the White House in January. The reason is that she wants him to finish out the school year, but I honestly think it's a sign that Trump isn't going to live in the White House. There have already been reports that he was trying to calculate how many days a month he'd stay in the White House. He really does not want this job, he only wants the title.

  15. Birth rates aren't helping small red states much when it comes to population growth, because there are no electoral vote gains in any of those states, save for Texas and that state shifted a few points away from Republicans. No one stays in small states, they leave for the bigger states where the educational opportunities, jobs and desirable living environments are. High birth rates only can keep a population stable when in migration is close to zero. You don't hear about anyone hurrying to move to Oklahoma.

  16. Trump ran as an outsider and that actually worked for him, because people will vote for an outsider or someone promising change. That's what worked for Obama, because even though he was in office, he wasn't seen as an insider. In the exit polls, Trump had a 59% disapproval rating in Iowa even though he won the state by 10%. There are plenty who voted for him who can't stand him, but voted for him to get rid of trade. The states that put him over the top only did so narrowly and could easily be a fluke that won't repeat in four years.


    On the flip side, you had Hillary Clinton swinging college educated white voters Democratic in a big way. She flipped Orange County blue for the first time since 1936, a county that has been synonymous with Republican forever. She flipped two suburban Atlanta counties that voted Republican for years. That is promising, since these are the areas that are growing and becoming more of a factor in elections.

  17. It's necessary for anyone running for President to acknowledge that manufacturing is no longer viable. Misleading voters into thinking that these jobs are coming back is absurd. Most people aren't even aware of how problematic a trade war would be or the consequences that would result from it. Venezuela went hard against trade and now you have people waiting in line everyday just for basic items. Granted, the price controls there have made matters worse, anti-trade policy has caused much of the problem.

  18. Trump isn't going to kill trade, because he's an outsourcer himself. Anyone who believes that he will do it is an idiot and will get what they deserve when the economy collapses once again from other bad decisions he's bound to make.

  19. 9 minutes ago, Khan said:

    In that case, wouldn't it be just simpler just to apply for visas or citizenship from their country of origin BEFORE coming over here?  Or is there something I'm overlooking?

    In the case of poor undocumented immigrants, they just come over looking for work and better living conditions. If you talk to anyone whose parents are undocumented, it's almost always the same story of them wanting a better life and wanting it quickly.

  20. 23 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Here is my question: why are undocumented immigrants unwilling to go through the legal channels toward citizenship (or at least resident alien status)?  Is there too much government "red tape"?  Do immigrants wishing to enter the US have to jump through too many metaphorical hoops to be here?  Why do they enter illegally and take the risk of being deported (aside from the pat "they want their piece of the American dream" answer)?


    It's a serious question  by the way, and I apologize for being so dense on the subject.

    It depends on individual situations, because every undocumented immigrant has different reasons, but for the most part it's about having to go back to their country of origin. If they do make themselves known and opt to go through the process to become a citizen, it's not uncommon for someone to be deported. It's a long and complicated process.

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