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Posts posted by ReddFoxx

  1. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    It still benefits Trump because it means the next time there is a "breaking" story on this, more people will automatically tune it out, as they remember the overhype of the last time. 


    But Rachel Maddow, like everyone else at MSNBC, is more interested in what people think of her than of the greater good. 

    If returns are leaked that show there were years that he didn't pay any taxes it would be hard for anyone to ignore. Had MSNBC sat on this story, someone would have found out and it really would have supported Trump's paranoia about the media being out to get him. There really was no choice but to report this.


    That said, nothing really damning is going to be released so far away from an election. If someone does have the goods, they won't spill it too early.

  2. A fairly tame tax return being released lends legitimacy to Trump detractors, because it lessens the chances of Republicans being able to claim that possible leaks in the future are not legitimate. This leaves very little room for anyone to claim unfairness towards Trump and that is what the opposition needs, an image of being a strong opposition, but one based in reality. Had more right-leaning sources been able to frame this out of the gate, it would have benefited Trump. We all want Trump to be held accountable, but to get to that point everything has to be done on the level.

  3. The fine was part of the mandate that made eliminating pre-existing conditions as a barrier for insurance possible. Without it, there was no way to force insurance companies to stop denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions.

  4. 1 hour ago, MissLlanviewPA said:


    I'm just curious what he's going to do until he decides (if he decides) to run for office again (and what he WILL run for). 


    Then again, he did start an organization called Let America Vote, which seeks to end voter suppression, so he does have that.


    Maryland could use a few rising stars nowadays--we used to have Martin O'Malley, and I still love him, but that hasn't turned out so well as of now. And Chris Van Hollen--and he's great, I've met him a few times before--but he's going to be in the Senate for a long, long time more likely than not (that's certainly not a complaint!).


    Like I've said before, beating Larry Hogan will be harder than it should be here, but we CAN make it competitive. 



    Maybe not. Being a Republican in a blue state with Trump as President will be a major drag on every blue state Republican. In 2006, Lincoln Chafee lost his Senate seat in Rhode Island, despite having high approvals. What did him and several other blue state Republicans in was Bush's low approval. 2018 could be just like 2006.

  5. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    Priebus is going to end up a scapegoat for Trump's errors and missteps, at least as far as what happens in day to day operations.


    2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Don't know if someone post this before, but it looks like KellyAnne's hubby has ties to Russia too...



    This could be an opening for Conway to take much of the fall for collusion with the Kremlin. It's gotten to the point where Trump needs to find someone to blame and Conway was the campaign manager after all.


  6. No ethics training would allow for breaking the rules and then claiming ignorance. Ignorance isn't a good excuse legally, but this is Trump's team we are talking about and there is a very small depth of knowledge among the group.

  7. Pence would be a placeholder like Gerald Ford and probably wouldn't even win the 2020 primary. His career is at it's end and he'd be happy to just have the title for a few years. If he isn't maneuvering behind Trump's back, it would be quite surprising.

  8. Blake was toned down after the first season, because he was a nightmare. Granted, he was still not that accepting of Steven, but nevertheless he was toned down. There is no way that Blake in the reboot will be portrayed anything like he was in season one. As for the casting, that's not a great choice.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    That's fine. He better pull out the tricks out his ass when it comes to voter suppression to spare the GOP b/c come 2018 and 2020, the GOP will be decimated. Hopefully, all these scandals coming out about Trump and his cronies will drive the independents and undecided over the Dems. The Dems just need to remain firm and play their cards right. 

    All the tricks in the world won't work, too many people are angry and all of them can't be kicked off the voter rolls. There are some seriously apathetic people who have become engaged now and they will show up to the polls.

  10. 6 hours ago, rhinohide said:


    I hope you are right, but it's a gamble to count on that. Unfortunately, I live in a county that voted for the orange filth 4-1. What I hear (wholly unscientific survey) are Republicans doubling down. 

    There is certainly doubling down, but there is also plenty of anger out there. Republicans skipping town halls is proof of that.


    5 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    The biggest difference from 2006 to now is even more precise gerrymandering and an increase in voter suppression. That will have an impact. 

    There will be enough backlash to overcome that.

  11. At this point the overall political climate is going to do a lot of work for the Democrats and that is how it played out under Bush. Democrats took control of Congress in 2006 because Bush's approvals were low. Lots of those Trump voters are going to be voting Democratic in 2018 after they have learned their lesson the hard way and they won't be supporting him again in 2020. Politics is about 40% cause and effect, so pretty much all Democrats have to do is be prepared to take advantage of the coming wave in 2018.

  12. After the issue with the White House wanting the FBI to falsely refute reports about the campaigns links to Russia, it seems likely that there is something solid there that the administration doesn't want found. Plus, there is the fact that certain media outlets have been banned from the White House.

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