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Posts posted by ReddFoxx

  1. 2 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Exactly but Khan's right. Whenever there's a discussion of raising the minimum wage conservatives say that you aren't supposed to be living on those jobs but that ignores that fact that some people have to. Republicans always approach problem solving by talking about how they think things should be instead of how they really are. 

    That's because they are more concerned about corporate profits. They constantly push the idea that increasing minimum wage will cause job losses, but that is a lie.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Khan said:



    Again, many see them as mere "stepping stones."  You're not supposed to make a career out of working at the Gap.  It's only there to give teenagers spending money and teach them the values of hard work and self-discipline.

    When it comes to people think, this is true. But, it couldn't be further from the truth, because when I worked in retail I worked with several older people. I was trained by a 67 year old woman who could barely make ends meet. The stores here are full of 40+ people and I see very few teens. Retail is no longer the industry of teens wanting pocket change.

  3. The ACA will not be repealed, because it's too beneficial to people and there are Republicans in Congress who won't ruin their careers over repeal.

    3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Yes, this I already know. He didn't get those jobs from Softbank for Sprint either but that didn't stop him from talking about it and then taking credit when those jobs were announced.

    My point is, why isn't Trump talking about it when his beloved Ivanka still has merchandise in those Macys stores? Exactly because he cannot do anything and he doesn't want to call attention to this.


    Retailers nationwide is closing stores (GNC, Aeropostale, etc) and jobs will be lost- probably more jobs than the coal industry- yet no one is talking about what will happen to those people.

    No one ever seems to really care about retail jobs, even though they are important and employ millions.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, they don't sell his merchandise anymore, but they still sell Ivanka's things. When I worked there, his ties and shirts never had to be replenished because they never moved. All that aside, he can't save any Macy's stores from closing because their issues cannot be fixed with tax breaks.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Other than Iola and then Bubba's ass, I had a hard time with a lot of the syndicated episodes...


    (I did like the episode where Mama was alone at the house) 

    I preferred the syndicated episodes, the reduced cast seemed to work better.

    2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Y'all, we're politicizing sitcom characters.  We need to stop.

    Perhaps we should stop, but considering the bad reality rapidly approaching on the 20th, it's not hard to understand why we are being a little silly. It beats facing the reality, lol.

  6. 4 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It depends on which versions of Vint and Naomi you're talking about. The syndicated version were too stupid to do anything beyond dress themselves. 

    The syndicated versions. The episode where they were conned by the psychic made me think about how gullible they were.

  7. Speaking of Mama's Family, I think that Vint, Naomi and Bubba would have been conned into voting for Trump, whereas Mama would have been skeptical and voted for Hillary based on being an old woman who might be getting her only chance to vote for a woman. Then again, Naomi might have not voted for Trump since she was sexually harassed at Food Circus and being blamed for receiving obscene phone calls based on how she dressed. I better stop, because I'm about to write a reboot of Mama's Family and this is not the place.

  8. It's worth pondering the notion that Pence might actually be the one to pull the strings in the White House and Trump would only be President in appearance only. Of course, Ivanka and her husband seem to be the ones that are taking on the presidential role, but Pence would be the best option to deal with Congress since he was there for a number of year. The title is what matters most to Trump, that and the potential for financial gain.

  9. http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article122936064.html


    The Republican National Committee is denying claims that its annual Christmas message compared President-elect Donald Trump to Jesus. Social media, however, has its doubts.

    The message from RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Co-chairwoman Sharon Day referenced the birth of Jesus, then said, “Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King.”


    The RNC is denying that they intended to compare Trump to Jesus, but the word "new" before "king" seems odd. The quote seems to imply a reference to Trump.

  10. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    James Dolan, a troll without Twitter, and no doubt a buddy of Trump, tried to strong-arm the Rockettes into performing but was forced to walkback (via the sham letter sent by the union that the Rockettes are members of, while the rest of Radio City, apparently has a different union with less stringent demands) the demands.


    Though the Rockettes are no longer obligated to perform, of course, they will be pressured as dance jobs are difficult to come by and no one wants to be saddled with a reputation of being "difficult" to work with, especially if they are a woman.

    They have good reason not to perform. Who wants to kick up in front of a pervert? That loser can get Smirnoff drinking water out a jelly jar, so you know that he'd be eyeing them on stage like a pervert no matter what sort of routine they were doing.

  11. 2 hours ago, GregNYC said:


    Richard Spencer is really handsome, though. He looks like a young Hugh Grant.




    Ted Bundy was called attractive and non-threatening, but we all know that made no difference when he clubbed women over the head. Are you really this damn shallow?


    (and honestly, the man in the picture isn't even all that. I've seen better doing the homeless count on the street)

  12. The one silver lining of this whole mess is that Democrats chances of winning control of Congress in 2018 will be improved. The more negativity that comes out, the better higher Democratic chances go up. Midterms are horrible for the party in control.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    The people who live in trailers, get foodstamps, medicare and disibility deserve what they are going to get. I'm just saying there is a big difference between blue collar workers and people living in poverty. The poor aren't really known for voting in large numbers which is why they are always getting screwed.

    I disagree.


    The maps don't really support Trump supporters making the much. Trump over performed Romney in white areas that are heavily impoverished, whereas he under performed Romney in counties with higher median incomes. Most of the counties that Trump swung were once manufacturing areas. There are plenty of Trump voters who vote for whoever is at the top of the ticket representing the Republican Party and there are those who voted for Trump in hope of change. There are people relying on Obamacare who voted for Trump.

  14. Most Trump supporters definitely aren't making $70,000 a year, at least not the ones that decided the election. Those that do make that amount aren't getting benefits, so a lot of their money goes towards insurance. The problem with Trump supporters is that they want high pay for low maintenance jobs, but that just doesn't happen anymore. These people have started blaming immigration and minorities for their economic troubles, which is exactly what drove this election.

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