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Posts posted by ReddFoxx

  1. Violence from a Republican candidate


    Law enforcement is responding at this hour to a building on Discovery Drive south of Bozeman, where a national political reporter alleged that he had been assaulted.

    The reporter, Ben Jacobs of The Guardian, claimed on Twitter that he was assaulted by Republican U.S. House candidate Greg Gianforte.

    “Greg Gianforte just body slammed me and broke my glasses,” Jacobs tweeted.




  2. If Russia wanted Trump, they were going to get Trump regardless of who he was running against. In 2016 their maneuver was leaking information, but it 2020 it will be actually tampering with the votes. They might actually do that in 2018 and that's something that people should be aware of. It's pretty easy to lose ballot boxes and tamper with the books at polling places, because poll workers can be easily bought off.

  3. There were a lot of gerrymandered seats that fell in 2006. Granted, that map was less gerrymandered, there were still plenty of surprise wins in places no one would have ever expected. There are 7 Republicans holding districts that Clinton won in California and picking up all of those will be a top priority. Overall, there are 24 Republicans in Clinton districts across the country and one has already declared retirement.

  4. It's an issue of rhetoric. Hillary's platform was better for the white working class than Trump's, but it wasn't the substance that mattered. Most people didn't bother to look at the platforms, but judged by the rhetoric and Trump's angry, blaming tone resonating with a lot of people. Obama was the reverse of Trump, but he was still an outsider who could appeal to people with rhetoric.

  5. That definitely would have been used against Sanders had he been the Democratic nominee and he would have lost by even more than Hillary did. Another reason the tax returns were never released was because Sanders tried to portray himself as destitute to bolster his image as outside the establishment. After the election, they purchased a $600,000 lakefront house. Per FEC rules, it's illegal to use campaign money for personal reasons, but he was paying his wife and family for "consulting" reasons and probably found a way to funnel those $27 donations into his pocket.

  6. 28 minutes ago, DeeeDee said:


    The thing is you can. Trump is proof of that.


    The problem is that those who only seek to maintain their position in the current system want desperately to evade accountability.

    What I should say is that you can't win as a Democrat using that logic.

  7. 20 minutes ago, rhinohide said:

    You're right. But Bernie's fundamental message, boiled down, is if you make less than $350,000 a year, and you vote republican, you're voting against your own best financial interests. Bernie isn't really pushing LGBTQ rights. He's not pushing feminism or reproductive rights.  He's not focused on Black Lives Matter, or justice reform.  He's not dialed down on the environment, although his decades long campaign against against Monsanto is epic.  He's pressing income inequality. That's his core message.  And that's a core message that can and will appeal to a broad audience. And a broad appeal is what will win elections. 


    Beto O'Rourke has embraced that message. He's not accepting corporate donations or PAC funds in his TX Senate campaign vs Ted Cruz. It remains to be seen if he can overcome the extreme gerrymandering in the state. 

    That message isn't getting through, because plenty of people vote against their best interests because of social issues and that isn't going to change. Believe it or not, there are poor people who vote Republican because they prioritize abortion over their own financial circumstances. Income inequality can be talked about all day, but no one really cares about that more than they do their own personal biases on social issues. You can't win by pretending that only straight, white men are the only people in this country.

  8. Sanders and a lot of his people have racial bias that they don't want to admit. They want to open up the party to white men who blame minorities and women for their problems, despite the fact that those men are not anywhere close to being liberal or progressive. Blacks, Hispanics and educated Whites are part of the future of the Democratic Party, yet some "progressives" want to ignore that. There are working class and rural whites that are part of the coalition, but they aren't the only path to winning the presidency.

  9. 46 minutes ago, rhinohide said:

    I don't see Bernie approving of Russia's involvement in the election in any way. Try again. 

    Do you deny that the DNC establishment preferred HRC?  Do you deny that their preference showed every step of the way?  I don't blame them. The RNC preferred Cruz or Rubio to Trump. Did everything to defeat him. And failed. The DNC succeeded in their mission. While the RNC failed. But ultimately the RNC's failure gave them complete and total ownership of our government. 

    Clinton had a long history within the party, so of course she would have support among the establishment. Sanders has never been a Democrat and called for Obama to be primaried in 2012, which certainly isn't a great thing to do if you want Democratic support. Sanders was never going to win the Democratic nomination, so the talk of rigged elections is bunk. At this point, none of that matters, since the last election cycle is finished.

  10. If Republicans want to approve Gorsuch, they need to change the rules to do it. After refusing to even hold a hearing for Obama's choice for the vacancy, it's not like they can expect for Democrats to be conciliatory.

  11. Some cities in my county have their own police departments and some contract with the county. My city contracts and the Sheriff firmly said no when I asked him if county resources would be used to round up immigrants. The police here are on good terms with the public and would like to keep it that way.

  12. ACA is becoming more and more untouchable like Social Security and Medicare. The longer it is in place, the harder it is to repeal it. The public response to the bill was overwhelmingly negative and that's why some moderate Republicans opposed the bill.

  13. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/meals-on-wheels-trump-budget-cut-impact-on-voters/


    It works for 56-year-old Linda Preast, who signed up for the program two years ago after a stroke left her in a wheelchair. Meals on Wheels delivers to her every weekday. Like most residents in Jones County, she voted for Donald Trump.

    “Are you surprised?” Miller asked.

    “Yeah,” Preast said. “Because he was told- I was under the influence that he was going to help us.”

    “What would you say to him to convince him not to cut this program?” Miller asked.

    “What if it was your momma?” Preast said.


    None of these people seem to realize that their well being is not of concern to the person that they voted for.

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