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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. I think a lot of it is just laziness and hoping audiences suspend their disbelief. The recent example I cite of course is Ryan Chamberlain walking all over Port Charles killing people, including in places of business, and not being picked up on a gazillion security cameras, even just on the street. They’d have to be more creative if they took modern-day advances into account.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Vee said:

    A reasonably insightful article about the dynamics between the streamers and conventional networks, discussing why the networks are still siding with the streamers even though the strikes could hasten the demise of network TV.

    This line says so much about the state of affairs:

    “There’s not one thought given to ‘What does the business look like in five years’ or ‘How do we entertain the public?’ It’s all about what does this quarter look like and where is our stock price going.”

  3. 17 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    RHONY - Season 14

    I'm curious why Andy and co didn't cast Jenna on season 12 or 13 of NY?  She had the fashion cred (J Crew), a business, part of the LGBTQ+ community, and is very eccentric/quirky.... plus she is 50+ years old.   She would have fit in much better with the OG then Leah ever did..imho.. and she might have been a better bridge between the OG's and Eboni.


    @DaytimeFan  It's just the first episode.. and pilot episodes usually introduce the players, get to know them, etc.  I'm willing to give this more time since I do seem to like the women so far.

    I had the same thought about Jenna. She actually would have been a decent Ramona replacement. Erin might actually have fit in well with that group too, in spite of being much younger. She has an older vibe to me and was my favorite of the group.

    That said, I still think it was a smart idea to do a full reboot with a diverse cast of women with existing bonds and not attempt to shoehorn one or two women of color into a long-standing contingent of friends. And I can’t do another season of substance abuse as a joke.

    It was a low-key premiere, maybe even a little boring, but I liked it ok. I feel like I saw more of NYC in one episode than I did in a whole season of the OG version. NYC’s center of gravity is no longer Manhattan; it’s Brooklyn. If anything, this group of women might even still be slightly too Manhattan-centric.

  4. 55 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I was watching this morning when they announced it. Cindy Hsu and Mary Calvi could barely hold it together.

    I’m totally shocked. I was watching last week too and didn’t even have the slightest idea that they’re may have been something wrong.


    Cindy Hsu is someone who wears her emotions on her sleeve, so I knew she’d be completely devastated. Just so heartbreaking.

  5. Just now, DramatistDreamer said:

    Your welcome. Not to get too personal in this forum but I lost a loved one to pancreatic cancer early this year. It was and remains a very painful loss. It is good that people can survive, hopefully Boone can continue to survive and thrive as sadly pancreatic cancer is a cancer that has a very high rate of recurrence. There just have to be some improvements in treatment and cure rates for cancer. I honestly can’t stand it anymore.

    I’m very sorry for your loss. I hope that AI might eventually find some use with these treatments.

  6. 10 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    No, but just from observation in changes over a period of time. Television can be an awful grind with the hours especially. I remember one anchor who recently died of a heart ailment that she wasn’t even aware of and over the years, when I had seen her (I admit, wasn’t often since I hadn’t been a regular viewer since the 90s), she looked tired, despite her professional demeanor, it seemed imprinted on her face and body language. That was sometimes the feeling that I got when I saw Elise Finch. I just know that television, especially early morning news can be an absolute grind. Any job where you have to wake up at hours that are not normal for a human body to rest and repair itself can take a toll on health.

    That’s for sure. Thanks for the explanation.

  7. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Not to take away from the tragedy of Finch's loss, but Died Suddenly is one of those far right accounts, I believe. 

    Oh damn it. You know these Twitter accounts better than I do. I’ll replace. Thanks for flagging that. I usually try to check that.

    6 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    There were times when I tuned into the news and wondered about her health, if she was alright and now this.

    Had it been known that she’d been suffering from an illness? I was completely in the dark. It’s very sad. Lots of loss both in my family and of course in the soap world too—it has been a very trying year.

    I know Ruschell Boone from NY1 had been suffering from pancreatic cancer and was out for nine months, but she seems to be doing very well and is back on the air, last I checked.

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