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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. Morgan Wallen reaches its 16th and likely last week atop the Hot 100, as he’s pulling “Last Night” from radio to make way for another single. It breaks the record for most weeks at No. 1 for a single not billed as a collaboration.


  2. Ugh. I can’t stand Lauren as Phyllis’s hype man. What a waste of the character. And it’s so forced and really underscores how desperate the show to make Phyllis sympathetic, which is a fool’s errand. We’re supposed to feel sad that Phyllis’s kids have abandoned her, when she deserves that and so much more.

    It’s interesting that they have these characters who are parts of two families, but due to budget or lack of imagination, they can focus on only piece at a time (Summer and Abby are both Newmans, but they feel completely divorced from that side.)

  3. 2 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:

    From the ABC station in NY. 20 million watched day 1. A 47 share in NYC and a 64 share in Chicago.



    I love how the reporter in the first clip subtly undercuts the L&L phenomenon by emphasizing the rape and mentioning the person Luke punched “wasn’t Laura.”

  4. 1 minute ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Side note:  This new Housewives trend of the last few years of having constant costume parties needs to be toned down. All the ridiculous wigs, bonnets, beards etc. is a bit overkill. 

    I actually thought I was feeling deja vu. Like didn’t they already do a pirate dress-up? Apparently not but I think they did it on another franchise? Everything is just blending together for me, including the newbies.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    GET HER, MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






    Glad to see she’s back. She’s the rare genuine weirdo this show has cast in recent years. Totally shameless for better or worse and in her own world, which makes her watchable (to me). Otherwise, the show is a bit too self-aware.

  6. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    After I made my post earlier, I started to think about Olivia and what it meant to both not have her around, even for brief periods of time, and then to have Nate no longer be connected to the medical field. To me, it felt as if they were disconnecting Nate from his past, disconnecting Nate from Olivia. It felt sad to me.

    I definitely agree with those who have said that Nate lacks an identity and just seems to be there. From what I saw, it seemed like he was there simply to service Victoria and the Newmans.

    I wish they’d let Victoria be single for a while. Bring back Reed and let her focus on that mother-son relationship or something. It’s tiresome to watch her be made a fool of time after time, in addition to looking incompetent in her role at Newman. Have her develop an addiction. Anything but the same sad desperate dance she does for Victor.

    Olivia’s absence has been deeply felt, and Nate’s been back in Genoa City, what, five or six years? It’s unbelievable that she’s been off the canvas for more than a decade, and they never considered a recast if TLW wasn’t available or interested in a return. Amelia Marshall would kick ass, even if for a short stint like Tricia Cast or Jess Walton do from time to time. But I just don’t think they care that much. They especially don’t seem that interested in reconnecting to the Barber side of Lily/Devon/Nate’s family. Mamie spent more time doting over her geriatric Abbott kids than bonding with her actual kinfolk during her most recent return.

  7. Viewers seem confused: Nate seems like a totally different person now. They don’t love to hate him. They just see him as a loser. The writers hoped we’d suspend disbelief since we barely knew Nate before, aside from his medical background. He wasn’t fleshed out at all. Generally good guy on the surface. He was kind of a cad, yes, but his affairs were very plot-driven. In his story with Amanda/Elena/Devon, he was the only character that lacked a real POV.

    Certainly, having Olivia return in some capacity would have helped us understand Nate more, perhaps giving us insight on his treatment of women and his identity as a physician, but I feel like we’re giving more thought to Nate as a character than the writers do.

    Maybe if they’d deepened the friendship between Ashland and Nate, making Ashland more of a business mentor and a bad influence on Nate, it would have done a lot of the work to explain his shift, in addition to the anger he felt toward Devon over his career-ending hand injury. Or Imani as his Lady Macbeth goading him to more and more devious acts would have helped. But it feels like these shows are written week to week instead of planned out, and promising stories get dumped on a dime.

    Nate as a big exec at Newman Enterprises just isn’t credible, and since he’s so opaque and ill-defined as a character, the audience doesn’t have anything to hold onto with him. These writers don’t want to (or aren’t allowed to) do the work.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Bob's been a silver fox for awhile now.

    So wonderful to see them all, even with Fiona's dreadful zoom background!

    It’s a really good watch. Very emotional. The written messages from BarBara Luna, JdP, and the soap journalist who lost his eyesight (whom AE befriended) were so moving. Sad that some of our best people leave us so early. 

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