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-On the cruise ship, Tony sits in a chair and looks at Anna, who is sitting on their bed. He quietly asks her what is wrong with her. She says she’s fine but Tony says he knows differently. She can’t hide anything from him. So, since they have so much time on their hands, she might as well tell him what is the matter. Anna stands up from the bed and walks towards the window of their room and looks out. She turns and starts to tell Tony but then stops herself and starts walking towards the door. Tony jumps up and grabs her by the arm, telling her that the time may come where she will wish she had this moment to live again. Anna stares at him with anger....and lust. She then jerks her arm away and tells Tony to leave her the hell alone. All he can think about is his own feelings while some nutcase has them trapped on a ship in the middle of Salem. She is still wondering how a cruise ship that big got into the harbor in the first damn place. Tony says he doesn’t care. All he cares about....is her. And she knows that. He wants her to tell him that she feels the same. Anna looks at him.....and then walks away. Tony tells her that she will admit her feelings....sooner or later. Anna turns away from Tony and stares at the wall, barely able to hide her true feelings from him. -Celeste is still upset at the thoughts she had. Abe sees that she is uneasy and he asks why. All Celeste can say is that what happened to them must never happen again. When Abe asks her what the hell she is talking about, Celeste just tells him that it is all in her head. Abe looks at her strangely, saying that these visions are getting quite old, and he wishes that she would come up with some honest emotion for once. Celeste once again thinks back to her and Abe kissing and tells Abe that he just doesn’t know when to be quiet. She then walks off and leaves a bewildered Abe behind. Lexie wakes up and gets up off the bed. She overheard the exchange between Abe and Celeste and asks him what happened. Abe says it's nothing...at least he hopes it is. -Forrest looks at Abby and asks her what is she thinking. Abby is wondering who has them and if they will ever get off this ship alive. Chelsea tells her not to bring death into it. Chelsea knows that if her father were there, they would be long gone and whoever has them would be locked up. Abby agrees with her but Forrest asks the girls a simple question. He wants to know that, if and/or when they are found, could they keep his identity a secret. Chelsea walks up to Forrest and asks him about what he may be hiding. When Abby tells her to back off, Forrest calms Abby down, and then looks at Chelsea and says that there are certain people in Salem who he really doesn’t want to confront right now. Chelsea looks at him strangely and Abby walks over to him, taking his arm, and telling Chelsea that there is no reason for Forrest to put their lives in danger just to avoid seeing some people in Salem. Abby then looks at Chelsea and stares at her menacingly and Chelsea, after a few moments, gets the hint. Chelsea agrees, for now, and for Abby, not to say a word. But.....if any harm comes to Abby, Forrest WILL be ratted out. Forrest looks at Chelsea and then at Abby, who looks at Chelsea with a worried look in her eyes. -Kayla, meanwhile, is at the cruise ship trying to stow on board. She sees guards walking the perimeter and ducks behind some crates that are about to get loaded on the ship. As the guards pick up one of the bigger crates, Kayla trots along side of it, unseen by the guards. Kayla then ducks into a side room and, when the hallway is clear, runs down it towards the elevators. An elevator comes down and opens up and Kayla jumps on, pressing the button for the floor above her. As the elevator opens on one of the main floors above her, Kayla hears nothing but silence. She slowly walks down the hallway, looking into every single window to see if she can spot Steve. She keeps walking down the hallway until she sees Steve running around the corner. Kayla’s eyes grow wide with shock as Steve yells at her to run back down the hall. Kayla obeys and Steve catches up with her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her along with him. As they allude the guards after several quick turns, they bust their way into a room where Kayla is shocked to find other inhabitants on board. Kayla is then beyond shocked when she sees that it is Abby and Chelsea, along with a silent Forest, whose identity is unknown to Steve and Kayla. All five people look at each other as Kayla wonders how any of them will get out of this alive. -Alan is now toying with a very distraught Will, while his family looks on in anger at Alan. Bo tells Alan that this isn’t the time or place for something like this and Alan holds a gun on Will, telling Bo and the rest that he really doesn’t care. He just wanted to always say that he had had the mother and the son. Alan laughs evilly as Will looks at Sami, crying. Sami tells Will that it will be alright. He can tell her anything and it will never change how much she truly loves him. Will starts to calm down just a little as his family looks on. Kate is being held by Roman and Hope holds onto Bo’s arm tightly. Caroline tells Alan that he will pay for what he’s done to her grandson. Alan points the gun at Caroline and tells her to shut up before the Bradys lose the lady of the family. Roman steps forward in a menacing gesture but Alan points the gun back at Will’s head, telling Roman that if he so much as flinches, Will is dead meat. Austin and Carrie look on as Sami tearfully asks Will what happened to him. Will starts to explain how he met Alan and how Alan became his friend..... Will: It was not my fault, Mom. I didn’t know. (Crying) He acted like he cared about me. He made it seem like I was like his best friend. Sami: And then what? Keep going, baby. Mama’s here for you, ok? Will: Ok. So, he ended up...he ended up.... Lucas: (To Sami) I don’t think this is a good idea, Sami. He’s doing this in front of everyone. How degrading is this for him?! Sami: About the same way it was for me when I had to do it on the witness stand all those years ago. (Looking at Alan) And, I took your power away then. And a couple of other things. So, Will is doing the same thing now.........you sick, mother [!@#$%^&*] bastard! Alan: (Pointing the gun at Sami) SHUT UP, BITCH!! I didn’t take lip from you then and I won’t take it now. And...tell this brat of yours to shut up and listen to me.....before I blow his brains out! Sami (Looking At Will): Don’t listen to him, honey. He doesn’t have the guts. Just look right at me, ok? There is no one else here but me and you, ok? Just tell me. What did this bastard do to you? Will focuses on Sami, while all of the pain and torment run back in his head. The kidnapping. The rape. The glee that Alan took as he inflicted so much pain on Will. And then, just when he gets to the point where he can’t take anymore suffering, Will grabs the sides of his head and then blurts out to his mother... Will: HE RAPED ME!!! HE RAPED ME, MOM!!! OH GOD!!! HE RAPED ME!! Will starts to collapse as Sami runs towards him and catches him before he hits the ground. Sami rocks Will back and forth in her arms as he sobs uncontrollably. Roman, Caroline, Austin, Carrie and Eric watch on and cry as well as Lucas slowly walks over to Sami and Will, bends down, and pants his son on his head. And then, at that moment, they both look up.... And stare daggers of hell-like hatred at Alan. Lucas stands and stares at Alan, telling him that... Lucas: You do realize.......that you’re a dead man, don’t you? Alan looks at Lucas, terrified, as the scene freeze-frames on his face and then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Marlena (looking at a crate, smiling): This could be easier then I thought. James: Could I be wrong? What if I am making a big mistake? Katherine to Cal (looking at the envelope): Oh my God... Sami to Alan: You will pay. Mark my words. You will not live to see another sunrise.
VENDETTA CLIP #22 Ernesto enters a dark cabin room door on the northwest side of the cruise ship. The MCF is there, looking in the mirror. Ernesto: Trying to see if you cloak is on right? MCF (via voice changer): Haha. No. Just thinking...of how big tonight can and will be. Ernesto: We have discussed this many times. It's hard to believe it's all coming together finally. This is it. MCF: Yes. The fruits of our labors realized. So, all the invitations out? Ernesto: Yes. Our friends should be getting them anytime now and I would suspect they will be here within the next few hours. MCF: Good. The rest of the gang is on their way and we wouldn't want our natives to get restless now, would we? Ernesto: No. MCF: Besides, so many of them have been on this ship for weeks. They have been patient. It's time for them to learn of what they are a part of. Ernesto: They will. I am going to go check with James and security and make sure everything and everyone is in position for the rest of the arrivals. MCF: Very well. Until later. Ernesto leaves. The MCF then pulls out a gun. MCF: Thanks for all your help, Ernie, but your usefulness has run it's course. The time is near where I will have to cut my losses....meaning you. You will go down with the rest of the ship...to hell with you, along with all my foes. The MCF loads the gun and points it forward as he or she laughs and the screen fades to black and then into...
-On the pier, Marlena hides behind a bunch of crates after her escape from the University Hospital psych ward. She peeks from behind the crate and sees two police officers nearby searching the area. She opts to lay low a bit longer and then looks off into the distance and mentions how the "ship isn't going anywhere yet." -At the Salem Inn, Eric continues to recover from the concussion he sustained when Alan hit him as Roman and the police search for clues. Sami tells Eric she is thankful he is ok. Lucas comes over and tells Sami that he tried calling Will to make sure he made it home from school ok but there was no answer. Mr. Nettington, who Lucas and Sami asked to check in on Will once he got home, said that Will isn't home yet. Sami worries. Roman tells her that he is probably running late. Meanwhile, Carrie tells Austin she knows he blames her and is mad at her but she needs him to talk to her. Belle advises her to give Austin time. Carrie breaks down in Belle and Kate's arms as Austin coldly looks on, with his back turned. -On the east side of the pier, Alan has Will by the neck with a gun to his head as a frightened Nicole, holding Evan, follows. Nicole asks if this is necessary but Alan insists, saying they need a human shield with the cops around. They just barely made it by those cops a little farther back. Alan asks Nicole again if she wants to keep Evan. Nicole nods but says not like this. Alan says there are no other options and urges her to keep going. They then move on. -Philip has Victor's arm around him as he drags him to the MCF's cruise ship in the Salem Harbor at port 3. He mentioned how he was supposed to wait until dark but just wanted this over with and had the opportunity right now to do this and not get caught. He tells Victor, who is still unconscious, he is sorry but he has to do what he must. He then drags Victor up the platform. Two guards are sitting at the top and say, "Philip Kiriakis...we have been expecting you." Philip nods as the two guards help him drag his father and motion to him and say, "This way..." At Bo and Hope's house, Hope comforts Bo who has broke down after his confession to Hope. Hope says she can understand now why Bo pushed her way but asks why it's such a problem for his family. Hope mentioned how Caroline said that the secret was tearing her family apart. Hope doesn't understand as they should be uniting to help Bo. Bo admits that Roman and Kim knew all along that he was molested. Caroline and Shawn Sr were away and they comforted him initially. He was so upset he blocked it out for years. Kim and Roman claimed they were trying to protect him but they didn't. Bo mentions how it made it worse for him as he has to deal with it now. Hope notes that Kim was raped and is a psychiatrist herself so she is sure she knew what she was doing. Bo gets angry and says that Roman and Kim hid the truth for years and don't deserve his understanding. Bo wipes tears from his eyes and tells Hope he can't do this. It was a mistake to have told her all this. He then gets up and walks out. Hope calls out to him to come back and gives chase. -On the cruise ship, Steve is stunned by the revelation that Chelsea is his and Hope's daughter. He doesn't understand. The MCF says he will in due time. Steve asks when he and Hope made love. He then asks the MCF for actual proof. The MCF says he or she has told Steve enough. The drug will be wearing off soon so the only way for Steve to get his whole memory back and have the answers he wants is to follow the instructions he is given. Otherwise, he won't get anything and will see his loved ones suffer. The MCF then tells the guards to take Steve away. Steve fights the guards and screams out to the MCF, demanding answers. The MCF laughs as Ernesto appears, asking if it went well. The MCF mentions he or she is pleased. Ernesto mentioned more of their guests are on the way and then asks if the invitations to the other guests should be sent. The MCF nods and says to step on it. The evening is nearing and they must prepare for the grand finale soon. -At the Brady Pub, Kayla is helping Caroline with some boxes behind the bar when Hope races in, saying she needs there help. She explains how Bo told her the truth about his molestation and Kim and Roman knowing and how Bo took off. She mentions that Bo took off on foot. She went after him by way of her car but she lost him. She needs their help searching and notes that she can't call the police as he hasn't been missing for 24 hours. Caroline says they will help. Kim wheels out and asks what is going on. Caroline fills her in and asks Kim to watch the pub with Amy. They need to find Bo. Caroline races out after Hope and Kayla, who are already outside, as a worried and guilty Kim looks on. -Back on the pier, Will begs Alan to just let him go but Alan won't hear of it. Nicole tells Alan they don't need Will but Alan tells her to shut up and to just keep following. As they move along. Bo comes from around the corner and bumps right into them. He asks what is going on. Alan warns him not to try anything or the kid gets it. Bo sees a worried Nicole holding Evan and then Will with Alan's gun to his head. He tells Alan to calm down and take it easy as a tearful Will whispers "Help, please" to Bo, which he sees as his face turns to one of desperation. -Back at the Salem Inn, Carrie turns back toward Austin and says she knows she was wrong, including about Alan. She thought she could trust him and he changed but obviously he didn't. Sami yells out an "I told you so" but Carrie tells her to back off. She knows she was wrong. Austin then turns and says that makes nothing better. Carrie begs him just to say something to her. Austin says he just did and now he doesn't wish to say anything more. Roman's phone rings. It's an officer at the hospital who tells Roman that Marlena has escaped and was last seen heading down the pier. Roman hangs up and tells everyone about the news on Marlena. They are stunned. An officer then comes over and tells Roman they have a lead on Alan and Nicole. They were spotted heading down the east side of the pier. Roman says it looks like they have two reasons to head to the pier now and hopes they can catch up with Marlena, Alan, and Nicole. He heads out with Eric, Sami, Lucas, Kate, Austin, Carrie, and Belle in tow. -Caroline and Hope bump into each other on the pier while searching for Bo. They both admit they found nothing. Hope says she is very worried as he could've went and did something stupid. -Back on the cruise ship, Philip watches as Victor is handcuffed to a pipe in a boiler room. Philip asks if that is necessary. The guard tells Philip it is just as the MCF appears and tells Philip it's ok. Victor won't be hurt in any way and part of the deal is that Philip gets to keep an eye on things on the ship. The MCF gives Philip a monitor that will allow him to look in on Victor at all times. Philip says he has a bad feeling about this. The MCF urges him to go to the room they have prepared for him and to calm down. He can stay on board they first night to make sure it's all ok. Philip agrees and looks at his father, saying he is sorry. He leaves as the MCF laughs. Ernesto walks in and coldly looks at the unconscious Victor. He tells the MCF the invitations have been sent. The MCF is pleased and says the time is truly near... Meanwhile, outside the cruise ship, Marlena is trying to get by the guards. She sees Steve being dragged along up on deck and he manages to break free. Several guards go after him. Marlena sees her chance to sneak on board and races up the platform up onto the ship. She shows an devilish grin and then goes below deck. Steve is caught by the guards and yells for them to let him go. At that moment, Kayla arrives at the harbor while looking for Bo and hears the screams. She notices how familiar they sound and that they sound like Steve. She then looks up on the deck of the cruise ship and is stunned to see Steve, who is trying to fight off the guards. -Back on the pier, Bo tells Alan to just let Will and Evan go. The children have no place in this. Alan smiles and says Will is hardly a child and Nicole is no way letting Evan go. Bo tells Alan to drop the gun so they can talk about this rationally. Alan says he has no desire for that. In fact, he couldn't have planned this better himself. Bo is confused. Just then, Roman arrives with Sami, Lucas, Carrie, Austin, Eric, Belle, and Kate. Sami and Lucas are stunned to see Will. Eric and Nicole exchange a cold glance. Carrie sees Evan and tries to race to him but Roman grabs her as Nicole defiantly says that Evan is hers. Carrie calls her a bitch as Roman holds her back. Caroline and Hope then arrive and are stunned to see Bo. Roman asks Bo what he is doing there. Bo explains he was walking the pier and came across Alan holding a gun to Will's head and Nicole following with Evan. Sami tries to lunge for Alan but Lucas holds her back. Sami: I knew you hadn't changed. Alan (laughing): Yeah. Too bad your naive big sister didn't. Sami turns and looks at Carrie. Carrie: I trusted you Alan. I defended you. I... Alan: "Blah...blah. Enough of this. Let's just get to the good stuff. I am so grateful you all are here. I couldn't have planned it better. I was thinking this would happen much better but I guess it will happen earlier with all of you finding me so soon. Roman: What the hell are you talking about? Alan: Oh, well. The stuff you all don't know about. Well, almost all of you. Right, Willie? (talks right in Will's ear) There is just so much to tell. Kate: Alan...this is not the place. Bo: Alan...Will confided in me. I know what you are talking about. Please...don't do this. Not here. Not like this. Alan: Oh, but it has to come out. Secret always have a way of coming out and why wait? I want to be front and center for it as I took an active part in this. I mean, it was my revenge afterall? Sami: What are you talking about? What is he talking about, Will? Will (crying): Mom....argh....let me go. Please!! I did what you wanted!! Alan: Yes, like a good soldier. However, the time has come for our little discretion to come out. So...do you want to tell then or should I? Well, by that, I mean, either you tell them or I blow you away (puts gun to Will's temple) and then tell them myself. Your choice. A crying Will then looks at a crying Sami, Lucas, a worried Kate, Hope, Caroline, Austin, Carrie, Belle, Eric, and Roman as Bo looks on from behind along with a panicked Nicole holding Evan as the screen fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Tony to Anna: What if we die here? What then? Lexie to Celeste: What's wrong with you? (looks at Abe) Forest to Abby (with Chelsea): If we do get out of here, I would appreciate it if you said nothing to anyone about meeting me and my identity. Chelsea to Forest: Why? What do you have to hide? Kayla: I have to get on there and get to Steve. Alan to Will (with gun to his head): Well, go ahead, Willie. Tell everyone about our fun night together.
VENDETTA GAME: THE FINAL TWO!! AFTER 12 WEEKS OF PLAY, THE VENDETTA GAME HAS NOW REACHED IT'S FINAL ROUND. MEANING, WE ARE NOW DOWN TO THE FINAL 2 PLAYERS. BELOW, YOU WILL FIND THE TOP 2 SCORERS OF THE VENDETTA GAME THUS FAR. THESE ARE THE ONLY 2 LEFT IN THE GAME. THE FINAL 2 PLAYERS WILL RECEIVE THE FINAL VENDETTA TRIVIA CHALLENGE TOMORROW (AROUND MID EVENING OR SO). THEY WILL HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY JUNE 28 AT 4PM EST TO COMPLETE THE FINAL TRIVIA, WHICH WILL ASK THEM TO USE THEIR ACQUIRED CLUES AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE MCF. HERE ARE THE ELIMINATED PLAYERS FROM THE GAME: DH23 (47 pts) psychofan (41 pts) Rick (0 pts) Ryan Chandler (48 pts) THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION. NOW, THE VENDETTA GAME FINAL 2 IS (THIS INCLUDES WK 12 COMMENT SCORES and week 11 trivia scores): 1.) Tishy (203 pts) 2.) daysfan (141 pts) CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH REMINDER: The third and second place finishers will have the chance to see characters written into the blog in their honor this July. These will be minor roles, however, with little input allowed from the game players. The first place winner will have the chance to have a character written into the blog in their honor and they will have a HUGE amount of input. So, here are some big dates to remember for Vendetta: Monday June 18: FINAL VENDETTA TRIVIA CHALLENGE POSTED AND SENT!! THURSDAY JUNE 28: FINAL VENDETTA TRIVIA CHALLENGE DUE!! FRIDAY JUNE 19: VENDETTA GAME WINNER REVEALED!!! VENDETTA CLIPS WILL RESUME TUESDAY SO BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR THAT.
ANNOUNCER: THIS WEEK... SALEM LIVES IS BACK!!! WITH A SHOCKING ESCAPE... Clip of Marlena on the pier, hiding from police. Marlena: No one can or will stop me. A SHOCKING ACT... Clip of Philip pulling Victor's limp body along. Philip: Sorry, dad. But I have to do what I have to do. A DRAMATIC STANDOFF... Clip of Alan (with Nicole holding Evan in the background) holding Will at gunpoint as Kate, Lucas, Sami, Carrie, Austin, Eric, Roman, Caroline, Hope, Bo, and Belle watch. THAT LEADS TO AN EMOTIONAL REVEAL... Clip of Will crying with Alan's gun to his head while also flashing back to the night Alan molested him. Alan: Tell them...tell them all, Will. Sami: Sweetheart...please!!! Tell me. I'm your mother. Tell me!! PLUS...TWO BIG REVEALS... Clip of Steve and the MCF on the cruise ship. Steve to MCF: I'm Chelsea's father!! Clip of Hope grabbing Bo and turning him around. Hope to Bo: Please don't shut me out. AND... Clip of Julie and Maggie looking at what looks like letter. Julie pulls it out of the envelope and both women are horrified. Maggie: What is this? Clip of Cal opening an envelope and stating at Katherine in bewilderment. Cal: What the hell is going on? MYSTERIOUS INVITATIONS... Doug (looking at an envelope): What could this be? THAT LEAD TO VENDETTA'S DRAMATIC CLIMAX!!! MCF to Ernesto: This is it. The night we've been waiting for. (they both laugh) MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!! SEISMIC SUMMER HAS BEGUN!!!
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SEISMIC SUMMER PREVIEW!! EP/HW TIM LOWERY AND CO-EP/HW PATRICK L. EWING REVEAL THEIR HUGE PLANS FOR A RED HOT SUMMER ON SALEM LIVES!!! "The summer is huge," promises EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It all kicks off Monday and from there it's like a runaway freight train. This is definitely the most action packed period we have ever had. It's going to be a summer of romance, mystery, adventure, tragedy, and so much more. Not everyone will be making it through the summer and those that do will have alot to deal with in the aftermath. This summer we truly can stick by our catchphrase...MISS A DAY, MISS ALOT!!!" VENDETTA/MCF: "The identity of the MCF is revealed by the end of June. The MCF is bringing all of his or her enemies down with him or her in grand fashion. We have this huge cruise ship and a storm on the way. Secrets and lies are revealed. The MCF will reveal all of his or her plans and how he or she pulled this off. The stage is set for high drama. The tragic end to Vendetta will forever change the lives of all of our characters on Salem Lives. Our fans wanted payoff and you can trust us. They are getting a HUGE one." Roman/Marlena: "Since we started this story a year ago, it's been the ultimate love story and that won't change. Roman will need everything he has to attempt to reach the real Marlena. The dramatic climax to this story will show the true depth of their love but will he save her from herself? The other big question is what Marlena/Samantha will do to everyone else. Will she take Roman down with her? All these questions will be answered in dramatic fashion." Bo/Hope: "Hope knows the truth about Bo now but he has no idea about her being Chelsea's mother and him and Billie not being her parents. That little secret is teetering on the edge of coming out and, on top of that, the reveal of Steve as Chelsea's father really ups the ante. This is a secret that will forever change the lives of Steve, Kayla, Bo, and Hope. The whole Brady family could further fall apart over this...that is in the case of those that survive the summer. Also, look for Bo to have a huge moment of self-discovery and renewal." Steve/Kayla: "Steve being Chelsea's father will drastically effect them but they have other issues. Will Steve finally regain his memory? Will they reunite? The climax of Vendetta is huge for them as they are in the midst of danger and one magic moment could change everything..." Maggie/Victor/Julie/Doug/Alice/Caroline: "The truth about Maggie and Julie is revealed. Doug and Julie are set to face the greatest challenge to their love yet as a result of this as they fight to survive on the high seas. Caroline and Victor share a moment on the cruise ship and it's almost a moment of closure. Caroline plays a big role in trying to get Victor and Maggie together but her actions may unintentionally send them to their final resting place. Look for Alice to be involved in this as usual and for Caroline to actively try to bring her family back together again." Carrie/Austin/Sami/Lucas/Will/Nicole/Eric/Kate/Evan: "This story finally begins to reach it's explosive conclusion this week. The truth about Will is revealed and the truth about baby Evan is already out. Alan's last ditch effort at revenge will have devastating consequences for all involved. I don't think anyone will see the ending of this story coming. Carrie will face some of her darkest times yet and, for Sami, she may get a chance to get her own revenge. Nicole will get hers too and Kate will realize the true consequences of her actions, which may result in her paying with her life." Victor/Philip/Belle: "Philip does the unthinkable in his quest for power and realizes he has made a big mistake that could cost him of he survives. If his father ever learns of his actions, he could lose everything. The climax of Vendetta is huge for these three. Belle has an unlikely hero on the cruise ship." Jack/Billie: "The feelings are there and the passion is just ready to explode but will it? Time is running out as Jack and Billie find themselves on death's door. Big things happen for them on the cruise ship." Frankie/Greta: "A romance is building here slowly. Greta finds herself in a death trap and her secret finally slips out. She will have to deal with the aftermath of that if she survives while Frankie gets immersed in his family's problems." Abby/Max/Forest/Chelsea: "The mystery behind Forest Alamain will effect many characters. Is he good or evil? Does he have an agenda? What is with his fascination regarding Abby? This summer will focus on those questions. Chelsea warns Max about Forest and he is on the case. Max will work with several others to find out what Forest is all about. Meanwhile, Chelsea's past finally catches up with her and the end may be near." James: "James will learn he was double-crossed. He will find redemption. He has some great things coming up." Cal/Katherine: "Cal finally learns the truth about his past and remembers everything. As to why Ernesto has appeared in his memories, the fans will have to wait and see." Abe/Lexie/Celeste/Stefano/Cassie/Tony/Anna: "Lexie learns something big about her father on the cruise ship. Sparks will fly between Abe and Celeste, which could be enough to send Lexie over the edge. Cassie is growing more and more important to Stefano and is his right hand woman, basically. Expect to see her and Lexie at odds this summer. Tony will also seek to make his own name for himself within the Dimera empire, only doing it much differently then his father. Expect some fireworks there. As for Tony and Anna, it just may be one step forward and two steps back. Look for Anna to try to reach out to Carrie. Oh, and the Dimera/Kiriakis war is not over yet. Far from it." Kimberly/Shane: "They will find peace with their loved ones and themselves somewhat. As to whether or not a reunion is coming, fans will have to stick around all summer for the answer to that." SALEM LIVES ANNOUNCEMENT: EPISODE LENGTH WHEN SALEM LIVES RETURNS ON MONDAY JUNE 18, READERS WILL NOTICE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. YES, THAT'S RIGHT...SHORTER EPISODES. YES, WE HAVE SAID THIS BEFORE AND WE DELIVERED BUT SOMEHOW ENDED UP BACK WHERE WE STARTED (MY BAD) BUT WE ARE SERIOUS THIS TIME. THERE WILL BE LONG EPISODES AT TIMES, JUST LIKE BEFORE THE HIATUS. THIS PAST TWO WEEK HIATUS WAS NOT SCHEDULED IN THE LONG-TERM SO MANY THINGS WERE PUSHED UP, WHICH IS WHY LONGER EPISODES OCCURRED MORE FREQUENTLY BEFORE THE HIATUS. WE WANT TO ASSURE THE READERS THAT WE HEAR THEIR CRIES AND WE WILL STRIVE TO KEEP THINGS MANAGEABLE. I WANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE LONGER EPISODES THEN MANY OTHERS. IT'S OUR STYLE. WE WILL HAVE LONG EPISODES FOR BIG EVENTS AT TIMES. HOWEVER, THIS WILL NOT BE A DAILY OR REGULAR OCCURANCE SO NO WORRIES!!! SALEM LIVES ANNOUNCEMENT #2: VENDETTA AND SALEM LIVES CHAT TOMORROW NIGHT THE FINAL 2 VENDETTA PLAYERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED. MONDAY NIGHT...I WILL SEND THE FINAL VENDETTA TRIVIA CHALLENGE TO THE FINAL 2. VENDETTA CLIPS WILL RESUME ON TUESDAY AND WILL REACH THEIR END NEXT WEEK. REMINDER: THE SALEM LIVES CHAT IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY JUNE 18 AT 9:30 PM EST. I NEED ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COME TO SEND ME A PM SAYING SO AND TO SEND ME THEIR AIM SCREENNAME. WE WILL BE OPEN TO ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE AND WILL ALSO BE DISCUSSING MONDAY'S EPISODE, WHICH WILL BE POSTED EARLY SO IT CAN BE DISCUSSED. YOU HAVE UNTIL MONDAY AT 4PM EST TO LET ME KNOW. PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW SO I CAN KNOW WHO IS COMING AND NOT. IT'S A FUN WAY TO GET IN TOUCH WITH READERS AND US, THE WRITERS. WE LOOK FORWARD TO THIS EVENT. ALL ARE WELCOME AT THIS EVENT. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 6/18/07 -Marlena gets into position. -A emotional and dramatic showdown takes places on the pier. -Kayla finds what she has been looking for. -Several Salem citizens receive mysterious invitations. -The MCF prepares for his or her big night. -Kim and Shane share an emotional goodbye. -Alice gets an awful feeling. -The MCF makes his or her dramatic entrance as many beloved Salemites find themselves trapped. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: FRIDAY JUNE 22 THE MCF MAKES HIS OR HER DRAMATIC ENTRANCE AS MANY BELOVED SALEMITES FIND THEMSELVES TRAPPED!! Next Week: The MCF reveals all. Several long-held secrets are revealed. The MCF's identity is revealed. -
Your not way behind, Tishy. Your way ahead. Check the standings below this post. Your in first, daysfan in 2nd, and Ryan in 3rd. 2nd and 3rd place gets minor characters written into the blog with minor input. First place gets a major character written into the blog with alot of input.
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Yeah. That's because it will bring up anything under the tag "Days Promos." As for the MCF, I guess you could say he or she is in the promo. -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUMMME_Sv_o I tried to embed it but it had issues so just go to the link and watch this great promo of things to come!! It's my first so hope you like it!!!
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
KOSLOW LEADS MAY, SWEENEY CONTINUES TO LEAD 2007 PREEMPTIONS: January 1, January 2, January 9 (make up episode posted on Jan. 13.) Episodes: 107 Days: 15 New Year's Day (January 3-8, 2007) January 9-January 23, 2007 January 24-January 30, 2007 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21-March 2, 2007 March 5-March 13, 2007 March 14-March 27, 2007 March 28-April 3, 2007 April 4-April 10, 2007 April 11-April 19, 2007 April 20-April 27, 2007 April 30-May 9, 2007 May 10-May 21, 2007 May 22- May 2007(23 episodes) 1.) Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-18 2.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-17 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-17 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-17 5.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-16 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-16 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-16 *Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-16 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-16 10.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-15 11.) Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-14 *Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-14 13.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-13 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-13 *Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-13 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-13 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-13 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-13 19.) Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-12 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-12 *Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-12 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine C. Harcourt)-12 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-12 24.) Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-11 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-11 26.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)-9 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-9 28.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-8 *Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-8 *Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-8 31.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-7 32.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-6 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-6 *Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-6 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-6 36.) Roscoe Born (James McClure)-5 *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-5 38.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-4 *Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-4 *Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-4 *Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-4 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-4 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-4 *Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-4 45.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-3 *Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-3 *James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-3 48.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-2=last aired on 5/2/07 *Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-2=last aired on 5/2/07 *Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2=last aired on 5/2/07 51.) Ron Leath (Henderson)-1 *Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-1 *Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-1 *Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-1 CONTRACT OR RECURRING ACTORS NOT APPEARING THIS MONTH: RECURRING Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.) Arloa Reton (Joelle) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver) 2007 Total Episode Counts (up to 5/31/07) 1.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-66 2.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-61 3.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-58 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-58 5.) Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-57 *Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)-57 7.) Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-52 *Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-52 *Lauren Koslow (Kate Roberts)-52 10.) John Aniston (Victor Kiriakis)-50 11.) Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-48 *Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady)-48 13.) Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)- 47 14.) Mary Beth Evans (Dr. Kayla Brady Johnson)-46 *Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady)-46 *Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)-46 17.) Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)-45 18.) Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker Brady)-43 19.) Julianne Morris (Greta von Amburg)-42 20.) Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie Williams)-41 21.) Martha Madison (Belle Brady Kiriakis)-39 22.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-38 *Jeremy Sumpter (Will Roberts)-38 24.) Roscoe Born (James McCluer)-36 25.) Francis Reid (Alice Horton)-35 26.) Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans)-34 *Darin Brooks (Max Brady)-34 28.) Bill Hayes (Doug Williams)-32 29.) Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-31 30.) Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux)-29 *Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-29 *Josh Taylor (Cal Winters)-29 *Terri Garber (Dr. Katherine Harcourt)-29 34.) Stephen Nichols (Steve “Patch” Johnson)-28 35.) Alexis Thorpe (Cassie Dimera)-27 *Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Brady)-27 *Jay Kenneth Johnson (Philip Kiriakis)-27 38.) Lorenzo Caccialanza (Nico)-24 39.) Renee Jones (Dr. Lexie Carver)-22 *Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault)-22 41.) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera)-18 42.) Michael Trucco (James McCluer Jr)-16 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Hayden Panettiere (Angelica "Angel" McClure)-16 =Last aired on 2/26/07 44.) Dalton James (Dr. Rich Glancy)-15 *Joshua and Jacob Rips (John Thomas "JT" Brady)-15 46.) Sharon Wyatt (Renee McCluer)-12 =Last aired on 2/26/07 *Zachary Knighton (Jonathan McCluer)-12 =Last aired on 2/26/07 48.) Amelia Marshall (Dr. Barbara Harris)-10 *Ron Leath (Henderson)-10 *Ava and Olivia White (Claire Kiriakis)-10 51.) Billy Ray Cyrus (Jed Montana)-8=Last aired on 5/2/07 52.) Thaoo Penghlis (Tony Dimera)-7 *LeAnn Hunley (Anna Fredericks)-7 54.) Peter Bergman (Forrest Alamain)-6 *Charles Cioffi (Ernesto Toscano)-6 56.) Martina McBride (Nora Montana)-4=Last aired on 5/2/07 *James Lancaster (Fr. Timothy Jansen)-4 58.) Kavi Faquir (Theo Carver)-3 *Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-3=Last aired on 4/9/07 60.) Arloa Reton (Joelle)-2 *Jake and Nick Ravo (Jack Deveraux Jr.)-2 *Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Jed Allen (Don Craig)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Blake Berris (Nick Fallon)-2=Last aired on 4/6/07 *Franc Ross (Rev. Frank Stewart)-2=last aired on 5/2/07 -
-At the psych ward, Marlena bangs on the door, holding her stomach. When the orderly finally walks in, she tells him that she feels like crap and wants to see the doctor. The orderly tells her that she has faked this before and asks her does she want some more shock therapy. Marlena looks at the orderly, saying that there is no way she would fake it this time, and wants some attention. The orderly, after a few moments, agrees with her, and goes and gets the nurse on duty. -On the pier, Roman, Victor, Kate, Austin, Carrie, Sami, and Lucas are worried about Eric. They hope he didn't go after Nicole on his own. She could run off with Evan. Sami doesn't think Nicole would hurt Evan but still thinks they need to get to Evan fast.. Roman says he has men out looking for Eric, Nicole and Evan. Meanwhile, at the Salem Inn, Eric stands in the hallway, banging on the door and demanding to be let in. Nicole holds Evan as she and Alan plot a way out of the room and the hotel. Nicole tells Alan that he better think fast. Eric is going to be through that door at any moment. Alan agrees but then tells Nicole that he has a plan. He tells her to let Eric in and he’ll take care of the rest. Nicole reluctantly agrees and watches Alan walk away as she walks to the door. -Hope walks into her home and finds Bo sitting there on the couch. He apologizes to her for leaving her on the Fancy Face III like that. He just didn't think it was right for them to talk out in the open about what they need to talk about. It's private. He is looking through old pictures of the family and stops on a beautiful photo of his first wedding to Hope in England. He smiles as Hope slowly walks over to him and looks down at the photo album herself. Bo then looks to see Hope standing there and she looks at him as well. Bo smiles at her lovingly, saying to her..... Bo: We sure were young then, weren’t we? Hope (Sitting down next to Bo): Yes, we were. And you.......riding a stolen horse to the church. Bo: Well, how else did you expect me to get there? Everyone drives on the wrong side of the street over there. Hope: Yeah, well......between Emma Donovan trying to kill us and getting arrested after we were married, I should have walked away right then and there. Bo: And......why didn’t you? Hope: You know why. You’ve always been the man of my dreams. I can never walk away from that. Not then and certainly not now. I hope you can see that. Bo: I can and always have. Bo leans in and gives Hope a kiss on her cheek, which makes Hope smile. Bo then turns back around and continues to look at the album, saying....... Bo: I’ve always wanted to be a man for you, Hope. Hope: You always have been, Bo. Bo: Not now. I can never....... Bo’s voice not only trails off, it shakes with these words. He gets up and starts to walk off but Hope jumps up and grabs him by the arm. She tries her best to turn him around but now he is fighting her. He can’t even look at her with tears streaming down his face. He feels so ashamed. He feels like he let Hope down. He is convinced that he is no longer a man who can be a good husband, father and grandfather. Hope sees this and begs Bo to turn around. With tears now streaming down her face, she yells at him.... Hope: DAMMIT, BO!!! AFTER ALL WE’VE BEEN THROUGH, YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME?! Bo: (Crying) I can’t, Hope. I just can’t tell you what happened. You’ll hate me. I know you will. Hope: I won’t. I love you too damn much to ever hate you! Just tell me what’s wrong. -On the cruise ship, Steve is trapped in the luxurious room with the MCF standing close to him. He looks at this person, demanding to know the why, where, and when he kissed Hope. He wants to know more about these memories he is having. Did he make love to Hope? Did it get that far? The MCF tells him that his answers will come.....all in due time. As the MCF leaves, two guards come into the room and Steve begins to struggle with them. Steve yells at them that they both are making a big mistake. One of the guards then hits him over the head, staggering him. Then, they both carry Steve outside of the stateroom and into the hallway, where the MCF is standing. Back at the psych ward, as the orderly turns around, Marlena grabs a water pitcher off his tray and begins to raise it over her head but hears someone coming and lowers the pitcher. It is another orderly, who is told about her illness, and then they both rush off to get the nurse on duty. Moments later, the nurse arrives, and tells the orderly to wait outside. After the orderly closes the door, the nurse asks Marlena what is going on. Marlena says that she has the same pains she had before and wants something for it. The nurse tells her that the last time she pulled this crap she was locked up in solitary for a week. Marlena holds her stomach, yelling that she is not trying anything funny. She is in real pain. The nurse takes a moment before she finally relents and turns around to go get the orderly. At that moment, Marlena picks up the pitcher once again, brings it up over her head, and smashes it down across the nurse’s head, knocking her out cold. She then waits to see if the orderly heard anything and is relieved when she realizes that he didn’t. She then picks the nurse up and places her on the bed and starts undressing her. Minutes later, Marlena is shown putting on the last of the nurse’s clothes as the nurse is now lying under sheets on Marlena’s bed. She keeps looking out the small window on the door, surprised that no one has come to check on the nurse. She quietly walks over to the door and knocks on it, signaling the orderly to come open the door. When he does and walks in, he sees the nurse laying in Marlena’s bed, unconscious. Right before he turns to look for Marlena, she steps out from behind the door and crashes the other end of the pitcher over his head as he then slumps to the floor unconscious. Marlena then grabs his keys, looks at them both, smiles, and then calmly walks out the door, locking it behind her. She then looks around and finds that no one else is around at the moment and runs down the hallway. When she gets to the hall door, she unlocks it and, before it closes behind her, she is sprinting down the main hallway. Marlena is like a track runner, going through doors and down stairs and wondering one thing above all else......... Marlena: Where is the f’ing outside door?! -Back at the Salem Inn, Eric hears the door unlock and stands there as Nicole opens the door and gives him a look of guilt mixed with anger. She can’t believe that Eric would deprive her of this, a child, all for his precious sister, but she is at the same time ashamed that she has resorted to this type of evil act just to get what she wants. When Eric takes a step in, he sees Evan lying in his crib. He looks at Nicole, who steps out of his way, but when he takes a step forward......Alan comes from behind the door and smashes a vase over his head, knocking him out cold. As both Alan and Nicole watch Eric lying on the floor, Alan tells Nicole that they have to get out of there. Nicole agrees but also says that if any more harm comes to Eric, there will be hell to pay. Alan chuckles and walks out the door as Nicole picks Evan up and takes one last look at Eric. She then walks out with the baby in tow. -Back at Bo and Hope's house, Bo turns around and looks at Hope. It breaks her heart to see him like this, Bo is looking off, around the room, and will not look at Hope. Tears are streaming down his face and he can’t catch his breath. Hope pats him on his chest, crying at the sight of this grown man looking like a scared little boy. She steps forward, rests her head on his chest, and looks up at him, saying in a calm, loving, soothing voice...... Hope: Tell me, Brady. I’m not leaving you. The devil himself could not get me to take one step from your side, ok? I love you too much to ever let anything come between us. Bo: Ok. Ok, Hope. Bo catches his breath, and then, in one fell swoop tells Hope, the love of his life, that what has pushed him away from her for all these months and made him turn his back on his family and friends, was the terrible secret that...... Bo: Uncle Eric molested me when I was a child. Hope is floored. She gasps at Bo and places her hands over her mouth. She looks at him as he stares at her, waiting for her response. Bo starts to back away from Hope but when he takes a step back.....she takes a step forward. He takes another step back and she steps forward again. Bo then stops and holds out his arms for Hope. -At the Salem Inn, about thirty minutes later, Roman walks in with Kate, Lucas and Austin as Carrie walks in a few moments later. They see that he is sitting up in a chair, being tended to by EMTs. When Eric asks Roman how he found out, Roman tells him that he got the call when all of them were together that something was wrong at the Salem Inn. He was very surprised to find out that involved Eric. Carrie then asks where Evan is and a groggy Eric tells her and the rest of the group that Nicole has Evan and that her and Alan took him somewhere. He then says that he would have asked them where they were going but he was too busy getting bashed in the head. Victor walks into the room and asks if Eric is alright, to which Eric responds that he is about as well as can be expected. Victor is happy to hear. Kate asks Victor why he didn't come in the room with them and Victor explains how he had a missed call on his cell and he was hoping it was Philip. He hasn't heard or talked to him much and that says alot as they live in the same house. Victor then asks Kate if she has seen Philip. Kate responds that she hasn’t and asks if he is ok. Victor says that he has been really off lately and blaming everyone else for how his life has turned out. Sami wonders if Philip could have something to do with Evan’s disappearance, to which Kate turns and tells her to shut up. Sami then sternly replies that for one, she is trying to cover all bases. And for two, she will be damned if she takes that from some hypocritical bitch with mommy issues. Kate stalks towards Sami as Sami says bring it on as she takes a big step towards Kate. Both women have to be restrained by Roman and Lucas, who tells them both that with a baby missing, all they can do is go at each other? Victor agrees with Lucas, and tells Kate that she will learn to stop behaving like a spoiled brat. Before Kate can utter a word, Victor gets a phone call. It’s Philip, telling him that he would really like to talk to him. Victor agrees and tells him he will be at the house shortly. Philip says ok and hangs up. Victor excuses himself and tells Roman that if he needs his services, to let him know. Roman tells Victor thanks before Victor walks out the door. -Back at University Hospital, Marlena looks around and spots the door that would lead to another hallway and then.......her freedom. But, she is spotted by a guard of the hospital and then suddenly hears the alarms go off. She runs for her very life as she is being chased by the guard. She runs through the door, down the hallway, and then through one last door. She is finally outside and, as she looks back, seeing the guard getting closer, she slams the door behind her and places a huge trash can against it. She then starts running though the parking lot and into the night. She stops long enough to look out over the city and then smiles evilly as she slowly walks down the street. -Back at Bo and Hope's house, Hope looks at Bo and then takes one giant step into his arms. Bo breaks down and cries so hard in Hope’s arms as she rocks back and forth with him. All Bo can keep saying is... Bo: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Hope. Please forgive me. Don’t turn away from me. All Hope can do is say to this wonderful man, the man she loves more than her own life, is..... Hope: My baby. There is nothing for you to be sorry for, ok? Hope walks Bo slowly back over to the couch and sits him down. Bo rests his head on her shoulder as she holds him, rocking him back and forth. She softly tells him..... Hope: We are going to get you through this, Bo. Don’t you worry about one thing. Nothing, or no one, will ever hurt you again. Bo: Ok. (After a pause) Hope..... Hope: Yes, my love. Bo: Thank you....for saving my life. Bo rests his head in Hope’s lap as he slowly falls asleep. Hope then responds to Bo, saying, as she watches him.... Hope: Anytime, my love. Hope kisses Bo on his cheek and forehead and gently strokes his hair. -At the Kiriakis Mansion sometime later, Victor walks into the study of his mansion and stops when he sees Philip standing there. He takes the brandy that Philip offers him. Victor takes the drink and thanks Philip, asking where the staff is. Philip says he gave the staff the day off. Victor walks past Philip and takes his jacket off, hanging it up and picking up his brandy, which he sat on the table. Philip plays it very cool as Victor starts the conversation, telling Philip that he has been very disappointed in his behavior as of late. Philip agrees, saying that being injured in that fire on the island and having a new face after losing his leg already really affected his head. He wrongly took it out on people that he loved very much. Victor sips his brandy and tells Philip that it takes more to being a man than throwing money around. Victor had to learn that the hard way. Victor tells him that it isn’t anything that he didn’t have to learn himself. If Philip is to one day head the family, he must learn the fine art of subtlety. Philip agrees and then looks at Victor, asking him what is wrong. Victor is sweating now and tells Philip that he is starting to feel woozy. Philip rushes over and grabs Victor as he continues to lose consciousness. Philip sits him in his chair and Victor mutters Philip’s name and raises his hand to touch his face before passing out and dropping the glass on the floor. Victor is now slumped in the chair, unconscious. Philip looks at his father and then goes around deactivating the entire security system. He then walks back into the study and walks over to Victor. He picks Victor up and drags him out into the back of the house. Philip then places Victor into one of the guest houses in the backyard so he can remain there until dark when he will move him to the cruise ship as instructed by the MCF. He then says to an unconscious Victor that this is something that has to be done...... As much as he truly hates doing it. Philip closes the door and walks back towards the house. -Back at the Salem Inn, Roman alerts his men to be on the look out for Nicole, Evan, and Alan. Alan is to be considered armed and dangerous. Carrie can't believe she was this wrong about Alan. Sami reminds Carrie she warned her. Carrie turns away from Sami, who turns to Lucas and Belle to talk. Carrie goes over to Austin, who is with Kate. Kate tells Austin and Carrie she will give them some time. She leaves, Carrie begs Austin to say something as he hasn't in hours. Austin is silent, with his back turned to Carrie. Carrie thinks Austin blames her for this judging by how he is acting and looking at her after this. She begs him to understand why she did what she did. Austin says nothing. Carrie (with tears in her eyes): It's over, isn't it? It's the end of us. Austin remains silent with his back turned. -At the pier, Alan pushes Nicole along. She is holding Evan and Alan is watching her when he sees policemen in the distance walking around the pier. He remarks that they must be closing in on him. Nicole tells him to stop acting like James Cagney and to get them all out of this. Alan pulls a gun and threatens Nicole that if he hears anymore smart ass talk, that will be it. She will not see another sunrise and then he’ll raise baby Evan on his own......and teach him how to REALLY make the world pay. Alan then spots an officer running down the steps to where they are standing and ushers Nicole under the pier. The officer looks around and ends up spotting Will, who is walking back home from school. Alan smiles evilly under the pier and Nicole tells him that he better not be thinking of what she thinks he is thinking about. Alan points the gun at her nose and stares at her while Nicole rocks Evan back and forth. She then stares at Alan and shakes her head, agreeing to keep quiet. The officer bids Will good day and walks off down the pier. Will takes a few steps and then hears someone behind him. When he turns around, there is a gun pointed right at his nose and Alan is standing there staring at him. Alan tells Will that he will do exactly what he says or the only one walking away from this will be him. A terrified Will shakes his head, doesn’t say a word, and is lead away by Alan, who grabs Nicole by the arm and stalks off quickly with Evan in tow. -Back on the cruise ship, the guards stand Steve up, who wearily asks the MCF what the hell is going on. The MCF simply replies..... MCF: You wanted answers, Steven? Well, time to get one. Steve: You are one crazy freak, you know that? (Yelling at the guards) LET ME GO!!! GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF ME!!! MCF: Temper, temper, Steven. This is not the way one should treat their benefactor. Steve: What?! You expect me to thank you for this? You fruitcake! I’ll thank you......by ripping your damn head off and pissing down your throat!! Now let me go!! MCF: Steven.....you are real close to having that other eye of yours ripped out of the socket. I saw that once in Kill Bill Volume Two. So....are you going to be a good little boy and do as you’re told.....or do I get to pulling? Steve contemplates his predicament and decides to obey orders. He finally calms down and stands straight up as the guards let him go. The MCF responds, saying..... MCF: Excellent choice, Steven. Excellent. And, to answer your question, the memories you had of you and Hope were just a precursor to the main event. You want to know why you have been brought here? Steve: I’m all ears. By the way.....you really need to get that cloak cleaned. The smell makes me want to puke. Amazing how you own a cruise ship but can’t go to the cleaners. MCF: Silence! (Smacking Steve in the back of his head) You will be civil, boy, or else.....I won’t tell you why these people are here. The MCF pushes a button on the wall, which opens up the drapes on anther stateroom. Standing in the room are Forrest, Abby and Chelsea. The MCF then says to Steve.... MCF: Now, you know your niece don’t you? Steve starts to struggle once again and the guards grab him. The MCF continues, telling Steve.... MCF: I guess you are wondering why she is here, aren’t you? Steve: No [!@#$%^&*], Sherlock. She hasn’t done one thing to be a part of this. Let her go. MCF: Not yet, Steven. Not until I’m done. Steve: Well then, whose the other dude? I don’t know him. MCF: Actually, you do, Steven.....but we’ll get to that later. And the other girl? You know her, right? Steve: Of course I know her. She’s Bo and Billie’s kid. My niece. MCF: That’s right. Oh wait......that’s not right. Steve: What? MCF: Oh, yes. You don't know...well, very few do. Actually, only a few, including Hope. Chelsea is Hope’s daughter........but not Bo’s. Steve: WHAT?! How do you know this? MCF: Because I do. Believe it. Steve: Ok. So, wait...are you saying that Hope cheated on Bo?! MCF: That’s exactly what I’m saying, Steven. Steve: Then if Bo isn’t her pops, who is? The MCF takes a step forward, looks into the room at Chelsea....... And then very slowly turns.......to look straight at Steve! The MCF then sees the shocked look on Steve’s face as it finally registers and remarks to him..... MCF: Happy Father’s Day, Steven. Congratulations........ IT’S ANOTHER GIRL!!!!!! Steve stares at Chelsea as the scene freeze-frames on his shocked face and then the episode suddenly goes black. ***SALEM LIVES IS ON HIATUS THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. WE WILL RETURN ON MONDAY JUNE 18. LOOK OUT THIS WEEKEND FOR A AMAZING PROMO FOR WHAT IS TO COME. PLUS, SUMMER PREVIEWS AND MORE!!! VENDETTA CLIPS WILL RETURN ON JUNE 19. LOOK FOR VENDETTA SCORES AND TRIVIA TO BE POSTED THIS WEEKEND AS WELL.***
-Hope is walking around the pier when she comes upon the Fancy Face III. She comments on how this is the last place she can think of as to where Bo is. After this, she has no clue. She then sees Bo come up from below deck. She notices he seems like he is going on an excursion. Hope: Running away again, Brady? Bo: How did you... Hope: Oh, come on. I know you. Besides, I checked pretty much everywhere else. You know...we had a close moment at the picnic. I thought we were headed for something again but then... Bo: Then my family fell apart. Hope: Because of secrets...a secret that seems to all about you. Bo...this has to stop. You can't just keep avoiding this. Whatever it is, just let me in. Bo: WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UNDERSTAND?! HUH?! I CAN'T!!! DAMNIT!! I want to. I just don't know if... Hope: I can handle it. I can, Bo. I... Bo: No. If I can handle you knowing. Hope: Is this that bad? Bo...I love you. You love. Please. Don't throw everything you love and care about away. Tell me what is going on. Please. Bo remains silent as Hope desperately tries to get to the truth. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip is drinking some brandy and is wondering when the MCF will call him with orders to begin the plan. He looks at the pill bottle that the MCF gave him to use on Victor and wonders if this is right. This is his father but he has also lost everything. His family doesn't give a damn and his father did nothing to help. It's about time he does what is best for him, just like everyone else. He will have Claire, Belle, and prove he is worthy of having more power and controlling the Kiriakis empire. He has no choice...he must do this. He must drug and aid in the kidnapping of his own father if he is to have what he desires. Meanwhile, on the cruise ship, Steve asks the MCF again who he kissed. The MCF asks him to remember himself. Time is running out as the drug he or she gave him only lasts so long. Steve says he can't. The MCF asks Steve to remember other times with the woman. He plays yet another song that sounds like some sort of waltz, just like the song Steve just heard. The MCF tells Steve to recall yet another time in the same room. It's very humid and there is a slight breeze that brings in the sweet scent of flowers once again. The MCF urges Steve to look around the room he is in right now. The MCF reminds Steve the room in his memories is similar to that of the room he is in on the ship. Steve looks around and, absorbing what the MCF told him and hearing the music, he slowly drifts back into a flashback. At this moment, the MCF leaves the room and walks outside the room to join Ernesto. Ernesto asks what's wrong. The MCF tells Ernesto that while Steve is focused on his memories, there is some business he or she must take care of. The drug that he or she injected into him will continue to help him remember for a bit longer so it should be fine. Just enough to keep Steve in line for as long as he or she needs. The MCF walks off as Ernesto looks in on Steve. -On the pier, Carrie is begging Austin for forgiveness as Roman, Lucas, Sami, Belle, Eric, Kate. and Victor watch unaware that someone else is watching in the distance. It's James!! James realizes that the truth about Carrie's baby is out and that the boss needs to know. He takes out his cell and calls the MCF. The MCF answers his or her cell and asks what is going on. James tells the MCF that the truth is out about Carrie's baby Evan. The MCF laughs and says that everything is happening right on time and now he or she has one less thing to make happen. The MCF thanks James for the call and tells him to report back to the ship until he is needed. James hangs up. The MCF then makes a call on his or her cell phone to Alan. Alan asks what is up and the MCF fills him in on the truth about baby Evan being out. The MCF instructs him to get to Nicole and get her and the baby to the ship ASAP. Alan says he will get over to her right now and hangs up as the MCF laughs. Meanwhile, back at the pier, Carrie is begging Austin and everyone else to understand that she was only doing what she thought was right. Austin: Yeah...but it was wrong and now the damage may never be rectified. How could this be right? My son... Lucas: Uh...he could be mine too. Austin: Right. Your son...is now with Nicole. He is bonding with her, just like he would've bonded with strangers if he had been adopted by someone else.. You isolated him from his real parents. I mean, I understand you didn't want the baby around tension and that you were afraid of Lucas and I coming to blows and causing more issues. I do get it but...you lied about the baby being dead, Carrie. You made us all grieve. How could you keep this from us for all these months? Carrie: First off, I just recently learned Evan was mine. I had been suspicious since holding him at Salem Place but I had no proof. So, the day I asked you let us babysit Evan, I snuck out with him and had a DNA test done by a nurse I knew. I received the results the night of our bachelor and bachelorette parties. That is why I began to act so upset with Nicole around with the baby. Eric: I noticed that too. I should also say that Nicole is not some innocent who took advantage of what she was given. She made this happen too, well before she was in contact with the cloaked one. She went to Victor and made a deal. He clearly helped her snag a job at Titan and pulled strings to get Evan adopted by Nicole. Victor: That's true. I usually am discreet about matters like this but Nicole aided me in making it seem like her and I were engaging in some...uh... Eric: You wanted to make someone think you were having sex? She was and still is my wife, Victor. Victor: I know. We never did anything. I had my reasons. I wanted Maggie out of my life and it was all I could think of to cut her out of it. Lucas: You hurt my aunt. You... Victor: Not now, Lucas. This is no time. Kate: Ok...back to Carrie. She wanted to tell you, Austin. I had figured it out a little while before Carrie and confronted Nicole, who had just learned from the cloaked figure herself that he or she had intercepted the baby from Alan and given him to her and Eric that night. Nicole, of course, didn't care as long as she had him. I was called by the cloaked figure. He or she threatened me and my family. They then forced me to keep Carrie quiet when she learned Evan was hers. The cloaked figure called her and warned her that he or she would come after everyone she loved. We know what this person is capable of, Austin. I mean, he or she kidnapped me just last night. Lucas: What? Kate: I'm fine and don't want to get into it. This person also has kidnapped Chelsea and Abby. He or she is manipulating all of us. Carrie had no choice. She wanted to tell you. She didn't want to marry you with that secret over her but...she had to. It's the truth, Austin. Trust me. Austin: Fine. I can see that. How about before, though? She still lied that the child was dead. Lucas: Exactly and that is what perplexes me. It's so unlike you Carrie. You put us all through hell. That child could be mine. Austin: Or mine. Carrie (In tears): I know it was horrible. I am so sorry. I know it was wrong. I know I hurt you all. Austin: You didn't trust us to handle this, Carrie. None of us. Lucas and I could've found a way to compromise or work it out. We may have yelled and screamed at times but we wouldn't kill each other. Carrie: I was emotional. I over-reacted. I'm sorry. Roman comes over to comfort Carrie, thinking this is getting to be too much. Sami agrees that they all need to step back and calm down. Austin turns away, saying he doesn't know what to say. He is so angry he is afraid he may say something he will regret. Carrie looks at him, in tears, knowing full well she may have lost the respect of the man she loves as well as the respect of many people she cares about. Meanwhile, Victor's cell rings. It's Nicole. She says she wanted to talk him about Titan. She hardly gets anything to do and the rest of the staff is giving her dirty looks. Eric hears Victor on the phone and concludes it's Nicole on the phone with him. Victor says the staff never liked her during her first go round. Nicole says she knows Victor hates her being there but reminds him they had a deal. She did her part and she reminds him she knows that their little fake show caused Maggie to get drunk and burn down her own restaurant. She warns him that she will reveal that little truth to the authorities if he doesn't cooperate and remain silent about her secrets regarding Evan. Victor tells Nicole she no longer has to worry about his silence. Nicole asks what he means. Victor says nevermind and tells Nicole he will speak to the staff and will see to it she gets more to do, even if he is against doing that. Nicole thanks him and hangs up, wondering what he meant by not having to worry about his silence. Eric then realizes that now that the truth is out, they will all be going after Nicole to get to Evan. The police and everyone coming after her could scare her off. He concludes that him going over alone and getting Evan may be better and easier. He can just say he wants to hold him and talk about his and Nicole's marital problems. Eric sneaks off. -Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip's cell phone rings. It's the MCF... MCF: It's time. Get Victor home and give him the drug. Get him into your car and bring him to the large cruise ship at the Salem Harbor. We're in port 3. Philip: Cruise ship? I'm not sure about this... MCF: Philip...if you want all that you desire and deserve you must do this. You must be willing to do what is necessary. Philip: I guess your right. Fine. I will handle it. MCF: Excellent. See you soon. Philip hangs up, hoping he is doing the right thing. -Back at the Fancy Face III, Hope continues her emotional plea to Bo. Hope: We've all been through enough. All the lies with Zack, me pushing you away, your undercover operation with the ISA, and now whatever your hiding. I know you think you are doing right by keeping this inside but your not. Your tearing yourself apart!! Look what your doing to your family. Roman, Kim... Bo: I don't care about them. Hope: Why? What did they do? Why are you so angry at them? Is it enough to cause your mother so much pain? To destroy your whole family over? Bo: I don't want to... Hope (fighting back tears): Ok. What about Kayla? Your mother? How about Shawn? He is overseas with the Marines. What would he think of you doing this? How about Chelsea? JT? Me? You claim to love us. To want to protect us and be this hero. This loving husband. God...Bo! This has to stop. I beg of you. This is your last chance. Our last chance. Tell me the truth. Please. There have been enough lies...pain...suffering these past two years...please Bo. Trust in me. Trust in our love. We took vows. For better or worse. I am here. Through it all. I signed up for this. We both did. Bo (turning away): Hope... Hope: Think about Zack!! He is looking down on us. Do you think he likes what you are doing to yourself? To all of us? Bo...this isn't just affecting you. You are hurting yourself and all of us more by keeping this all to yourself then just telling us. Bo: Hope...please. Just... Hope grabs Bo. Hope (crying): NO!! I WON'T. NOT THIS TIME!! THIS IS IT, BO. YOU TELL ME!! DO IT FOR YOUR FAMILY!! FOR OUR KIDS!! FOR ZACK!! END THE PAIN...SUFFERING...DON'T THIS TO YOURSELF OR USE ANYMORE!! PLEASE!! BO!!! PLEASE!! YOU CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! I CAN SEE IT!! WE ALL CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! PLEASE!! BO (fighting back tears): ALRIGHT!! I'LL TELL YOU!! I WILL TELL YOU!! I can't take it anymore. It's eating away at me. I'll tell you.. Hope dries her tears and anxiously awaits what Bo is about to tell her. Back at the pier, Lucas tells Sami he can't believe what he just heard. Sami says she can't either. It's horrible but she sympathizes with Carrie for what the MCF put her through. It was still wrong to lie though. Lucas agrees and wonders where all this leads them now. Belle, Kate, and Roman comfort Carrie, who stares at Austin, who has his back turned to her. A crying Carrie begs Austin to talk to her...to say something. Austin is silent. Victor walks over and tells Kate he is going to leave and that she needs to fill Roman in on her experiences with the MCF. Roman agrees, telling Kate that he will need to ask her and Carrie alot. Belle then asks where Eric is. She just happened to be looking around and he is gone. Victor says he was near him while he was on the phone and then recalls talking to Nicole. He tells everyone this and concludes that maybe Eric went after Nicole to get to her in case she makes a run for it now that the truth is out. Carrie says they need to go get Evan them. Roman tells everyone to stay put. He will have his men check things out. They can't run around if they don't know anything for sure. Roman makes some calls as Sami and Belle worry about Eric. Carrie looks at Austin, who is still silent with his back turned. She begs him to please look at her and to say something. He remains silent with a stoic look on his face. Meanwhile, at the Salem Inn, Nicole is holding Evan and trying to get him to sleep when there is a knock at the door. It's Alan, who pushes his way in. Nicole asks him what is going on. Alan: The cloaked one called me. You have to leave with me now or you will lose Evan forever. The truth is out. Everyone knows. Austin, Lucas, Roman... Nicole: Oh my God...that is what Victor meant. Maybe he told him. I don't know. I guess it was something about a DNA test Carrie had done that someone found and... Nicole: When did she have that done on... Alan: Nevermind. We have to go. You have to come with me now. Pack up some stuff and.. There is then a knock on the door. Eric: Nicole!! It's Eric. Open the door. I want to talk to you. It's about our marriage. Alan: I hate to break it to you but this is not about your marriage. Eric was there...he knows, Nicole. Nicole: We have to get out of here. Alan: Yeah but Eric is outside the door. There is no way out. We our on the 8th floor with a baby. Nicole: What are we going to do? A panicked Nicole and Alan look around for answers as Eric continues to knock on the door, yelling for Nicole to open up. -Back on the cruise ship, the MCF returns to Steve, who is still flashing back to a time during his presumed dead years. He is with the mystery woman again. Her image is still blurred and her voice distorted. Steve is lying on the bed and appears injured. Woman: They did it again. The guards...they were rough on you. Steve: I had to protect you. They were hurting you. Woman: I tried to escape. They just grabbed me hard. You shouldn't have stepped in. You truly are my knight in shining armor. Steve: Yeah...well, nothing like saving a beautiful woman in distress. Woman: You do so much for me. Your there for me...you have been since the day you arrived. Without you, I would be so lonely. It's so good to have you. Steve: Same here. It's worth me getting beat up good if it means making you smile like you are right now. Woman: Well, I don't recommend getting beat up everytime you want to make me smile. Steve: Good. Woman: You know, we don't even have memories of our pasts. We don't who we are or who each other are yet, it feels right we're together. I felt close to you since we met and I have only felt closer to you since then. Steve: Yeah and the kisses are nice. Woman: I'm sorry about that. It's just... Steve: Getting caught up in the moment. The music always playing, the scent of the flowers, it only being us here...we're all each other has. Woman: Yes. And everyone needs companionship and...comfort. The woman takes Steve's hand and then pulls back. Woman: I'm sorry. I don't know why I keep...first, the kisses. This is wrong. It's wrong for me to have kissed you and... Steve: We kissed each other. We both did. None of this is wrong. How can something so wrong...feel right? Steve then takes the woman's hand and kisses it. The woman then moves in closer to Steve, who pulls her closer. They then kiss and the passion between them intensifies. Woman: Is this ok? Can we do this? Steve: We're all each other has. We may never leave here or see anyone else again. We need each other. Right now, we need this. It feels... Woman: Right. They then kiss again passionately and begin to make love. As Steve turns the woman over on the bed, her face slowly becomes clear. Slowly the blurriness goes away and, as Steve turns the woman over once more as they continue to passionately kiss, the woman's face looks exactly like.... HOPE!! The flashbacks ends with Steve and the Hope look-alike kissing and appearing on the brink of making love. Ernesto smiles from outside as Steve turns to the MCF and says: Steve: Hope!!! Why her? What the hell? Is this a game? Is this a true memory? A dream? Tell me!! MCF: Of course, it's true Steven. It's right from your memories. It's right out of your missing years. Steve: Why? When? How far did we go? Did I make love to Hope? What does all this mean? Tell me more, damnit!! Help me remember more!! TELL ME!! Steve grabs the MCF, who pulls his hands off of him or her and walks away, looks down at Steve and laughs sadistically as Steve demands that the MCF helps him remember more or that he or she tells him more as the screen fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... TOMORROW...DON'T MISS THE THE BIGGEST EPISODE SO FAR THIS YEAR!!! Hope to Bo: Tell me everything. REVEALS YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! AND BIG MOMENTS THAT WILL HAVE EVERYONE TALKING!! Eric: Open up this door!! Marlena: Let the fun begin!! Philip: I am so sorry, dad. PLUS...THE REVEAL THAT WILL LEAVE YOU HANGING FOR TWO WEEKS... Hope: Oh my God. DON'T MISS THE LAST SALEM LIVES EPISODE FOR TWO WEEKS!!! TOMORROW...IT'S THE BIGGEST CLIFFHANGER FRIDAY EVER!!! ***NOTE: VENDETTA CLIP #22 WILL BE POSTED TOMORROW BEFORE THE BIG EPISODE IS POSTED SO THAT IT FITS IN WELL WITH STORY SEQUENCE-WISE.
-At the pier, Austin demands answers from Carrie. He knows something has been upsetting her for days now. He claims it seems like she has been hiding something since the night before their wedding at the Penthouse Grille. Sami tells Carrie that they are all family. They all love her and are there for her. It's ok. Carrie looks over at Victor and Kate. Lucas thinks Victor should leave but Kate says he can stay. He already knows, as does she. Austin, Sami, Lucas, and Roman are shocked and ask why they know and not them. Kate says it's a long story and that she just told Victor today. Eric says he knows too and Belle says the same. They just learned the truth today. Austin begs Carrie to tell him what she is hiding. They are married. They took vows and he is there for her. They promised to be honest and she needs to be right now or their marriage is nothing. Kate steps in and asks Austin to let her talk to her. She takes Carrie aside and says: Kate: You have to tell Austin and the others. We can't do this anymore. Carrie: I don't know if I can. Kate: You have to. You told Eric and Belle, right? Carrie: Yeah. Kate: Victor knows too. I had to tell him. Look, Carrie. Alan is working with the cloaked figure. Carrie: I don't buy that. He was so good to be me for months at the cabin and... Kate: Carrie, please. The police have hard evidence. I know it for a fact. I just found out he did something horrible to Will. I don't want to discuss it right now but he did. He is in league with the cloaked figure, who has also been helping Nicole keep your child. The cloaked person has Chelsea and Abby. He or she kidnapped them and I was kidnapped myself last night. Carrie: Oh my God... Kate: I'm fine but this has to stop. Carrie, you need to tell all because you and me need to tell the police everything. You need to get Evan and I need to tell what I know about the cloaked figure. You have no choice, Carrie. It's better for you to do it then have Austin and the others find out on their own in a worse way. Carrie: Fine. I guess I have no choice. Lives are at stake. Austin then comes over. Carrie turns, with tears welling in her eyes, and tells Austin she will tell him and everyone else the truth. Austin nods as Sami, Lucas, Victor, Kate, Eric, Roman, and Belle look on. -On the cruise ship, Steve is lying on a canopy bed in one of the suites on the ship. He looks around to see antiques in the room and a painting on the wall in front of him. The room reminds him of something you would see in a souther hotel or mansion. Meanwhile, Ernesto is watching him from outside when the MCF arrives. MCF (via voice changer): Have things calmed? Ernesto: Yes. He just woke up now. I did what you said. MCF: Good. Do you have the music I requested? The stuff you found out about through Stefano? Ernesto: Yes. Here it is (Hands MCF a cd). Are you sure you want to do this? MCF: I must. I still need Steve to do as I will. He had behaved well up until today but, now that he tried to escape, I will need to do something to remind him that the lives of his loved ones are at stake. I offered him the answers to his past and missing years. I offered him the chance to recover his whole memory if he obeys me. I will give him a little taste of it now and then he will be where I want him again. Ernesto: You are going to have him remember the secret, right? MCF: Yes. It will give me yet another thing to hold over his head and it will keep him in line. I must get started. There is much to do. Ernesto: Ok. I will be watching. The MCF enters Steve's room. MCF: I see you tried to escape to warn your little friends, Steve. Naughty boy. Didn't I tell you to behave? Oh well. You have behaved quite well thus far. I guess I will have to give you a little reminder about the terms of our deal. Steve: What are your plans for Lexie, Abe, and Celeste? Why are we in Salem? Why... MCF: Stop asking questions. Now...it's time for you to get a blast from the past. The MCF then sticks a syringe into Steve's leg. Steve: WHAT THE HELL?! Not that again!! MCF: It's the drug that will help you remember, Steve. But...you will only remember what I want you too. Just a little to remind you of what I can give you. Your life, memories...everything. I can give you it all back. You just have to obey me and my wishes until the mission is complete. Steve: What mission? MCF: Nevermind. Now...Steve. It's time to remind you of the past. To remind you of a time...long ago. -On another part of the ship, Forrest and Abby are asleep in their room. Chelsea is watching them and can't help but notice Forrest tossing and turning and mumbling something. She gets up close to hear what it is. Forrest: NO!! I WILL GET...I WILL MAKE YOU PAY! NO! Chelsea wonders what he could be dreaming about and who he wants to make pay. She wakes Abby up, who yells at Chelsea for waking her. She couldn't sleep last night and is tired. Besides, there is nothing else to do. Chelsea tells her what Forrest has said in his sleep and warns that she still thinks he is dangerous. Abby: We know he has some secrets, Chelsea. He doesn't want to get into them or his life. He clearly has undergone some pain and torment. I wish you would let this go. You are like a dog with a bone. You never know when to let go. Chelsea: Maybe but I am worried, Abby. You and Forrest have this bond and I have a bad feeling about this guy. He clearly has issues. Abby: And you don't? Chelsea: Ha ha. Look, I am just looking... Abby: Out for me? I know. I appreciate it but Forrest has been harmless since we have been locked up with him here. Give him a break and lay off a bit. Your lucky you haven't offended him by now. Chelsea: I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you. Abby: I'm fine. Now, I am going back to sleep. Don't worry. Abby lays back down as Chelsea continues to watch Forrest sleep and says: Chelsea: Sorry, Abby. Something is not right with him. I just know it and I won't just stand by and let him manipulate or hurt you. Who knows who he really is and what he is capable of. -Back in Salem, Stefano is on the phone at the Dimera Mansion when Cassie enters the living room. Stefano hangs up the phone and tells her he has good news and bad news. One of his men just learned that that Alexandra, Abe, and Celeste were spotted in Milan, Italy at one of his lairs. Apparently, they had been searching Dimera's lairs of his all over Europe. Cassie asks why Abe and Celeste are there. Stefano says he isn't sure but the bad news is that the men Alexandra brought with her were found bound and gagged. Alexandra, Abe, and Celeste were kidnapped and loaded on to some cruise ship and taken away. Cassie is shocked. Stefano bets it was the MCF. Stefano threatens that he will kill that person, whomever they are, when he gets his hand on him or her. Cassie asks him if there is any sign of the ship. Stefano says he has his people on it. He thinks it's weird that a cruise ship is being used. The phone in the living room rings. Stefano answers and seems happy about something being told to him on the phone. He hangs it up and tells Cassie he has great news. The ship has been spotted...in Salem. Alexandra is in Salem!! Cassie says they must get to the ship and get to her. Stefano agrees. Cassie thinks they should bring men but Stefano disagrees. They may cause whoever is behind this to take off. He tries to get her to stay back but she insists they are a team. He knows better then to argue so he tells her to follow his lead. They will do this on their own and, maybe, take this damn MCF down in the process...finally. Stefano pulls out a gun and says that the MCF shot him, took his daughter, and may have Tony. The MCF will pay for crossing him. He or she will pay dearly. -Meanwhile, back on the cruise ship, Celeste is sleeping as Lexie and Abe watch her. Abe comments on how Lexie has been rather quiet for awhile now. Lexie says she is sick of fighting with him. She can't beleive he and her mother followed her on some insane quest to bring the Dimera's down and save her. Abe says they were just trying to protect her. Lexie rolls her eyes and reminds Abe that now, if they die, Theo has no one. He is with neighbors right now. Her father is still in a coma as far as she knows and there is no one to care for him. Abe says they will escape. They already are in Salem. Lexie says there is still the matter of who is doing this and what they have planned. Celeste is tossing and turning while having nightmarish visions. She is having visions of a ship and blurred images on people on it. There is then a loud explosion and fire, followed by a rush of water and screams of agony. Celeste begins to cry out in her sleep. Lexie and Abe race over to her. Celeste then has another vision of two people on the ship. They are blurred so she can't make out their faces but the faces soon become unblurred after a shirt while. The two people kiss. The faces then slowly become clear and reveal the two kissing people as...ABE AND CELESTE!!! Celeste wakes up, stunned. Lexie asks if she is ok. Celeste lies, not wanting to upset Abe and Lexie, and says she is fine. She just had a nightmare. It's just the same visions as before. Lexie tells her to just calm down and then goes back to Abe as Celeste tells herself: Celeste: Abraham...why? I know we have gotten closer the past few months but...dear God. That would hurt Alexandra. It would destroy her, even if she is mad at us right now. It's sick. I must stop it from happening. I must not be like that with my son in law. I must. The scene then shifts to another part of the ship...Tony and Anna's cell. Both are quiet. Tony asks Anna why she isn't speaking to him still. He thought they cleared the air. Anna says she has nothing to say. They have been locked up together for so long. She just wants to learn what is going and get out of here. Tony asks if it's because of what he said the other day. Anna tells Tony to stop with the questions or, if and when they escape, she will never see or speak to him again. Tony begs her not to be so rash. It's just so boring to sit and not say a word to each other. Anna apologizes but says it's frustrating. She just wants to get out of the cell they are in. They have been locked up for months. Tony walks over and comforts her. He embraces her and says it will be ok. They will escape. Someone will find them or he will find a way. He promises not to let her suffer or be unhappy. He then kisses her head as Anna looks up at him, lovingly, and tears begin to well up in her eyes. The scene then shifts to Steve, who is still with the MCF in the suite. The MCF puts on a CD. Steve asks what that is. The MCF says it is something that will spark his memory. The music sounds like that of a waltz. Steve is confused. Steve: You know...I may not remember anything but, from what I know and based on how I feel, I don't like this crap. MCF: Just listen, Steven. Listen to it and look at this shuite. The antiques, the painting, the canopy bed you are laying on...it must reminds you of something? A place you were in a long time ago...during those infamous missing years after you "died." Steve looks around the suite room while listening to the music and the scene slowly fades into a flashback. It's a blurred flashback of two people. One is a man, who is revealed to be Steve, and the other a woman. The women is dressed in white but her face can't be made out nor can the rest of her looks. It appears they are dancing. The women speaks with a distorted voice and her words can't me made out at first but, now, they can be: Woman: There is just something so relaxing about this music, isn't there? Steve: I'm not too crazy about. Don't know why. I heard some harmonica earlier. Strangely, I liked that. Must be something connected to something that I like that I don't remember. Woman: How are you feeling? I know the guards were rough on you again. Steve: I'm fine. I had you to help nurse me back to health. Woman: Well, I had to. I need you. Your all I have. I may not know your name and you may not know it but that doesn't matter. You are important to me and I can tell you are a good man, even if you don't recall who you are. We're just two lost souls, brought together in captivity. Steve: I guess so. Woman: We need someone...to confide in. To comfort us. We are that for each other. There is no one else here for us but us. I am so glad to have you here. It was so lonely until you came. Steve: Well, I can understand that. I am glad to have you too, gorgeous. Woman: Oh, please. I'm far from gorgeous. Steve: You've been through alot. You came through it and that's great. And...you are gorgeous. Woman: Thanks. Wow...(looks out the window as they dance) what a gorgeous night. Since we are on the subject of gorgeous. They both laugh. Woman: It's beautiful out there. You can smell the flowers outside as the breeze brings that sweet smell in here. The music playing...it just makes it...feel nice. It's truly a night of beauty. Too bad we can't be free to have nights like this. Instead, we are behind held against our will and... Steve: Hey, just enjoy the night and dance. Don't think about all the other junk. Ok? Woman: Yes. Your right. You always know how to make me feel better. Steve: It's a gift (smiles). They continue to dance as they get closer and closer. After a short while, they then stop. They appear to be looking into each other's eyes, smelling the sweet scene of the flowers an feeling the nice evening breeze. The music is affecting their emotions and so is their feelings of loneliness and being lost and not knowing who they are. The two seem to be staring longingly into each other's eyes. They then move in closer and closer until they...KISS!! Steve then pulls out of the flashback and says to the MCF: Steve: Who is she?! You tell me, damnit!! I kissed her!! I need to know when and why and...damnit...who?! The MCF turns to look at Ernesto, who is watching from outside the suite and smiling, and then turns back to Steve and remaind silent. -Back in Salem at the pier, Carrie prepares to tell Austin the truth. Austin tells her to go ahead. Carrie: Ok...it all started after Alan rescued me from the island last summer. When he took me back to the cabin, I thought about everything. The paternity issue with you and Lucas and how it would affect the baby and our families. I asked Alan for advice and I just want to say that while he agreed with my decision, he did not come up with this idea. Austin: I don't like where this is going. Carrie: You all already know why I stayed in hiding and had Shane help cover for me while I was in hiding and so on. What you all don't know is the decision I made while in hiding...the action I went through with the night I gave birth. I was just doing what was right. I didn't want the baby to grow up with tension around him and people fighting. I didn't want you and Lucas to be at odds, Austin. I didn't want your mom and Philip, Billie...I didn't want people talking sides. Look...I was wrong. I should've trusted that you all could handle it, especially you and Lucas. But I didn't at the time. I regret what I did now, more then ever. I regretted what I did right after I did it. Austin: What did you do? Carrie: Austin...(looks at Kate, who nods. Eric and Belle give her a nod too) I...this is so hard...please forgive me...my baby...what could be our baby or my baby with Lucas...my baby is still alive!! Roman, Sami, Lucas, and Austin are stunned as Eric, Belle, Victor, and Kate watch. Lucas: The child you told all of us is dead...the one you may have conceived with me...he is still alive?! Sami: Carrie...how could out put all of us...your family through this? Austin and Lucas...one of them is the father and you put them through hell. Carrie: Your not one to judge, Sami. Oh, wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean... Sami: It's fine. Your right. I never did lie about something like this though. Not about a baby dying. Carrie: Your right. It's horrible butI just thought I was doing what was best, like I said. I was wrong and I regret it. I should've trusted Austin and Lucas, as well as everyone else. I should've trusted they could handle it. Carrie looks at Austin, who has his back turned to her. Carrie (fighting back tears): Please. Talk to me. Austin: I can't beleive you would ever do this. Carrie...damn! Roman steps in. Roman: Carrie...if the baby is alive...where is he? Carrie: I gave him to Alan, who took him away. The plan was to take him to a hospital and drop him off so he would be adopted at some point and find a home but...something went wrong. The cloaked person interfered I guess... Kate: With Alan's help... Carrie: I still don't beleive that. Kate: It's true. Alan gave the baby to the cloaked figure. He or she then took the child to Green Mountain Lodge and hid it in the bushes, knowing full well a certain couple would find it. He or she wanted to cause trouble for the Brady girls I guess. Roman: Wait, the lodge? Nicole and Eric found Evan that night at the lodge. Sami: The same night Carrie gave birth. The lodge was only 30 miles from the cabin. Austin: Eric and I talked about it and how coincidental it all was. Damnit...it was all in front of me. You getting upset with Nicole and Evan around lately. You claiming Evan was yours at Salem Place while holding him. Everything. It's Evan, isn't it? Evan is... Carrie (crying): My child. Evan is my son. Roman, Sami, and Lucas are stunned as Victor, Kate, Eric, and Belle look on. Austin looks at Carrie in disbelief and then turns away from her as she touches his shoulder. Carrie: Austin, please. Forgive me. All of you. Please... A clearly angry Austin turns back towards a crying Carrie as they look at each other...face to face as the screen fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MCF to Philip: It's time. Hope to Bo: I beg of you. This is your last chance. Our last chance. Tell me the truth. Please. Steve to MCF: Tell me who this woman is. Now!! Carrie to Austin: I just did what I thought was right. Austin to Carrie: Well, it was wrong. Now...lives are screwed up and the damage may never be rectified. Alan to Nicole: You have to leave with me now or you will lose Evan forever.
Just as a brief refresher on Julie/Maggie... Maggie and Victor began to develop feelings late last year. Maggie started involving herself in Victor's mob business and shady dealings. Victor grew frustrated. Circumstances led to him faking his death in January. He came back to Maggie to show her he was alive but that he was leaving her. He didn't want to put her in danger or to have her get hurt. He left town. Maggie kept the secret that he was presumed dead. She turned back to the bottle and had another relapse. One night, she spilled to Julie that Victor was alive while in a drunken state. Julie saw what Victor's absence did to Maggie so she confronted Nico and got the truth out of him about Victor. She tracked Victor down and convinced him to come home to either reunite with Maggie or cut her from his life completely as he left her in limbo. Victor obliged. The trouble is Doug had already been upset with Julie for pushing the Victor/Maggie relationship and siding with Victor alot due to her past with Victor. He warned her not to get involved or there would be problems. Julie lied to Doug about where she went. Victor returned and set up a deal with Nicole...she helps him and he gives her a job at Titan and helps her adopt Evan. Nicole's part of the deal was she had to help Victor make it appear like they slept together. They did just that and Julie and Maggie walked into the trap and saw it. Maggie was so hurt she got drunk and set fire to Chex Rouge in a fit of rage. Doug tried to rescue her and ended up getting injured and was in a coma for months. Many other Salemites were in danger trying to rescue Doug and Maggie fron the fire. In the aftermath, Julie and Victor teamed up to help cover up Maggie's involvement in the fire. Julie knew it would hurt the family name and that Maggie would be in big trouble. They covered up her drinking and pinned the crime on Marlena, who was in the psych ward and was associated with the MCF so she was an easy target. Maggie didn't like doing that but her and Julie have been lying ever since and it's worse now with Doug awake. Maggie is still angry with Victor too. Hope that helps.
Not really. I have thrown out a few subtle hints. We are going on a hiatus. Friday is our last episode until June 18 so that will be a major cliffhanger show. I recomment reading that one and keeping an eye out on the weekend. Alot more will be known then for sure
No problem, Tishy. We always try to add humor where possible. There is some moments of humor and comedy coming up but we will take your words into consideration
-Cal and Katherine are at their hotel suite at the Salem Inn, Cal is still confused about why he saw Ernesto Toscano's face in his memories. Katherine tells him that it will all come back to him eventually. Cal says that is exactly it. He doesn't understand and doesn't know what all this together means. He has remembered so much but there is still so much missing that it prevents him from fully understanding it all. Katherine promises him it will become clear. He already has made so much progress and they only had one session. Cal says he doesn't know what he would do without his beautiful wife by his side. They kiss. She tells him not to be afraid of what he will remember or what is to come. They will work through it together, no matter what it is. They are married now. Partners for life. That won't change. Cal pledges his love to her and she does the same. They kiss and then make love. -At the Horton house, Alice is making doughnuts with Maggie and tells her how nice it is that they are spending time together. So much has happened and it's been forever since they enjoyed such a simple evening together where they can just talk and enjoy each other. Maggie agrees. Alice notices she seems rather nervous and asks what is wrong. Maggie says she is fine but Alice tells her she knows she isn't. Something has been upsetting her lately. It seems to have started ever since the fire. Alice reminds Maggie she is there for her and that she does not judge. She can tell her anything. Maggie is silent, not knowing what to say. Meanwhile, in the living room, Doug and Julie have returned from seeing a movie. Doug asks her if she is ok. She seemed rather distracted during the movie. Julie says she's fine. She is just feeling a bit under the weather today. Doug asks if she has been feeling that way for awhile now. Julie says no and asks why he would think that. Doug says that something hasn't been quite right with her since he woke up from his coma. He asks her if she is keeping something from him. Julie is caught off guard and is speechless. -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack is with Billie, Max and Nico, monitoring the surveilance cameras set up all over Salem. They are soon joined by Frankie and Greta, who ask if there are any updates. Billie shakes her head no and says it's getting hopeless. The MCF hasn't been seen since the wedding when she chased after him or her. Jack asks her again if she is sure Kate didn't see or hear anything else. Billie hits Jack, reminding him she doesn't want everyone knowing that. Her mother didn't everyone knowing that. Frankie, Greta, Max and Nico are confused so Billie fills them in on her mother being taken hostage by the MCF the night she went after the MCF. She assures them both she is fine but that she doesn't want anyone knowing about it out of fear that the MCF may target her or their family again. Greta and Frankie understand. They tell Billie not to lose hope. Jack agrees, telling Billie they will get the MCF and find their daughters. Billie says she knows they will. She just needed to hear someone say it to give her strength. She thanks Jack for always being there for her. She doesn't know what she would do without him. Jack says he feels the same way. They embrace. Billie sees Greta whispering to her. Billie reads her lips, which seem to say, "Tell him...tell him how you feel." Billie shakes her head and seems to whisper softly back, "It's not the right time." Jack sees Frankie whispering to him to also admit to Billie how he feels. Jack shakes his head and softly whispers, "Not yet." Frankie and Greta both look on, frustrated, as Jack and Billie embrace. Nico also watches, wondering what is going on with Jack and Billie and what the hell Frankie and Greta are doing and whispering. He laughs and shakes his head in disgust, saying "Love. The way people act and the things they do." Max tells him it's all worth it. He then says that they need to find Abby and Chelsea. if he loses Abby, he doesn't know what he will do. Nico smiles and says, "Hit by the love bug too, eh?" Max says to Nico it's a great feeling and he plans to tell Abby how he feels when they find her. Nico tells Max "Good for you" and gets back to watching the monitors. -At Sami and Lucas's apartment, Sami is on the couch in Lucas's arms. Will is in his room and Sami asks Lucas how they are going to get to the bottom of what is wrong with him. How can they find out if Alan did something to him? Alan is MIA and no one else will now. Will won't talk to them either. Lucas says they will find a way. There is then a knock at the door. It's Austin, who says he needs their help. Carrie just up and left and he has no idea where she is. He checked a few places already and no luck. Sami asks why they aren't in Aruba and Austin explains how the weather was bad and they got moved to a morning flight tomarrow. Roman then arrives, telling Austin he got his call to meet him there. He asks what is up. Austin repeats what he told Sami and Lucas and says he needs their help. Roman says he has it but asks Austin if he is sure he isn't overeacting. Austin mentions how Carrie has seemed off lately. even at their wedding. He knows something isn't quite right with her and now she just left without telling him. There was no possible place for her to go to. No one knew they were still in town except Belle, who they told because Carrie had left her cell at the penthouse so they needed to tell Belle to turn it off. There was nothing going on so there is no reason for her to leave him. Roman tells Austin ok. They can do this as a precautionary measure based on everything Carrie has been through and based on the fact that the MCF is on the loose. He suggests they split up. He tells Sami and Lucas to go off in the east side of Salem to search together. He will go North and Austin can go west. He will send some men out to help them and to search the south side. They all agree and head out to search. -On the pier, Victor arrives as Kate races over to him and embraces him, saying she is so glad he came so quickly. Victor: Why are you hugging me? We haven't hugged in... Kate: Years. Sorry. I am just so upset and...forget it happened. Look...something horrible has happened. It happened months ago and...you are the only person I can turn to. I am in deep trouble. As our many others. Your the only one who I could think of to help. You have the power and influence. Victor...I need you. I need your help. Victor: Ok. Calm down. Just tell me what happened. The cloaked figure. I got dragged into his or her plans, as did Carrie. God help me, Victor. I would've never stayed quiet this long and...God. I would've did something if I had known before that one of the cloaked person's lackey's...that one of them hurt Will. Victor: Wait, I'm not following. One of the lackeys? Kate: It was Alan, Victor. He molested Will. That is what I found out tonight. Victor is stunned. Meanwhile, on another end of the pier, Carrie is racing to get to Marlena's. She hates that she had to walk but she doesn't her car at the Salem Inn so she had no choice. She needs to get there and get to the lab results before someone finds them. She them bumps right into Eric and Belle, who tell her she's too late. Eric: We were just on our way to you. I am so glad Belle knew you were still in town. I am glad you are. Maybe you can help us out with this (shows her the lab results). Carrie: I... Eric: Want to tell us the truth, Carrie? You can't lie about this. These are legit. Plus, the fact that you were so insistent on getting to them before someone found them...you just proved they are true right there. Just admit it. Carrie (fighting back tears): I don't know what those are but... Belle: Carrie, we're family. It's ok. Just tell us. Explain... Carrie (crying): FINE!!! IT'S TRUE!! OK? EVAN IS MY SON!!! I GAVE UP MY CHILD AND I REGRET IT OK!! Now I can't get him back or tell anyone because of this damned cloaked person and...God, are you happy now? If that cloaked person learns you two know, we all may be in danger. Eric and Belle look each other, both stunned and worried. -Back at the Horton house, Maggie assures Alice she is fine. She just has alot on her mind and doesn't know where to go with her life. She lost Mickey, Victor, and her restaurant. Alice tells her to just listen to her heart. It will give her the answers she needs. Maggie embraces her, telling Alice she always knows just the right thing to say. Meanwhile, Julie tells Doug for the last time that she has no secrets. They have been through so much over they years. She wouldn't lie to him. They have a marriage based on complete trust and honesty. Doug says he is pleased to hear that and gives her a kiss. Julie insists she just doesn't feel right today and it's been a rough year for her family and it's taken it's toll. Doug says he understands. Time will heal all wounds and things will be better for everyone someday soon. He is sure of it. They kiss again as Julie tells him she loves his optimism. Doug smiles and says he is going to tell Alice they are back. Julie nods. Maggie comes out of the kitchen. She says she didn't even hear him and Julie come in. Doug says they were just being sneaky. Julie laughs. Doug embraces Maggie and says it's good to see her and that he will be right out to talk. Doug goes into the kitchen. Once he leaves, Julie lets out a sigh of relief, saying it's getting harder and harder to lie to him with his constant questions about her behavior. He just knows her too well. Maggie beings to panic, saying Alice questioned her behavior too. They know. Doug and Alice know. Maggie says they should just admit everything and be done with it. Julie tells her not panic. No one can find out or the Horton family will have it's name dragged through mud and they will both go to jail. Doug's heart will be broken. It will be a mess. She hates lying too but they have to. For their sake and the family's. Maggie reluctantly agrees, saying it looks like they will just have to live with the guilt they are feeling. Julie says it looks like it -Back at the pier, Kate has finished telling Victor all about how she learned the truth about Nicole's adopted son, Evan, and how the MCF forced her into keeping the truth and making Carrie keep the truth. She also tells her about the MCF taking her hoatage the other night and all about the night Will was molested, the same night Carrie gave birth and gave up the child. Victor is stunned by it all. He chastices Kate for not coming forward but Kate says her family was at stake. She couldn't but now she has to. Chelsea has been kidnapped and the rest of her family has been screwed with by this person. Victor fills Kate in on how he has been helping Billie, Jack, and the rest of those involved in their secret operation to bring down the MCF. Kate thinks they need to tell the police and all the proper authorities. They all can't do this alone. Everyone affected by this monster has to unite together, along with the authorities, to stop all this terror they are going through. Victor says they need to get to the police station now but Kate tells Victor they can't. If the truth gets out before Carrie has a chance to tell Austin, it may ruin their marriage. Victor says that is a risk they may have to take. Bringing the MCF to justice is more important. Victor tells Kate they better go to the station since a call could be traced. Kate reluctantly agrees and they take off. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pier, Carrie has just finished telling Eric and Belle everything. She assures them she was just doing what was right for her baby and everyone else. She knows it was wrong now. Belle says she understands but she should've trusted in Austin and Lucas more to deal with the paternity issue. Carrie says she knows now. She hates what this has done. Belle pulls out a tissue and tells Carrie to dry her tears. Sami and Lucas then walk up and see Carrie with Belle and Eric. Lucas calls Roman and tells him they found her and to tell Austin that they did. Sami and Lucas walk over to Carrie, Eric, and Belle. They are stunned to see them. Sami sees that Carrie is crying and asks what is wrong. Kate and Victor then arrive while on their way to the police station. Victor asks what is going on. Kate sees Carrie's face and the lab results in Eric's hand and realizes what is going on. Carrie looks at Kate. Just then, Roman arrives and embraces Carrie. He asks if she is ok. She says she is fine. He sees that she has been crying and says she doesn't look fine. Roman: Honey, come on. What is wrong? Austin: That is what I would like to know. Carrie is stunned to see Austin. Austin: Why did you run off, Carrie? What is going on? Give me the truth this time. Please...I'm your husband. Tell me what is bothering you. Eric, Belle, Sami, Lucas, Roman, Kate, and Victor watch as Austin waits for answers and a horrified Carrie looks at Austin, wondering what she is going to do as the screen fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Lexie to Celeste: Mom...what is wrong? Abby to Chelsea: What is your problem? Chelsea to Abby: I heard him, Abby. There is more to Forrest then meets the eye. Anna to Tony: Stop with the questions or, if and when we do get out of here, I will never see or speak to you again. MCF to Steve: It's time for you to get a blast from the past. Austin to Carrie: I want the truth. Right here, right now.
On the cruise ship, Ernesto walks around to check on all the prisoners. He walks by Tony and Anna's cell and sees Anna lying down and Tony sitting in a corner. Ernesto notices that things still seem tense between them. This thought causes him to smile. He moves on and walks by Lexie,Abe, and Celeste's cell. He can see that Celeste is rather upset. Ernesto: She must being having her little vibrations. Ernesto laughs and then sees Abe and Lexie roaming aimlessly around the cell, desperate to find a way out. He smiles and moves on. He opens a door and goes up some stairs. He makes his way up about two floors and then walks down another hallway. He is now in what seems like the first class passanger area. He walks by one room and observes Forrest, Abby, and Chelsea. He can see Forrest and Abby talking and notices how upset Chelsea is watching them. Ernesto: Wonder what that is about. No matter. No need to concern myself with such trivial issues. Ernesto prepares to move on but then hears some faint screams coming from nearby. Ernesto: What the hell?! That sounds like Johnson... Ernesto races down the hallway and down the stairs, following the faint cries. Ernesto goes down a floor and gets down the hallway and then stops and watches from a distance. He sees several of his guards holding Steve back. They have him bound and gagged now. Steve tries to break free and ends up falling and hitting his head, knocking himself unconscious. Now that Steve is unconscious, Ernesto reveals himself. Ernesto: What happened? Guard: We entered Johnson's room because he had been awful quiet for awhile. It appears it was nothing more then a trap. He knew we would come in after awhile and we did. He ambushed us and tried to make a break for it. We stopped him but had to restrain him with ropes and shut his mouth with this duct tape. He kept saying he had to warn his friends in Salem, including his wife. Ernesto: Hmm...I had a feeling he would rebel eventually. He behaved the whole way to Salem. He still does not know I'm on board, does he? Guard: No. Ernesto: Good. Put him back in his room and keep an eye on him. Both Guards: Yes sir. Ernesto walks off a short distance and then pulls put his cell phone to make a phone call. He dials a number and waits. Ernesto: Yes. It's me. MCF (via voice changer): Is there a problem? Ernesto: Johnson just tried to escape to warn his wife and friends. Even with his memory issues, the guy is a pain in the ass. MCF: I am surprised it took him this long to try something. He was rather subdued for quite a while. He listened to instructions well. Well, I guess it's time to remind him of the terms of our agreement. I still have much more to do with him. I need to keep him in line a little longer. I guess it's time to pull out the trump card. Ernesto: You mean... MCF: Yes. It's time we give Steve a little taste of the missing years he doesn't remember. I will be there soon. Look out for me. Ernesto: Fine. MCF: Have your men bring Steve up to one of the first class rooms. Actually...have him brought up to the southern comfort themed room. You know what I mean? Ernesto: Yes. I will have the men do it now. MCF: Excellent. See you soon. Ernesto and the MCF hang up. MCF: Get ready for a blast from the past, Steve. This is just the beginning of the fun that is yet to come. Tonight...it will be one hell of party!! The MCF laughs as he or she walks down an alley on the west side of Salem and the scene slowly fades to black and then into...
She's not possessed but she does come off like she is. She has multiple personalities. At one point, she had 3 other personalities in addition to the normal Marlena personality but the "Samantha" personality (which is the evil, vengeful, heartless personality) has become dominant and has taken over. More about this will be explained in the weeks ahead as far as why Marlena ended up like this. It all started due to all the brainwashing she dealt with last spring when I started the blog. After she returned from being presumed dead, she seemed ok but it soon became apparent she has gotten worse and here we are. Oh, and Tishy, she was about to shoot but the MCF grabbed her and knocked the gun loose. As for the MCF, it's coming.
-At the Brady Pub, Kayla comes out of the kitchen and tells Caroline she put all the leftover food away from the picnic. Caroline is silent. Kayla asks if she is still mad at her for what happened at the picnic. Caroline says of course she is. She is mad at the whole family for their antics. A day of family bonding that she hoped would at least lead to them all getting along turned into WWIII. Kayla apologizes but reminds Caroline she warned her that all the tension in the family could lead to something like that. Hope arrives and asks if everything has calmed down. Caroline says at the moment it has but the family isn't together so that is why. Hope apologizes to Caroline about what happened. Caroline tells Hope it's not her fault. Kayla agrees, saying it's on her and the rest of the family. They ruined it. Kayla admits, however, that she isn't sure if the family can ever be happy and together again. Hope asks why that is and demands once again to know what is going on. Meanwhile, outside the Pub, Kim is watching Kayla,Hope, and Caroline talk. Tears stream down her face as Shane comes up from behind and embraces her. Kim tells Shane it's no use. Her family will her forever and that will never change. Shane assures her it will be alright but Kim says he's wrong. It will never be alright again for her...or her family. -At the University Hospital psych ward, Roman walks down the hallway to Marlena's padded cell with Dr. Barbara Harris. Barbara tells Roman that the Samantha personality has completely taken over Marlena and that she isn't optimistic that they will be able to bring back the real Marlena. Roman's mood turns somber, as he says that he wasn't getting his hopes up but it still hurts. He was prepared though. He just needs to be strong for the kids. He just hates that she is missing so much and will miss so much going forward. She is still there with them but not really and it's hard. Barbara tells Roman that if he and the family need any counseling or help, she is there for them. He thanks her. They arrive at Marlena's padded cell. She is sitting in a dark corner. Barbara tells Roman she will give him a few minutes alone and to call if he needs anything. She leaves. Roman: Marlena? Doc... Marlena is silent. Roman calls for her again and still nothing. Roman: Talk to me. Please!! Marlena finally turns to look at Roman. She slowly gets up to her feet, walks over to the door, and says coldly: Marlena: I hate you!! And...I AM NOT MARLENA!!! THE BITCH IS DEAD!!! DO YOU HERE ME?! DEAD!! Roman jumps back in shock and is stunned by the evil he sees in the eyes of the woman he loves. -At the pier, Kate continues to hold the MCF and Alan at gunpoint, demanding answers. Alan denies doing anything to Will as the MCF turns towards him and says: MCF (via voice changer): Tell her, Alan. I want you to. Remember...the plan. Alan: But...what if... MCF: Nevermind. It's ok. It will help get things together. It has to come out sometime for everything to go as planned. Just do it. Kate: What the hell are you two talking about? MCF: Nevermind. Go ahead, Alan. Share with Kate what you did to Will...that infamous night. The night that Carrie gave birth and the night that Will learned who you really were after months of him thinking of you as some older friend that would save him from the principal when needed and so on. Alan: You going to save anything for me to tell? MCF: Sure. Go ahead. Alan: That night...Will had found out who I really was. It was shortly after he learned that his mother had been raped by me. Kate: Ok, so wait. You were using him. Weren't you? You were befriending him in secret for months. You helped him out to gain his trust so he would provide you with information. He would be like your bridge to Sami and Carrie. Alan: Right. Now...I was forced to kidnap him that night. Carrie was in labor and I couldn't have him blow everything for me. He needed to be scared into silence. I knew that. I knew he needed to fear me and what I would do if he opened his damn mouth so...I took action. Perhaps it was extreme (laughs) but I thought it was appropriate. After all, I had committed a similar act with his mother...only this time a young boy was involved. A little weird but not after all I have been through. Kate: Similar act...Sami. Oh My God. No... Alan: Smart woman. Have it figured out, don't you? Kate (fighting back tears): Please. Don't tell me...you didn't? God...please. You didn't...molest Will, did you? Alan smiles and nods. Kate: YOU BASTARD!! Alan sees Kate raising the gun up and makes a run for it. The MCF calls out to him but he takes off. Kate is about to shoot but the MCF grabs her, knocking the gun to the ground, and tells her to calm herself. Kate: Calm myself!! My grandson was molested by a man who I am helping to cover for because of you!! That's it!! We're through. I am telling everyone everything I know about you and your little operation. MCF: I wouldn't do that...if you want to live to see your beloved Will graduate. -At the Salem Inn, Austin has fallen asleep in the tub. Carrie is out of the tub and is doing her nails so she can be all pretty for Aruba with Austin tomarrow. She finishes doing them and then goes to put the nail polish back in her bag. She then puts the bag in her dresser drawer. She thinks about the secrets she is keeping and can't help but feel guilty. She hates doing this but has no choice. While in the drawer, she is reminded of the DNA lab results that confirmed Evan was her son. It comes to her in that moment that she hasn't seen them. She searches the room and can't find them. She wonders where they are. Meanwhile, at the Penthouse, Belle is still reading over those very lab results and is stunned by what they saw. She wonders how Nicole's adopted baby son, Evan, could be Carrie's. Eric is still downstairs, calling out to Belle. Belle finally comes out of her state of shock and hears Eric's knocking. Eric has gotten the doorman from downstairs to let him in since he was concerned with Belle not answering. The doorman is happy to oblige since he knows Eric after all these years. Eric enters as the doorman leaves. Eric calls out to Belle and searches downstairs. He then heads upstaits. Belle realizes Eric is in the house and decides she should hide the lab results as it's Carrie's business and it wouldn't be right for her to show anyone or tell anyone. Belle tries to hide it but Eric comes in the guest room just as she is trying to stuff the results under the bed. He asks Belle what she is doing. Belle says she is looking for something but Eric notices the envelope and papers in her hand and asks why she is looking for something with all that junk in her hand. Belle insists it isn't junk. Eric then asks what she has there then. Belle doesn't know what to say. -Back outside the Brady Pub, Shane tries to assure Kim to have hope. Her family does love her. There is just alot of pain and suffering right now and they all need time. He tells her that her mother and her are ok. Kim says she knows her mother is upset with her too but isn't saying anything for the family's sake and because she is her mom. It's hopeless. She and Roman screwed up and now she has to live with it. Shane hugs her, saying he is there for her. Kim thanks him and says they can be there for each other while they are both shunned by her family and Salem. Inside the Pub, Caroline reminds Hope once again it isn't her place to say anything. Kayla reiterates that. Hope says this must stop. The Brady family is falling apart and it seems this secret Bo has that everyone seems to be keeping is at the center of it. She is going to find out what it is...once and for all. The madness must end and the only way to do that seems to be through Bo. She is going after him and is going to get the truth from him. No matter what. Tonight!! Hope grabs her purse and takes off. Kayla wishes her luck as Bo is so stubborn she will need it. Kayla apologizes to Caroline again and says with everything going on with Steve's disappearance and all she is stressed out enough without family issues making it worse. Caroline says she doesn't want to discuss the picnic and family problems anymore. She is tired and going to lay down upstairs. She tells Kayla to have faith that Steve will come back to her. Even with no memory, he knows he is connected to her and Salem. He will come back to her. Either that or Roman and the SPD will find him. Kayla doubts that but thanks Caroline for her support. They embrace as Caroline goes upstairs. While alone, Kayla says she has waited long enough. She is giving Roman and the authorities only 24 more hours and then she is taking matters into her own hands to find Steve. He needs her. She can feel it and she won't wait no longer. -Back at the pier, Kate tell the MCF to let go of her. MCF: You tell anyone anything...so help me. You know what I will do. You know what I am capable of. Kate: I am sick of you torturing me and my family. Torturing this whole town. It ends now. I'm not afraid of... The MCF pulls out a knife and puts it near her throat. MCF: You won't get the chance to say anything, Katie. Kate: Ok. Fine. I will stay quiet. MCF: You better. The MCF lets her go. MCF: If you do anything to defy me, you and your family will face my wrath. Understood? Kate: Yes. MCF: Good. I must go. Business to tend to. I am watching...like always. Good day. The MCF leaves as Kate says she has to do something...even if it means she dies trying. It's the only way to really protect the people she loves. This must end...today!! -Back at the Salem Inn, Carrie searches desperately for the lab results but has no luck. She thinks of where she may have left it and remembers having it in the guest room at Marlena's penthouse the night before and the day of her wedding since she brought it with her from the Penthouse Grille where she recieved it. She realizes that is the last place she remembers having it so it must be there. She quickly gets dressed and leaves, slamming the door behind her. Outside the room, she regrets slamming it, hoping Austin didn't wake up. Back inside the room, Austin has woke up. He puts a robe on and wonders where Carrie is. -Back at the Penthouse, Belle tells Eric it's just a bunch of old junk that mom kept. She gets up off the floor. Eric looks at her and asks if she is ok. Belle says she is fine. Eric notices she seems jumpy. Belle says she is just a little wired today. She then hears Claire being to cry, which scares her, making her drop the envelope and papers. Belle says she will get it but Eric offers to help anyway. He picks up one paper and is stunned by what he reads. Belle tries to grab the papers but Eric won't let her. He takes two pages out of Belle's hand. He asks her where she got them from. Belle explains she found them between the bed and nightstand. Eric remembers Carrie stayed in the room. He is stunned and asks Belle why she was hiding the papers. Belle says she just found them right before he came in and didn't think it was her place to show them or talk about them. Belle hears Claire crying and says she needs to tend to her. Eric mentions to her as she leaves how it makes sense now. Carrie being upset around Nicole and Evan, her holding Evan at Salem Place and claiming him to be hers, and Evan being born the same day as Carrie's baby and being found at Green Mountain by him and Nicole only 30 miles or so away from the cabin where Carrie gave birth to him. It all fits together. Nicoles lies...everything. Belle asks what they should do. Eric tells her to find a sitter for Claire. They need to confront Carrie to see if these lab results are as legit as they look and true. Belle says that Claire is sick but it's only a slight cold and fever and this is a family emergency. She will call someone right now. Eric thanks her, saying he will need her. Belle leaves as Eric looks at the lab results, saying this may finally be the answer he has been looking for. -Back at the University Hospital psych ward, Marlena tells Roman she has no desire to see him or anyone else and to stop coming. She wants to be left alone to make plans. Roman asks her for what. Marlena: That's a surprise. Now...GET OUT!!! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!! MARLENA'S NOT HERE!! "DOC" IS DEAD??? GET OUT!! Barbara hears what is going on and asks what is happening. Marlena: I want no more visitors. I have too much to do and I have no interest in anyone who was associated with Marlena. Got it? If I have anymore guests for Marlena, when I get out of here I will make you my first target, doctor. Barbara: You aren't getting out of here. Now...I will be sure you don't see anyone but I need you to calm down. Marlena: Will do. Barbara pulls Roman away, telling him he must go. Roman asks what she means by making plans and why she seems so confident she is getting out of there. Barbara says she is delusional. There is no way for her to get out. They have strict security guidelines and a great staff. She is going nowhere. Roman says that's good and says he will go now. Roman looks back at Marlena, with eyes filled with dejection due to his love for her being rejected by her. Roman says goodbye, this time not calling her anything, and then turns and leaves. Marlena: Goodbye!! What a lovesick loser!! Pathetic. Barbara: He does love you. Marlena: He loves Marlena. She is dead. I killed her. It's time to move on. Barbara: Whatever you say. Marlena: Now leave me alone. I must go back to planning. There is much to do. Barbara: Planning what? Marlena: Wouldn't you like to know? (laughs) Barbara just ignores Marlena's words and walks away from the cell door. Marlena: As if I would tell her, or the great Roman Brady, my plot to escape. They will see soon enough...tonight. Yes, tonight...I make my move and get out of this hellhole. Finally...after all these weeks that feel like years. Tonight...I get back to work and finally begin my own mission. This time it's about me...no partnerships or alliances. Just me and my plan...for revenge. Marlena laughs uncontrollably as the screens freezes on her face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... Cal to Katherine: I just don't understand. What does this all mean? Maggie to Julie: They know. Doug and Alice know. Austin to Sami and Lucas: I need your help. Kate to Victor: It was Alan. He molested Will. Eric (with Belle) to Carrie (showing her the lab results): Want to tell us the truth, Carrie?