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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Reva old ass is still gettign hers in LOL Gross. I love the note Am read Very Soapy. Nice trick by Reva. I wonder how big her knees are. i just have this imae in my head LOL Not to familair wtih GL but I liked what I read so far
  2. At the court House. Jack walks off the witness stand after Judge Mathis has called for a brief recess, Billy, Ashley, and Traci follow Jack out side the courtroom. Traci: Jack are you ok? Jack: I’m ok Tracy. A little hard reliving all those memories. I didn’t think I’d choke up like this. Ashley: Jackie it’s ok. Billy: Damn right it is because now finally Victor is going to pay for all his devious crimes against our family. Jack: You go that right. After all these year I finally get to see the old money bags behind bars, He wont be able to do anything. He won’t be able to do a damn thing once I get my hand on Newman. Inside the courtroom. Nick and Nikki look at each other. Nick: Mom are you ok today was pretty intense with Jacks testimony? Nikki: I’m fine son. Thinking of the child Jack and I lost it makes me wonder what could have been. They both look over at Victor. Avery, Leslie and Rafe huddle around Victor. Avery: I think we can all agree Jack’s testimony was very damaging to us. Victor: Jack is a show boatist. He’s a drama queen. Leslie: Even so he gave quite a performance. Rafe: We need some type of hail mary to turn this tables right now. Its looking we are losing this case. Victor looks at each one of his legal advisors carefully. “I am Victor Newman I will get out of this. Avery I want to meet with you personally.” Rafe, Avery, and Leslie all look at each other. Avery: You two grab some lunch or something. I’m going to see what Victor wants. Leslie: Ok just shoot us a text when you get word on when the trial resumes.” Avery: Ok. Leslie leaves and pulls out her phone to call Malcolm. Rafe then to also leaves. Avery: Ok Victor what’s up? Victor: I have an idea. Episode 91: Victor forces Avery to betray Leslie Written by ML Cooks Verdon Lou Dru: Bitch I’m paralyzed?!” Dru says as she tries to move her legs. Sheila: Yes you are. It serves you right. Your to wild and out of control. You had to be neutralized. Not only that you have to pay for tricking people into thinking the mystery woman was me. Your mighty clever. Does your best friend know what you were up to all these months? Sharon: What does she mean Dru? Dru: I came back to get revenge on Phyllis. Sharon: How long have you been back in town? Dru: About 3 months. Sharon: 3 months!? Have you seen your kids or Neil? Dru: No It wasn’t time yet. I had to destroy Phyllis first. Sheila: And it almost worked except Sophia died instead. Sharon: Oh my god Dru what is going on what did you do? Sheila: Dru is responsible for Sophia’s death. Back in the court room Victor: I want you to dig something up on Leslie. Avery: I don’t understand. Victor: I don’t feel all of my legal team are fighting hard enough for me. I got a hunch Leslie is no good. And I need to give her a push to put her all into my trial. Avery: So you want me to dig into her past to see what I come up with? Victor: I would be pleased. I know something is up. Something that may help me. Avery sits back and thinks on what Victor has just asked her to do. “ You want me to betray Leslie? To help you win? Victor: You bet. Avery: Wow. Victor: Your salary is also wow. Avery: You got a point there. I’ll hop right on top of that. Victor smiles. Leslie knocks on Malcolm apt door. As she knocks it just opens up. She calls out for him. Its very dark in the apartment and there is beer bottles and trash littered all over the floor. She males her way over to the windows and opens up the curtain to let light in. Malcolm moans out as the sun light hits his eyes as he was laying on the couch hung over. Malcolm, Sitting up unable to see who it is yet due to his eyes still adjusting to the light. “Who dat? Leslie: Your woman. I came to check on you since your not answering or returning calls or text. Is this what you’ve been up to? A binge? Malcolm: Les don’t do this to me right now. My head is killing me. I can’t deal with this. Les: With what? Sophia’s death? Your going to put yourself on pause so you can drink your emotions away? Malcolm: I used to be married to Sophia. I loved her once. We were supposed to have a family until my brother stole that away from me. Again LES! First Lily and now Moses. How else am I supposed to deal with this? Leslie: I can tell how you shouldn’t deal with it. Putting your life and this relationship on pause so you can drink. What good does that do? You need to be a man and face your problems. Malcolm: Oh so now I’m not a man? Why because I don’t have some high power level attorney’s job like you with all the big money that it brings. You must want a man like Neil then. He got money. Go ahead go be with him everyone woman I get chooses him. He’s the better man so get to stepping. Leslie walks up to Malcolm and slaps him. “Go take a bath you stank ass bastard. You tripping.” She then leaves. Malcolm sits back down on the couch and looks around his messy apartment. He decides to clean it up. Roxanne’s Apt. Nate sits on the couch as Roxanne pours them a galls of wine and brings it to them. He sips on it. Nate: Rox, I’m a terrible person. Roxanne: I’m sure you had your reason for doing what you did. Nate: What I did. Don’t be so nice about it. I changed my nephews paternity test. I have Neil thinking he is Moses father when really Malcolm is. Now some one else found out and black mailed me with it. And now some one is dead. Roxanne: Some one is dead? Do you mean Sophia? Nate: Yes Roxanne. Sophia is dead because of me!” Nate takes a sip of wine as a tear falls down his cheek. Roxanne is stunned. Verdon Lou Dru: I didn’t kill no Sophia. Don’t put that on me. It was a mistake. Phyllis was supposed to die. Sharon: You were going to kill Phyllis? Dru: You damn skippy after what that bitch did to me. Pushing me over that cliff. That Bitch pushed me and now she is going to pay. Sheila: But it seems you are paying now. You’re a fool trying to impersonate me. You involved Nate and Michael in your little plan. And you even learned a huge secret in the process. Michael Baldwin’s secret and you also learned your good nephew the good doctor Nate Hastings has one to. Now its my turn to have some fun in Genoa City. And Dru you are right, Phyllis must pay for the things she’s done to me. And to you too. But let’s change the tables a little bit. Dru: What do you mean? Sheila: I think it’s time I impersonate you to make Genoa City think its you who is the mystery woman. And commit some crimes against the people I hate and then you can take the fall for it and I go free. Dru: Bitch what are you smoking? You can never be me I’m too black. Sharon: Sheila she does have a point. Sheila: We’ll see about that.” Then they hear a cough from behind a curtain that divides the room in half. Sharon: Who is that back there Sheila? You have never told us. You said it was another mystery person. Sheila: Oh it is. But its not time to get into that now. I have something to do and it involves you Sharon. Sharon: Sheila please don’t hurt me. I have kids. Sheila: Is that what you were saying when you were being the slut of Genoa City. Now all of a sudden you have kids. What a joke. You’re a joke Sharon and a bad mother.” Sheila then leaves. Sharon is stunned and speech less. Back at the courtroom. Avery approaches Victor. Victor: I assume you have some news for me. Avery: Oh do I. You are not going to believe what I’ve uncovered on Leslie Michelson. We can use this to turn this trial around. We will be able to stop Spencer Walsh dead in his tracks from moving forward with this trial. Victor smiles: Good work Avery. I knew I could trust you.
  3. Judge Mathis Courtroom. Victor roll his eyes at his arch rival Jack Abbott being sworn onto the stand. “Spare me” He says under his breath. As Jack says : It’s my complete pleasure to tell this court the whole truth today.” The Judge looks at Victor. “The most reaction I’ve seen out of you since this trial has started Mr. Newman. Why the reaction for Mr. Abbott?” Victor: Your honor, Jack Abbot is a loser, scum and a bottom feeder. He’s a pip squeak and a punk. Nothing he says matters. He’s a non factor. Anything he says on this stand today is only intended to be revenge of a personal nature. Jack Abbott is a drama queen your honor.” Mathis: Wow, Those are some pretty serious words. Sir, it will be up to me and the jury of your peers to determine if Jack About is a drama queen as you called him. Mr. Walsh begin your line of questioning. Spencer stands up and approaches the witness stand. “Mr. Abbott its very well documented that you and the accused have a rival liken to the devil and God.” Jack: Oh yes. Victor Newman is the devil himself. A rich one I might add.” he says giving his infamous smirky smile looking right at Victor Episode 90: Jack Vs Victor! Dru gets bad News! Written by ML Cooks In Verdon Lou, Sheila’s cabin. Sharon is tied to a chair looking at Dru who is sleep and also tied to the bed. Dru begins to wake up. Things are kind of blurry for her. “Where am I? “ “Dru, Oh my god your awake. Are you ok? Dru tries moving around but realizes she is tied down. “ What is this Sharon? Sharon: Sheila has us tied up in her cabin in Verdon Lou. Then she shot u in the back when you tried to escape.” Dru: Yes I ‘member. She had bad breathe and I was keeping it real and the bitch got mad.” Dru tries to move her arms. Dru: Sharon something is not right. Sharon: What do you mean?” Dru: I can move my arms very good and my upper body but when I try to move my legs I can’t. It’s like I feel nothing.” Sharon: Maybe the ropes are to tight.” Dru: Your right. I’ll keep trying to move and get free. Where is that crazy bitch now? Sharon: I don’t know. She said something about Phyllis. The Athletic Club. Neil hangs up his cell phone as Harmony walks over to him. “How you holding up Neil?” Neil: Not to well Harmony to be honest. I just made arrangements for Sophia’s funeral. Harmony: That must have been so hard for you. Neil: It was but it has to be done. How are you holding up? Harmony: Neil its not about me right now. If you still need help with Moses I’m still available. Neil: You would be willing to move in still and be a full time nanny? At the Hospital. Ronan walks into Phyllis’s room. “It’s me Ronan.” Phyllis: Gee thanks for showing up. Where were you when I was kidnapped and some one tried to kill me? Ronan: Phyllis don’t start. I’ve launched an investigation. Phyllis: I don’t understand what that means. Some one has been after me for months and nearly succeeded in killing me instead an innocent woman dies. How does that happen in a hospital Ronan? You said you’d protect me.” Nick walks in “Phyllis take it easy. I sure Ronan is doing the best he can. Phyllis: How reassuring.” Nick: I’m here to get you. Phyllis: Get me for what? Nick: You have to testify in dad’s trial. Then I’m taking you home with me. Phyllis smiles. “ I’m going home with you?” Nick: Yes. You’ll be much safer there.’ Nick says looking at Ronan. Ronan: That’s a jab at me. Don’t worry Nick, I’ll find out who is behind stalking Phyllis. Nick: You do that.’ Ronan leaves. Back at the Club. Harmony: You want me to move in? Neil: I do, that is what the job entails. Would that be a problem for you? I tell you Harmony, I could really use you right now. Harmony: Well sure. If you need me. Neil: I do you have no idea. So that’s a yes? Harmony: Yes!” Neil Hugs her: “Thank you Harmony. You have no idea how much this means to me.” Back in Court. Spencer: Mr. Abbott tell us some of the details of this feud with you and Victor. Jack: We can start with the power this man has over people. He is the root cause of my sister’s mental break down when they were together the first time. If that wasn’t enough he some how managed to steal away my fathers company. In taking Jabot public Victor some how set up dummy corporations to buy Jabot stock and in the end he owned it. We know it was insider trading.” Spencer: Is there any proof that there was insider trading going on at the time? Jack: No. The mustache probably paid the person off or had them killed. Judge: Say what? Mustache? What is that? Jack: Oh your honor, it’s a little name I’ve given to Victor. Look at it. It’s fitting.” Mathis looks at Victor and then laughs. Spencer has a smile on his face to. Jack: I was married to Nikki Newman Victor’s ex. She was pregnant with my child. Vic couldn’t handle it so he argued with my wife and the stress from that caused Nikki to lose our child. Not only is he a baby Killer, he also hired mentally ill Patti Williams who went by the name Mary Jane Benson to get close to me. Well Patty ended up killing my niece Colleen. Victor also got shot and needed a heart and that son of a bitch got my nieces heart.” Jack’s face turns red and his voice gets shaky as his eye water up. Mathis: Lets take a recess. In Verdon Lou. Dru is trying to move her legs under the ropes she’s tied to. “Sharon something is not right. I can move my upper body but I can feel nothing in my legs.” Sharon: You legs are just tied down really tight.” They both hear a loud crunch by the door way. Sharon looks over and sees Sheila enjoying a delicious granny smith green apple with a grin on her face. Sharon: Sheila please let us go. I have a child at home. People are going to know I’m missing. I’m a Newman.” Sheila: I maybe a Newman too one day. Never know.” Dru: Bitch you crazy. You won’t get away with this. Sheila: That mouth again. What are you going to do street trash?” Sheila walks over to Dru as Sharon gets nervous. Sheila begins to untie the rope from Dru’s legs. Sharon: Your letting us go?” Sheila: I’m letting Dru go. Dru: Thank God.” Dru’s legs are free. She tries to move them but cant. Sheila: What’s the matter street trash? Sharon: Dru go! Get help! Dru: I can’t move my legs. Sheila begins to chuckle. Dru: It wasn’t the ropes. I cant move or feel my damn legs. Sheila: I bet. It’s because your paralyzed!!
  4. LOL Wait did dude tape his sex with Kirk and now Grant is dying to see it what a sick man and shame ongrant. his own son. There wont be no turnign bck for this. Why is grant goign against his own son any way. I feel bad for kirk I need to talk to u soon about a potenital cross over.. Not to happy Paul is in the story. So Allen is with Amanda and seems to be happy. That made me smile. hes been through a lot. Hmm Allen lives with Tyrone now. Interesting. So are Marley and Tryone ok now> Marley is sick? OMG a baby. I have not been reading is it Tyrones? Another good episode
  5. LOL it is and thank u!! It seems the odds are tacked against Victor but hes not going down with out a fight!! Stay Tuned!!
  6. Ashley takes the stand. Spencer Walsh stands up and buttons up his button on his blazer. Victor look at Ashley and wonders is she going to testify against him or for him. Spencer: Ms. Abbott you were once married to the Victor Newman correct? Ashley; A few times. Most recently about a few years ago. Spencer: How did the marriage end? Ashley; The last one ended when his son Adam Newman played tricks on everyone in town including me. He made me think I saw the ghost of Victor’s other deceased wife Sabrina Costelna. Adam even dressed up as Sabrina to haunt me. Spencer; This really isn’t about Adman Newman. Adam is missing. But more so about Victor. Victor and you brother are business rivals? Ashley: They are. Spencer: Tell me more how so? What happened during this rivalry? Ashley: Some despicable things. Victor bought shares of jabot. Victor hired Patty Williams to get inside Jabot and the Abbot family and Patty who went by Mary Jane, shot Victor, and Colleen died trying to escape her. Victor did all of that. Victor closes his eyes and looks upwards Ashley wipes a tear from her eye. Spencer: Yet you married this man twice? Ashley; Yes. I loved him. But his crimes have to stop against my family. He uses money and his power to out do Jack whenever he can. It nearly destroyed my family. He kidnapped my nephew and kept him away from his daughter while she had a bout with Leukemia. Victor can be a monster. He’s made it very clear he does not like Jack or Billy.” Judge Mathis shakes his head and looks at Victor who has his eyes closed looking up. Mathis pounds his gavel : Excuse me sir, I know you are not sleep” Victor opens his eyes and looks at Judge Mathis Victor: No your honor. Judge: Well good. You need to be hearing all of this sir. Spencer: No further questions your honor. Judge: Your witness Ms. Clark. As Avery is about to stand up Victor stops her sand shakes his head.. Avery, Rafe and Leslie look at each other in confusion. Episode 89: Ashley testifies against Victor Written by ML Cooks Malcolm gets a knock on his door. He opens it up and sees Cane and the twins. Malcolm sees Cane has a black eye Malcolm; Damn bro who dotted your eye? Cane: Your brother. He blames me for Sophia’s death. Malcolm: Man don’t even say it. I can’t come to terms with it right now. Cane: I came by so you can see the kids. Malcolm smiles and picks up Maddie. He holds her in him arms and smiles. Malcolm; This is my grand daughter.” Cane smiles too: Your right. Malcolm: My granddaughter.” He puts Maddie in her stroller. Cane: You holding up ok? Malcolm: I just been laying low man. Know whata I’m sayin’? I just can’t believe Soph is gone. Our last conversation was not nice man. I feel bad. So damn bad. I did love her Cane I did.” Malcolm begins to has tears run down his face. Cane gives him a hug. Cane: It’s ok man. I am sure she is looking down and she hears you.” Malcolm just cries as he can only think about how rude he was to Sophia the last time he saw her. Back at Court. Avery: Victor what are you doing? Victor: I don’t want you to question her ummmk? Avery: Victor I have to. This is crucial to your case. You are facing the death penalty. Victor: I’m not worried about that. I will not be put to death. I will beat these charges with out you questioning Ashley. Leslie: Victor, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You life is on the line. Rafe: She’s right. Ashley did some serious damage to you. Victor: Just do as I ask. I pay you to do as I ask. Trust me. No one will beat me. Not even Spencer Walsh and this Judge Mathis celebrity judge. He’s a mockery. Judge Mathis pounds his gavel “I don’t have all day. Let’s get it cracking.” Avery standing up: Your honor we have no question for Mrs. Abbott.” The courtroom is stunned and people chatter amongst them selves. As Ashley steps down she looks at Victor but Victor has his eyes closed with his face frowned look toward the ceiling. Leslie whisper to Avery : This is not looking good for Victor. Avery; I know. A very big mistake. Back at Malcolm’s. Malcolm pulls back and wipes his tears. He sits on the couch. He talks to Cane “I’m so confused. Sophia and I were happy but she had an affair with Neil. And now look at her. She’s gone. And Moses doesn’t have a father. Damn Neil. Cane: Malcolm as mush as I dislike your brother, this was a twisted accident. Sophia was trying not to hit Phyllis.” Malcolm: Why the hell was Phyllis riding down a hill in a wheel chair. It makes no sense. She can’t see. This was no accident. Cane: Maybe your right. It makes no sense that Phyllis would be riding down a hill in a wheel chair. Malcolm: If it wasn’t for Neil she would be with us still. She would have never been by that hospital. She would be here with me, with our son the second child Neil stole from me. He had everything and still take from me and I’m tired of it Cane. I blame him for Sophia’s death and nothing will change that. Cane: Malcolm your just in mourning. I’ll be by tomorrow and maybe we can take the twins to Playdom. it’s a brand new place for kids, you know with rides and animals. Malcolm: Yea man we’ll see. Cane: Leslie will be here soon right? Malcolm: She been pulling long hours at Victor’s trial. Cane: Uh yes that’s right. Well man shoot me a call if you need anything.” Cane grabs the pushes the stroller out Malcolm’s and leaves with t he twins. Malcolm sits on the couch still thinking about how mad he is at Neil. “Damn you Neil!” Back at the Court. Judge Mathis regains order of his court room. Mathis: Mr. Walsh call your next witness. Spencer: Your honor the state calls John Abbott Jr. to the stand. Jack smiles from ear to ear. He looks at Nikki and gives her a kiss. Victors face cringes at hearing Jacks name. He takes a deep huff and gets a very bored look on his face. Jack to Nikki: I’ve been waiting for this all my life. I’m going to destroy Victor Newman once and for all. He is going to pay for hurting me and my family.” Jack gets up and walks up to the stand flashing his pearly white smile at Victor as Jack’s face begins to turn red. Mathis interrupts the bailiff before he swares Jack in. “You look a little bit too happy to be here today.” Jack: I am your honor. It’s time to for justice to be served.” Jack raises his right hand Victor: Spare Me.
  7. Nice to see Carl back I love how Kirkland is running for mayor and the effect it may seem to have on jake and Vicky I see krik making moves. This race is goign to be good I already know it How far is grant going to go?.
  8. Gloria does not know Keemo is Jack sons. Cane feels resonsilbe for puttign Neil in jail which lead to a chain reaction.
  9. The Courthouse, The Grand Dame of Genoa City is sworn in, she then takes her seat. Spencer gets up and begins his line of questioning. Spencer: State your name for the record. “Katherine Chancellor” Spencer: And how long have you known Mr. Newman? Kay: A good portion of my life. Many many years. Spencer: Are you aware of any of these crimes that Victor is being accused of? Kay: Absolutely not. I come to find Victor a very humble, intelligent and a compassionate man. He gives to charities. He’s very generous. Spencer: So you are telling this court that you have no knowledge of any of Victor Newman’s business practices. You are now CEO and owner. I find it hard to believe that you know nothing of Victor’s business practices. Katherine is at a loss for words and begins to stumble and mumble over her words. The Young and the Restless Episode 88: Kay takes the stand! Written by ML COOKS In Paris. Keemo awakens with Gloria laying on his chest. He kisses her forehead. She wakes up too. She looks into his eyes Gloria: Last night was wonderful. Keemo: It’s only the beginning Gloria. I’ve fallen in love with you.” He leans in and tries to kiss her but she pulls away. Keemo: What is wrong? Gloria: Morning breath. Let me go to the rest room and freshen up. Keemo smiles at her. “Hurry up I got a surprise for you.” Gloria: You make me so happy.” She walks into the bathroom. Keemo pulls out his cell phone and makes a call. At Neil’s. Neil gets a knock on his door. Its Devon. He gives Neil a hug. Devon then walks in. Devon: How you holding up? Neil: Man I really don’t know. My life has been turned upside down. I was arrested for kidnapping my own grand kids, Sophia walks out on me then she is killed. My son lost his mother. How am I going to tell Moses that?” Neil sits on the couch. Devon: Have you called Lily? Neil: No. I don’t want to burdened her right now. She’s going through her own recovery. Devon: Neil man I am here for you. I can sit with Moses if you want to get some air or something. Neil: You know man that would be great. You sure you don’t mind? Devon: Not at all. Neil: Thanks. I’ll be back soon. There is something I should do.” Neil leaves. Back in Court. Spencer: Mrs. Chancellor speak up. I’m having a hard time understanding you. Did you or did you not know of Newman Enterprises business plans? Kay: Only from what I read Mr. Walsh. Victor and I made an agreement years ago. If he was indisposed of as he is now, I will assume command of Newman as I am doing now. Nikki rolls her eyes. Spencer: I just find it hard to believe. Your witness” He says to Avery. Avery: No questions your honor. Judge Mathis: You may step down Mrs. Chancellor.” Kay stands up and leaves the witness stand Victor smile at her. He then turns around and sees Jack and Nikki embracing. He gives them a dead cold stare and then turns back around. Back in Paris. Gloria come out the bathroom and hops on top of Keemo. They begin to kiss passionately. She pulls back. Gloria: Ok sexy man. What is my surprise? Keemo: Glo Worm is just about ready and I set up a huge grand opening gala. Gloria’s eyes get bigger. : “Really? And Glo Worm will be better than ever. Keemo: Sure will. Gloria: You know it’s funny. Keemo: What is? Gloria: I’m in love with a man and have a business with this man yet I don’t know his whole name. Keemo: Is it really important.? Gloria: I think it should be. Are you hiding something? Keemo: Not at all. Gloria: Then tell me you last name. Keemo: Gloria, I’m not ready. All you need to know is that I love you. Gloria: And you should know my son is the best attorney out there. Don’t be conning me Mr. Keemo. Keemo: Never.” He plants a kiss on her cheek. “Lets get ready to go back home. We have a grand opening to get to.” Cane gets a knock on his door. He opens it up to see Neil Cane: Neil I am so sorry for your loss. Neil punches Cane in the face and Cane is caught off guard, loses his balance and falls to the ground. Neil: I don’t need your sympathy. It’s because of you the mother of my child is dead.” Neil then leaves Cane to rub his jaw. Maddie and Charlie begin to cry. Back at the Court. Judge: Mr. Walsh call your next witness. Spencer: The state calls Ashley Abbott.” Ashley stands up and approaches the bench as everyone wonders what Ashley will say. Victor wonders if Ashley will be kind to him.
  10. Court is back in session after TGVN entered a plea of not guilty. Judge: let’s get this trial started. I got to hear the details of all of this. Mr. Walsh your opening statement. Mr.: Walsh: My pleasure your honor.” Spencer stands up and buttons up his coat and approaches the jury. Spencer: This is going to be very easy. A business tycoon who used his money, and power to manipulate things to his liking or benefit. These methods include black mail, kidnapping, tampering with police evidence, and the murder of a Diane Jenkins. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury over the course of the next several days we are going to hear the sordid details of this evil man Victor Newman who has inflicted pain to the people that surrounds him. I urge you to consider all the facts when I ask the court for the maximum penalty. The Death Penalty!” Judge Mathis: Damn! The courtroom is outraged again as Nick and Nikki look at each other learning the Spencer intends to seek the death penalty for Victor Newman Episode 87: Neil Learns Sophia is Dead! Written by ML Cooks Harmony arrives at the Jail. She sees Neil is being released. Harmony: Neil what’s going on? Neil: Cane and Spencer agreed to drop the charges. I don’t know why. Harmony: Oh my. You must not know. Neil: Know what? Harmony: Neil, I hate to be the one that tells you this but there’s been a terrible accident. Neil: Accident? With who? Harmony: With Sophia. I’m sorry Neil she is dead. Neil: WHAT?! Where? Where is my son? Harmony: I am not to sure. Neil takes off. Harmony chases after him. Courtroom. Judge Mathis: Call your first witness Counselor. Spencer: I call Billy Abbott to the stand. Victor rolls his eyes as Billy flashes Victor a bright smile on his way up to take the stand. Billy is sworn in Spencer: Mr. Abbott, can you tell us what Victor has done to you? Billy: He kidnapped me because I would not bend to his will. He wants me out of his daughters life. SO since I did not do as he asked he had me kidnapped, beaten up and held at gun point. For weeks. Until I agreed to leave Victoria. I got tired of being held captive so I broke free and came back to town. Spencer: So you saw Victor Newman kidnap you? Billy: It was one of his cheesy goons. But Victor finally showed up and admitted everything. Then the blackmail began. Spencer: Your witness” he says looking at Avery. Avery is nervous as she really doesn’t have anything to cross examine with. Avery: Billy, you heard word for word that Victor admitted that he had you kidnaped. Billy: Well you know he mumbles. SO sometimes it’s hard to put what comes out that old man’s mouth together. But I was able to put two and two together and I got four. The courtroom laughs as does Avery. Judge Mathis: Hell naw. Avery: No further questions. Judge: That’s it? That’s all you got? The witness may step down.” Then he looks at Victor. “Uh sir, this is not looking very good for you so far.” Neil arrives at Malcolm’s with Harmony right behind him. He pounds on the door. Malcolm opens it. He sees Moses in a crib. Neil; Why is my son here where is Sophia? Neil walks in and holds his son. Malcolm looks at Neil. Neil: Where is she man? What is wrong with you? Malcolm has tears streaming down his face. Malcolm: She’s gone. Sophia is dead. Neil: What do you mean? Malcolm: It was a car accident. She was trying to avoid hitting Phyllis and hit a street pole instead. Nate tried but there was nothing he can do. SHES GONE MAN!” Malcolm sinks to the floor and bawls his eyes out. Harmony leans down and holds him. Neil is stunned and sits down on the couch looking at Moses in shock. At the cemetery. Nate: So you know I changed Moses paternity. Roxanne what are you going to do about it? Roxanne: Nothing at all. This is not my story. It’s yours but I’m here for you. Nate: Roxanne I really messed up And I can’t fix it. Sophia is dead. It’s my fault. What am I going to do? Roxanne: Nate, I really don’t know. Let’s leave and go somewhere more, uhm just not creepy, This is a graveyard it gives me the creeps.” Roxanne grabs Nate’s hand and pulls him to her car. Back at the Court. Judge Mathis instructs him to call his next witness. Spencer: I call Katherine Chancellor to the stand. Chatter in the courtroom increase as everyone wonders how far will Katherine go to protect her friend Victor.
  11. Y&R will resume next Tuesday June 12. We pick up with Victor's trial and the after math of Sophia's death.
  12. Writing a show 5 days a week is very tiresome. Being a head writer, a break down writer and a script writer takes its toll on me 5 days a week. I am taking a brief hiatus. Y&R will return next week and pick with up with Victors tiral and the fall out of Spohia's death.
  13. WOW Not Mitch. Poor felicia. I loe this epusoide. Love Allen and Nicole sccenes and wonder how they will get out of this. Poor felicia. who is this ML Cooks? Congrats on ur buzz...
  14. Thank u so much Nate. Ur comments are so inspiring to me.
  15. Nice classic cliffhanger THis episode was exciting. Is Evan and nem on St Croix to> THis story is becoming very exciting as u promsied it would and I cant wait to see how it unfilds and for the the fist time since ur show started Im' looking fwd to see how things turn out for Frankie. gGreat Job!!
  16. Genoa City Courthouse. Spencer Walsh into the courtroom with his briefcase and he takes his seat on the DA side of the room. Then walks in Victor Newman’s defense team, Avery, Rafe and Leslie. They sit at their table and sort through their notes. Avery and Spencer look at each other. Spencer: Counselor. Avery: Good day Mr. Walsh. Spencer: Ever lost a case before? Avery: Can’t say that I have. Spencer; Well there is a first time for everything. Avery; Spencer I’m not here to lose my clients case. Spencer: You should be. Victor Newman is going down but if I have my way, he will get the death penalty. Episode 86: The Trial of Victor Newman Written by ML Cooks In Verdon Lou, Dru lays on the ground with a bullet wound to her back. Sharon is screaming. Sheila points the gun at her. Sheila: You better shut the hell up blondie! Now get inside so I can tie you up! Sharon: What about Dru? Sheila: Don’t worry about Miss 94th and Crenshaw. Now move it!” Sheila and Sharon walk inside as Dru lays on the ground in terrible pain. She can’t even scream out. She tries to move towards the car but can’t. Sheila comes back outside and drags Dru inside the cottage. Sheila lays Dru on her stomach and ties her up to a bed. Dru: Help me. Sheila: Oh shut up! I’m a nurse.” Sheila leaves to go get medical supplies and see what she can do about Dru’s bullet wound to the back. Court House. Jack and Nikki are the first to arrive. They grab their seats Then Traci, Ashley, Tucker and Billy, all walk in and sit next to Jack and Nikki. Next to arrive is Paul, Michael Baldwin, and Lauren. They all sit behind the DA’s side. Then in walks the grand dame herself Katherine Chancellor followed by Jill. Every one looks at her. Kay sits behind the defense team and everyone lets out gaps and chatter among the people begin to increase. Nikki, turning to Jack: It breaks my heart to see Katherine do this. I swear Jack I will get Newman back for my kids. It belongs to them. Jack: I’m going to help you. No worries. Then the man of the hour walks in. In an orange jumpsuit and handcuffed, officers escort Victor Newman to his seat. Everyone stares at him; Victor keeps a straight face and looks ahead not making any eye contact with anyone. He takes his seat. Avery: Victor, there was a last minute switch with the judge. Victor: What do you mean? I was counting on Judge Hollingsworth. He owes me a favor. When did this come about? Leslie: He called in sick last night. Victor: Well who is the damn judge now? Rafe: A visiting Judge. Judge Greg Mathis. Victor is stunned. At the Cemetery. Nate is visiting his father’s tombstone. He has tears in his eyes. He talks to the tombstone, making it take the pace of his dad. “I messed up. I really messed up. Sophia is dead. I was an accomplice in the death of Sophia all because I was stupid. Stupid switching Moses paternity results. If it wasn’t for that, the mystery woman would have never been able to black mail me. Dad what am I going to do?” Nate falls to his knees and weeps. “I’m so sorry! God I’m so sorry!” He hollers out. He feels a touch behind him, he turns around and sees Roxanne. Roxanne: I heard everything. I know what you did. You switched Moses paternity results to make Neil look like the father and not Malcolm. Nate, standing up: Roxanne I didn’t mean too!. You have to believe me!” Nate is so upset he holds her without even thinking. Roxanne holds him back feeling bad that Nate is so torn up and that he is in this position. The Courthouse. The bailiff announces to all “ All Rise” As judge Mathis enters the courtroom. He looks over the case dockets and says “Wow” Judge: Will the defendant please rise. Victor obeys Judge: Victor Christian Newman you are being charged with one count of kidnapping , one count of blackmail, aiding and abetting a criminal, 3 counts of obstruction of justice, a count of tampering with evidence, and two counts of murder in the 2nd degree and it looks like you framed some one for murder. Man where do you have time to do all this stuff. This is crazy. How do you plea sir?” The courtroom awaits Victor’s plea….. Victor: Your honor, I plead not guilty!” The court room is outraged!
  17. he used a silsincer? Every one using guns and getting kdnapped. Bay City and Genoa City. Your younger set really messes me up. I really wish u wul dpost a pic by ther name so I kan get to them better. I was shocked on how things played out. Nice set up. cat to see what crazy evan is going to do.
  18. Dru and Sharon are driving Miss Sheila Carter. Sheila is instructing Sharon on where to go. Dru: Where are we going? I’ve never seen this part of Genoa City before.” Dru then sees a sign that says “Welcome to Verdon Lou. Population, 12,000. Dru: Oh hell nall. We in a hick town. Is we in Alabama. Verdon Lou? Sheila: No. Verdun Lou is a little small village outside of Genoa City. It’s where we are going. Make a left here Sharon.” Sharon makes that left and drives unto a long dirt road which has trees blocking the view so you cant see behind them on each side of the road. Dru: This look like some kind of scary movie type mess. Dru ain’t with that. The black person always be the first one to die. Not today. Sheila: Shut the hell up before I pistol whip you again. Dru just rolls her eyes. They pull up to a cabin by a lake. Sharon: What is this? Sheila: Your new home.” Sharon and Dru look at each other and then at Sheila who smiles at them and then they look back at each other. Episode 85: Sheila Kidnaps Dru and Sharon, Scotty and Rafe hook up, Keemo and Gloria make love!! Written By ML Cooks In Paris. Keemo and Gloria are walking around the Effiel tower hand in hand. Gloria: Keemo this is so nice. Keemo: It is Gloria. “ He turns to her and looks into her eyes. Keemo: Gloria I really enjoy spending time with you. You are a spitfire. I love that about you. You are hungry for life and I need that kind of woman by my side. Gloria: Keemo what are you saying? Keemo: I love you Gloria.” He grabs her and gives her a kiss. Gloria is turned on by the hunky Asian and kisses him back passionlessly. At Laruen’s Apt. Fenmore barges into Scotty’s room while Scotty is on his Male Hunt website. Fenmore sees the pictures of men showing lots of skin and abs. Fenmore: Cake Fag Scotty: Your nosey as hell little bro. Its called spam. A pop up on my laptop. Garbage. Now get out of here! Fenmore: You don’t have to be an ass, I mean I know you like it and all being a fruit boy. Scotty grabs his brother: You cussed! Does mom know you cuss! Fenmore: Let go of me fruit cake. I’m gonna tell her you like men! Scotty: You keep you rotten mouth shut or I’ll beat you up!” Scotty kicks Fenmore out his room and then slams the door and locks it. He goes back over to go check his Male Hunt in box and sees he has a reply from RTGC2012. Scotty smiles. He opens the message it up and it reads” Hey Ted. I saw your profile and I like what I see., Here is my number. Text me. Maybe we can meet up soon.” Scotty smiles and begins to text Rafe. He lays in his bed and waits for a text back. At Jabot Ashley is in her office still fuming over learning that Harmony is back in town. She wonders if Tucker knew. She also gets mad at herself as she think she should have asked Roxanne how long has Harmony has been in town. She gets on the phone and is ready to get some answers. The first being her fiancée Tucker. She asks him to meet her at her office as soon as possible. She hangs up. She then decides to get the other answer to her question before seeing Tucker. She grabs her purse and leaves her office. Back at Lauren’s. Scotty is laying in the bed as Rafe texts him back finally. Rafe: Hey you how r u? Scotty: I’m gud. Bored and horny. Rafe: 2 the point I c. Scotty: Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a man. I miss it. Rafe: What are you looking for? Scotty: As far as what? Sex? Rafe: That and like a fwb, relationship, NSA? Scotty: As far as sex, I am a versatile bottom. What I’m looking for, uhm I guess friends with benefits is ok for now. I’m going through a lot and I don’t think I could take on a relationship right now. Rafe: I can kinda understand. I’m not really into one night stands though. Scotty: I can offer you a lifetime of a wonderful friendship. Rafe: Nice. You look familiar. Have I’ve seen you around before? Scotty (thinking on the first time he met Rafe he said he was Ted): Maybe. Genoa city is very small. Rafe: I c. Scotty: So you want to hang out and watch a movie this evening? Rafe: Sure sounds good.” Rafe texts “Ted” his address. Scotty smiles then texts his good friend Kirkland in Bay City. He texts: Hey how is the wedding I hope you are ok. I got a hot date with a lawyer. I’ll tell you bout it tomorrow. Xoxo.” Scotty puts his phone down and gets ready for his date with Rafe. In Paris. Keemo and Gloria are back in their hotel suite. Keemo is laying on the red with a pair of black satin boxers laying on red satin sheets. The lights are low and soft music is playing. He has a rose in one hand and drinking a glass of champagne with the other. Gloria comes out the bathroom in a sexy bunny outfit. Complete with a tail and rabbit ears. Keemo and Gloria both laugh. She walks over to him. He grabs her and kisses her. Then he stops and hands her the rose. She grabs it and smells and bats her eye lashes at him. Gloria: I love you Keemo. You really know who to sweep a girl off her feet. Keemo grabs Gloria again and lays her on the bed and begins to kiss her once more as it leads into love making between the two. Back in the America, Verdon Lou Wisconsin In the car, Sheila: Get out Bitches! Dru: I’m not going to be too many more of your btiches. Bitch I’m from 94th and Crenshaw. You better ask somebody. Sheila grabs a wad of Dru’s hair and yanks her neck back and pushes the tip of her gun in Dru’s mouth. Sheila: I’ve had enough your ignorant ghetto attitude. We are in Verdon Low now Bitch. I am in control and you will not speak to me that way. Sharon: Sheila Please. You don’t have to do this. Sheila: Shut up! Get out the car! “ Sheila: Inside. Sharon: In the Cabin. Sheila what’s in there? Sheila: I want you to meet some one. Since we all love mysteries especially Dru, there is yet a third mystery person. And here is the twist, it’s not a woman. Dru: I don’t have time to play these insane games. Looking like chain saw massacre. Bitch you got me messed up if you think Dru is going in that house. Dru meet enough people. Dru wants to go home to her family. And the next time you get in my face Sheila you better make sure you got some gum or a tic tac going in that hot ass mouth of yours. See you don’t know me.” Dru turns around and heads for the car. “Come Sharon. Ain’t got no time for this mess. This Bitch is crazy!” Sheila: I wouldn’t do that Drucilla you’re making me angry! Sharon: Dru Please! Sheila fires the gun at Dru. Dru is hit in her back and collapses to the ground. Sharon screams in horror as Sheila blows on the tip of her pistol, representing she is proud she took the ranting Dru out with one shot to the back……
  19. It was so nice for Vicky and jake to cme around fro Bridget. Too bad they messed it up. but It did warm my heart Evan Frame. THis reminds me of the Dynatsy season 5 cliffhanger of the Moldvian Masscre. I love the set up though. So glad Matthew is back
  20. At Sharon’s. Dru and Sharon are stunned as the second mystery woman is holding them at gun point. Dru: Stop playing games. Dru came to far and went through to much to let things end like this. MW2 The games have just begun. “ The second mystery person takes her veil off and it’s Sharon begins to scream. At Jabot, Ashley is in her office when she is interrupted when Roxanne walks in. Ashley frowns up as she is confused. Ashley: Roxanne is it? Roxanne: It is Miss Abbott. Ashley: I’ve heard a lot about you. Roxanne: I bet you did from your daughter and I can tell you now they are all lies. Ashley: Why would my daughter lie to me? Roxanne: She will do anything to take Devon away from me. Ashley: Like what? Roxanne: Did you know Harmony is back in town? Ashley: Harmony Hamilton? Devon’s mother? Roxanne: That means no. I bet you didn’t. I think Abby is the one who brought her here to stop Devon from taking me on a trip and proposing to me. Ashley: I need proof Roxanne. Do you have that? Roxanne: Right now I don’t. But I promise you I know it’s true and I will prove it. Ashley: You do that and get back to me. Now if you don’t mind I got a million things to do. Roxanne is not surprised at how rude Abby’s mother is. Ashley: Oh Roseanne is it? I’m sorry I forgot your name already. Roxanne gives her a sarcastic smile and nods her head. Ashley: Good. Next time make sure you have an appointment before walking in here. Roxanne raises her eyebrows, having respect for her elders she decides to refrain from a further confrontation. She decides she’ll choose her battles wisely and she’ll just take it out on Abby. As Roxanne leaves, Ashley gets on the phone to Abby Ashley: Abby I don’t care what it is I want to see you now in my office!” Ashley slams the phone down as Roxanne smiles at her semi revenge on Abby. She leaves. Episode 84: The 2nd Mystery Person Identity Revealed and it’s downhill from here!! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: Nate Richardson At Sharon’s Sheila: It’s me. The original Sheila Carter. Not some Phyllis imitation. Dru: Sheila stop playing with us girl. We have no beef with you. I can help you kill Phyllis. Just please don’t do this. Sheila: You’re the one who did it Drucilla. Using my identity to make Genoa City think its me stalking Phyllis. You see I’ve been watching you for a very long time and you are going to pay for what you did. Sharon: I thought you were dead. You had Phyllis’ face. Sheila: No you dumb blonde. That was my sister. Laruen shot her not me. It was Sarah who got the ugly Bitches face and now Phyllis will have to pay for getting my sister killed. Dru: Now you talking girl. I can help you. I want the ugly Bitch dead too. Sheila: No Dru. You messed up. You caused Sophia to die. You were sloppy with your plan. Allow me to show you what I can do. Let’s go. Dru: Excuse Me? Sheila: You heard me let’s go. Don’t get me angry. You won’t like it when Sheila gets angry. Dru: I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know who you think I am but I am no Lauren. You better ask somebody Sheila Carters. I’m not the one today. You got the right one. Sheila: Is that right? You think you’re a bad ass. Let’s see.” Sheila locks the door. Sharon: My daughter is sleep. Please Sheila don’t do this. Sheila walks up to Dru and pistol whips her with her gun. Sharon is stunned and horrified as Dru collapses to the ground. GCAC. Avery knocks on Cane’s Suite door. Cane: Avery, its about time I heard from you . Tell me what is going on. Did I do something wrong? Avery: No I did. Cane. We made love. You are a married man with twins. What kind of woman am I for doing something like that? I was weak. I’m sorry but that cannot happen again. And that’s not why I here. Cane: Then what’s the problem? Why are you here? Avery: There’s been a terrible accident. Sophia is dead. I think you should drop the kidnapping charges on Neil. He does not need to be in jail right now. Cane is stunned. “ I can’t believe Sophia is dead.” Avery: Yes it’s a tragedy Cane: How is Moses? Avery: Well Thankfully Moses was with the sitter at the time. Cane: Well Thanks for coming by. I’ll go down to see Spencer.’ They stare at each other. She knows it’s time to leave before feelings for him creep in . She tries to leave but he grabs her. Cane: I’m not going to hurt you. Avery: Cane you are married and have kids. I can’t do this with you I’m sorry.’ She leaves. Roxanne enters Devon’s studio. He turns around from his sound mixer equipment and is surprised to see her. Devon: Roxanne, I’ve missed you. You haven’t returned any of my calls or text. Roxanne: I know daddy. I’m sorry. I was being stupid. I was letting that little Bitch Abby get the better of me. Devon: Can we not talk about Abby? Roxanne: Of course. She gives him a kiss and a hug. Roxanne: I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry Devon. Devon: I’m sorry too. Where do we go from here? Roxanne: What do you mean? Devon: I proposed to you. You said no then ignored me for days. What is that Roxanne? At Jabot, Abby walks in her mothers office. Abby: Mom what’s the matter? Why are you so upset? Ashley: You’re friend paid me a visit today. Abby: My friend? Ashley: That Roxxie character. Abby gets nervous: Roxanne was here why? Ashley: She thinks you brought Harmony back to town to stop Devon from proposing to her. Abby: Mom come on that’s silly. Why would I bring Tucker’s ex back to town? Ashley: That’s what I want to know Abigail! I better not find out you brought her back here. “Abby leaves with an attitude feeling kind of bad and finally realizing that brining Harmony back to town might not been a good idea. Back at Devon’s Studio Roxanne: Look daddy I said I was sorry. I love you and the only thing I want to do is be with you. So I promise no more Abby talk for from me. Unless it comes out she brought Harmony to town. And when I find that out that Bitch will be very sorry. She kisses Devon. He pulls back. Devon: What about my marriage proposal? Roxanne: Just save it. When the time is right again you will know when to ask.” He smiles at her. Devon: I’ve really missed you too you know. I really haven’t been able to sleep, eat for that matter think. Just talk to me next time we can work things out.” She smiles at him and kisses once again. Back At Sharon’s Dru is wiping her bloody mouth. “ Bitch you gone regret that.” Sheila: No time soon so get your asses in the car. Sharon: What about my daughter? Sheila: Don’t worry Nick will be by here or the many men you slept with in the last few years you nasty slut. Sharon: Sheila please don’t do this. Sheila pushes Sharon towards the door. She then looks at Dru and aims the gun at her. Dru: I’m moving.” Sharon and Dru get into the car. Sheila makes Sharon drive and puts Dru in the front seat so she can sit in the back and keep an eye on them. Sharon: Where are we going? Sheila: Well this seems to be a back from the dead party and I thought I introduce or shall I say reintroduce you to two dumb bitches to some one from your past. It’s going to blow your mind. Dru and Sharon both look at each other and wonder what or who Sheila is talking about…..
  21. The more adn more I see ur opeing the more adn more I aprriceate them Thank u as a reader for doing them. I dont know how u find the time. Writing 5 shows a week is a major task HAHA IRIS . She should be mad at Reggie. I wonder what she is going to do now. I also enjoyed cass and Nicole
  22. Sharon faints upon seeing Drucilla Winters back from the dead. Dru: Bitch ain’t no time for this mess.” Dru walks in Sharon’s house and drags Sharon inside. Dru locks the door behind her as the 2nd mystery woman looks inside the window to keep tabs on what is going on. Dru begins slapping Sharon’s face trying to get her to come to. That still doesn’t work. Dru gets a pitcher of cold water and splashes Sharon’s face. Sharon wakes up. She looks at Dru. Sharon: Oh my God. This is a dream. Dru: No Bitch. It’s me. Yo girl is back. And I’m in trouble Sharon. I need help. Sharon: Dru. Oh my God. They hug. “I’m so glad your back. This is a miracle.” Episode 83: Dru is back from the Dead and the 2nd mystery woman makes her move!!!!!! Written by ML Cooks At the Jail. Kay arrives to visit Victor. Victor: Dear lady. How lovely it is to see your face. Victor: Uh Victor We have some problems. Victor: Oh? Kay: Nikki is on a rampage. She is out of character. Victor: What do you mean? Kay: She has declared war on me. Victor: You’re not worried about Nikki are you? She’s an ex stripper. Kay: Murphy walked on me too. Victor: He’s a loser. That fisherman doesn’t deserve you Kay. What is it you are trying to tell me? You want to step down from Newman? You want to back out our plan? At Sharon’s House. Sharon: I have to put faith down to sleep. I’ll be right back. Sharon: Ok girl.” Dru turns the TV on and the news reporter says Sophia is dead. Dru turns the TV off. “What have I done?” She says. Sharon comes back. Sharon: Dru. I’m so speech less. I don’t know what to say. I thought you died when you fell over that cliff. Dru: No I didn’t. That bitch Phyllis pushed me. And I came back to town to make her pay. But Sharon it went wrong. My plan went terribly wrong. She wasn’t supposed to die. Sharon: Who? Phyllis is dead? Dru: No Sophia Sharon: Oh my gosh. You killed Sophia?” The second mystery woman is still watching them from outside. Nate and Rox meet up at Crimson Lights. Nate is very quiet Rox: Nate what is going on? Nate: I’m in trouble Roxanne. I just don’t know what to do. Roxanne: Trouble? What is going on? Is it with Abby? Nate: No it has nothing to do with Abby. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Tell me about you and Devon. Roxanne: I don’t know about Devon. He proposed to me but I turned him down. Nate: What? Why would you do a stupid thing like that? Roxanne: He only proposed because Abby spoiled it. I want him to propose when it’s just about us. Nate: You’re a dummy. If you love Devon and if you don’t want Abby to have him. Then you should have said yes. Then you could have his ring and she would not. You’re the one letting Abby run your relationship. Roxanne: Wow. I guess your right. She is just trying everything she can to break us up. If you were doing what you were supposed to be doing Abby wouldn’t be an issue for me. Nate: What I’m supposed to be doing? And what is that? Roxanne: Making Abby forget about Devon. But I see your lacking in something. Nate: I told you I will get Abby on my own terms. I’m going through so much right now. Roxanne: You keep saying that. So why are you here leaning on my shoulder and not Abby’s. I’m going to get my man back. You better get Abby before I have to start slapping bitches again. I know she is behind Harmony coming to town and I will prove it.” Roxanne leaves as Nate just shakes his head. He can only think of Sophia. At Sharon’s. Dru: It was supposed to be Phyllis. I bashed that Bitch’s knee caps in so she couldn’t walk. And Nate help me set it up so I can push her down that big hill by GC Memorial. Sharon: Nate, Your nephew? He knows you are here? Dru: No girl. They all think I’m the mystery woman or better yet Sheila Carter. That was the best part of the plan. No one knew at all it was Dru. Sharon: How I mean why did Nate help you? Dru: I was blackmailing him. Sharon: Blackmail? Dru: As shameful as it is yes. I’m sorry I know he is my nephew but nothing was going to alter or stop me from destroying that Bitch Phyllis. He almost caught me. So he brought this on himself. He should have left well enough alone. Sharon: I can’t believe what I am hearing. Dru: Believe it Sharon. I have lost years of my life thanks to the woman who stole your husband from you. I know all about it. She’s a tramp. And she has to be stopped. And I failed now Sophia is dead. Sophia. Who thought she had a child with my husband. Sharon: Moses? Neil? Thought? Dru what is going on? Dru: Sharon girl. It’s about to go down in Genoa City. Nate got a secret. Michael Baldwin got a huge secret. Girl it’s going down. Sharon: So what is your next move? At the Jail. Kay: No Victor I will not back out our plan. I will do as you ask. Victor: Good. Spencer is trying to throw the death penalty at me. Kay: Dear God in Heaven. Victor. This is very serious. Do you have a plan? Victor: I always got a plan. I’m not going to die. Are you kidding me? Kay: I hope that is true. Victor winks at Kay. Back At Sharon’s. Dru: I don’t know what my next move is. I have no idea what I do now That’s why I came here. Sharon: This is a mess Dru. What about Neil, Lily, Olivia, Devon. Don’t you miss them. You should go to them. Dru: I messed up Sharon.” Suddenly Sharon’s front door is kicked in. Dru and Sharon are both stunned as they move closer together and hug each other. The see the 2nd mystery woman with a veil on. The 2nd mystery woman is holding them at gun point. Sharon: Who is this? Is this part of your plan too? Dru: Girl no. I don’t know what is going on. The second mystery woman walks closer to them with the gun. Sharon and Dru are both nervous and wonder who is this person...
  23. So u got about three openings now? See i do be paying attention mister.... So happy that Matthew is back. And Lorna is back too YES LAWD. And Evan thinks hes going to the wedding huh? So glad Fleicia is front n Center. Loved her scenes at the brides shop And whats even nicer is that matt came to see his dad first. That says a lot and warms my heart U simply said person LMAO Good episode
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