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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Paramedics rush Chloe into the ER. Olivia runs over to her. Ronan walks in as well. Olivia: What do we got? Paramedic: Possible bone fractures, head trauma and extremely weak vitals. Olivia: Put her in OR one.” She then looks at Ronan. “What happened Ronan?” Billy then walks in. “It’s all my fault. Chloe may die because of me.” Olivia: Let me go take care of her.” Olivia leaves. Ronan walks over to Billy, “You’re really in a mess now. How could you do this to Chloe? Cheating on your wife with the mother of your child? Your wife was in Japan going through a severe ordeal and how do you support her? An affair?” Billy: Ronan who the hell are you? Grow some lips before you talk to me again. Now get the hell out my face.” Billy walks away to the chapel. Back at Glo Worm. Jack’s face is red as he looks at Keemo and Gloria. Jack: This is outrageous. I’m not going to stand for it. You and Gloria NEVER! Gloria: Keemo you never told me you were an Abbott. Keemo: I know. I sense you and my dad don’t get along? Jack: That’s an understatement of the century. She was married to your grandfather. Gloria is the reason my dad is dead. She ruined his company, his reputation. Gloria is a gold digging slut and I will never allow her to get her claws in the Abbott family again. Nikki: Jack don’t do this. Keemo: Watch your mouth Jack. Jack then gets a text. “Oh my god!” Nikki: What is it? Jack: It’s Billy. We got to rush over to the hospital.” Nikki leaves with Jack. Keemo looks at Gloria. She slaps him. The Young and the Restless Episode 111: Jack learns Keemo is engaged to Gloria Written by ML COOKS Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz   Esther arrives at the hospital. She walks over to the nurse’s station “My daughter. Kate.. She’s been brought in. Is she ok?” Nurse: Last name? Esther: Chloe Valentine. Nurse: She’s in surgery with Dr. Olivia Hastings. We don’t know any thing yet.” Esther clutches her chest. Kay walks up to her and holds her. “My daughter. Who did this to her. What happened?” Ronan then walks over to her. Kay: Ronan can you tell us what is going on? Jack and Nikki arrive. Jack: That’s what we want to know. Billy then walks out from the chapel and sees the crowd gathering around Chloe’s room. They all run to him. Esther: Billy what have you done? What happened to Kate? Billy, with tears forming gin his eyes looks at all of them. “I messed up.” Esther: What!?” She slaps him. Then punches him in his chest. “What did you do to my baby girl Billy? I’ll kill you I swear to God! ” Everyone is stunned by Esters dramatic outburst. Kay tries to console her. Jack: Billy what did you do? Billy: Victoria walked in on me and Chloe. Kay: Shame on you Billy Abbott! Esther sinks to the ground in tears. “I told her to leave Billy alone.” Nikki: (to Billy)What are you saying? Victoria walked in on you and Chloe having sex? Billy: Yes. Nikki takes her purse and slaps Billy in the face with it. “You dirty Bastard! Your selfish. A rotten pig. Jack: Nikki please back off. Nikki: Your play boy brother betrayed my daughter. He hurt her. He is scum. Esther: SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! My daughter Is fighting for her life in that room. And all you can do is worry about who hurt who’s feelings. What is wrong with you people? You rich people have no real emotion, no real sense of life. Look at how petty you are being this very moment. We all need to be praying that Chloe makes it. If you can’t do that then I don’t want any one of you here. Everyone is stunned at Esther. Nikki walks off to call Victoria. Her voice mail comes on. “Darling I don’t know what is going on but I really need you to get to memorial.” She hangs up and then calls Nick. Nick tells her he is on his way.   Back at Glo Worm. Keemo rubs his cheek. Gloria: I cant believe this is happening. I’m engaged to an Abbott. Keemo: I had no idea you were married to my granddad. Gloria: Yea maybe you should have told me who you were. I knew Jack had a son but never knew his name or what he looked like. And its you. I can’t believe I’m in love with Jack Abbott’s son. This can’t be happening. What would your granddad think? I loved him with all my heart and when he died it nearly destroyed me. And how do I show my love to him? But sleeping and getting engaged to his Asian grandson. Keemo: I really don’t know what to say. I didn’t plan this. I didn’t know who you were. I never knew my granddad got remarried after Dina. I didn’t think it would be possible.Gloria I never meant for this to happen. I love you. Gloria: Please don’t say that to me. I’m getting sick to my stomach.” She leaves Glo Worm. Keemo calls after her. Jill then walks up to Keemo. “Well. Well well. You left me for Gloria. I thought you had better taste Keemo. Gloria is really the bottom of the barrel. Keemo: You know what happened between us. Jack didn’t approve. Jill: Jack isn’t going to approve of this engagement with Gloria either. I’ll be here for you.” She plants a kiss on his lips then leaves. Keemo just watches the door. He never expected his party to end up like this. Tucker having watched the entire scene walks over to Keemo. Keemo: Can I help you? “I’m Tucker McCall.” Keemo: Kay’s son. Ok nice to meet you. What can I do for you? Tucker: I could not help but oversee how your dad reacted to you and Gloria. I wanted to tell you I support you. I support true love. And it looks like soon you may need an ally against your dad. Here is my card. You’ll know when the time is right to use it. In the mean time I wish you luck with Gloria.” Tucker walks away as Keemo looks at the info on the card. Tucker: Check mate Jack. I’ll have your son on my team. And I’m going to really enjoy that.” He heads to the hospital to see what kind of damage he can do there. Victoria arrives at the hospital and walks over to her mother. Nikki: Darling what happened? Victoria: Billy cheated on me. I walked in and saw him and Chloe having sex in our bed. So I lost control mother. Something came over me I was so hurt and angry. With out even thinking I attacked Chloe. I blacked out, I don’t remember to much of what happened. Nikki holds her. “What a way to come back to Genoa City. To find out your husband is cheating on you.” Esther walks over to Nikki and Victoria. Esther: What the hell did you do to my Chloe? Victoria: It’s more like what she did to me. My family…. She was having sex with Billy in our home. OUR BED! That’s what your Chloe did. Esther: I told them to stop this. Nikki: Wait you knew about the affair? How long has this been going? Esther: It’ doesn’t matter. Victoria should have never put her hands on my daughter. Victoria: Your daughter should keep her legs closed to married men. Esther slaps Victoria. Nikki pushes Esther back. Jack intervenes as does Kay. Kay pulls Esther aside. Nikki: You better get your maid in order Katherine. Kay: Nikki she is upset. We don’t need your cheer leading and instigating. Everyone is hurt and stunned here. You calm down. Nikki: Hand Newman back to my family then go to hell!”   Then Olivia come out of the Operating Room. Everyone gathers round to hear news on Chloe. Olivia: I’m so sorry” She says as a tear forming in her eye. Esther breaks down and hollers out and cries her out. “NO!. Not Chloe. NO! God WHY?…. Why my daughter.” Everyone looks at Victoria. Billy is stunned as well. Esther looks at Victoria. “ You killed my daughter!!!”
  2. I had to re read that scene. WOW what a twist. From donna to racehl to janice and Sharlene. This is great
  3. Yes fenmore is still a young boy on my show. The Jack keemo and Glo story takes an unexpeccted turn.
  4. Grant u dummy u should have been more catious of ur convo. now uve exposed ur self to Pualina and u looked real juvnile. GRRR. SO donna shot her old man. I didnt think she did it. But now the police saying he was posioned to. SO now well see. And Allen heping Donna rid the gun. SO now its going to be a family wide cover up?
  5. Billy’s House. Victoria walks down the stairs and looks at Chloe’s seemingly life less body. She looks at the puddle of blood forming under her head. Meanwhile Billy begins to holler out from upstairs as he tries to break free of the ropes. Victoria kicks over Chloe’s body. Then Ronan walks in. He look at Victoria standing over Chloe’s body. Ronan: Victoria, what happened? I got a call about screams coming from this house. Victoria: I caught this tramp having sex with my husband. We had a disagreement. Now I need a cigarette.” She coolly walks past Ronan. Ronan runs upstairs to see why Billy is screaming out. He sees Billy in a superman costume tied to the bed. Ronan: Billy what have you done? The Young and the Restless Episode 110: Genoa City learns Roxanne is Leslie’s daughter! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C. Nate Richardson ad Martin Saenz At the Party Leslie: Ashley you won’t be pressing charges on my daughter Roxanne. Spencer shakes his head. Roxanne and Malcolm look at Leslie. Ashley: Roxanne is your daughter? Leslie: Yes.” Leslie looks at Roxanne. Roxanne shakes her head at Leslie. Roxanne: You are tripping. Roxanne runs off. Devon follows. Malcolm approaches Leslie “Les what is going on?” Leslie: Malcolm it’s true. I just found out Roxanne is the daughter I gave up for adoption many years ago.” Malcolm: This is the secret you could not tell me? This is what has been eating up at you? Baby girl you could have told me” Malcolm hugs her. Then Spencer walks into his view. He pulls back from Leslie “Wait a minute. Did Spencer now about this?” Leslie turns away knowing the truth is going to piss him off. Malcolm: Ahh hell naw Les!! How does he get to know and I don’t. I’m the one loving you.” Leslie looks back at Malcolm as Spencer approaches the two. Leslie: Malcolm, Spencer is Roxanne’s father. Spencer: So now that you know you can lay off of Leslie. She’s going through a hard enough time as it is.” Malcolm is speechless leaning Spencer fathered Leslie’s child. Devon chases down Roxanne. Roxanne with tears in her eyes brushes Devon off. Roxanne: Leave me alone Devon. I don’t want to be bothered! Devon: Roxanne please don’t run off. I love you. We can deal with this.” Roxanne runs off into the edge of night and Devon stops chase. But what Devon doesn’t know is that Nate hasn’t given up on chasing Roxanne. Devon walks back into the party confused. Scotty is looking for Rafe, He walks out side and sees him. He approaches him. Scotty: Rafe I can explain. Rafe: Explain what? Tell me who’s explaining Ted or Scotty? Scotty: My name is Scotty Grainger. I told you my name was Ted because my mother doesn’t know I’m this way. Rafe: What way is that? Scotty: This Rafe. What you and I have. I love you. Scotty pulls Rafe to a side wall so no one can see them. Rafe brushes out of his hold.” I’m so pissed at you Scotty! How do you love me when the only thing you’ve done was lie to me from the first day we met!?” Scotty: I don’t want my mother to know. Rafe: I’m too old for this kind of game. If you can’t be who you are Scotty then I don’t want to be with you. Scotty: No please, Don’t say that Rafe. I need you. I love you.” Scotty plants a kiss on Rafe. Fenmore walks around the corner and see the two men kissing. Fenmore takes a picture of Scotty and Rafe kissing. Scotty and Rafe both look at Fenmore. Fenmore takes off running and laughing. Scotty: This can’t be happening. Back at Billy’s Ronan unties Billy. Billy puts his penis back inside his costume. He then runs down stairs to find Chloe. Ronan calls for an ambulance. Billy holds Chloe. “Oh my god. What did Vicki do?” Billy kisses her. “I love you Chloe and I’m so sorry. You can’t be dead. We have Delia.” Ronan can only watch the sad scene from the top of the stairs. He’s in shock and in disbelief. Is Chloe really dead?   Tucker is pulled away from the drama at the party with a phone call on his cell phone. It's Iris. Tucker: Good news darling’? Iris: Yes. Kay’s office has been repainted, and all the visual and audio recording equipment has been installed in her office. Tucker: So soon. I’m impressed. Now we can get his show on the road and take Kay out for good.” He hangs up with a huge smile on his face as he looks over at his mother. Tucker: Out with the old and in with the new. Avery then arrives at the party. She hands the DVD to a Glo Worm worker and gives her some instructions. Meanwhile. Nate has caught up To Roxanne. Nate: Slow down. Roxanne turns around. ‘What?” Nate: Come back to the party. We got to figure this out Rox. Roxanne: That Leslie, the person I thought was stalking me is my mother. Is this even true? Why did it come out like that? Nate grabs her and holds her tightly. Roxanne just cries. Nate: It’s ok. Let it out. I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere. Roxanne: I don’t know what to do Nate. What if this is really true? Leslie my mother? Nate: Let’s go back and figure this out. Let’s get some answers. You can’t run from this. You may have found your real mother. Please come back to the party. I’ll be right by your side. Nate slowly walks Roxanne back to the party. At the party. Avery grabs a microphone and gets the attention of the party. Leslie takes a keen interest as does Spencer. Avery: I have a message from Victor Newman. He’s instructed me to play it here at the party. The lights are dimmed. Then a big screen TV comes on. Its Victor Newman himself. The party goers are stunned. Victor: I’d like to tell you a story. About a lovely lady, named Leslie.” As the video plays Nate and Roxanne arrive back at the party. Devon sees this and is not to happy at all. He walks over to them. Nate, Roxanne and the rest of the party look upon Leslie’s sexy past expose. As sexy stripper pictures are on the big screen they tell a story. The story shows Spencer as one of Leslie’s clients. Then we see a baby that Leslie gives up for adoption. Then at the end of the video is a DNA test. Stating Leslie and Spencer are Roxanne’s parents. The camera zooms onto the results for all to see. Genoa City is stunned. The video goes off. Leslie: Why Avery? Avery doesn’t say anything. She leaves the party. Roxanne is crying. The camera pans to the facial reactions of Leslie, Devon, Nate, Malcolm, Neil, Ashley, Abby, Spencer and most of all back to Roxanne. Gloria then grabs the microphone. “I have had enough of this outrageous show This party was to lift the spirits of everyone here in Genoa City. So It’s time I do just that. I have an announcement to make. If I may have you attention please.” Gloria spots Keemo in the crowd. Gloria: Keemo it’s time can you come up here? As Keemo makes his way to the podium to Gloria Jack wonders what the hell is about to happen. Gloria: Genoa City, I’d like you to meet the man who has helped make this night possible. My business partner and the love of my life and now my fiancée Keemo No Last Name.” Keemo laughs and speaks into the microphone and says Abbott. It’s Keemo Abbott.” Gloria: ABBOTT!!? Jack walks up to them. “What the hell is this Keemo?” Keemo: Dad meet my fiancée Gloria. Gloria and Jack look at each other in shock. Jack: Over my dead body!
  6. LOL TY NATE I should have put an adult rating on this ep. It took for ever to writet this as I knew it would be a maaive one. U motivated me to wirte it Nate. I got lots more coming lol ty Bro!
  7. WOW!!!! Poor Allen. I really enoy his character. Hes come a long way as Ive been watching him from the start. And Grant. Fukking stalker. LOL And I am enjoying JAck's side story. I know this al bout tot ie together. Nate its really gotten good bro. Everything we talked about and the thing Ive been telling u are really bearing fruit and its really picking up. I love everythign about ur AW. All the stories. Great job and keep it up!!! Its rocking.
  8. I think it was Allen who was being stadnoffish. At least to me. he was very rue to her like she owed him soemthing or she did soemthing to him. IDK thas my prececption I got from the scene
  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the scen with Carl and Iris. i loved how he crept up on her. SO Carl like. I love the barbs between them So damn funny I loved all their lines GREAT JOB ON THAT ONE and I hope i see more of that. LOL!!!! Lesli Kay is so pretty
  10. AW is really picking up. I love how everyne is gettign their own stories I had LOL at jacks pres confrene. Like what was the point he everything he said the public knows LOL. But the most intersting part of this is Scooter and his back story and Jack and Grants phone call. And wht is Jancie up to LOL. A GREAT EPISODE!! Very interesting
  11. Wow. Why is Allen so hostile to Toni. And I think Carl trippin on this one. He needs soem sex or soem affecftion. Hes lonely. But He has to understand this is for her children.Their legacy. I want to know what Toni knows and I want t know how she really feel about Amanda and Allen
  12. I love it any time CP is front and Center. And Im glad Rachel has the busness sense to make Amada take the postion. Look out Iris, U better hide Tucker and ur new CP ventrues. Paulia got a little back bone. I d like to see what see think she gone do. I must admit I enjoyed the Cass and Frankie scenes And Carl was lsitening. This is gonna be good. Love me some Carl Hutchins. Nice Clear and strong episode nate.
  13. Victoria is looking at Chloe riding her husband in her bed. Chloe stops and turns around to look at the door way and is stunned to see an extra beautiful Victoria. Billy pops his head around Chloe’s breast which obstructed his view and is also stunned to see his wife. Billy is still tied to the bed from Chloe’s sex game. Billy: Vicki, your home. And your face. Vicki : I come home to this! This is the reason why I’ve barely heard from you!?” Chloe slowly gets off of Billy taking the cover with her exposing Billy who is wearing a superman costume with his manhood exposed half hard and still wet. Victoria: You have got to be kidding. In our home! Our bed.!" Vicki reaches behind the door and grabs a baseball bat. She begins to walk over toward Billy and Chloe. Victoria: Chloe, you are low class. Second class is more like it. What kind of mother are you? Having an affair with a married man. Where is Delia by the way? What is she doing while your hear being a cow slut with my husband? Soon to be ex husband. You a terrible mother shame on you whore! Chloe: Billy loves me. He’s’ going to leave you for me. Billy tell her. Billy: Maybe this is not right the time. Please untie me.” Chloe walks over towards Billy but Victoria takes a swing of her bat and knocks off a bed pole to prove to the cheating duo she is serious. Victoria: Don’t move you disgusting slut. Billy: Vicki just calm down Vicki then swings that bat at Billy and it lands right in his stomach. Billy cries out in pain. Chloe is horrified as she realizes Victoria is not playing games. She decides to creep towards the door way to make a safe exit. Victoria sees this and drops the bat. “Oh no you don’t you trampy home wrecker!" Victoria runs after Chloe as Chloe dashes out the door. Chloe trips on the sheets she had covering her. Victoria catches up to her and begins to punch her in the face. She then sits on top of her and keeps on punching her with right and left hooks to the face. Chloe’s face begins to bleed. She is screaming for her life. “STOP IT! STOP THIS MADNESS!!” Chloe yanks Victoria’s hair so hard it causes a creek in Vicki’s neck. Chloe takes her hands and pushes Victoria off of her. She gets back up to try and run down the stairs but Vickie on the ground grabs her foot and Chloe falls back to the ground. Vicki: I’m going to kill you, then Billy! “ She says crawling back on top of a naked Chloe. Episode 109: Victoria walks in on Billy and Chloe having SEX!!!! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C. Nate Richardson, and Martin Saenz   The Ball. Katherine walks up to Devon and Roxanne. Katherine and Devon hug. Devon: It’s good to see you grandma. Kay smiles at him. “ You look lovely this evening Roxanne.:" Roxanne: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor but you know I couldn’t out do you.” Katherine: Oh stop it. Things going ok for the two of you? Devon how is the music label coming along? Devon: It’s going a lot better since I found America’s next super star. Kay: You don’t say. Don’t keep me in suspense who is it? Devon: Your looking at her. Kay: You mean Roxanne here? Devon: yes. Kay; I had no idea you had a voice young lady. Roxanne: I don’t think I do. But Devon seems to think so I guess we will see. Kay: I wish you two all the luck in the world and if you need anything you let me know. Roxanne: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor. Meanwhile, Neil and Harmony catch up to a fuming Ashley who was intent on confronting Roxanne. Neil: Ashley excuse me. I’m just trying to figure out why did you confront me about Roxanne. Ashley: Neil I know it’s Devon that is related to you. But Roxanne and Devon are having relations. And as Devon’s father I came to you. I don’t appreciate my daughter being assaulted by your son‘s girlfriend. I’m sure you would feel the same way about any of your children. Now if you will please excuse me. Harmony: No Ashley can you wait a minute please? Ashley is stunned Harmony stopped her She turns around and gives a disgusted look. Ashley: Yes what is it? Harmony: I just wanted to remind you that Devon is my son. Not at one point in our conversation did you acknowledge that fact and or even look at me when talking about my son. It’s obvious you have a problem with me. I want to know what it is. Ashley: Ask Tucker. He seems so found of you these days Harmony. Neil did you know that? Neil: No I didn’t. Ashley turns around and continues with her intent on confronting Roxanne with Abby in tow. Lauren with Scotty by her side arrives at the ball. Rafe spots him and is stunned to see “Ted” with his client Lauren. Scotty spots Rafe looking at him. “Damn it. Nosey ass. He’s going to figure everything out tonight.” Rafe gets up and walks over to Scotty. Fenmore also witnesses what is going on with Scotty and Rafe. Gloria approaches the two. Gloria: Lauren its good to see you again. Lauren: Gloria nice place you have here. I’m happy for you. Gloria: Do you know what will make me even happier? Lauren: If your going to start about Michael please Gloria I don’t want to hear it I don’t have time. We are going to divorce and that’s it. Nothing will change that. Gloria: You never know. But any who. I have some great news. Lauren: Do tell. Gloria: Not now. Later. I have a big announcement. Make sure you are here for that. Lauren: I’m intrigued, I will. Gloria: If you will excuse me I have to make sure the party is going ok.” Gloria walks away. Rafe walks up to them. Lauren: Rafe nice to see you. Meet my sons Scotty and Fenmore.” Rafe: Scotty? Ted/Scotty is speechless. Rafe: Nice to meet you both. Excuse me Lauren I have a call to make” Rafe leaves abruptly leaves. Scotty knows Rafe is mad. Lauren: That was really weird of Rafe.” Scotty wants to run off and explain things to Rafe but Scotty doesn’t want his mother to now he is carrying on a secret relationship with him. Ashley arrives to Roxanne and Devon. Ashley: Roxanne I want to know why you assaulted my daughter? Roxanne: Miss Abbott, how nice of you to come speak to me.You look lovely. You want to know what now? Ashley: Save the pleasantries.So obvious how phony you are. Why did you attack my daughter!?” Roxanne: Because Abby is a hating ass bitch who is plotting to destroy my life. She wants my man and now she wants to destroy my future. Ashley: This isn’t the first I’ve heard about you harassing my daughter.!" A crowd begins to form around the scene. Roxanne: I bet. I don’t hide how I feel about any one and I can’t stand your daughter. She’s a liar and a loser. She’s not innocent you know. Ashley: How dare you talk bout my daughter like this? Roxanne: Its easy. Ask her. She is the one that brought Harmony here in the first place to stop Devon from proposing to me. She wants Devon. I’m supposed to stand by and let her take what is mine. I love Devon so I will fight to be with him. Your daughter is a loser and I’m sorry you have to find out like this. Ashley: Where is your self respect and class talking to me like this. I’m going to press charges on you. You will not assault my child. You are going to jail. Leslie: I’m sorry Ashley that won’t be happening. Everyone is confused especially Malcolm. Ashley: Excuse me? Leslie: I cannot allow you to put Roxanne in jail. Its not going to work. Ashley: And why is that? Leslie: Roxanne is my daughter and Spencer is her father. No way in hell are you putting our child in jail!” Everyone is stunned having just learned Roxanne is the daughter of Leslie and Spencer. The ball comes to a complete halt.     Back at Billy’s. Victoria is choking Chloe. Chloe spits in Victoria’s face. Chloe: How about that for your new face Bitch! You look like you needed moisture.” Chloe says after Victoria release Chloe’s neck to wipe her face. Chloe then decks Victoria in her face. Victoria gets off of Chloe to stand back up after being dizzy from the punch to the mouth. Chloe stands up too. “Such a shame Victoria. Look at that face. You just had it done. Now it’s a bloody mess.” Victoria wipes blood from her mouth. Vicki charges at Chloe again and grabs her head and begins to bash it into the wall. The force of the head crushing from Chloe’s head to the wall causes Chloe’s head to eventually crack the dry wall and bust her head through the wall. Chloe sinks her nails into Victoria’s face. Vicki scrams out. Vicki: Stupid Bitch! Why would you do that!? It took months for this face! Chloe: I’m just trying to defend myself. You’ve gone mad. Victoria: No Pig Slut, just trying to take the trash out of my house. Chloe: Billy is coming too. I got your man Bitch! Keep your hands off me or I’m going to press charges almighty Miss Newman. That’s what you’ll be again.” Chloe walks off. Victoria is still mad and runs up behind Chloe and chokes her from behind. “ Your going to pay for sleeping with my husband.” Then Victoria lets go of Chloe. Chloe begins to lose her balance near the top of the stairwell. Victoria gives a little push and Chloe falls, rolls and then tumbles down the stairs until she lands face down at the bottom. Blood immediately begins form a puddle underneath her head.    
  14. The Ball continues at Glo Worm as Nick, Nikki, and Noah all surround newly arrived Victoria. Nikki hugs her. “I cant believe you are here. Why didn’t you call us?” Nikki looks at her daughter’s face. Nick: Looks good Vic. Nikki: Your brother is right my darling. You are more beautiful than ever. Victoria: You really think so? Noah: Of course Aunt Vicki. Vic: Look at you. All so grown up. Come here and give me hug.” Noah hugs Victoria as she looks at Nick. “Where is Sharon?” Nick: A good question. Their conversation is stopped when Kay walks over. Kay: Victoria you look wonderful darling its so good to see you back in town. I had no idea you would be here.” Kay gives her a hug. Nikki: Oh you just don’t stop do you Katherine. Nick: Mom please don’t start. Nikki: She is the one who started Nicholas by taking Newman away from you two. Now she comes over here as if she’s done nothing wrong. Bitch! Kay: Now Nikki that is uncalled for. Victoria is my God daughter. I have a right to see how she is doing. Nikki: A right? The right thing to do is to hand Newman back to my children where it belongs. Isn’t Chancellor enough? Victoria: Look let’s not do this. Lets have a good time. Please. Kay: Your right Victoria. I have class. With that said, I’ll leave you be. Welcome back Victoria.” Nikki: Did she just try to call me low class. Nick pulls his mother to another side of the ball away from Katherine. Nikki: I don’t care Nicholas. Katherine is going to pay for taking your legacy from you two. She has no right. I’ll stop you Katherine! Tucker, and Jack on opposites ends of the room both take a drink and enjoy the show with smiles on their faces. They then take notice of each other and size each other up. Jack smiles at Tucker as he approaches Katherine. Jack: Katherine there is something you ought to know about your son and what he is planning.” Kay and Jack both turn around and look at Tucker. The only thing Tucker can think is “ Damn you Jack.!” Kay: What is Tucker up to now? Jack: Your son is planning to unseat you from Newman and take Newman for himself.” Kay: I knew he was up to something. He will have Newman over my dead body!” Episode 108: Showdowns at the Ball!! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz Nikki: So why didn’t you call us to let us know you were coming back home? Victoria: I wanted it to be a surprise. I always knew that’s how I wanted to come back. Nikki: I’m so glad your home darling.” Nikki hugs her again. Victoria: I don’t see Billy, where is he?   At Billy’s. Chloe and Billy are laying in the bed holding each other. Chloe: Gloria is having her opening gala tonight. Do you think we should have went? Billy: No. I’m happy where I’m at. With the woman I love. Chloe: I love you to Billy. I’m so happy right now.” She kisses him then rubs her hand on his chest and admires her moment with him. Chloe: You know isn’t it about time your wife is due home from Japan. Have you heard from her? Billy: Why do you always like to talk about Victoria? Chloe: She’s due home soon. And you tell me your going to leave me for her. So I just want to make sure you are ready to do what you say you are going to do. Billy: Chloe I love you. Nothing is going to change that.” He kisses her then gets on top of her. He grinds on her getting her in the mood for love making Chloe: Billy I want you. Give it to me.” He smiles at her and then leans down to kiss her neck then works his way down to her breast as he slides her panties off. He goes lower to her navel and his tongue action tickles her. She flinches and moans out. Billy, excited and turned on by her quivering goes even lower to her honey pot. Chloe then moans loudly in ecstasy. She wraps her legs around his head to lock his head in her pleasure principle. “Billy. Mmmm. Yes, Oh Billy. Don‘t stop! Ooooo. Uhhh” She says. Abby arrives at the ball. Ashley spots her daughter but what throws her off is the men standing with her. She walks over to her to greet her. They hug. Ashley: Abby!” She says noticing she has a black eye. Abby puts her glasses back on Abby: Is it that bad? Ashley; Honey what the hell happened? Abby: Oh Roxanne and I got into a fight. Ashley: Are these security guards with you? Abby: Yes. That bitch is crazy. Ashley: This is crazy. Where is she? We are pressing charges.” Ashley spots Neil and walks over to him with Abby in tow. “Excuse me, Excuse me!” Ashley says interrupting Neil’s dancing with Harmony. Neil: Ashley, what is the matter? Ashley: This!” Ashley snatches off Abby’s glasses so Neil can see her black eye. Neil: Damn. What happened? Abby: Mom really? Did you really have to do all that? Ashley: Hell yes I did. Your son’s girlfriend did this to my daughter Neil. And she is going to pay. Neil: Roxanne did that to you? Abby: Yes. Then Devon and Roxanne arrive at the ball. They both look around to see who is there. They see a visibly upset Ashley with Abby talking with Neil and Harmony. They are all looking at them. Devon: Uh oh. Roxanne: Do you think they all know I beat Abby’s ass? Devon: You say that like you are proud of that.. And to be honest I say it was a tie. But to answer your question. Yea it looks like they know. Ashley with Abby in tow storms over to Roxanne and Devon. Neil and Harmony follow suite. Malcolm and Leslie arrive at the Ball. They don’t notice the upcoming drama about to unfold with Abby and Roxanne. They order drinks. Leslie: Gloria did a nice job cleaning up in here. Malcolm: I don’t know. I wasn’t here when the first Glo Worm was here. The only thing I know it was bombed and Lily was scarred from it. Leslie: How is she doing? Malcolm: She is good. She says she is almost done with her treatment. So she should be home soon. Leslie: That’s good to hear. I’m so glad you talked me into coming here. I feel great. I love you baby.” They hug. Malcolm: Let me get this dance girl. Show daddy what you can do on the dance floor. Suddenly Leslie has a flash back of her stripper days. Dancing nasty on a pole while Spencer throws 100 dollar bills at her. He would say “ Dance for daddy” Malcolm: Les. You ok? You spaced out on me. Leslie: I’m sorry. Let’s go dance. As they Dance Spencer walks into the ball. He spots Malcolm and Leslie dancing. He walks over to the bar and grabs a drink. He continues to watch Leslie dance. He has a flash back in his mind of a time when they were together and she gave him a personal lap dance. He shakes his head to snap out of it. Rafe arrives at the party. He looks around for Ted but he doesn’t see him. He grabs a drink and sits next to Spencer. Rafe: Spencer how are you? The mighty DA that put Victor Newman behind bars. Spencer: It came with a cost. Victor is a vial man. Rafe: So I see. It made Leslie quit his case. Spencer: I know. Rafe: You do? Spencer: Look Rafe I can’t go into it right now. This Victor Newman mess is not done yet. Rafe: I don’t understand. Spencer: In time you will. Rafe: Does it have something to do with Avery? Spencer: You bet it does.   Victoria: I’m going to find Billy. I called his phone and he’s not answering. He may be at home sleep. Nikki :Ok darling. Ill be over in the morning and we can have breakfast and catch up. Noah: Bye Aunt Vicki. Victoria hugs her family good bye then leaves the ball to go home to see if Billy is there. Olivia and Nate arrive the ball. The see a big crowd gathering up and they walk over to see what is going on. They get a look closer and see Ashley is about to confront Roxanne. Nate wonders what is going. Kay walks over to Tucker. Tucker: Am I to assume you and Jackie had a good conversation. Kay: In fact we did. Tucker: Let me guess, he told you I plan to unseat you at Newman to take Newman for myself. Kay: uh yes, that is correct. Tucker: Now you are here to see if it’s true? Kay: You’re a smart one tonight my son. Tucker: It’s lies. Jack is a liar. And a sore loser. Mother I told you I want peace with you. I want my family close. Kay: If it’s lies then why are you and Ashley separated? Tucker: To be honest mother that’s none of your business. Kay: Why would Jack tell me something like this if he is lying. I’ve known Jack since he was a boy. Tucker: I’m your son. My word should be enough. Kay is caught off guard with that last statement. Tucker: Only time will tell won’t it mother. I’m hurt you could even ask me these things. You’re my mother. I love you.” He gives her a big hug and Tucker makes sure Jack can see him. Jack is scorned as Tucker sends Jack a text. Jack reads it. “ Check Mate” It reads. Jack: You want war Tucker. Then lets get it on. Victoria arrives at her home. She unlocks the door. She hears some odd noises coming from upstairs. She grabs a bat and creeps upstairs. Then she hears “ Billy!, YES!, You like that? You like it when I ride you?” Victoria is stunned. She opens the bedroom and flicks on the light and sees a naked Chloe on top Billy who is tied to the bed. Chloe and Billy both turn to see who it is. Victoria: What the hell is going on here? Chloe and Billy are stunned!
  15. Katherine walks into the Genoa City jail to visit Victor. Victor: Kay. Nice to see you. Kay: Victor how are you? Victor: I’m well. Planning on life post jail. Kay: Do you really think you are going to get out of here? Victor: You bet. Kay: I find it highly impossible Victor. Victor: Never underestimate me Katherine. You’ve known me long enough to never do that. I got a plan. How is Newman by the way? Kay: Victor, I must be honest. Newman Enterprises is in a tail spin at the moment. The company has lost half its worth and the board along with shareholders are getting antsy. Victor you left me one hell of a mess. Victor: I trust you will be able to handle it? Kay: I will do my best. Soon the vultures will start to swim around Newman. Victor: You must do something drastic then. Something to give Newman a shot in the arm. And restore the value. Katherine I’m asking you to hold on. I’ll be out of here soon. Katherine: Dear God in heaven Victor. I hope its as simple as you claim it will be. I need help. Victor: I trust you Katherine.” He winks at her and then walks out the door to go back to his cell. Kay: Newman needs a miracle or it may cease to exist. 107: Heather Tom Returns at the Gala! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz Neil and Harmony arrive at the gala at Glow Worm hand in hand. Gloria greets them. Gloria:Thank you Neil and Harmony for coming out. I hope you like the New Glo Worm. Neil: Its very nice Gloria. I think almost better then the old one. Harmony: Thanks for inviting us Gloria. You look lovely. Gloria: Thank you. Neil and Harmony walk off to look at the place. Harmony: I really hope tonight goes off with out a hitch. Neil: Same here. The last big party we had here in Genoa City ended in bombs going off. Harmony: I hope nothing happens like that tonight. Neil: Let’s not even worry about that. We’ve been through so much the last few weeks let’s just enjoy the night.” Neil grabs Harmony’s hand and escorts her to the dance floor where they begin to slow dance to a slow jam. They look into each others eyes as they smile at one another. Neil: It feels really good being with you Harmony. It feels right. Gloria meets with Keemo in the back office. They kiss. Keemo: How does it look out there? Gloria: Everything is good so far. Guest are beginning to arrive. Keemo: Good. That means we are making money. Now you remember the plan right? Gloria: I do. Keep our distance until we announce our engagement.” Keemo walks over and gives her a hug. Meanwhile, Malcolm sits outside of Leslie’s Apartment in his car. He beeps the horn wildly before he calls her. She answers Malcolm: Leslie come down stairs. Leslie: For what? Is that you outside blowing the horn like a mad man? Malcolm: Yea. Put on a pretty dress and lets go out. I’m taking you out. Leslie: Malcolm, I don’t think I should. Malcolm: I’m not taking no for an answer. We both been under so much stress these last few weeks we need to let our mind go just for one night. Lets clear our minds. It may even help you with your situation. It will do you some good. Come on Les. I’m not taking no for answer. Leslie: Fine Fine. Give me thirty minutes. Your lucky I just got out of the tub. Malcolm: I’ll wait a life time for you baby. I love you. Leslie: I love you to. Be down soon. Back at the Ball. Nick grabs a drink as Noah walks up to him. They hug. Nick: Its been a while son. What have you been up to? Noah: Just been laying low dad. With granddad’s trial I didn’t want the press hounding me. But something’s up with Mom. Nick: What do you mean? Noah: I haven’t spoken to her in weeks. I haven’t seen her. Don’t you find that odd? Nick: I do.” Nick has a flashback of finding a piece of clothing with Dru’s name on it at Sharon’s. Noah: Dad do you know something? Nick: Son, just know I’m looking for your mother. Noah: What does that mean she’s officially missing? Kay is sipping sparkling water as she gazes at the fountain in the center of the ball room. Murphy walks up to her. “Hello Katherine” Katherine: Murphy. Its been quite awhile. How have you been? Murphy: I’ve been well. Just missing you is all. Worried about you. Katherine: Please Murphy, don’t tell me you are here to lecture me over my taking over Newman. Murphy: No I’m not here to do that. I miss you to much to spend this time I have with you right now arguing with you. Its just good to see you looking well. Katherine smiles sat him. “ May I have this dance?” Murphy: You most certainly may my lady.” He extends his hand and they slow dance. Jack and Nikki walk in hand in hand. Nikki sees Katherine. Katherine looks at her. Nikki looks away and ignores her. They are greeted by Keemo. Jack: Keemo. So good to see you. Keemo: Same here dad. Nikki nice to see you here. Nikki:Good to see you Keemo.” Nikki looks over and sees Paul by him self drinking his 3rd drink since she’s gotten there. Nikki: Jack if you will excuse me I want to see Paul. Jack: Ok Nikki.” He then turns to Keemo “So Son what have you been up to these days? I barley see you these days. Keemo: A lot actually. I found the woman f my dreams. Jack: As long as it’s not Jill, I’m be a happy camper. Keemo: Trust me dad its no Jill. But we’ve been spending a lot of time together. Lately. Jack: Yes so what are you trying to tell me? Keemo: Dad I have a huge announcement later on tonight. Jack: You got e a bit nervous. Keemo: Relax jack. Everything is ok. Jack looks over at Nikki talking to Paul.   Nikki: Paul are you ok? Paul: Nikki. Good to see you. Nikki: Same here. You know I’ve watched you just a short time since I’ve arrived and I noticed you have taken three drinks already. What is going on? Paul: I’m lonely Nikki. I’m a failure as a person, as a dad. I cant locate my own kids. Nikki: Oh Paul I’m so sorry. I know we haven’t spoken but I had no idea you still have not found Ricky or Heather yet.” Nikki hugs Paul. Paul hugs her back. Paul: Oh Nikki, this feel so good. Nikki: I’m just sorry I have’nt been a better friend to you. Paul: Its ok. You had Victor’s trial to deal with. Nikki: Well not no more. I’m here for you and I’m not leaving your side Paul. You were always there for me. And I’m going to be there for you. You deserve it.” She hugs him again. Paul looks up and sees a red faced Jack looking dead at him and he seems unhappy. Tucker arrives at the gala. Katherine notices he arrives alone. She walks over to him. Katherine: Where is Ashley? Tucker: Mother, Ashley and I aren’t seeing eye to eye lately.” Tucker is immediately side tracked and gets angry when he sees Harmony and Neil dancing. Katherine can see Tucker is sidetracked. She looks in the direction her son is looking in and also sees Harmony and Neil dancing. Katherine: Do you have an issue with Harmony and Neil getting close? ‘The million dollar question” They both hear and they turn around to see Ashley. “Hi Katherine” Kay: Hi Ashley. Is this why you and my son are not doing so well? Ashley: It’s part of it. Tucker knows what he has done and is doing. Kay: And what is that? Ashley; Why don’t you ask your son?” Ashley leaves and walks over to Jack. Katherine looks at Tucker. “ You mind telling me what in the hell is she talking bout Tucker.?”   Then suddenly a familiar face begins to walk into the gala wearing a stunning red sparkling dress. The dress is show stopping and that’s exactly what happens. Nikki looks over to see why the music stops playing. She sees the woman in red. Nikki drops her drink and screams out. “ Victoria!” Nikki and Nick run over to Victoria, now played by Heather Tom!!  
  16. Ok The scene transition were very jarring. In one of Billies's scens I didnt know she was talkign at the very end of it. Couldnt follow to much but I did take notice to Riely and how Maggie seems to know him. He already looks liek trouble for Will and Sonny. Look fwd to seeing adding some depth and detail to ur stories.
  17. LOL Love Donna. I also enjoyed Kirk and Charlie taking me own memory lane. I rember very well Justine, and Sepncer. ANd the tug of war between Vicky and grant and I will NEVER FORGET when GRANT SHOT HIMSELF and framed Vicky for it.Such great times . Amanda shoudl at least give Iris a chance. Dummy. She can work with iris to kep an eye on her. On well her stubborn loss. Good episode
  18. I for got Alled was the one who took those photos. Good Episode. Donna was to cool when she got the new. no emotion what so ever. LOL Going to be interestin g to see how the others react...
  19. Gloria walks into the jail to visit her son Michael. She walks into the visitors room when Michael then walks in. Gloria: Michael what is going on? Why are you here? Michael: Where the hell have you been Gloria? I was arrested days ago. Gloria: I’m sorry Michael. I was in Paris. Michael: PARIS! What is in Paris? Is this how your spending your insurance money? Gloria: No Michael calm down. My fiancée took me. Michael: FIANCEE!! Who is it? Gloria holds her up 24 karat ring. Gloria: Isn’t it beautiful? Michael: Beautiful, I had no idea you were even dating. I thought you were still mourning Jeffery. Gloria Jeffery was scum. He stole from me and lied to me. Michael: So who’s the unlucky man? Gloria: I’m not telling just yet. You can find out at my gala I’m having. Michael: What gala? Gloria: My fiancée and I are re opening Glo Worm. Michael: So this is why I haven’t seen you lately. It must be nice while I sit here and fight for my life. Gloria: Not for much longer.” Ronan walks over to Michael and opens his cell. Ronan: You’re free to go. Michael: I am? Gloria: I posted your bail son. Michael smiles at her and gives her a hug. Gloria: It’s time to put your life back together Michael.   Devon’s Studio. Devon is caught off guard as Roxanne is choking the life out of Abby. Devon runs over and tries to pry Roxanne off of Abby. Roxanne: Get off me Devon! Devon: Rox let her go your about to kill her. Stop! Abby takes her two free hands and punches Roxanne in the face. Roxanne then begins to bash Abby’s had against the wall. Devon: Roxanne!!” Devon is unable to get Roxanne off of Abby. Abby then kicks Roxanne in her woman hood. Roxanne lets go of Abby and she moans in pain. Then Abby kicks Roxanne with her heel. Roxanne fall to the ground. Devon: Abby! Roxanne: I hate you Bitch! Abby: The feeling is mutual. You better never put your hands on me again! You thought I wasn’t going to fight back huh Bitch!? I will never record you Bitch. Your low class... Ghetto... No respect... Stupid Bitch! Devon I’m out of here!” Abby storms out. Devon kneels down next to Roxanne Devon: I can’t believe you just did that. Where did that madness come from? I couldn’t pry you off Abby? Roxanne now she is never going to record you. Roxanne: Damn that Devon. I’m in pain right now or does that not matter to you? “ She gets up and grabs her purse limping away in defeat. Roxanne: Abby I’m going to get you.” She says to herself. Devon calls out to her but Roxanne ignores him. “What the hell just happened?” he says. The Young and the Restless Episode 106: No Last Name Written by ML Cooks Story Editor: Martin Saenz Flashback scene courtesy of C Nate Richardson from “ BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD” Spencer knocks on Leslie’s Door. Spencer: We need to talk. Leslie: Come in. Spencer walks in Spencer: I saw Roxanne the other day. Leslie: What happened? Did you tell her we are her parents? Spencer: I couldn’t. Because you freaked her out. Leslie What are you talking about? Spencer: Our daughter thinks you are stalking her. Leslie: I mean I’ve seen her a few times. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell her. I just don’t know what to do. Spencer: That’s why I’m here. We need to figure this out and move forward. I cant keep this from her much longer. I want us to get to know her. Be a family. Leslie: A family? Roxanne is a grown woman. Spender: She is still our child. A child you never told me about. I’m extremely hurt and angry about that Les. How could you not tell me something like that? You didn’t give me any options or choices. Leslie: What were the options Spence. We were young. Both in law school I couldn’t afford a child. I didn’t want a child. I was trying to get my degree so I could make money. Spencer: Ok you did that. You got the degree to make the money. Why didn’t you ever seek Roxanne out? Or go back after her? It makes me wonder what kind of person are you. Leslie slaps him as Malcolm walks in being the door was never totally shut in the first place. Malcolm: Wow really? We slapping folks now? I know it’s something really going on now. Its time the truth comes out now. And this time I’m not drunk. Tucker walks into his penthouse. He has a smile on his face as he has a flash back in his mind about the meeting with is old flame Iris Cory of Bay City. CORY PUBLISHING Iris: Daddy always admired Katherine Chancellor’s business savvy. I don’t know Tucker. This might hurt Cory. Tucker: I gave you cash to cushion any fall that might happen. I’m totally looking out for you here. Iris: We’ve never gotten into the television business. Tucker: That’s how your company is going to grow. You have to try new and innovative ventures. Nobody’s reading paper bound books these days, not to mention that it’s not cost effective. Iris: We do e-books, and people are reading Brava on their tablets and laptops. Tucker: This reality show can make CP bigger than it ever was, and isn’t that what your father would’ve wanted? He would want you to take this company to new heights. Besides you wouldn’t even be CEO if Judge Grayson wasn’t on my payroll. Iris: I know that I owe you one Tucker. You don’t have to remind me. Tucker: Don’t forget that fake will that my people drew up. Iris: If the real will surfaces somehow, then CP would go back to Rachel and I would lose everything. Tucker: I don’t want to blackmail you. That’s not my intention here. I want us both to do well. You helped me with my music career, and I want to help you now, all I need is your Jane Hancock darlin’! Iris signs on the dotted line. Tucker: Thank you. You won’t regret it. Iris: I better not. Tucker: How about it? For old times’ sake. Iris shuts the door and they kiss. Tucker sits on his couch. He makes a phone call. “I’m looking to paint my sail boat. I’m looking for a specific color. “ Phone Operator: Sail boat paint is very toxic and one must not be exposed to it for very long. The fumes can cause brain damage and severe illness. I hope you have the right safety precautions in place to paint your boat. Tucker: I do sir. My boat is very old and really needs a new coat of paint. How soon can that be shipped to me? Operator: About 24 hours sir. Thank you for being a customer of Chancellor Chemicals. Tucker: Thank you.” He hangs up. He thinks to himself “ Now I got the paint to make dear old mother go crazy. And I can get it all on film for the world to see” He smiles at his devious plans. His self appreciation comes to a halt when Ashley storms into his penthouse. Tucker: Ashley, what’s wrong you look upset. What is the matter? Ashley: Don’t play me for a fool Tucker. I know what your up to. Jack told me all bout it. Avery walks into the jail having been summoned by Victor Newman. Avery: Victor I came here as soon as I could. How are you? Victor: I’m fine. Is their any word on my sentencing. Its been weeks now. Avery: No I have not heard anything. It is a bit odd. I’ll talk to Spencer at Glo Worm. Victor: Yes. The reopening of Glo Worm. I understand Gloria is giving some sort of big party or something? Avery: Wow your good. Because I just found out about it myself. It’s tomorrow. Your contacts are good. Victor: I may be in jail but I’m very much in control. I told you I won’t be in here for long. Trust me. But there is something I want you to do. Avery; Anything victor you name it. Victor : Good. I’m going to make you a very rich woman Avery. You know, Spencer must pay for going on with the trial against me. Avery: I’m sure you feel that way. What do you want me to do? Victor: I have a slide show of sorts regarding Leslie, Spencer and their daughter Roxanne. I want you to play this tape or dvd or what ever it is at the party. I’m not up to date all these new technologies these days. It is to be played and viewed by all at this gala. Avery is stunned Avery: I mean come on Victor isn’t that a bit harsh? Victor: Spencer made a mistake. Now he must pay for it. No one bests me. No one. Now you go to Restless Style and my contact will give you this USA stick or something. It might be a blue ray. Avery chuckles. Victor: Don’t worry about a thing. I will protect you. Just get this done. You will be a very wealthy woman. Avery takes a deep breath. She thinks of her mission and is not to please with it. She’s already betrayed Leslie once now shes going to really twist the knife in the wound. Avery then thinks of her bank account. She smiles. Avery: I’ll get it done. Let me get going to Restless Style to meet up with your contact. Victor: Her name is Jazmine Hoover. Avery : Got it. At Tuckers. Tucker: You know what I’m doing? Ashley: Yes Jack told me. Your going to make a play for Newman yourself. You two had a deal now your backing out? Tucker: Ashley it’s just business. I told you we cannot let business effect our relationship. Ashley: But this is my brother Tucker. Do you think I’m really going to stand by and watch you betray him? Tucker: I’m not betraying him. I see a gold mine in Newman. I’m not willing to let it go down the drain. Ashley: What investment do you have in Newman? Tucker: I want Newman for my self. Kay is too old to be running Newman and Chancellor. Ashley: Its all for business and money huh Tucker? You’ve really changed this last few weeks. The stuff with Harmony. Now this betrayal against my bother. Tucker: Harmony? Come on I told you what that was. Harmony and Neil need to respect Sophia. It’s too soon for them to be getting together. Ashley: Its none of your business Tucker what they do. We are engaged to be married. How about putting the same effort in this relationship as you do into keeping Harmony and Neil apart or winning Newman for yourself. You don’t care about me Tucker. You went on an over night trip and I didn’t even know about it. Your keeping things from me. Its very obvious I don’t matter… You know what I cant do this. I’m not going to be a fool for you Tucker! Ashley storms out of Tuckers penthouse. Tucker: Ashley please don’t leave! ASHLEY! … Damn you Jack! You want to play dirty. We can do that. Leslie’s Apt. Malcolm: So who’s going to start? Leslie: Malcolm please. This not what it looks like I promise you. Malcolm: Leslie you slapped Spencer. You don’t do that if their was no feeling behind it. Now don’t tell me nothing is going on. You two are sleeping together aren’t you? Spencer: You couldn’t be further from the truth. Any way Leslie we need to decide soon what we are going to do about the problem we were discussing before your temperamental boyfriend showed up. I’m not going to wait much longer. The truth needs to come out.” Spencer then leaves. Malcolm: The truth? What the fukk is he talking about Les? Tell me.” He says getting angry and grabbing her. Malcolm: What is going on? Talk to me.” Leslie: Get your hands off me. I can’t tell you yet Malcolm. I can’t even deal with it myself. Let alone tell you about it. Malcolm: But Spencer knows. I’m yo man. You tell me its nothing going with you two but he know more about you then I do. That don’t look like nothing is going on to me. I love you Les cant you see that. You can tell me anything I’m going to be here for you no matter what. I love you. Let me in. Tell me.” Leslie looks into his eyes. “I love you too.” She has tears rolling down her eyes. She lays her head on his shoulder as he holds her. Leslie: Malcolm if you love me then I need you to trust me. Nothing is going with me and Spencer. And once I get it together I’ll let you know what is going on. I’ll be honest. There is something going on. But its not an affair with Spencer. Malcolm: Is Spencer involved? Leslie hesitates before answering . She wants to be truthful with Malcolm but she knows that he will be mad if she is honest. She does it any way. “Yes it has something to do with Spencer.” Malcolm takes a deep breathe. “This hurts Leslie. I need you. I’m going through Sophia’s death. Now I feel like you shutting me out. I’m lost with out you girl. I miss you.” They look into each other’s eyes. “I miss you too.” She kisses him. Then stops. Leslie: I’m tired Malcolm. I need time to myself to sort out the issues I’m having. But soon I promise you I’ll tell you what is going on. Just give me a little more time. He smiles at her “ Any thing for you” He gives her a peck on the lips and leaves her apartment. She stops him by calling his name. He turns back around to look at her. Leslie: I love you Malcolm. Thank you for being here and putting up with me. I appreciate that.” He smiles at her then leaves. She then plops on the couch and looks at picture of Roxanne. “ Soon I have to tell you. But when is the right time? How do I tell you?” Devon catches up with Abby at her place. Devon: Abby what just happened? Abby: Your low class ignorant Bitch attacked me. Didn’t you see that? I’m going to press charges. Devon: Abby please don’t do this. You did this. You wouldn’t record her. You investing in my label was a way to get with me isn’t it. Tell me the truth Abby? Roxanne already told me you would say no. She’s right isn’t she? Abby: Yes Devon. I wanted to spend time with you. I couldn’t think of no other way to do it. You don’t belong with Roxanne. She has no class. You saw that today. Devon I can love you better then she can. Devon: Abby stop this. I told you many times I love Roxanne . I want to marry her. Abby: Devon why are you here? I’m not going to lie about how I feel about you. I want you. I want a chance with you. Devon: Why Abby? Abby: I adore you. Your strong willed, compassionate, a perfect gentleman. You’re the stuff dreams are made of. You come from a good family. You make me laugh. Your gentle. I love everything about you. Devon: Abby it sounds like its an obsession. Maybe you should get some therapy. I don’t want your money and I don’t need you to invest in my label if it has strings attached. I don’t work like that. Abby: Please no Devon. Don’t do this. Do you expect me to record Roxanne after she just attacked me? She’s crazy. She the one that needs help not me. Devon: I love Roxanne. That is not going to change. I’ll send you a check in the mail of your investment Abby.” He leaves. Abby: Devon please don’t go! I love you!   Gloria meets Keemo at Glo Worm. Keemo: Just in time. The decorators just got done with the place. Its ready for our big gala tomorrow.” He kisses her. Gloria: I can’t wait. We can finally tell Genoa City we love each other. Keemo: And open your place back up. Gloria: I love you so much Keemo No Last name They both laugh. Keemo: I love you more. Gloria: I got a feeling this will be a party no one in Genoa City will ever forget. Keemo: I think so to
  20. Heather Tom returns to the role of Victoria Newman. That other actress who most recently played her has been let go. Victoria was written out back early in the series when she was caught inside the explosion at Sharon’s get out of jail party. Her face was severely burned than bandaged up. Well the bandages come off and Heather Tom’s Victoria returns home next week on Y&R. What does this mean for Victoria and Billy? Kristen Storms also joins the cast as Sheila Carter’s daughter Mary Carter. Mary goes by the name Vandalynn who is Scott’s girlfriend.How is Scotty going to react and where does this leave his gay relationship with Rafe. Brandon Beemer has been cast in the role of Noah. Noah is an upcoming storyline. Niah gets involed in the Carter family mess in a huge and shocking way.   Drucilla and Sheila are now on contract. Expect to see more of them as their story heats up as Sheila's daughter mary comes to town to shake things up And Sophia was let go a few weeks ago in an effort to trim the cast down. Coming up: An major exdous is on the way. Stay tuned.
  21. LOVED the Tucker and Iris scenes. Nice touches. And you filled in some gaps. Now the town is about to find out about bad ass Reggie..
  22. Tucker enters the city limits of Bay City in his Lincoln MKZ. He pulls over to a gas station and calls Iris. Tucker: It’s me and I’m in B.C. Iris: Tucker, I cannot wait to see you. Where are you now? Tucker: A BP gas station on the corner of Dover and Main streets. Iris: Come see me at Cory Publishing. I’ll text you the address so you can put it in your GPS. Tucker: Roger that Darlin.” He hangs up and awaits her text. He smiles as he thinks of what his future could hold for him If he plays his cards right Tucker will be the most powerful man in the world. He receives Iris’s text and enters it in his GPS. Episode 105: Tucker goes to war with Kay! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz Abby walks into Devon’s studio. She sees Roxanne singing in the booth. She is not pleased nor impressed and rolls her eyes at her Roxanne. Devon gets up and approaches Abby. Abby: I’m here Devon. What’s going on? You said you have some great news. Devon: I do. I found America’s next super star. She is going to jump start our label . You can get a return on your investment in my record label. Abby: Devon I’m happy for you. I know how long you’ve been waiting for this. Tel me where is she? Devon: You’re looking at her. Abby: What do you mean I don’t understand? Devon looks at Roxanne. Roxanne waves at Abby. Abby: Roxanne? You can’t be serious. This is your next superstar? Roxanne, walking out from the booth and approaches them. “Sure is, is their a problem with that Abigail?   Jack walks into the lab where Ashley is working. Ashley: Hey big bro. You never come down here. What’s up? Jack: That scum boyfriend you have. Ashley: Tucker What has he done now? Jack: Betrayed us. We had a deal to take Newman out. Now he wants to save it so he can take over it for himself. Ashley: Jack I had no idea. I don’t know what’s gotten into Tucker lately. First the stuff with Harmony and Neil now this. Jack: What stuff with Harmony and Neil? Ashley; Tucker is jealous that Neil and Harmony are moving closer together. He says it’s the respect Neil and Harmony should have for Sophia. I think its much more than that. Jack: Ash, he can’t be trusted. He’s not on our side, he’s out for himself. Ashley: Sure sounds like it. I’ll have a talk with him. But I tell you Jackie, I’m getting tired of Tucker and his bs. It’s getting real old. Jack: Ash what are you saying? Are you going to leave Tucker? Ash: Maybe. Jack: Maybe you shouldn’t. Ashley: What do you mean? Jack: Maybe you should stay with him to gain info for Jabot or so you can control him. Ashley we need all the help we can get. I think it would be a bad time to drop Tucker. We will no longer have info on what he’s doing. Ashley: Are you suggesting I stay with Tucker to help you in this business war? Jack: Yes Ash. Ashley: Jack your crazy. I’m not going to be with a man for the sake of gains in business. Ashley grabs her purse and storms out the lab. Jack: Damn you Tucker. I am going to stop you. I promise you. In Bay City, Cory Publishing. Tucker walks into Iris’s office. He looks around. Tucker: You’ve done well for your self. How is old Rachel taking this? Iris: At this point I really don’t care. Cory is in my hands, the rightful owner. Daddy would be proud. Tucker: Good old daddy Huh? You sure do love him a lot. Iris: Watch your mouth about daddy. So what brings you here you said you have a contract for me to sign? Tucker: I do. I have a proposition for you. This plan will benefit Cory P as well as myself and my business goals. Iris: I’m intrigued. Tucker: I’m looking to unseat Katherine Chancellor as CEO of Newman. Iris: Katharine Chancellor. Isn’t that your mother? Tucker: Sure is. Iris: Then why are you unseating her? Tucker: It’s my time. My time to shine. Its out with the old and in with the new. My mother is old and tired and I’m her son. I deserve to have Chancellor and I want Newman for myself. Iris: So selfish. But what about me and Cory. How will this help us out? Tucker hands her an envelope full of money. Tucker: Let’s start with that. A little incentive to sign on the dotted line. I’m looking to do a media campaign against Katherine. I’m going to make her look crazy to the world. I want to depress the value of Newman so I can take it over. This will give Cory exposure and new markets to dabble in. In fact I’m looking to have secret cameras installed in Kay’s office so we can turn it into a reality show. Iris: Wow. That’s low Tucker. How do you plan to make your mother go crazy? Tucker: You leave that to me. Iris: I’m game. Tucker smiles. He pulls out the contract so Iris can sign it. Sheila Carter wearing a disguise walks into the Genoa City jail. She walks into the visiting room and awaits her guest. Daisy Carter walks in. Daisy is confused at first . Sheila: It’s me momma bear. Daisy: Mother! What are you doing here? I can’t believe you’ve come to see me. Sheila: I had to see my sugar bear. I understand you are getting out of here soon. Daisy: I am. I cannot wait. I can be reunited with Lucy. Have you seen her yet? Sheila: No but I plan to soon. Everything is going according to plan. Your sister Mary will be in Genoa City soon. Daisy: She knows what she has to do? Sheila: Of course she does. As soon as you get out I want you to not worry about a thing. I’m going to help you get your daughter. And we are going to get revenge on all the people that hurt us. That defiantly includes Phyllis. Daisy: Good. She led the charge to take everything away from me. And Lauren too. Sheila: Oh don’t worry about Lauren. I’m going to get her. Just hang in there. Everything will be fine soon. I promise you.” Daisy smiles. Sheila then leaves.   Back at Devon’s Studio. Abby: First of all my name is Abby. Roxanne: Yea ok. Are you going to record me or is your desire for my man gonna get the better of you? Abby: Devon you really ambushed me with this. Devon: This is a chance for us to get on the map Abby. You can get a return investment. Abby: I’m not worried about that Devon. I invested in your label for you. Devon: I don’t understand. Roxanne: She wants you baby. She invested in your label to be spend time with you. Now that you have a new star, me, she doesn’t want to jump on it. Here is proof on how selfish she is. Devon: Abby please tell me Roxanne is wrong. I know you are not going to pass this chance up. I’m telling you Roxanne can make us a lot of money. Please do this. Let’s sign her and invest in her. Abby: Devon, the answer is no. I don’t like Roxanne and I will never invest a penny in that Bitch! Devon is stunned. Suddenly Roxanne slaps Abby. Roxanne: Call me a Bitch again.” Abby slaps Roxanne back. Abby: BITCH!! Roxanne goes after Abby grabbing her neck and begins to choke her. Abby’s face is turning red as the oxygen levels to her brain are severely reduced. Devon is just stunned.
  23. O WOW!!! A ncce twist. I was expexting a shot gun who dun it. Love the episode. Moved kinda fast with Bridget already being saved off the plant then Peter in Nicoles room. help me out who is Nicole and peter to Vicky? I cant wait to see waht happens next a great cliffhanger.
  24. It continues to build. lot more action in this ep it seemed. Vicky was a bit harsh to Jack. Glad Toni is back and I cant wait to find out who really killed Evan. I bet it was reggie. Oh and Sharlene what happend?
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