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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. JOOOY!! pump it up pump it up and PAIN I liek sunshine and rain. Baby girl on the scene, I hope she do what she do, we need a vixen. A pretty one at that!! Good scene with Grant and JAck. They laid everything out on the line. Good. Grant was in prime form. Joy aint playing game either. Gone head and do what you do. She is extacly what I expected. OO and she working for some one. This is gonna be good!!
  2. Ty guys for reading. This "plan" will have far reaching ramifactions for a lot of people and ignites a lot of new storylines. So many angles to play and I plan to play on each of them. Get ready for a ride. Stay Tuned..
  3. I really began to enjoy writing for Tucker. In my orginal concept of this story Tucker was not going to die... Thank you guys for reading.. Stay tuned...
  4. Tucker smacks the ground in front of Newman Tower by the entrance way falling from the 24 floor window. Pedestrians begin to scream in horror as a crowd begins to gather around. Blood is forming a puddle around Tuckers head. Paul and Ronan arrives on the scene. Ronan takes Tucker’s pulse as Paul looks up at the 24th floor shattered window. Paul looks at Ronan. Ronan: There is no pulse. Tucker is dead! Episode 127: Aftermath Written and Produced by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz Medical Consult: Fausto Montes Paul gets off the elevator on floor 24 and sees Murphy kneeling over Katherine as she lays on the floor. Paul: What the hell happened? Murphy: Kay clutched her chest then almost collapsed before I grabbed her. She doesn’t look well Paul. I think she’s having a stroke.” Paul calls for an EMT as he then kneels down and helps Murphy comfort Kay. Seeing Kay on the ground unresponsive is a lot on Paul as tears rolls down his face. Paul: You hang in there Katherine, help is on the way! Cane’s Apt. He opens his door after hearing a knock. He opens it and sees Avery wearing a trench coat. He pulls her inside and closes the door. He pushes her against the door and stare into her eyes. He kisses her passionately. Newman Tower. Paramedics arrive and put Katherine on a stretcher. Murphy get up with Paul’s help. Murphy pulls out his cell phone and calls Jack. He tells him about Katherine. Jack tells Murphy he will meet him at the hospital. Murphy hangs up his phone. He looks at Paul. Paul: Murphy what in the hell happened up here? I got a dead Tucker McCall down stairs. Murphy: I’m sorry Paul I got to see about Katherine.” Murphy leaves. Ronan then arrives. Ronan: You find out what happened? Paul: No but I’m sure as hell about to find out. Let’s go to the hospital. Cane’s Apt. Cane and Avery stop kissing. She takes her coat off to reveal her matching red bra and panty set. Cane: I like you in red. Avery: I thought you would. The twins aren’t here are they? Cane: No they are spending the night with the sitter. It’s just me and you baby. Avery: Good it’s been a crazy couple of weeks and I need relaxation. My body needs you Cane. I got the stuff you like. Avery: You do? I could use a line right now. To keep me going. I’ve been so busy. Cane pulls out a bag of white powdery stuff from a drawer in the kitchen. He lays it on the table. Avery smiles. She sits at the table and break the package open and makes a line. Cane: Easy on that. It’s the best Australia has to offer. Avery: I need this Cane.” She picks up the straw on the table and puts one end in her nostril and the other end on the white stuff and snorts. Avery coughs and chokes. Cane: I told you that was pure Cocaine. Be easy. Avery: I’m a trooper baby. Cane sit next to her and snorts a line of coke. They look at each other than kiss passionately. He pulls back. Avery: What’s the matter? Cane: It still blows me away we are doing this. I can’t believe you do cocaine. Avery: My college years. I do it once in a while. It keeps me going. I just like it and the best part is no one expects a woman like me to be doing something like this. We all got our hang ups. I’m just thankful I caught on to you doing it. When I saw the paraphernalia I knew what it meant.” He smiles at her then does another line. She follows up with a second dose as well. They both cough and gag. Genoa City Memorial. Kay is rushed into the ER as Jack meets up with Murphy. Jack: What the hell happened Murphy? Murphy: It all went wrong. Tucker is dead and I think Katherine had a stroke. Jack: You have got to be kidding? Tucker is dead? How did this happen? Murphy: The lock on Victor’s door was jammed. I couldn’t open it in time. Katherine collapsed after we both realized we couldn’t get the damn doors open. We heard glass shattering then Tucker screaming till it faded out of ear shot. Jack: My God! Tucker is dead! Tucker McCall is dead. Then Devon arrives. Devon: Where’s my dad and grandmother? I’m getting all these crazy text and breaking news alerts on my phone. Murphy and Jack both look at Devon with a look of extreme seriousness. Devon knows something is up “Tell me now what is going on? Jack: Devon, I’m so sorry” Cane’s Apt. Cane and Avery get it together. They look at each other. Avery: Now it’s time for that incredible sex you always serve up”. Avery straddles over him and they kiss passionately. He unsnaps her bra and cusps her breast. She moans. Cane then unbuttons his pants and Avery fixes her panties for her pleasure experience. She gets into position, straddling Cane and they have sex amidst a drugged state. . Jill arrives at the hospital and approaches Jack, Murphy and Devon. Jill: What is going on? I got a breaking news alert saying Tucker is dead!? Devon: What? Jack: Yes. Tucker is dead. Jill: Oh my God how did that happen? Murphy what are you doing here? Murphy: It’s Katherine. Devon: Katherine! You two need two need to tell us what the hell is going on. Abby then arrives on the scene followed by Keemo. Cane’s Apt. Cane and Avery are both sweaty laying on the couch breathing heavily. Avery: That was awesome. I so needed that. Some relief in from my life. Cane: What is going on? Avery: I betrayed some people for money to support this drug habit we got. I’m kinda mad at myself I started back up again. But when I saw the evidence around here it just brought back memories and a craving for it came over me. Cane: You didn’t have to betray anyone. I got connections back at home. Avery: I was just being stupid. I was high. Didn’t know what I say saying. I just saw dollar signs. I’m falling apart. Cane: You know we can’t go on like this forever. Avery: I know what are we going to do when Lily gets home? Here we are having an affair while your twins are at the sitters for an overnighter and we sit here and get high on cocaine. Oh my goodness Cane this is not right. What are we doing? What am I doing? Having an affair with a married man and getting high with him.” Avery takes one more hit of the coke then puts her trench coat on then leaves. Cane is dumbfounded. He doesn’t understand how Avery just preached how what they were doing was wrong but takes a good bye hit before leaving. Cane chuckles. Back at the hospital the crowd at the hospital has grown larger to include, Esther. Olivia walks out of Kay’s room to face the crowd. Devon: Aunt Olivia what’s wrong with Katherine? Jill: Is she going to be ok? Olivia takes a deep breath then speaks “Mrs. Chancellor has suffered a massive stroke. Rather an occluded stroke Jill: A what now? What does that mean? Olivia: A blood clot is blocking blood flow to the brain. Murphy and Jill cries immediately upon hearing that Kay is had a massive stroke. Devon: Ok but she is going to be ok right? She’ll come out of this? At least tell us that. We can have the clot removed or dissolved? Olivia has a tear stream down her face and Devon is stunned. A choking feeling comes over him in his throat. Olivia: Mrs. Chancellor has a one percent chance of surviving this. This is extremely serious” Jill hollers out as Jack holds her. Devon is also touched and walks away from the crowd. He gets emotional. “Tucker is dead and now Mrs. C might not make it!”
  5. I smiled when I saw Anne's name and that's because since episode one you've done a great job capturing all the characters and Anne was no exception. I love her quirks to Jenn. It seems Gabi's almost rape is being addressed as an issue. I'm happy to see that. The writers on the show are really doing a terrible job with her character. A little more on BO to. I do indeed like that. I also like the direct conversation with EJ and Abby. It really was needed. Maxine was also another one that you got done good. I hope she becomes less of a story proper or sounding more and become more of her own woman.
  6. Nikki’s Suite at the GCAC, Nikki gets a knock on her door and then opens it up and sees Katherine. Nikki pauses looking at her one time good friend. Katherine: This has gone on long enough young lady. Nikki: You have aligned with Victor. You have taken away my children’s birth right. I’m not supposed to be upset by that? Kay: It was a business deal between me and Victor. It was not intended to take away Nick and Victoria’s birth right. This would have never happened if Victor hadn’t gone to jail. If he ever gets out he gets Newman back therefore your children’s birth right. Nikki: It shouldn’t have happened. I’m a new woman Kay. That new woman is anti-Victor Newman. I’m no longer a push over or a punching bag for Victor. You saved his ass yet again by helping him in this sordid deal that you take control of his company in case he was disposed of. You should have suggested he leave it in the family. Now I really don’t have time for this. You wasted your time coming here.” Nikki then slams the door in Kay’s face. Kay is stunned. She looks around and then back and forth. She shakes her head and then leaves. Episode 126: Tucker vs. Murphy! (The Plan) Created by William J Bell and Lee Philip Bell Written and Produced by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson Story Consult: Martin Saenz Medical Consult: Fuasto Montes Genoa City Nights, Bar Cane and Malcolm walk in. Cane: I’ve never been here before. Malcolm: A slick lil’ spot here in midtown I came across one night. Pool, drinks, jazz music. Just a chillaxed place to be. Cane: Anything beats being back in the outback. Malcolm: What’s that bro?” He says as they sit at the bar and order a pitcher of beer. Cane: Man, your place. It’s nasty as hell. I called a cleaning lady to come clean it up for you. Malcolm chuckles. “Thanks man. How are the twins doing?” Cane: Getting bigger every day. They are with the sitter. Malcolm: Have you heard from Lily? Cane: No. Not since she left for Japan. Malcolm: Same here man. I bet Neil is behind that. Neil wants to control everything. Cane: So what happened? How’d you end up getting arrested? Malcolm: Neil. He’s out to get me. Now he making moves on Leslie. First he kept my daughter from me for all these years. Then he stole Sophia from me, took Moses from me. Now Leslie. I can’t stand him. I can never be happy with him around. Cane: I’m not a fan of Neil myself. But he had no idea bout Lily. Malcolm: I don’t care about none of that man. As far as I’m concerned Neil is the blame for everything. I hate that man Cane. I swear to God I do. I could have killed him last night.” He says drinking his third beer. Cane is taken aback at Malcolm’s hatred towards Neil. Then Cane gets a text. He looks at his phone. It’s from Avery. “I’m hungry” Cane smiles. He text back. “I got what you need. Meet me at my place in an hour. Kids at the sitters for the night. I’ve missed you.” Malcolm starts on his fourth beer. He looks at Cane “I’m going to kill Neil.” Chancellor Estate. Kay arrives She walks over to the window and looks at her garden. A smile blooms on her face as hints of spring are apparent after a severely harsh winter. Murphy then walks in. Kay turns around to look at him. Murphy: It’s done my love. I put the new lock on Victors’ door last night after I left Tucker’s place to make sure he was there. Now it’s your turn my darling to do the next step in the plan. Kay: Are you and Victor sure about this? Murphy: Never been surer of anything in my life. I’ll meet you at our agreed upon hiding spot at Newman and wait for you there.” Kay: Ok” Then Kay pulls out her cell phone as Murphy leaves. Kay: Hello Tucker. I need to see you at Victor Newman‘s office. Tucker: Woah Woah wait…Is everything ok? You don’t sound yourself. Kay: No I’m not. I’ve come to a major decision, it involves my retirement and it will affect you. Tucker is absolutely floored over the news at Katherine’s retirement. Kay: So meet me at Newman Tower. Victor’s office. Tucker: Uh, why there? I’m not sure it’s such a good idea. Let’s meet at the Club. Kay: What’s wrong with Victor’s office Tucker? Tucker: Uh- Uh Nothing. I’ll meet you there soon.” Tucker smiles from ear to ear. He quickly calls Iris. “Hey darlin’ you’re not going to be able to grasp this one. My old mother is finally throwing in the towel. I may not need that toxic office or reality show about Katherine’s going mad after all. This was all too easy. Well maybe except for the fact I have to meet her at Victor’s office. “ Iris: Won’t that be dangerous for you? Tucker: I guess a few minutes won’t be too bad in Victor’s toxic office. I can hurry Katherine up or move her to the hall way so I won’t breathe in those lethal fumes. I’m about to get my mother’s empire handed to me on a silver platter.” Iris: And I’ll have a front seat to this iconic meeting with the camera’s I had my team install. “ Tucker: Got to go get my empire. Talk to you soon. “He hangs up his phone and grabs his coat and leaves. The Airport. Billy grabs the airplane tickets. As he walks over to Chloe with Delia. He sees a wailing Esther. Esther: I’m going to miss you guys so much. Make sure you call and write. Delia: Miss you too grandma.” Delia hugs her. Chloe also hugs her mother. Chloe: I love you mom. I’ll be back one day. Esther: You take care of my girls Billy. Billy: I will. “Flight 1107 Genoa City to Sochi boarding now. “ Billy: That’s us. Esther: Russia? Are you crazy? Billy: In love with Chloe and my family. Billy hand in hand with Delia walk towards their gate leaving Genoa City. Esther waves good bye as she sobs. “I am losing my Kate and my granddaughter. This is the fault of the Newman’s. I won’t let them get away with this.” Newman Tower, 24 floor. Tucker enters Victor’s office but doesn’t see anyone. Tucker: Funny.” Then he hears the door slam behind him. Outside Murphy looks the door on Tucker with the new lock he had placed on it. Kay: Murphy I don’t like this one bit. Murphy: Watch how he comes out this office after I let him out. He did something in there to make you sick. Inside. Tucker begins to cough and choke. He walks over to the door and tries to open it. He realizes it’s locked. He begins to pound on it. Tucker eyes begin to water up. He begins to get confused and dazed. His eye sight is blurred. His choking and coughing intensifies. He has an intense headache come on. In a state of panic trying to find a way out he accidentally pulls the fire alarm. The water from the sprinkler system mixes with the toxic paint and creates a foggy mist in the office. The mist creeps out the office door and Kay sees it. “Alright I get the point I think we can let him out now. He’s had enough of his own medicine.” Murphy tries to unlock the door but it’s jammed. Inside Tucker is going crazy hollering “LET ME OUT OH HERE! KAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? MOTHER WHY?”…. Tucker is trying to get air…. He is desperate and tries to ram his body weight into the door to try and open it. He cannot see and runs into the walls and office furniture. He injures his knees and stumbles. In another desperate attempt to obtain freedom he makes another charge blindly in any direction only this time he runs into the ceiling high windows and crashes out of it hollering all the way down to the ground until he stops as he crashes onto the hardened earth below. Kay: Oh My God in heaven! Did you hear that! Get this door open Murphy! This went terribly wrong! My son! Dear God in heaven my son! Murphy: I’m trying to! The damn thing is stuck! Kay hollers for help but as she does she has a very sharp pain hit her in her head. She then grabs her chest. Kay: What is happening? Murphy help me.” She says with slurred speech and loses control of her body as she begins to stumbles around. Murphy: Katherine!!!” Before he can grab her she collapses to the ground. She is gasping for air and drool runs out her mouth. Murphy: Katherine what is happening to you!?…. You’re having a stroke! NO…NO KATHERINE NO!!!”………. Executive Producer: ML Cooks aMLCproduction
  7. I cannot stand Brady. Hes a bum, a loser. and just so irritating SO glad Victor got tough with him. Brady really needs some sense beaten into him. Every time I see Abby the only words that come to mind are nasty ass tramp. I like this cliffhanger kuz u don't now if they really gonna talk or if he gone pound her cakes again. As always u got the characters down to a tee. ESP Maxine whom I just adore. Another great one. Be nice to see you branch out into you own stories.
  8. A new day begins in Genoa City, but sadly for some it will be their last…. Genoa City Courthouse. Victoria is pacing the common area as Nick arrives and gives her a hug. Nick: How you holding up? Victoria: Well I could be going to jail today for killing Chloe and Billy’s baby. Nick: Have faith Vic. It’s going to be alright. Billy was cheating on you. It was a crime of passion. Victoria: You know I haven’t seen Sharon since I’ve been back. Where is she? Nick: That’s what I can’t figure out. She’s missing. That’s something I need to work on. I haven’t heard from her in weeks and that’s not like her. Especially with Faith needing her so much. Then Nikki arrives. She hugs both her children. Nick: Mom how are you? Nikki: I’m ok Nicholas. Just hoping for the best for Victoria today. Then Avery comes storming in. Her hair is a bit frazzled and clothes a bit wrinkly. The Newman’s notice how dishelved Avery looks and they are surprised. Avery: I have some incredible news! Episode 125: Harmonious Goodbye! Written and Produced by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson Story Editor: Martin Saenz Neil’s House. Neil is sitting in bed with a neck brace on. He is reading the Genoa City Business Section out of the local newspaper. He reads a report on Chancellor and their fracking issue in Briar Texas. His phone rings. He reaches over for it but it becomes a struggle for him as he is in pain from the choking death grip from his brother last night. He finally reaches it Neil: Hello “Dad. It’s me Lily!” Neil: Baby girl. Good to hear your voice. How are you? Lily: I’m ok. How are the twins? I miss them so much. Neil: Cane is keeping them away from me. I have not seen them much sweetie I’m sorry. Lily: Bastard! Dad I swear to you when I get back to Genoa City, I’m going to get my kids from Cane and keep them from him. Neil: I thought you’d be home by now. Victoria came home. Lily: Their are some complications with my plastic surgery. They are treating an infection from the surgery. Neil: Honey why didn’t you let me know? I’m on the next flight to Japan. Lily: No dad really it’s ok. I’m making excellent progress and I should be home soon. I want you to try and see Maddie and Charlie. I need to know they are ok. I’m going crazy not being able to be with them. Neil: Ok baby girl. I’ll check up on them. You get home soon. Lily: I will and tell the family I send my love. Dad I got to go, its time for my treatment. Neil: Ok honey call me later.” They hang up. Neil has a smile on his face hearing from his daughter. He realizes she is right though he needs to make more of an effort to see what Cane is up to with Maddie and Charlie. He tries to get out of bed but it’s a little tough as his neck is killing him. He thinks about the rage and fire he saw in his brother’s eyes the night he almost choked him to death. At Malcolm’s Malcolm is taking a shower while Cane looks around in disgust. He sees empty pizza boxes, crushed beer cans, dishes, clothes all strewn through the apartment. He sees a bug crawling up the wall and wonders if it’s a roach. He pulls out his cell phone and browses the internet for some information. Then he dials a number. Cane: Genoa City Maid Services? Operator: Yes’em Cane: Good. I need a few maids over here at my friend’s apartment. 5512 Miller Street Apt 107.… You can bill it to me. Can you spray for bugs in here also? It’s like the Australian outback in here….And bring some fragrances too it smells like kangaroo dung in here. Good thank you.” He hangs up his phone as Malcolm walks out the bedroom. Malcolm: You ready to grab some drinks? Cane: Malcolm bro, this place is just nasty. Don’t you think we ought to clean up? Malcolm: I don’t care about this place. I don’t care about nothing. Let’s go. I need a beer. Malcolm grabs Cane and they head out the door. The Courthouse Nikki: My God Avery are you ok? You look horrible. Avery: Yea, no, never mind about that. I got news. Victoria: What is it? Chloe, Billy and Esther walk up to them. Avery: Not only did I get the charges reduced to assault, I got them dropped altogether. The new acting DA is a very nice person. Chloe: So that’s it? Now you all celebrate? The Newman’s and Avery look at Chloe as their moods changes from celebratory to a mix of anger, compassion and sadness. Chloe: I lost a baby. An unborn child. Doesn’t that account for anything? Avery: Chloe I’m so sorry. Chloe: Save it Avery! Damn all you Newman’s! You get away with everything. Victoria: It was you who brought this upon yourself. You slept with my husband! Don’t forget that! You put yourself in this situation. Now I’m truly sorry about your baby with my husband. Chloe: Is that supposed to make it better? Nikki: Chloe my daughter is right. You were in the wrong. You were having an affair with a married man. Esther: Shut the hell up Nikki! It was you and your Victoria here who had a few rounds with Brad Carlton. Don’t you dare turn your nose up at my daughter. Nick: See what you did Billy? You’re a loser man. Billy: Yea ok.” Billy hands Victoria her divorce papers. He grabs Chloe and escorts her out the courthouse. Esther: They may be leaving town but I will not let this go. Someone is going to pay for hurting my Kate. Nikki: Go clean a bathroom Esther my God you are so annoying. “ The Newman’s leave the courthouse. Esther watches them. “ This is not over Newman’s.” Esther pledges. Chancellor Estate. Harmony walks down stairs with her luggage. Kay gets up and walks over to her. Kay: What is the meaning of this? Harmony: I’m so sorry Mrs. Chancellor. My daughter needs me. My little girl is pregnant. I have to be there for her. I let this happen by being here in Genoa City and not being close to her.” Harmony is in tears. Kay holds her. Kay: I understand darling. I will miss you and you did a wonderful job here at Chancellor. I’m very proud of you turning your life around here. Your position at Chancellor is always open and if you need a good reference you can count on me.” They hug. Harmony: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor. Thank you for everything. You take care of our Devon.” Kay: I will.” Harmony waves good bye to Murphy, grabs her luggage and leaves the Chancellor Estate and Genoa City. Kay turns to look at Murphy. She walks towards him. “So it appears you were right. My son is out to get me. Take everything from me. He has not changed and has made me to believe he has. He is trying to play me for a fool.” Murphy: Yes my love. That’s what I’ve been trying to get you to see. Now you do. I went to Victor and he is aware of what is going on and he came up with a plan to stop Tucker dead in his tracks. I’m a Vietnam Veteran and this plan, this counter attack on the enemy is very damn good. This plan will really give Tucker a taste of his own medicine. Kay: For heaven’s sake Murph we are not fighting a war here. Murphy: I love you with all my heart and if someone is trying to hurt you , you better believe I’ll launch my own kind of war to save you Katherine.” He walks over to her and hugs her. Katherine: Alright alright alright! Tell me this plan to stop Tucker from taking me out. I’ll show him I’m no old fool. I am Katherine Chancellor and no one gets the best of me……
  9. Please not Henryetta God No I beg you not too!! Very Nice EON references. SO Joy is under an assumed identity it seems. Good ol Shady Grady
  10. I like how Nicole is about to investigate Percy. I know that will lead to something. I agree with Cary ,beebs really got the characters down really good. Its nice to see Nick actually at work at a Corp. And Percy with him. And Eric is having doubts about Nicole. Thanks to Sami's big mouth. I really hope Brady gets it together. He's going through life as if there are no consequences. He too old to be acting like this.
  11. I like it. It seems many forces are working against John. I'm glad it appears Sharlene may have won the battle at least for now. I like the issue you gave Linds and Greg. ANd it was very nice to see Steven and I like how you are going to draw him right in.
  12. I love your writing bro. Where do I begin? I honestly enjoyed each and every scene. The finale could have been a little bit stronger but I know how it can be at times. I do hope you actually address the fact Bo is missing and missing out on Ciara's life. Its makes me angry how ken Corday has white washed this. Also I hope we get around to Brady stop acting like an ass and he realizes kristen really did rape his brother. it seems Jordan on her way out. I really dont care for her story and honestly dont even care.
  13. Chancellor Estate. Kay looks at Murphy “So this is what you’ve been doing the last few days? Recruiting people to tell me my son is up to no good?” Murphy: Darling I think its very important you listen to Jack here. I’m telling you, I know a snake when I see one. I served in the - “I know I know the Vietnam war. You remind me any chance you get.” Kay says interrupting him. Kay then looks at Jack “Alright Jackie Boy just what in the hell do you want to tell me? Jack: Murphy is right you know. Tucker is a snake. He came to me with a plan to boot you out of Chancellor and Newman. Kay chuckles, “How was he going to do that?” Jack: By making you think you were going crazy. He was going to wear you down with stress so your health will take a turn for the worse. He’s pulling the wool over your eyes Katherine. Murphy: And I been following him. He went into Victor’s office and barely made it out. He did something in there. Kay: What do you mean he barely made it out? Murphy: He came out coughing, sweating and acting all kinds of crazy. Kay doesn’t know what to say. She gets up and walks over by the window. Jack and Murphy look at each other. Jack: Are you ok Katherine? Kay: It’ stunning you know. To know that your own son is out to get you. I been on this earth a long time. How could I be so blindsided? I’ve seen it all. Been through it all yet I couldn’t see my own son coming for me.” Murphy: This is exactly what he wanted. But now you are wise and we can stop him. We can use my Vietnam War skills to defeat this menace. I will not let any hurt you Katherine. Jack: Neither will I. Kay: I got a plan.” She says as she smiles Episode 124: Victor’s Naughty or Nice List! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C. Nate Richardson Story Editor: Martin Saenz   Devon then walks into the Chancellor House. He sees Jack, Kay and Murphy having a serious discussion. Devon: I’m sorry to interrupt. I was going to meet my mom here to find out what is going on. Kay: Young man you are never interrupting. You are my grandson. Remember that. Devon: I will. Is everything ok? Kay: That’s what we want to know. Go upstairs and find out what in the hell is the matter with your mother.” Devon chuckles and walk up the stairs. Jack: Listen I got some very important things to handle. Tucker has struck again, hiring Keemo to work for him. Kay: Don’t you worry Jackie boy. I’ll take care of Tucker. Jack gives her a hug and kiss. Jack: I know you will.” He then looks at Murphy. “ I’m counting on you to keep her safe.” Murphy smiles at him and pats him on the back as he leaves. Murphy then looks at Kay. “Let’ hear it darling. What is this plan of yours to stop Tucker?”     The Jail. Cane arrives to bail out Malcolm. Malcolm: Thank you man. Its been some bull going down. Cane: I can see. Man what the hell is going on? Why were you arrested? Malcolm: Where are the twins? Cane: They are with the sitter. Malcolm: Good man, let’s go to my place so I can get cleaned up and then we can talk. Cane: Alright man what ever you want. They get into Cane’s car and drive off to Malcolm’s place.     Victoria opens her door to Billy. She is surprised to see him. Victoria: What are you doing here? I really don’t think this is a good idea. Billy: We really need to talk and this time with out any antics. Victoria: What is there to talk about? I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. Billy: I’m sorry Vickie. For hurting and betraying you. Vic: Is that supposed to make me feel better? Make it go all away? Billy: I will sign the divorce papers no problem. Vic: Good. Anything else? Billy: After your trial, Chloe and I are taking Delia and leaving town. Vic has tears in her eyes. She turns away from him. Billy is frustrated at how he just seems to keep hurting his wife. Vic: How convenient. I wish you all the best. And I’m truly sorry for the loss of your baby. And I’m also sorry I wasn’t good enough or worth it enough for you to remain faithful to our wedding vows. I’ve been through so much with you Billy. This hurts. But don’t worry I’ll be ok. “ Victoria takes her wedding ring off and throws at him.” She then grabs her purse and storms out the house. Billy grabs the ring and looks at it for a moment. He shakes his head and puts the ring in his pocket and leaves the house as well.     Chancellor Estate, Harmony’s room. Devon walks in. Harmony is hysterical and runs over and hugs him. Devon: Mom what is wrong? Harmony: Anna is pregnant! Devon: WHAT! By who? I’ll kill him. Harmony: No Devon. I’m going back to get it together. I left her for to long and this is what happened. I need to go back. And be there for your sister. Devon: I can’t believe this. Not Anna. She’s only 16. Harmony just cries. “She not gone be like these other girls out here. She gone keep going to school and be all she can be. I‘m going to help her. “ Devon: I really don’t know what to say. Harmony: I love you son. And I want you to know something else before I go. Remember when Roxanne kept accusing Abby of brining me here to Genoa City? Devon: Yes… Harmony: She was right. I’m sorry I lied son. I’m a terrible mother. Devon: Wow. It’ just been one surprise after another. Have a safe trip Harmony.” Devon then leaves. Harmony calls out to him but he ignores her. Harmony continues to pack her things crying.     The Jail. Spencer arrives and sees Victor in his cell. Victor: I knew I’d be seeing you. What brings you here my boy? Spencer: I want to know why? Why did you create my family only to destroy it? Victor: I warned you, you were making a mistake going against me. That’s a choice you made. It was all for nothing because thanks to you the wheels of justice are slowly but surely turning. Spencer: Meaning what? Victor: Sooner than everyone thinks I’ll be a free man on the streets of Genoa City. And I been keeping a list of who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. And trust me when I say I will destroy everyone who betrayed me. I am Victor Newman and I will remind this town of that. Spencer: Times have changed old man. I’m not going to allow you to have your way here. Victor laughs. “ You want to battle with Victor Newman? I got news for you. I’ll take all of you on. Very soon my boy, very soon……                
  14. What a nice twist at the end. Very good. I love ur writing. Its refreshing. You go about it in a diffrent way. Its unique. You also got these characters down great esp Kate, and Roman and his what da hell LMAO! Great job and im really waiting for the next one!! Love the mention of Laura horton one of my all time favs of Salem.
  15. A great show. I lovve the dialog. Im really intrested in seeing where you take these stories and I can see you are setting them up. Very nice screen shots to match the tone of your scenes
  16. Billy is in his suite at the GCAC. He is packing up some belongings and making plans for a leave from Genoa City. He gets a knock on his door. He opens it. “Billy Abbott?” A man says. Billy: Who wants to know? Man: Consider yourself served.” The man hands Billy two sealed envelops. Billy closes the door and sits at the desk to open one up. The first one is a subpoena at Victoria’s hearing on assault. Billy is surprised the charges were reduced to just assault. Then he opens the second envelope. Its divorce papers from Victoria. He reads over them. Billy: A subpoena and divorce papers in one night. It’s definitely time to leave Genoa City. Episode 123: Hurricane Hillary part 2 Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C. Nate Richardson Story Editor: Martin Saenz Devon and Roxanne are holding hands walking through the park. Roxanne: The air is still so brisk. Devon: It is. I keep thinking of that Hillary girl. Roxanne stops and turns to look at him. “ Not you too?” Devon: What do you mean not me too? This whole night has been strange starting with Hillary. I want to know what kind of noises she heard in your apartment that would lead to her almost calling the police. Roxanne laughs. “ Is that what she told you? Nosey ass Bitch. For the record I was playing one of my CD’s. It was an interlude, which turned out to be a skit between the artist and some random chic. I had it turned up to clean up my place. You know music is my therapy. Nosey ass Hillary must of heard that and got alarmed. The nosey Bitch is new to the building.” Devon: What do you mean by not me too? Roxanne: I was just thinking about my conversation with Hillary. I just didn’t like her when I first saw her. You know when you first meet some one you just know if you will like them or not. Well I’m not feeling her. And now I got a good reason not to like her. Eavesdropping causing this ruckus between me and you.” She hugs him and kisses him. Devon: I’ve missed you. It just seems we haven’t spent a lot of time with one another the last few months. How did we go from me asking you to marrying me, which you said no by the way, to this distance between us. Roxanne: Devon, you know I been going through a lot. Devon: Roxanne you say that every time. That excuse is tired. It’s always a "you" thing what happened to we? Us? Roxanne is caught off guard with Devon’s attitude. She can tell he is nearing his limits. Before any response is had, Devon’s cell phone rings. He listens to the ring tone and realizes its his mother. Devon: Mom everything ok? Harmony: No I need to see you right away! Something is wrong with Anna. Meet me at the Chancellor house. Devon: I’m on my way.” He hangs up. Roxanne: Is everything ok? Devon: I don’t know. Let me walk you home, I got to meet with her.” They walk off to Roxanne’s place.     Abbott Manor. Jack looks at Murphy. “So what brings you by?” Murphy: It’s about Katherine and Tucker. Jack: Tucker is scum. Murphy: So you are no fan of his either? Jack: Hell no! As a matter of fact I’m glad you stopped by Murphy. There is a lot I need to tell you about Tucker and Katherine. I think you both should hear it. Where is Kay now is she at home? It is the close of business” He says looking at his watch to see what time it is. Murphy: At this hour I’m sure she is. Jack: Good. You both need to hear what Tucker has been up to. He’s got an evil plan against Katherine and we must stop him. Murphy: I knew he did. Now I got proof for my Kay. Let’s go Jack.” They both leave and head to the Chancellor Estate.     Tucker’s Penthouse. Keemo knocks on Tucker’s door. Tucker invites him in and then offers him a drink. Keemo: After the day I had I most certainly won’t say no. Tucker: Tough day huh? Keemo: Yes. I had it out with Jack. He does not approve of my relationships or my working for you. Tucker: He didn’t? Keemo: You look surprised. Let me ask you something, what is the real reason you hired me? To stick it to my dad or what? You knew he would be upset when he found out I would be working work for you. Tucker: Yes I hired you to stick it to your old man. But I genuinely have a need for some one of your talents. In a few days Keemo, I’m going to own a major company. I’m going to over see that while you handle the reigns at McCall Unlimited. Keemo: Really? Just like that? Tucker: Yes. I did my home work. You put Jabot Asia on the map. It’s a shame Jack removed you from there. Keemo: Well Ashley is there now.. Tucker: I know. I want you to expand McCall globally. Especially in Asia. Asia is very promising and its where all the money is at. Keemo: Let’s not forget South American markets as well. Brazil, is an emerging market. Tucker: That’s exactly why you are the man for this job. We see eye to eye.” Tucker pulls out some contracts from his desk drawer. “Why don’t you look these over and then sign. I had Avery draw them up. I used a trusted name to prove to you there is no funny business in these contracts. Keemo: I appreciate that.” Keemo grabs the contracts and reads them as Tucker pours himself another drink. Keemo signs on the dotted line. Keemo: Here you are. Tucker extends his hand out to shake saying “Keemo Violien Abbott, welcome to McCall Unlimited where opportunity is unlimited.”   Chancellor Estate. Murphy with Jack walks into the living room. Esther comes out the corridor. Esther: Can I get you some tea or coffee Jack? Murphy: No Esther if you could just tell us where Katherine is? “I’m right here?” She says entering the room. “What is the meaning of this?” She says walking over and giving Jack a hug. Kay: Jackie boy how are you? Jack: Hanging in there. Trying to be there for Billy as he goes through this tawdry scandal with Chloe. Kay: Yes I know. I told both those kids to stay the hell away from each other but do they listen? Murphy: Now now Katherine don’t get over worked. We got some news well rather Jack got some news to inform you about. Kay: Dear God in heaven I cant take any more bad news. I need to sit down.” She sits on the sofa and Murphy sits next to her and holds her. Kay: Well go on Jack. Jack: I hate to do this Kay but its something you really need to know about your son Tucker McCall.” Kay rolls her eyes as she looks at Murphy then back at Jack.   Devon is walking Roxanne back inside her building. He talks to her as they walk to her door. “ We are not done with this conversation. I’m going to see what is wrong with my mom then I’m going to call you. “ He kisses her good night and then the door across the hall opens up and they see Nate in the door way holding Hillary as he kisses her good night. Devon and Roxanne are stunned. Nate turns around and stops dead in his tracks as he looks at Roxanne as her eyes begin to water up. He fixes his zipper then says “Uh, good night everyone.” Roxanne watches Nate walk away feeling crushed. She then looks at Hillary who is smiling at her. Roxanne gives her the evil eye. As Hillary fixes her dishelved hair, she says “ What an incredible night. Oh Roxanne is something wrong? You look like you are about to cry?” Roxanne forcing a fake smile for Devon at the same time trying to cover up her heartbreak. “I think it’s that cheap perfume you are wearing. It bothers my allergies.” Hillary: Oh that’s too bad, Nathan didn’t mind at all” She says with a smile and then walks inside and closes the door. Devon looks at Roxanne “Nathan? Wow, what the hell just happened?”                      
  17. Finally some move ment on this ridculous Jrodan story. Some direction. THank you for giving us that. What I dont get is why is no one addressing the fact that Nick almost raped Gabi. It been glossed over on the show and I hope you dont do the same. That should be dealt with. A great show and nice to see dialog. As a writer your stories come alive with dialog. When you asked for my advice on that sitauion I wasnt up to date on the real show so now I know where you were coming from. honestly I think Nicole should have handed over what she knew and trust in her love with Eric. Im anxious to see what you do with this. Nicole been through so much she truly dereves some real happiness but with out that secret where is the drama huh? Be nice to see you on the comment sections of YR and AW. Its a tradiitoon here at the blog section. We give feed back on each and every ep lol. We support each other since we are a small community but strong and holding it down. A good show though.
  18. Really feeling Frankie. Shes becoming one of my favs. Grant seemed like a puss in this ep. A woman. Going to Carly to do some dirty work. Man up and take your own action. Spencer would be ashamed of you. Great casting in Christy Canyon. I can tell she's going to be a hoot. Nice to see Dante back. Cass betrayed Frankie on the low low though
  19. Roxanne’s Apt. Roxanne and Nate stop their passionate embrace. Roxanne: Did you hear that? Nate: Glass shattering? Roxanne gets up off the couch and looks out her peep hole. She sees Hillary and Devon talking. Roxanne: What the fu--- Outside her door Devon: Who are you and what are you doing? Hillary: I’m Hillary, I just moved in across the hall. Devon: Ok now tell me why you were eavesdropping outside my girlfriends door? Inside, Nate: What is it? Roxanne steps away from the door and walks over towards Nate so she can whisper to him. “Its Devon and he’s talking to Hillary! Nate: I’m telling you I know Hillary. I just can’t figure it out…. What could Devon and Hillary be talking about? Roxanne: Why she was eavesdropping with a glass on my door? Nate: You think she heard us? Roxanne: I mean we were not shouting or speaking loudly. That Bitch! I can’t believe this Hillary person. This can’t be happening. Nate turns her around, grabs her then kisses her passionately once again. She pulls back and then slaps him. “Are you crazy! My man is right outside.” Nate: Then what am I doing here? Episode 122: Hurricane Hillary Written by: ML Cooks Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson Story Editor: Martin Saenz Chancellor Industries. Katherine sitting at her desk looks up at Jill and Harmony. “Any one have any suggestions? This fracking business is all new to me. Earthquakes and contaminated water. I don’t want this company associated with any thing like that. Jill: I agree. But so much money is at stake. So much it could really damage CI short and long term. Harmony: I say we go to Briar Texas and face the people head on. Participate in the testing to see what is really going on on the ground. Then maybe we can renegotiate with our contractors. Surely if this fracking is causing these problems then they should understand that these studies needs to be done. Jill and Kay both look at Harmony in amazement. Kay: I’m impressed. Then Harmony’s cell phone rings. Harmony looks down at the caller id, then apologizes to Kay and Jill and tells her this is very important. Harmony answers her phone. “Anna, baby girl what’s the matter? Jill and Kay continue talking about Harmony’s idea. Jill: I do think it’s a good idea. We need to get out ahead of this.” Kay: Who do we send? I’m sure as hell not going, I got Newman and CI to worry about. Jill: Harmony and I can go. We can also take some folks from R and D and public relations.” Their conversation is interrupted when suddenly Harmony fates. Jill and Kay are shocked.     Roxanne’s Apt. Hillary: This is your girlfriend’s place? Devon: Yea, why do you act surprised? Hillary: No reason. Like I said I’m new in town so I’m just getting to know people. I met Roxanne earlier but I never got her name. She was rather rude if I may be honest. Devon: She’s going through a lot. Hillary: So I see. Devon: I’m sorry what? What is that supposed to mean? And you still haven’t told me why you were eavesdropping on Roxanne’s door? Hillary: I heard strange noises and I wanted to hear what was going before I called call the police. I didn’t know if the noises was usual or unusual. I figured I could make things out better by listening in closer. You know hold a class cup to the wall or door. Then Roxanne opens the door. “ I thought I heard something going on.” Hillary:Be careful Roxanne, I broke glass there right in front of your door. Let me get a broom so I can sweep it up. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She looks at Roxanne when she says that. Roxanne picks up on the mild gesture. Hillary tries to look past Roxanne to see if she can see Nate inside. Roxanne notices and moves to block her view. Roxanne: Hillary something wrong? Hillary smiles at her “ Nothing at all” She says walking away. Roxanne: This is all to much for me, can we go for a walk baby? Devon: Sounds perfect. I need to talk to you anyway. Roxanne: Good let me grab my coat and purse.” She does and Roxanne closes her apartment door behind her. Then Hillary comes back with a broom and dust pan. Roxanne gives her a coy smile. “I hope you get all the glass up Hillary, there are kids that live in the building.” Hillary:Yea sure Roxanne. You bet.” Devon and Rox leave. Hillary: Ok Roxie. I know Nate went in and he never came back out. Now your taking your so called boyfriend out. I know Nate is still in there.” Then Roxanne’s door opens up. Hillary looks up and sees Nate. Hillary smiles at him. Nate is caught off guard as he did not see any one in the peep hole before he opened the door. As he looks at her he can’t help to think he knows Hillary somehow. Abbott Manor. Jack and Keemo continues their confrontation. Jack: I want you to tell me what is it with you and older women? First Jill and now Glo Ho. Keemo: Don’t you ever speak about Gloria like that again! How dare you question me and who I share my life with! I’m done with this! I’m way to old for you to be trying to control me. I’m my own man. I make my own decisions and that will include me marrying Gloria because I love her and working for Tucker McCall because he believes in me. You don’t know me very well dad. Now all of a sudden you want to control my life. How about get a life of your own. Win one with Victor Newman for once. Jack: That was a low blow son.” Jack says with his voice crackling. Keemo: But it’s ok to pass judgment on me and my choices. You will not stop me from marrying Gloria. Simple as that. “ Then Keemo walks out, storming past Murphy who has showed up to see Jack. Murphy walks in closing the door behind him and walks over to Jack who is visibly upset. Murphy: Everything ok Jack? Jack: Just one disaster after another Murph. Keemo gets in his car and speeds out the drive way. He tries to call Gloria but it goes straight to voice mail. He throws his phone down on the passenger seat. Then he gets a call and Keemo hopes its Gloria. It’s Tucker instead. Keemo: What can I do for you Tucker?…….Ok I’ll be there shortly……     Chancellor. Jill is fanning Harmony who is laying on the floor. Harmony slowly comes to. “Wh-.. What happened? Kay: That’s what we want to know. You were on the phone with an important call then you seem to have fainted. Harmony then sits up “Oh my God! I have to go! I have to go!” She gets up. Jill: I don’t think you are in shape to go anywhere. Harmony: NO! Its my daughter. My Anna dear God NO! Kay: What is the matter Harmony? Harmony: I’m so sorry Mrs. C. I have to leave. My daughter needs me. I have to go see Devon.” Then Harmony leaves in a haste. Jill and Kay look at each other and wonders what is wrong with Harmony’s daughter Anna. Jill: I don’t think she will be going to Briar. Kay: And it was her idea. Roxanne’s Apt. (Doorway\Hallway) Hillary stands up. Hillary: Roxanne just left with her boyfriend. Nate: Oh ok. Thank you. He tries to leave but she stops him with another comment. Hillary: I thought you were Roxanne’s boyfriend. Especially the way you two were acting. Nate: Your funny…. Ha Ha no. As you can see she is with Devon. Hillary: Then why are you leaving her apartment just now? Why didn’t you just leave when Devon was here? Seems suspicious to me. Nate: Does it? Hillary: It does. Nate: I think you need to mind your own business. Hillary: I think you should consider your own advice. Nate: I beg your pardon. Hillary: Switching paternity test results. Yes I heard that part. I know everything. I can’t believe what I heard Nathan Hastings Jr. Nate is flabbergasted. Nate: And you know my whole name. So we do know each other. So now what? Who are you? Hillary: It’s sad really. You don’t even remember who I am do you? Maybe to much Roxanne on your mind Nate stares at her. “ Johnson C Smith?….. Hillary….You were studying law. Left me to go care for your sick mother. Hillary: You really didn’t know who I was? Nate: It’s been a few years and you look so different now. More beautiful than ever. Hillary: I’ve missed you. Nate: Hillary come on really? She walks up to him and kisses him passionately. As she kisses a flood gate of memorie open for Nate. He grabs her tiny waist and pushes her against the wall. Smelling her sweet perfume and tasting her soft sweet lips arouses him as he remebers previous hot passionate times With Hillary. He grabs her hair and pulls her head back exposing her neck. He kisses her there as he rembelrs how much it turned her on when he was aggrssive with her in the past. Hillary moans out. Nate: You still like that?...I want you.” They continue to kiss as they walk into Hillary’s apartment. She closes the door behind them……                          
  20. Ima a huge Days fan and I welcome you back to the art of blogging. Very good first entry. Set up very diffrenttly I guess this is your style and that's cool. I like to see what you can do with Therea and Brady as I cant stand neither one of them. I look fwd to see what happens next.
  21. I love it. I love Iris. SHe got her groove back. Yes keep Cory and fight. A battle is about to erupt over CP and I love it. I REALLY loved the Felicia and Cass scene. SO very nice. They always had a reat friendship. it was nice to see that a gain. Some one messing with Donna. Is it mike or Matt? Another great show Iris!!
  22. Im really enjoying Kirk and Charlie prove theirt love for one another by fighting to be together. I also really enjoyed Frankie's scene with Charlie and she gave her some excellent advice. Im also am liking Emma. She is playing John and Jack. She is in control and I love it. SHe keep you guessing. Another (beat) good (beat) show ^__^
  23. Chancellor Estate. Chloe looks at Billy waiting for an answer as he holds Delia. Billy suggests to Delia that she go upstairs and set up a tea party with her favorite dolls and that he will be right up to join her after he talks to her mom. Delia cheers and runs upstairs. Billy: Chloe I been doing a lot of thinking the last few days. I was thinking we take our daughter and just leave Genoa City. Life for us here will never be the same. I don’t want shame for us or especially our daughter. Chloe: I do understand. I can’t bear the fact to see Victoria again. Billy: I hurt her bad. I really messed up this time. Chloe: Did you? Billy: With you no. Chloe I love you and I want us to make this work. I want us to be a family. Chloe: So this is it, you are leaving Victoria for me? Billy takes a deep breath. “Yes.” Episode 121: Jack Confronts Keemo! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson Story Editor: Martin Saenz   Chancellor Industries. Kay barges into her office and sees Jill and Harmony fielding phone calls. They wrap them up and look at Kay. Kay: Alright does some one want to tell me what in the hell is going on here? Harmony: Mrs. Chancellor, we have a major problem with our hydraulic fracking site down in Briar, Texas. Jill: The mayor has order an injunction and has shut down the operation until a study is done by some made up random government agency. The locals are claiming the fracking we are doing in Briar is the cause of the surges of many earthquakes there and also for contaminatinating the water supply. This shut down of operations will cost Chancellor millions by the day as they sit idle down there. Kay: Dear God in heaven.” She says as she takes a seat. Kay: Well what in the hell do you propose we do about this? This company doesn’t have many assets as it is. We don’t have millions to waste away while the workers and more importantly contracts go idle. This new fracking shacking business, or what ever the hell you call it, was supposed to build liquidity and strengthen the position of CI. We have a lot of investors tied up into to this who may pull their money. Harmony: That’s not all. Protesters in Briar Texas have gained the attention of the national media and its come out on CNN out that we own the Fracking site and are leasing it for development and production. Kay: It’s a good thing CNN is experiencing its lowest Nielsen ratings in 20 years. I guess this mean our stock value is starting to drop. Jill: I just checked the numbers and CI is trading at a four week low. Kay puts her head in her hands and wonders what else can go wrong. Roxanne’s Apartment. Roxanne finishes spraying febreeze around her apartment and makes sure it’s clean for her company Nate. She then hears a loud bang outside her door. Curious, she opens her apartment door and sees a beautiful young lady across the hall. The lady looks at Roxanne. “Oh. I’m sorry did I disturb you? I’m Hillary.” Hillary extends her hand to shake Roxanne does not and begins to blow on her fingernails as if to give the impression her nails are freshly painted. Hillary: Well Sorry if I bothered you. I’m just moving in. Do you live right there?” She says pointing to Roxanne’s apartment. Roxanne smiles and nods her head. Hillary: Well then great. (Now noticing how rude Roxanne is) I guess we will be neighbors. Roxanne gives her a thumbs up. Hillary: Ok my movers will be done soon so we won’t bother you any longer. Roxanne gives her a smile then enters her apartment and closes the door. Roxanne studies Hillary through her peep hole. Then Nate obscures her view. She opens and sees Hillary and Nate getting a glimpse of each other. Hillary smiles at him. Nate smiles back. Roxanne pokes Nate. Nate looks at Roxanne and smiles and enters her apartment. Hillary and Roxanne look at each other once more until the door separates their stare at one another. Nate: Who was that? Roxanne: Why you like her? Nate: Jealous? ....She looks very familiar. Abbott Manor. Jack opens the door to his son Keemo. Keemo enters. Keemo: I hope you didn’t ask me over to argue with me. I’m not here to do that. Jack: I just want to know why? What have I done to you for you to betray me and our family like this? Keemo: Betrayal? Is that what your labeling it? Where do I start dad? Jack: The beginning would be nice. Keemo: Well you place blame on me for Jabot Asia faltering when in reality it was the Glo by Jabot scandal some several years ago. Jack: I never blamed you. Keemo: But you removed me from my position and brought me here. There is a phrase here in America. I think it goes something like actions speak louder than words. Jack: You’re my son. The only relationship I had with you was business. Excuse me from wanting to be more to you than your boss. Keemo: Then it was Jill. When I took my eye to her you objected vehemently. So I said ok dad, out of respect for you I’ll let her go. Jack: Even worse your engaged to Gloria Bardwell The casue of the Glo by Jabot disaster! Keemo: And now you want me to leave her too. It just really feels none of my choices are good enough for you. Put yourself in my shoes. You seem to forget I’m an adult. I can date whom I chose. Jack: Keemo I will never ever allow you and Gloria to be together. There is no space on that. She ruined my father. Your grandfather and as you say she is the reason Jabot Asia almost collapsed. Why would you want to be with a woman like that? A woman twice your age. Jill was too. What is it with you and older women anyway? The Chancellor Estate. Chloe gets up and hugs Billy. She tells him she love him too and that she didn’t think she would ever see this day. Billy: It means the world to me we are going to be a family. You, me and Delia in a new city with a new start. No more judgmental baggage. We found our way back to each other. Chloe: But in that we lost something Billy. Our child.” She says as her eyes begin to water up. Chloe: I think we need to have a service for our baby. It was a boy. Did you know that? We were going to have a baby boy.” She says as she gathers some white candles and begins to light them. Billy: Wow. No I didn’t. A son. Wow. Chloe I’m so sorry for all of this. I should never have put you in this position. Chloe: Billy I love you. We are together now. Nothing else matters.” They sit in silence and look into the candle light mourning the loss of their baby together. They hold each other.     Roxanne’s Apt. Roxanne: Jealous? Boy bye. Nate: So I’m here, again. Roxanne: I’ve missed you. I really wanted to see you. Nate: Why Roxanne? Roxanne: What’s up with you this evening? Nate: Just been doing a lot of thinking. My life and the direction I’m going in. I don’t like what I see Roxanne. This is not who I am. Roxanne: What do you mean? Nate: This secret... Moses true paternity. I went against medical ethics and changed those results from Malcolm to Nate due to my selfish ill feelings of Malcolm. I just don’t like him, he’s a loser and doesn’t deserve to be a father. But who am I to make that call on behalf of Moses? This eats at me every day Rox. I’m depressed. My mom is going to be so disappointed in me let alone Uncle Neil. Then its you.” He looks at her. Roxanne: Me? Nate: I’m in love with you Roxanne. But you belong to Devon. I ask my self what am I doing here? What am I doing at all? Roxanne: Nate I’m sorry I’m putting you through this. This is hard for me to. Learning I got a new family. Dealing with the public humiliation. I just needed you tonight. Being around you makes me feel good. Its an escape.” Nate looks at her. She looks at him and they move closer toward each other. She begins to massage his big broad shoulders. Roxanne: You are a whole lotta man you know that? Nate smiles at her. “ You like that?” He pulls her even closer to him and kisses her softly on her lips. They pull back but still look into each others eyes. She leans in and kisses him again, this time more passionately. Meanwhile outside Roxanne’s apt door is Hillary with her ear pressed to a glass that is agaqinst the door so she can eavesdrop on everything taking place inside. Hillary then feels a tap on her shoulder. She is startled then drops the glass and it shatters. Hillary sees Devon. Devon: Who are you and what are you doing out here?               .          
  24. New Casting Alert! Misheal Morgan will join the cast of The Young and the Restless in the role of “ Hillary” No last name given at this time. “Hillary comes in like a hurricane. She also has not one but two surprising connections to the canvas already. Look for Hillary to play opposite of Roxanne.” Hillary will debut next week in episode 121. Stay Tuned….
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