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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Chloe was not trying to be mean to Billy. She really wants to be with him. Keemo and GLo is the first ever May- Dec romance I ever wrote. But there is a good story coming up for the two. All things come to those who wait. Devon and Nate will have their time. I didn't want them to fight off the bat. TO me it would hae shown Devon is insuecure if he confronted Nate and I dont precceive Devon as insecure. SO he just let it roll of his back But not forgotten. And yes malcolm is deeply hurt. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.
  2. Billy’s House. Chloe: What did you say? Billy: Chloe I love you. Chloe: You love me? Billy: Yes. Chloe: Do you love Victoria? Billy: NO Chloe. I love you. I want to be with you We belong together. We already have a child together. Delia wants us to be a family. Let’s make that happen. I want to make that happen. Chloe: Billy I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear these words from you? I love you to.” They kiss. Chloe: So your going to leave Victoria? Episode: 104 The Battle Over Newman Begins ! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz Tucker is in his office slash penthouse. He looks in the business journal and sees the ad for an executive at Newman. He begins to think. He then turns to look at the stock values. He can see Newman stock has lost 65% of its worth. He picks up the phone and makes a call. “Tucker it’s me Jack. Listen I have a change in plan. We need to talk.” Jack: Come to Jabot then. Tucker: No Jackie, come to my place. Jack: I’m very busy Tucker. Tucker: So am I and if you want my support taking Kay out at Newman then you will get your ass here now!” Tucker hangs up. He is still thinking on the situation at Newman. He reads and in-depth article on The Victor Newman trial. He then places another call. “It’s good to hear your voice darlin. I just read you won Cory Publishing. How is that going Iris?” Iris: Tucker McCall. My its been a long time. It’s great to have my fathers company in my hands right where it belongs. Tucker: If it works for you it works for me. Listen you do all sorts of media and publishing stuff at Cory right? Iris: We certainly do, print, air, internet. We do it all. Tucker: That’s exactly what I want to hear. Listen I got a contract for Cory. I could use your services. Iris: I like to discuss business face to face. Tucker: As do I. Should I come to you in Bay City? Iris: You sure can. Tucker: Great. Let me wrap a few things up here and I’ll in Bay City soon.” He hangs up.   Devon’s Studio. Roxanne is reading over the music Devon has wrote. Roxanne: Do you think Abby is really going to want to sign me? Devon: I hope she does. She’d be a fool not to. Roxanne your voice is amazing. I’m just mad you never told me you have talent like that. Roxanne: Well It’s no big deal. I’ve been singing all my life. My adoptive parents made sure I sang every Sunday in the church choir. Devon: She was a smart woman. Roxanne: But is Abby smart? The only thing she wants to do is be close to you. Devon: She told me investing money in my label was no ploy to get to me. I guess we will find out if she means what she says. Roxanne: What are you going to do if she won’t sign me? Devon: Well I’m the boss. She’s an investor. Roxanne: She could pull her money out at any time. Devon: You sure do have a low opinion of Abby. Roxanne: She did it to her self. She has plotted and schemed to come between us. Devon: And I told you don’t have to worry about that because I love you. Roxanne: I love you too. “ They kiss. Devon: Now its time for the call. Roxanne: To Abby? Devon: Yes.” He picks up the phone and dials Abby’s number. Jack knocks on Tucker’s door. Tucker opens and invites him in. Tucker offers Jack a drink. Jack: No Tuck. I’m not in the mood. I got a company to run. Tucker: Well I got news for you Jack. Jack; And what is that? Tucker: I’m going to make a play for Newman myself. They are ripe for a take over. Jack: I thought we were going to take Newman out. Out of the picture. No more competition. Tucker: Yea and I been thinking it through. Newman has a long history. People our familiar with it and I’m not willing to let it die. Not to mention all the contacts. I think It’s salvageable and I can make a killing taking it over. Newman needs a man like me. I see Newman making money. Unlike you who wants to destroy it so Jabot can be dominate in the markets. Where does that leave me? Jabot, Chancellor and little old McCall Unlimited. It aint happening Jack: SO screw me in the process? Once Newman is out of the way then that leaves room for McCall to gain market sure. Tucker: That’s business. But you see. Once Newman is out the way Jackie, its going to be Jabot vs. Unlimited. So eventually we are going to be rivals. I think long term. Jack: No this is war. I’m not going to let you take over Newman. I’m going to destroy Newman. You won’t have a chance to get your dirty hands on it. What does Ashley say about your latest plot? Tucker: This is business. She’ll understand. Jack: I bet. You won’t get away with this Tucker. You won’t win. I will destroy Newman. Tucker: You wrong Jack. I’m warning you. Don’t get in my way. It won’t end well for you. Jack: You scum bastard!” Jack storms out. Jack: I’m going to stop you Tucker.” He says pulling out his phone making a call Meanwhile Tucker is packing an over night bag. The only thing on his mind is ousting his mother at Newman and taking over the company himself. He leaves his penthouse on his way to Bay City.
  3. Its still builidng i cant wait for it to actually go down. Who is Peter loves?
  4. Genoa City Intl airport. Flight 103 lands. Newly engaged Keemo and Gloria step off the plane. Thy hug and kiss. Keemo: Were home my love. How do you feel? You left the country as a single woman and you come back with a ring on your finger. Gloria: It feels wonderful. I haven’t felt this in ye- I mean a long time.” They both laugh and kiss again. Gloria: Thank you for an amazing trip. Keemo: Thank you for saying yes to being my wife. Gloria: How could I say no to the man I love. Keemo: Why don’t we go settle in and then meet up at Glo Worm. Make sure it is ready and we can start planning our grand reopening gala and our coming out party. Gloria: Our coming out party? Keemo: Yes, at this opening gala, we will tell the world, your family, and mine we are headed down the isle. Gloria: Oh great. Your family. I finally get to learn who they are? Keemo: You sure will. Gloria: Good I can’t wait to meet them so this mystery can end.” They leave the airport. Episode 103: Lovers of GC Written by ML Cooks Story Consult: C Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz At the Park. Devon walks up to Roxanne and gives her a hug while he looks at Nate. He then kisses her. Devon: What’s up baby? I didn’t know you would be here? Roxanne: Yea Nate is going through something so he’s relying on me to help him through it. Devon: I’m his family, why don’t he confide in me. Roxanne: I’m not sure but please don’t press the issue. Devon: I won’t. The only thing I want to press up is your lips.” He gives her another kiss. Devon: Listen I got some songs I want you to look over. I want to be prepared when we go to Abby. Roxanne, rolling her eyes” Oh God.” At Newman, in Kay’s office. Kay: I have to admit this is a bit much more then I can chew. Jill: So what are you saying? Kay: I’m thinking. Harmony: I’ll do what ever I can. Kay: Jill I want you at Chancellor. I need you to run it while I get things in shape here at Newman. I want you to keep the boat sailing over there. Nothing to radical. You can choose a number two person to work along side with you. Jill: Wonderful. I’m going to go over there right now. What are you going to do here? Kay: I need a number two. Jill: Who are you thinking of? Kay: I don’t know just yet. Harmony I want you to take notes were going to hire some one. Chloe knocks on Billy’s door. He opens it. He smiles at her. Billy: Great minds think alike. Chloe: What do you mean? Billy: I was just going to call. I need you.” He grabs her and kisses her. He brings her inside the house. They kiss passionately and take each others clothes off in a frenzy. They make love on the couch. The Athletic Club. Devon walks in and grabs a set next to Malcolm. Malcolm: What’s good D? Devon: Nothing much man. I think I’m on the verge of greatness. Malcolm: Oh, word Why you say ‘dat? Devon: As long as I knew my girl I never knew she had a beautiful singing voice. Ah man it’s amazing. Malcolm: That’s what’s up bro. Devon: Your right. This is the break that I needed. Roxanne can get my label jump started. Any way man how you holding up. Malcolm: I’ve been better” He says sipping on his beer. Devon: You mean with Sophia’s death? Malcolm: It’s a lot more than that. It’s my girl Leslie. She been acting funny. Shutting me out. She spending more time with that Spencer Walsh than me. I go to see her and he’s there. I mean this happened a few times y’know what I mean? Devon thinks back on seeing Roxanne and Nate hugging back at the Park. Devon: I do in fact. Malcolm: Yea bro. I just don’t know what to do. She act like she don’t want to be wit’ me. So I’m mos’ def not gone force her to be wit me. I’m good on that. She want Spencer she can have him. Fukk it. Jack and Nikki are also at the Club. At a table having a nice dinner. Jack: The food sure is good tonight. Nikki: Yes it is. Jack: How was your day? Nikki: I dazed in and out. The shock of Victor’s verdict is still heavy on me. Jack: I bet. I’m trying to take your mind off things. I’m trying to show you how great your life will be with me in it and not Victor. Nikki I love you. Nikki looks in his eyes. She smiles. “ I’ve come to love you again Jack.” They lean in and kiss one another. Jack: How bout we go back to my place for a nice night cap. Nikki: That would be nice.” He stand sup and gabs her hand and escorts her out the club. Keemo and Glo meet up at the New Glo Worm. Keemo: Are you ready? Gloria: I sure am. I can’t wait to see my new club. Keemo: Let’s go.” Keemo opens the door and walks inside. Gloria follows him. They are both amazed at how it came out. Gloria has tears in her eyes. Keemo notices and grabs her and spins her around in his arms. Keemo: What are those tears for? Gloria: It’s just so beautiful. All this is to good to be true. Keemo: All of what? Gloria: How you helped me rebuild my life after I lost everything. My son, my precious Kevin and my club. Now I have you and my club back. And I’m so happy. Kevin would be happy for me as well. Keemo I love you so much. You mean the world to me. Keemo: You mean as much to me.” They kiss. Gloria: Some times I think this is all to good to be true. Or there is some sort of catch. Keemo: Glo I love you and you love me. There is no catch. Now lets send out the invites to the gala and get this place decorated for the biggest ball Genoa City has ever seen. The Abbott house Jack's Bedroom, Jack hold Nikki in his arms. Jack: This feel good. Nikki: It does Jack. Thank you for a wonderful evening. Jack: I hope we have many more to come. Nikki: I’m sure we will. I love you Jack. You have always been there for me and I really appreciate that. Jack: You’re the greatest woman I ever loved Nikki. So much was stolen from us, I plan to make things right. I want to make things the way they should have been.” They kiss once more.   “Now that were done now what”? Chloe says to Billy as she sits up and looks at him. Billy: Again? Chloe: Really? Is that how you feel? I’m good enough for the sex but now we can’t talk? Billy: You know how I am Chloe. It’s not like that. It’s just something I don’t like to deal with. Chloe: Classic Billy, never wants to deal with adult issues. This is more than good sex. You are married. I’m sure Victoria will be home soon. Then what Billy? My time is done? You won’t need nothing from me no more? You’ll have your wife. And I’ll have nobody. “ She begins to cry. “Kevin left me. He was killed in that explosion and now your going to leave me again. “ Billy: Did you use me to get over Kevin’s death? Chloe: Yes Billy I did. The sex numbed the pain. Now it’s about to be gone. You’re my drug and I’m about to be with out it. It will be like withdraw. While you go on with your precious life… I’m not doing this no more.” She gets up and puts her clothes on. Billy: What are you doing? Chloe: I’m done Billy. I’m done with this. I’m saving my self any more pain. Billy gets up and grabs her. Chloe: Let go of me. I’m leaving! Billy: NO! I’m not letting go Chloe listen to me I love you. I LOVE YOU!” He kisses her again and she is so overwhelmed she cannot continue her battle of resistance against him.
  5. Thankk you ajsp for the feed back. I will be getting more inot nates motivation to why he did what he did. I've hinted at it in earleir episodes. Im not sure when you began but its about to all come out and be clear very soon. Avery's motivation, lol stay tuned for now.
  6. Poor Stacy. I wonder now if that truth will come out knowing she does not have long. Loved Felicia front burner today. I can kinda understand her reaction but I felt like felicia coem on now u ver reacting just a bit. So that was great tension for them and I love how the Sharle story is still unfolding. Are we done with the gala?
  7. Genoa City Hospital. Nate walks into his mothers office. Nate: Ma you wanted to see me? Olivia: Close the door behind you Nate and have a seat. We need to talk. Nate; Oh no. What have I done? Olivia: Well that’s what I want to ask you Nate. Nate: Ask me what? Olivia: Is there anything bothering you or is there something you want to tell me? Nate: Uhm no. Where is this coming from? Olivia: I’m just being a mother. I realized I haven’t been paying you enough attention and I wanted you to know that I love you and you can tell me anything, you’re my son and I’ll support you no matter what. Nate doesn’t respond. He’s kind of inclined to tell Olivia what he did with Moses paternity results. Olivia notices the silence in the conversation. Olivia: Nate are you ok? Nate: Yea ma. I really want to know where this is all coming from. Olivia: Ronan. Nate: I knew it. Olivia: Is everything ok Nate? He thinks your hiding something regarding this mystery woman person. The same mystery woman who broke into my office and yours. Nate: Mother no worries. I have nothing to hide. Ronan is just thirsty with nothing else to do. Look I have something to do. I hate to be here on my days off.” He gets up and gives her a kiss. He then walks out her office. Olivia watches him walk away. She cannot determine if Nate is hiding something which makes her worry. Nate pulls out his cell phone to make a call. “I really hate to bother you but something happened and I really need to see you.” The Young and the Restless Episode 102: Devon Catches Roxanne and Nate Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: C. Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz At Malcolm’s. Malcolm is looking at the piece of clothing with Dru’s name engraved in it as Nick does the same. Malcolm: So you think Dru is alive and is the mystery person who’s is stalking Phyllis? Nick: Yes. Think about it. Wouldn’t it answer so many questions? Malcolm: I don’t know. If Dru were alive then the first thing she would want to do is see her family. Maybe some one set is making it seem Dru could be alive. Besides Sophia is dead because of this mystery woman. Dru could never do anything like that. Nick: Malcolm Sophia died only to avoid hitting Phyllis. The Mystery Woman wanted to kill Phyllis. Dru has an ax to grind I assume with Phyllis. Maybe She thinks Phyllis pushed her off that cliff at that photo shoot. Malcolm: This is so far fetched. What are we going to do about this? Nick: I’m thinking I want to keep this low key. I have to find Sharon. Malcolm: Maybe we go to Paul? Nick: Sounds good to me. At Newman. Harmony walks out of Kay’s office to read the following statement to the press. “I’m Harmony Hamilton and as press secretary for Newman Enterprises. I have an official statement from the CEO of Newman, Katherine Chancellor. While all of us here at Newman understand the nature of the verdict today, we want to give the Newman family privacy to deal with this ordeal. But Newman Enterprises is in the very capable hands of Mrs. Chancellor. With her long record of success at Chancellor Industries the business world should not need worry. That’s all.” Reporter(reporter yelling out) Is Mrs. C to old to run two conglomerates? Harmony: I’m not taking any questions. This press conference is over. Harmony walks back into the office. Kay: How did it go? Harmony: Ok I guess. Your health has come into question. Kay: My health? For heavens sake. Jill: Kay maybe they are right. Running Newman at this time is a daunting task. Newman is in a free fall. Do you really have the ability to turn Newman around while keeping Chancellor afloat. Kay: You don’t think I can do it Jill? Jill: I don’t know I’m just asking. Kay: And what do you suggest? Make you CEO? Jill: The best thing you’ve said in months. Avery goes to visit Daisy at the Jail. Avery: How are you? Daisy: Ready to be with my daughter. Avery: Good. I have some news. I have a trial date for you. We have just a few weeks to prepare. Daisy: Wow. Finally. The ball is in motion. Avery: I was able to find that video you told about me about before. Where your brother video taped your aunt Mary abusing you and forcing you to do the things you did. That will speak volumes for you. Daisy: You really think so? Avery: I sure do. In fact I’m preparing for your transition back into the community. Daisy: What does that mean? Avery: You know transitional housing. Get you a job, a place for you and Lucy. Daisy: Will I be able to have my daughter as soon as I get out? Avery: No Daniel has custody of Lucy. I’m sure Phyllis and Daniel will fight you for it. So that’s why I have a plan to set you up to be able to be in a position to fight for Lucy. You just have to do what I tell you to do Daisy. I’m counting on you. Help me help you. Don’t do anything crazy. Keep it cool. Daisy: Oh I plan to. I do that very well.” She smiles at Avery. Nate meets up with Roxanne at the park. They hug. What they don’t know is Devon is also at the park writing music on his laptop and is now watching them from a park table in a distance. Nate: Thank you for meeting me again. Roxanne: It seems to be a routine for us. Nate: Look I need to talk. That damn cop went to my mother about me. Now he’s got my mother worried that I’m hiding something. Damn him. He is relentless Roxanne: Nate I’m telling you, you would be so much better if you just came clean. Just tell your mother what you did. She can help you get through this and put the pieces back together. Do this for Moses. And Malcolm. They both need it. You have to tell Malcolm that Moses is really his son and not Neil’s. I know your not found of Malcolm but aren’t you found of your uncle Neil? Nate: Of course I admire him. Roxanne: Then think of what this is doing to him. Not knowing. He’s not fair to him. Your doing him a disservice. Clear your coconscious Nate. Nate: It’s easier said then done. What is my family going to think of me after I come clean? My career may be over. Damn you Malcolm. Roxanne holds Nate again. He holds her back. Devon is very interested at the two. Nate: Roxanne I don’t know what I would do with out you. You’ve been a great friend to me. There for me in my darkest hour.” They pull back. Nate: Your so beautiful. She smiles. “ I have to get to Devon Nate. I told you I can’t do this.” Nate: I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. You make me feel so much better just at the very sight of you. Devon is lucky. Roxanne smiles at him. “ Bye sexy” She walks away and sees Devon walking towards her. She is stunned and her heart begins to race. Nate is also caught off guard.
  8. Thanks Nate. the Sheila saga is slowing down. it invovles so many people and has so many branches im developing them all for an umbrelaa plot. this will all help the story reach its conclusion and or climax. The story will continue to build and grow as the new year goes on. stay tuned.
  9. so reggie took his own grand daughter. how much lower is he going to go. it keeps building up and yet unraveling i love it. great episode again i cant wait for the next one
  10. What a great episode. i loved the intensity and the buildign up to what seems is going to be a who don it. i cant wait to see it play out.
  11. Victor Newman has been found guilty on all charges against him. Time seems to stand still his day in Genoa City. Katherine is at Newman in her office fielding media calls. Jill and Harmony walks in. Kay: I’m so glad you two are here. Jill: Its like a circus out there. Harmony: What are we going to do? Kay: I think it would be wise to put out some sort of statement. Jill gets a text alert from CNBC. “Oh No!” Kay: What is it Jill? Jill: Newman stock is in a free fall. Kay: Dear God in heaven. You left me one hell of a mess Victor.   In the courtroom. Victor is stunned at hearing the words guilty. He looks at Avery with tears in his eyes. Avery: Victor I’m so sorry. Victor: So am I Avery. Episode 101: Victor is GUILTY!! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult C. Nate Richardson, Martin Saenz Malcolm knocks on Leslie’s door. She opens but is not to thrilled to see him. Malcolm: The Newman verdict came in. Leslie: I know. And I’m glad it went down the way it did. Malcolm( walking in) : I don’t understand. You were just on his defense team. Leslie: I learned first hand that Victor Newman is a dirty sleazy bastard that will do anything he thinks will get him what he wants. Malcolm: What does that mean? Is this why you been tripping lately? Leslie: Trippin‘? Is that what I’m doing? Malcolm: Yea girl. That’s exactly what your doing. You won’t talk to me. We argue over nothing yet I find you and that Spencer having a very nice conversation up in here. Leslie: So what are you getting at Malcolm? Malcolm: I ain’t no dummy but if my math is right I put two and two together. And I got four. Leslie: Your dumb. You know that. Malcolm: Four is your affair with Spencer. You can’t even tell me that your sleeping with him. Just stringing me along. Why Les.? I thought we was better than this. I love you. I’m going through a lot I’m sorry. I didn’t ask for Sophia to die. I’m sorry I didn’t react the way you wanted me to. But I love you. Tell me what is going on? As far as I know you sleeping with Spencer. Leslie: Malcolm you couldn’t be further from the truth. There is no affair. Let me be clear about that. I’m not ready to deal with this issue yet. Its deep. Malcolm: What issue? I’m yo man. Let me be here for you.” He walks over to try and hold her but she brushes him off. Malcolm: What does Spencer have to do with all of this then Les? I didn’t see you pushing him away. Les: Malcolm just get the hell out. I can’t talk to you when you are like this. Malcolm: Like this. What do you mean Les. Like what? Leslie walks over to the door and opens it. “Childish” Malcolm is stunned. He smiles and then he leaves. She closes the door. “I’m sorry Malcolm. I’m not ready to tell you yet.” Out side the door Malcolm looks at it. He can’t understand why Leslie is treating him this way. He doesn’t know what to do to reach her. He leaves. In the Courtroom. Jack: Well today is one for the history books. Victor Newman has finally got what he deserve. Billy: It’s about time. I just wish dad was here to see this. Ashley: I’m sure he’s happy. Jack: Well back to reality I’m going to head over to Jabot. It time Jabot takes advantage of the coming crisis at Newman. Jack looks at a teary eyed Nikki as Nick holds her. Billy: Give her some time Jack. Jack: I’ll talk to you guys later.” Jack leaves and Ashley and Billy follow suite. Nikki: I can’t believe this is happening. I was mad at your father yes but I never wanted this. Nicholas your father could die. Nick: Mom I know. This is a shock to everyone. Victor turns back and looks at his family as a tear rolls down his face. He closes his eyes and turns back around. A bailiff walks over to him and begins to escort Victor away. Nikki, running over to him “Victor I’m sorry. I love you.” Victor ignores her as Nick grabs his mother. Nick: Mom stop this. Nikki: What is Victoria going to say? I helped her father go to jail. This was not supposed to happen. Nick: Mom lets just go.. At the Hospital. Ronan knocks on Olivia’s door Olivia: Ronan what a surprise. What can I do for you? Ronan: I hate to bother you at work Olivia but I had to come see you about Nate. Olivia: My son? What about Nate? Ronan: Has Nate ever kept anything from you before? Olivia: I don’t understand. Ronan: As you know I’m investigating this mystery woman case. Olivia: I do know that but I don’t understand what that has to do with Nate. Ronan: My gut tells me Nate is hiding something. Some how Phyllis was able to be kidnapped by his mystery person off his floor which lead to Sophia’s death and I think Nate has something to do with all of his. Olivia: Ronan I don’t know what to say. Why would Nate have anything to do with a mystery woman. Have you tried talking to him? Ronan: A few times. He gets very defensive which makes me think either he’s hiding something or not telling me everything. I’m thinking he’s scarred. So I was hoping you would be able to talk to him. I’m not trying to scare him and I think I did. I knows he’s a good young man. I’m just seeking the truth. Olivia: I see. I’ll speak to my son. Thank you for coming by Ronan. Ronan: Have a good day.” He then leaves. Olivia is bewildered by what Ronan just told her about her son. She wonders if she has not been paying close enough attention to Nate She picks up the phone to call him. Spencer walks into Crimson Lights. He order a coffee. He turns around and sees Roxanne. He freezes up. He pays attention to her features. Her hair her eyes. Her smile. He thinks to himself “ I have a stunning daughter that I never knew about. Damn it Leslie.” He really doesn’t know what to do or say. He walks over to her where she is having brunch with Devon. Devon and Roxanne both look up at him. Spencer: Hello you two. I thought I’d come over and say hi. Roxanne and Devon give each other a look and then look back at him Roxanne: Uhm, Hello Mr. Welsh. Spencer: No please call me Spencer. Devon: Everything ok Spencer? This is odd for you to be talking to us like this. Or at least going out your way to. This feels so awkward. Can you really tell us what is going on here. Roxanne: First Leslie and now you. Spencer: Leslie? What about her? Roxanne: One could say she’s been stalking me. Spencer: She’s not stalking you. I assure you of that. Devon: You sound so sure. How do you know? What is going on between you two? Spencer: I don’t know what you are talking about. I just came by to see how you two were. Sorry for interrupting. I have an appointment.” Spencer then takes off. Devon looks at Roxanne. Devon: Something’s is really off. Roxanne: It’s starting to creep me out. Nick knocks on Malcolm apt door. Nick opens. They give each a bro hug Malcolm: It’s been a minute bro. You looking good. What’s good? Oh wait. My bad. I heard about your dad. Nick: I know. I don’t know what to say. My dad is I guess finally paying for what he did to so many people for so many years. Malcolm: How the rest of the family holding up? Nick: My mom is a mess of course. I don’t know if you talked to Phyllis, but she’s in treatment to get her eyesight restored. Malcolm: That’s what’s up. I’ll have to go check her out. Nick: But how you holding up bro? Sophia’s death must of hit you hard? Malcolm: More than I knew. Plus me and my girl having issues its been a rough time. Nick: I’m sorry to hear. Listen I found something the other day and I didn’t know who to talk to or what about this. We been friends for a long time and I think I can trust you on this. Malcolm: This must be pretty big man. What’s up? Nick pulls out the piece of clothing he found at Sharon’s with Dru’s name on it. Malcolm looks at it and see Dru’s name. He then looks a Nick Malcolm: Where did you find this? Nick: Sharon’s. Malcolm: Do you think Dru is alive? Nick: That’s why I came to you. We need to find out if his is true. It would make a lot of sense if it was Dru. She maybe be he one behind stalking Phyllis and now Sharon is missing to. Malcolm: Damn, is Dru really alive?
  12. Thanks Nate. I really enjoyed writing Nate and Roxanne. Mary Carter has a sinister plan coming to Genoa City Its sort of a long term story that will have many angles and include a lot of people
  13. LOL so why did jack go to Pualinas any way. Love Cindy Brooke. Another great episode. Jake is not going to let these flashes go. And I wonder how much Rachel saw or will she put two and two together. Or will it be janice that confronts here
  14. Spencer gets a call on his office phone. He picks up.. “Welsh here” “Really.. already?” “ Ok I’ll pass the word” Spencer puts the phone down. He pauses and thinks. He then dials another number. “The verdict for Victor Newman has came in already.” Episode 100: Victor’s verdict Written by ML Cooks In the Jail. Avery meets with Daisy. Daisy:I though you forgot about me. Avery: No I haven’t I’ve been so consumed with Victor’s trial. I just got word his verdict is in so it will be over today. Then it will be time for us to help you get out of here. Daisy: Do you think it’s still possible? Avery: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think so. Daisy smiles. “ I can’t wait to see my daughter.” Avery: I’m pretty confident you will be able to see Lucy soon. Roxanne knocks on Nate’s door. He opens and she walks in . Nate gives her a hug. Roxanne: Nate what’s the matter? You sounded upset on the phone. Nate: It’s Ronan. He’s now harassing me about Sophia’s death. He’s keeps accusing me of hiding something. Roxanne: But you are. Nate I really encourage you to tell the truth. You cant play God with Moses’ life. You have to tell Malcolm that Moses is really his son. That’s not being fair to Moses. I think your being selfish if you don’t. Nate: Your right. How did I get caught up in this. I hate Malcolm. He didn’t deserve a child. Roxanne: That’s not your place to decide that Nate. You need to make things right. Look at you… you’re a mess. You will feel so much better. Nate: What is my mom and uncle Neil going to think of me. My career as a doctor. It will all be over for me. Roxanne: Nate all that doesn’t matter. You have to do the right thing. I would want to know who my real parents were. In fact I don’t think I could forgive any one for keeping me from my parents. Nate: Your right Roxanne. Roxanne: I never got to meet my real parents. I was adopted as a baby. Don’t do this to Moses Nate. I beg of you. He deserves the truth. Your family deserves the truth. Nate is extremely upset and as a tear coming down his face over the guilt he feels over what he’s done to Moses. Roxanne hold shim as they lay in the couch. She has tears in her eyes as well as she wallows in the fact she was given up for adoption. Roxanne: Nate it’s going to be ok. I’m here for you. Nate: Thank you Roxanne. They hold each other. “Thank you for being here with me Roxanne. I couldn’t think of no one else I would want to be around. Roxanne: Not even Abby Nate: We both know she’s not into me. She’s into Devon. Roxanne: But I got Devon. Nate: And Nate got no one. Roxanne feels bad and sits up and looks at Nate. He looks back at her. Roxanne: Nate, have I ever said to you how sexy I think you are to me. Nate smiles at her. “ Never. But you know what. Roxanne: What? Nate: Your beautiful Roxanne.” They look into each other eyes. They slowly lean closer towards each other until their lips meet. She exhales. But then pulls back. Nate; What’s the matter? Roxanne: I love Devon Nate. It’s dangerous for me to be here right now. We are both in weaken states of mind. “ She grabs her purse and begins to leave. He gets up and grabs her. He puts his two hands on her face so she looks back into his eyes. Roxanne gets weak in the knees looking at Nate. He leans in and kisses her again. This time she kisses back. Passionately. But she stops and pushes him off her. She then leaves. Nate pours him a drink and thinks of Roxanne.. He’s frustrated. Olivia arrives at the Tack house. Nick answers the door. Nick: Liv, good to see you. I was about to head to court. My dad’s verdict is in. Olivia: Oh my. Well Nick I don’t know how it will turn out but I wish you and your family luck. Nick: Thanks Liv. Take care.” Olivia walks over to Phyllis. Phyllis:Hi Olivia. Olivia: Hi Phyllis, I have some great news for you. Phyllis: What’s that? Olivia: I’m here to take you to the hospital. Dr. Conrad is here in town on a surprise visit and wants to start the treatment to restore your eyesight. Phyllis: Today!!? Olivia: Right now. Phyllis: I can’t believe it. I’m going to be able to see again. I can see my baby girl.” She wipes tears of joy. In Verdon Lou. Sheila comes out from behind the curtain Dru:Tell us who you got back there? Sheila: Its not time yet.” She pulls out a cell phone. Dru: You ordering some food for us. We are hungry. I like chicken wings and get some ranch sauce. Sharon what you want girl? Sharon: Yes Sheila we haven’t eaten in days. Sheila: Good then.” She walks outside to have her conversation in private. Its an international call to Paris. “Hi, its momma bear.” Voice:Mother hello, how are things? Sheila: Momma bear has things under control. I think its about time for to come to Genoa City. The time is right to move onward with our plan. Voice: Good I can see my man. Sheila: You mean Scotty? Voice: Yes, He think I’m Vandalynn. Sheila: Good work Mary. Lauren is going to flip when she learns her son is in love with Sheila Carter’s daughter. Mary: I’ll pack and be there soon. Sheila: Don’t tell Scotty. Surprise him. Mary: Will do. Sheila: And when you get in Genoa City you know what you have to do right? Mary: I sure do. Sheila: That’s mommas girl. I’ll be in touch. Contact me when you arrive in GC.” Sheila hangs up. Sheila walks back inside Dru: Look at that ugly grin on your face. Sheila: Soon my family will be reunited right here in Genoa City Dru: Crazy Bitch!. Downtown Genoa City. People fill into the courtroom along with spectators of big media to hear the Victor Newman Verdict. Victor is brought into the courtroom in cuffs. He stops and looks at all the people’s faces that testified against him, Jack, Lauren, Billy, and Ashley to name a few. He looks at Katherine and smiles at her. She smiles back. Victor takes a deep breath. As he walks over to his seat. A local reporter begins to report on the story. Reporter: Today is the moment of truth. Will business Tycoon Victor Newman be found guilty of all the heinous crimes he’s accused of. From murder to insider trading and even kidnapping. We are about to find out in a few moments if The Great Victor Newman will walk out a free man.” Mathis walks in and looks at Victor’s Legal time. He only sees Rafe and Avery. Mathis: The last time we were hear I notice you were missing some of your legal time. The same thing this time. Is there a reason? Spencer looks at Avery with a grin. Avery: Your honor Leslie Michelson has resign from the case. Mathis: Damn. Part of your legal team bailed on you Mr. Newman. Could that be a sign of things to come?” He looks over to the jury foreman and puts his hand out for the verdict. The foreman hands it to Judge Mathis. Mathis opens the envelope. He looks up at Victor. Then back down at the verdict. He hands it back to the foreman. Mathis then looks at the jury: Did all of you agree to the verdict? The Jury: Yes. Mathis: The state of Wisconsin finds the accused Victor Newman GUILTY AS CHARGED ON ALL COUNTS!!” Genoa City is stunned!!..
  15. Devon’s Studio. Devon and Roxanne are looking at a teary eyed Leslie. Devon: Leslie what are you doing here? What is the matter with you? Leslie is unable to say anything. She turns around and leaves in a hurry. Roxanne steps out of the singing booth. Roxanne: This the second time this has happened. Devon: I know. Something is up. Roxanne: Definitely. The Young and the Restless Episode 99: Sheila’s Mystery Patient Written by ML Cooks Sheila’s Cabin in Verdon Lou. Dru wakes up on the cot. She is in severe pain. She can see Sheila sleep in a recliner with a gun in her hand and Sharon is sleep in a chair still tied up. Dru tries to move but the pain in her back is extreme. She suddenly screams at the top of he lungs. Sheila jumps up and in a reflexive reaction fires her gun in Dru’s direction. Dru: Bitch you tried to kill me again! Sheila: I was awoken to screaming. I have to react. Sharon: Sheila we are tied up there is no need for that gun. Sheila: Yes it is. They all hear a cough from behind the curtain that separates the room. Sheila: I have a patient to tend to.” Sheila disappears behind the curtain. Sharon: Who do you think is back there? Dru: I don’t know. Its some one Sheila doesn’t want us to see. Sharon: What could that mean? Dru: It must be a huge secret if even we can’t see who this mystery person is. At the Tack House. Nick is sitting in the living room putting Faith down in her crib. He looks at her beautiful face. “Where is your mother?” He sits back down on the couch and pulls out that piece of clothing with Dru’s name on it. “Something is not right. Dru can’t be alive. And Sharon went looking for her. This is crazy.” Noah then walks in. He sees the article of clothing. “Dad what’s that?” Nate gets a knock on his apt door. Nate puts some basket ball shorts on and grags a wife beater to put on as he answers. He’s not to thrilled to see Ronan. Nate: Not a cool way to start my day. Ronan: And I imagine it wouldn’t be for Moses either since he lost his mother. Nate: Are we on this again? Ronan: Yes sir. Sophia is dead and Phyllis was kidnapped all that doesn’t add up but I bet its connected.” Ronan invites him into Nate’s apt. Nate puts his beater on and closes the door. Nate: I don’t understand why you are here. I didn’t kidnap Phyllis. Ronan: But it did happen on your shift on your floor. You know I remember you and your mother both reported break in’s in your office. Phyllis’s files were stolen from your mothers’ office. Nate: Yea and that ain’t got nothing to do with me. Ronan: I don’t understand why you are being hostile. I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m just trying to get facts. Unless in fact you are hiding something. Nate: Ronan, this is really getting old. This is really whack. Ronan: I don’t trust you Nate. And I’m watching you. Nate: Get the hell out of my apartment.” Nate walks over and opens the door. Ronan stands there for a bit before leaving. Nate slams the door behind him. Ronan thinks to himself Nate is hiding something. Meanwhile Inside Nate is panicking. “The walls are closing in on me. “ He picks up the phone and calls Roxanne. In Leslie’s Penthouse. She calls Rafe on his cell phone. Rafe: Leslie, morning how are you? Leslie: I really don’t know Rafe. But what I do know is that I’m resigning from the Newman Case and from the law firm. Rafe: Les please don’t do this. Leslie: I’m sorry Rafe. I have to do this. I’m not going to be beholden to Victor Newman. And I despise Avery so I can’t work with her or be in business with her. Rafe: Please the practice is still young. Les: Newman’s case really put a black eye on the firm Rafe. I’m ut. I’m about to take control of my life and face up to the things I need to do. And tell that Bitch Avery I’m coming for her. Talk to you soon Rafe.” Leslie hangs up and Rafe is stressed. In Tucker’s Penthouse. Ashley purse her a cup of coffee as Tucker walks out the bedroom and kisses Ashley on the cheek. She’s cold and pulls away. Tucker: What’s the matter Darlin’? Ashley: The matter Tucker? You can’t see what you did yesterday at Sophia’s funeral? Tucker: Ash no Ash. Please lets not do this. Ashley: I think we should. You clearly came off like a jealous ex when you saw Neil and Harmony embracing. What is going on? Do you have feeling for Harmony? Tucker: No Ash, I told you I wasn’t going to have Neil and Harmony disrespect my best friend like that. Its too soon. Ashley: No I think it’s something more than that. Tucker: Your over reacting Ash. Ashley: No I’m not Tucker. I know what I saw. I’m not a fool Tuck.” She grabs her purse and briefcase. Tucker: Where are you going? Ashley: To work Tucker. I’m going to send for my things later. I think we need some time apart. Good bye Tucker.” Ashley walk out the door as Tucker calls out for her. Ashley leaves Tuckers penthouse leaving Tucker upset.
  16. Fukk u Reggie. I sure thought it was grant. FUKK U REGGIE. So he wants to control Grant then? Great writign i this episode as well. Very nice scenes. Ur stories are so tight knit and it really works for u I cant wait till this gala kicks off u did a great build up to it.
  17. Total shocker wasn't expecting that all and Micheal has a twin. Im glad he is alive. maybe he makes a b lien for Donna. Keeps getting beter and better. Congrats on ur 100th Im also glad somethingn went right for Allen for once
  18. Leslie’s Apartment. Spencer and Leslie look at Malcolm Malcolm: Answer me Les? Is this why you’ve been pushing me away? For Spencer Walsh? Spencer: Calm down my brother. Are you drunk? I’m here to discuss Victor’s trial. Malcolm: Nice one. You two are on opposing sides. What is there to discuss? Spencer: Unfortunately for you I can’t discuss that. If you two will excuse me.” Spencer leaves. Malcolm continues to look at Leslie. Malcolm: You want to tell me the truth now? Episode 98: Rafe and Scotty Make Love! Written by ML: Cooks Ronan walks into Nate’s Office Nate who was doing paper work looks up at Ronan. Nate: Can I help you? Ronan: I’m hear to ask you a few questions the day Sophia was killed. Nate is not happy at all about the upcoming questions. “ I’m not sure I can help you.” Ronan: I want to know how a patient was able to be kidnapped from this hospital. This is your floor is it not? Nate: What are you implying? Ronan: I’m not implying anything. Are you guilty of something? Nate: No I’m not I’m quite busy. Ronan: Just as you were to busy the day Sophia was killed? Rafe goes to the Hungry Hearts bar to grab a drink and get away from his troubles of the past week namely Victor’ trial. He gets a beer. Scotty then grabs a seat next to him. Scotty: Hey sexy Rafe: Hey Ted. Its good to see you. Scotty: Is it? I have not heard from you? Rafe: I’ve been busy with Victor’s trial. Scotty: Is it over is it done? Rafe: Please no trial talk Ted. Let talk about you. Scotty: Me? Rafe looks at him and gives him a seductive look. “ Ted, I want you.” Scotty smiles at him. Scotty leans in and engulfs him in a passionate kiss. Rafe pulls back: Lets go to my place Ted. Rafe: I would love to cutie.” The two leave the bar hand in hand. The City Jail. Spencer walks over to Victor’s Cell. Victor: What brings you by? Spencer: I wanted to know did you really think your black mail about my family would work? Victor: It will work. You may not see that now, but trust me in time I will be on the streets of Genoa City again and you Mr. Walsh are enemy number one. Spencer: I highly doubt that. You got too much time on your hands in this cell. You’ve resorted to creating fantasies in your mind. Victor: This is not over my friend. You will pay for not dropping this case against me. Spencer: What about Avery? Why did she betray Leslie? Victor: It doesn’t matter. I always get my way. And When I tell you I won’t be in here for long you better fear me when I get out. Spencer: You’re right. You won’t be in here for very long. I’m going to see to it, since you will be found guilty that we expedite your death sentence. Victor: It will never go that far. This trial is a farce. A Charade. A witch hunt conducted by you. It was unprofessional and unorthodox. To many conflicts of interest. Spencer: I’m the DA. Mathis is a great friend of mine. Trust me Newman, your going to die.” Spencer walks away. Victor smiles and sits back down on his cot. Rafe and Scotty walk inside his apartment. Scotty looks around Scotty: Its so nice here I wish I had my own place. Rafe: Oh you don’t. Who do you stay with? Scotty: My mother. I came here from Paris to help out my mom through her divorce. Rafe: Sounds like a client I know. Scotty realizes he’s talking to much. He doesn’t want Rafe to know Lauren is his mother. In order to change the subject he leans over to Rafe and kisses him. They embrace each other. They take their clothes off and they make love. Back at the hospital. Nate: Detective I’m not liking your line of questioning. I’m sorry Sophia is dead but I had nothing to do with it. Ronan: I never said you did. Nate: It appears you are implying I am. Ronan: Only a guilty man feels like that. Nate: This conversation is over. I’m busy. Ronan: I see. “ Ronan stares at Nate. He can see Nate is very uncomfortable. Ronan: Why are you sweating? Nate: Get out Ronan. I’m at work. I don’t have time for this. I got enough trouble with the hospital board over that incident. Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do and I’m sure you do. Like finding out who is really responsible for kidnapping Phyllis that lead to Sophia’s death.” Nate grabs a folder and walks out his office. Ronan: The doctor is hiding something. Rafe holds Scotty “Ted” Rafe: That was wonderful You were really great.” Ted sits up and looks at Rafe. Rafe: Is something wrong Ted? Ted: Not at all. Your so sexy. You have a great job, a nice place. I could see my self being with you. Rafe: Really? Ted: Yes. I’m happy when I’m around you. Its like nothing else matters. Rafe: Ted we‘ve been growing close the last few weeks. I have feelings for you as well. I told you from day one I’m looking for a relationship. Is this your way of telling me you want to be with me? Ted: Yes. Rafe I love you.” Ted leans down towards Rafe and kisses him again. Rafe stops him Rafe: Wait a minute Ted. Ted: What’s the matter? Rafe: I barley know much about you. Ted: What do you mean? Rafe: I want to know who you are. I’m not going to keep this relationship a secret. Ted: Rafe I’m not out. Rafe: I’m not saying we would make commercials, but I don’t always want to see you in secret. I’d like to take you to public places. We are both straight acting. No one ever says anything to me about being gay in this city. Ted: Ok that’s you. I don’t want my mother to know Rafe: I know just about everyone in Genoa City. We can start by telling me who your mother is. Ted is nervous and doesn’t know what to say. Devon’s studio. Roxanne is in the singing booth as Devon records samples for Abby to hear. Devon is absolutely memorized by Roxanne’s voice. Leslie walks in. She knew Roxanne hangs out here with Devon. But she had no idea that her baby girl can sing. She listens to Roxanne sing “ It’s so hard to Say Good bye To yesterday.” Leslie has tears streaming down her face. She realizes what she gave up for a adoption. A beautiful and talented young lady. She feels nothing but regret for her actions in college. Roxanne open’s her eyes and sees Leslie crying. Roxanne stops singing and Devon turns around to see why. He sees Leslie. Devon and Roxanne look at each other in bewilderment. Devon steps out of the studio “Leslie, what are you doing here?”
  19. Poor Nicole. I feel for her but even allen more. Love the scene with Marley and Vicky covering that up. Good writing skills in communication that I also enjoyed Frankie and Cass's scene. Cute..
  20. LOVE IT!! What a great episode. I love the way u capture Janice and Sharlene fight to contain her. Wow. And Mitch is lying to Feilcia about seeing Sharlene But I bet Rachel tells her . love the court drama. It went very fast. I dont know why I think Im glad iris won. It will set up a war between Iris and and Rachel Can't believe Rachel called her out. SO nice to see Cindy and love the comment on her dress. I was like she got this n the bag. Great episode nate!!
  21. Avery knocks on Canes door. He opens and they smile at each other. Avery: I should have called I know but I had to see you. Cane: Is everything ok? Avery: No I think I really messed up. Cane holds her. “I’m sorry to hear about it. Is there anything I can do? Avery: Make love to me Cane. I need your love.” She begins to kiss him. She then back up and drops her trench coat to reveal her naked body. Avery: I need your love Cane. I’m hungry. Cane smiles and walks over to her and kisses her passionately. They then make love on the couch. Episode 97 : Leslie, Spencer and their Daughter!! Written BY ML Cooks Spencer knock on Leslie door. She opens it. Spencer: Good morning Leslie: I don’t think its to good Spencer Spencer: We need to talk. Leslie: I bet. She signals him to come in. Leslie: Rafe told me you went on with the trial? Spencer: I did. I’m not going to let Newman black mail me. Leslie: I hope you are able to get him the death penalty for what he did to us. Spencer : I feel confident in that. Leslie we need to talk about our child. Leslie: Spencer what is there to say? I gave her up for adoption for my career. And now she is right here in Genoa City. Roxanne Parker. You know I saw her yesterday. She’s so beautiful. Spencer: Why didn’t you tell me we had a child? Why didn’t I have a choice in my daughters life? Back at Canes. Avery and Cane are sweating as she lies on his chest on the couch. Avery: That was so great. I really needed that. Its been a stressful week with Victor’s trial. Cane: I bet. How did it turn out? Avery: Well it’s over We just now got to wait for Victor’s verdict. And I must say it doesn’t look good for Victor. I sold out my friend for nothing. I’m a horrible Person Cane. Cane: You sold out your friend? Avery: Yes. Leslie. In an attempt to stop Victor’s trial he had me dig up some dirt on her. And I learned that she was a call girl and she produced a daughter with Spencer. Cane: Wow. Avery: I know. Victor tried to use that info to get Spencer to back down. But Spencer didn’t’ Cane: I got to give Spencer credit for standing up to Victor. Not many people can do that. Avery: That’s what I should have done. Stood up to him when he asked me to betray Leslie. Cane: Then why did you do it? Avery: Good question. I was so caught up in the moment. I wanted to save Victor. Oh Cane I’m a horrible person. Here we are having an affair while your wife is in Japan and I just sold out my good friend. How did I get like this? Cane holds her. “ It will be ok.” Devon walks into his studio and is caught off guard when he hears a beautiful voice singing in acappella in the singing booth . He looks inside the room and see Roxanne singign with head phones on so she doesn’t realize he is in the room listening to her She continues to sing the song “ It’s so hard to say Good bye to yesterday” By Boyz 2 Men. The song goes off and she takes her head phones off. Devon: Roxanne, I never knew you could sing like that. Roxanne: Devon! You scared me. I’m sorry. I just wanted to pay homage to Sophia since her funeral was ravaged yesterday. Devon walks over and gives her a hug. “ Yes I know what Tucker and Malcolm did was messed up.” Roxanne: Well I dedicate my song to her. Devon: I want to know why you never told me you can sing like this. Your amazing. Roxanne: You think so? Devon: Yes can you sing something else for me? Roxanne: Oh Devon your being silly. Devon: No Roxanne. I think your great and I want to record you. You are the star I’m looking for to jump start my record label. Roxanne: Great I guess Devon: Abby will be happy I got a new artist. Roxanne: Oh I bet Abby will be happy. Does this mean you and I will be working together closely? Devon: It does. She smiles at him and then hugs him and gives him a kiss on the lips. “Anything that allows me to spend more time with my man Roxanne is all for.” They smile at each other then kiss.   Cane gets a knock on the door. Avery gets up to quickly put her clothes on Avery: Who is that are you expecting some one? Cane: No.” He looks out the peep hole and sees its Malcolm. Cane: It’s Lily’s real dad. Avery: Oh no just what I need. Leslie’s boyfriend seeing me over here. Cane: Just play it cool. Just say that you were leaving. Cane opens the door. He greets Malcolm. Malcolm sees Avery. Malcolm: Am I interrupting? Avery: No not at all I was just leaving. Cane: Avery was here to discuss the charges I filed on Neil. Malcolm: Yes those charges lead to Sophia’s death. Avery: Malcolm have you seen Leslie how is she? Malcolm: My girl is all messed up. That’s why I’m here to talk to my boy Cane. Avery: Ok then I’ll leave you to be. Bye you two.” Avery leaves. Cane after closing the door looks at Malcolm “ What’s up Malcolm? You want a beer? Malcolm: Naw I’m good. It’s Les man. She is keeping something from me. She wont talk to me. Something is up and I think It has something to do with this trial with Victor. Cane remembers what Avery just told him. How she portrayed Leslie. Cane: Have you tried talking to her? Malcolm: No bruh she wont talk. Cane: Malcolm if you really love her and care for her you will go to her and let he know you are there. Don’t leave until she tells you what is going on. Malcolm: I do love her. We been going through some things. Sophia’s death really hit me hard. I hate Neil for that. I haven’t showed Leslie the affection I should have been the last few weeks. I’m going to let her know she my girl and I love her. Cane: That sounds good. Malcolm: Thank you bro. How are my grand kids? Damn I just love saying that? Cane: Their in the nursery sleep. Malcolm: Alright bro, I’ll check you later.” Malcolm then leaves. Cane thinks about Avery betraying Leslie. He then goes to take a shower. Back At Leslie’s Spencer: Why didn’t you tell me we had a child Leslie? Leslie: We were so young Spencer. I had my goals you had yours. We didn’t deserve a child. I was a call girl and you were sleeping with call girls. We were not ready to raise a family. Spencer: Says who you? You never gave me an option. I decide that for my daughter. Now you made this decision by your self and I missed out on a chance to raise a child. And of all people to find out Victor did. It’s only a matter of time before the truth gets out. Leslie: Thanks to Avery. Spencer: Why would she do this? Leslie: Oh I plan to find out. I can’t wait to get my hands on her. Spencer: So Les what are we going to do? We have a grown child. A daughter right here in Genoa City. We need to decide what we are going to do about this. Malcolm then walks in Leslie’s Apt. “Do what about what? Spencer what the hell you doing here? What is going on here? Leslie you can’t even give me the time of day but you here all chummy with Spencer? is that how we doing it now? You cheating on my with Spencer?”
  22. Jake should b happy on the low that Kirk is taking down grant ooh Donna love what u up to also how does Scotty find out that Kirk was in town idk if its my iPhone but at the end what's up with the codes and where did it leave off at?
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