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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Thanks Nate the Roxanne story got a long way to go many more layers
  2. Rafe knocks on Leslie’s apart door. Leslie: Go away! “It’s Rafe Les. Let me in we need to talk.” Leslie with no make up on and a shower cap on her head ties up her bathrobe and opens the door for Rafe. Rafe: Leslie, I need answers. What happened during that court recess? Spencer is threatening to have Avery disbarred and he mentioned something about black mail. Leslie: Avery betrayed me. Without warning or cause. Rafe: How so? What does this have to do with Victor’s trial? Leslie: I have a past Rafe. I was a call girl and stripper in my college years. Rafe: Ok that’s not so bad. I don’t get how that effects black mail and Spencer Walsh. Leslie: Spencer was a regular customer of mine. In fact we briefly were together. We created a child. I gave it up for adoption. Rafe: Leslie I am so sorry. How did Victor find this out? Leslie: Avery had something to do with it. Rafe: It makes sense now. Victor tried to black mail Spencer into stopping the trial. But Spencer went on with the trial. Leslie: He did? Rafe: Yes. So what does that mean now? Leslie: I have no idea. Rafe: The trial is over, Lauren gave some pretty damning testimony that landed Michael Baldwin in jail. Leslie: It serves Victor right. I can’t believe he or Avery did this to me. I was trying to help him but Avery. - She pauses. Rafe: I can’t fathom her doing this. What does she gain by this? Leslie: The big payback! Episode 96: Sophia’s funeral produces Drama! Written by ML Cooks The Church. Tucker approaches Neil and Harmony as they are embracing. Ashley is right behind him. Tucker: Here we are again. And at Sophia’s funeral. Neil I never thought you were that kind of man. Neil: hold up Tucker-” Devon stands up and gets in between the two. Devon: You guys need to chill. I don’t know what is going on but this is very disrespectful to Sophia and Moses. Ashley : I agree Tucker let’s grabs some seats. Tucker: No No, I’m not going any where. Sophia an extremely good friend to me. And I will not just stand here and let you two disrespect her like this. Harmony: Tucker ain’t nothing going on, You’re tripping. Malcolm who has been watching this scene unfold feels as though he can’t help himself but to take a jab at his brother. He walks over to Neil Malcolm: Another family Neil? Neil: Malcolm don’t start with me. This is not the time or place. My son is here. Malcolm: He should have my son but you took that away from me and now Sophia is dead.” Malcolm punches Neil. Nate and Olivia walk into the church and see the Winters brothers fighting. Olivia rushes over to them to join in with Ashley, Tucker and Devon to break them up. Harmony has Moses in her arms away from the fighting. The only thing on Nate’s mind is the fact he switched Moses paternity results to make Neil be the father and not Malcolm. Nate: Look at what I’ve done. Sophia is dead because of me now Malcolm and Neil are going at it. I set off a chain reaction by switching those paternity results. Verdon Lou. Sheila arrives back at her cottage. She walks into the room and see Sharon and Dru both dozing off. Sheila then walks behind the curtain that separates the room. She tends to a patient in a hospital bed hooked up to IV’s Sheila: Soon, things will be right for us. I’ll make sure of it. Dru then coughs as she wakes up. Sheila come out from behind the curtain. Dru: Who you got back there? Sheila: Another mystery person. Dru: Let me go. I need a hospital so I can walk again. Sheila: You won’t be doing that anytime soon. Not until I’m done with my own plan. Dru: You won’t get away with this. Sheila: Yes I will. I’ve already began to set you up. Oh wait I got something for you. Sheila pulls out a picture for Dru to see.” Just for you my Nubian Queen.” Dru looks at the picture and sees it’s a picture of her sister Olivia embracing Phyllis. Sheila: Your own sister is helping your enemy. How does that make you feel? Dru: It makes me feel like I want to break these ropes and get up to whoop yo ass. Sheila: Your so funny. Back at the Church Nate considers telling the Winters brothers the truth about the paternity results. He walks over to them and helps break them up fighting. Devon: This is insane. Roxanne: I agree it’s extremely disrespectful to Sophia’s memory and you all should be ashamed of your selves Malcolm: Neil I hate you!” He then walks away. Neil gets himself together. Ashley: Tucker speak your peace and then lets go. I can’t believe you acted like that with Neil and Harmony. Everyone takes their seats in the church. As the preacher begins to speak about the great soul of Sophia, it’s a bit too much for Nate to hear. He text some one in his phone. He looks at his mom. “I can’t do this” He gets up then leaves. Leslie’s Apt. Rafe: Les I’m so sorry this happened to you. Shame on Avery. Its disgusting to play with peoples lives like that. Leslie I’m going to stand by you through this. You cant count on me.” Leslie smiles and hugs him. “Thank you Rafe. I really appreciate that. Its been a tough 48 hours. Rafe: I understand. I’m got to go but call me if you need me. Les: Will do Rafe.” He leaves. Leslie’s mind then drifts into thoughts of her daughter Roxanne. “She’ so stunningly beautiful. My baby girl is right here in Genoa City.” Leslie bursts into tears again. Nate meets Abby at the Athletic Club. He walks over to her and gives her a deep and extended hug. He then lets go Abby: Wow what was that for? Nate; I really needed to see your bright smiling face. I’ve been going through some very dark things. Abby: I’m sorry about Sophia Nate: Me and you both. More than you will ever know. They order something to eat. Nate: It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. What’s new? Abby: Nothing really been trying to lay low as my dad is on trial. Nate: How did the trial go? Abby: I heard the trial went to the jury. So now we wait for the verdict. Nate: Is it true the DA is seeking the death penalty? Abby getting sad faced: Yes. It’ terrible. My dad is going to die. Nate: I’m sorry Abby. I’m here for you. Its such a relief to be around you. You really lift my sprits. Abby: That’s sweet. You smell very good. Your cologne is still on me. I like a man that smells good Nate. Nate: Do you? Abby: I do. Nate; Care for me to rub my smell on you some more? Abby: I don’t understand. Nate: Lets go into our own world Abby and escape all this drama with a dance. I look into your eyes and you look into mine and I hope we can become one. Abby smiles: That would be nice.” Nate stands up and grabs her hand and then they begins to dance to a slow sexy jam. Abby takes in Nate’s smell. Although she was and is hung up on Devon, she’s thinking maybe Nate could sweep her off her feet. She’s confused. Verdon Lou. Sheila: Get used to it Drucilla. You are not leaving here any time soon. Dru: But I’m paralyzed I need help. Sheila: Did you forget I’m a nurse? Dru: A nurse from hell. Sheila: You watch your mouth your making me mad. Dru: Well bitch I’m a mad black woman. Why are we here what are you going to do? Sheila: I told you get revenge on Lauren and Phyllis and then set it up for you to take the fall then I’m going to put my far flung family together in Genoa City. The Carter Family will live among the Newman’s and Abbott’s. Sharon, waking up: Daisy in jail. Sheila: Shut up you sluts. I will have my way. I will seek freedom and prosperity for my family. It’s long over due. And whom ever chooses to get in my way will end up like Miss Sophia. She says with a chuckle…
  3. When I outlined the trial I had no idea nor did I make room or time to deal with all these personal hmm all the side bar stuff that came out of it. Also, this trial has goen on two weeks and has drianed the life out of me. Ive never wrote a trial so big. I know its not perfect but I did the best I could to try and get through as fast as I could.
  4. Good episode strong scenes for Donna I didn'tknowx jack and Paulina was so close that was a nice showdown between the two Jani and grant as always wanting more
  5. Genoa City Church, Neil with Moses and Devon walk inside and sees the church is beautifully decorated with white candles and flowers. Sophia’s casket is open. Neil walks over to it with Moses in his arms. He looks at Sophia peaceful body in the casket. A tear strolls down his face. “How did this happen to you Sophia?” He wonders. Episode 95: Lauren Exposes Michael for Perjury!! Written by ML Cooks Judge Mathis Courtroom The courtroom is stunned after Lauren revealed Michael has committed perjury on the stand. Spencer looks at Victor then at Michael then back at Lauren Spencer: So your saying, your soon to be ex husband has lied under oath? Lauren: Yes he did. He knew the whole time what Victor was doing to Billy Abbott. That is the main reason I’m leaving him. I don’t want a man that could keep a father and his sick child apart . I don’t want my son raised by a man like that. Rafe: Objection your honor, the witness has an exe to grind. Lauren: How dare you? We are talking bout my family and what Victor’s crimes did to my family and the Abbott family. Victor has plotted and schemed against the Abbott family for years. And Michael had a starring role in everything. Mathis: Wow” He then looks at Michael “ This is not good for you sir.” Spencer: It most certainly is not. Your honor I want Michael taken into custody. After this testimony, the state rest it’s case. I call for a recess to obtain Michael Baldwin into custody. Mathis: Sounds good to me. I think I’ve heard enough. Does the defense wish to cross examine or call a witness. Victor shakes his head no. Avery stands up “ No your honor” Mathis: Great. I now hand the case over to the jury. Court is in recess. “ Mathis then pounds his gavel . Lauren walks off the stand. Michael approaches her “ How could you do this to me? Do you know what you just did? Nick unlocks the door at Sharon’s house on the Newman Estate. He see things are sort of disheveled. He looks on the coffee table and sees a note addressed to Nick. He reads it: Nick, the most amazing thing happen. Dru is alive!! She was here and she needs my help and I’m helping her. I’ll be in touch.” He then sees a piece of clothing with the name Drucilla embodied in it. Then Faith cries. Nick goes to grab her and holds his daughter. “Damn I cannot believe Sharon left her child like this. Dru alive? This is crazy.” He takes Faith and leaves". Back at the Court room Lauren: What I did? I never asked you to be Victor Newman’s Bitch!’ She then slaps him and walks out. Paul walks up to Michael “All the years I’ve known you Michael, I thought I knew you. I can’t believe you committed perjury.” He rushes off to be with Lauren. Michael is embarrassed. He looks up and sees Spencer smiling at him. Spencer closes his briefcase and walks over to Victor. Victor: You made a huge mistake. No one goes up against Victor Newman and wins. Spencer: I got news for you Newman. I just did. Your black mail didn’t work. And you will pay for this. I will see to it you get the death penalty. And as for you Avery I’m going to have you disbarred for your role in this. I thought you were a person of ethics and morale’s.“ He then looks at Rafe : Good luck Mr. Torres.” Spencer than walks over to Michael. Rafe: I’m so confused. What blackmail? Avery why is Spencer threatening to have you disbarred? Victor: Never mind that ummmk. I’m facing death. My life is over. It’s really over. There is nothing I can do.” Victor frowns and stares of into space as a tear strolls down his face. Victor: Its’ over. Jack: Nikki you ready to go? Nikki who is looking at Victor doesn’t hear what Jack has said. Jack: Hello, Nikki? You ready to go? Nikki snaps out her daze. “Oh Jack I’m sorry. I just can’t believe Victor just lost this case. He may be facing the death penalty. After all these years, Victor always had a way out. This time he didn’t. Jack: He did this to himself Nikki. Nikki: Oh Jack please. I’m not in the mood for that. I have children with Victor. This is about them too. I have to call Nicholas and Victoria.” She begins to leave. Jack: I can come with you. Nikki: No thanks Jack.” Nikki just leaves and Jack is salty. He decides to make himself feel better by confronting Victor. The Church. Neil, and Devon joined now by Roxanne take a seat. The church begins to fill up. Malcolm then walks in. He looks at Neil and gives him a look of hatred. He walks up to Sophia’s’ casket. He talks to her “Sophia I’m so sorry. I should have never let this happen to you. This is Neil’s fault. And his selfish ways. Taking you from me and our son. If you was with me you wouldn’t be here right now. I love you Sophia. I always will.” He then wipes the tears from his face. He turns around and sees Leslie standing in the back of the church. He doesn’t know how to react to her considering their argument yesterday. Leslie keeps looking at Roxanne as she remembers Avery telling her that Roxanne was her daughter. Roxanne is frozen unable to move. Malcolm notices this oddness. He walks over to her. Neil can see Malcolm is looking strange and looks to where his eye sight is fixed on. He sees a tearful Leslies starring at Roxanne. Devon look up at Neil “Neil what’s the matter?" Neil: I’m not sure.” Devon and Roxanne turn to look to see what Neil is looking at. They both see Leslie. Roxanne is looks confused and wondering why this woman is starring at her. As Leslie looks into her daughters beautiful eyes the emotions are too much and she runs out the church before Malcolm can approach her. “Damn what is going on with her?” Malcolm wonders. Then Nick shows up with Phyllis walking on a cane. Nick: Malcolm, I’m so sorry for your lost. Malcolm; Thank you Nick. Phyllis good to see you out your wheel chair. Phyllis: Soon I’ll be able to see and it wasn’t like I was paralyzed I just had my knee caps bashed in. They are healing. Malcolm: Thank you for coming today. Malcolm walks inside Nick and Phyllis grabs a seat. Nick looks at Neil and he can only think of Sharon’s note and Dru. He then think’s of Dru’s shirt. Harmony then arrives. She walks over to Neil and hugs him. Harmony: Sorry I’m late.” Harmony then hugs Devon. “ Nice to see you again Roxanne.” Roxanne just smiles as she can only think of Harmony as the person who ruined her engagement trip with Devon thanks to Abby. Neil: Thank you for being here Harmony.” He hugs her again. Then Tucker and Ashley walk in the church. He sees Harmony and Neil hugging . He is not at all happy and its written all over his face. Ashley sees this. Ashley: Do you have a problem with your ex harmony embracing Neil? Tucker: Your damn right I do and I’m going to put a stop to this.” He walks over to them. Ashley is stunned Back at the Court. Jack: Well well, well. This is the end of the road for you Vic. Victor: So what are you going to do, take my place? At Newman, with my wife? Jack: Nikki is not your wife. But yes I think I will remarry her again. And give her the life she deserves. I won’t verbally abuse her or treat a dog better than my wife. I hope you rot in hell you son of a Bitch. Victor: It ain’t over yet my friend Jack: Keep dreaming mustache. Your time on this earth is over. I win. I finally win.” Jack smiles then walks away. Victor: I want Jack Abbott dead. Avery: Ok Victor, that’s enough of that. Spencer approaches Michael Baldwin. Michael: What do you want? Spencer: For you to be in my jail cell Michael: You can’t be serious Spencer: Of course I am.’ Then court police place handcuffs on Michael Baldwin. Spencer: Michael you are under arrest for perjury. I told you I would get you.” Michael is dragged out of court. He looks at Victor” You Bastard! You did this to me! I hope you burn in hell Victor Newman! Michael is hauled off to a cell. Spencer then looks at Victor smiles and walks off. Victor: I’m going to strike at all my enemies one last time before I die. I promise you that. Starting with Spencer.
  6. LOL at Lily vs Adreinne Wow im stunned at ur version of ATWT so aggresive. LOL all the cuss word. Im not to sure what to make of it. Ill keep reading to see how it plays out. I do love the catty scenes with the women.
  7. Lauren is really upset over Mike's role in Billy's kidnapping that kept him away from Delia. Shes also mad that Mike missed so much family time to be Vic's bitch. Thanks or reading. PM me on on that story I ptiched to you. I got more ideas after reading kirks tiem in GC. We approaching 10o buddy u got soemthign big planned? I do kinda. I had to air a certain story a week earlier to get a big bang on my 100th.
  8. Check Mate Mutha Fukka The first scene was liek woah LOVED IT!!!!!!! Ok whats up with stacy and donna what is their past? Why wasn't it scotty that Kirk was feeling up on. I coulda used that one and it would have been better considering the history we estasblisehed between the two Hopefully we can play upon that Love the fire between Kirk and grant and this would be a great polcital story cosndering our recent election kirk is gay and would make him a progressive. I can see Grant as a polictican. Juciy tidbits. are you goign to touch upon that? WOW at Stacey tellign Vicky I thought it be a while longer Now Vicky is goign to keep the secret from jake. This is getting real good kuz this coudl play out in so many direfctions for Vicky IF jake finds out she was in on it but Lindsey knows and I feel she is the loose cannon. Nice last scene. ur right a ton of secrets here. Another antastic episode cant wait or the next one ...
  9. Michael has taken the witness stand. Victor is wondering is he going to incriminate himself out in order to sell out Victor. Michael has a nervous look on his face and takes a deep breathe. Spencer walks over to Michael “Are you ok Mr. Baldwin, you seem a bit nervous. Lauren whispering to Paul: Let’s see how much of a man Michael isn’t. Episode 94: Will Michael incriminate himself on the stand? Written by ML Cooks Tack house. Olivia knocks on the door “ It’s me Phyllis, Olivia” Phyllis: Come in Olivia. Olivia: Thank you. Its good to see you out the hospital. Phyllis: Yes I wish I could see my self too. Olivia: That’s why I’m here Phyllis. Phyllis: You’re going to help me get my eye sight back? Olivia: Yes I finally located a doctor who is willing to do the delicate procedure to restore your burnt out retinas. Phyllis smiles: Good I want to see for myself the psycho who is stalking me. Olivia has a flashback in her mind of the mystery woman breaking into her office and stealing all of Phyllis’s medical files. Chloe knocks on Billy’s door. He opens it up. He smiles and pulls her inside and kisses her. Billy: I’m so glad to see you. I’ve missed you. Chloe: Billy I’ve missed you too. Billy: I really need you right now after a stressful day at Newman’s trial. Chloe: How did that go? Billy: I think I did well. I did my part in putting that monster away. Chloe: Man on a mission. I used to love that about you. Billy: Do you?” He grabs her and kisses her again. They begin to take each others clothes off and make love on the couch. Back at Court. Michael: I’m quite fine Mr. Walsh. Can we get on with this? Spencer: My pleasure. ( he pauses and looks at Victor with a smile sending et another clue to Victor that he won’t bow down to him. He then looks back at Michael) Mr. Baldwin you were Victor Newman’s personal legal counsel correct? Michael: That is true. Spencer: And in that role you helped execute Victor Newman’s machinations. Michael: I’m not sure what you mean? Spencer: What ever Victor wanted, such as a take over at Jabot or if he wanted Billy kidnapped, you had a lead role in those events. Michael: I have no idea what you are talking about. Spencer: Let me remind you Mr. Baldwin you are under oath. Michael: I know that Mr. Walsh. And I’ve told you the truth. I have no idea what Victor did with Billy Abbott or if he did it. I had no part or knowledge of that. Spencer: What about insider trading? Michael: I have no idea. I was legal council for Victor for Newman Enterprises. Anything pertaining to that was my job. Things out side of that like this alleged kidnapping of Billy Abbott is out side the scope of my job requirements. Spencer: Is that how we playing it today Mr. Baldwin? Michael: Playing? Spencer: Mr. Baldwin this is not over sir. I’m going to launch an investigation on your involvement in Victor’s crimes. And If you lied today here in this court under oath, I assure you I’m going to prosecute you for perjury in addition to any other crimes you are covering up. Michael thinks of the mystery woman black mailing him to help her kill Phyllis. Spencer: No more questions your honor. Mathis: Does the defense wish to cross examine the witness? Rafe: Yes your honor. Rafe stands up and approaches Michael. Rafe: Mr. Baldwin as personal legal counsel to Newman Enterprises is it fair to say you spent a fair amount of time with Victor? Michael: Too much maybe. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries. Victor called I was right there. Rafe: So you spent a lot of your time with Victor so how would Victor have the time to execute all these crimes the state is accusing him of. Michael is stunned by the question. He realizes he’s been careful thus far treading above water not incriminating himself. But he also knows Lauren is in the crowd listening to all his answers. The main reason he is divorcing him is due to the fact he can’t stand up to Victor and his role in Billy’s kidnapping. He also doesn’t want to help Victor out in any way for exposing him to Lauren. He feels its damn if he does and damn if he doesn’t Rafe: Mr. Baldwin, please answer the question. If you spent so much time with Victor how was he capable of committing all these crimes? The Tack house Phyllis: Olivia don’t get quiet on me. Tell me more about my eyesight restoration. Olivia: It will be done here in Genoa City. Dr. Conrad is flying in from Israel to conduct the risky operation. Phyllis: Wow Israel. How did you manage that? Olivia; It took awhile. But some networking helped. Phyllis: Olivia, thank you. That means so much to me. You don’t know what it means to me to be able to have some hope that I’ll be able to see again. See life, my daughter. Thank you so much Olivia” Olivia walks over to Phyllis and gives her a hug. Sheila is out side the tack house watching the scene of embrace. She takes a picture of the sisterhood scene. Billy’s House. Chloe lays in Billy’s arms on the couch. Billy: God that was great. I really needed that. She kisses him: You weren’t so bad your self.” She then sits up. He then does too. He looks at her. Billy: Chloe what’s wrong? Chloe: Look at us Billy? We are in the home you share with your wife having an affair. Billy: Chloe please no labels. Chloe: It’s to late for that Billy. This is more than good sex to me. What is going to happen when Victoria gets back from Japan? Is this over? Billy I can’t deal with that. I need you. I love you. Billy: You love me Chloe? Chloe: Yes I’ve told you that once before. This is more than sex to me. I listen to Delia every night crying asking why can’t her parents reunite Billy. Our daughter is involved in this too. She’s see how close we grown in the last few months. We can’t treat this as great sex any more. We have others to think about. Your wife, our daughter. We are being selfish. How long can we continue like this? Billy: Damn Chloe I wasn’t expecting all of that. You hit me with a bombshell.” He buries his hand in his face. Chloe gets up to begin to get dressed. Chloe: I don’t think we should see each other any more until you come to terms on what this is and what you want. I won’t go on like this Billy.” She then grabs her purse and leaves. He gets a beer from his fridge and sits back on the couch and takes a sip “What have I done” he says out loud. “ What am I going to do?” Back at the Court Lauren, and Victor continue to watch Michael commit perjury on the stand. Michael: I have no idea how Victor would have had time to commit all those alleged crimes. Lauren is shocked and disappointed. Victor smiles. Rafe: No more questions. Mathis: The witness may stand down. Lauren shakes her head at Michael. Spencer: Your honor, the state calls Lauren Fenmore to the stand. Lauren looking at Paul: I’m going to expose Michael for the liar he is. He lied on the stand and I’m going to make things fight for my sons sake.” She stands up and rolls her eyes at Michael as she approaches the stand. Avery whispers to Victor: Well Michael did us a favor but now his wife could ruin all of that. Victor: Let’s wait and see. Rafe: She’s going to expose Michael lies! Lauren is sworn in as Spencer approaches the bench. Spencer: You are married to Michael Baldwin? Lauren: Not for much longer. We are in the process of divorce. Spencer: Why is that Ms. Fenmore? Lauren: Because my husband is Victor Newman’s Bitch. And after today a liar. Mathis bursts out with laughter. “ Damn” Spencer: Michael Baldwin lied under oath? Lauren: he sure as hell did. He lied about everything. Victor bows his head and closes his eyes. Everyone in the courtroom looks at Michael Baldwin. Lauren has a victorious smile on her face.
  10. I could just tell. It was a great episode. U put a lot into off. I love ur series bro. I look fwd to reading it every day. What it teaches me is you dont have to be campy or write intensity drama to mamek ur series good. I commend u for that.
  11. Damn Greg nosey as hell love iris wish she would have made a joke about Rachel's look Loved the Lindsay and Greg scenes and how u laid out the stakes now I'm hooked on that one Also great writing in sharlenes first scene and the mirror I could visualize it in my head Great episode I could tell u had a great time writing it can't wait to see what happens next And poor sharlene
  12. Nate the trial had taken so many angles I never anticipated its draining me can't wait to be done with it so we can go into the next big story Phyllis will get her eyesight back it's that time I'm done making her pay lol It's going to be a lot of slapping going on Now it's time to build up Roxanne learning her momma a hoe Thanks for reading Nate always love ur comments
  13. Judge Mathis stops looking at Spencer Walsh and down at his gold Rolex and then looks at Spencer again. Mathis: Sir are you ready to proceed, we don’t have all damn day? Spencer is in a daze, tuning out the Judge. The only thing on his mind are Victors words on instant replay. “”Spencer: You’re a joke Newman. Victor; no my friend You are. You see I know about your past. Spencer; My past? Victor: Your past with the lovely Leslie here. Leslie: Excuse me? Spencer: My past with Leslie? Victor: Allow me.” Victor pulls out the sexy photos of Leslie and Spencer to see. Then Victor points to a picture with Leslie and Spencer together. Leslie: What the hell is this Avery!? Spencer: You’ve got to be kidding me. SO now you’re going to black mail the DA with some phony photos? Now we can add these to the stack of charges that already face you. Victor: Mr. Welsh I assure these are not fake. In fact these are so real that you two had a child together. Leslie gave up for adoption to pursue her high powered legal career. Spencer: WHAT!? “ He says looking at Leslie in fact now confirming what Victors is saying is true. Leslie: Why? How did this all come about? What did I do? “ She then looks at Avery but Avery can’t look her friend in the face. Victor: No one will best me. Spencer I f want you two want to keep this nasty secret I suggest you drop this case against me. “” Spencer looks at Victor and Avery and Victor is looking back at him sternly. The courtroom begins to fill up and everyone notices something is very off. Judge Mathis pounds his gavel to get Spencer’s attention. Mathis: Are you on drugs? Mr. Walsh get with it sir. Spencer thinks of Leslie and his daughter. His life seems to flash before his eyes. He knows everything, his life, his career his reputation and now potentially his family is on the line by the next words he utters. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and looks at Mathis. He then looks Victor dead in his eyes “Yes your honor, I’m ready to proceed with this trial!” Avery is stunned. She looks at Victor who his frozen in is nature, looking dead at Spencer. The two have a stare down as Spencer approaches his side of the courtroom Episode 93: Will Spencer cave into Victor’s black mail? Written by ML Cooks Back in the courtroom. Victor is enraged and sits down in his seat. Avery: whisper to Victor: So now what? Victor: Spencer Walsh is going to pay for what he just did I’m going to crush him. Avery: Was this your trump card? Victor: Indeed this is was my October surprise. Now I have nothing.” Victor has a tear form in his eye. Avery is just flabbergasted. Spencer: Your Honor the state calls Billy Abbot to the stand. Outside the courtroom Rafe walks up to Leslie Rafe: I’m sorry I’m too late, did Mathis start back up again? Leslie: I don’t know Rafe and I really don’t care. Rafe: Les what’s the matter? I can tell you’ve been crying. Leslie: Victor Newman is the problem. Victor Newman is a rotten ass Bastard and I hope he’s given the death penalty. Rafe: What? I don’t understand. What happened during our recess? Leslie; Ask that back stabbing bitch Avery!” Leslie then storms off. Rafe has a look of confusion on his face as he slips back into court. The Tack House. Phyllis is finishing up a cup of coffee. Nick sits on the sofa next to her Phyllis: Is Summer ok? Nick: Yes, she’s glad to have her mom back here. Phyllis: Is the sitter on her way? Nick: Yes Rosa will be here in a bit. Phyllis: So how is your dad’s trial going? Nick: It’s not good at all. I think this is really it for him. I think it’s all really all caught up to him. Phyllis: I hope Ronan can catch up to this stalker. Nick: I doubt that will happen with Dumbnan on the case. Phyllis: Don’t be like that Nick Nick: Don’t defend your lover to me Phyllis. Let’s not even get into it. You here your safe and I’m not going to let anything happen to you again. I’m going to find this stalker person my self. Phyllis : What do you mean? Nick: I got my own team searching around and investigating. But any way enough with that. So have you heard from Olivia regarding on restoring your eyesight? Phyllis: No that’s what I’m going to work on now soon as this trial is done. I’m gonna get my eye sight back so I can see for my self who’s been stalking me. I want to look the person in the eye who tried to kill me I know I know that voice. That voice that pushed me down the hill. Nick: Who ever it was is a truly sick and dangerous person. Sophia has died from it. Back at Court Billy has been sworn in. Spencer approaches the witness stand. Spencer: Mr. Abbott, you claim that Victor here,” he pauses and turns around and looks at Victor and even pointing at him, sending him a message his black mail didn’t work and he’s going head strong against The Great Victor Newman. “ had you kidnapped then blackmailed you to stay away from Genoa City. Billy: That’s right. The old man hates my family and especially me. He wants nothing more than to destroy my relationship with his daughter Victoria. So he had me kidnapped and held me hostage until I agreed to leave his daughter. Spencer: So your telling us Victor Newman kidnapped you to get his way? Billy: Not only that, he knew my daughter was sick with a bout of leukemia. He knowingly kept my sick little girl from her dad just to get his way.” Mathis and the court room are outraged. Mathis looks at Victor. Then at Avery “ Will your client be taking the stand. There’s been some nasty allegations mounted against him. Is he going to speak up for himself? Avery: Your honor this unorthodox. Mathis: And this is my courtroom ma’am. Spencer smiles at Victor: Your witness council Avery looks at Victor, she whispers in his ear “How do I counter this?” Victor looks at her.” I don’t know that’s what I pay you to do.” Avery: This is bad.” Avery stands up “ No questions your honor.” Everyone is stunned. Victor appears to be going down with out a fight. Mathis : Wow. This is not looking good for you sir. Call your next witness Mr. Walsh Spencer: The State Calls Michael Baldwin. Leslie walks into her apartment. She takes her trench coat off throws her brief case on the couch and pours herself a drink. She then gets a knock on her door. Leslie: GO away! Malcolm: What you mean go away it’s me!? Leslie: Go away Malcolm. I’m not in the mood and I don’t want to see you. Malcolm: What you mean you not in the mood Les open this damn door or I’ll break it down!? Les walks over to her door and opens it. Malcolm sees a drink in her hand and can tell she is distraught and has been crying. Her eyeliner has ran down her face. Malcolm walks in and holds her “Baby what’s wrong?” Les pushes Malcolm off her ‘ Don’t touch me!” Malcolm: Baby what is the matter? What aren’t you at Victor’s trial? Why are you drinking this time of the day? Leslie: What is it with you all these questions? Aren’t you supposed to be mourning Sophia? All of a sudden you’re worried about me. Malcolm just get the hell out. Malcolm: Wow Les that was a low blow. Even for you. What’s wrong girl tell me. I’m yo man. Leslie is fighting back tears as she thinks of her slutty past coming to light. A sluttty past that includes a daughter right here in Genoa City. “ Malcolm I can’t. please leave me alone. “ Malcolm: I love you. I’m here for you. Talk to me. What’s going on? Leslie: GET THE HELL OUT MALCOLM! I told you already. Get the hell out.!” She tries to push him out the door. Malcolm: I see how it is. You keeping secrets now. You’re gonna shut me out. Why because I’m in mourning over Sophia’ death. I’ll leave Les. Maybe you can calm down and come back to reality. “ He leaves and she slams the door behind him. She lets go an explosion of tears a she sinks to the floor thinking of the daughter she gave up. Back at the courtroom Victor Newman’s wing man Michael Baldwin has just been sworn in. Everyone wonders in the courtroom how Michael is going to testify but no one one is more interested than Victor and Lauren. The real question will be is Michael going to incriminate himself, that’s the question Victor wants to know. Victor knows Michael did a lot of illegal things on his behalf. So in order to testify against him he will incriminate himself. Victor whispers to Avery : Let the games begin… He then winks at her
  14. 29 not bad I'm at 31as of episode 116 it's still a headache for me but it don't feel like u got 29 folks mayb kuz u got fewer stories? I'm reducing the amount of stories I'm telling on y n r it's becoming overloaded:(
  15. Thanks Nate I really enjoyed writing it I knew I wanted to give les and spence a big story for a while I happens to look online of Angell conwell who portrays les and saw these pictures and I had to use them Thas how that story came about plus the fact this tgvn we talking about the after math to all of this is preplexing as the story fans out. Lots of unintentional consequnces I'm having a great time writing this is not something I'm going to drop going to play this cow awile while shoring up my black base
  16. LMAO that was my plan when I posted Victor's pictures. The Sheila/Dru/Sharon story has a bit more to go and many more twist yet. It's going to be an umbrella story Thank you for reading
  17. The Courthouse. Avery shows Victor some pictures of Leslie. Victors looks at them. Victor: how is this going to turn my trial around? Avery: Look closely. These pictures tell a story. Leslie was a stripper slash call girl in her college years. Its how she paid for school. But if you look real closely, one of her clients is none other that our D.A Spencer Walsh. Victor: My God. Avery: Yes and not only that, they had a child together and I think I know who she is. Victor: Do you? Avery: She’s right here in Genoa City. I think it’s Roxanne Parker! Victor is stunned. Episode 92: Leslie Michelson: Call girl and Stripper and Mother?! Written by ML Cooks The Athletic Club. Neil and Harmony along with Moses are grabbing a bite to eat. Harmony: You know its nice to finally put something on your stomach after everything that has happened. Neil: You mean Sophia’s death. Harmony: I didn’t want to say anything. Neil: No it’s ok. I mean it still unbelievable. My son is going to grow up not knowing his mother. It’s going to be hard for him. Harmony: Yes I know. Have you talked to Lily? Neil: No. I haven’t told her anything yet. I don’t think this is the right time since she needs to focus on her own recovery. Harmony: She should be almost done soon right? Neil: I hope so. Harmony: Well Neil I thank you for letting me be here for you and allowing me to care for you in this difficult time.” She puts her hands on his and smiles at him and looks into his eyes. Tucker walks in the Club and see Harmony’s scene of embrace with Neil. Back at the Court House Victor continues to look at Leslie’s sexy photos. “ I must say she looks good.” Avery just frown having second thoughts on selling out her colleague. Victor: Spencer Walsh and Leslie have a secret child. This is certainly going to turn things in my favor. Avery: What is the next move? Victor: I want to see Leslie and Spencer now before this trial starts back up. I’m ready to go home and put my life back together. Avery: Ok I’ll see what I can do. In Verdon Lou. Sharon looks at Dru. Sharon: Dru do you really think I’m a bad mother? Dru: Girl I really can’t say. But what I will say and ask did you really sleep with all those men? Brad, Adam, Billy, and Jack? Sharon: It wasn’t like that. Dru: That is not the Sharon I know. We just need to focus on getting out of here and getting back to our families. Sharon: You should have thought of that before you decided to impersonate Sheila Carter of all people to get revenge on Phyllis and now because of that Sophia is dead. Dru: Sharon girl you giving me a head ache. Stop talking and try to break free from them ropes and go see who is behind the curtain. This so called mystery patient. Maybe he or she can help us. Sharon begins to try and wiggle out the ropes that bound her to the chair. Meanwhile. Sheila is at Sharon’s cabin on the Newman estate. She leaves a note for Nick. She then leaves a piece of Dru’s clothing on the floor and leaves. Sheila: Now I can turn the table on Dru and make Sharon look like she left town to chase Dru. There goes that. Now lets go have some fun with Lauren” Back at the Court House Leslie and Spencer walks in at the same time and see Avery and Victor sitting at the table. The are caught off guard. Leslie takes a seat near Avery. Spencer approaches them “ What is this why have I been summoned here? Victor: Your about to drop this case Mr. Walsh. Spencer: You’re a joke Newman. Victor: No my friend You are. You see I know about your past. Spencer: My past? Victor: Your past with the lovely Leslie here. Leslie: Excuse me? Spencer: My past with Leslie? Victor: Allow me.” Victor pulls out the sexy photos of Leslie for Leslie and Spencer to see. Then Victor points to a picture with Leslie and Spencer together. Leslie: What the hell is this Avery!? Spencer: You’ve got to be kidding me. So now you’re going to black mail the DA with some phony photos? Now we can add these to the stack of charges that already face you. Victor: Mr. Walsh I assure you these are not fake. In fact these are so real that you two had a child together, Leslie gave up for adoption to pursue her high powered legal career. Spencer: WHAT!? “ He says looking at Leslie in fact now confirming what Victors is saying is true. Leslie: Why? How did this all come about? What did I do? “ She then looks at Avery but Avery can’t look her friend in the face. Victor: No one will best me. Spencer If you two want to keep this nasty secret I suggest you drop this case against me. Leslie: So this is what its all about. Never mind innocent lives or even children as you say. I’m on your legal team why would you do this to me Victor? Victor: I’m not going out with out a fight. Blame your boy toy here. Spencer: Victor you want get away with this. Victor: If you’re smart you‘ll allow me to. Now what’s it going to be my boy? Leslie : I can’t believe this.” She stands up and storms out the courtroom Spencer: Leslie! Victor: Sound to me you got baby mother trouble my friend. No time to prosecute a case against me. You have to get ready for a family reunion. Spencer: You’re scum Newman.” he says before walking out chasing after Leslie. Avery: This doe not feel right Victor. I betrayed Leslie and now an innocent child is in the mix. This is not right. Victor: No one will take me down and I certainly won’t go down with out a fight. Mess with me and it won’t end pretty. Back at the Club. Tucker approaches Neil and harmony Tucker: My best friend is barely in the ground yet and here you two are getting all cozy. Neil: Tucker back off my son is here. Tucker: Your right Moses is here. Your son with Sophia. But it seems you got him a new mommy already. Harmony: Tucker you got it all wrong. Don’t come over here tripping. Tucker: Oh is that what I’m doing. I rather be tripping then disgracing my son and my son’s mother. Neil, standing up: Now that is enough!” As Neil is about to swing on Tucker Harmony gets in the way. Tucker: That’s real nice Neil. You said your son was here. What you getting all worked up for? Truth hurts doesn’t it? Harmony: Tucker get out of here. Neil: Get the hell out of here Tucker! Tucker: Yea, my food is ready so I’ll go. Shame on you two.” He then turns around and leaves. Harmony: Neil I’m so sorry. Neil: No maybe Tucker is right. What are we doing Harmony? Outside the courtroom. Spencer walks up to Leslie Spencer: How in the hell did Newman find out? Leslie( wiping tears) I don’t know I think Avery has something to do with this. Spencer: A child Les? Do we have a child? Leslie can’t even look at him and she thinks of her past, giving her daughter up for adoption. He spins her around. “ Answer me do we have a child together? Leslie closes her eyes not wanting to tell Spencer the truth. She doesn’t want to hear the truth herself. Knowing she gave her own child up for adoption for a high powered legal career. She takes a deep breath and is about to answer but then Judge Mathis walks into the courtroom and pounds his gavel. Spencer takes a deep breath and walks in the courtroom. Mathis: Can we resume Mr. Walsh? Victor and Avery both turn and look at Spencer to see what his answer is going to be. Is he going to continue the trial on Victor Newman or turn away and cave into Victor’s threats. Mathis: Mr. Welsh I am waiting sir. Are we going to resume? Spencer can only take a deep breath.
  18. LOL Love the Love family. Their family is huge. Nice name for the club Jake rembers 20 year old lipstick? lol So nice to see carl and for him to interact with his Dad So jake and Stacey had a romance and are ou hinting lidnsey is their child?
  19. Brandon tomorrow s ep is must see regarding les I'm dropping bombshells left and right
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