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Everything posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Avery visits Victor at his cell. She tells him she is working on his case. She is going to assemble a team of lawyers because she knows Spencer is going to throw everything in the book at him. Victor asks her does she know who the judge will be. Avery says she does not know yet but a court date will be assigned shortly my sources tell me. “Victor I must warn you there is a crap load of charges racked up against you and this is going to be very hard.” Victor: I’m counting on it. I just need to know who that judge will be. Hopefully it’s some one who is going to help me. Avery: Victor you’re not going to bribe a judge are you?” Victor: “I’m Victor Newman. What ever I want, I get. I maybe be going to jail but I promise you it won’t be for long.” Episode 65: Mystery Woman attack Phyllis again!! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consults: Paul G Amos, G. Nathaniel Richardson Neil is at Crimson Lights having a cup of Coffee. Devon walks over to him and grabs a seat and then ask Neil how are things. Neil says honestly a mess. He thinks he may have lost Sophia for good. Devon asks him how? Neil says that she is really upset that I took Cane’s kids because she thinks it came at the expense of Moses. Devon tells Neil he can kind of see her point. He tells Neil that three babies is a lot. Devon asks him what he is going to do. Neil says he doesn’t know. Neil then asks Devon what’s going on with him. Devon tells Neil that Harmony is back in town and Roxanne thinks Abby brought her here. Neil is confused at hearing the name Abby. He asks him why would Abby do something like that. Devon says because Roxanne and Abby apparently are fighting over him. Neil says wow. Sophia knocks on Malcolm suite door at the Club. Malcolm is shocked to see his ex wife. He asks her what does she want. Sophia asks him if she can come in. Malcolm says no. Sophia is disappointed. Sophia says “ I just wanted to let you know Malcolm that I left Neil. I am so sorry for hurting you.” Malcolm: You left Neil? Now you’re here? Sophia: Malcolm I still love you. I cannot stand seeing you with Leslie. Malcolm: And how do you think I feel when I see you with my brother? Sophia: Malcolm I am so sorry Malcolm: You keep saying that. I’m sorry to. Sorry that Neil decides to destroy lives and families and you helped out. You destroyed us Sophia. You had sex with my brother and had a baby with him. You and I can never be. You are part of the past. I am moving on. Doing me. Sick of Neil hurting me. So best believe when the opportunity presents itself I’m going to return the favor. He took Lily and Moses away from me. Enough is enough. Sophia I don’t want to see you no more. Don’t think because you left Neil I’m going to take you back. I’m moving on with Leslie. And with that Malcolm slams the door in Sophia’s face. Traci and Keemo sit down to lunch at the Athletic Club. Keemo tells her this is nice and it’s a good way to get to know his aunt. Traci says she is glad he is in town. Jack is very happy. Traci asks Keemo what his plans in Genoa city are. Keemo tells his aunt that he is on the same page as his father. Destroying everything Newman. Traci does not like the sound of that. She tells him that has never worked for Jack and in fact their feud has led to the death of her daughter Colleen. Keemo says that’s why he wants to continue this war. To avenge all the crimes Victor has done to their family. Traci tells him she admires he has a strong sense of family but warns him to please be careful. Keemo tells his aunt she has nothing to worry about. The smile as they continue their lunch. Nick knocks on Avery suite door upstairs of the club. Avery opens it and is shocked to see Nick. She asks him what she can do for him. Nick leans in and kisses her passionately. She pulls back and slaps his face. The Mystery Woman knocks on Phyllis’s door. Phyllis makes her way to the door and asks who it is. The mystery woman disguise her voice and says special delivery from Ronan. Phyllis smiles, “special gift, I don’t know why I can’t see anything.” Phyllis opens the door. Then the Mystery Woman pulls out a meat hammer and bashes both of Phyllis’s knee caps. Phyllis screams out in pain as she collapses to the ground. The Mystery Woman says: I hope you die BITCH! You are going to pay for what you did to me and everyone else you hurt.” The Mystery Woman leaves. Phyllis continues to lay on the floor unable to move from the piercing pain in her knees and legs…..
  2. Hmm I had to go up and see who you had casted as Jo anna becuz I love her so much and was hoenstly disappointed with Lynn H being in the role. I was expecting some one more outlandish. Hmm like louise Sorel, or Andrea Evans oo Robin Strasser would be perfect for that role.
  3. I love Joanna and love even better how you wrote their first scene. LOVE IT!!! So clever!!!! OOHH Fancy meeting you here. I LOVE IT. I LOVE JO OMG!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Another great episode and the excitment for this party is building. I know it's going down and I can't wait to see what does. I LOVE THIS SERIES. Great JOB!!!
  4. I would also love to se pics to see what some of these folks look like I dont know some of the castings
  5. OMG I HATE DRAKE!!!!!!!!!!I I love this set up. SO easy to get into and I love ur use of despcritions. i felt I was right there and could see all this in my head. I love the simple drama. Alexis needs slapped. I love this Kian story already. And I love your youthful dialog. Im very impressed with your writing abilities. Where have you been hiding? When Old dude was liek come over n chill and drink beers I was waiting for the weed part. Like "hey do you smoke pot"? LOl Thas just me. Great job!!! ANd what a great concept
  6. Wow so much deceit and decetion. I love it all. I love how this CP story is unfolding. And Allen was straight tipping talking to old ass Rachel liek that. She shopuld have fired him on the spot. Kant wait till next weeek
  7. Hmm I am glad to see Greg realize and deal with what his high ass did. Too Bad for Amada I wonder how this will effect Allen. How old id Rachel these days? I can't believe how Grant was taling about Paulina as a second class citizen. Wonder what Reggie will say bout Grant and the Iris.
  8. Team Avery lol. Ths document is very powerful. When revealed it will turn Genoa City upside down. Roxanne on break. She got that other series. I been playing her hard the last few weeks. She'll be back soon in a few scenes. That story has to be adjusted to accomodate my new Nate recasting. But it's one of my fav stories kuz I love all three characters and they aren't going anywhere Thanks Nate
  9. Cane arrives at Avery’s office. He enters and he looks at her, there is an odd silence as they both think about their kiss the other day. He tells her he is very sorry and that he was just excited over the news she gave him about getting his kids back. Avery tells him don’t apologize. She says as she gets up and walks over to him. She continues, “We were both caught up in a moment. I’m sorry too. I’m representing you and what happened was very inappropriate.” They look at each other. Cane admires her beauty. Avery admires his. Cane says that it’s something about her. He tells her he felt alive when he kissed her. It was a fire ignited inside him. After losing his mother and his kids, that kiss was like a slice of heaven. Avery doesn’t know what to say. She gets closer to him. He holds her. They lean in and kiss again. Episode 64: Cane and Avery discuss their kiss! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult: Paul G Amos · The mystery woman is sitting in the park looking over the document she stole from Michael’s office. She realizes this document could be key in her grand scheme to get revenge on Phyllis. She decides this document will allow her to control people. She decides to taunt Michael by making a copy of the document and sending it to him. · At Michael’s Office. Paul arrives and sees his office is a mess. He asks him what happened. Michael says that someone broke into it and stole something extremely important. Michael warns if this document got in the wrong hands it could spell disaster for many people in Genoa City. Paul inquires about the documents. Michael gets nervous and tells him to leave it alone. He then tells him he has a bad feeling about this. First with the voice in Jamaica, someone stalking Phyllis, and now someone broke into my office, this is all is connected. Paul says so this is a person and it started in Jamaica. “Well that means this person,” this woman” flew back with you somehow” Michael says it is possible. We did fly on a private jet. Paul says he wonders if this mystery woman is Sheila Carter. Michael says secretly he has been wondering the same thing. Then a fax comes in. Michael gets it. He sees it is a copy of the missing file, sent from the mystery woman. Michael says Oh my God. I think it is Sheila! · Jack and Keemo are having a catered lunch in an empty conference room at Jabot. Keemo asks his dad does he have any plans to acquire Beauty of Nature now that Victor is out of the picture. Jack says he has something cooking up that’s even better than that. He tells his son that by the time the dust settles, Newman Enterprises will cease to exist. Keemo likes how that sounds especially after everything Victor has to the Abbott family. · At Newman. Jill walks in Kay’s office. She sees two service men removing the infamous portrait that hangs on the wall of Victor Newman and being replaced with a portrait of Katherine. Jill says my God; you really are taking Victor’s place. Katherine says that’s right. They have to move fast. Kay hands her a list of potential board members. Kay instructs Jill to gather up these people so the current board can vet them. Jill looks at the list. She is very impressed. · At the Athletic Club. Nikki is at the bar once again sipping on a glass of wine. Murphy walks up to her and joins her. He asks her has she heard. Nikki says heard what? Murphy informs her that he gave Kay a choice him or Victor and she choose Victor. So he left Kay. Nikki is stunned. She tells him she is sorry but good for him that he stood up to Kay and Victor. Nikki tells Murphy that she is going to get Newman from Kay come hell or high water. In fact Murphy and Nikki toast to it….
  10. The document the MW woman has is a ticking time bomb....Michael has a secret
  11. Well Come on jakes Welcome to the Midwest. Stay away from the myster y woman. I love the Jake and Vicky stuff. And I love Cass giving it to Frankie. i would like to see Pualina do more outside the hosue. Does she have a job? It seems she always n her house.
  12. Inside Tucker’s Apartment. Neil tells Sophia he misses her and Moses. She tells him that he wish he would have thought things more through than being irrational. Sophia tells Neil she doesn’t even think it’s legal for him to take Cane’s kids from him. Neil tells her he doesn’t want to talk about that he want’s to see his son. Sophia gets Moses. Neil keeps the twins quiet so he can visit with his son Moses. She brings him to Neil. Neil smiles and holds his son. He hugs him and kisses him on the cheek. The twins begin to cry. Sophia is getting angry. Neil tries to baby talk all three babies at the same time. Sophia: Hell no Neil. I don’t think so!” She grabs Moses and tells Neil to leave. Neil: Sophia, what’s the matter? Sophia: Moses is to good to be sharing his daddy time with Lily’s kids. So get out! I can do this by myself.” Neil is stunned but has no choice to leave as the babies begin to cry out even louder. He leaves. Sophia holds her baby and she has a tear in her eye. She tells Moses she is so sorry. Episode 63: Who is the Mystery Woman really? Written By ML Cooks Story Consult: Paul G Amos At the Abbott House. Jack and Ashley drink tea as they sit in the living room. They are talking about Newman. Ashley states she is so sick of Victor and the Newman family. Jack tells her that’s music to his hears. He also tells her he thinks it’s a good time to go after Beauty of Nature. Ashley rolls her eyes at the idea. Jack tells her to wait before she blows him off. He tells his sister that she wants her back in the lab at Jabot. Ashley tells him she’ll think about it. Traci visit Victor in Jail. Victor: Traci Abbott I had no idea you were in town. Traci: I am and I am here to make sure you go to jail. First my brother Jack, then my daughter Colleen now my little brother Billy. You have systematically tried to destroy my family for many years and it’s time to put an end to it. I’m going to be making sure my family gets the justice they deserve for the things you ‘ve done to the Abbott family. Victor: I don’t like Jack and hate that pip squeak brother Billy of yours even less. I’ve mad no bones about it. Billy had a choice. Leave my daughter alone. He chose to go against me. So he had to pay. Traci: You arrogant bastard! Like you’re paying now! You will pay Victor. You will pay.” Traci walks away. Victor tells her it was nice seeing her again. At Newman. Kay tells Jill they need more board members to even up the board and to take things in a new direction. Jill agrees. She also wonders who they can select. Kay says she has a few ideas. Jill says they better act fast Newman is tanking. Michael goes to his law office and sees it has been ransacked. He begins to worry if this “intruder” got a certain document. He looks for it. He doesn’t see it. “ Damn it. This can’t be happening. How could I be so stupid. Who is this person messing with us. Now I know there something definitely wrong“. Meanwhile in a secluded area. Mystery Woman looks over the document she stole from Michael’s office. “This is a gold mine. This will become very useful for me. I will not let Michael and the others get in my way for my revenge on that Bitch Phyllis!” She says as she ponders her next move.
  13. Thanks Nate. The Newman take over is a missuve umbrella plot that will unfold for the rest of the year. The MW is a big one that strats sucking in more and more people. Thanks Nate.
  14. I will never accept a cory and michele pairing ever. I pray u r not going there. I love Felicia and I wish she had a front burner story. Her dialoug is always so classy. I wonder what Taylor is up to and who is this" shadowy figure" SO many mysteries on AW
  15. Kay arrives home to her estate. She walks in the front door and sees luggage and boxes by the front door. Kay calls out to Esther “Esther are we giving to charity again or having a garage sale and you forgot to tell me? Dear good in heaven look at this mess.” Murphy walks up to her. “Mess? Is that what this is to you?” Kay: Murphy now just what in the hell is going on here? Murphy: Kay, I had it up to here with being disrespected and sidelined for Victor Newman. You are taking on too much taking over Newman. I love you but I can’t stand by and watch you do this. So either you back down away from Newman or I’m walking out the door.” Kay makes a few faces as she is stunned. Esther: Oh Murphy you don’t mean that. This is just a really hard time right now. Ms. Chancellor needs you. Kay interrupts her maid: Shut up Esther. I can most certainly speak for myself.” Katherine looks into Murphy’s eyes. She takes a deep breath, turns around and opens the door. Kay: Esther, help this man take his things outside. Esther: Oh No! Mrs. Chancellor. You don’t mean that. Please don’t do this. Katherine: Esther, I don’t take orders from you, you take them from me! Now be quiet or you can join Mr. Murphy. Now that’s all I have to say. “ Katherine walks away. Murphy begins taking his things outside. Esther has tears in her eyes as she helps. She whispers to Murphy this is only temporary. Murphy says he doesn’t know. Katherine has really gone in over her head. Esther: Don’t worry I’ll talk to her. I too think she is taking on too much. Episode 62: Kay’s choice: Murphy or Victor! Written by ML Cooks Story Consult Paul G Amos Jack and Tucker run into each other at Crimson Lights. They both agree that interesting things are happening at Newman. They also wonder how they can use all of this to their advantage. Tucker says” One thing is for certain, my mother can’t handle Chancellor and Newman at the same time. She’s too old.” Jack says he agrees. He then says “ You know if we work together, maybe we can turn this situation to our advantage.” Tucker” Oh yea, well Jackie I was thinking along those same lines. What else do you have in mind?” Jack” The complete and utter destruction of Newman Enterprises.” Tucker smiles. He puts his hand out to shake on their new deal and alliance. Jack an Tucker shake hands to take out Newman Enterprises. The Mystery Woman breaks into the law offices of Michael Baldwin and Associates. She searches in his office through many various documents pulling out desk drawers and opening cabinets, she finally comes across something that interests her very much. She reads the paper. “I can use this.” She takes the document and leaves the office a mess. Ronan arrives at Phyllis’. He questions her on the incident where someone knocked on her door, came in and punched her in the face. Phyllis says “This person said nothing at all, it was very creepy. This person is taking advantage of me being blind.“ Ronan aggress. He tells her he is going to beef up security around her apartment. She tells him she appreciates that. He then leaves. Phyllis is left alone felling scared, not being able to see and being there all alone. Paul goes to visit Lauren. He ask her how she is doing. She tells him not so great that she is divorcing Michael because he can’t be his own man. Paul tells her he is sorry to hear that. He hugs her. Lauren thanks him for being there. She asks him what brings him by. Paul tells her he wanted to ask her about this “voice” in Jamaica Michael says you two heard. Lauren says “It was a women’s voice that called out Jeff’s name. The voice sounded odd but yet very familiar. Me and Michael both agreed about that immediately. Why is something wrong?” Paul has a worried look on his face. Lauren says come on Paul tell me what is it, I know something is wrong. Paul says yes something may not be wrong but very odd. Phyllis was attacked the other day by some one she didn’t know. Lauren asks Paul what does that have to do with the voice she heard. Paul mentions the name Sheila Carter. Neil knocks on Tucker’s door. Sophia opens the door. She hasn’t seen him in a while, he looks kina of good to her. Clean shaven and hair cut just right. He looks at her too. The two are acting two immature teens. Neil is very nervous and doesn’t know what to say. He knows why he came there but upon seeing her smile he got cold feet. Sophia doesn’t know what to make of Neil. She misses him but still can’t help but be mad at him. Then, he leans in and kisses her….
  16. Wow, I loved Jake and Vicky's scenes. So great. They really needed that. I was so glad to hear Jake talk about what he was going through bucause truth be toldd Vicky has beeen blinded by all of this. This si really sad for them as they drift apart. it's a lot of pain. Donna and Tyrone. O wee and Mr Allen taking snap shots. Now Marley walked in Wonder where this is going. I also loved how the opening scene was short, to the point and got the drama rolling for the episode. As always anothere good episode. Can't wait for tomorrow
  17. At Newman, everyone is shocked as Nick and Nikki have just been voted out by the Newman board and Jill has replaced Nikki. Kay tells the remaining board members she is taking Newman in a new direction. Jill tells Kay they’re ready for the press conference. Kay tells everyone to excuse her while she officiates this on TV. She walks out the room. Nick and Nikki look at each other. Nikki looks out the door at Kay as she talks to reporters . Nikki: I never thought I would see the day Katherine Chancellor ousted us from our own company.” Nick says that dad is behind this. Nikki says no, Kay has a mind of her own. And I do to.” She walks out the office over to Kay. Nick calls after his mother but she brushes him off .Nikki walks up to Kay as she is giving her press conference on live TV. Nikki gets in front of Kay as the media covers it live on TV. Kay: Nikki what the hell are you doing this is live?” Nikki: Then good! Nikki slaps Kay across the face and then leaves. The press conference comes to a halt after the grand dame of G.C. has been slapped. Nick follows his mother as Jill runs over to Kay to make sure she is ok. Kay was slapped by Nikki and the media covered it for Genoa City. Episode 61: Nikki slaps Kay!! Written by ML Cooks Story Consult Paul G Amos At the Abbot House. The Abbots turn the TV off after being stunned watching Nikki slap Kay on TV. Jack says he thought he would never see this day. He says this is all Victor’s fault. “I hope Katherine knows what she is doing.” He wonders to himself what this power move could mean for him. He wonders how he can take advantage of the situation. Then Keemo arrives and he sees his Aunt Traci. He gives her a hug and tells her it’s good to see her. Traci tells him the same thing. She invites him out to lunch so they can get reacquainted. Keemo says he would like that very much. At Tucker’s Penthouse, They too have also just watched the slapping of Kay per Nikki. Ashley says she is just simply stunned. She has no words for the situation. Tucker says he’s very worried too. He doesn’t not like where this is heading. He thinks to himself though how can this entire situation work to his benefit. Nikki strolls into the Club and grabs a drink. Jack arrives and gives her a hug. Nikki thanks him for being here for her. Jack says he wouldn’t want to be no other place. He sits down at the bar and orders them a drink. Jack tell s her after a day like this she doesn’t need to excuse to drink. Nikki thanks him. Jack asks her what in the hell is Katherine thinking? Nikki says she doesn’t know. That this is some plan Victor cooked up to punish me and Nick for not standing by him. Jack calls Victor a bastard. He also tells her it’s a good thing Victor is in jail, where he belongs. Jack promises Nikki he is going to help her make everything better. Nikki smiles at him. She again thanks him for being there for her. He smiles back at her. At Phyllis’. Olivia tells Phyllis that she is in contact with an eye specialist about restoring her eyesight. Olivia tells her nothing concrete has panned out yet. She reminds Phyllis that this is a very delicate procedure and not many doctors are willing to do it. Olivia tells her to keep the hope and then she promises she will come through for her. Olivia then tells Phyllis that she thought she heard a familiar voice outside in the hallway. Phyllis tells Olivia that strange things have been going on. Olivia asks her will she be ok. Phyllis says yes Michael lives with her now so she is fine. She thanks Olivia for stopping by and keeping her informed. Olivia leaves. She looks around in the hallway to see if she can hear or see anyone who might have called her name. She doesn’t see nothing so she leaves. They mystery woman was well hidden but she was able to over hear Phyllis tell Olivia that Michael is helping her. The mystery woman decides it’s time to take some action before people begin to learn who she is. She leaves and head to Michael’s law firm… Today on Back to Another World...Jake leaves Vicky. Stay Tuned, click th elink below.. http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/blog/136/entry-8869-another-world-episode-31-monday-jake-walks-out-on-vicky/
  18. You know Im there. Gonna take some time getting back nto the storties now. We got GL, Y&R AW an AB is coming back. Check out those eps u missed of STEAM JAt U will really be pleased and check out my Y&R. AW is very good too. Two P&G shows
  19. I knew it would go down but Vicky wow. I eel her pain. She is so torn. This is very good. Cant wait to see how things play out!!
  20. At the Abbott House. Traci takes a seat in the living room where Ashley and Jack surround her. Ashley tells her it’s good to see her again. Traci tells her brother and sister that she is in town to help seek justice for Colleen death in Victor’s upcoming trial. Jack tells her that he hasn’t heard that their was a date set for the mustache’s trial. Traci says she knows but she felt she needed to be in town and be close to her family with hearing about the news of the bombing at Sharon’s party and so much death afterwards. “But I understand that all that tragedy brought home Keemo?” Jack says yes he is in town and working at Jabot and I could not be happier. Traci looks at Ashley. “ And you, your wedding is coming up. So many great things to look forward too.” They hug each other. Episode 60: Will the Newman’s be voted out of NEWMAN!!?? Written by ML Cooks Story Consult: Paul G Amos Paul tells Michael that Jeff was hiding a woman in his condo but he still doesn’t know who she was. “Apparently none of the locals did either. Jeff went to great lengths to keep this woman’s identity a mystery.” Michael then thinks back on “the voice” he heard in Jamaica calling out Jeff’s name. He tells Paul he knows he heard that voice before. “It sounds so familiar.. But I just can’t p ut my finger on it” Paul asks Michael why is this so important. Michael says “that something very strange is going on.” he says as he think back to Phyllis telling him that some one came in and attacked her. The Mystery Woman stakes out Phyllis’ Apt once again. She can see Ronan inside. Then Olivia arrives. The mystery Woman is stunned as she calls out Olivia’s name. Olivia looks around to see who has called her name. Murphy arrives at the Jail to confront Victor Newman. Victor; What brings you down here old man? Murphy: I’m here to tell you, man to man, to leave Kay alone. Leave her out this plan of yours. You have caused so much harm and heartache in this town that I refuse to let you take Kay down with you. You see Victor I’ve been watching you since I’ve been in town. I don’t like some of the things you and sometimes it’s hard to understand what you are saying, and doing and I kept quiet about it. The only thing I know is you get angry a lot and yell and people around here bend to your will. But now the woman I love is getting mixed up in your devious plan and that’s when I got to draw the line. I’m not to a yes man. I fought in Korea and Vietnam damn it! Victor laughs: You got to be kidding me right? Is this a joke or what? Murphy: No sir. Not at all. I am telling you to leave Katherine out of this mess. She is too old to be running Newman and Chancellor. It’s a lot on her you know. If you were really her friend as you say you are you would see that and take some of this pressure off of her. I’m very worried about her. Victor: As you should be. But let me tell you something. I admire you coming all the way down here and expressing what’s on your mind old man. But I have to tell you. Katherine and I have been friends a very long time my boy. And nothing will change that. Friends are there for each other when they are in need and that’s what my friend Katherine is doing. Kay knows very well what I need of her and she also knows that if she can’t handle it she will tell me so. I also know my dear friend and if I didn’t think she couldn’t handle it then I wouldn’t have asked. My dear boy, Katherine is a very strong character. It seems you are the one who doesn’t know her very well. Murphy: Victor, I’m warning you, if you don’t ask Kay to stop this madness, I will take matters into my own hands. Victor: is that so? I don’t take too kindly to be threaten. You say you’ve been watching me then you should also know I am not to be messed with I also always get my way. I am the great Victor Newman. Murphy: All that huffing and puffing you doing may scare the others but it doesn’t work against me. I’m not afraid of you Victor Newman. Victor, smiling: I’m warning you Murphy, you’re asking for it. Get the hell out of here before I get really angry. You’re not ready for me old man. I will crush you. Now get the hell out of here fellow and get back to your fishing job or whatever in the hell that it is you do.!” Murphy leaves. At Devon’s. Roxanne tells Devon that she thinks Abby is the one who told Harmoni that he gave Kay and Tucker a second chance. She also says that she believes that Abby is the one who brought her here to keep you from taking me on this trip and proposing to me. Devon: She told you that? She told you I was going to ask you to marry me?” Roxanne” Were you?” She says with a tear in her eye. Devon” Actually I was.” Roxanne is mad. “Damn Abby. I’m going to get her for this. I had to find out from her that you were going to ask me to marry you.” Devon spins her around and holds her. He then gets down one bended knee and pulls out a velvet box. He opens it to showcase a 14 qt diamond ring. He looks into her eyes. “Roxanne Parker, will you do me the honor in being my wife?” Roxanne is overwhelmed. She tells him NO! The Newman Board meeting gets under way, with Kay, Nick, Nikki, Lauren and the other board members are all in attendance. The room is very tense as the stakes are high. Nikki begins by motioning to remove Kay as CEO and owner. Kay counter acts that motion with one of her own. She says “Victor has asked her to step in and take Newman in a new direction. That new direction includes the removal of all Newman’s including Victoria, Nick and Nikki. Kay this turmoil must stop and that it has caused serious damage to Newman’s reputation and prestige world wide. Kay also points out the Nikki is now a board member but she has no experience at all. She says that is not the way to run a conglomerate. Nikki and Lauren are both stunned. Kay goes on to say” So I motion to remove the Newman’s from Newman it self. Also in my first act of CEO I want to include in this motion with the removal of the Newman’s that Jill Fenmore be a more qualified replacement for Nikki. So it’s either my motion or Nikki’s let’s put this to a vote.” Everyone looks at each other as the members are anxious to find out what the out come is. Kay: If you support Nikki’s motion show your support with a raising of your hand.” The room is silent as Nick and Nikki are the only two to raise their hands. They both look at Lauren in shock. Kay: Support in my motion, let’s see your hands.” The room is silent again as everyone looks around. Lauren, Kay, and the three other board members raise their hands. Kay: Ok the votes are in. Nick and Nikki, please leave Newman at once! Kay looks at Jill and tells her welcome to Newman. Nikki and Nick as shocked!
  21. So Allen good some good ass kat and now he wants out. But Reggie is dangling his mother in his face. And CP may go up for sale. WOW. ANother good one. Cass and his damn bottled waer. How bout a pop or some jucie and some cookies to go with it.
  22. At Crimson Lights. Abby walks in and orders a coffee from Eden. Roxanne walks in and is happy she has finally caught up to Abby. She walks over to her and taps really hard on her shoulder. Abby: What the hell? “ She says as she turns around. “What is your problem?” Roxanne slaps Abby across the face. Eden hands Abby her coffee. She then rubs her cheek. Abby: Have you lost your mind? You hit me!” Roxanne: That’s what happens when you mess with me. It’s only a taste Abby. Abby: What in the hell are you talking about Roxxy? Roxanne slaps Abby again. “ It’s Roxanne to you.” Abby: I am a Newman and an Abbott. I can and will make you life a living hell if you hit me again. Could you please act sane and tell me what is this all about?” Roxanne: I know it was you who brought good old Harmoni to town to stop my trip with Devon.” Abby: So you didn’t go on your trip with Devon? So that means he didn’t propose to you?” Roxanne: Devon was going to propose to me? Oh my God. I don’t believe this.” Abby has a slight smile on her face then she takes a sip of her coffee. Roxanne: I know you are behind this. I swear to God Abby I am going to get you back. I am going to prove to Devon that you are behind this. I’m going to teach you a lesson. Abby: Prove it Roxxy!” Roxanne chuckles. “You think it’s a game. You’re disrespectful. Devon is mine so just get over it. Or get it on with Nate. Because you will never have Devon. “ Abby: Seems to me I got a good head start. Tootles Roxxy!” Abby then walks away. Roxanne: This isn’t over bitch! The Young and the Restless Episode 59: Roxanne and Abby have showdown! Written by ML Cooks Story Consult: Paul G Amos Nikki and Nick are having brunch at the Club. They are talking about Kay and Newman and the upcoming board meeting tomorrow. They both wonder what Kay is going to do. Nikki says with Victor involved anything is possible. Cane goes to Avery’s suite at the Club. Avery is happy to see him. She tells him she has good new for him. She tells him that she got a date on the calendar with a judge to hear his custody case. She also tells him it’s going to be an open and shut case. “ The kids should have gone to you in the first place. You have legal guardianship of the kids. In effect Neil kidnapped your twins from you. You have a strong case.” Cane is ecstatic, he engulfs Avery in a hug. He pulls back and then look into each other eyes. He tells her she is so beautiful. They gaze into each others eyes and then kiss… Murphy arrives at Newman and walks into Victors’ office. He sees Kay working behind the desk making last minute calls to the board members. Kay asks him what is he doing there she is very busy. Murphy says sorry to bother her. Next time he’ll make an appointment with her secretary. Kay says that would be wise. Murphy is insulted and very angry. Murphy says this is enough. “You are going overboard Katherine. I don’t like you supporting Victor or running this company at all.” Kay says that is too bad. “Victor is a good friend of mine and you knew that before you came to town.” She also says she is going to stand by him and nothing will change that. Murphy tells her that he is putting Victor before him and he is tired of it. Kay is stunned as Murphy leaves her office. Jill visits Victor at the jail. Victor tells her she is looking good these days. Jill thanks him. Jill asks him what his plan is. Victor tells her he is going to turn Genoa City upside down. He also tells her he has plans for her. Jill is intrigued. Next: Showdown at the Newman Board meeting!!
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