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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. Yes it looks like they're ganging up on Lisa at the reunion, and there's whispers online that people (i.e. Kyle) are turning their backs on her. And to that I say, "who the eff cares." She's fabulous and in a league way above any of the rest of 'em. They can mock her appearance on CNN as a royal wedding "expert", but guess what, she pulled it off beautifully. I'm guessing it'll be Adrienne & Lisa that have not-so-nice things to say about Lisa, though I would think Taylor would be pro-Lisa since she so desperately wanted to be her friend. Camille will be neutral, as she was all season long.

    I definitely think this season was can't-miss all the way through. It certainly did not drag on & on & on like New Jersey did (how many Christmas-themed episodes were there? Oy...) I'll most likely get Season 2 on DVD when it comes out. Can't say the same for new Jersey's Season 3.

  2. ATL

    It was wrong and childish of Nene to bring Marlo without telling the other girls first

    Out of courtesy, yes, it would've been right to inform Phaedra, who's supposedly organizing it, even though Bravo is paying (and organizing) for the trip.

    Meanwhile, I hear the New York ladies are up to vacation No. THREE (!) for their upcoming season.

  3. Caught ATL lastnight and if the cast continues to be segregated next season then it wont work. Marlo and Nene's friendship is as fake as a two dollar bill and Nene is really unlikeable this season. Even though she was brash in the former seasons there was something relatable... almost painfully endearing about her. All of those qualities are gone. Brining Marlo on the trip was such a bitch move but I would expect nothing less from her. And considering she was running around screaming she was rich in the previous episodes, instead of balking, she shouldn't have had a problem dropping ten thousand dollars for the jewelry.

    And her calling Marlo a bitch repeatedly to prove they were cool was nails on a chalk board. It's apparently fine for her to call her that but when Kim calls Sweetie a bitch she's a racist.

    I'm really liking Kim and Kroy. He's so sweet but they're boring.

    Khandi, Cynthia and Phaedra are also boring but Phaedra is really funny. Her soundbites and facial expressions especially when Marlo showed up at the airport were gold.

    ATL is losing the IT factor.

    I agree. It's getting to be forced in many aspects, a la the New York ladies.

    Despite her behavior this season, NeNe is *the* reason so many people watch this show, but you can tell she's over it, and the reduced camera time and the reduced interaction between her and the other girls is making for ho-hum TV. I think Bravo fears and knows that without Miss Leakes, ATL will be one big snoozefest with nothing to buzz about. Phaedra is cute & funny, but can't lead a show. Kandi is cool, but she's not *that* interesting. Even during the show's best moments, Kim is only half as funny and entertaining as NeNe. Cynthia's story is just a time filler and Sheree doesn't even *have* a story. Or money.

  4. Brandi definitely did the best thing she could do: just stand there and let the crazy person be crazy. You can't argue with stupid, nor can you argue with crazy. There's no point. Brandi did the right thing. Even Kyle had to apologize for her sister's actions.

    The scenes with Taylor & Russell in the limo driving to the party were uncomfortably fake. Very set up, like they were instructed to recap events and discuss certain topics so that the show would have something to cut back 'n forth to in between party scenes. Russell always looks so uncomfortable on camera. Just an awkward, awkward man.

    Taylor definitely is all kinds of sick and delusional. Her estranged hubby's suicide is secretly a blessing in disguise for her because she can cash in on the grief and alleged abuse and make money for herself.

    Meanwhile, Lisa's hair style at the party took 15 years off her age! Very stunning! I like Kyle's home because it's glamourous and spacious, but yet intimate and quaint at the same time. Also, wherever it is that Kim now lives, her window views are fabulous!!

  5. Sheree is such a joke. I have thought this for so long, but last night took the cake when Sheree strutted her entitled ass into Cynthia's wannabe model agency and acted like she was f##kin royalty and said Cynthia should've known better than to have poor air conditioning because she knew She[male] by Sheree would be gracing them with her presence.

    It's reported everywhere in realityblogland that Sheree has no money (50K net worth? Guess my mom could be on this show too!), the house we see her "living" in is done solely for the purpose of the show (nice furniture... oh wait, her son's sleeping on the floor!). This woman has no real job, no talent, and half-asses any of her so-called business prospects. When she did SheMale by Sheree, she expected it to be flawless and was so hard on everyone else for not executing what her so-called vision was, but what did she do to get the job done? She didn't even do the work for putting together the fashion show (you know, the 2nd fashion show where there was actual fashion clothes, not cardboard drawings). I think her one & only goal for that whole SheMale line was to have a fashion show and to be celebrated by the public for one night.

    And what they're showing onscreen regarding her legal battles with her ex is also a joke and a lie.

    "People are intimidated by my success," was her tagline in seasons 1-2.

    What a joke she is. Sorry, she just grates on my nerves because she reminds me of real people I know who act so damn entitled when they really have no talent, drive, or authority to behave as such. They just sponge off of other people's money and act like it's their own.

  6. I'd like to see Faye Resnik replace Taylor and/or Kim. Faye's such a Beverly Hills type. Plus, she actually has a job. And a glam job at that.

    Yes! I love Faye! I loved her the first day we met her last season when she went up against the evil cigarette bitch at The Dinner Party from Hell. "Eww... is that what you do?" Faye would say to her. She was hilarious. Would definitely welcome her, and she'd be a perfect addition if Kim were to leave since she's always attached to Kyle, and Faye is Kyle's friend so it swaps out perfectly. Replacing Taylor would also be wonderful too. She's just a wannabe (just like Dana).

  7. I heard those things give you third degree burns.

    When you using the dildo, can it say "Baby I love you, you is so fly, you is so fine"? The dildo can't say nothing but Dzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I know I shouldn't enjoy Nene so much. But I do.

    I LOLed so loudly when I first heard that. Love her one-liners

    I wonder if Kim wore a wig when she gave birth.

  8. There's a huge difference between saying, "I know I'm not your friend" versus "I know I'm not your best friend." Lisa ALWAYS said the latter, which IMO means she said nothing wrong. She was simply acknowledging the fact that the two of them are not close, yet she was offering her a place to stay/support.

  9. NeNe has a point though, in response to Sheree's remarks on the talk show circuit about NeNe: Without badmouthing NeNe, Sheree has nada. She's got nothing going on, there's no buzz to report about, her story is blah. We got to see her and her son buy shoes on yesterday's episode? Fun stuff! Not. And then you have Sheree, Kim, & Phaedra going on about NeNe at the baby shower. The only way for them to be relevant (and interesting) is to badmouth NeNe. With Kim and NeNe never appearing in scenes together, I have a feeling this whole season is going to be all about the back-n-forth talking behind people's backs, and people like Phaedra and Kandi will be the ones playing both sides, although Cynthia could hang with Kim & Sheree too.

    I think the money thing is just her playing it up for the cameras. And boy, NeNe's already cranking out some good zingers! I LMAO yesterday when she talked about how dildos can't say any sweet words, it just goes buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Deadpan. LOL

  10. The brunettes were awful and I believe in more so than usual bc they were trying to secure their jobs. I think they were hoping that Bravo would view them as providing drama and ratings , but what a shocker for them that half of them got axxed. Cindy who was incredbily quiet and held back during the season was extra bitchy at the reunion. They were disgusting and that was one of the most uncomfortable reunion shows to watch.

    3/4ths of the brunettes got axed actually :::cheers:::

    I agree. It was non-stop bickering and put-downs and yes, very uncomfortable. No wonder the 2nd night's ratings went down. And in the end, absolutely nothing got accomplished/resolved.

  11. Oh now Addie's dead! I hate that they killed her off bc I liked her. But with the nature of this show, hopefully she makes some more appearances. I really felt bad for her when her wish for Halloween was to go as a pretty girl

    I think she'll be back because she "died" on Halloween. Unless that's the one day of the year where the dead who walk the living will stay dead if they get killed? Gotta figure out the exact rules in this show...

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