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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. I agree, she made the show a lot of fun, just pointing out that it was a very different portrayal, season 5 vs. 6. And yes, that Christine story was awful, and it totally sucks the life out of Amanda for a long time.

  2. Halfway done Season 6 again.

    Lisa Rinna is truly the MVP of this season. I totally forgot how great she was. Lisa's chemistry with Thomas and Heather light up every scene. I loved the scene when Amanda trips, after learning to walk after the helicopter crash, and Taylor is trying to pick her up and suggests that Amanda has gained weight.

    Craig's exit was so rushed.

    Linden Ashby can't act to save his life. He's got the same facial expressions with a monotone voice to go with it. Run Megan Run!

    I loved Rinna as Taylor, though I will admit they definitely made her a cartoon in season 6, much like they started making Sydney a cartoon half-way through season 4. Taylor was originally a street-savvy force to be reckoned with when she arrived in season 5, but they made her completely delusional with an almost child-like mentality in season 6.

  3. As for Jersey, while I liked the intro and set-up for the new season, the first episode brought us the same ol' crap that the 3rd season was soaked in. These ladies just LOVE to rehash, rehash, rehash over the same tiny disputes. I *really* hope this season lives up to the promo they ran at the tail-end of the episode, because I'm not sure I'm gonna sit through another year of the same stuff.

    I sure wish they could be more open & honest about the show itself driving some of these ladies apart, because right now, the Caroline vs. Teresa feud is very flimsy, but we KNOW there's more to the story. Same with Caroline vs. Dina.

  4. ATL:

    Lmfao at when Nene said she got Kim and Sheree on the show and the producers thought Sheree was boring. I liked that little moment where Kim thanked Nene for getting her the gig and they were civil towards each other. I miss them being friends. sad.png

    I liked that too. Kim always admitted it was NeNe who got her on the show. Not surprised that Sheree can't extend that same courtesy thank-you. And I *loved* NeNe's response when Sheree said she got on the show by her own merits. "Uh, you had a little help there."

    I agree that Kim & NeNe don't have that hatred towards each other, just indifference, which means no sparks will fly between them anymore. I kinda liked the montage they did for Sheree; kinda like a little send-off tribute after 4 years.

    I thought it was kinda distracting how nearly all the ladies were constantly tossing and picking at their hair and outfits. Sit still, ladies! I think NeNe and Phaedra were the only two who didn't look like they had ants in their pants (or in their weaves).

    Marlo definitely added nothing. Even NeNe knows she's too ridiculous.

  5. Our Private World,the ATWT prime time spin off debuted in May 65 with a rating of 11.9/25,compared to 11.1 for ATWT in the daytime.

    I wonder what numbers were like in primetime, and how Our Private World fared against them. Not very well, I'm guessing.

  6. OMG, I loved when Phaedra shut Sheree down . "Where is your case today after (that other lawyer filed the contempt)? Exactly, right where it was when I left it"

    Nene was the MVP of Part 1. Oh she was SOOOOO good.

    Sheree: "Come visit"

    Nene: "I dont wanna come visit sticks" laugh.png

    That was hilarious, I LOLed so loud. There were so many moments that I had to watch twice, three times cuz I was laughing so hard. She is the queen of one-liners :)

  7. Per Daytime TV, ratings for the week ending July 15, 1973. 9.9 GH - 34% 8.7 AMC - 31% 8.7 DAYS - 30% 8.6 ATWT - 32% 8.3 AW - 32% 8.3 Doctors - 29% 7.6 OLTL - 28% 7.2 GL - 29% 7.1 Search - 26% 6.8 Edge - 28%

    Interesting how the ratings fluctuated so during the good ol' days of soaps. ATWT is 1.3 below the top-rated soap, yet it's No. 1 overall for the year.

  8. Didn't Sheree say the beginning of Season 3 she was determined to win an Oscar? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I am hoping with Sheree possibly out and Kim could get a full on spin off that Nene will interact with the other ladies bc I think she could be cool with Phaedra and Kandi, they can add two new girls. With Sheree and Kim there is just too much history and bad blood.

    I agree, NeNe does seem to have some common ground with Phaedra and Kandi (okay, the reunion episode didn't reflect that much with Kandi, but overall there is). Without Sheree, Kim won't have a buddy that'll side with her. It would be interesting to see an Atlanta cast with NeNe, Kandi, Phaedra, Cynthia (ugh, I guess she can stick around) but the other 2 original ladies gone and a couple new ones added.

  9. Yay, great finale numbers for Atlanta! As well they should be, considering how heavily it was promoted, plus it's the one time all season long where ALL the ladies are forced to be in one room and duke it out. And they delivered!

    I. effing. love. NeNe. She had me busting up laughing so many times! Even when she's a tad hypocritical or not completely rational, she still kills me. She tore Sheree a new one, just as She by SheLies deserved! Don't go after the kids. Sheree was so desperate to make a point that she brought up Bryton's petty theft as an example of how NeNe isn't really rich. Girl please. Who gon' check you boo? NeNe, that's who!

    Phaedra and NeNe were all sorts of win on this episode. Even though I don't necessarily agree with some of NeNe's bickering with Kandi, overall she won. Phaedra's facial expressions told the whole story, when Sheree was stuttering her way through trying to explain to Andy why Chateau Sheree is still Neverland. Cut to Phaedra. Cut to Cynthia. Cut to NeNe. Cut to Kandi. Yeah, nobody was buying her excuses, not even Andy. "Chuckle. Okay..." was his response.

    Then there was Phaedra vs. Sheree. Sheree had no clue what she was talking about, trying to sound like she understood the legal system and what had really happened. I loved Phaedra's calm matter-of-fact demeanor, explaining how the real world works. "What do you think I was doing with Bobby Brown all those years?" And the "I'll let you wear the crown" because she "throws everyone under the bus"... lol wow. Sheree's helpless look after Phaedra said that was priceless.

    And of course, the "deeldo" debate. LOL. Such a hilarious reunion episode.

    (P.S. Eric83 love the "Hi Haters" NeNe gif)

  10. I'll be the lone person to disagree but I dont like Heather on OC. I dont know what it is but something about her irks me. She doesnt belong and feels very forced

    You are not alone my friend :) It feels VERY forced. It started out badly with the all-too-obvious set-up of Tamara inviting her to events. And something about her just seems like a bad acting job. She doesn't seem to really want to get into all the fighting and bickering, but feels she has to because that's part of the game here in Real Housewives land.

    To be completely honest with you though, I haven't sat through an entire OC episode in weeks.

  11. ITA. It made NO sense for her to be content as a Shooters waitress. She was definitely done-for by this point. That whole Jane/Jake/Alison/Billy story in early season 5 definitely seemed like musical chairs. Didn't Jane even pretend to be interested in Billy for 5 seconds there?

    I would sooner call out Jo for getting with Richard than Alison and Jake falling for one another. Ugh, the smokers voice Jo taking up Richard instead of being content with Jake after all their ups and downs. Sigh. Those randy Melrose residents.

    And a LOL to when Jane put a restraining order out on Jake & Allison. That scene when they were doing nothing more than getting the mail or something completely innocent, and Jane pops up in a trance-like state, saying "stay away from me." Unintentionally hilarious stuff :)

  12. I do think they should have written him out after Brooke died. I think that unintentionally hilarious arc where he went "bad" was one of the reasons I lost interest in the show, along with that unfortunate story where Kimberly had DID.

    Yes! That's when it all fell apart, at the tail end of season 4, I even felt at the time when I originally watched it. Billy being bad for a split-second (but Amanda still managed to outsmart him! Sleeping with him just to secure her position as HBIC at D&D) was laughable, Jo's boring send-off with Dominick, Alison & Jake getting together... but the ultimate twist that had me rolling my eyes was that moment where an otherwise sane Kimberly was sleeping and had a random flashback of all her traumatic moments in life (the car accident, showing off her scar, etc.) and suddenly she developed a split personality. Even at the tender age of 13, I knew this was just a May Sweeps stunt.

  13. I thought that Sandy had potential which was completely wasted. Amy Locane's acting wasn't that bad (if we forget about her disappearing and returning southern accent), and she and Grant Show had great chemistry – something that most of Jake's other pairings clearly lacked. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I never thought that Jo/Jake or Amanda/Jake were great couples. I actually prefered him with Sydney, Jane and Alison happy.png

    If we just take a look at the first half of season 1, I would have written Jane and/or Michael off the show instead of Sandy because they were just boring and were just there. Thank God that changed later on and they became two of my favorite characters (next to Sydney and Kimberly of course).

    I also found it weird that Alison basically drove the whole first season. She was the heart and soul of the show, and Courtney Thorne-Smith was the only female regular to appear in all 32 episodes. Bissett and Williams missed a lot of episodes, especially in the second half of the season, and sometimes they only appeared in one or two scenes. Beginning with season 2, Alison was thrown under the bus – or rather thrown under Amanda. I wonder what CTS thought about her character changing from moral center to being the doormat.

    Even though they were pushed to the backburner in their last two years on the show, Jake and Alison should have stayed until the very end. Billy and Matt should have been written out after season 4 at the latest.

    Interesting opinions. smile.png I think Jake's "soulmate" so-to-speak was Jo. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing since most of my favorite couples were the original pairings during the first 3 seasons. Jake and Amanda were also fun, but it never seemed quite right. She was always acting so superior to him, as he was a little too blue-collar for her, even though she went for blue-collar guys a lot (Billy in season 1, Jake, Kyle). I also liked Jake and Sydney and thought that relationship was too short-lived.

    I grew to like Sandy. I think they gave up on her too soon. The disappearing accent was a real trip. But come to think of it, I wonder how she would've meshed with other characters that came in like Sydney, Kimberly, and Amanda. They would've eaten her alive. Sandy was like a watered down version of Lexi. She had an edge for like the first 2 episodes when she was snippy toward's 90210's Kelly Taylor, but then became a sap. (I liked that one episode where she had that stalker boyfriend)

    Omigod that first season just cracks me up. They really analyzed and contemplated every single nuance in life. Which I liked to a certain degree, versus some of the too-fast-paced stories by season 4. Alison was definitely the heart of the show. It was ALL about her. Everyone else was supporting. Matt and Rhonda were total afterthoughts. It is interesting to watch seasons 1-3 and see Alison's role diminished. I guess you could consider her the Brenda Walsh of Melrose; driving the main stories initially but then the show became a true ensemble. Thankfully she didn't have the diva 'tude of Miss Doherty. I remember seeing an interview with Courtney Thorne-Smith during Melrose's height of fame and she didn't seem at all bitter about the show becoming an ensemble, but rather just happy the show had become a success.

  14. I think with ATL, Shree and Crynthia need to go. Bring on one or two replacements, Nene is nearing the end and its likely Kim would be better suited for her own Bravo show now as shes isolated so they also need to bring in two or three friends of the housewives. But bravo also needs to force them all to be together from time to time, not as forced as BH where they nearly all get together every ep, but more than almost never.

    Jersey is also in a place where next season (not the one about the air) needs to bring in a number of replacement options.

    Yup. It seems both cities are in need of a NYC overhaul next season. Beverly Hills will still be good for another year at least, and OC is pretty much a lost cause to me IMO. Just doesn't click like the rest of 'em.

  15. "A gay." Ha. I wasn't really shocked considering it was 1992 and we still had yet to have the Ellen revolution, Roseanne kissing Murielle Hemmingway, all the AIDS/HIV/Gay hoopla still going strong, etc.

    I do think it's funny though how they say Melrose is so different than 90210 because they represent more diverse crowds, with their one [token] black and one [token] gay. And wouldn't ya know it, the token black is a dancin' fool.


  16. LOL at her begging and crying to keep her job. laugh.png Was watching old Season 1 episodes it crazy how far she has come from the mansion, hair stylist, personal assistants to living in a two bedroom apartment, making her son cheese sandwiches while he sleeps on an air mattress.

    I dont watch NYC like that but the preview of it looked really boring and like not alot was happening.

    OMG Yes, would've loved it if the cameras were on her when they broke (no pun intended!) the news to her. My TiVo randomly recorded their recent re-airing of season 1 and I watched parts of the very first episode, and yes, it's amazing what a total poser she was. How the mighty have fallen. But really, she's served no purpose on this show since season two. Her lasting impressions are "who gon' check me boo?" and She by Sheree. Andy Cohen loves to quote those phrases, but that's about all she's provided. Looking forward to seeing what spin she'll give for her departure from the series.

    As for NYC, their preview showed way too much of the newbies and too little of the veterans. I think The Countess was only in one clip with Ramona (something in regards to Ramona's "pinot-filled ass", ha!). Two of the 3 new ladies look a little... strange.

  17. I never have watched the first season. I always mean to, in part because I liked Vanessa Williams on Soul Food, but I just never get around to it.

    I always wonder what would have happened if those first episodes had been a huge hit, and how different the show would have been.

    We may have never met Amanda Woodward. ohmy.png

  18. Thanks for posting the article! Gosh, television was different 20 years ago. The "summer rerun season" is a thing of the past.

    The original intent of Melrose was so different than what it (thankfully) evolved into. I'd say it was trendy the first season because they were always on location on real-life Melrose and the character's personalities were also very different; the clothes more vibrant and individual to each character. But damn, did fashion change quickly. Even by 1995, all that B-roll footage of people strolling up 'n down Melrose was terribly outdated. Yet, they used that footage up til the very end, mom jeans 'n all!

  19. I have a few Melrose bits and pieces somewhere but am never sure about posting them. Is it OK to post Entertainment Weekly stuff? I have a few photos of the show from a very early article EW had on the show.

    Oh please do! :)

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