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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. Finally caught up on NYC. Heather is not my favorite addition ever but the fact that Ramona does nothing to effect her is amazing. I like that she really could care less about Ramona and her outrage over not getting invited. Ramona is used to people who will either get in a screaming match with her, have a passive aggressive competition with her, or let her steam roll over them and Heaher does none of that and it's absolutely KILLING Ramona.

    I'm far more entertained this season than I was last where I watched the episodes and felt disgusted by everyone's behavior.

    I think NYC has potential. It started out kinda boring, but the new ladies are growing on me and the drama is starting to stir. I must admit though that I do get bored at times when they're focusing on one individual and their own life. I feel like this show is stronger and more interesting when there's more than one housewife onscreen, as opposed to other series (ATL, BH) where individuals are interesting enough by themselves.

  2. I meant they want to play the victim like Teresa doesn't want to make up and they do when in reality they want to keep the conflict going for their story. Its annoying and I'm tired of Teresa vs Everyone. As much as Caroline talks about loyalty I bet she won't have one problem with Melissa telling family business to Danielle but had it been Teresa she would have been blasted to high heaven. It is all hypocritical bs and I do think they're mad (especially Caroline) that Teresa has become essentially the star of NJ. I'm not saying Teresa is right but she isn't the only one doing sneaky [!@#$%^&*] or that has hidden agendas.


    This whole thing about loyalty and putting things in the past is making Caroline and Jacqueline look like the biggest hypocrites, because there is such a double standard with this whole DANIELLE debacle.

    I really think they need to clean house in Jersey for Season 5. In all honesty, I could see everyone but Teresa going and I wouldn't shed a tear. But that would be a bit too devastating for the identity of this show. But this Teresa vs. Family feud has already run its course and this season isn't even over yet. Meanwhile, I think we've seen enough of the Manzos and Lauritas. Who knows who they'll keep, but I sure do hope they do some major cast pruning.

    Wow, GREAT insight to how the women are reacting to and might react to potential backstage stuff. Makes total sense the way you break it down. I wonder if Bravo will make Heather invite Ramona just for the drama. I cant see a trip of Carole, Heather, LuAnn and Sonja doing much for the ratings

    So, I'm not a big OC'er, but do you think that's why Gretchen and Tamra miraculously decided to become bff's this season? Is it smarter to hitch yer wagon to the Gretchen train instead of Vicki?

  3. Okay, finally back from vacation and caught up on Jersey and I gotta agree with all the negative remarks here about Jacqueline: she is so petty, childish, hypocritical, and plain ol' ridiculous. Do you want to be bff's with Teresa or cut her loose? You ambush her the night before, and then are so upset that Teresa goes and lives her own life and is having a good time at the party they're both at. And Jacqueline bitches to Caroline (of course) and Caroline's reasoning is because Teresa doesn't care and is a blank slate of emotions, etc. etc. Teresa literally cannot win with that woman. Anything Teresa does, Caroline will twist it into being something wrong. If Teresa brought up their personal problems at Caroline's brother's wedding, Caroline would throw a fit. Teresa didn't bring up the problems at the wedding, and Caroline complains about that.

    Teresa is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with Caroline and Jacqueline.

    The silly thing is that Jacqueline even admitted on What What Happens Live that there's more to the story than what we're seeing onscreen. This whole set-up seems like they're just trying to give Caroline & Jacqeline a valid reason to be mad at Teresa to compensate for what's really going on.

    Jac also seemed to be doing damage control for herself on WWHL, as she was getting a lot of tough questions from viewers, and even the guest bartender! Ha. This delusional broad looked so bad in Sunday's episode...

    "I lost a best friend tonight," Jac gargled. Um, didn't you cut her out the day before?

    Wouldn't it be fabulous if they brought out Danielle Staub at this year's reunion to set the record straight about Melissa? That would be a ratings bonanza!

    And speaking of which, Melissa had GUILTY written all over her face when Teresa finally confronted her about Danielle. I agree that this girl is no innocent angel they're trying to portray her as. It's ironic that Jacqueline was drunkenly slurring how Teresa cannot stand to have anyone else on the show be successful, when it's really Melissa that was jealous and itching to ride her sis-in-law's coattails and get on the show and get fame of her own.

    P.S. I called Jacqueline out on her hypocrisy on Twitter and she blocked me. Haha. Twitter & Jacqueline & booze make for a messy scenario! smile.png

  4. I love Joe Guidice. He is so funny and real. He was the most entertaining thing about the wedding trip. I thought it was cute how he wished for a litttle boy.

    Caroline. Ugh. I just can't with her. Why is she so miserable? And the article in InTouch wasn't even that bad. I doubt they were direct quotes anyway.

    Melissa has done magazine articles talking trash about Teresa, so she needs to STFU. Only one I really feel sorry for is Kathy she never really talks about Teresa it is usually her husband.

    I wish they would stop trying to make Melissa's music career happen. Her song sucked.

    Once again Jacq trying to create drama where this is none. Its like she is looking for a way to fall out with Teresa. "Why didn't she tell me JoeGo textted her?" "Why is she posing with dogs?" Like she wasn't even mentioned in the interview so clearly Teresa has no problem with her.

    Caroline is an old miserable bat. When she said Teresa makes everything about her bc she told them she made New York Times Best Seller List. I didn't know it was a crime to share news with close friends at a wedding reception rolleyes.gif

    JoeGo is just desperate to drag this story out. I'm so tired of hearing it. Their entire story is boring and its the same week after week. They don't have sh-t else to do but talk about Teresa.

    Totally Team Teresa. This ladies are just itching to find ways to talk about her. Only one that doesn't is Kathy.

    Agreed on all counts. It definitely felt like Jacqeline is just looking for a way to have falling out with Teresa, and Caroline just complains and belittles EVERY. SINGLE. THING. TERESA. DOES. If Teresa were to exhale too loudly, Caroline would complain that Teresa's trying to put all the focus on herself. I mean really?

    Take a [!@#$%^&*] or get off the pot. This loose storyline being used to pit all the housewives against Teresa is so weak. Clearly there is behind-the-scenes drama that isn't being addressed onscreen and it's making everyone (minus Teresa) look like total flakes.

    At least next week looks interesting. They're bringing up the big "D"--- Danielle!! haha

  5. Couple other things about NYC... I thought it was weird how they didn't give any personal insight into the 3 new women's lives. I figured they'd gradually do it throughout the 90-minute episode, but alas it never came to be; they acted like the 3 new ladies have been there all along. And some of their comments about the 3 existing castmembers were very judgmental right off the bat, even about tiny little things. It felt like Bravo brought on new women just to complain about the already-established women. It definitely felt like a "new" New York, as the episode was titled.

    I wanna say it reminded me of when Saved by the Bell: The New Class (yes, I would watch that!) would take out 3 characters every year and replace them with new characters and then go on their merry way like nothing had changed, even though it had.

  6. If the ending preview is any indication, this season's NYC is going to be crazy good! I see Ramona vs. LuAnn as being like ATL's Kim vs. NeNe, where each has their faults and nobody's innocent. It was definitely petty and childish for LuAnn to have that brief hen party with the new ladies just to gossip about what Ramona allegedly threatened.

    What Ramona and her husband said to Heather at the party about her always interrupting people was tacky and hypocritical, but you know what? I don't care. Haha. Call me a hypocrite, but I always have my favorites that can pretty much get away with anything and I still like them because of their overall personality. smile.png

    I think the new ladies are okay, and it'll be interested when they start turning on each other. I must say, and I admit I'm being completely shallow, but all 3 new ladies kinda look weird. They all have weird, quirky looks to them (another reason why Alex should've remained -- she looks weird too!) Aviva is probably the most interesting, followed by Heather. Carole seems like she's going to be dead weight, but we'll see how it plays out. She sounds like an old woman in the opening (interesting updated opening, by the way! I'm surprised the 3 veterans are at the tail end!).

    It's interesting, how Real Housewives seems to be using a formula for all their shows: pit all the women against one woman. NYC has Ramona this season, ATL is NeNe, Jersey is Teresa, and it sounds like Lisa may be ganged up on next season in Beverly Hills, although Taylor could be the real center of drama.

  7. I wish the salary report had included the New Jersey housewives. I'm guessing one of the reasons for the Caroline/Teresa feud is because Teresa is making more money in season 4. Their initial contracts were for the first 3 years, just like the NY housewives. I can totally see Bravo paying Teresa more than Caroline & Jacqueline.

    Okay, so after a weekend catching up on the New York housewives, I can definitely see why people loved Bethenny. She was so level-headed, smart, witty, and just didn't fly off the handle like others (Kelly, Jill). Jill is just a dispicable woman and I loved seeing her get called out on it at every turn at the season 3 reunion.

    Ramona is funny as f#ck and I enjoy every minute of her. She just truly, truly entertains me. She's nutty but not in a crazy delusional way like others....

    The worst housewife EVER I think is Kelly Bensimon. She is truly unbalanced. Her arguments were based on fantasy and paranoia. I cannot believe she lasted for 3 seasons because I was sick of her after her first year. I mean, she is truly, truly delusional. I think I would rather watch an hour of OC's Alexis before watching another moment of Kelly. I always wanted to see the episodes where she went crazy on the trip and boy oh boy did she ever lose her mind! And then she comes back to NYC acting like nothing happened and that SHE was the one being attached the whole weekend. She is truly batsh!t crazy. Wow, just wow.

    Overall, I can definitely see why Bravo let go of Jill, Kelly, Cindy (big waste of airtime), but think they should've kept Alex to mix with the remaining ladies and the new ones.

  8. YRBB I liked your assessment of Season 4. I liked the season overall because there were a lot of great moments and entertaining stories, but at the same time, the whole dymanic of many stories and characters shifted and in a sense, the "classic years" had ended. As it is, so many people remember the original years and the dynamics between the characters then. Seasons 1-3 defined the characters and the show. Season 4 is like trying to squeeze out the last bit o' goodness.

    I think season 5 is when it gets ridiculous with the all the bedhopping (although they certainly played musical beds in S4) and moving around apartments every other day. And yes, the music does get cheesy. I remember one particular episode where it was one sex romp after another, which meant one rock jam after another to heighten the dramatic mood. To me, it that's when it became a parody of itself. (and whoever decided to make Sydney into a dippy airheaded 60's go-go girl in season 4 should've been fired)

    Having just re-watched Season 1, from the point where Amanda joins until the season finale, I gotta say, I think Jo was best written and most entertaining in season one. She had such a sense of independence, street smarts, and stubborn ways. I liked her back 'n forth through the years with Jake (it really showed that they were meant to be) but once she hooked up with Richard, good Lord it all over for her.

  9. Janet Carroll has passed away. I don't remember her, but people who watched all of Melrose's run may, as I think she played Kimberly's mother.


    Aw, I remember her.

    I always liked how they were able to bring back the same actors, year after year, to play the Melrose resident's parents consistently. Matt's mom & dad, Billy's mom, Jane & Sydney's mom & dad, Kimberly's mom, etc. Oh, and Amanda's dad before he was killed off.

  10. Caroline was Teresa's friend and vice versa. They've known each other longer and their familes are very close. We are seeing the disintegration of this friendship play out now but Caroline hasnt cut her off yet. She's tolerating her bc of the history there and bc of Jacqueline and I think at this point she's hoping things will change but unfortunately they do not.

    She was NEVER Danielle's friend. She tolerated her bc of Jacqueline but she never had any allegiance to Danielle or was close to her. I dont think its quite the same thing at all. These interviews are filmed after the fact and Caroline is brought in to comment on stuff that happened weeks/months ago. Her feelings for Teresa definetly did change by then, hence the comments she's making as she's asked to recount what happened

    I totally get that and understand. Something was just off to me. Like Caroline seems so quick---and eagerly willing--- to write her off, even at this point that we're watching now.

    I wish we knew the details of that fight that happened offscreen in Punta Cana. Time to do some Google searching! :)

  11. New Jersey's Caroline is so hypocritical. She gladly told Danielle how she felt about her and would never share screentime with her, but yet here she is doing scenes with Teresa and being nice to her face, but totally trash-talking her with Jacqueline and in the interviews. Something about Caroline and Jacqeline totally rubbed me the wrong way on Sunday's show. And with that said, despite her blind loyalty to her husband, I'm totally Team Teresa.

  12. You have a good memory! They had so much DAYS coverage then I'm surprised it didn't all blur together.

    Back in those days, I only had a handful of Digest magazines, mostly ones with DAYS on the cover. Since this was before the internet (at least for me), I definitely re-read and cherished the ones I had over & over. :)

  13. CarlD, thanks for posting the DAYS Du Jour. What's sad is that not only do I know that I have that article, but it's in the Digest with Sami, Lucas, Carrie, and Austin on the cover with the caption "Watch Out Sami, You're About to Get Caught!" I remember way too much about DAYS and Digest during the good ol' days...

  14. Team Teresa. I felt bad for her when she broke down and cried in front of her brother. That moment felt so real.

    When Teresa and Jac were talking about Dina and how Jac was no longer speaking to her, they showed a brief shot of a blonde woman walking up through the windows. Did anyone else think that was Dina? I was dissapointed when it ended up being Teresa's trainer...lol

    I thought the same thing! Looking forward to seeing her again sometime this season.

    Not gonna lie, I'd love it if the producers finagled a way to get Danielle back for Season 5, even for just one party event where they may genuinely run into one another.

  15. All that can really be judged is what is on screen. teresa doesnt get a free pass because of editing while everyone else gets held accountable. And from what is shown, from what she puts out there in magazines, she seems like a genuinely awful, hateful person.

    Exactly, all that can be judged is what's onscreen. I'm holding everyone accountable. Caroline is accountable as being the saint and the voice of reason. Jacqueline is being held accountable as the loyal friend and misunderstood mother. Etc, etc., etc., but what I'm saying is, there's more than just what the producers are portraying, for EACH of them. Hence, the falling out between sister Dina and Caroline and in-laws Dina and Jacqueline. Not to mention all the unmentioned tension between Teresa vs. Melissa & Kathy. That's why this whole fight between Teresa vs. Melissa/Kathy seems so incomplete and pretty petty altogether, because they're not addressing all the issues. I'm guessing the show itself is one major issue. Season 3&4 is basically watching the Guidice/Gorga/Wakile clans dodging a pink Italian elephant in the room that isn't spoken of when the cameras are rolling.

  16. I was feeling bad for Teresa this episode. She went to the party, brought the kids, was staying AWAY from the conflict. Stupidass Kathy can't even leave well enough alone. When you have a huge rift with someone, sometimes it's progress just to be in the same place as the other person acting semi-normal. It helps break the ice. They were doing well, not fighting, exchanging pleasantries. That was actually progress. Yet, Kathy has to encourage Teresa to talk to her brother, and Joe has to wrap her into a conversation that really should have been private. Of course, she could have just walked away, but I really feel like these people are TRYYYYIIINNGGG so hard to engage with her. I saw it last week. If all these people were always trying to get into it with me, I'd be defensive, too. I just refuse to buy this Teresa-is-the-root-of-all-evil storyline they're pushing. I think she's pretty dim-witted and has a hard time admitting fault, but they're ALL like that. Melissa has totally said her share of bitchy stuff, and I assign her lots of blame here, too. They're trying so hard to make Teresa look bad that she's actually become a sympathetic character for me.

    I agree. The way they're painting Teresa is very contrived. There is just TOO much behind-the-scenes quarreling that we the viewer don't know about for certain, but we can make guesses and have heard whisperings thru gossip blogs. Here's my issue with the whole New Jersey dynamic:

    If Teresa is so vile and Caroline and Jacqueline are such saints, why is Dina Manzo not speaking to either of them? It can NOT be solely about Teresa. We've heard whisperings about why Caroline and Dina are on the outs (some say Caroline is mad that Dina left the series, some say Caroline is actually homophobic and there is tension amongst the siblings over their gay brother, some say it's Teresa's fault for whatever reason), but we don't know for certain. And we don't know why Dina and Jacqueline aren't speaking. But surely these 2 aren't the innocent angels they are portrayed to be, year after year. There's just more here that we're not privy to.

    Why is Caroline so hard on her daughter for being overweight? Something's not right there. She'll fight to the death for her gay son and her other alcoholic son, but says digs about Lauren like "she's beautiful on the inside, but still needs to work on the outside." I mean, really? Has Caroline looked in the mirror? Even though she herself lost weight, she looks like a deflated balloon. And what about Chris, the boozehound younger son? He's putting on some weight there. Is it just expected that Italian men put on the pounds, but the women have to be bodacious beauties ?

    On to Teresa's family... How many iTunes sales would Melissa Gorga be making if she wasn't exploiting her alleged feud with already-famous sister-in-law Teresa? I can see why Teresa would say Melissa's a copycat. She rode on Teresa's coattails on to this reality show and is cashing in, whereas Teresa was the first person in the family to get on the show by her own merits, not by being a relative. Kathy is just time-filler. Her lesbian sister Rosie is way more interesting to watch than Kathy.

    I'd also be interested to know what kind of conversation that Melissa Gorga had with Danielle Staub before Melissa joined the show. How did Danielle Staub know at the Season Two reunion that Teresa had yet to see her nephew/niece (can't remember which gender) ?

    There's more to the story, and I'm not so quick to jump on the Teresa-Is-The-Bad-Guy bandwagon here.

  17. tumblr_m1av61F9uF1r3yu0go1_500.png

    What a pint-sized stud smile.png I still think he and wifeypoo Melissa totally wanted to cash in on Teresa's fame, though.

    If I haven't said it before, my all-time favorite housewife husband, in terms of studliness, was Atlanta's Lisa Wu-Hartwell's hubby Ed Hartwell (who have since divorced). In the words of Phaedra: Mm-hmmmmm....

  18. Too bad they happened so late in the series


    I pretend like MP 2.0 didn't happen. It certainly doesn't count in my eyes. Sydney being alive? Michael acting as if he had some attraction and a soft spot for Sydney when she was brought into the E.R.? Amanda back from faking her death and no mention of it? Michael having a grown son, and we don't know who the mama is, and if we know the mama then that means they did some serious rapid-aging. Jane being a manipulative bitch who STILL cannot outsmart her opponent? Jo now pessimistic about life? Plus, Amanda talking like a grandma? (bad cosmetic surgery Miss Locklear, tsk tsk)

    And they didn't even bother to have the Melrose courtyard building look remotely similar to the original. Nope, in my mind, all that crap happened in a parallel universe. smile.png

  19. Rob Estes and Kyle suck and brings poor Heather Locklear and Amanda down.

    Oh dear, if you hate him in Season 6, just wait until season 7. That's all I'm gonna say... :) Me and the hubby are currently watching Season 7 on Netflix cuz it's the only season not available for purchase.

  20. I think Tardy for the Wedding is okay, and I'm glad they're only half-hour shows... that is, unless they're always going to show back-to-back half hour shows together? Hopefully that was just for the premiere episode(s).

    I wonder how they pay people who end up being "friends of the housewives". Is their pay rate determined after they've finished filming? Or do they get paid the full amount regardless of what their status ends up being? Because as I recall reading, Lisa Wu-Hartwell was originally supposed to be in the 3rd season of Atlanta, but was bumped when the producers and her disagreed on storyline direction (or maybe she just HAD no story) and we end up seeing her once at a group event at Kim's house.

    I wonder what Taylor's pay will be if she indeed gets bumped to being a "friend of the housewives".

    I also wonder if New Jersey's Kim G and Kim D got a fee for their roles in Season 2. I wouldn't be surprised if they willingly did it for free, in hopes they'd be cast for the 3rd season....

  21. New Jersey

    Kathy has got to be the most pointless housewife ever on all series (okay maybe Cindy from NYC trumps her). She's boring and adds NOTHING. She fills no roles. Melissa and Joe are enough to suffice as family for Teresa to feud with. She's not really close to Caroline or Jaqueline so there's nothing there. She has no storyline of her own either unless they try and pick up that restaurant dream. She's a dud and its too bad she wasnt canned. Oh and her husband is still super sleazy

    Melissa..can take her or leave her. She comes across like she tries way too hard to play innocent for the cameras but Im sure the feud with Theresa isnt one sided as the show might make it out to be. Something about Melissa seems very phony. She is loving finally having a chance to be in the spotlight.

    I dont hate Teresa. I still like her and think she's a great cast member who adds alot. Im not feeling Joe as I was in earlier seasons but I love her kids and overall family life. This season will be al about her downfall and she will get ugly especially since the Reunion took place after this material. I hope Im not hating her by the end but I might as I couldnt stand her at the reunion

    Love Caroline and Jacqueline. Those two are the best of the housewives. I cant see myself ever turning on them.

    I really wish they had added another housewife to spice things up and provide some contrast. It kinda feels odd that this show only has 5 housewives bc all the others which lasted more than 1 season have had about 6 (heck NYC even had 7 at one point!). But nope, this has remained 5 (4 in season 2) for 4 straight seasons)

    What I will say is that NJ out of all of them seems the most authentic. With the others alot of the women arent friends or even know each other prior to taping and come together bc of hte show. When the season is done they go about their business. With NJ however they are family so the drama stings deeper and they cant just hide from each other. Whether they love or hate each other, the relationships are real and are closer. NJ provides a different energy that none of the other series can emulate

    Agreed, agreed, agreed. Kathy and her family are pointless. She is just like ATL's Cynthia: time-filler. Nothing wrong or bad about them, just incredibly boring.

    I don't think Melissa Gorga is all innocent & sweet either. I see the phony persona too. She clearly wanted the fame, and used her sister-in-law's coattails to ride in on the wave of fame 'n fortune 'n iTunes music releases. I'm sure sexy brother Joe saw his sister's success and wanted a piece of the action too.

    I still like Teresa too. We'll see how this season plays out in terms of what she does versus allegedly does.

    It's funny how RHONJ is always set up where there's one main villainess and the other 4 do nothing but talk about that villainess without having too much interaction with her until big events.

    I feel like NJ should be a half-hour long to reduce time on all the fluff and b.s.

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