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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. Glad that NYC is gaining viewers... this past Monday's episode was on fire! Great comedy from looney-tunes Ramona and Sonja, snarky comments from Carole and Holla!, and skanky shenanegins with The Countess! Great enjoyable episode all throughout. And next week, Aviva sees Ramona in a whole new light... dun, dun, dun!!! smile.png

    The New Jersey fight was just ridiculous. Eric said it best about Kathy; she was following wherever the cool crowd was going. Jacqueline is a total wimp, "sleeping" through the fight. Caroline is so stubborn, deciding what is and what isn't a genuine apology. Bitch, get a life, I'd say to her. What was really awkward was how the families were stepping into the fire, first the husbands, then the Manzo spawns.

    I have to say, I think EVERYONE is wrong (yes, even Teresa), including Bravo, for making the tabloid magazines such a huge part of the storyline. This show is supposed to be about their lives, not about their fame that has stemmed from the very TV show we're watching. Like Dina said, "for some, it used to be a show about their lives. Now, their lives have become the show." So true.

    I find it especially famewhore hungry at the idea that Melissa had this whole "On Display" song picked out and autotuned sung, BEFORE she was even on television. That was a part of season 3's antics. She was "on display" in the public eye before the show even started airing?? Wishful thinking, lady...

    SO glad we FINALLY get to see the Dina episode next week!!!

    If Bravo wants blockbuster ratings (and if both ladies could be coaxed into returning), they should bring out Dina and Danielle Staub at some point during the Season Four Reunion to clear the air about certain matters. I just want Danielle's crazyass back onscreen one more time smile.png

  2. She is embracing it; she did a photo shoot with her grandbaby and did the article. It's alright to make up cutesie names, better than denying their existance altogether the way Sheree tried to pass off her twentysomething daughter as a friend in the 1st season (apparently Sheree didn't realize that a little something called the Internet exists...)

  3. I thought I read they shot 4 vacations this season. So if I'm remembering correctly, this is vacation spot No. 3? The previews look fan-frickin-tastic. The new ladies are finally beginning to hold their ground against the veterans and it's starting to balance out. Can't wait to see how it all falls apart comes together....

  4. When I watched Aviva on WWHL a couple weeks back, she looks mortified and uncomfortable. I wonder how she feels about this whole Real Housewives thing now that she's in the thick of it all. Carole was cool as a cucumber on her WWHL appearance, but like Antoyne said, she stays away from the drama which will do her no favors next year when casting for season six.

    Ramona, Ramona, so delusional and mostly wrong, but God bless her, ya just gotta love her insanity. Sonja was all types of wrong, too, with the Heather situation. Sonja is making all these demands and is so ungrateful, I really hope she sees how self-absorbed she was in watching this episode. (Sonja is a blah take-her-or-leave-her character for me anyways, so I don't *really* care).

    I just want to see the switch when Aviva is no longer up Ramona's ass. "CALM DOWN!" Good crazy stuff it looks to be.

  5. Omigod, Caroline is nothing but one big blob of misery. I swear she was thisclose to saying Teresa planned to injure her foot for sympathy. C'mon, you just KNOW that was on the tip of her tongue. She's such a sourpuss. And calling Lauren an a--hole? I'm on Lauren's side on this. It's just weird that Caroline defends her gay & alcoholic sons no matter what, but Lauren is the fat overly emotional a--hole. Something ain't right with this bunch. I wonder if Lauren is jealous that Greg gets to sleep in Albie's bed?

    Then there's Jacqueline. One minute, putting up this argument that Teresa's being fake but has no examples to back it up, claims she's done with Teresa, and then literally 2 seconds later starts melting into tears. She's just a mess. Maybe she realizes she'll have no story and no camera time if she "breaks up" with Teresa.

    Good golly Miss Molly, get us to that damn Posche fashion show and wrap up this season!

  6. That last photo with the purple bellbottoms fascinates me. It's like they took a teeny, tiny head, and put it on a giant body. I don't get it. The red dress photo looks like Death Becomes Her. I think the shoe closet one is best.

    I like the expression on her face in the red dress. It's quintessential NeNe, like in the opening of Celebrity Apprentice. smile.png She looks nice in the fireplace photo too. But yeah, that purple pants photo looks like it was warped by someone who's a beginner at Photoshopping.

  7. We ordered Netflix for a couple months specifically to watch the 7th season of Melrose. Now that it's out on DVD, of *course* we'll be getting it to complete our collection... but no rush, since we just watched it and it's the least interesting season of the series.

  8. I agree that NYC is a lot lighter and fun now, and I look forward to watching it every week, as opposed to Jersey where it's heavy with negativity. It really is a downer when there's SO much hatred and bitterness. That's why I'm hoping/expecting a drastic overhaul next season on Jersey, just like they did with NYC. NYC had a bumpy start, and yeah maybe they could've done a few things different with their casting choices, but overall it was a necessary change and it's starting to pay off. Hoping the ratings will reflect that soon.

  9. I think the reports are getting it wrong, because apparently the conversation Jacqueline had with Kim G (good Lord, really? Out of all the friends and acquaintances in the world to vent to, you had to run to THAT famewhore?) was on the night of the reunion she skipped LAST YEAR. Whatevs. I still think she's become irrelevant.

  10. This is so stupid. This is the new "in" thing for Real Housewives broads who can't handle being called out on their hypocrisy. First Jacqueline, then BH's Adrienne, now Jacqueline AGAIN? She needs to be let go. She has no story. I really hope they don't drag her back in for season 5. Adrienne can go too, as I'm sure she's gonna look REAL bad this upcoming season...

  11. What was up with the forced scene where Albie asked his gf to move in with him? FAKE.

    Everything with the Manzo kids looks forced and fake.

    Y'know, Teresa pointed out one simple fact: Caroline is [allegedly] mad at Teresa solely because of the comment in the book. And apparently Teresa's apology wasn't "good enough" or truly sincere in Caroline's eyes. That's what's so silly about this whole turn of events in this 4th season. This huge rift and anamosity [allegedly] stems from something so trivial. Even when Teresa and Melissa were rehashing this on yesterday's episode, you could tell there was a hesitation in mentioning that that's the "only" reason why there's tension. Clearly, there's something else behind the scenes that happened (Punta Cana? One diva jealous of another diva's success?) but because they're not admitting what the real reason is, this whole set-up of their dissolved friendship is just stupid.

    Meanwhile, I swear sometimes I think we're seeing Jacqueline's face literally melting onscreen. Gravity is doing one helluva number on her!

  12. to me that would be Alexis. I think Kelly could at least be funny at times but I find nothing enjoyable Alexis. A complete airhead and idiot

    I think Alexis and Kelly tie for No. 1, for completely different reasons. Both are completely unlikeable, and it's amazing they both lasted multiple seasons.

    As someone who first saw RHONY during its 4th season and then went back and caught up in seasons past, I definitely agree that Season Three was incredibly good stuff. And the reunion was epic. Loved seeing Jill taken down a few notches. And Kelly's meltdown was just as crazy and distorted as I heard it'd be.

  13. NJ

    The show was such a tease! What was up with that long flashback of Deana and Danielle which really didnt add anything? I thouight Deana would make her return this episode but she didnt

    IA with Theresa. Kathy's comment was passive aggressive and the hater needed to keep it to herself

    I felt bad for Jac. I can see she really wants to make things up with Theresa but there's this big wall between them

    Jacqueline is just a mess. She just dwells on the same subject matter over & over again because she has no actual storyline. One minute, she wants to be Teresa's friend, next minute she's saying they'll just be acquaintances, next minute she's telling her to eff off and saying "I see you for exactly who you are," next minute she wants to be friends again. There's no point to her anymore.

    Yeah, that flashback was weird how it just went on forever but served no purpose other than to establish that they used to film at that location?

    Chris Manzo has that drunk look in his face and skin tone where you can tell he drinks way too much.

  14. Adrienne is a stupid bitch and I've been over her from the moment things started to go awry with Lisa. Adrienne's pathetic jealousy and her ludicrous treatment of Dr Paul just slammed her onto my "Ugh, get off my TV" list. When she tried (and failed) to throw Lisa under the Radar Online bus at the reunion, that was the nail in the coffin. She is unredeemable in my eyes.


    What I love is that from what I've seen (at least on realitytea.com) is that everyone can see through Adrienne's bull and everyone is Team Lisa (and Team Brandi, for the most part). I think Season 3 will be quite interesting with all these different alliances...

    As for OC's Jeana, I never saw when she was a regular castmember, but hubby speaks fondly of her and likes her. If they could get all parties involved on board, it'd be great to bring certain housewives back to the fold, like OC's Jeana and Jersey's Danielle or Dina.

  15. OC definitely had an awesome reunion. Can't believe I'm actually liking Tamra! I just loved how everyone who needed to get called out (Alexis, Vicki) got called out on their lies and hypocrisy. Vicki's daughter is so articulate and well-spoken and did not hold back! Alexis just needs to go.

    NYC continues to be poorly edited to conjure up drama that isn't really there. "Have a good night, Ramona!" or something to that effect was what we heard Heather saying as Ramona walked away without a reply. But Heather's lips weren't actually moving when she was walking up to Ramona; clearly she said that phrase at another point. Which is just one example of their choppy editing, much like their London trip. Wow, they're already back in NYC? There just wasn't enough drama stirring, otherwise we would've seen 'em on the other side of the pond for a good 3 episode arc! And boy oh boy, another trip next week? They're trying really hard here.

    Ramona is a crazy nut, but she still entertains me in her wacky, outspoken over-the-top ways. She's just a silly woman who really means no harm, that's how I see her. It's all for the cameras, otherwise we'd be watching nothing but the Manzo boys and Rosie---- er, wrong show! :-)

    New Jersey finally showed us what an episode would be like where we don't see 4 women bitching 'n moaning about Teresa the entire time, and boy, was it ho-hum. It was okay for what it was, but I hope we aren't subjected to any others like that for the rest of the season. As for Melissa's "singing" and dance performance.... I think I'd rather sit through an hour of Don't Be Tardy For the Party and Ring Don't Mean A Thing....

    Like Jack suggested, I could totally see them keeping Caroline around to make it a Caroline vs. Teresa feud. Jacqueline is just there. Kathy is just there. Melissa gets a pass because she's Tre's sister-in-law. Otherwise, I could see 2 newbies come in to fill Jac and Kathy's spots next season.

    I can't wait for Beverly Hills to return.

  16. Love her or hate her, Ramona's crazy makes the show. Take her out and a good chunk of the drama and what keeps this thing entertaining is gone which would have equaled lower ratings and less money for Bravo. They werent gonna fire her when that happened. Its similar reasons why I wouldnt expect them to do the same with Nene bc she's the biggest personality on the show. Had that been Alex (NYC) or like Cynthia (ATL), they'd both likely leave bc both are expendable to their respective series, but Ramona and Nene? Bravo will dowhat it takes to keep them, slaps and all

    Agreed. I think NJ's Teresa falls under that category too. Can you imagine the past 2 seasons without her? What the hell would Jacqueline, Caroline, Kathy or Melissa talk about? It'd be nothing but mindless Manzo children and Rosie!

  17. I'm liking RHONY... although I guess I'm alone, as viewers didn't even hit 1.3 million last night --- OUCH! Even the hubby is no longer interested in NY and I watch alone (OC has the opposite effect on us). It's just a very interesting dynamic, to see LuAnn now being "the annoying one" with the circle of girls, sans Ramona. It still feels kinda phony though, and LuAnn's remark to Carole about how it's amazing that they've never run into each other before even though they have mutual friends really points that out. It's weird they didn't give these 3 new ladies an official "Welcome To My Home" introduction.

    LuAnn really has run her course. I feel like she's badly acting when she talks about having a baby, and the rest of the girls are in on it (just like ATL's Chateau Sheree) I still love that "Chic C'est La Vie" song though :)

    I think a Carole vs. LuAnn snarkfest will be entertaining :) I have my money on Carole. And I look forward to seeing what develops where Aviva says to Ramona & Sonya, "Frankly, you're both white trash!" as shown in preview clips.

  18. I think Locklear's presence definitely brought a spotlight to the show that wasn't there before. The Amanda/Billy/Alison triangle of Season One is what finally got the show off the ground. It was the "A" story, whereas Jo/Jake and eventually Jane/Michael/Kimberly were the "B" stories (Rhonda's story with Terrence was an afterthought).

    Things then skyrocketed in Season Two once all the stories started to gel and the whole ensemble was strong.

  19. The forever title of "Special Guest Star" was to list her last, as that was (and still is, sorta) prestigious to be listed last with special billing. Since Melrose always listed their cast alphabetically, they gave Locklear that special title to keep her from being wedged in the middle between Leighton and Savant.

    Personally, I think they should've just ditched acknowledging at the start of the credits that the cast is listed alphabetically, and just had Locklear at the end with the "and Heather Locklear as Amanda"

  20. I am now halfway through season 6 and have to say it's not as bad as I was expecting. I don't find it unwatchable. It's certainly the weakest season thus far, but I am entertained and I actually am enjoying most of the stories. I like Sam and Billy and love Taylor's madness. Not a fan of Lexi, but I like Coop and Jennifer for the most part.

    Lexie does a complete 180 in Season 7. If you like psychos, stick around... :)

    Hubby and I just finished the last of Season 7, and you know what, overall I don't think the final season is very good. Everything is rushed, just like they rushed season 4-6. They trimmed down the cast to 8 (7 in the opening credits, plus Rena Sofer as Eve) but it's still a dizzying game of musical beds. The finale is complete let-down. So rushed; no time for people to REACT to traumatic events. It's quite ridiculous. And it's really too bad some of the originals were asking for too much money to do a cameo appearance at the finale, because if they had done that, the last 10 minutes would have been so much more impactful, and maybe they would've SLOWED DOWN for some time to reflect and reminisce.

    Oh well. Still love my Melrose :)

  21. Finally caught up on NYC. Heather is not my favorite addition ever but the fact that Ramona does nothing to effect her is amazing. I like that she really could care less about Ramona and her outrage over not getting invited. Ramona is used to people who will either get in a screaming match with her, have a passive aggressive competition with her, or let her steam roll over them and Heaher does none of that and it's absolutely KILLING Ramona.

    I'm far more entertained this season than I was last where I watched the episodes and felt disgusted by everyone's behavior.

    I think NYC has potential. It started out kinda boring, but the new ladies are growing on me and the drama is starting to stir. I must admit though that I do get bored at times when they're focusing on one individual and their own life. I feel like this show is stronger and more interesting when there's more than one housewife onscreen, as opposed to other series (ATL, BH) where individuals are interesting enough by themselves.

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