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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. Yes indeed. Atlanta should've wrapped up after the Africa trip. I'm surprised the season finale isn't this Sunday, because we'd have 2 weeks to do a two-part reunion before the premiere of New Jersey on April 23rd. Would there only be ONE part to the reunion this year? Maybe they'll air the 2nd part on another night. I can't imagine they'd squeeze it into one hour with all the fighting that supposedly went on during the taping. Plus, they managed to do a THREE-parter for Beverly Hills!

  2. NJ

    Just when I thought that I'd be taking a RH break, there goes Andy releasing the new trailer and sucking me back in. Damn you, Andy, for making my DVR come dangerously close to being filled to the brim with this fuckery.


    Sheree knows damn well she is no Lisa Vanderpump, so she needs to pump the breaks in trying to create the biggest wedding in ATL history.

    I know, that New Jersey promo really got me back into those ladies! Hope they deliver the goods and that it's not ho-hum like season 3. Teresa has surely become the new Danielle, so I hope to see the fur flying!

    I think it was Cynthia in a blog or something that pointed out that Sheree is NEVER happy. She ALWAYS criticizes a party, a gathering, a get-together. She simply can NOT be happy. She drips with jealousy and resentment. It's slightly entertaining, yes, because she is one of the biggest posers on reality television.

    These ATL ladies need to learn to get together and bicker because that'll keep them all employed. All this separation does NOT make for very captivating television. Especially when what they're showing is Sheree's broke ass trying to look rich, Kandi doing country music, and Cynthia... well, just her being there is boring.

  3. OH EM GEE!

    Where to begin with OC?! Tonight was EPIC. Gretchen IS a boss. The way she stood up (even literally) to Miss Piggy and held her ground while spewing truth was fantastic. Vicki's only defense was "my boyfriend is off limits" bitch, no. Then the way she tried to bring up what her (gorgeous) daughter is going through for pity and acting mature enough to walk away only to come back? no. no. no. Team gretchen 100%. And then on WHHL she claims the diff is brooks had a job but didnt pay child support and slade didnt have a job to pay child support? first off, both are wrong but having a job and not paying support is even worse than being out of work. This all stems from two thing, her being able to dish it out and not take it and her being jealous of gretchen/tamara.

    alexis was beond. why is this waste of space on the show? i dont even hate her, i just feel bad for how pathetic she comes across.

    Heather is my new OC Queen, sorry gretchen. She is everything.

    I only watched part of OC last night; will watch the rest later. But you are SO right that it makes NO sense and is way hypocritical for Vicki to say it's better that her boyfriend had a job but didn't pay child support, but Slade didn't have a job and didn't pay child support. Um, hello? That makes the boyfriend with the job even WORSE! Makes no sense.

    Heather is just a bad actress. I don't even believe her "reality" acting.

    Team Gretchen :)

  4. Last night's RHOA was way too Cynthia-centric. No Kandi til the party? No NeNe for the first 20 minutes? No Sheree til... Oh wait, she has no story.

    Peter, aka Papa Smurf, is so classless the way he badmouths his sister-in-law in public like that. Meanwhile, the sister IS a tad bit too weepy. The mother, who looks like she's melting in the hot Atlanta heat, I'm surprised she would say "I'm shocked your marriage lasted a year" at the party, but I guess that's when the cameras were rolling so there ya go.

    Then there's Marlo, who denies saying she used the F word. Girl please. It'll be interesting to see how she backtracks that one at the reunion show.

    Phaedra has really grown to be my 2nd fave (NeNe will always be first). Alls you gotta do is shoot her going to the grocery store giving her opinions about foods, flavors, brandnames, etc. and it'll be amusing. She's got a quick wit like a comedienne.

    I think Kim not attending Cynthia/Papa Smurf's party has less to do with the Africa comments and more to do with the fact that she just didn't feel like going. It looks like she just prefers being on camera when it's set at her house.

  5. Nene said Sheree and Phaedra pushed production to bring in Marlo bc they thought she would be a Nene rival since they were both involved with that football player. But when Marlo and Nene became cool all of a sudden the "smalls" don't like her. I'm sure this will be clarified on the reunion. But I definitely believe Nene, the smalls like to act innocent but are extra sneaky behind the scenes. I bet they don't even associate outside of the show which is why its so easy for Sheree to throw Kandi under the bus. Say what you will about Nene but her and Cynthia is the only authentic friendship on the show.


    Ugh. BH's Taylor is returning? She's going to be such a huge buzzkill. People were curious about the alleged abuse as the series progressed, but what value is she going to be to this crowd in the next season?

  6. Yeah, Starr definitely dug her own grave. From the wedding fiasco to lies about her weight loss, viewers had had enough with her and were complaining about how annoying she had become.

  7. Well from what I remember, she made that dramatic announcement early because later on that same today, she went on a talk show (CNN? Don't remember) and put those ladies on BLAST! And suffice it to say, she was not welcome back the next day at The View. Or maybe she just didn't show up.

  8. And this is why I feel the Housewives franchise is setting into the sunset...Bravo is convinced that it's about the level of wealth that got people watching when that simply isn't the case. First season OC was light hearted and amusing, that's what got people watching.

    As the shows devolved into truly vicious scenarios with spoiled, petulant bitches parading around in the vain pursuit of fame the brand has been irretrievably damaged. Then you had the Salahi's, the disaster of Miami, Jill Zarin's tailspin and Russell Armstrong's suicide and there really has been far too much negativity for this brand to properly sustain itself.

    Yup. As each series continues on, they find new ways to keep the originals relevant, which ends up with some really ugly bitter bitches. (NYC being the strongest example)

    Aside from Atlanta (which had a great Season 3), it seems each franchise seems semi-realistic (as opposed to straight-up manufactured drama) for only the first two years. After that, they really spin it and manipulate it so that the same women can still have story and potential catfights. As someone who just started watching all these a year ago but played catch-up (you can buy previous seasons for cheap at Target!), it was quite disappointing to see New Jersey fall apart in its 3rd season. I loved the entanglements of Caroline, Jacqueline, Teresa, Dina, and that crazy loonatic Danielle. But boy, season 3 (aside from it dragging endlessly) really turned Teresa into an ugly character.

    I just wonder what a third season will bring for Beverly Hills...

  9. Cynthia does flip flop a lot and talk a lot of trash. She said Marlo was annoying but when Nene came to lunch all of a sudden she had no problem and Marlo was all cool.

    Yeah that was quite ridiculous. I'm surprised neither Kandi, Sheree, or Phaedra called her out on that right then & there. Certainly Sheree would've wanted to stir the pot?

  10. I sure hope that Andy puts the kibosh on bringing Miami back because it needs to go into the same garbage bin that DC went in.

    As for ATL, I'm so not looking forward to the Kim-centric episode next week. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the South Africa episodes was because there was barely any Kim in sight and now I have to be subjected to a 1-hour infomercial about her spinoff? Just boot her ass off from this show so that I don't have to watch her irrelevant ass anymore.

    I gotta agree. The Africa episodes sans Kim did not phase me in the least. Didn't miss her.

    In terms of RH cycles, wouldn't New York be next to air after Atlanta is done? Even though New Jersey season 4 was already filmed like 10 years ago.

    Melissa Gorga is nice, but fake, and definitely wanted to ride along the coattails of her sister-in-law's success. Does Teresa look like the bad guy in all this? Oh yes. But Melissa was looking to cash in. And all that Jesus crap... "that saved a WENCH like me!" Lord ha'mercy...

  11. I agree with what others have said, that even an Atlanta episode with no significant events happening is still fun to watch. Ugh to that Cynthia having to point out the obvious "look, we're bonding! We're all getting along" which makes everything awkward all over again instead of just enjoying the moment for what it is. I can't help but wonder if producers coax them to do that though.

    Omigod... Sheree looked so desperate, stirring the pot with Kandi & Kim, in an attempt to stay relevant ("please bring me back for season 5! I need the money!"). Marlo can go. Did she provide drama for the vacation? Oh yes. But she is so not needed as a regular player on this show. I don't care for her personality at all.

    I enjoyed the whole season of Beverly Hills, I didn't feel like it dragged at all, the way New Jersey's last season did.

    OC is okay, but half of it I fast-forward through. Vicki is cool, but I'm not totally enticed to watch her. Tamra is indeed vile, she looks like a rusty nail, just hard edged and jagged. Alexis is the absolute worst. So ignorant, with her head stuck up her husband's ass. I cannot stand that woman. Heather is way too pretentious. That whole "you're so cute" thing she did to Gretchen was so ridiculously condescending, and I'm glad Gretchen noticed that. Gretchen... gotta agree with JackPeyton... she's the best. I love her personality and what she has to say. I don't even mind that she's friends with Alexis, cuz the rest of her makes up for that.

  12. I watched the OC premiere last night --- LOVED IT!

    I'm so happy Tamra and Gretchen are secret friends - they were so nasty to each other last year, and it really went to a dark place.

    Interesting that Peggy was totally involved and all about being another Housewife this season, even with Heather thrown in the mix - she was even the drama cliffhanger with Alexis in this premiere episode... I wonder what happened here - does she quit or was she fired?

    I love Heather!!! I can't wait to see her family and house. She reminds me of a mix between Bethanny and Luann.

    Looks like I'm gonna be roped into watching this one with the hubby (okay, so I willingly sat down when it came on...). The whole set-up with Heather and Tamra casually meeting thru business and Tamra inviting her to come to Vicki's party was so forced, acted, and unnatural. Why can't they just call a spade a spade and plop Heather onscreen with an introduction like it's a brand new Housewives franchise ("I'm married to such-and-such, we have this many kids, we live in this big a house..." etc.) instead of pretending like this all happened organically.

    I love Gretchen. I don't care what she did, or who she did it to, I just like her. Tamra, from what I've seen in reruns, *used* to be the pretty ingenue of the group, but now she looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. She looks like a real ugly manipulator. Although I loved the fight scene from last season when she threw the wed wine in the face of that frumpy ex-housewive Geena.

    Alexis, good Lord is she a bimbo. There's nothing more obnoxious than an airheaded bible-beater. That local news segment was embarrassingly bad! I can only imagine what the anchors and all the behind-the-scenes people must think of her coming on to their show to do segments.

    I don't know all the dynamics of Alexis and Peggy, but it makes no sense for Alexis to berate Peggy for not telling her about her previous relationship with Alexis' husband. That's the hubby's responsibility, not the friend.

    Vicki, the lone veteran from the very beginning, is fun. I like her. I can see why she's lasted the whole time. Great fun personality.

  13. Really, I think Bravo and Andy Cohen need to relax The Real Housewives...the franchise is becoming way too nasty and dark across the board. They have to see that it's hit its zenith and that 2012 is going to spell declines for the 'Hos.

    Andy, personally, should watch himself on this reunion and temper his snark, he came across as an assh*le, gunning for people like Lisa and Camille, essentially giving Adrienne, Taylor and Kyle a free pass...a free pass that still didn't save them from exposing their ugly feelings. Those three are ugly women. Bad people. People I don't want to watch and that's what the franchise is devolving into.

    I so agree. They have hit their Moldavian Massacre and it's going to slowly decline. Some may linger in mediocrity (OC, Atlanta) but I wouldn't be surprised if others (BH, Jersey) really fall apart.

    Adrienne has really done a 180 and her bitter jealousy is showing loud & clear. Kyle, I can't defend anymore. For as much as I enjoy her, her motives and jealousy are also very clear. Taylor is just a money-seeking wreck and a lousy person overall. Watching her on WWHL is just uncomfortable and awkward. I really hope they don't bring her back just out of pity because she needs the money, because she's toxic to this show.

    Brandi's comments were spot on. She owned everything she said, and she was honest with all her own actions. Love her. Camille came to Lisa and Brandi's defenses at the right moments. The only thing Camille said that I didn't agree with was when she thought the "Maloof Hoof" was in poor taste. It wasn't. It was a cute play on words that Lisa is famous for and does so deliciously well.

  14. Unpopular opinion: I never liked the Spectras!

    Nope, found Macy boring as heck. Sally was just too much how she trash-talked the Forresters when it was in face SHE who kept stealing and acting entitled. Darla was too ditzy to be believable. Clarke was funny though.

    When I started watching B&B in 1996, it seemed like that whole clan was just a time filler more than anything substantial. Once they gave Macy something to do, I liked them more. I also liked Darla & Thorne together, but they became too comfortably happy; never a good thing in the soap world.

  15. I loved how Adrienne was so inquisitive when Brandi mentioned that some girls were talking about Lisa behind her back, and Adrienne kept asking her to narrow it down to who specificially she was referring to until Brandi eventually said "You!" and the look on that woman's face was one of pure guilt. Adrienne is full of jealousy for Miss Lisa. And Kyle? God only knows what her problem is other than to keep the show hoppin' with drama for a guaranteed season three.

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