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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. STay safe angel. You are in my prayers. :)

    And who was it that had a belated B-Day? I forget now...was it tracyluvr?

    Whoever it was Happy Belated B-Day from me as well. :)

    yes I saw from recaps Tracy is on just long enough to get into Lulu's business.

    Because the matter concerning her grandchild is none of hers. *said with sarcasm*

    But I think it was a blink and you miss it and it wasn't until the last fifteen minutes or so for anyone interested in watching.

    *waves to everyone*

  2. ICAM Ms.Q. I just want JE to get good material out of this..not just a few good moments or scenes.

    My ideal would be Tracy moving on with someone else after she loses Luke to Laura and then Luke having to work to get her back.

    Of course the chances of that are slim....

    *but* it could happen. :)

    I also have a small hope that Luke might choose Tracy. :lol:

    No really. It's a small hope but it's there.

    Either way I agree....I want to see Tracy's POV. I want to *see* and not be told it happened offscreen.

    If Luke DOES dump her and we don't get to see it.....pack your bags TracyFans cause we are driving to that studio to chain ourselves to the doors until we get our girl some airtime. :)

  3. Awww...trust me I know how you feel. Not trying to depress anyone but I guess it's best to be realistic right?


    Anyway I am being *optimistic* that TQ will get a POV and have a voice in all this and that it won't be entirely selfish or villainous.

    and really....if I get even a few scenes with Tracy showing *LUKE* that she loves him, and JE strutting her stuff....I'll be happy.

    Not satisfied. But happy. :)

  4. Sorry MinervaFan but we kind of figure something will happen, don't we?

    I mean....unless you want to see Tracy making a fool of herself by refusing to divorce Luke and having Luke publically humiliate her or something....wouldn't it be much better to just say they were never really married..either because the Vegas nuptials weren't legal or the divorce from Laura wasn't legal?

    AT least that way Tracy has nothing to contest and probably won't fight it.

    I actually am somewhat postive that TIIC will bring Lacy back together(as man and wife still? I don't know) after Laura leaves.

    Or do Skye/Luke/Tracy(really don't want to see that.)

    Guess we'll just wait and see. I liked your fic BTW. :) Cute.

  5. SD: Grain of salt and all that:

    Luke tries to strike a deal with Tracy regarding their divorce and Lulu

    It doesn't sound legit to me because it's so non-specific. I CAN see TIIC rushing to end the marriage though so that they don't even have to deal with the Tracy issue when Laura comes back.

    All I have to say is if TIIC try to say they were never married or if they DO divorce them, they better find TG something else to do after GF leaves. Because I can't sit through them just going back to the way things were as if nothing happened and Laura never came back. And if that means less JE(HOW would that be possible?) then that's what that means.

    spoiler talk over

  6. I wasn't trying to be greedy. :)

    I just wanted to give several suggestions to you in case no one else gave one......or in case you only liked one of them. LOL

    No TQ today.

    On the other hand we DID get Lulu.

    I read people complaining about Lulu's airtime...and she's on four days a week average.

    Bet Jane would trade with her.

  7. Tracy's five husbands and what she thought on each wedding night...and/or the morning after.

    And if you watched or heard about them..you know they were all vastly different.

    We never saw Tracy/Larry's on screen...but I thought Tracy said she found out later he'd started cheating THAT night.

    Tracy/Mitch I don't remember...but my guess is he also was already cheating.


    Heartbreaking. Simply heartbreaking. Probably when she first realized the relationship was a sham.

    Tracy/Gino...hilarious. Pam the hooker stepping in her place. FUnny stuff.

    Tracy/Luke...well we all KNOW how that one turned out.


    Angsty....funny, or both....that'd be a great little fic.

    *waves to knh*

  8. MinervaFan Ms.Q is right...I was talking about the backlash of the

    spoiler talk

    Dillon/Tracy plot to force Lulu to have her baby.

    I think it's just bad writing.

    Tracy Q has a mind and she knows her mind and she rarely changes it..so it doesn't make sense that one minute she's basically hinting that the baby needs to be aborted, then saying Dillon and Lulu should make up their own minds....then saying next week that there may be a way to force Lulu to have the baby.

    And I hope it's Tracy...NOT Carly...who gives Lulu the insightful advice. Maybe she tells her SHE had an abortion. I wish I could get pass that. LOL

    As far as my stance....I'm pro-life..and unapologetic about it. Call it a "zygote" call it a baby..whatever. It's a life. Otherwise there would not be a needed process to stop the growth of that life.

    The law is against me. And against people like Dillon who WANT the baby.

    Why's he being selfish for wanting the baby..but Lulu's NOT being selfish for NOT wanting it?

    I don't get that. And legally he can't "kidnap" her body and force her to get fat. And I understand why it's offensive to people who are pro choice.

    I know *I* wouldn't want to be physically forced to do something I didn't want to do.

    So even though I don't agree I see both sides.

    *steps off soapbox*

    And I am leaving later than expected...but I hope to check back in with ya'll Monday morning. Have a good weekend everyone !

    Love the fic MinervaFan

  9. *waves* I think I'm the only one who has ever really said I don't like NLG so you must mean me MinervaFan. And it's not that I haven't tried...but if someone doesn't impress me after twenty odd years of off and on seeing her performances...it ain't gonna happen. :)

    But we agree on TQ/JE so it's all good.

    I also agree once again about MsQ's banner. :)

    I will be gone for most of the day tomorrow so unless I check in before I leave I won't be around this weekend anyway...:(

    About Tracy dumping Luke or Luke dumping Tracy and the spoilers....

    I have to admit I can't wait to see what happens. I doubt I'll be happy with JE's airtime but I know I'll be happy with her performance.

    I have a feeling TG/JE are going to surprise even their fans....and I know they are going to BREAK me. Just break me. *sniff*

    I also wish the Dillon/Tracy spoilers would be about Dillon opening up to her and I think they'll have a few good moments....but the backlash of "how dare they" has already started and has been going on for about a week now. It's only going to get worse in terms of what the audience says on the boards about them.

    In case we forget: Spencers are Justified....Q's are evil.

    But I ain't drikin' the KoolAid.

    And is it just me.....does anyone else get the vibe that the writers may say Tracy had an abortion too?

    Just a thought.

    spoiiler talk over.

  10. I hope the board doesn't go down....everyone knows where SOC is right?

    It's a free site...we could meet over there or somewhere else if the board goes down and *stays* down for more than a few days....but I *hope* it won't.

    But seriously....what's going to happen this weekend that can't wait?


    Yeah....I'll never understand the wasting of Jane and the rest of the Q's.

    I'll never lose hope that it might change though.

    And I enjoy Jane when I get to see her.....angst coming up ya'll....ANGST.

    Viva La Diva!


  11. Love all the ideas...but I have a strange feeling Tracy will be the one to get dumped or walked away from.

    Which is sad because it SHOULD be the opposite.

    But I agree that angst and drama are good.

    knh I am not good at finding clips myself since NeverQuiet went down...the only other place I know of that has GH vids is YouTube.

    I don't have any saved....sorry.

  12. I keep forgetting to log out too...and I did it so many times on accident that most of the time I don't bother since if I see a new post I'll probably reply if I have something to say.

    And Tracy wise I almost always have something to say.

    EEEE !!!!! Ms.Q I never thought of trying that:

    Here I go: "Luke and Tracy admitting their feelings? That would rock...therefore they'll never do it."

    Everyone else feel free to repeat. :)

    Cause if it worked to nudge them together......it's worth a shot.

    Let me try this one too: "Jane Elliot with a strong supporting story where she gets good airtime AND a POV? That would rock therefore they'll never do it."


    Oh well.. I'm supposed to be catching up on work. Lalalalalla.....:)

  13. I think it would me too Keith.

    And it's knowing that it would; knowing that Jane and Tony would completely break me....that makes it bittersweet because who knows if GH will ever go there?

    If they truly invested in Lacy they could be a






    AND heartbreakingly funny couple.

    Which is probably why I love the fics so much. Where GH has only dabbled, you guys GO there.



  14. *waves to Ms.Q

    I agree with Keith nex...although I like your scenario and if it ever happens I think it will be similiar to that...although they're both pretty unpredictable and it could happen anyway:

    Oooh something else to pass the time: If and when they say "ILY" or even "I like you a lot" :P or "I care about you"(although at this stage that one's kinda lame)...how will it happen?

    Place...atmosphere...what do you all think?

    I think it could go down any kind of way....but I like best the idea of it happening as a heat of the moment slip of the tongue...that they take back almost immediately and then afterwards a tender confession kind of like what nex described.

    What do you all think?

  15. *tsk tsk*

    Ms.Q NOW who needs to stay positive?

    Actually Laura or no Laura I don't think Lacy are finished.

    It's times like these when I almost want to say "God Bless Guza," because I don't think this is going to be the magical reunion everyone thought....at least not without problems.

    This is all provided that Jane isn't leaving. If she is leaving who knows what will happen?

    Tracy will try to screw with LnL and be killed off probably.

    *prays that doesn't happen*

    But honestly?

    I do see a HUGE blow up over the baby.

    If Lulu aborts Tracy will blame Luke and Luke may blame Tracy or the Q's if she miscarries...if Luke sues her family that's another point of contention....and on and on...but I don't see them ending just yet.

    Parting for a while....yes.

    But the future of Lacy mainly hinges on how long GF will stay....and if JE stays.

    If JE stays I think they will get Lacy back together afterwards.

    Luke is just not the type of character to be shown as alone for long.

    And he's running out of women to be with.

    AND the audience likes Lacy...for the most part.

    So yeah...if Jane stays I see them going on....and I think because of Laura it will be different. I think things will HAVE to be different. I think they will have to admit they have feelings or they will have to part.

    It doesn't have to be happily ever after...but something will have to give.

    ETA yes I do remember the posts and how SZ and other boards went wild and how WE were all "EEEEEE !!!!!"

    What was hilarious is that I remember one particular poster saying before the spoiler came out, "Luke and Tracy?? That would rock and therefore they'll never do it."


    And by me saying something would have to give...what I mean is, Laura so far is a nonissue in that she's not around and Tracy doesn't have to deal with her.

    If Laura comes out of her catatonia only to go back in it....Tracy will have to face Laura.

    She'll have to realize Laura is not just a name that she's a real person and that she IS an issue with Luke.

    I think that by itself will change Lacy so that they have to pee or get off the pot.

    Be together for the right reasons and let each other know how you feel because Laura could wake up again at any minute...or end it because it's not worth it...even if Laura never wakes up again.

    They'll have to choose...and for now anyway I think they'll choose to be together.

    I'd love to see the scenes if and when they decide to admit their feelings.

    Those moments should be worth the wait.

  16. Yeah as much as I loathe Luke sometimes (or rather I loathe how he treats Tracy) she loves him and I'd hate to think TIIC will decimate it in six weeks.

    And honestly I don't think they will unless they think GF is going to stay and I think chances of that are slim.

    I miss how Lacy were in the beginning though...without the trickery.

    Remember how flirty(and kinda hawt) Luke and Tracy were the very first night he kidnapped her?

    I want to see them sorta go back to that adversarial thing....but also admitting that there is something there.

    Does that make sense?

    I don't know if I really care too much for Soft!MushyTracy. At least.....not when there's been no reason for her to be that way. Luke doesn't deserve that kind of devotion from her.

    At least...not yet.

    ETA *waves to Ms.Q and Keith*

  17. spoiler talk

    Well about Tracy finding Luke....I kinda figured they'd cop out and have Tracy hire someone....either that or have it happen offscreen.

    SID also says the original plan was for TG to come back for a short stint then come back late September for good...but now it seems he'll be back for good September 7th. So he's coming back about five weeks earlier than last year(but he took off a month earlier so his vacation time really is about the same...he's been gone since the end of June and he generally stays gone about ten weeks).

    And NO HOLLY !!! Good. One less complication to worry about.

    So *maybe* we'll get good Lacy before GF comes back.

    Or it could be the beginning of the end.


    Being optimistic as per orders from Ms.Q...GF won't stay long anyway...*let's hope* and it sounds like the LnL reunion won't be all roses.

    So *maybe* Lacy will resume when she leaves. They ARE unfinished....and I can't see it becoming finished in six weeks(but I could be wrong) and I can see TG/JE ready to pick up where they left off when Genie leaves.

    I'd love to see Luke conflicted about leaving TRacy.

    Love it.

    I hope they don't hate each other after the baby fiasco.


  18. This wonky board(what is UP with it?) wouldn't let me edit but will let me make a new reply: I wanted to add:

    that I hope TQ is on today or tomorrow....


    spoiler talk

    the adventure for Dillon Lulu and Georgie/Diego....do we think it'll be Luke/Laura based or Q/ELQ based or something off the wall...I can't see Lulu taking off if her mom is awake and coherent...makes no sense that she would just take off.

    Unless Lulu is kidnapped by Helena while staying at Windermere or something.

    Can I get Tracy out of it too? Cause that's all the interest I have in it. :)

    spoiler talk over

  19. Wow I post the most here?

    Never woulda thunk it.

    Yesterday I actually watched the whole show LIVE.

    I'll comment here just on Dillon/Tracy....

    Where's my quirky sensitive funny Dillon?

    I hate how he's dumbed down by TIIC apparently just for this stupid plot.

    Hate it. I want old Dillon back. The one who was a mama's boy at heart.

    Give him to me.


    And I was surprised at Tracy standing up to Edward...but there was no build up to it and it rang kinda false to me.

    Also....why couldn't we get a reaction shot of Tracy when Edward threw the "love has turned your brain to mush" line at her?

    I don't know if I'm as optimistic as you all about the Luke related lines yesterday.

    For instance Tracy's line about the pregnancy giving her and Luke common ground.


    They're two peas in a pod and down deep they know it. There's your common ground.

    IS that statement the writers way of hinting they DON'T have common ground yet...therefore making a breakup make more sense?

    As if the baby is their only connection??

    I don't get that. At all. I don't like the implications of the statement. At all.

    Especially after reading the fall previews from yesterday. Is this pregnancy the reason they're going to break up?

    How LAME. Seriously. Why not just have them find out they were never really married? Easy Peasy.

    I don't know....I smelled Desperate!Tracy yesterday....hints of it anyway. I don't like it.

    Desperate!Tracy does stupid stupid things to hang onto her men.

    I'm scared.

    But I know Jane'll rock it. Cause based on the fall previews...her heart is going to get dashed into a million tiny pieces.


    I just hope she gets a POV that lasts more than a minute....and I hope we get to see it.

  20. Wow the board is crazy. Well, LOL.....I agree with Keith and MinervaFAn but I wish we could SEE all this stuff unfolding instead of being told.

    But at least we're being told....so I agree that there will be SOME kind of emotional something or other.

    And since I don't think ANY of us are *quite* ready to say goodbye to our girl...*wow* I just got teary typing that....let's hope she stays for another year at least.

    GOsh I seriously do have a lump in my throat...big wimp that I am.


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