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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Ms.Q you CRACK.ME.UP. with your spoiler commentary..

    oh yeah. There's also a snarky one from WUBS:


    "Will Tracy divorce Luke so he can remarry his life long love? Think about it !"

    LOL...actually yes I think she would if she thought that's what he really wanted. So take that. :)

    spoiler talk over

    Oh. *Puts on SuperMicheleCapeOfJustice* I'm going over to YouKnowWhere and Defend our girl.

    TracyDefenders....Lock and Load BABY !

  2. Well I just hate it that TIIC couldn't bother showing Tracy. And I heard about the diss of Luke to Alan.

    Hypocritical much?

    And I know or think just about everyone else loves Lulu.

    But can we get a scene where Luke learns the truth...or at least find out he KNOWS Lulu's part in all of it?

    Because I really don't like how she is coming out of this the "victim."

    I hope Luke doesn't sue...but that would be just like TIIC to wreck the best couple this show has had in ages....all for the plot point of bringing Laura back.

  3. so for those who watched today....do you think Luke will sue the Q's over the condoms?

    I'm glad some of you find stuff to enjoy about the show when Tracy's not on...but the sound of recaps just makes me mad.

    LOL Doubt I'll watch.

    Yeah...I don't think it's accidental that Luke is there for Lulu and Tracy isn't there for Dillon.

    Not accidental at all.

  4. Well about the ratings...there were others featured in the previews besides JE...and besides that JMB was featured and isn't she supposed to be popular?

    She's popular online...I have no idea what her mail volume is.

    The ratings don't usually fluc more than a few points from day to day so I doubt they blame any one person for the ratings that day/week.

    BTW sorta OT but a poster at SZ a few days ago told me she sent JE a postcard right after those scenes letting her know how she enjoyed them. She also said she writes Jane and the other vets on a regular basis.

    I just thought that was cool.

    spoiler talk

    about the spoiler...it IS anonymous...but if so: DIE LUKE DIE if you blame Tracy for this. DIE LUKE DIE.

    *whew* I feel better now...no wait..DIE LULU TOO. Just for good measure.

    spoiler talk over

  5. I don't think they will. :(

    Maybe one short one.

    Then he's off again apparently.


    THis has just been a REALLY bad day.

    I could have used a little Lacy stuff to brighten it.

    Anyone up for the breakroom?

    ETA I didn't watch yesterday but going by recaps...know what makes me saddest?

    That apparently Luke took Tracy's trying to get him back as a sign that she was mad over the pregnancy. Instead of her being concerned.

    Sad isn't it? :(

    Maybe I'm PMS'ng.

    I think I am.


    STill.....it's kind of sad that he thinks so little of her.

  6. No baby. No TQ today.

    UGH. My job is so stressful. I'm having heart palpitations.

    I need to go home.

    Arguing with people on SZ about Dillon isn't helping so I'm done with that for the day. Maybe the duration of this SL.


    BTW I think it was MarlandRulez who posted the pic of Jane.

  7. Preach it nex ! :)

    ABout what I'd like to see on the site: I'm not computer literate so I don't know what all we *could* put on it.

    A fic section

    A message board section.

    A vid section

    A clips section

    A section where we could share banners and such? I don't know.

    A "Personal" section about the goings on in JE's life if we can

    I don't know.....other ideas anyone?

    spoiler talk

    The good thing is in SOW that Guza says Luke "used" to be in love with Skye.

    As in "past tense."


    And that he has grown to love Tracy. /As in "present."


    Of course I don't trust Guza as far as I could throw him.

    But it's something. LOL

    spoiler talk over.

  8. spoiler talk

    I don't trust Guza. I don't think any of us do. And I don't have *high* hopes of his "Luke has grown to love Tracy."

    But if they DARE to screw Tracy over again by having Luke still having feelings for Skye(romantic).....I'm DONE.

    I'll still be a Tracy fan but Luke will be officially DEADTOME.

    That is all.

    spoiler talk over.

  9. Well MinervaFan just email Tracey. She's got the details. I'm glad you want to help.

    And BTW...since Tracey knows Wally and runs his site...(she also knows Jane) maybe that message from Jane could happen.

    It COULD happen.

    It might be a little presumptuous at this juncture to ask Tracey about that but since it'll be a JE site I'm sure she'll contact Jane about it.

    And thanks Ms.Q for re-posting the vid. It was kinda sweet. Good music choice.

    Tracy *almost* makes me like Lulu.

    And did I say Tracey was *not* a long-term Luke/Tracy fan?


    She's an oldschool LnL'er.

    We'll have to work on her. :)

  10. No Tracey didn't know about us before but she does now. I doubt she'll come to post though.

    I thought about MF's site but figured maybe she'd be just as happy helping Tracey with hers since Tracey said Fanfics are welcome and they need several people to help with the site.

    MS.Q have you emailed her yet? :)

    spoiler talk

    And TG IS apparently leaving again on 09/18/06...I thought he was STAYING. *sigh* so we might get a few Lacy scenes before he leaves but then he'll be all about Laura. I hope we get good angsty Lacy stuff but Guza said months ago Lacy were in love and I haven't really seen it from Luke yet.

    Although he might be avoiding Tracy because remember how they parted.......

    I choose to believe he's avoiding her. :o) because of THAT *kiss*. :)

    but *sigh* to maybe one more week of Lacy scenes before he's off again.

    And Tracy *better* be on this week. :(

    spoiler talk over

    ETA *waves* to nex and VIDS !!! VIDS should be welcome on the site too. :)

    Ms.Q...you're Tracy/Lulu video...I've tried several times and each time it tells me there are no free download slots available.

    can you help?

  11. *bouncy bouncy bouncy*

    EEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tracey (who does Wally's website) wants to start up a JE/TQ site.

    She wondered if we'd be interested in participating.

    Would we???? :blink:

    LOL I told her we WOULD !

    She wondered about who photoshops and makes banners and stuff and I mentioned YOU Ms.Q and you MinervaFan because I wasn't sure about everyone else.

    I don't think she has a membership here but she may give me her email address again so that anyone interested can contact her. :)

    Yay !

    ([email protected]).....that's her email !

  12. Well I tried to get into the breakroom but it's being all wonky and I don't think I'm in the mood right now to chat anyway.

    I've only been cussed out about five times today. It tends to zap the strength right out of my "sparkly TQ spoiler" mood. LOL

    About today....don't read if you haven't watched...I haven't either but recaps follow:

    So Tracy apparently sent someone to hunt him down. It wasn't Sonny's men who found Luke.

    And Luke KNEW it was Tracy looking for him and after he talked to Sonny he knew why.

    BUT my complaint: instead of going right to his wife....he went to Sonny's???

    Avoiding Tracy?

    Um okay.

    He also made some comment to Sonny about "dropping the dish he was doing" or something like that.


    As much as I love Lacy (sometimes...there have been other times I have outright hated Luke's pathetic butt and wanted him to die and/or stay far far away from Tracy)...I truly think it's time to bring a new man in. Not another woman for a triangle ala Skye or Laura. A new MAN for Tracy. Let Luke sweat it out a bit and rethink his position or let her go. She deserves ten times better than this.

    UNFORTUNATELY......Joseph Mascolo is set to come back to DOOL (although I don't think it's for sure yet) so my dream of having him back for JE doesn't seem likely.

    Of course there's also Thaao Penghlis...who could come back to play the father of her aborted child that she had the long ago fling with........

    I may check back in here or the break room in a while. After the day I've had Ben and Jerry are calling my name.

    TTFN !

  13. spoiler talk

    Wheeee !!! so maybe SD was right after all re: Luke/Tracy.

    And I LURVE what Guza said about Luke has grown to love Tracy...but can we SEE it please?

    Cause talk is cheap.

    Also...I don't like how he is still putting Skye into the equation. I don't want her in Tracy's story as a romantic rival at ALL.

    Or in any other way to tell the truth but if I have to tolerate Skye to get Tracy and Lacy ah well I *guess* I can deal for now.

    spoiler talk over

  14. Ms.Q I have seen that poster before but I don't think they post often because none of their posts are coming to mind. Oh well. And you're right...the spoiler thingy is likely why it was deleted.

    But then some people just think Tracy can do no good no matter what. :(

    And those same people go on to think Sonny Jason Sam Carly and others just hung the moon.

    Meh. *shrug*

    Oh I wish some of you posted over at SZ.....the Dillon bashing is horrible lately. :(

    ABout the spoiler/rumors:


    that is all. :)

  15. Ms.Q PM me and tell me who the poster was. Or tell me on here...LOL I don't care.

    I HAVE to know...LOL.

    Eh sometimes believe it or not some viewers don't know how or don't care to try to see beyond the writing into actual subtext and characters with layers.

    Some people just think this or that character is only ONE way and never any other way. They conveniently block out anything to the contrary.

    As a TQ FF..I'm used to it. LOL

    MinervaFan I don't see my scenario of the spoilers to be that bad. Angst means airtime and angst with airtime also means it's going to be sink or swim time with them. Time for us to know if TIIC are committing to Lacy or throwing them out. As far as making Tracy look bad I don't like it but I'm used to it.

    And since the audience knows Tracy HAS been there for Lulu...and that she left looking for Luke...any of Luke's accusations IMO are just going to make HIM look bad not her. So while TIIC might try to make Tracy look bad, the only people she'll look bad to might be Luke and his family. Not the majority of the audience.

    They WILL however manage to make Luke look like a loving devoted daddy and there's nothing that can be done about that because the audience typically forgives Luke anything.

  16. Ms.Q I'm not sure what thread you mean at SOC. I didn't see a thread marked with that specific title.

    Keith I love how you inject humor into your stories. It makes them more real IMO. I loved how Alan came in and thought they were all talking about him because they got quiet as he walked into the room. LOL

    spoiler talk

    I think the reason for Luke finding out from Sonny is so that Luke will think the Q's are hiding it from him to deliberately ambush Lulu. So he'll be mad before he's even heard the story.

    I also have my doubts that we'll even see Tracy this week....I guess we'll know tomorrow when Luke shows up what brought him back...but it's obviously not Tracy so she must be looking for him offscreen.


    But it's good angst because even if he believes Tracy went looking for him he'll most likely be mad that she just took off and left Lulu to the "wolves" (Edward). Never mind that he takes off at the drop of a hat. Even though I hate it Tracy will be gone I think I understand where the writers are going with it. She also won't be there to protect Dillon from Luke. So either way Tracy comes out looking like a neglectful forgetful mom and Luke looks like a devoted daddy.


    spoiler talk over.

  17. GH won't be on today so no TQ or anyone else for that matter.

    I *hope* she will be on this week but the fact that it would make sense and be good drama practically makes the possibility null and void already. LOL

    And the Sage thing....

    I think it will be somewhere in the middle. *IF* TIIC don't say LnL were never divorce or Lacy were never married....I don't see Lacy divorcing and/or LnL remarrying in such a short time.

    They might start proceedings..but actually doing it?


    However Laura and Luke's feelings for her will be a factor that Tracy/Luke will have to deal with. :)

    *waves to everyone* have a great holiday !

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