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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Well in that headshot she doesn't look a day over how she looks now but her hair is different and wasn't like that during any of this last run.

    My guess? 1985 or so...yes, twenty years ago because she looks fab and ageless regardless but I believe her hair was in a similar style while on Guiding Light which was 1983-84, right?

    And nothing yet on Jane in comings/goings in SOD/SOW.

    Hmmm. Of course if she were leaving, that would have probably already been announced. So no news is very good news peeps.

    Right? :)

    BTW Debbie what about this Marco clip?

    I missed a Marco/Tracy clip?

    When and where?

    Can someone post it please?

  2. Lainey the fact that Tracy might not know about Laura until she bumps into her was just Ms.Q's speculation.

    We don't know yet when she finds out. It's possible it could happen that way.

    I think today might be the day they bring the baby home, or at least the MediaNet pics showed the Qs looking at Skye and the baby for this week, so it'll be today or tomorrow.

    Lainey I'm just glad we've got Tracy spoilers.

    Now her airtime I'm sure won't match Genie's during this time (although something tells me we're going to get a LOT of flashbacks and not so much new stuff with L&L).

    Anyway.....here's to Tracy today and tomorrow and next week and the week after.....:)

    *taps foot for "Chances Are" and "Oh Baby" updates*

    *looks at Keith and Ms.Q*

  3. NO Tracy today.

    Hopefully tomorrow. :)

    And EEEEE is it crazy I'm excited about two or three itty bitty spoilers?

    I know it's sad..but is it crazy?

    I vote NO. Because Jane can work WONDERS with five minutes. Wonders, people.


    Tracy's heart is so going to break..

    My poor girl. :(

    But YAY for us !

  4. SD/Wizard:

    Tracy also gets to confront Luke about him keeping Laura's treatment a secret.

    YAY !

    This might not be too bad for Jane after all.....of course Tracy will be hurt but I know Jane will just KILL.ME.

    And it's about time she had something to sink her teeth into.

    YAY !

    SD/Wizard over

  5. oKAY i FINALLY GOT THE sign on page for the breakroom to act right....but now it won't let me type in a user name or profile so I give up:

    SOapdish/Wizard: Staci scroll past if you don't want to read...although this one's not that bad:

    Luke can't find Laura and panics. Meanwhile she runs into Bobbie Lesley and TRACY.

    (paraphrased but that's the gist of it)

    So we get the HS scenes and a Laura/Tracy scene (and how did I *KNOW* they were going to do that? I know Guza so well sometimes it's scary).

    I wonder if Luke has told Tracy before she runs into Laura.

    And Jane/Tracy is just going to rock it.

    Guza BETTER give Tracy a POV and BETTER not screw Jane over. The rest of the story I just don't care about.

    SD/Wizard over

  6. I'd love to join you Ms.Q but it's not letting me in again.


    I may try again in a minute..I'm working a little late and I'm going to get something to eat and come back.

    If it still won't let me in....oh well.

    Tracy rocks, doesn't she?

    Looking forward to whatever Jane's given. I KNOW she'll rock it.

    OPtimistically hoping she'll get more than five minutes airtime. :)

  7. Aaaahhhh....*soaks up the Tracy/Marco aka "Marcy" love*

    No sweetie. No Tracy today.


    And I could deal with Jane coming to OLTL but with RS already on as Dorian, I doubt they could use a character like Tracy.

    Jane could come on to play the low life poor nobody she's always wanted to play...and can work her magic.

    "Tracy's a trip," Marco used to say.

    And I wished TIIC would realize it. :)

  8. *claps* brava to the update Ms.Q.

    Words cannot and never will express how much I love your writing when it comes to Luke/Tracy and their "relationship."

    You bowl me over every time.

    EEEEE !!!


    And yes...that's GOOD. LOL

    And Debbie....I *Liked* the blue "Pirates of the Carribean" blouse Sam was wearing.

    *hopes* for TQ today.

    I likely won't be back in today ya'll unless TQ is on and I have a spare second to SQUEEEE

    I *have* to leave at five today....going out of town with my sister and niece and my sister is almost as anal about puntuality as my mother....if it's HER doing the waiting. LOL

    Anyway, we likely won't be back until Sunday night so I'll guess I'll see you all Monday morning.

    And Yeah Keith I did catch DOOL a few minutes last night and I just hate DOOL so far.

    I think Hogan's a better dialogue writer than Reilly but Hogan is just as bad at having people do things that seem out of character to me.

    I mean I suspected EJ was working for Kate when he first showed up but there was never an inkling before now.....not even a real hint unless I missed it. Now all of a sudden he's this mysterious villain??

    What happened to the international race car driver?



    James SCott is *very British-suave* though.

    That accent......*sigh*

  9. *belly dances through post*

    And um yeah where's everybody at?? Where's Staci? Keith?

    *sniff* :(

    *taps foot* I'm waiting for someone to answer Debbie's challenge in the new game.

    ABout OLTL....of course getting SN and being a second generation ABC daytime viewer I'm familiar with most of the characters but I don't watch it myself.

    I have watched DOOL off and on, and it has a few front burner over forty/fifty characters...probably as many if not more than oLTL that have actual stories/airtime: Kate, Marlena, John, Abe, Steve, Kayla, Hope, Bo....all who get pretty decent airtime.

    And speaking of older women/younger men romps...LOL I know ya'll weren't but .....I think Kate who is fifty something is having an affair with EJ who is late twenty early thirty something....or they were supposed to, I haven't watched DOOL on a regular basis in almost two months but I still read spoilers.

    Kate's probably DOOL version of Tracy but she's no where near as interesting...although I like her and I like Lauren Koslow, the actress that plays her.

    I'd give away a month's salary just for JE to get such a story.

    Oh wait.

    Luke and she are slated to have hot monkey sex after Laura leaves.

    So all is well.

  10. I just had to come back in to say that I agree about Marco...and I agree about Tracy.

    I think that's WHY she ran.

    I don't think anyone has done for Tracy what Marco did for her in such a short time....and not only that, he genuinely liked her and even after the Jenny hit and run thing (that he willingly helped her cover up without blackmailing her or asking for money or anything in return if I remember correctly) he still wanted to be with her.

    I think that scared the crap outta Tracy. Truly. And I think when she allows herself to think about it, if she ever does....I think she does miss him and wonders what IF.

  11. Awww....Marco. *sniff*

    See how we can come up with so many different ideas and scenarios?

    I honestly thought about marco but also several other people and I would have ultimately said Dillon I think....

    Okay since I did the first question I'll let someone else answer Debbie's.

    Besides that my thought of a character was Sam Malone from Cheers....and I haven't had enough caffeine yet to think of any reason or way their lives would be affected.

    *looks at Keith or Lainey or anyone else willing ready and able to answer question #2 *

  12. LMBO

    Okay I tried three times to post...and each time it ate the post...and the third time I just put in a bunch of numbers and it TOOK the post.


    Mmm okay

    let's play a game: I ask a Tracy related "what if?" question and the first person to offer an answer gets to post their own question and on down the line.

    Anyone wanna play?

    And BTW in the below scene Tracy is the only one quoted as doing any speaking.


    Tracy has cancer and is dying and after deciding to tie up loose ends, say her goodbyes....she remembers :) that she forgot someone....the most important person of all.

    She puts on her robe and lies on her bed (BTW I'm picturing her final end to be at home with her family but for now she's in Europe alone) and picks up the phone to call someone.

    She doesn't even have to look up the number. She knows it by heart even after all these years.

    When she hears the voice on the other end of the line her voice catches in her throat and she widens her eyes to keep the tears at bay.

    "It's so good to hear your voice," she manages to say.

    The person on the other end informs her they heard of her illness.

    Tracy talks small talk for a minute and has pretty much lost her nerve and is just about to hang up when she takes a deep breath.

    "I don't know if I'll see you before I"....

    The person on the other end waits.

    "But I just wanted you to know that you were the first person I thought of telling when I heard the news. But I was afraid. And then when I heard that song on the radio you used to love I thought about telling you again...."

    The person on the other end is silent, waiting, and Tracy thinks she hears the person take in a sharp breath as if choking back a sob. Tracy bites the inside of her cheek to keep from crying.

    Not now. She's always been the stronger one and they both know it. She'll take her father's advice once more and cry in private. But for now...

    " I just wanted you to know that I'm glad I knew you. That I'm glad I got to know you. Even though it wasn't always nice or neat or good. Because let's face it those things are sometimes overrated.

    But I *am* glad to call you a friend. And I'm so lucky to know that I was loved by you. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather call the love of my life and my best friend.

    Oh some people may have looked at us in our lives and thought we were insane.

    But I always thought we made perfect sense. I will miss you. And can I be a hypocrite one last time and say to you...that when someone tries to reach out to you, let them? For me? Don't be afraid to love while there's time...because time slips away so fast...."

    And then they say their goodbyes.

    All right. No that didn't really happen in case anyone is confused. LOL Just my "what if" about one of Tracy's final goodbyes in fanfic land. So someone tell me...who do YOU think Tracy would say this to on her deathbed?

    Who would she consider to be those things to her?

    It can be anyone...it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship.....

    Someone give their opinion and then post another question or scenario.

  13. Je t'aime mes amis. (ETA ) I love you my friends ! (I hope I got that right)

    Laissez Le Bon Temp Roulez !

    (and the above is something Luke would say ....LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL !

    And Debbie...who is a Louisiana girl...knows exactly what that means !

    Mais non?

    And about the talking about the other characters...with a possible exception of a few Quartermaines....I'm just not interested enough to bother.

    But ya'll feel free.

  14. Well I'm not sad.


    If she leaves, if she stays....I'll be happy for me if she stays (and her too if she's happy to stay) and happy for her if she leaves(because even Guza is not stupid enough to FIRE laDiva...so if she leaves it'll be voluntary.)

    And I'm sorry if that makes others on here sad. But ignoring the fact that she *might* leave (and honestly I don't think she will...I think she'll sign on for at least another year (HEY that's positive !) is really kinda.....eh.

    But we can't talk about other actors or characters.

    We can't talk about her daily scenes unless she actually you know...HAS them.

    We can't talk about her spoilers because there aren't any.

    So what's left?

    maybe fics? Good. Let's talk about fics then.

    I want someone to write a YOUNG Tracy story...something fun and flirty *eyes Debbie* about Tracy and her young Frenchman who made fun of her accent and what Tracy did for revenge when she came in one day to find her young Frenchman *gettin Frenchy* with someone else.

    His name of course would be Jean Claude.

    Or ....here's irony: LUC.

    Yeah ol' LUC's about to get busted and get chewed out by Tracy in perfectly flawless gutter French.


    Um yeah......... :P

  15. Oh and about Tracy speaking or not speaking foreign languages....I've often wondered myself why she doesn't use foreign words more cause you know she knows SOME.

    But then I remember that IMO while Tracy loves Europe, there's something undeniably AMERICAN about her....that, and there's just something pretentious about constantly speaking in another language when you know the other person can't understand you....that would irritate Tracy. Not because of the pretentiousness of it and not in deference to the other person's feelings necessarily...but because #1 Lila DID teach her to be a lady...and doing something like that is just plain rude..and #2 Tracy Quartermaine expects people to listen and understand when she speaks. LOL

    I think she'd consider German a barbaric rough crude language and she likely hates it and never speaks it.

    I think she loves French but can never get the accent right and was once told by a Frenchman she was in love with that she "mangled" the words when she spoke...and ever since then she only speaks it when she has too..ie if she's in Paris.

    Same principle with any other language....Tracy loves Europe and feels quite at home there but I think she only speaks whatever language when she has too and therefore has a limited knowledge it.

    I can't recall EVER hearing JE as Tracy speak any language other than English.

  16. Hmmm......

    spoiler talk

    SOD is mostly LnL....and what I thought was true, that Laura will have no memory of the last four years.

    Which means either luke is going to have to ask Tracy or FORCE Tracy to not tell Laura that they are married at first...because the doctor tells Luke not to force Laura to try and remember.

    That means they won't be living in the Q mansion kiddies.

    My guess? The Haunted Star...because someone spoiled (was it Wizard?) that Luke would take Laura back to the place where it all started.

    Now if he means the LnL marriage....that'd be the HS. I could see him taking her there and living there and him telling her he sold the house etc etc

    If he means the start of the cause of the breakdown....I have no idea.

    So I doubt they'll be living in the Q manse.

    What does this mean for JE/Tracy?

    Hmm. I think it's likely if Je waves bye bye...that TIIC will have her be the cause ....on purpose or not, of Laura going back into catatonia.

    They may make her be the reason anyway...even if Tracy stays.

    Who knows?

    My guess is that Laura hearing the truth will shock her back into catatonia...now if it's Tracy or someone else or she overhears a conversation....?? I have no idea.

    I'm kinda like Keith.....I'd love for JE to stick around but there lies the undeniable indesputable fact that she's being wasted and even if Lacy grows more serious she probably still will be, with TG's vacations and all.


    In about six weeks we'll know something hopefully.....right now TIIC are still thrashing around about another actor's contract. Jane takes less precedent so.....we must wait.

  17. Writers? Setting up dramatic potential? TAking advantage of a chance for conflict?

    Not unless your names are....well.

    We made a vow not to talk about other characters in here.

    *zips lip*

    And one last jab...my list isn't just who everyone else may be thinking.


    November is JE's last month.

    Not October.

    And yes they can and will not mention a word about her contract until one of the mags publicizing her leaving.

    There are younger more viable stars at ABC daytime who have said in print and on SoapTalk that they were not even approached (if they were approached at all) until the 11th hour.

    Stuart and Leslie....I don't follow when their contracts run out like I do Jane's, but people kept swearing last year that they were out...but there was nary a word in the mags before OR after....not one. I have no idea if they were out last year or not because no one was saying anything. LOL

    We KNOW JE signed for three years in November of 2002.

    And that's all we know.

    I guess if she's still there the first of December we know she re-signed??

    And there's also the possibility that TIIC could ask her to stay and extend her contract by a few months.

    I don't know.

    Looking forward to Jane's news either way cause like I said last night I made my peace with her leaving again before she ever came back.

    I made a vow to just enjoy her while I had her and I have done that...all two hours of her airtime. :) :) :)

    If she re-signs...wonderful.

    If she doesn't, it's because whatever and wherever she's going is BETTER. And that makes me smile.

    Quality over quantity ya'll. Quality over quantity.

    Oh and Ms.Q.....you asked me more specifics about my reviews. I PM'd you but I'd like to add that one of the things I love?

    Is that you put in little phrases and gestures that just make the characters human...and you SHOW US (rather than telling us) that the characters care about/love each other.

    And wow that just blows me away because I don't even think you realize you're doing it...but just by writing them the way you think they ought to be written, it comes out. Like Luke "holding Tracy close" and Luke "giving her a worried look" and Brook Lynn asking about the baby.....stuff like that...wow. Is just so GOOD.

  18. Um Lainey are you trying to get us banned?



    I don't think "hanging out all over" will get us banned.

    Unless you post a pic.

    DON'T !



    Oh honey it's great to be optimistic.

    I haven't stopped hoping.

    But I have stopped expecting. And I can enjoy Lacy better now when I do get them...because when I do get those sweet special moments....they are somehow sweeter because they're "unexpected."

    I'd love to see Lacy be a real romance....but at the very least, I'm putting off any spec or hpe about JE/Tracy until we hear about JE's contract status.

    After that....if she stays a little while, I'll be back to hoping/wishing/dreaming.

    But I'm kinda in "realism" mode right now.


    It helps me get through it. :)

    And now I *really* have to go to bed. See ya'll. :)

  19. Awww Lainey you remind me of me in the very beginning.

    I was soooo optimistic about JE/Tracy getting airtime story.

    And when Lacy started I was in LURVE with this couple.

    GH can suck the life right outta ya. You have to put on your armor, girlie.

    I got my breastplate on with my shield and sword right now as we speak.

    Seriously. Because you can't put your hope and stfuf in this show.

    You can...but TIIC will dash that hope every time.

    Now I'm not saying JE won't re-sign (I don't know if she will or not) and I'm not saying Lacy won't be a legitimate romance after Laura leaves( I don't know if they will or not) but I am saying that you just hve to take wha tyou get and not take this show seriously.

    You'll learn to actually enjoy JE's airtime a WHOLE lot more if you go into it with NO expectations..

    And me? I try to live by that. I want JE to stick around just a little while longer...maybe a year? But truthfully? I made my peace wiht her leaving, the day she came back.

    And I made my peace with her probably not getting great airtime or heart stopping romance a long long time ago.

    We can appreciate what we get....and continue to write letters to TIIC, call the comment line, email the network, whatever you guys do....and hope for something better but don't DEPEND on it.

    And that's the best advice I can give.

    G'Night all !

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