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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Tracy will probably not be on until next week. :(

    But we called that, didn't we?


    I hope TIIC don't blow it, and actually give us Scott/Tracy and Scott/Tracy/Luke scenes during sweeps.

    Heh. :)

    I'm bored. I have no reason to watch GH without Tracy.

    Tracy rocks, to keep it on topic.

    But someone tell me their Christmas plans or something.

    Anything. I can't bear to let the thread go down too much, but I've got nothing to say GH wise.

    Except I wish most of them would go away and never come back.

    Fics in progress that anyone would like to discuss or rough draft anyone want read? They can PM or email me.

    I'm Tracy starved AND bored . :(

    I think the thread is mostly slow due to the holidays AND no Tracy.

    ETA about the JE site, maybe I don't have a valid link. I'll try again at my computer at home tonight. I don't know what could be wrong.

  2. TracyLuv TG is just gone off on one of his many vacations. He won't be back for another six weeks I think. He normally doesn't take off the whole month of December.

    But he DID take off the end of June this year, and I thought that was early, because last year he stayed till the end of July.

    Then I remembered the year BEFORE, he left the end of June, so who knows? I guess he's allowed a certain number of days and he takes it different times.

    His last scene was that over the top "oh my gosh I guess I'm supposed to cry here but I rolled my eyes" scene where he knocked the Christmas tree down and crushed the Christmas ornament and they played that stupid annoying "angel" song.

    Um, Luke? Laura's no angel. Get her off the pedestal.


    Tracy hasn't been on since he left, and that was the end of November. But she'll be on for the Christmas show most likely.


    And hopefully before then, but GH's track record isn't good. And that's not me being negative, that's me being realistic based on past history.

    I saw that SID cover/commercial on TV too. I wonder if it's just a gimmick or if someone really will die?


  3. Is anyone else just having a horrible time with the JE site? I tried Sunday to post HB to Staci, and when I clicked to submit my post, it took me back to the sign on screen again and again and again.

    So I gave up.

    I just tried to post again, and it let me sign on, but when I clicked to submit my post, it did the same thing it did Sunday night.

    Um, okay. LOL I'll try from work, but I don't know what difference that will make.

    It also won't let me log OFF now that I'm on, but it won't let me post either. *kicks JE board*

    Um.......anyone got any spoilers? Make something up, I don't care.


  4. Well nothing in SOD or SOW apparently about Tracy....but interesting ABC/GH news:


    It looks like Jack Smith and Kay Alden from Y&R were hired as consultants by the network, not sure but Alden is supposedly focusing on AMC and Smith on GH.

    I don't know what this means if anything, they wrote for Y&R for years. It'll be nice to have a fresh voice I guess, but if it doesn't affect Jane or the Q's I guess I don't really care, LOL.

    I guess consulting isn't like the writers are replaced, but maybe some of their ideas might be used?

    I just thought I'd share that.

    And YAY ! Debbie's going to write while on vacation. :)

  5. knh no one who loves Tracy Q could be or can be a loser.

    It's written somewhere, I'm sure of it, and if it's not , I'm saying it now.

    So there. :)

    Lainey you're actually watching, so I'll defer to you, but truthfully? The only time I haven't wished swift sudden death upon WhineLu is in scenes with Tracy. I also don't like the apparent mob center Lulu's stories are taking.

    I don't know how I feel about her with Dillon, since I'm not watching.

    They grossed me out before, but truthfully, the idea of Lulu with anyone grossed me out before.

    Sorry Lulu fans. :(

    Ms.Q I agree. I just miss our girl.

  6. Have fun on your vacation Debbie, and soooo glad ya'll found the check. :)

    Did you HUG the redneck, Debbie? Just wondering. :) *ducks*

    Have fun on your vacation. :)

    yes I suppose Tracy (and this site) ARE addictive.

    Best character on daytime IMO. Played by one of the best actresses. what's not to love?

    And Reg....*whines* you ARE going to retcon and do the plot bunny we were talking about yesterday.

    Right? :D

    Okay if you don't, but I think it could be your best work yet..... B)

    I so hope our girl is on BEFORE the Christmas show.

    Idiots. <_<

    ETA Reg the fic idea is a good one, but since I don't normally write fics I'll stay out of the voting process. LOL

  7. Gosh you guys are a fic writin' group these last few days.....and I LOVE it.

    The stuff I read here is TEN times better than the stuff I get on my screen.

    How sad is that??

    But good for meeeeee cause I get Tracy goodness.

    Tracy was GREEN. Hah. :) Cute Story Deb.

    It reminds me of an incident years ago with Tracy and Monica and Lucy and some face cream that was experimental. I think they all had green faces or something. But it was funny and cute. :)

    Um.....anyone else have any OTHER fics they want to post?

    Cause I think we may be in for a little dry spell........

  8. Thought for the day: isn't this just a perfect time to bring back Paul??

    I think it looks like PS might be killed off OLTL soon, and he could pop up just as Luke and Tracy get comfortable again.

    Can you see Luke's face, and how he will react, with the shoe on the other foot?

    Hmmmm.........verrrryyyy interesting.

    And uh no....no Tracy so far today I don't think. :(<_<:angry:

  9. Reg do you mean JE's birthday?

    Her 60th?? :)

    01/17/1947....yes I know, I need help too. :)

    And since you likey the idea about the "bodyguard" thing Reg, why don't YOU write it?

    *taps foot* Because that? Having Luke give a crap, instead of the way he acted when Tracy was kidnapped by that goon last year ?? Would soooo ROCK.

  10. Reg I loved both your stories, and nex I haven't had a chance yet to view your vid.

    I know it'll be great though.

    speaking of stories for Birthday presents, *cough* someone has six months to do mine.


    Although next week would be nice, but no rush......

    I'd like a cute fun flirty "light" one......seeing the clip from the HS with Helena/Tracy/Luke (THANK YOU Ms.Q for that, I have watched it many many times already)

    made me really miss that antagonistic bickering side of their relationship. I think the show should have played on that more, because those moments are some where the sexual tension is most obvious, IMO.

    I'm just kidding, I'm not telling anyone they have to write it, but I'd love to see a Luke/Tracy adventure story, or on the run, I know on real GH there would sadly be a lot of comparisons to Luke/Laura, even though they are totally different and should be treated so, that'll never happen, and we'd hear a bunch of " Luke/Laura would never do it that way,etc".

    A fic might be more possible because we can do what we want in fics, we can make it as fun and silly or as serious as we want.

    I also would have loved to see Luke moving into the Q's to protect Tracy from Helena (which is how the story should have started IMO) after he took the money from Helena's bank account....and then they fight and bicker their way to love. ( I REALLY like this one as the idea for a "retro" fic, making THIS the start instead of the Vegas thing. Maybe, a BIG maybe, Luke and Tracy DO marry, but it's as a cover to explain Luke's presence at the mansion). *hint* to Debbie or Ms.Q, who would ROCK this particular story I think.

    ETA that I just think that the story would have been a lot more dignified and mature and touching and human and would have actually allowed us to see the two of them together fighting the attraction....as opposed to what we actually got. :)

    *shrug* just thinking about how GH screwed up what could have been a great story from the beginning, of course Jane and TG make it great now, but I hate that there are so many missed opportunities in the story.

    Anyone wanna guess if TQ will be on today? Anyone?? :rolleyes:

  11. I know I am way late but Happy Birthday Staci ! Sorry it wasn't the best. :(

    I tried wishing you a Happy Birthday on the JE site but it kept bringing me back to the sign in screen after I already signed in and tried to "post" my message.

    So I kept going in circles, signing in and then typing a post and trying to post it but getting directed back to the sign on screen.

    Anyone else have that problem?

    Anyway, Happy Birthday to you, what's left of it.

    Debbie I liked the fic, your fics and Ms.Q's almost always make me like Lacy, even when I don't IRL.

    I thought it was *sweet*.

    Reg I'll have to read yours and reply,and nex I'll have to watch your vid tomorrow.

    I am off to bed, if I forgot to review a vid or story, sorry.....my job is just crazy and my boss takes advantage and he just doesn't care that he drives us into the ground. He doesn't care if we work fourteen hour days, as long as HE gets to go home at 5.

    He just doesn't care. :(

    And YAY ! I get to get up and do it all over again in the morning.


    Thanks for letting me rant. :)

  12. BTW about the vids......I hate to again sound computer UN-savvy, but how do you view MEGA upload?

    I've never been able to do it, when I type in the letters it says to type, it doesn't do ANYTHING.

    I'd love to have been able to watch all the vids and clips you guys have posted, but the MegaUpLoad alludes me.

    I also wasn't able to view the "Bus" clip that SC did, I never could get that thing to plaY.

    Happy almost Birthday to Staci.


    *sips peppermint cappucino*

    Have a safe trip Debbie and have fun. :)

    I'll pop back in, I likely have to go to work today. *she says, smiling through her frustration*

    But I'll be baaaaaack.


  13. *tangos into post with a red rose*

    Ola my lovelies !! :P

    Um Lainey yeah I think that's it for Lucas Lorenzo Loser uh I mean Spensa....for NOW.

    Oh Staci I loved the Waiting Room updates.

    Crap you made me cry.

    I love it. :)

    I have something cookin' on the personal front, not GH related, and I won't know till probably next Friday if it's going to go through but I'll share if it does.........Big changes if so. I don't mind, I like change and I'm due for one, feeling restless....that's unfortunately a quality that Luke and I share.....

    Well better get off to bed, and smirks and coolkid glad to see you posting, of course there are others we haven't seen in a while.

    What happened to tracyluver, kenna, and wow when's the last time we saw 4XCrazy?

    I miss all you guys. :(

    And you can NEVER have enough Tracy love.

    It's a rule, darlin'.

    I bought the SID, it was worth it for the TQ/JE stuff.

    I love how SID loves Tracy and Jane. I don't care too much for the Jason and Sonny worship, but I love the Jane praise of course.

    Have a good morning ya'll.

    Me tired and off to bed. :)

    WELL CRAP ! LOL I come in here and about to leave and see TracyLuv, Ms.Q and nex all hangin.'

    I'd stick around but I really am tired. *waves*

  14. Well we were right weren't we Staci?

    That WAS the last of Luke.

    Well at least Guza didn't try to think up some really stupid story this time.

    At least this time, the taking off made real sense.

    Too bad Luke is still too selfish to say goodbye. :(

    Oh. I seriously hope we'll get more than one more day this month and next of Tracy.

    And WOW but WOW. Is this a new thing, is Geary getting more vacation days now?

    Because he was always there for the month of December before.


    *twiddles thumbs*

    I guess TRacy possibly not being around means we'll get more fan fic?

    *she asks hopefully*

  15. Tracy-less days suck.


    And I have that feeling too Ms.Q, that maybe the next time we see Tracy she'll make a passing comment about Luke being gone and that's it.

    *bites tongue*


    And Ms.Q thanks but I already found it. Sorry. LOL

    nex I sometimes post at SOC too, and smirks pretty much lives there, so see ya there. :)

  16. Yeah I know I'm going to sound obsessive about it, but I know Staci might know right where to look: what date was it, ( I know it was after Helena was recaptured last year and BEFORE Lacy married) that Luke said to Tracy, " certain women can capture my attention just by walking into a room. You've always been one of those women for me, Tracy."

    I think this was the same episode where Tracy tells Luke he has just as much a chance of getting his hands on that money as he does getting his hands on her. But I can't remember what day that was.

    I'd like to find the transcript.

    BTW...I'd just like to add, that in Debbie's quote, Tracy DID say, " I ALWAYS knew Luke Spencer would be good in bed,"

    And Luke DID say, " You've ALWAYS been one of those women for me, Tracy."

    I don't think it's a rewrite, for them to admit again, that there was an attraction from way back when.

    It's not like they said they had an affair, or dated, or had a love child, or anything that was remotely unfaithful to Mitch or Laura (although to be fair, Luke and Laura weren't even an official couple while Tracy was still around....Laura was still married to Scott.)

    Anyhoo...I'm off to bed. :)

    Here's to TQ tomorrow. :)

  17. re: Tracy's "long hidden desire" (that is such a Harlequin title waiting to happen) for Luke. Dudes, you can be attracted to someone without wanting to act on it. You can be actively chasing another person (or persons) and still take a look at somebody and say, Wow, I bet he'd be good in bed. She actually says, and I quote, "I always figured Luke Spencer would be good in bed" during the Coleman morning-after scene. This is not a new thing, her attraction to him. Back during the Dead Man's Hand sl, they just oozed sexual chemistry as they were fighting over the right to own a casino in town. There is no reason at all that Tracy could not have been attracted to him in the past.

    So. There.

    SOD, I know you have made me a minor-league celebrity, but you need to take a time out now.

    Oh, our phone line to the computer is out, so I may not be online at home as much till we can get it fixed. (I'm hooked to the main line right now.) Regency, I'm going to try to get some of the edits on your stories done. Feel free to like, you know, um, write some more. These are awesome, especially The Die Falls.

    Oooh new fics. Me likey !

    And Debbie, your post was so good I just had to copy and say "ditto".

    Luke has ALWAYS had an eye for a pretty lady.

    Even AFTER he married Laura.

    It doesn't mean he would have left her for Tracy.

    But WOW, you'd be amazed at the number of people online that go all spasmodic over it.

    It's like sacrilege, to even hint they might have been attracted to, and noticed, other people.

    Even when history has already proven otherwise !

    I just.don't.get.it.

    My personal opinion about SOD? Eh. They parrot whatever the majority view of the message boards is, and most of the boards were outraged about it.

    People on the mag staffs surf the boards, are probably posting members of most boards, and get a lot of their opinions and ideas from the boards.

    So yeah, they wanna sell mags and impress people? They tell em what they think the majority wants to hear.

    Meh. ICAM with everything you said. Both of them have before now, before Laura came back, acknowledged in one form or another that they noticed the other one.

    Who knew such a thing would be the crime of the century? Because with Laura awake and alive and all...Luke shouldn't even be giving Tracy the time of day.

    He should be busy kissing Laura's feet.

    Or something. <_<

  18. Awwww Staci I just don't have much to say........

    I LOVED Monday's Tracy/Luke scenes, short as they were.

    I too thought Jane as Tracy was about to cry there at the end.

    This show so wastes Jane. :(

    May pop back in later, I was going to stick around here and do some work, but ya know what?

    I think I'm going to call it a night.

    Of course now that I have my home computer I can pop (almost typed poop LOL) back in later.

    My sister. I owe her big. She let me borrow the money for the computer, and she put it on her credit card.

    I have to get her something EXTRA nice for Christmas. :) LOL

  19. *waves to Ms.Q*

    I'm at work and about to go eat at my parent's so I have to hurry.

    Happy T-Day everyone.

    Yesterday, I actually watched most of it.

    Tyler and Greg made me cry.

    Tony over acted.

    JMB under acted.

    But Tyler and Greg were wonderful.

    Reg I don't know about status quo.

    I'm not a couple FF, never have been, never will be.

    I'm a TracyFF, and her happiness is all I care about really.

    I'm an odd one on online message boards, I guess...because lots of other people are all. about. the couples.

    *shrug* I do like Lunacy/lacy, but I'm just going to take one day at a time.

    And DEBBIE, I do think it was your letter in SOD, I didn't buy the mag but saw it last night at WalMart.

    Great letter.


    I think it was the one you posted here.

    Congrats girl. :)

    See you all tomorrow or Sat probably.

    Have a great day everyone !


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