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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Tracy IS *the* spunky Q.

    AND she's a danger junkie just like her errant hubby.

    Any REAL long time TracyQ fan knows the woman likes her bad boys...and she likes her bad boys mainly because of that element of excitement/danger.

    And TG knows it too.....I *loved* his comment in the press about Tracy being able to climb the tower and save Luke which was a refreshing change for him.

    Of course our girl needs to know that she can count on Luke to have her back too.....one reason I loved the HS/Helena with a gun/Luke w/the Kevlar vest thing sooo much(what I got to see of it....I missed the whole "Tracy kicks/knocks the gun out of Helena's hands" thing and would very much love to see it if anyone has clips.)

  2. In the Break Room for a little while--it's 11:15 eastern.

    ETA: Okay, since I'm all by my lonely in the chat room, thought I'd come by here and post something amusing/interesting/wasting of space. So. Since I refuse to listen to the naysayers (*glares at ILTQ and MsQ*) who speculate that JE won't be returning after November, how about a game of "what new storyline should Tracy have in 2007"?

    I'm thinking she and Luke should go into business together. Not the Haunted Star, but some wacky Luke-type business, the type that involves a lot of risk and adventure (and maybe Tracy pointing a gun at somebody sometime around March). There should be the potential for LOTS of profit (cuz, we're talking Luke and Tracy here) and lots of adventure and danger for them (to have them turning to each other for warmth and sex sympathy).

    Face it--Tracy would be a perfect accomplice for Luke, and they would make a formidable team in any endeavor they attempted, wouldn't they?

    So what do you want to see Luke and Tracy doing in 2007? (Yeah, Lainey, having sex is one of the options....)

    You see I can totally see this not only happening but being plausible.

    I've read posts where people said that what you just described doesn't sound like something that Tracy would do,etc....and I always laugh over that because IMO it's totally Tracy. I think people don't either really know the character or they haven't been paying attention.

    I mean I remember this woman going to BROOKLYN (I think that's where it was) to Gino's old house to look for some papers or something...knowing any minute his associates could discover her rooting around.

    I remember her FINDING those papers too. All by her little lonesome.

    Tracy's very gutsy/brave..and there's no reason why TIIC can't write Lacy on their own little adventures.


    Fanfic hint...LOL I loved the planecrash story Debbie did and I know everyone else here would do such a thing very well also........hint hint. LOL

  3. Old Twig...that's Luke(or LittleLuke) I'm not sure which....I just remember Tracy threatening to snap it off or snap him in half or both.

    Drunken Quartermaine Wannabe....that would be Skye.

    Dishrag would be Georgie

    Theiving gold digging tramp..HOLLY?

    Homicidal maniac? Helena?

    Blonde ball of fluff is Courtney

    Town pump is Sam

    Cookie....that was Lulu right?

    Sniveling valedictorian was Georgie

    Cheap Tart...Holly again?

    Nasty little hooch was Lulu

    ETA *waves to angel.* :)

  4. Oh Lainey ! *hugs* I love your optimism. Once upon a time *I* was the optimist on this thread believe it or not.


    I just want Tracy and Jane to be respected.

    And to get airtime.

    I don't even care if they put her in a SL with Jason or Sonny.

    There. I said it. I'm THAT desperate.

    I'm up for a short break..anyone wanna chat?

  5. I'd love to but I can't seem to get in.

    I have to run to the store and I'll be right back cause I have work related issues....and I may try again then but not having any luck right now. Oh and just cause I'm bright and sunshiny and all that....ya'll check out the SON spoilers.


  6. *waves* to everyone*

    And tracyluver you are just a ray of sunshine. :)

    here's the SZ post about the SD stuff LOL:

    A very sexy love scene was filmed on a closed set yesterday. The whole cast and crew were buzzing about it.

    It takes place on a rarely used set, but you will see this particular set this week, so pay attention

    spumor talk over

    PS ETA tracyluver you may be right...love scenes may ALL be on a closed set. *shrug*

  7. spumor talk

    Yes I do believe in the power of prayer. I just don't care enough about GH to bother. LOL

    I mean I love my Tracy....and I'd love to get to see ONE even quasi-FTB Lacy love scene before JE and/or TG leave....but I don't care enough to pray over it.

    Sorry Lainey. :( I may throw up a prayer for YOU, but I don't care enough about it. Mainly because I'm scared GaP will mess it up? Also because I hate that Laura MIGHT walk in and then Tracy would be ALPO on the boards...even if all she'd be doing is making love with her husband.

    SZ elaborated and said that the supposed love scene was filmed on a closed set( which makes me think it WILL be some unusual couple. Otherwise why the closed set? IF the rumor is even true...it's supposed to be a rarely used set and we're supposed to see the set pop up this week. So pay attention all ye who are watching. List off the sets used that don't seem familiar. Cause off the top of my head I can't think of one.

    I hope Spencer is Jax's kid. Jax has been waiting a lot longer than Nik to be a dad.

    About Alexis not being Sam's mother....I could really care less. But yeah they'll make her Laura's kid before they will make her Tracy's or Monica's or anyone else's. Although there was the spoiler/rumor that Sam and Jason would be moving into the Q mansion........


  8. Popping in to add that I enjoyed "Beautiful Disaster's" update and Oh Baby and Chances Are and of course Lainey's Bomb Story and Regency's story from yesterday....I can't remember who I reviewed and who I didn't and truthfully I'm short on time and usually forget to comment but I loved the updates.

    I am DYING to know who has Tracy held captive in Beautiful Disaster. Is is Helena? I HAVE to know. LOL It's driving me crazy.

    And yeah my cable is still in need of repair so if Tracy's on today details please ! And thank you. :)

  9. Ohhhh.....I couldn't find the story. Maybe I'm not nuts then...but LJ still confuses me sometimes when I go on it.

    I just knew I couldn't find the story and felt REALLY stupid.

    About the dream Ms.Q....maybe the best parts of it will come true. Or something similiar.

    I had a dream about Tracy/Coleman before they ever "hooked" up, so who knows?

  10. CAn someone please explain how to navigate Live Journal like I'm a six year old?

    And if I sound irritated it's because I am. :)

    Regency I managed to read the Laura story and the other one but HOW do I find the Lovely Bones?

    I don't see anything recent on your page.

    How do I find it?

    Please someone help.


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