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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Regency is there any other way you could post the stories in some other format?

    I can't read them.

    MinervaFan I liked your story.

    Keith yours as well.

    Too bad that on GH...a supposedly professionally written soap, we won't get near the depth. I'll be surprised if we even get much of Tracy beyond maybe one Lacy scene.

    It's obvious TIIC don't value her. And considering she's HEADS above any other actress on that show, that's really sad.

  2. Thank you Toups. And I second Ms.Q's request to change the name of the thread...it's always kind of bugged me .

    And Marland there are no double standards here.

    A double standard would be if I went into the RC/Skye appreciation thread and posted what I thought about her acting...or how I hate Skye...and then in the same breath told you NOT to post that about JE here.

    I couldn't care less if you dislike Jane or Tracy.

    But you won't be spewing your venom in the TQ lovefest EVER again.

    It's called respect. I don't care for RC or Skye...but I keep my feelings OUT of the RC thread.

    You should do the same..and we can coexist peacefully.

    And YAY ! for all the fics...I will read at lunch.

    And YAY ! for everyone speaking up for and standing up for our girl. It warms me heart, it does. *sniff*

  3. Well knh thank you for saying that. You saved me the time. :)

    As far as Lacy goes....Marland has lurked here long enough to know most of us are Lacy fans, or that we at least enjoy them together as scene partners.

    And Marland has posted/lurked here long enough to know some of us don't like Skye.

    I'm not going to pretend to like Skye just because a Skye fan comes into the TRACY thread and basically disses a couple that poster knows most of us enjoy.

    Sorry if that hurts your feelings Marland. Maybe I did come off a little harsh. But we've already had the discussion many many pages back, from the last time you came in posting basically having a negative attitude about Tracy and/or Lacy.

    And I believe at the time several of us already told you that this is not the place for bashing Tracy or Lacy.

    If you want to do that, do it in a Tracy hate thread or in the Skye thread or wherever else.

    This is a LOVEFEST. :) For TRACY Quartermaine fans. If you want to post GOOD things about the character or actress, this is the place to do it.

    If you wish to bash her, don't do it here.

    I'll be hanging in the breakroom for a while if anyone wishes to join me. :)

  4. Gosh even as much as I hate Luke sometimes....he doesn't deserve to be stuck with Skye yet again.

    I don't know what makes you think Luke would choose Skye over Tracy Marland. He's had plenty of opportunities to do it and didn't.

    Although if Jane chooses to leave in six weeks...of course they'll probably put Skuke back together.

    And if TK is fired they'll likely do a Tracy/Luke/Skye triangle if Jane stays.

    Personally I think it's sickening myself. I'd rather stick hot pokers in my eyes than sit through that.

    And Tracy fans?? Rabid??


    Just because we post a lot doesn't make us rabid. It just means we love her.

    Now Laura fans/LnL fans..yep they're rabid for the most part. I don't imagine it's going to easy to be online the next two months. Because I can easily see Guza making a scapegoat out of Tracy.

    But whatever happens I'm going to enjoy Jane for as long and as often as I have her.

  5. I don't know why. Mainly because I don't think I have the talent to carry those ideas out?


    I did freewrite a while back and wrote four short chapters on an idea...but I got bored with it. I don't think what I wrote was all that bad. I just wasn't interested enough in it to finish.

    For now I think I'll leave the fic writing to ya'll....but ya never know. I might just actually finish a Tracy fic one day....it's a pipe dream. LOL

    ETA *pours Debbie a cup of toffee pecan flavored coffee and cuts her a slice of chocolate fudge torte cake* :)

  6. No scoopage.

    TIIC certainly ARE keeping a tight lid on specific spoilers about Laura's return and any Tracy/Luke stuff.

    Which under different circumstances I'd say might be a good thing. But then I think it's mainly due to Guza and Co. writing as they go. LOL No I'm serious.


    Oooh as far as your plot bunnies: write which ever one interests you the most and if none of the others do, put someone in the stories that sparks your interest or change it up a bit.

    You like Lulu/Tracy...how about it being Lulu's sick bed she's tending to, or even Alan's or Ned's. Have it be Edward, if Edward must be in the story, that sees her devotion and have him be the one to try and make her slow down.

    Hmm...I'm sick of hearing about Laura's return myself. Sorry. I can't even stomach thinking about it.

    Although I'm sure I'd love anything you wrote. But I'd put a twist on it and I'd have Tracy be the one to take off and Luke has to track her down (sort of like Regency's WIP )

    I no likey the Edward not her father thing. I think it'd be much more traumatic and destructive for TQ to find out LILA wasn't her mother. CAn't you just see Tracy facing that the good she thought she got from Lila...she really didn't get biologically? Especially if say HELENA were her mother. Throw in some Lunacy angst(Luke married to Helena's daughter? hmmm) and THAT's your story.

    Edward had so many affairs..and it's believable that Helena would give up her baby so Mikkos wouldn't kill it.

    But maybe she gave the baby up to an orphanage and she didn't know that Edward had her followed and made sure he got the baby.

    So even Helena does not know Tracy is hers.

    I personally am not a Helena fan. But the dynamic between the two characters is interesting.

    Tracy might totally self destruct. ANGST people. ANGST.

    The kidnapping and who gets to live/who gets to die? Let that be Ned/Dillon who are kidnapped...and Tracy must decide their fates.

    If Tracy/Luke and/or Tracy/Dillon/Ned do something together....all for it. Tracy/Luke could dance, Tracy/Ned/Dillon could sing.

    And of course something happens right before the performances....

    How about for that last one, Tracy decides after Laura goes catatonic again that she just can't stay married to Luke. She readies her bags to fly to parts unknown and tells Luke he and Lulu will have to find another place to live. Luke appears to agree but kidnaps her and attempts to take her somewhere that they can talk uninterrupted. ONly for both of them to end up kidnapped by Helena and the two of them must work together to escape. They are kept somewhere where immediate escape is necessary....such as a timed bomb about to go off, or maybe the air supply is slowing running out. Or in a tank with the water rising. Some type of situation that raises the tension....and might make true feelings come out. Hint hint.

    People say strange things when they think they're about to die.

    Just suggestions. As far as writer's block....free writing maybe?

  7. I'd rather see Jane play M'Lynn or even Claree. Ouiser is typecasting IMO...I'd rather see her play something different.

    Or even Truvy's role.

    I don't watch episodic tv...seriously. Name any "new" show that has been on in the last ten years and I'll bet I can count on one hand the number of different series I've even seen one full episode of.

    I'm a freak what can I say....and how odd I'd watch a soap even only on days JE is on...when I don't normally watch any other episodic tv.

    I watch reruns of Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond.

    I watch reruns of Law and Order and sometimes new ones.... oh yeah and I LOVE "Monk" on USA but never get to watch it anymore because the cable package I have doesn't include USA.

    but other than that? Next to nothing that's an actual series.

    So it's kind of hard for me to say what show I'd like to watch Jane on.


    Jane once said she'd love to play the exact opposite of Tracy...like a woman who cleaned houses for a living or something. So I guess I'd like that for her since that's what she would desire to do.

    As far as the SD rumor:

    The Q's are just a plot point for everybody else's babies. They will hardly be shown even if lawsuits are mentioned.

    And yeah that's negative...but it's also based on the past three years of disappointments. LOL

    rumor talk over

    ETA *waves* to nex

  8. You have good points MF.

    And I agree with most.

    I especially like the idea of Laura seeing Lacy together and realizing what the two of them have failed to either realize or admit.

    BUT the difference is that Guza does not appear to know or love Tracy like we do.

    WE know Tracy would not sit idly by.

    But I don't trust that Guza does.

    I don't trust him not to "Skye-ify" her, and make her this placid "understanding" PodTracy.

    I mean if Laura waking up doesn't bring out the fight in Tracy...something's wrong.

    Although Tracy stepping aside and letting Luke go if she felt that was best...would also be in character for her. It could go either way. But I just can't see Tracy agreeing passively to let Laura stay, or to be the one to INVITE Laura to stay.

  9. Oh I agree Jane will always play her with as much of an edge as possible.

    But even Jane won't be able to fully justify Tracy pacifully sitting by while Luke or Edward or someone else(HER??) moves Laura into the Q mansion.

    And let's face it...that's likely the way it'll happen. Where ELSE would she stay? So we might as well get prepared for the possibility of that happening.

  10. Gosh it's so quiet in here lately.


    Question: Do we think they're softening up Tracy TOO much?

    And someone on SZ posted something I'm bringing over here: TIIC need to remember that Lacy's main connection is that Tracy is the polar OPPOSITE of Laura.

    In fact...that is the main reason I've even believed Tracy has a fighting chance. Because she can offer Luke the total opposite of Laura.

    I'm all for showing the heart and depth that's always been there anyway...but if they soften her too much I'm afraid that's going to take away what makes Lacy "them."

    Know what I mean?

    Anyone agree/disagree?

    I want to see the SPUNK back....not cartoony evil.

    Just SPUNK. With a dash of naughty.

    The way Tracy is BEST.

  11. *waves to tracyluver. Glad to see you posting. :)

    And Keith next time we role play in the chatroom YOU be Luke M'Kay?

    I felt really weird after pretending to be Luke Spencer. I can't explain it. I expected to find chest hairs this morning. It was...a strange testosteroney experience. Seriously.

    I'll stick to being the woman. I don't know if I can roleplay Tracy though.

  12. Favorite/Least Favorite...

    Hair Style? The curls most favorite. The really short hair? Hate.

    Jacket/Robe? I don't mind her jackets. Ditch the robes

    "Normal" outfit? I don't mind her wardrobe. I just wish they'd start dressing more to accentuate her good points instead of focusing so much on hiding her "bad"ones...although I don't think she has a bad one.

    TQ Line/Speech? All of them. Not too fond of any of the goings on while Luke was chasing Skye and Tracy had nothing to do but snark at them though.

    Acting Partner? Of all time? Gerald Anthony hands down....nobody else even comes close. But I think Jane rocks with everyone.

    Scene (Jan. through September 19th)? Anything without Luke in it. The Dillon/Tracy scenes in the hospital during the epidemic.

    Anything else? Nah. Not really.

  13. I'll answer the poll a little later when I have time to think of my answers....LOL

    Umm I guess no Tracy today?


    Well my theory is that the chat/breakroom is one reason why....since we've had that we don't post as much.

    I don't mind having it....just wish maybe we could continue to make a point to post here as well.

    My main reason for not posting as much?


    I'm now going to be doing the office COMPLETELY by myself after next week...for the foreseeable future....and it's normally staffed by three workes and one clerk.

    Yeah. :(

    I also think the lack of TQ...the suckiness of GH....frustration with the material JE IS given...and on and on....leads a lot of people to just not post.

    FOr me it's hard to think of TQ related things to post sometimes.

  14. Yes I miss her too. :(

    I have to say....I'll give kudos to both TG/JE because the scene where he tells her he has to leave but doesn't tell her why....I loved it.

    Because you could tell Luke didn't want to hurt her...but he also knew she'd be mad. And rightly so.

    The audience knows however that she will be hurt and that makes me anticipate the JE scenes when she finds out she's been taking care of his daughter for him while he's off chasing a doctor to help his ex-wife.

    And being a better parent to Lulu than her own father BTW.

    As far as divorcing Luke...maybe not when he gets back, but possibly when she finds out WHY he was gone.

  15. MinervaFan WK was born in 1958 if I'm not mistaken.

    So Jane could play Laura or Skye's mother.

    Personally.....I don't see how anyone as boring as either one of them could ever come from Tracy.

    Ugh. I need coffee. LOL

    I hope the abortion dies where it is and is never mentioned again. I still think it was out of character for her and I just hope it goes no further than a plot point to prop Lulu.

  16. *waves to all*

    Yep. Tracy free day. :(


    Hope everyone is doing okay though on the RealLife front.

    ME? LOLOLOL....I am now doing the work of three people here and one lady who was coming in to help just got a new job.....LOL And I'm surprising even myself that so far they haven't come into the office and found me in a fetal position sucking my thumb.

    That rodeo clown job is looking better and better....BTW I asked my mom sorta off the cuff if she thought I'd be good at it and she said she didn't think I could run from the bull fast enough because of my short stubby legs.

    WEll I happen to *like* my legs. I think they're pretty sexy. :)

    Even if they ARE short and stubby.

    Anyhoo.....LOL.....I have to say that while I love Jane...not digging the hair. It needs layering or something.

    Or it's too long. I don't know. I do prefer it to the *really* short cuts she's had in the past though.

    ETA Keith....DUDE. I read your first part of your DOOL fic. You are SUCH a good dialogue writer. Keep it in script form please. Your story ROCKS.

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