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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Keith you're a doll. Love ya. *smooches* All except that letting Lulu live thing.

    Still love ya anyway though...and you're right. It is too much death if she croaks too.

    Darn it. *snaps fingers*

    Oh Ms.Q someone posted that spoiler at SZ.

    I think it's made up.

    I think Luke/Tracy will surprise everyone.

    Just wait and see. :)

    And no....I have no info this time. LOL

    Just my gut instinct that Tracy is going to be more of a factor in Luke's heart than even Luke realizes. :)

    *skips out of post*

    (Because sometimes strange confessions come out of angsty situations...and that's all I'm saying. )

  2. spoiler about "Oh BAby"....don't read if you haven't read the updates.

    I liked the updates Ms.Q. And I agree it's totally in character for Luke to say it first.

    On the show Tracy won't say it first. Not if they write her correctly.

    And I liked you kept it that way here.

    Oh and thank you for having Luke say it at a time when he didn't feel pressured to.

    "Oh Baby" spoiler talk ended.

    Anyone got any Tracy scoops?

    ((echo)) anyone?

  3. I haven't read the updated chapters yet Ms.Q but will in a minute. I too noticed no Luke or Lulu in the video.

    I guessed too that maybe you were just doing the Q's.

    I liked it. But I wonder if anyone would be willing to do a Tracy/Lulu vid?

    They haven't had a lot of touching scenes but they've had enough scenes together to comprise a vid.

    I like Lulu with Tracy...but only with Tracy and only because Tracy doesn't let her get away with the self pity crap.

    "I refuse to feel sorry for someone who can make a list of people that care about her."

    You tell her Tracy !! :P

  4. spoiler talk

    Yes it said "rescue." :rolleyes:

    Let's completely forget that she's not blameless in all this.

    The ONLY time I can tolerate her is with Tracy.

    And call me crazy but TIIC are going out of their way to make her look and sound blameless. :huh:

    I don't have a problem with Luke blaming Tracy ONLY because that means Luke/Tracy scenes..Luke/Tracy angst...Tracy angst...and airtime for Jane.

    Even if she's not in the room( and sadly I think she will be and he'll lump them all together) we'll get our confrontation scenes and I can't wait.


    spoiler talk over

  5. tracyluver as humiliating as it is...is there anyone like a school nurse or a teacher you can talk to?

    They might be able to do something about it quietly.

    Either that..or we could all drive up to your school...and bring the chatroom *bat* with us...and beat him to a pulp.

    Whichever works for you. :)

    I'm sorry about your day. Bad days SUCK.

    MinervaFan I noticed that about Tracy too....also thought it was cool that she said she "knocked" which translates into she IS giving Lulu privacy and respecting it.

    I also noticed when Lulu listed off the people who were there for her she said about Tracy "even you" and DIDN'T mention Skye( small squee) and Tracy didn't correct her or interrupt her but DID say she wouldn't feel sorry for someone who could make a list of the people that cared about her...(and Tracy didn't object to being on that list !)

    I just thought that scene was the most subtle....Tracy's way of saying w/out saying, that she cares about Lulu. She said it in several ways.

    I would have liked more of a reaction, verbally or physically, to Lulu telling Tracy they were nothing alike.

    Tracy doesn't have Lulu's self pity streak (thank God)....but we didn't even get a facial reaction shot. What's up with the blocking on the show? We should have gotten facial reactions in several of those moments that we didn't get.'

    I thought that the spoilers indicated Tracy WOULD be on today.

    Guess we'll see.

  6. *waves to everyone* I can't wait to watch....:)

    Was it really THAT good?

    Cause sometimes you know you hear about it and get all pumped...and then you watch and you're kinda Hmm...well....LOL

    Know what I mean??

    I'm going home to watch and it may be tomorrow before I weigh in with my opinion but I will. :)

  7. Okay so based on recaps it sounds like a good day.

    They wrote it as Tracy had an abortion between Dillon and Ned. It sounds like a good day for our girl but it seems like she was only on the first half of the show.

    And since I'm at work can't give too many details, sorry. :(

    *waves* to nex.

  8. I did not see the brief "You'll regret it" Tracy said to Lulu at the end of Tuesday's show. I set the VCR to tape the very end and for some reason it cut off right before that moment.

    I did however watch yesterday....and knowing my girl it's possible she IS making up a story.

    I don't think it's entirely out of character...that's not my problem with it. It's just that we never see her and when they do trot her out it's to play wallpaper.(sometimes EVIL wallpaper). Which Jane hates.

    I'd like to see some diversity in the storytelling besides Tracy being brought on to be everyone's foil.

    That said....if she is lying I don't fault her even though I don't agree with it. Because I understand her motives. She believes Dillon wants this child and Tracy wants to give Dillon that.

    I also don't fault her because after the lies and manipulations Lulu perpetrated..she sort of has it coming for someone to lie to her.

    I mean Dillon and Georgie are waayyy too understanding of her for my taste.

    So if Tracy lies...yes it's bad...but Lulu sort of deserves it IMO after the things she did and of course they'll write it with Lulu being the injured party and Tracy the evil witch.

    Par for the course.

    Poor, Poor Edward. *snicker* can't wait MinervaFan.

    If they don't have Tracy lying *squees* right along with Keith.

    LaineyBev I like your scenario.

    Let's hope though that Tracy ISN'T lying.


    *waves to everyone lurking*

  9. BTW MinervaFan since you wrote the little story where Tracy tells Lulu she had an abortion....can you write a little diddy about YOUR version of how the Laura/Luke/Tracy story turns out?

    FIgured it can't hurt considering what's going to be said tomorrow.

    Unless Tracy says she gave the baby up but I doubt that.

  10. Not a problem. That poster hates Tracy anyway so I always get a thrill out of sticking it to her when she disses my girl.

    What can I say? I'm petty like that. And it felt GOOD. I might go back and harass her some more.

    Calling our girl an "egg donor."


    I've got some eggs for ya. :lol: Sunny side UP,baby !

    Oh. I have been at work too long. LOL

    And YOU are awesome too Ms.Q ! As are ALL Tracy lovers worldwide. :)

    And with that grandiose statement....I'm out. I'll check back in later though.

    And EEEEEE !!!!! material for JE even if it is filler. Me so happy. :)

  11. I don't know if I agree that the fans love wacky irresponsible comedic Luke.

    I think his diehard fans are loyal no matter what kinda like we are to Tracy.

    But a lot of the posts I read indicate that the viewers want dramatic serious Luke as well or more than PeterPan Luke.

    What I love best about Jane is that she is able...as I was saying to Ms.Q in the reply about her vid...to make the most of whatever she gets.

    I think it's HER(although I may be biased) that gives Lacy the emotional pull it has. Because so far let's face it...we haven't seen a lot of emotion from Luke towards Tracy. Now in part that's due to AG simply not letting anything come through.

    Luke's as passionate as she is...surely he's feeling something even if it's nothing but deep friendship.

    Yet I rarely get that in their scenes unless it's a serious scene. With Jane I get the love Tracy feels even when it's supposed to be a funny scene...like Tracy in the MI during sweeps.

    For me the "change" would have to be AG selling that Luke loves Tracy. A different love from Laura...but loves her all the same.

    I haven't gotten that from him yet...and for me to happily accept them again after GF leaves...I guess that's what I'd need to see.

    I'd need a reason to root for them to go on. And right now I don't have one.

    ETA *waves* to tracyluver

  12. *waves*

    I set the VCR to record the last fifteen minutes of yesterday's show and I guess it recorded but forgot to watch as I got up this morning. Oh well maybe when I go home tonight.

    ABout Laura coming back and whether or not they can go back. No, they can't. Not back to the way things were.

    And you're right Ms.Q...if they do go back to the same old same old...it's going to make Tracy look ridiculously desperate and dumb. Not that TIIC are above doing that...so it could happen.

    BUT can they start over differently? They could. I think actually the only way it should be done is have Tracy move on with someone else and Luke decide he wants to be with her and try to win her back. He must CHOOSE it. And if they part ways for Laura..it would be his choice. No more fifteen million tying him down.

    Of course I think that was always just an excuse...but now he won't even have that excuse anymore. So he'll have to either find another excuse or admit he likes having her around. I doubt TIIC would write a man just for Tracy...so most likely we'll see the two of them alone and obviously missing each other but both too stubborn shy and proud to be the first one to make a move.

    And something happens (what I have no idea) to facilitate them coming back together.

    At least that's how it'd happen in my world. LOL

  13. Yes it means I loved it Ms.Q. Probably one of my favorites already...I watched it like three times.

    It might not hit me so hard if it weren't for Laura coming back.

    But I think you captured the "Bittersweet" of their relationship perfectly.

    And wow...even though most of those scenes took place over a year and a half almost...and there aren't that many of them..Jane and Tony really DO make the most out of every scene they're in don't they?

    They never ever phone it in when they're together.

    I simply love them.


    I hate how Luke treats Tracy a lot of the time.

    But love them as a couple anyway.

    Isn't that strange?


    And with that I'm off to bed.


  14. I looked back over the last page and need to add:

    nex I'm not the only one on SZ who defends her and there are times I don't bother. BUT I will if I feel strongly about it.

    And I understand about not paying to post.

    I took advantage and paid up until January of next year. After that will depend on if our lovely Ms.Elliot re-signs.

    Regency I also feel like I need to apologize to you. I mentioned how I find TWOP too mean for my tastes...but I don't think *you* are at all.

    You've never been anything but polite in this thread.

    I can see why Ms.Q likes to lurk there...the times I have lurked that someone has something insightful about the Q's to say, I usually enjoy reading most of the comments.

    But speaking in general terms?

    I just think the overall tone of the board is negative towards GH and sometimes the opinions of other posters...and it doesn't help my attitude.

    I found myself making pretty nasty comments about characters and hated myself for it because it's just not *me*.

    Obviously I just don't belong there and wisely chose to voluntarily bow out.

    But no offense personally to you...as I said you've never been anything but polite here and I have no beef with you at all. :)

  15. I think we might get a Paul mention tomorrow with Dillon/Tracy...who are supposed to be on together, right?

    (sorta spoilerish...sorry).

    Yeah I think we might.

    But I have a feeling this story is just a plot point to rack up Emmys.

    Gee from Guza??

    Who woulda thunk he'd stoop so low?

    *note sarcasm*

    That was a good post from TWoP.

    I don't post there anymore LOL....but every once in a blue moon I lurk.

    Those guys are a little too mean for my taste so I stay away.

    Still....great post.

    And YAY !


    We should get TQ on FOUR days this week?


    Things are looking up. For now anyway. I don't even care at this moment that the TQ scenes are not about her at all.

    ETA *waves* to nex.

  16. WEll sweetie we called the Q villainization didn't we?

    Just as I said on SZ.....Maxie is going up against the Spencers so there's no going back for her...and I fear this baby and the condom issue...dumb as it is...will rip our little Lacy would be lovebirds right in half.


    My poor Trace. :(

    She's everybody's flunky.

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