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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. knh about your movie...I think I tried to watch when you first posted but I couldn't for some reason.

    What format is it, because I might not be able to watch it on computers at work.

    MinervaFan fear ME? LOL Are you kiddin' me? :lol: Well if you get next to me while I've got stuff bubbling in the microwave I can be dangerous...but beyond that. :huh:

    Ms.Q good updates. I know you said you were having trouble deciding how to end it.

    Well even though I know from the reviews that MinervaFan wants a healthy happy fat baby....I would like that too but I guess it depends on how soapy you want to go.

    Because honestly I have read most of this story not expecting little Lila to make it, honestly.

    But you do whatever you feel lead to do. I'm sure I'll love it either way. :)

    LOL at you MinervaFan and your vid watching.

    Oh hopefully TQ will be on soon. I think she's on Wednesday...but could we have her tomorrow too? :)

  2. Ms.Q would this be Soapzone or another board?

    Anyone I would know?

    And serious question...but how is the CEO of ELQ supposed to know the company was manufactoring defective condoms?

    Wouldn't that be the responsibility of the supervisor of the factory to let them know?

    It's not Tracy's fault.


  3. Awww...MinervaFan honey....I wish I could. Do you want me to lie to you?


    I've heard that when Luke gets back he walks in on Tracy and Robert in what looks like a comprimising position...with Luke apparently misunderstanding and thinking Tracy and Robert have gotten to "know" one another since he's been gone.

    Of course Tracy being Tracy she talks Robert into playing along(this part I hate) and they convince Luke they are lovers....only to have the scheme backfire when Luke offers to give Tracy the divorce rather than fight for her.

    Luke is playing one last scam however...but Tracy thinks he's serious...so she decides to beat him to the punch and not let him "win." She flies to the Dominican Republic to get a quickie divorce...only to have Luke(who didn't think she'd call his bluff) hot on her heels.

    He finds her and after a heated argument they end up making love, with Tracy telling him after the deed is done that the divorce was final that day.

    He vows to win her back and they spend the day together....with Tracy deciding to tell him that she DOES love him...and just as they get back to the hotel room..the phone rings and it is Lulu telling him that Laura has "awakened."


    Or that's how I'd write it. Actually I'd write Laura off a cliff or sold into white slavery.....but that's not going to happen(the white slavery part) because honestly on RealGH Tracy doesn't stand a chance.

    On My GH Laura would either die but I'd rather she made a full recovery and Luke chose Tracy.

    ((HUGS)) to you MinervaFan and *waves* to everyone else.

  4. Keith as far as Stefano on DOOL....I don't want him back either. I wouldn't mind finding out the "gloved hand" is a DiMera but really all that can be done with Stefano HAS been done. He's played out.

    I think he and Jane had chemistry the first time together on GH...but it's been so long ago I really can't remember.

  5. Hey all not much to say right now.....

    I hate that I have to get up and go to work in the morning. UGH.

    Well I hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Maybe we'll hear something this week in the mags about how Luke is supposed to come back?

    And yay for TQ this week.

    *hopes for really good, LONG scenes*


    OOOh EEEKS....question spoiler/spec related that I really hope is true and actually I think it MIGHT BE:

    About GH getting Joe Mascolo as Mikkos Cassadine: Yay or Nay to hooking him up with Tracy?

    Jane worked with Joe when he played Nicholas VanBuren back in the late eighties and of course he was a bad guy but Mikkos could be brought back as slightly less bad than before if the writing were good enough.

    What do you all think?

    I mean I like the slightly nicer side of Tracy but I also fear TIIC taking away ALL of Tracy's claws.

    Thank God Jane always plays it showing Tracy still has some fire and spit and attitude. But teaming her up with Joe as Mikkos.....*wipes away drool* Of course I'd rather have Thaao Penghlis as Victor( I can't get the "Solace" Victor/Tracy pairing out of my head...EVER) or maybe...drumroll...BOTH of them at the same time.

    I hesitate though cause I wouldn't wish GaP's writing on two great actors such as them.

    But hey JE turns their crap into gold. So could they I think.

    spoiler talk over

  6. Oooh LaineyBev if we're voting...I vote for the bittersweet version.

    I don't know....I like the bittersweet stuff. :) What am I saying I like almost all Tracy fics. I've liked everything written by people on this thread.

    I would love a fic written that would of course have a few touching moments but for the most part is humorous. I think that describes "Oh Baby," pretty well...which is probably why it may be my favorite out of all of the fics anyone has written. I love them all....but I think "Oh Baby," is nearer and dearer to my heart.

    So Ms.Q as far as I'm concerned you can take as long as you want with the story. It's a blast and I'm really enjoying it.

    NO, it's not too long. :)

    knh I am searching YouTube right now because I think that's where I saw it. I'll post a link if I find it. :)

    *waves to all*

    Wish me *luck* on my fic. :)

    Cause you know I'm going to need it. :lol:

    ETA I am wading through all the GH videos at you tube....I tried searching just for Dillon videos but it brings up all of them for GH apparently. And there are a LOT. LOL

  7. *drumroll*

    I um...am *toying* with the idea of writing a fic...and started freewriting today.

    I like MinervaFan will probably not post it until and unless I actually finish it. I just don't want to post a first chapter and then lose interest and never post another one.


    And I *know* me. I get bored so easily...that's exactly what would happen. If I'm going to write it I will probably write it and finish it pretty quickly though.

    It's just a plot bunny at this point really....I think I need to go back and research certain character's "voices" by reading transcripts though. It will probably include the following characters:










    Those for sure...and maybe others in smaller roles...and at least *one* very special surprise guest.

    PS sorta research question:

    Haven't there been cases IRL where the father of an unborn child sued for custody to prevent the mother from getting an abortion?

    I seem to remember something happening along those lines.

    Is this ringing a bell with anyone else?

    Oh I already found something....this breaks my heart:


    this is interesting too although it is hardly the same situation but the brother has legal custody of the unborn fetus of his comatose sister...the father is in jail:


    I won't bore ya'll with more...I just am of the belief that the father has just as many rights and it's sad to know he might want the child and won't get to be a father to the child or have a say in it under the law.

    I think it's sad.

    I know not everyone agrees....:)

    So there goes one part of my plot.

    Unless I just want to do like GaP and ignore the law and make up my own law.

    Fiction IS supposed to be all about "what if?" anyway, right?

    Like what if Dillon successfully sued and won custody of the baby before it was born..and was the first father successful at doing so?

  8. Ms.Q I like the fan fic. I understood why you ended it the way you did but I wanted a little more romance. Maybe because we never get it on the show? I guess you held out on this one because the end of "Oh Baby" is going to sweep us away....*nudge*...right? :)

    IT was a good story though....:)

    I'm not sure once Jane leaves that I could promise to still visit the thread...I think it'd make me too sad. I might do it every now and then. I don't know.

    It makes me sad sometimes NOW...LOL.

    Even with Jane still on.

    I guess I just hate being faced with how she's being wasted. And I don't see any other way to interpret it except as a waste.

    But if I knew regular fics were being posted I might. :)

    If I thought I could do a halfway decent job of it I'd try to write one. But I don't think I could. LOL

  9. ABout the spoilers...well at least TQ is on:

    spoiler talk

    I was afraid somehow some way or another Tracy and the Q's would come out looking bad.

    And while I realize defective condoms is a bad thing...the box says 95% effective....which means not 100% which means any lawsuits would be a waste of time. Right?

    So the news gets out defective condoms were made. It isn't exactly the Q's fault...more like the fault of the inspectors on the line in the factory.

    It's not like it wouldn't be the first scandal for the Q's...and how do THEY know Lulu wouldn't have ended up pregnant anyway?

    95% remember?

    They can't say it's because the condoms were defective. It can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt right?

    Don't apologize about GF/Laura Ms.Q. I know there are some on this board that like both or one of them. LOL

    I'm just not one of them. I've hated her boring butt ever since her married to Scotty days.

    Soooo overrated and overhyped...both the character and the actress.

    Well ya'll let's start planning how we're going to entertain ourselves during Laura's return cause I doubt we'll get much if any Tracy.


    You know I hate the part about Tracy and the Q's seemingly only wanting the kid cause of the scandal.....but Lulu IS Carly Jr. and her butt is going to get propped to Kingdom Come...at the expense of our girl and her family for starters. Guess we better get used to it.

    spoiler talk over

    Can't wait for your fic update Ms.Q.

  10. *waves

    No TQ again huh?


    spoiler talk

    Oh who cares about Genie Francis? Really. She's so overrated. Oh I know that there are enough out there that love her and the ratings will rise a little.

    As far as *spiking* ...LMBO...if they do go up they won't stay up...cause I have a feeling Luke/Laura fans will be very disappointed.

    Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    I wonder how early we'll hear spec about Jane leaving?

    Cause you know there's going to be huge rumors with GF possibly staying longer.

    spoiler talk over

    I just want Tracy on my screen. I fear however that with the current IIC JE/Tracy will NEVER get even a strong supporting story.

    Which is a shame.

  11. It's funny you say that nex because


    I had the funniest thought that Lulu will find out she's unable to carry to term...just as she decides she wants to keep the baby...and they have Tracy carry the baby for her.

    Now I doubt medically speaking any doctor would advise that a late fifties woman would be the best choice for such a thing...and I doubt the "never before done" thing Guza was talking about would include Tracy...but it's a wild speculation isn't it?

    And I may be stepping on toes...but it's Dillon's choice as well as Lulu's..it may be Lulu's earthly body but it's not only her decision. That is...if Dillon wants to step up and raise the baby.

    But I definitely think the father has rights too.

    spoiler talk over.

  12. MinervaFan actually I can agree that Tracy might have had one...and that she knows how precious life is...but that kind of argues that she would want Lulu NOT to have to go through that.

    In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they have Tracy tell Lulu she had one.

    I'm glad for TQ's airtime and hopefully it'll be substantial and as someone said hopefully we'll see TRacy go looking for Luke.

  13. *Yeah* for TQ spoilers....even if they do include the booze incrusted loser's female spawn.

    *cough*....oh wait keeping this positive.


    *leaves post and comes back in*

    Yay! For TQ spoilers! Yay that two or three spoilers are better than NONE !

    Yay! for TQ and Lulu maybe bonding!

    Yay for hopefully Tracy putting the smackdown on Luke for not being there for his daughter.

    YAY for the hopeful catfight between HOlly and Tracy.

    Yay for Tracy winning alleged hoped for catfight.

    YAY for my tiny hope that Lulu will carry this baby to term...ONLY because it means a brand new Q....something we haven't had in a while.

    Yay for angel and MinervaFan's fics. angel I'm still wondering who it is that has been watching Luke and Tracy all this time....are we ever gonna find out? :)

    I hope it's Helena and I hope Tracy drop kicks her crazy butt.

    MinervaFan your story was great. As far as Ned....in GH time he was ten in 1980 and Tracy had been in town at that time for two years and I think she'd been divorced from Larry for at least a few years...so my guess is Ned was sent to boarding school about the same time they divorced....maybe he was about five or six?

    The "partying" Ashtons....always the way I have imagined it. Tracy WOULD be that way without a kid around when she was younger. She had Ned waayy too young and for the wrong reasons IMO...so it makes sense she'd kind of let loose and do those things without him with her.

    I could totally imagine such a story happening not after her divorce from Larry but maybe after her divorce from Mitch...or a breakup with another boyfriend.

    It's not much of a stretch.

    And while some people condemn Tracy for it...because she's a fictional character and it's not real children she's parenting...I kind of like how Tracy is more like a friend...or as Dillon told Georgie more like a big sister...than a mom to her kids.

    It's a bad way to raise a real child...children need guidance and a PARENT...not a friend. But for FictionalTracy it's great. I love it.


    Who thinks Tracy would encourage an abortion...who thinks Tracy would encourage Lulu to keep the baby..and who thinks it could go either way...and what do you think Tracy's reasons would be?

    I can see her mostly encouraging Lulu to keep the baby...for sentimental reasons as well as practical. For one it makes it easier for GQ to stay apart if Lulu keeps the baby.

    And while I don't think Tracy's eager to be called Grandma...I don't think she'd want to willingly encourage someone to abort her grandchild either.

    Plus the abortion would be a scandal on the family...much more so than just raising the child.

    Not talking about spoilers...just ya'll's opinions. What do you think ?

    ETA *waves* to Keith and MinervaFan*

  14. MF I PM'd you. :)

    ETA I'm so desperate for something sweet this late in the afternoon I just ate a packet of McDonald's strawberry jam...that had probably been in the front desk drawer for God knows how long.

    It was goood though. Sugar.......ahhhh.

    Oh yeah and Tracy ROCKS !

  15. Honestly I'm not sure why JE left although I think it was mainly due to no story with GA.

    As far as defending TQ....I really don't anymore. Especially not on SZ.

    The particular poster you're talking about is not someone you can debate things with anyway.

    I just love Tracy and let other people hate her all they want...snickering at the people they like(silently of course...MOST of the time) because they aren't any better.

    If I let myself get upset every time someone said JE can't act or Tracy is nothing but a witch...I'd never have any peace online.

    So I let people say what they're going to say...and I also don't hold back.

    I worried about offending people in the beginning posting on boards..but nine times out of ten those people don't seemed concerned about who they offend...so I make sure I throw in a "NLG is the most overrated actress in GH history with Finola Hughes a close second" every now and then just for giggles. Or whomever I'm feeling snarky about that day.

    It's just an opinion about an actor or character.

    No biggie to me. And I've read some doozies...people calling Jane fat and ugly and all kinds of nasty names.

    It's just nothing at all to me now. Which is kind of sad.

    As far as Gerald Anthony and the Jenny abortion story. The poster doesn't always get his facts right but I rarely bother to correct him.

    I *think* it WAS an abortion...or maybe Jenny was planning on getting one and then had a miscarriage.

    I can't remember.

    The way I remember it was that Tracy was blackmailing Jenny over ALL of it....that she lied to Ned about being a virgin...that she had an affair with a married Senator when she was a minor...that she had or was going to have an abortion.

    It's no secret that Jane and Gerry loved working together and they were apparently told they had a "big story" (see it's not only the current IIC who lie) and the Big Story never came to fruition.

    It's no secret Jane was disappointed over her lack of getting to work with Gerry.

    It's also no secret she had a problem with the Jenny storyline but JE being the diplomat she is it was never really explained or explored. I think it was mostly rumor based on a few comments she made in one of the mags that was blown out of proportion.

    Anyway the spoiler from SD doesn't sound like much of a spoiler to me. It sounds like someone who isn't an insider taking their best guess about what MAY happen.

    I just want JE on my screen in something other than playing with teens and for more than five minutes a week.

  16. knh it was mainly Regency that brought up the possiblity of physical violence from Edward to Tracy.

    It's funny you mentioned it because I had a "random thoughts" posts and that was going to be one thing I talked about.

    As far as whether or not Tracy and Alan were physically "punished" as children...the answer is likely yes because I remember a remark back in the day that Alan made to Tracy...that Ned never got enough whippings as a child and that was part of the reason he was so spoiled.

    Generally if people whip their children they were whipped...but not always.

    I can't really see Edward or Lila "spanking" them...but I totally could see Edward slapping them, either one of them.

    As far as physical abuse....IMO slapping IS abuse, but I doubt Edward "beat" either of them to the point where they had physical scars.

    It could have been when he raised his hand that he was tempted to hit her and may have done it in the past but I doubt he continually physically hit her to the point of obvious abuse.

    No....Edward was and is much too crafty for that.

    I used to wonder though if maybe there weren't some kind of sexual abuse in Tracy's past. Not by Edward...maybe an uncle or a friend of her father's. Because back when GH was written well and they focused on the Tracy/Edward relationship...there was always something there "unhealthy" in terms of I used to wonder if a dark twisted part of Tracy weren't a little in love with her father.

    I say dark and twisted not just for the obvious reasons but also because Edward is just a sadist. Flat out.

    He has such a low regard for women unless it's one he's romantically involved with. And for Tracy to idolize him in any way for ANY reason...kind of makes me sick to be blunt about it. It also says a lot about why Tracy's relationships with so many men have failed.

    She's looking for the acceptance her father has never and probably never will give her....and she lets men dump on her if they will give her even the slightest crumb of attention...because she doesn't feel she's worthy of anything better. She hasn't figured out yet that she doesn't NEED Edward's approval and that if his love is conditional it isn't worth destroying herself over trying to MEET those impossible standards.

    In other words...Edward has Tracy convinced she's unlovable...and the smart part of Tracy knows she isn't...but instead of just walking away from Edward's poison she puts all her efforts into proving him wrong.

    When really she should've moved far away and stayed away(like in MinervaFan's AU Tracy Walker fic...and she would've discovered all on her own that everything Edward had drilled into her from day one was a lie.

    And whoo ! Enough about that from me.

    The scenes with Alan and Tracy and the remote. HOney those are old as in sometime between 1989-93 old. I think it was a Thanksgiving episode( or around that time because of the football game) before the Pizza tradition started but still...I wouldn't know where to look for a clip.

    Ms.Q I meant to tell you....I rewatched your "time after time" video and it's sooo good. The black/white young Tracy/Luke...awesome. :) So sweet and touching.

    Does anyone know when TG is scheduled to be back for his short stint before he's back in October? He normally doesn't come back in the summer but he took off one month early and this is supposed to be because he'd be back in August. Here it is the middle of August and I haven't heard a thing....anyone else?

    Maybe the actual scenes will be in September.

    I honestly think he's going to go off and blame Dillon (and Tracy by default) for Lulu being pregnant and of course Tracy will defend Dillon....angst. But angst is good. We need some.

    I feel November will be a make them or break them time for our couple. I don't know that they'll have that many scenes once Laura is "awake" but the ones they have should be good.

    Question: where IS Laura at now? It can't be too far if Lulu can go back and forth within a day.

    And why don't we see Lucky visiting her?

    Oh yeah and Tracy rocks.

    That is all.

    *waves to Keith.

    I loved your story. Can't wait for the next chapter.

    If Lulu doesn't miscarry will our girl give up Luke so Dillon and Lulu can raise the baby together?

    Such a complex rich telling Keith. I like it. :)

  17. *whew* Ms.Q you had me scared there for a minute. I thought the non-Tracy chapter was going to be Coleman related.

    I adore your story more and more. It's awesome. :0)

    And um yeah....just by reading recaps...yes Lulu and Tracy have things in common and are a little alike.

    But they have ONE major difference that just chaps me.

    Tracy doesn't do the poor me thing....and it seems that's ALL Lulu does. Or almost all.

    That is probably one thing that just drives me NUTS in a character.

    A little pity party is fine...but after that pull yourself up by your bootstraps for heaven's sakes.

    They're making her more like Laura than Luke in that respect...which is a shame.

    I thought she was going to have her father's fighting spirit.

    Oh well.

    yes angel we missed you.

    And yay to you updating your story.

    :) Can't wait.

  18. No TQ today.

    I'm Shocked! Only not.

    spoiler talk

    Ms.Q I think the motherhood spoiler was finding DiLu and the subsequent talks...plus the finding out that Lulu lied...and maybe just maybe the spoiler will play out with Tracy trying to get Lulu to stay.

    But yeah....I think that's it....Tracy being mom while Luke's away.

    Oh and I love how the Lo spoiler with he and Tracy interacting lasting all of five minutes. LOL

    spoiler talk over

    GH sucks like a hoover without TQ and the Q's. :(

    ETA coolkid I like the olives idea....but I doubt TIIC would understand....and they'd start stinking after a while. Kinda like the show...but that's another rant.

  19. :)

    Yeah the scene with Alan and Tracy fighting over the remote was classic....from waayy back though I don't even know what year and I doubt we could find a clip.

    Alan's response to Tracy about the movie when he finally gave up fighting with her over it:

    "Go ahead and watch it then...it's the closest you'll ever get to it !"


    I remember that sooo well. :)

    And it's little human touches like that which make the characters REAL and relatable...something this regime doesn't really seem to know or care about.

    It's something you all put in your fics....like the *Tracy calling Luke's cell phone and getting no answer* from MinervaFan's story. It just makes the characters....HUMAN. Vulnerable. And I know it sounds silly saying two characters fighting over the remote makes them "vulnerable." But I don't know any other way to phrase it.

    And oh come on...you know Tracy and Ned *have* to have a similiar event in their past like when she and Dillon were in Mexico and Dillon was in jail.

    Maybe Ned gets mad at his mom for something she says or does (or in Tracy's case doesn't do) like paying enough attention to him. So he swipes a record or bottle of cologne or wallet from a store and Tracy sees at the last minute and tries to cover but they get hauled to the police station.

    Hilarity ensues(I've always wanted to use that phrase) as Tracy tries to seduce the local authorities (or the shop owner...or BOTH) into letting them go.

    Well it was just a thought. :)

    Pleeasse let TQ be on today.

    *waves to everyone*

    ETA MinervaFan couldn't you just see it? Ned in a room at the Swiss PC...eating a chocolate bar while his mother is making out with the *whatever they call the person in charge* in the next room? With Ned hearing a noise every now and then and looking at the door.....:)

  20. Every potential for every SL Tracy related has been wasted Keith. And it's a shame.

    When I think of what an even "slightly" better writer could have done/could do with Lacy....I swoon. Seriously....because with a staff who cared about the Q's...about Tracy, the fan fic happenings we dismiss as "never gonna happen on GH" might have been a reality with better writing.

    Can't wait for your next story BTW.

    MinervaFan I exaggerated a bit. It's not like they had Tracy as a film buff like Dillon...but there would be a mention now and then of a movie she'd watched or wanted to watch and it was always one of those old ones. Like the time she and Alan were fighting over the remote because he wanted to watch the football game and she wanted to watch "Love is a Many Splendored Thing".


    There's something very "timeless" and "classic" about Tracy....so yeah I could see her into the old black and white movies.

    As far as your story MinervaFan....you're MEAN. LOL J/K.

    Ummm.....so Ned/Tracy....can it be almost "Thelma and Louise-ish" ?

    I'd like that ....but I think I'll like it no matter what. :)

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