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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. *waves to everyone*

    Awesome 24 hr story MinervaFan.

    Yeah it was angsty and I would've liked to read your version of the results....but it was good all the same.

    don't read if you don't want to be spoiled on Minerva Fan's story:

    It all affected me but the part that made the tears flow was her calling Luke and no answer. Not even voice mail. :(

    That and the Alan/Tracy childhood ABC game. *sniff*

    Ned's empty chair. Tracy thinking about him.

    Dillon and her watching the movie. *double sniff* because I know from past scripts that Tracy likes old movies too....although it has never been mentioned by GUZA. I could totally see it happening and have imagined myself that more than once Tracy came in after a date and sat with Dillon watching a late show with them falling asleep together like that.

    Oh and Edward not being there? Typical. *snort*

    It was good. I just need to not read the angsty stuff while I'm at work.

    As far as writing the comedy....there's a saying that comedy is angst too...worked out through laughter instead of tears. Or something like that. Or maybe I just made that up. LOL I seem to remember reading something similiar but I'm battling an ear infection and my brain is bouncing around in my head so who knows?


    fic talk over

    *hopes for TQ today*

    ETA LOL Keith about the Lulu comment. I'd love to see Tracy and Lulu be friends because I'd like to be able to enjoy her and Tracy is the only one so far who can make me do that.

    Well Dillon to some extent but not enough.

  2. *waves* to all.

    Ms.Q I did have a strong feeling the letter was yours when I read it but I wasn't sure.

    It's always a shock when they print something you write...I haven't written a public opinion letter in a while but the few times I have in the past they usually get published or a line or two will be mentioned in some way.

    It's a nice feeling to know you were noticed but I'd rather have TIIC notice it and DO something about it.

    Ms.Q you also asked a few pages back when I complimented you on your latest vid if I meant your promo or vid....I liked both. LOL

    The promo was different and the vid was great. Probably the best Lacy one I've ever seen. It captured pretty much ALL their different facets and little moments and watching that video just emphasizes the fact that while Lacy aren't on much they do so much with their time. Of course most of it has been silly but even the silly moments have had their touching soft sides.

    Remember the Markham Islands?


    Kook Spencer was impressed with his Spanky Buns riding in to save them all that day. :)

    knh I love the "Tracy and her men" idea for a vid.

    And the song for a Lacy vid would also fit. I really liked the song and think it fits Tracy/Luke pretty well.

    Let's see....for Tracy and her men we need: Tracy/Edward scenes; Tracy/Alan; Tracy/Larry; Tracy/Mitch; Tracy/Scott; Tracy/Harlan; Tracy/David; Tracy/Paul; Tracy/Marco; Tracy/Alex; Tracy/Gino; Tracy/Jacob;

    Tracy/Luke and last but not least Tracy/Ned and Tracy/Dillon.

    *whew* Good luck finding some of those.

    I know they're out there somewhere. But wouldn't it be awesome to include all of those in one vid? Or maybe it would have to be a two part vid. LOL

    Some of them I'd rather forget and some of them ultimately Tracy would rather forget and some of them just aren't that important enough to include.

    Isn't it funny....and very telling about the character...that we can list at least a dozen male relationships that probably shaped her or affected her in some way...but only really three female ones:

    Tracy/Lila; Tracy/Monica; and Tracy/Zoey(yes I'm including her. :)

    Oh and I'd love to include Tracy/Lulu. I guess we can throw her in there, LOL.

  3. *yay* for Ms.Q. I bought the mag and was going to do the recap. Went and left it at home though. LOL

    I DID wonder if it was one of us. I knew it wasn't me but had a feeling it might be Ms.Q or MinervaFan.

    Great letter Ms.Q. Doesn't it make you feel proud? :)

    Did anyone also catch that in Carolyn Hinsey's mention of GH she brought up the same scenes?

    She didn't have much to say other than that she liked the way it was played. That Tracy guessed the truth and basically just busted Lulu.


    Oh and there's a small pic of Tracy/Lulu in her column with a caption referring to how Tracy told Lulu she reminds her of herself.

    LaineyBev that was an awesome story. If only.....I'd love to see something similiar play out on RealGH.

    I love everyone's answers to the TQ survey but I'll add my own...some are just "ditto this" and "right on's"...LOL but I'll post them anyway.

    Kinda cool we all pretty much see her alike.

    Question #1:

    What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

    I think she wishes she were a better mom and that she had better judgement when it comes to men but I'm not sure Tracy wishes she could go back and change anything. She's not one to cry over spilt milk or dwell on regrets.


    Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

    Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

    I think she mostly thinks of Lila.


    Tracy can secretly ____________. And only _______ knows it.

    Tracy can secretly crack a safe (Marco taught her) and only Marco knows it. Although I think Luke wouldn't be surprised.


    Tracy would die for her family and/or other loved ones like Luke.


    What Tracy loves best about Luke is....I think Tracy loves everything about Luke except that he's not socially acceptable in her circles. That's a big thing that IMO that GH has just dropped the ball on. Other than one particular show I can remember (New Year's Eve?) where the Q's were talking about all the Country Club complaints about Luke...and TG got this hurt look on his face for a second...and Jane as Tracy seemed to play it as if she'd known all along they were complaining and never said anything to Luke.

    That's something that should be more explored. Of course I guess it makes more sense to explore it only if they are a "real" couple. *Snort*


    Tracy admires Alan Monica and Lila all equally I think.


    Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

    Yeah. LOL This was kind of an out of place question.


    Tracy keeps _______ in her nightstand.

    Junk food. LOL And she keeps a padlock on the drawer. She'd die if anyone knew she had a trashy romance novel and moon pies in there.


    Tracy is currently reading....in public The Wall Street Journal I guess. In private she's reading above mentioned trashy romance novel.


    Tracy's best traits are:

    Her loyalty and fierce love and protectiveness of family.

    Her sense of humor and ability to bounce back.

    Her lack of "poor pitiful me". Her wit and ability to be charming when she wants to be. The fact that underneath it all she is a romantic.


    Tracy's worst traits are: Pretty much the same as everyone else's choices: greed, selfishness, meanness, tendency to ignore or write off other's feelings and needs/wants/desires if it doesn't fit with HER plan for them: ala Dillon w/Georgie and Ned with ALL his wives/girlfriends.

    #12 Essay question:

    The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

    I don't know if I'm the world's biggest Tracy fan or Jane fan. I do know that I grew up watching GH and JE captured my attention from the very first moment I saw her as Tracy, her coming down the stairs with her suitcase after Daddy banished her in 1980. At least that was my first clear memory of her.

    And in those short final scenes she sucked me in and hooked me and I've been a Tracy/JE fan(also watched her on DOOL) ever since.

    I agree with Ms.Q's assessment: she's my favorite actress on GH(probably my favorite actress of any genre) and probably THE best actress on GH currently.

    I think Tracy is classic, timeless and complex.

    As Ms.Q also said(I shoulda just "ditto'd" her response) she can make me laugh, cry, and make me want to smack her and then hug her....all in the space of a few minutes.

    NO other character on GH can do that.

    She's just....awesome.

    :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

    ETA *waves* to all lurking.

    Where's coolkid and everyone else?

    It's not the same if we don't hear from everyone. Post people. NOW. :)


    *passes around Orange Blossom muffins and milk from the breakroom*

  4. Hey peeps....I haven't even thought of answers to my own questions yet but I LURVE everyone else's.

    It's so nice just to bask in the Tracy love. :)

    BTW....I've mentioned "Solace" before but thought I'd bring it up again and provide a link for anyone who hasn't read it that might want to.

    It IS unfinished and sadly will remain unfinished but the TQ stuff in it for the most part is very good.

    It's an ensemble fic....and TQ's part in it is minimal at first....if memory serves(it's been a while since I've read it) she doesn't even show up (although she's talked about) until chapter 77 or so.

    And as Ms.Q and I discussed before there are things the writer has TQ doing in the beginning we felt were out of character (you'll know when you read it what we mean).

    But when TQ really starts getting involved in the action it gets better.

    I love the story purely for Tracy and Victor Cassadine.

    It's worth the read just for that alone.

    I read the whole thing in one sitting (took me alllll day but I did it). I sped read through all non TQ parts but you do kinda need to read the non TQ parts to know what's going on.

    Anyway enough talking about it.

    Here's the link for those interested:


  5. Popping back in to say....if anyone has posted fics or vids that I didn't comment on....well I apologize.


    My computer time is so sporadic now and I do read/view all of them when I can. I just sometimes forget to comment.

    That said...Keith I loved your story and Ms.Q your latest vid may very well be your best one yet.

    And just think boys and girls....what WONDERFUL scenes (and vid clips) we WILL(being positive) get when TG comes back.

    I do think Luke will blame Tracy for letting it all happen.

    Angst is good my friends.

    Better than the All.Comedy.All.The.Time.Shtick.

    And knowing my girl the way I do...she will take up for Dillon and might blame Lulu...and Luke will take up for Lulu and blame Dillon.

    More angst.

    Bring it on I say.


  6. Survey anyone?

    Everyone will need a sharpened #2 pencil for this exercise...and NO.

    You can't borrow mine. :)


    Question #1:

    What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.


    Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

    Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.


    Tracy can secretly ____________. And only _______ knows it.


    Tracy would __________ for _________.


    What Tracy loves best about Luke is ________?


    Tracy admires ______ more than any other person on earth. Living or dead.


    Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.


    Tracy keeps _______ in her nightstand.


    Tracy is currently reading ________.


    Tracy's best traits are:


    Tracy's worst traits are:

    #12 Essay question:

    The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

    And yeah. Add any questions if you want to. :)

    My answers tomorrow.

  7. Ooh I agree MinervaFan . I'd love to see that happen on screen...but if not a fanfic would be cool.

    I wouldn't want the memory loss to last too long.

    But a few days/weeks could be quite the entertainment. :)

    I hate my job.

    I REALLY hate my job. I've said that before here.

    It bears repeating. :)

    And no you can never have too many group hugs. :)

    We need them, n'est pas?

  8. Oh geez. LOL

    I cannot tell a lie.

    Well I try not to anyway. :)

    *I* am ARealSimonforTracyQ.

    Yeah. How depressing is that? a TOTALLY! made up character is now my chosen perfect mate for my girl.

    Forget Lucas Lorenzo and his HAWT chemistry with our girl.

    Forget Robert and his playfulness and sexy accent.

    I want SIMON to emerge on screen. Slightly more fleshed out and colorful...but with his knight's armor firmly intact.(Richard Gere-ish is what I'm thinking of.)

    But woe is me. *palms clasped to forehead*

    Our own MinervaFan has informed me there will be no sequel.

    I know. I know. I'm devastated about it too. :P

    spoiler talk

    I'm personally scared anytime Guza puts pen to paper.

    No matter what he does with Luke/Laura...our girl is not out of the woods. I'd hate to see her villainized for them. :(

    spoiler talk over

    and hey...TQ's been on about five minutes this week. Maybe we'll get lucky and this will be one of her ten minutes of airtime weeks.

    I actually miss LUKE too.


  9. I'll comment more later....just had an AWFUL client.




    And it doesn't help that he was a registered sex offender.

    Despite all that I try to treat people equally...it's hard to swallow my anger and be objective but I do it because I have to and I don't want a discrimation charge. LOL

    Mostly for the second reason.


    So I have one more client and then I'll reply. :)

    *waves to everyone*

  10. So....guess I should just tape tonight's GH and FFw'd to get to the Tracy?

    Or is it even worth taping for if all I'm going to watch is the Tracy?

    Can anyone post Tracy clips?

    Hate to say it but I don't know if I want to waste that much tape space for sixty seconds of Jane.

    The thought does not appeal to me.

    Problem is,I can't just sit and tape her scenes without watching live. LOL

    And I ain't disposed to doing that either.

    About certain people being brilliant. I'm not an acting expert.

    I just know what I like and who and what I don't.

    I don't even think Jane is brilliant all the time.

    But I'm glad YOU liked JB's scenes Ms.Q. And if they were any scenes except those designed to manipulate me into "you MUST like Lulu. You MUST feel sorry for Lulu," I might actually be able to just take the scenes in context and enjoy them.

    But anytime the Luke/Lulu or Lulu/Laura scenes come about I feel an invisible sledge hammer over me ready to slam down on my head any minute if I dare say I didn't like the scenes.

    I can say and will say if I didn't like a scene of Jane's and she's my favorite.

    So why can't I just say I don't like this or that character or this or that scene of other people without feeling like a mean evil monster?

    It's not you Ms.Q. It's this stupid stinkin' show.

    It's the way some characters are promoted ad nauseum and others are shoved aside and forgotten.

    I choose not to like her mainly because I feel TIIC WANT me to.

    I HATE that. I want to make up my own mind about something without feeling TIIC are force feeding me sympathy for this or that story or character.

    So yeah I don't like Lulu. I think JB is a capable actress but again due to the "forced" emotional manipulation feel of a lot of her scenes I can't really get past all that to KNOW if she's more than a mediocre actress.

    I mean when JE has a "soft" scene as Tracy the writers seem to still hold back and let the viewer make up their minds: feel sorry for Tracy or continue to hate her.

    I don't feel that option with Lulu scenes or Robin scenes or Carly scenes or Jason or Sonny or Sam or *whew* several others.

    Sorry. Rant over for now. Again Ms.Q it's not about you at all.....just had to get that off my chest.

    I think sometimes it comes across that I dislike Lulu JUST because she's crappy to Tracy.

    That's just a small piece of it as far as I'm concerned.

    Rant over.

    About the vid....I'll have to watch tomorrow.

    I can't watch a vid with sound in the library.

    *waves to everyone*

    *happy one day late birthday nex.

    I'll be going back to work tomorrow.

    *joy* :) *note sarcasm

    I did finally pick the paint color for my bookshelf and rocking chair.

    Some tulip color or something. Sunny yellow.

    I may flip through the SOD to see if the letter is worth buying the mag.

    I also saw a comment from TG in the latest SID....saying that Julie can keep up with him and Jane(and after Jane's name said something like "and that's a tough hill to climb.")

    Yeah that's right Tony and don't forget it.

    JE's the best costar you've had in terms of talent and you should FIGHT for more material with her.

    Well anyway I hope everyone has a good night. See you all tomorrow. :)

  11. *waves to all*

    I posted Saturday but I guess it ate my post or something.

    Anyway guess no Tracy today either it seems.

    I have missed everyone but what a sad group we all are when there's no Tracy to talk about.


    Buck up people.

    It'll be okay.

    She'll be on again.


    And where the heck is everyone anyway?

    MinervaFan come out and play.....

    And all youse guys.

    Ms.Q I really enjoyed your updates and Keith I enjoyed your story as well. :)

    So if she's not on this week that'll be three weeks since she's been on right?

    Cause July 19th was the last one right?


    Anyone know when TG is coming back?

    I miss my girl. :(

    But that just means when she is on that we'll appreciate her that much more. :)

    ETA *waves to Angel and thanks for the heads up that Tracy IS on today*

  12. Yeah yeah I know I'm on my vacation but I lurked online to see if TQ was on today and saw the wubs stuff:


    Lulu IS pregnant.

    Or at least she takes a home pregnancy test that comes out positive.

    She supposedly tells someone...Luke? By phone...and Georgie overhears.

    *hugs all around because this is JUST what we all wanted.*


    Hey if it gets Jane/Tracy airtime I don't mind so much.

    But I just don't like Lulu.

    I can tolerate her around Tracy but beyond that I want her to take a long walk off a short pier. Maybe it's the fact that she's Laura's spawn.

    Minority opinion here but there it is.

    spoiler talk over

    No TQ today,which mean no need to tape.

    Love you all and see you later. :)

  13. Popping back in to say the second and third times JE played Tracy I'd call myself obsessed.

    Now even though I have joined several message boards to talk about her I don't consider myself nearly as enamored.

    It's not that I love Tracy less.

    It's just that she's on less and when she's on it's usually so brief and it's rarely about her. And sometimes what they give JE to do is insulting....bordering on complete crap.

    So it's harder for me this time around to really get into GH or the character. I used to rewind and watch scenes ad nauseum back in the day.

    Now those times are rare.

    I still love her and she is probably one of my favorite fictional characters of any medium of all time.

    As far as your question Ms.Q I think that we all look for entertainment and a means of escape from the stress in our daily lives.

    Watching and loving Tracy and talking about Tracy is a lot less harmful than other things we could be doing.

    I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it doesn't consume us to the point of not being able to talk about or think about ANYTHING else.

    If that happens we might want to take a step back.

    JE's great and Tracy's great.....but it's not my whole world and I wouldn't want it to be and I don't think anyone else sees her as such. At least I hope not.

    But yeah I like the character and the actress and I want to see her get a good story and airtime. :)

    Just my opinion.

  14. Actually tomorrow won't it be three weeks since she's been on?

    It seems like three months.

    Or is it only two?


    And yeah Ms.Q your story rocks. :)

    I want holes in the knees of Luke Spencer's pants because Tracy made him grovel THAT hard in your story. :)

    Pwetty please with sugar on top?


  15. Okay well I'll post.

    I actually am leaning toward thinking that Jane is going to get some good stuff coming up when TG comes back in August,and that's one reason why we're not seeing her too much now.

    I think she'll get a fair amount of airtime for that month and maybe September too.

    Now for those who keep spec'ng about what her airtime will be like in October and November?

    I think again she'll get a few good scenes with TG when Laura comes back,but honestly,after that...I think the latter part of October and the first half of November,will be focused on the Spencers.

    Sooo....let's just enjoy her while we have her,shall we?

    And put on our boxing gloves to punch the bag in the breakroom,to vent our frustrations when she's not on.

  16. It's obvious to me,anyway....that Sam/Jason/Sonny/Carly/Emily/Ric/Alexis/Nikolas just aren't cutting it ratings wise anymore,and why TIIC can't open their eyes and share the wealth is beyond me.

    I mean...seriously,the ratings are at an all time low,what do they have to lose?


    Anyone ever see the movie "Scent of a Woman?"

    There's a line from Al Pacino near the end(maybe it's lyrics to a song,because he sort of sing-songs it) where he says, " Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to go,and still had the feeling that you wanted to stay?"

    Yeah. Well,that's how I feel about Jane.

    Maybe she'll be on today?

    BTW I am taking leave for a week from my job starting tomorrow.

    I'm not really going anywhere,just taking a break.

    So I may try to check in on you guys every day but if I don't you'll know why.

    Take care all and have a good day. :)

  17. I think we're blowing JE's SoapTalk comment and her subsequent airtime out of proportion.

    Remember last year?

    One eppy in ten weeks?

    I think it's a little early to decide Jane's being punished.

    On the other hand,if they misinterpreted or got offended at her remark,they're not going to reward her for it.

    And you can take that to the bank.

    On the OTHER hand, when TIIC are deciding what scenes to cut, I can imagine JE is one of those that they don't hesitate to cut.

    Whatever happened to *many* of her spoilers?

    Fakes...or last minute rewrites?

    Who knows?

    And with that,chitlins....I'm going to bed.

    Long day today,long day tomorrow,and me tired.

    *waves at tracyluver

  18. *cries*

    No sequel?

    What a shame,especially since if you wanted to,the story could be a great "pilot" for exactly the type of vehicle JE would be great in.


    Really....no sequel?

    *cries some more*

    yeah you know the main reason I'm carrying on,is like I said,your story is the best,most decent TQ I get these days.

    Along with everyone else's fics too...but I loved that it was an AU( although I missed Dillon,and Tracy having a late in life baby with Simon would just be....*sniff*).

    I loved that it was an AU because I've said before and I'll say again,Tracy is at her fullest,most interesting "best" away from the viper's nest of the Q's.

    Probably why I loved her so much on The City.



    Aww....all right. *sniff*

    Enough with the guilt trip. LOL

    I promise. :P

  19. Ms.Q I think JE was mainly talking about directorial "accidents",not the show.


    spoiler talk

    And yeah.

    If they make **** pregnant and make it another Carly/AJ story,with Lulu being the victim and Dillon being the monster,*especially* if they have Tracy taking Lulu's side over Dillon.....I am soooo done with GH.

    They can bite my lily white butt if they so much as go there.

    spoiler talk over

  20. On the spoiler front,I think:


    Lulu's pregnancy might be a way of connecting Luke and Tracy whether they are together in a marrige or not.

    I don't know.

    I officially just don't care about GH anymore.

    Cause I know if a character gets pissed on,it'll be Tracy or Dillon.

    It'll be a Q,for sure.

    It won't be the Spencers.



    And I hope she miscarries.

    There. I said it.


    About the fics...great updates Ms.Q and MinervaFan....I read the whole story at lunch.

    Oh. I just loved it.

    More importantly,I loved Simon. He's just the kind of man Tracy needs.

    And can I have a real life Simon,please?

    A sequel would be nice....it HAS to end with a wedding, and Edward finally getting a mole in place to destroy her company right before the wedding,and secrets and lies and tears and angst....

    And how sad is it,that your little story is ten times more interesting than anything GH?


    Rock on sister friend.That story was awesome.

  21. popping back in to say, the people who love Sonny and Jason and think Tracy's a witch...LOL sorry Ms.Q and MinervaFan but those people are the people I mock the most.


    I know I shouldn't...but I don't get how people think she's awful,and Jason and Sonny are good,and I think that's just warped. In all kinds of ways. LOL

    Of course to be fair,Tracy IS awful a lot of the time.

    But the difference for me is,Tracy can admit who she is,Tracy knows she's rotten a lot of the time. I have seen Sonny rarely say so, and Jason "I'm nothing like you" MOrgan,I've NEVER seen him admit he's a bad man.

    Oh,and the constant "Jason and Sonny are good men" garbage leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    The fact they are on almost 24/7 doesn't help.

    Not one bit.

    Rant over.

  22. My sympathies for the loss of your cousin knh.

    I will read the fic updates when I can,but today's going to be busy. So it may be late tonight before I get a chance.

    ABout judging people's acting skills....I never did before I came online,and even though I might sometimes say he or she sucks,truthfully I still don't judge the acting,because I've seen what a hard job it really is.

    There are people I like,and people I don't like,and sometimes it's just a personal preference and has nothing to do with the actor's skill.

    For instance I love Jane,and she's probably my favorite or one of my favorite,actress(es).

    But do I think she's always spot on,and never misses the mark?


    I do think she's better than just about any other female currently on GH,though...and TIIC truly are idiots for wasting her.

    About the rumors....if she stays she stays and if she leaves,she leaves. :)

    And while I want her to stay,I'll be okay with her going.

    I made my peace with that a year ago. :)

  23. See I guess I'm lucky...my sister watched GH back in the day when her middle daughter was firstborn and she tried the stay at home mom thing.

    I mean,we grew up watching it,but due to mostly working during the day,she hadn't watched regularly in years and hasn't watched since she went back to work and that' s been several years.

    My mom watches the ABC soaps but she's like me,she can sometimes find something more interesting to watch or she'll clean house or run errands while it's on.

    Now she did subscribe to SOW for a while and would keep the issues for me to read,but truthfully we just don't sit and talk about GH or any other soap.

    Your mom and sister must REALLY love GH, Ms.Q. LOL

    I can tell you I don't think my mom cares for Tracy either,she thinks she's funny but other than that doesn't really seem to like her.

    I think she appreciates JE as an actress,though.

    My mom loves Luke and probably Robert,too.

    And besides those two I don't think there's much she cares about,GH wise.

    She hates Sonny and Jason. :)

    Oh yeah and she rolled her eyes when NL won her Emmy.

    But other than that, LOL..... I really don't know how she feels about GH.

    Long live Tracy Q ! And forgot to say have a safe trip, nex.


  24. You're a brave man,cousin Keith, to not let our icky talk scare you off.

    A brave,brave man. Here's a fresh white chocolate macadamia nut cookie for you(or your fave,whatever that is.)

    And I wish Dave and GM from SB (and the former SON) would post over here. I know how much Dave loves him some Tracy Q.

    And one or two more guys in the mix(assuming all the rest of us are wimmins) would be cool. But I understand why they don't.

    Message board politics and loyalty and all that. I need to post on SB more often.

    BTW MinervaFan Dave started a City fiction story but I don't think he's updated it in a while.

    Dave writes more in the style of a recap of what is happening than an ongoing dialogue type story.

    I don't know how to describe it,but he's very talented.

    And lol MinervaFan,it's good to know you like cream cheese because it goes well with just about any kind of bread.

    You're welcome for the zucchini bread....I happen to love it, people might go ewww gross if you've never tried it,but the texture to me is very much like banana bread.

    *waves to angel and hands her a fresh slice of zucchini bread also. I hate PMS. I sooo sympathize with you. :(

    *sips third cappucino today*

    *taps foot*

    Sooo....no Tracy Q today,hmmm?

    Sadists. Blah.

    ETA *waves to angel and nex*

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