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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. I loved both fics, the "Homelands" update was awesome.

    And MinervaFan...if your AU Tracy fic is anything like that little ficlet,I'll be a mess.

    I read this one and I cried,it was short but sweet but most importantly it was just so TRUE.

    Totally 100% accurate....I still marvel at how well you "get" Tracy,I know you said she reminds you of your mom a little,but still.....awesome,awesome,especially the part about Dillon giving her the love she couldn't give him.

    And Woo-Hoo ! TQ should be on today.

  2. Bumping just because....LOL

    I like everyone's vids and stuff.

    Not much to say until we see Tracy again.

    No stuff on her in SID.

    Spoiler/Rumor Talk


    What are the chances that Luke is presumed dead?

    What will that mean for Tracy,IF anything...because I wouldn't put it past this show to make it All.About.Sonny.

    Or someone else.

    Anyone but the Q's.

    His supposed dead status would tie into Tracy being "slammed" into motherhood again,whatever that means.


    Rumor talk over

  3. I'm sorry I can't stand Alice. LOL

    I reeallly can't.

    Your stories are great,except for Alice.

    It's not your fault Alice exists...but,nope.

    Not for me.

    No Tracy today.

    A show of hands for anyone surprised.

    And I broke my last waffle maker,so I'm up for the appliance thingy.

    I could use one.


    *waves to Ms.Q and MinervaFan,who may or may not be lurking*

  4. Oh I understand, MinervaFan. I don't think it could have been written any other way either,EXCEPT that "first few minutes moment" when Luke first walks into the room and sees it all,and they start to kiss.

    With just the right connection the scene could have turned around,but it didn't and you're right,after that,there really was no going back.

    I STILL wanted it to happen,actually right at that moment,too. I was rooting for him to do what he wanted to do....take her right then and there on the bedroom floor.




    Yes,a sequel would be nice.

    But personally I don't think it has to be NC-17 to be sexy or enticing.

    This story was sexy enough,and others that you have written have been just as good.

    That scene where he's thinking about how she looks and smells...WOW. No smut at all, and it was a HOT scene.

    More of stuff like that,please. :)

    ETA there's a bread maker involved here? I'm still waiting for my toaster.

    And how angsty is this AU going to get?


    You are GREAT at the angsty stuff,though.

    Can't wait.

  5. Ms.Q thanks for the kind PM. :)

    *waves to everyone* and thank you everyone for the kind Birthday Wishes !

    It was a relatively calm weekend,which after last week,was just what I needed.


    I hate my job.

    Can I vent?


    I seriously need to find a new line of work.


    Wonderful vid nex. :) I wouldn't change a thing.

    Great updates Ms.Q. And the missing scene,loved it too,but would have loved more talk between BrookLynn and Granny.

    Love the fic, MinervaFan,but I was still rooting for them to make love anyway,I loved but also hated that Tracy pulled a switcheroo on him.

    Loved that she seemed conflicted about it as well.

    Anybody got any scoops?

  6. Awww.....I love that spoiler.

    I'd love it even more if we got some good intense angsty scenes between the three,instead of All Laughs.All The Time.

    Have a good weekend,all.


    MinervaFanhope you're feeling better,can't wait to read that fic you're talking about.

    It may be Monday before I pop in again. I'm hoping next month I'll have the cash to buy another used computer for my home.

    I'm thinking about taking a few online courses,so that would surely help.

    And then of course there's this thread.


    Can't get enough of TQ talk,for me there just isn't enough of that.

  7. MinervaFan that line from Ms.Q's fic chokes me up too...maybe because we've actually heard Edward say those things on screen which just makes it all the more real.

    During the Heather debacle when he said the "no one could ever love you" line to Tracy,I wanted to jump through the screen and throttle him.

    Which is one tiny reason I actually find myself rooting for Robert/Tracy.

    I think he could love her,and not have Luke's hangups.

    I think Luke DOES love her in his own odd dysfunctional way....but that's the problem. As long as this story's been going on, I shouldn't have to THINK he does.

    I should KNOW.

    And truthfully,most of the time,I don't. That story needs more direction and attention,because it's getting stale fast.

    Adding Robert to the mix jazzes it up a bit,which is fine.

    But can we get some drama and angst please?

    This IS a soap.

    Not Romper Room.

    That's okay everyone about the top ten lists.

    I'm not in the mood,either.


    Keith I agree about having her own show.

    rumor talk

    Ms.Q I was just kidding about the fic.

    It's wonderful the way it is. About that SoapDish spumor....doubt that TIIC would give Coleman THAT big of a role,but if he does work with the cops about something as I have heard,I can see him having scenes with her and flirting with her.

    rumor talk over

  8. MinervaFan what were you going to spend your money on,or are you saying you are going shopping instead of watching GH??

    A smart decision,BTW...LOL.

    We need a fun game to play in between the wonderful fan fic updates.


    Something Tracy related but I can't think of anything at the moment.

    How about, Tracy's ten favorite people and/or Tracy's ten favorite things,or Tracy's ten favorite anything?

    Oh,I don't know.

    The top ten people on Tracy's imaginary hitlist.

    Tracy's biggest regrets and biggest joys.

    I don't know.


    I'm bored.

  9. Aaaannnn we're BACK !!


    Scared me there for a minute,I couldn't get in and starting sweating and having a panic attack.

    But I'm all right now..... :blink:

    Yesss,our girl looked GOR-geous yesterday.

    Gams,outfit,hair and ALL !

    Now see....why can't they dress her like that all the time?


    And I liked the "Racy" vibe,but like MinervaFan not too sure about romance/sexual chemistry.

    I get the feeling both JE/TR are holding back on that,I believe they could turn it on if they wanted to,but maybe it's just to accentuate that Tracy does love Luke?


    Ms.Q adore the updates.

    Who are the two people?

    Salivates at the thought of Coleman/Helena...not only being the two people,but also on the docks together.


    Cause I love angsty stuff,and wouldn't that be a blast if Coleman was working with Helena,Tracy overheard,and Helena blackmailed her with the baby's paternity(who cares HOW she finds out?LOL) to keep Tracy quiet.

    *small voice* not that I'm telling you what to do.......LOL

    Cause I'm not,just thinking out loud.

    Puleeze let TQ be on today.



    We all knows spoilers ain't reliable until they actually happen.

    I like both of them,though.

  10. I waffle between thinking this is the awfulest (is that a word?) storytelling ever for my girl,to dying to see her and not caring if the story sucks.

    Because otherwise I'm wasting my time,since Tracy is the ONLY female character save for Liz and maybe Monica that I give a crack about.

    The rest..eh,the rest can go drown in their gene pools.

    Sounds like a cool few flirty moments,though. I do like twinkly Robert.

    I must watch !

    What about their dinner,though?

    Is that tomorrow?

    ETA Robert's right...Tracy WOULD make an excellent spy.

  11. I'm having trouble downloading your vid MinervaFan. I get one of those "cannot find file specified" messages after downloading when I click on it.

    TQ SHOULD be on today. :D


    Emma Samms may also be coming back for a while.


    If she does,we can kiss any good airtime for the Q's,or Tracy,probably goodbye.

    Luke will be gone(assuming ES does come back and it's soon) and Robert will have his hands full with Anna/Holly/Robin.

    Yeah I'm a pessimist.

    I hate it but I am.

    But am I the only one that's kind of tired of seeing airtime sucked up by characters that haven't been around for years?

    It's really not fair to the rest of the vets.



    rumor over

  12. MinervaFan ICAM with what you said.

    Can I add to your list, Lazy for a description of the writers?

    They sometimes come across to me as not wanting to put too much depth in a scene,for fear we won't understand it or like it I guess.

    I don't know. LOL

    And disrespecting the history and motivations of a character.

    For soooo long TQ was all about getting her daddy's approval,now we hardly hear about that.

    All she does now is chase Luke around.

    And while I'm in the minority,I think TG is STILL a sexy guy....I can't see Tracy having nothing else to do but be his shadow.

    And Ms.Q...I think our girl is beautiful in anything,although the solid colors are better for her.

    The prints wear HER,if that makes any sense.

  13. No TQ today mentioned in recaps.

    spumor talk:

    okay I hate to keep on harping on this,but does no one else remember the spec/spumor/spoiler that someone would face motherhood again,"whether they wanted to or not?"

    I swear the spumor worded it exactly that way, and those are Guza's words about Tracy.

    Are we SURE he's not going to go there?

    I'm not convinced yet that he won't do it.

    spumor talk over

    TQ should be on tomorrow,and Luke should be trying to interrupt Tracy and Robert's date.

    Yay ! LOL

  14. Actually I was referring to the pic Ms.Q provided a link to a few posts up the page. She just called it a spoiler pic. I called it Medianet,my bad...it's not from MediaNet but I think MediaNet gets the same pics.

    ETA when I looked at it again,you can see TR wearing his wedding band in the pic,look on his left hand and you'll see it.

    And doesn't Jane have FAB cheekbones?

    I think so. B)

  15. That is a GREAT medianet pic of them,I don't think JE's expression is nearly as strange as it was in the freezer ones.

    That is also dare I say it,a SEXY pic of them.


    Hey,if I thought for a minute Robert would treat her any better (and actually,I do) I'd root for him to steal Tracy away from Lucas Lorenzo in a heartbeat.

    I'm leaning more and more towards that,but with you know who coming back this summer,I don't see their flirtation going far.

    At least not yet.

    They do look good together though,no?

    spoiler talk

    the "mother" thing...I'd love for it to include Lucky,also. Alan was addicted to the same pain pills,was he not?

    He's Lucky's step uncle.

    If/When Luke is presumed dead,or faking his death(hey he MUST be,if Tracy has to step up),it'd be cool to see Alan reach out to Lucky and then even Lucky and Tracy to have a few scenes. Tracy could be part of his intervention.

    I'd LOVE that.

    Not too excited about the mother thing where Lulu is concerned.

    Not at all.

    And yes our girl is mentioned in Summer Spoilers,but since she's been with Luke she usually is mentioned in sweeps/seasonal previews.

    It's the fact that Tracy isn't mentioned in daily or weekly spoilers that bugs me. LOL

    And the Robert takes Tracy away somewhere spoiler......I LIKE a lot. :)

    spoiler talk over

  16. Eh,I would go over to SOC and offer my two cents but for the past six months it's given me a headache just posting there,so I rarely do.

    That Sussudio poster,I don't think they like anyone.

    And truthfully I just don't bother over there anymore.

    As far as feeling sorry for Tracy,hmm.

    That's an interesting question.

    I'm always on her side,because she's my favorite character.

    I'm even on her side when I know she's wrong,but if she gets payback from someone for something she did,I actually(soft voice) sometimes cheer the other person on. I certainly don't root for her to win if the thing she's doing is really bad or evil.

    Because wrong is wrong and that's that.

    BUT I will defend her right to think the way she does,and act the way she does,because I understand where she's coming from. I understand why she feels she has to resort to acting out that way.

    In that sense,I defend her.

    But I'm not afraid to admit when I think she's out of line,either.

    So....as far as feeling sorry for her,I do if something happens to her she didn't ask for.

    I think Sussidio is wrong.

    She's staying with Luke because she cares,and she's lonely,and I think she does love him in her own Tracy like way,and she enjoys the game.

    I don't think she brings a lot of Luke's insults upon herself.

    She for instance will play the game with him,but she rarely insults him on a personal level,the way he does her.

    This has me curious about today's show,which I haven't watched yet.

    Did something happen today,too?

    At any rate,Luke's about to get some of his own medicine when Tracy and Robert start flirting in earnest.

    Still though I doubt it'll be as bad as anything Luke has done so far.

    spoiler talk

    If it's about Lulu,why not ship her off to Grandma Leslie's,Lucky's,Nik's?

    The blurb makes it sound like Tracy has no choice.

    She'd have a choice if it were Lulu.

    Guess we'll see,though.

    And about the summer previews...call me a cynic,but I don't think it'll be as big as it sounds.

    spoiler talk over

    ETA *waving to MinervaFan

  17. Don't anybody go squeeing too early,but I bought the last SID issue...and:

    spoiler talk

    It says TG is out,but again I think we'll see him until July.

    We'll see...

    But what I wanted to bring up,is in the summer previews,Guza talks about Tracy using Robert to make Luke jealous...but then he goes on to say, "she(Tracy) will also be slammed back into motherhood in a big way,whether she wants it or not."

    It can't be Ned or Dillon related,because how can she be slammed back INTO it,if she's already there?

    Same for it being Lulu related,she's already Lulu's stepmonster.

    So...you don't think they'd make her pregnant,do you?

    It certainly sounds like it,the way Guza phrased it.

    I can see Guza getting a kick out of making her pregnant,and then Luke disappears and out of anger Tracy says it's Robert's,or they think Luke is dead(I keep going back to that),and Robert tells everyone it's his.

    That's sort of a replay between Luke/Holly/Robert back in the day,and it's something Guza would totally do.

    What do you all think?

    spoiler talk over

  18. Today sounds cool.

    Three men and our girl?(Sounds like the title of a fan fic)


    Wahoo !!

    sorta spoiler talk

    about TG and his contract status....I'm confused.

    Supposedly Jackie Z on Cindi Rineheart's show said that TG was already on vacation and would be gone until August,then gone again.

    Didn't Greg Vaughn say the same thing last May,that TG was already gone,but we kept seeing him until July?

    I wonder if he has an unpublished vacation he takes,where he pretapes?

    Because that would explain both GV and JZ saying the same thing at the end of the same month,different years.


    But if he did pretape this year and we'll see him until around the third week in July,that would mean he pretapes a month in advance of everyone else since the general delay is about three weeks between taping and airing.

    I doubt he pretapes a whole month in advance.

    But how could both of them be wrong about TG being gone?

    Hmmm again.

    Either way,guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    I also don't remember TG taking TWO summer breaks,from the way the poster said it,JZ implied he'd be back in August(odd) and gone again until October.

    Maybe he'll be on break but be on screen until August,then be on break and offscreen after that?

    Makes more sense.

    I just hope with Robert around that we get to see Tracy.

    With Anna coming back around the end of June and then leaving end of August(for now), that means Tracy and Robert will be each other's main company for a month and a half.

    As long as we get to see our girl,I'm not complaining.

    Please let her be on for more than ONE day during this.



    This whole thing also makes me think again that Luke will be presumed dead or kidnapped this time around.

    I keep thinking it,I don't know why......

    spoiler talk over

  19. I missed the second sequence with the Q's,Robert,Luke,but caught the first and last.

    I kinda like the chemistry between JE/TR and think if they wanted to they could really turn it on. :huh:



    Maybe Luke could walk in on them and have a heart attack.

    Okay,not really.

    But a few palpitations would be nice. :rolleyes:

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