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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Hmm...okay MinervaFan how bout some of my famous zucchini bread,sliced and toasted,with butter?

    Are you dairy allergic,or just lactose intolerant?

    Can you eat,say..soy products like milk and cheese?

    We also have wheat bread with vegetarian sausage and onions,for you adventurous ones.


    And a nice fruit salad to go with that.

    And *whew* I'm exhausted from all this cooking. :0)

    About no Tracy today. Noooo, I'm not surprised. :(

    *waves* to Keith and LOL,I think w/all this "women" talk he's afraid to come in here.


  2. angel if you're taking pills and they're not helping, you might want to let your doctor know and maybe he/she can give you something else to try.

    Otherwise you're paying for and taking pills that aren't helping,which is a waste.

    You poor thing re: the relatives.

    Tell your mom your period is making you feel so bad you have to "retire" to your bedchamber.

    Take a good book,swipe some snacks,and hope no one bothers you. :)

    And *waves* to knh. Care to comment on the cousin' lovin issue?

    Or just Tracy Q in general? :)

    We don't bite.

    We even have a break room with a breadmaker...cheddar bread with fresh sliced ham is in there,and good hot cinnamon cappucino from Keith's new cappucino maker,along with sliced cheese,fresh grapes and almond biscotti for those with a sweet tooth.

  3. *cough* Keith unless you like hearing women discuss their monthlies you might wanna skip the first part of this post. :D

    Menstrual discussion below:(yes,I really did go there)

    angel I have had pretty bad ones myself,and I never did anything more than take Tylenol or use a heating pad on my back or belly,whatever hurt the most. LOL

    But just this month I took Midol.

    It's a blessing,really. I didn't have any real discomfort while I took it,and I know it helped because the one day I didn't take it I could tell a difference in cramps,back pain,etc.

    So see if your mom might get you some.

    If you're already taking it,and it's not helping, try a heating pad. Try laying off the caffeine about a week before you start,and drink lots of milk.

    I've heard caffeine increases,and calcium DE-creases,cramps and such.

    I think it really just depends on you.

    The Midol helps with the bloating,cramps,PMS and during MS related moodiness. It worked for me. And actually I tried the generic dollar store version. It's cheaper and it works.

    Menstrual talk over

    About the cousin loving.

    Well I'm from the south,and I won't deny I've know people who married second cousins and on down the line.

    But it's a stereotype that it only happens in the south.

    Theodore Roosevelt and Eleanor,were first or second cousins,and they married.

    Many old school Europeans married brothers/sisters and cousins, mainly to keep the bloodline pure.

    And those are just a few examples.

    Yes,it's gross...but it's rare,IMO.

    And truthfully,when you get down past third cousins, there's very little bloodline there anyway. It's still icky but hey we're all ultimately related anyway,so there ya go.


    Besides....Dillon/Lulu ARE step sibs.

    They aren't related by blood and didn't grow up together.

    So it doesn't squick me out nearly as much as it would,if they had grown up together.

  4. *waves to Keith*

    *waves to everyone* LOL

    Mmm....MinervaFan mentioning herb bread and taters is making me hungry.

    I didn't eat breakfast. :P

    First off let me say that's one reason I have not finished any fanfic. Writing an existing character created by someone else,who already has their own voice?


    Which is why Guza and Co just write the characters as doing whatever they want them to do,regardless of whether or not it makes sense,because that's much easier.

    And ya know,shoot me,but I do realize how hard their job is.

    It IS hard. Especially writing new and engaging stories for these characters five days a week.

    I'll be honest. Even if I was arrogant enough to think I was the best writer in the world,I don't know if I'd want their jobs.

    But...some people just have a knack for getting down certain character's voices,and I think each person here who writes Tracy fanfic is very good at capturing her voice.

    MinervaFan I think you should send in samples of your work,and your resume,and apply at GH.



    And I've said the same to Ms.Q in the past,if I haven't,I'm saying it now.

    And I agree no matter how often Jane is on,she makes the scenes she's in worth watching.

    BUT I'd rather her leave than stay on recurring,unless there was some kind of guarantee I'd still see her a couple of times a month,and with recurring,you don't get that guarantee.

    So I'd rather she'd leave than accept that.

    She's too good to be wasted.

    Is she a perfect actress who hits every note and never messes up?

    Of course not. Much as I love her,there have been times I just felt this or that scene fell flat. But those times are rare. Most of the time,she hits home runs.

    Ms.Q I love the pics and comments. Too funny. And I wouldn't be surprised if she's thought those things a time or two.

    LaineyBev I love your story idea. I also like MinervaFan's plot bunny about Helena,Lulu,Tracy and a gun. And yes I'm obsessed with Luke choosing Tracy too. At any rate,whatever happens,it should be interesting to see what Tracy does when Laura comes out of her catatonia. I hear ya about the "bold" function,sometimes it messes up with me,too. Or I mess it up. I like to blame it on the computer. :)

    smirks GH has almost beaten the desire for more, out of me,too. But I keep hoping. It's that optimism peeking through again. It's not as strong as when Jane first came back and when Jane was first paired with Tony,but it's still there.

    Keith as long as you put the appliances in the breakroom we won't come after you. :)

    Where are angel,nex,tracyluver,coolkid,PestSpray,4XCrazy? And anyone else I forgot,please forgive because it wasn't intentional. :)

    Come on in and join the party,ya'll. :)

    Ms.Q when I was a kid,the hail scared me. I've seen some BIG honkin' hail,and if you get caught outside in it,or if you're driving in your car, of course it's very scary.

    But sitting inside, and the wind blowing so hard it rattles the window panes?

    I LOVE that stuff.

    I know. I'm a freak. :)

    *off to get something totally inappropriate for breakfast out of the snack machine*

    See what I mean about me and the bold function,Lainey?? Just LOOK at my post.

    Just LOOK at it.

    It's a mess.

    But it just makes me unique.


  5. I *hate* when I forget to log out.

    And LOL smirks,and I totally know what you're saying.

    I agree with Ms.Q though....I just want Tracy on my screen.

    I'd prefer a real story.

    But considering how I almost went off yesterday,I'd best leave that rant alone.

    Hope everything is okay,Ms.Q. It rained all night last night and half the day here,and I thought for a minute we'd be having a tornado too but it passed.

    You can always tell when one's coming,though.

    If you stand outside after the rain,everything is really.really. still.

    Personally,I don't like seeing the wreckage,or knowing that people died or got hurt.

    But I love storms. :) I just do.

    *waves* to smirks. :)

  6. MinervaFan we think alike for sure about the forcing vs.choosing when it comes to Luke/Tracy.

    And yeah they are kinda squicky,but there's something about Lulu that the idea of her being with anyone just squicks me out.

    I don't know what it is,but there's something that just isn't right.

    Maybe because just two years ago she was nine years old?


    Yeah,that might be it.

    smirks LOL at you.

    And ohhhh.....I get it now. Airhead moment. :)

    As far as Luke choosing Tracy. Yeah I agree,if Laura goes back into her catatonia,or comes in and out,the Luke/Laura relationship will remain unfinished and therefore Lacy will never go forward.

    I also agree that a sane,recovered Laura will have her issues with Luke,and not approve of many things he's done/is doing.

    I'm adding that Luke himself,may discover that in this period of his life,he needs something different. And maybe they'll decide that remarriage is no longer an option,and that is when Luke totally sees Tracy in a different light.

    I say totally because I think Luke does see her as a woman,and not just "Tracy."

    BUT he seems oblivious to the fact that Tracy cares for him,as witnessed by their goodbye after Justus's funeral. He is totally clueless about his effect on her.

    As far as marriage being the kiss of death on a soap,I disagree that it is,if the soap is written well. But then this is GH....

    I do think married and/or happy couples can become boring,but I don't think boredom would ever be a problem with Luke/Tracy.

    Far from it. Even when they don't have much to do,they entertain.

    About the something vs. nothing.

    Well...presented with those being the only two options,I'd pick something over nothing any day.


    I'm of the school of thought that says, you must move forward to grow.

    You can't go backwards,and you can't stand still,for too long....before you start to die. Spiritually,emotionally,even actual physical death.

    And THAT is what I think is the kiss of death for relationships on soaps.

    Not necessarily couplehood or marriage,but the fact that the writers lose interest or run out of ideas for the characters. They've been stagnant for so long,in one place for so long,that no one,not the actors,the writers,or the audience,cares anymore.

    And I just don't think that would happen with Luke/Tracy. Maybe because Tracy and Luke have a certain friendship as a basis,and when you get down to it, they are sort of soulmates in the sense that they get each other. I think Laura was the love of Luke's life,but that doesn't mean she's his best match. I think Tracy is.

    TG/JE are good enough that even if the writing sucked,they'd rise above it.

    They already do,every day they're on.

    So...yeah,I'd choose something over nothing,but I'd *prefer* to see some growth in their relationship.

    Something must change,or *real* marriage or not, the story will die. They must grow,or end.

    By growing,yes,I mean first off,Luke choosing Tracy.

    I mean *really* choosing her. For the best, happiest reasons,and not just because he can't have Laura.

    I can see this happening,because I do think Laura is going to emerge still wanting the same things,and Luke no longer does.

    I think there's a reason that they show Luke talking about his lack of interest in the domesticated life.

    With Laura,he would be domesticated.

    He could remain married to Tracy the rest of his life,and NEVER be that way.

    ETA *waves* to nex and Keith and everyone else lurking.

  7. *waves* Hey everyone!!!

    No TQ today. Teens yes, TQ no. Teen update today in 3...2...1....Dillon decided to grow up a bit and try to save his marriage. And he apologized to Lulu for flipping out on her about the lie and admitted his part in their, you know, step-incest, but he's still in love with Georgie, so they're over. So, now you don't have to watch. :D

    Re: Poll: I....*wince* I don't want to think about pregnant Lulu. First, the squick factor. And sure, that means Tracy and Luke get a biological grandchild, but it's the wrong sort of biological. Plus, I think Lulu's got some great adventures ahead of her if she can avoid being tied down, plus, I don't need Dillon tied to Lulu for life. Luke and Tracy, yes. Dillon and Lulu, no. Although it would make for some interesting force-bonding between Tracy and Lulu, what with her lack of current parental involvement, and Tracy's history of less than encouraging behaviour around pregnant women. And, I was scared that Lulu moving out of the Q's would mean less screentime for them, but...I don't think that's possible. Can the Q's have less than zero screentime? No? Then I don't care where the littlest homewrecker lives.

    LOL This was so good I had to quote it.

    But I'm confused. You said "wrong kind of biological."

    What do you mean?

    You want Tracy and Luke tied together for life? Awww......

    See....I'm not even sure I want that,but it's sweet you do.

    No,he has to CHOOSE her.

    I don't want Laura to stay catatonic,or go in and out and have Luke fluttering around her and forgetting Tracy.

    If he doesn't choose her, I'd rather that she were free,to leave town, or stay and start up a new venture/romance/whatever.

    The chance of Luke "choosing" Tracy....not good.

    Love your nickname for Lulu....the littlest homewrecker. Never a truer word.

    And with that boys and girls,back to work.

    BTW Keith I know what you mean.

    Not all guys are mechanical,and not all girls can bake/be domestic.

  8. Hmm

    SOW says:

    That Lulu faces a crisis,I think next week? Is the crisis finding a place to live,or finding out she's pregnant?

    Quick poll..what are the feelings of the TQ lurvefest posters,about this?

    Me,I'm mostly against it,unless it gets Tracy airtime.


    I expect a new grandchild,one she can start fresh with,should majorly include Tracy.

    You can bet it'll majorly include Luke,Laura if she's there,Lucky,Nik,Liz.

    So why not the Q's,and why not Tracy?

    Because if the writers have no intention of including Tracy in a major way,and Lulu IS pregnant,the baby must DIE.


    STill feeling GH mean today.

    spoiler talk over.

    ETA *waves to Ms.Q*

  9. Yeah, GH does suck,and I'm just about out of my optimism,ya'll.

    What happened to the promised story for the Q's and John Ingle?

    And is anyone other than me,just about fed up with spoilers that have Sonny in every sentence,or Sonny/Jason/Sam/Alexis/Ric/Carly in them?

    I'm so tired of this ya'll. And I'd do a smiley face to lift the mood...but honestly. Just not feeling it.

    Can you understand NOW,why I'm of the camp that is rooting for Jane to leave?

    Cause the five minute a week junk?

    Is not only insulting,it's frustrating,and I'm taking my frustration out on strangers on message boards.

    And I'm TIRED.

    Of waiting for things to change,of waiting for Jane to get a real story,of waiting for Lacy to progress or end.

    I'm just TIRED.

    And I don't have anything positive to say today.

    Something else I'm ALSO tired of.


  10. Great chapters Ms.Q.

    Yeah...Edward sucks. It's totally something he'd do,too.

    Lovin' your story. :)

    *waves to everyone*

    ETA about the spy thing...back in The City days,I remember there was a reference that how Alex and Tracy met,was that Edward hired Alex to find out who his corporate mole was that was leaking things to the competitiion.

    Anyway Alex tried to get close to Tracy,and they had an affair. He was trying to find out if she was the mole,and apparently he never found out for sure,because there was a scene where he asked Tracy if she really was the spy,and Tracy just smiled and told him she would never tell.


  11. Helloooo in here !


    Wow. No posts in like,six hours?

    I think this is the deadest this thread has ever been on a Monday.


    Long live Tracy Q anyway. :)

    I'm outta here,gotta 45 minute drive home and I'm tired.

    Hope everyone has a good night.


  12. *waves to everyone*

    link please to the Tristan quote about liking working with Jane.

    Although that's probably all it says,LOL...I'd still like to read it.

    Eh,it's Jane's business if she doesn't want to do it.

    I disagree that the actors don't owe fans anything.

    Without the fans they might not have a job,especially movie actors.

    If you're rude in public for instance,that might make a lot of people NOT want to see your movie.

    Just as airtime for soap stars is sometimes based on fan response.

    Believe it or not, Maurice Benard/Sonny, is VERY popular offline and the studio probably gets a ton of mail on him.

    The airtime he gets ain't a coincidence.

    By the same token,I think he should be respectful to fans.

    Forgive me for not being more clear....but basically my opinion is that actors should be respectful to fans,but as far as what they reveal in interviews IF they give them,or how many public appearances they make,etc.....I don't think they should be obligated to do any of that IF they don't want to.

    Most of the time though I think part of that decision is out of their hands.

    I also think fans should be respectful to actors...no going up to them at a restaurant while they're eating,no approaching them in a bathroom,etc.

    No hitting them. LOL

    No trying to kiss them or grabbing their privates.

    You know,the same respect we would show a total stranger.

    Which...let's face it,that's what Jane or any other actor is. Unless we know them personally,they ARE strangers.

    I wouldn't grab a stranger,or demand anything from a stranger.

    Same policy applies with them.

    Eh,people who spend THOUSANDS of dollars,just to meet soap stars,totally and completely freak me out.

    I met ONE soap star,and he came to my town.

    And I didn't touch him or ask to touch him. I just wanted an autograph,and I got one. :)

    Had to stalk him all the way to Kaybee Toys to get it,though. :)

  13. Ms.Q about the jury duty thing....just picture them in their underwear.


    awww...tracyluver,you rock. :)

    The rumor about Wally...LaineyBev I have my doubts about whether or not they'd do anything,either.

    Cause they're dumb. That is all.

    MinervaFan your story....I didn't hate it. I think YourPaul needs much more meaness,though. If you even write him again,LOL.

    CAuse towards the end,yeah.

    He was a complete jerk.

    He was kinda a jerk anyway....but he was a colossal jerk by the end of it.

    Yeah the ** coming back as a writer rumor? I'd love to see how he'd write Tracy,specifically Luke/Tracy.

    And Oh Baby does indeed rawk. It has soooo much heart. :)

    And that's why I love ya'll's fics.

    Cause they all have heart,and except for days like this past Wednesday and,well....pretty much every scene Tracy's in...LOL....GH just doesn't have heart. It's lost it somewhere.

    But then we get those moments of sheer brilliance,like the Luke/Tracy unexpected goodbye kiss and the Tracy/Lulu stuff this week.

    How much better would it be though if it were that way all the time? *sigh*

    Heart,people. Heart. That's what it should be about.

  14. smirks that's a pretty good analysis.

    Yeah,the Q's....you get stuck with a label and you DO literally get stuck with it.

    Although I think (MinervaFan pointed this out....that Tracy is a mixture of Lila and Edward,not enough of either one to please that one,and too much of the other.

    I think Tracy is most awesome when her Lila side comes out though....because JE still gives it a different twist and a Tracy flair all her own. So she can have Lila-like traits,without people accusing her of being like Lila.

    And I don't think Luke's comments count,because he doesn't tell Tracy she's like Lila. He tells her she's an amazing woman, just as Lila was an amazing woman....which is a different comparison altogether.

    spumor talk

    I had heard that about Wally...but Tracey Warren who runs Wally's official website,had not talked to him recently and seemed to think it was a hoax....but that's a strange hoax,if so.

    I personally don't think TIIC will do anything big,I think he'll move out of town,that old standby.

    As far as a big family scene,maybe a few small ones....and if he gets big ones I'll be shocked.

    I'm happy for Wally if true,but that means he'll be pulling up stakes,not sure if he wants to do that.

  15. My dad and Luke have similiar colored eyes...but that's where the resemblance ends.

    I always said when I was a kid that my Dad looked like Paul Newman...he definitely has the same blue eyes.

    I think though that the similarity is mostly in the face,and I also think as he's gotten older...not so much resemblance.

    There has been more than once that my dad has been mistaken for Dick Cheney...which I find hilarious,and not at all true IMO.

    Of course my brother's oldest daughter would argue with me about that,LOL.

    About Tracy.....oh I TOTALLY agree a huge part of her problems with Edward are because she's not a man.

    But I don't think it has a thing to do with her relationship with her sons.

    Yeah....Edward should've been born in China...where baby girls are often abandoned,or worse.

    Because if Tracy'd been given up at birth and raised by a NON-male chauvinist pig, or even in an orphange, she would ROCK even more.

  16. About TY and Lisa and SoapTalk....I noticed they were loud and Lisa loves talking about herself,LOL...but almost all talk show hosts are like that.

    Most people don't watch talk shows for the hosts,anyway....they watch for the guests.

    So I guess I never paid too much attention to them,but I didn't hate them. I thought they were entertaining and that's all I really cared about.

    Although Ty does sometimes answer his own questions.

    Not all the time,though. Eh,I'll miss the show when it ends because it's the only one on TV that does what they do. What other show can you turn to for soap actor interviews? Mainstream talk shows rarely bother with them,unless you're TG GF or Susan Lucci.

    Anyway, about this breakroom.

    Does it have a fully stocked refrigerator,TV,and microwave?


    We can hang out and eat corn dogs and moon pies and make fun of Scott Clifton's hair.

    4XCrazy brothers can be useful sometimes and then other times,they FAIL US miserably.

    I have a younger brother,I know of which I speak.

    Keith this board was nuts last night,I finally gave up on getting in.

    And thanks for sharing your breadmaker. You're a doll.

    Did you see Wednesday's show with our girl?

    Awesome,awesome stuff.

    MinervaFan good luck with your dad. So he looks like Alan and is a cross between Edward and Luke,huh?


    Ms.Q jury duty,that sucks. :( I've always thought it'd be interesting to sit in on a trial,though.

    Since Dillon knows,maybe TQ will be on today?


    ETA MinervaFan about what you said about Dillon being the love of Tracy's life....I know what you mean and I agree,although I'd add Ned to that.

    We hardly see Ned so it's hard to tell.....but Ned has gotten away with junk,too.

    Tracy and her boys....sort soulmates in a way,to tell you the truth.

    Kinda like POW's( no disrespect meant to real POW's),who might not have a thing in common except one shared experience of a war they go through together.

    Well all the Q's are like that in a way,I see that bond with Alan and Tracy and Tracy and her boys.

    They might feel sometimes they have nothing in common except being Quartermaines(personally I see a little of Tracy in both her sons,the good and the bad).

    But being Quartermaines together is enough to cement them for life,LOL.

    With Ned AND Dillon, here's the thing:they can get mad at her and call her all kinds of names and berate her,but she forgives them.

    She does something horrible,and she's a pariah.

    Of course she far outnumbers them in dirty deeds,and therefore it's easier for her to forgive her boys for a few nasty words or dirty deeds themselves.

    I wish it wasn't that way,or at least I wish they'd acknowledge more,that they know their mother loves them unconditionally. :)

  17. Well I don't always get "recaps" per se from SZ....SZ has the "Live Post" which doesn't always include recaps but you can tell from commentary who's on and who isn't.

    Since you know where SZ is already I won't post a link,but if you want links to other boards that actually DO daily recaps,I'll be glad to provide.


    Oh yeah and Jane ROCKS !! :D

  18. I think any kind of drama has pain with it,and if JE is ever going to get good meaty stuff to play before she leaves,there'll be pain involved with Tracy on some level...either as the cause or the receiver or both.

    I'm all for anything(or ALMOST anything) that will give JE good airtime and a meaty story.

    JE does comedy well but I love AngstyTracy.

    As far as Paul....I believe Paul Satterfield Jr. was already approached about coming back as Paul before he went to OLTL and he said no due to thinking he'd be mostly played as "Dillon's dad."

    And he probably would be,of course he's a guy so he'd have a better chance of a story than Jane I guess.

    So it's anybody's guess as to whether or not he'd come back after all.

    I doubt they'd recast.

    But you never know.


    And yeah no TQ today....based on recaps Dillon confronted Lulu though...I might watch the end for that scene.

    Maybe Tracy will be on tomorrow?

  19. Oh....I just realized Pest Spray told us she was Linn before and had changed her name.

    Thanks for telling cause I would not have known.

    Your name reminds me I have a wasp's nest at home to take care of. LOL

    I too think JE might be a good writer. But she's never mentioned it in interviews,wanting to be one,I mean.

    She was "associate" producer of Loving before it became The City .

    She spent time at OLTL in the control booth observing before she did this.

    And yeah I agree, I don't think Lulu is afraid of Tracy so much as it is,afraid of letting Tracy in.

    Just as Tracy is afraid of letting ANYONE in.

    So the relationship? So interesting unique and dynamic.

    And because it is?

    I don't trust the writers to handle it properly,and if they can't handle it,it might be better left untouched on RealGH.

    Now if anyone out there wants to give the fan fic a crack, I'd say go for it.

    And where the heck is Keith?

    And where's my Herb Bread? :P

    I give him back the bread maker and he just disses us.

    HMPF. <_<

  20. Me....I think I need to stay away from reading recaps and transcripts because it takes away from the enjoyment of the show.

    That said,my curiosity is so great...I don't know if I can.

    If Tracy is on,I want to know what happened. LOL

    About Jane,I agree. She seems like someone I'd love to know. Very smart but not TOO smart,tempered with a humility and a sense of humor.

    I liked the Tracy/Dillon and Tracy/Lulu stuff. I too noticed Lulu's reaction to Tracy brushing her bangs away.

    At first it looked like Lulu was disgusted with her touch,which made me mad.

    Then I thouht no,she's AFRAID to let Tracy touch her in any way that borders maternal.

    Very well done scenes by both actresses.

    And unlike the vast majority of the online community,I'm no acting expert,but I do know what I like and when I think a scene works,and their scenes WORKED.

    Maybe at lunch I'll add more if I can think of it.

    Dooty calls. LOL Must get back to work. Yay. Only NOT.

  21. I haven't watched yet but today sounds good.

    Really quick:

    Ms.Q you asked when I come to work,usually right at 8:00am,sometimes before.

    When do I leave:

    Whenever. :lol:

    What I meant about Skye was ....I expected her to do the opposite. She had a chance to crush Tracy and she didn't take it.

    Yay for Skye.

    When I say to anyone who writes fic, "YourLuke or YourTracy or YourWhomever",it's because the fic on this board has characters that are complex and multi layered and not all "one" way on anything....in other words,the almost exact opposite of Guza's version of the same characters. So it's my backhand way of paying you a compliment,while remembering that oftentimes due to shoddy writing on GH, the fic versions bear little resemblance to what we see on screen. The fic versions ARE the real versions,IMO.

    I think writing e-mailing is an excellent idea.

    *waves to everyone*

    good news about your dad MinervaFan. I'm glad. :)

    *hugs to angel.

    Sorry I'm in such a hurry,LOL.....BTW since the Big Reveal happened today,I think there's a good chance we'll see Tracy again this week.

    Two weeks in a row where she's on for two days those weeks?

    That by itself is cause for writing TIIC. :)

    At least they're trying to include her in something,waaayyy different from last summer, The Summer of One(Episode with Tracy in it,that is).

    Night,all ! I'll post more in the morning when I watch !

  22. Awesome updates ya'll......Ms.Q you kill me. Sometimes,I actually adore YourLuke.

    And yay for Skye.

    But what will Coleman do?

    And MinervaFan, your story...*double sniff*

    CRAP. I really shouldn't read your angsty stories at work...they always make me cry,as do everyone's whenever they have VulnerableTracy.

    don't read below if you don't want to be spoiled on MinervaFan's story.

    I had a similiar experience as YoungTracy did,in HS.

    Which made it all the more poignant to me. :)

    And I have no idea what happened to the boy,but I hope he beat his disease.

    His name was Chris and he was a year or two behind me in school.

    We were both on the school newspaper staff and he had been battling leukemia for years.

    Because of that he was small for his age and pretty much he kept to himself,he usually wore a baseball cap over his head so it was hard to tell how much of his hair was falling out,and sometimes he had no hair at all.

    Anyway we went to Little Rock for the Arkansas HS newspaper press conference and stayed in the Excelsior Hotel overlooking the Arkansas River.

    Oh,we thought we were the bomb...HS kids away from their parents for a whole weekend,basically unchaperoned except for our teacher.

    There was a dance after the banquet that Clinton spoke at that night....and I had saved up for a blue dress,just like Tracy in the story(sort of,LOL)

    Anyway I was not then nor am I now,very big on those kinds of things.

    But,everyone went, and I forced myself to go onto the dance floor determined to have a good time.

    Chris asked me to dance and we did,and it was obvious(LOL) that neither one of us was used to it.

    It was just one of those moments though that you don't ever forget. We were never a couple,just friends...and even if things had been different,we probably would not have been. But still....I considered him a friend.

    And I wonder sometimes what happened to him,if he beat the cancer...but I have no idea.

    I like to think he did. :)

    And that's enough of the depressing stuff. :)

  23. *does a Moravian swan dance in honor of Ms.Q's 600th post.


    I have no idea if there is such a thing as a Moravian swan dance,and if there is...I wouldn't know how to do it.

    I can bake though....*cyber sends Ms.Q her favorite cookie.

    YAY !!

    *swirls pom poms*

    Our girl is on tomorrow !


    *love and hugs,until tomorrow*

    I am FINALLY leaving work.

    I just hope I can sneak out without setting off the alarm.

    Soooo tired. *yawn*

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