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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. LOL I don't trust TIIC as far as I can throw em.

    I hope they actually go the "unpredictable" route this time and:

    Show Luke having feelings for Tracy EVEN with Laura around. I want several "Tracy and Luke stuck in an elevator alone" scenarios....I don't care how contrived or corny they are.

    I want them to FACE whatever their feelings are...and then I want them to say goodbye.

    And Jane and Tony will rock it..and it will be the only reason to watch that day(well any day for me).

    And then when Genie goes....and she WILL go...:):

    I want Tracy to move on with the mysterious new stranger in town.....who turns out to be someone ShadowyandMysterious.

    And I want Luke to fight to get her back.

    But this is GaP. They'll do whatever they can to put the screws to the Q's.

    Hey that rhymed. LOL

  2. I guess I really need to watch today before judging...but I'm mainly ticked about the spoilers....

    nothing for the Q's.

    Just nothing.

    And it's apparent to me that TIIC aren't even *trying* to snow job us by throwing us a bone.

    I *am* intrigued by the fact that Laura might actually be back in PC.....Luke will move out(if he doesn't move out and Lacy don't divorce because of Lulu beforehand)....Tracy and Luke will talk about divorce even if they don't do it....

    Poor Tracy. But will we SEE her POV?

    That's the question.

    Ah well....October/November will be here soon enough you guys.

    ETA is the board REALLY wonky for anyone else??

    No sense getting an ulcer over what *migh* happen.

    I'm all for making a pact that we will not worry or fret over spoilers TOO much and we will not ASSUME anything...for all we know "Laura" could be a Helena plant and not the real Laura at all.......

    And you know Guza would do it. :)

    Hey, chin up ya'll. Jane was on today. That's a reason to celebrate. :)

    ANd it sounds like a good day. :)

    MOre reason to celebrate. :)

    And just call me PollyAnna M'Kay? LOL

  3. Yes I'm replying to myself.


    I'm thrilled that so far we sound as if we are getting a somewhat multi-layered complex Tracy in this story.

    I just hope the fall spoilers don't wreck her.

    Because I can totally see Guza using EvilTracy as the reason Laura is now catatonic again if they go that route.

    But the spoilers say Laura will be back in PC....which if that's true will be heartbreaking for our girl...but will Luke sue ELQ and that be the swift end to Lacy even before Laura comes back?

    Spec anyone?

  4. LOL at you guys.

    Um about TG...me too. I mean I can take or leave Luke unless it's a scene with Tracy.

    Much like I can tolerate Lulu only with Tracy.

    BUT I reeally like Lacy/LuNacy.

    Funny huh?

    I guess the best way to put it is that Tracy makes Luke tolerable for me and without her....I just don't care.

    TG seems like a sweet guy...but Luke?


    If Jane never had a scene with him again...it would not bother me in the least to FFWD him...I'd only watch the scene if I knew he were talking about the Q's or Tracy.

    Same with Lulu. I'm not dazzled at all. She's an overhyped character played by an overhyped actress.

    Now Greg as Lucky I like...but would I watch GH just for him?

    Uh...NO. LOL

  5. MinervaFan I apologize for butting my nose in and all. LOL

    I just wondered. :)

    I tell you what...until you move out or the situation changes some other way....if you DO miss a show..let us know on here and I'll tape that show for you...PM me your mailing address and I'll be glad to send you a copy of the show.

    SN repeats GH shows several times for each episode and it's not a problem.

    Same for anyone else that wants me to do it.

    And yeah....EvilTracy is a Guza staple...and like I said I didn't see the previews....but I'm withholding judgement.

    Jane has a way of *still* giving TRacy layers even when the writing doesn't.

  6. MinervaFan butting my nose in here but .....do you have time at lunch to come home and check that the VCR is still set?

    Or is there someone there during the day that can check it for you?

    Do you have a friend you trust to tape it for you as a backup?

    Any friends with SoapNet?

    If none of those are an option....save up and buy yourself your own little TV for your bedroom and your own little VCR.

    Of course acts of nature notwithstanding(you know...the freak storm that cuts off the power) that's actually the best solution.

    Who pays for the cable in your house?

    Would they be willing to trade a bill with you if you paid for the cable? Most cable companies offer SoapNet cheap.

    I have the cheapest possible cable package you can get. It's digital cable(I only bothered specifically because of TQ being back...otherwise I probably wouldn't even have it) and it's the basic plan....used to be 24.99 now is 29.99 plus tax.

    Just a suggestion for a solution.....I remember back in the day...late eighties early nineties....when my parent's VCR would fail and I'd miss GH that day....if I knew Tracy was supposed to be on I'd freak.

    Of course I also taped every day back then not for sure when she'd be on....and I had to FFWd thru a lot of junk. LOL

    I didn't see the previews so I don't know....I expect them to villainize Tracy....partly because it's part of her nature....partly because she's a Q so she's an automatic scapegoat.

    But I am withholding final judgement until I watch.

    Anyone watching live......recaps/details of our girl's scenes will net you a snack of your choice from our breakroom...provided by *moi*.


  7. *waves to Ms.Q

    I think the SOD awards are no longer televised but SOD should have a ballot out in one of the November issues I think.

    They just post the winners in January I think...I *guess* they still get a statue if they win.

    Guess it got to be too expensive to televise.

    About the SOD blurb re: thumbs up Tracy/Lulu: I looked at it at the store and it basically just reviews the scenes with Tracy confronting Lulu over her lie...saying they(the mag) thought they were two disparate women(I've never thought they were that different) but found out they really aren't that they may have more in common than first thought and won't Luke be surprised.

    And that Tracy gave "maternal" advice to Lulu about Dillon,etc,etc....it's a very short blurb.

    ETA *waves* to MinervaFan

  8. Right now I think we're so TQ starved we'd take her with Sonny.


    I agree once again about the hair. I don't know if it's a perm or what but it's cute.

    GM on SoapBlather called it Wash and Go hair. I kinda understand why he'd say that....but I think it suits her character right now.

    The character is softer...the hair needs to be softer.

    I like SoftTracy but I'm actually kinda looking forward to Tracy and Dillon talking together about the baby and trying to get Lulu to change her mind.

    I want Tracy to blackmail someone.

    Well not really....but she hasn't messed with anybody in far too long.

    about the spoiler

    Yeah I think the spoiler about Lulu moving out of the Q's has been around a few weeks.

    I wonder if it's a true one.

    spoiler talk over.

  9. You crack me up I swear MinervaFan.

    As for the spoilers...most will come true because Wizard gets them from script breakdowns.

    But how they play out is a different matter entirely.

    And I agree..Geary and Elliot...(sounds like a law firm) consistently rise above the crap and spin it into gold.

  10. I truly do think that Lacy will continue if Jane stays...but this November I think will change the direction of their relationship. I just don't see how even Guza can justify them staying the same after that.

    But we'll see.

    As far as me....oh I love Jane and Tracy and I hate the thought of losing either one.

    If she stays I just want her to have good story.

    With or without Tony.


    ETA in defense of Guza.....Tracy is probably(according to the spoilers I've read and scenes I've already witnessed)one of the most well written characters right now.

    The last year or so she's had added depth that had always been there before with other writers but had been missing with Guza.

    I wonder if TG is rewriting any of her stuff. But of course the "boathouse sex stuff" with Dillon and Lulu...where Tracy walks in....was also well written.

    I have a feeling we are going to find out there's more to Tracy wanting Lulu to have this baby....even if it's just because it's what Dillon wants. Dare Guza go there and say Tracy is opposing Lulu because she once had an abortion and she wants to spare Lulu the pain of regret?

    I might not mind seeing that.

    And don't get me wrong....I know Tracy is supposed to be the closest thing GH has to a resident villainess(if you don't count Helena) and I don't expect everything to be roses...but I do want to see her POV equally and I do want her actions to make sense.

  11. *waves to Ms.Q and everyone else lurking*

    spoiler talk

    actually I was very mad when I first read the spoilers.

    But Guza (or whomever writes the script for that day) has a way of surprising us.

    Let's face it as far as Lacy...if Jane re-signs...my guess is they'll make up and continue.

    That's a plus or a negative depending on your POV

    They probably WILL fight over the baby....but I don't mind the angst as long as it doesn't get TOO ugly.

    I don't know.

    I know Tony and Jane will rock regardless.

    I haaatteee that Guza once again is villifying the Q's to prop...anyone to be honest, but especially another SPencer. AJ/Carly part deux, anyone? Only I truly don't think it'll go that far.

    I think any "plan" Tracy has will last a week and be over.

    Guza can't afford to give her any more screen time than that.

    But I'm trying now that I'm simmering down...to be more positive and say at least we'll get to see Jane more.

    Maybe. :)

  12. Well we knew it was going to happen:

    spoilers from Wizard on SD:

    Tracy tells Dillon there may be a way to force Lulu to have the baby.

    Luke comes back and supports Lulu's decision.

    Que EvilTracy music peeps !


    I mean I called it....I knew Guza would do it....he'll never villainize a Spencer over a Q.

    But hey maybe it won't be all that bad....and maybe Tracy's evillness will be more than just ELQ related.

    Maybe we'll find out another reason why she's pushing Lulu to have one.


    I still hate Guza right now though.

    And this will be angst for Lacy.

    Maybe this will be the end of them?

    Hmm again.

    Hey at least it sounds like Jane might get significant airtime outta this.

    We shall see.

    spoiler talk over

  13. :lol:MinervaFan I didn't mean Cesar/Tracy romantically. Eewww.....NO.

    And you're right about them teaming up; but once upon a time I never would have imagined Tracy teaming up with Helena since the Cassadines were responsible for Alexandra Quartermaine's death.

    But GaP did it anyway. I don't buy Tracy/Helena on the same side for ANY reason.

    And Keith I can't wait to read your fic update.

    Ms.Q I think you need to do whatever your first instinct was for the story. If your first instinct was for the baby to die...maybe that's best.

    I'd hate it...but as you said I'm honestly surprised the pregnancy has lasted this long.

    I'd love to see Tracy have a little girl with her mother's name. But it's your story. :)

    I'm sure it'll be great no matter how you end it.

  14. I was lurking over at the SoapNet GH board for a moment and saw the post where someone quoted Anders Hove(ex-Cesar Faison...for you newbies he was a bad, bad DVX(opposite of WSB, the good guys) operative back in the days of Robert and Anna's heyday...who was quoted as saying he'd love for he and Jane to mix it up, that Tracy could rival Cesar in badness( I disagree, I think only Helena could rival Cesar and Tracy while she's had her moments is no where near as bad as Helena) and that he would love to work with her if he came back to GH.

    I think he definitely respects her from the tone of his quote. I don't know.....I wouldn't mind seeing him as long as he and Tracy weren't on the same side...I love my girl but she just WOULDN'T unless there was something huge at stake...anyway I doubt it matters cause I doubt they'll bring him back anytime soon.

    Just thought it was interesting to read. :)

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