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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. SON's Previews:

    Tracy has doubts about Dillon's quick decision to change his career path.

    Hmm.....so wow we might actually get to see a good Trillon scene. Or two. Or three. *sniff* I can't believe MinervaFan killed Dillon off in her fic. Oh yeah and the scene where Tracy was wearing the pajama top with the film reels on it?

    KILLED ME. That's when I lost it. *sniff* So anyway back to the actual spoiler? What's Dillon's career change? Anyone want to hazard a guess?

    Doctor like Uncle Alan...saving lives? (maybe because of the death of his child?) Please say it's not ELQ. That is sooooo not Dillon.

    one sentence long spoiler over.


  2. So I liked the scenes with Dillon and Georgie yesterday.

    SC/LL did a great job.

    The scenes with Luke/Tracy?

    Meh. Luke can die. I will always root for Tracy but Luke just needs to die.

    I get that he still loves Laura but he should have told her what he was doing.

    She probably would have told him to take Lulu with him...but he still should have told.

    Of course the only thing possibly saving him is that he is refusing to see that she loves him.

    If I thought he knew it and still acted this way?


    And I'm in the minority but I still don't think Tracy would have ever had an abortion.

    I just don't.

    She down deep has a great capacity to love....and I don't think she could do it.

    I also don't think that young selfish Tracy would have stopped to consider that she was unable to care for the child. As spoiled as she was ? Nope.

    She would have considered another baby another chance to get her father's approval.

    Nope.Sorry. Not buying it. I don't think YoungTracy would have necessarily been morally against it.....but I don't think she would have made the choice to have one.

    Especially again if the man she was with she really loved. She might have used the baby as an excuse to hold onto the man.

    So it just doesn't ring true for me.

    Nice story Ms.Q. And yeah....there should be a similiar scene with Dillon/Tracy but Guza may never do that because I don't think he wants Tracy looking like a better parent than LUKE of all people.

    She's already a better STEP parent to Lulu than Luke is a father to her.

  3. Meh. I don't care if Tracy is on being nice. I don't think it ruins the character because she's always had a heart.

    BUT I do care that her only scenes are to prop Lulu. :(

    So basically....Luke left without telling Tracy why and expects her to look after his daughter.


    WEll...TQ's on so I'LL watch anyway. :P

    Cute lil story by the way MinervaFan.

  4. According to recaps Lacy had two brief scenes...if you call Luke telling Tracy not to be a nag then yeah they got a "get your butt outta my house" scene.

    Well...I doubt she said THAT.

    Meh. I know I'll be disappointed in GH. I usually am. :)

    But I gotta give em props..I honestly didn't expect her to get a scene with him. So *throws one piece of confetti* there ya GO, Guza. That's all you get.


  5. I do think part of them...all of them..being nice has to do with the ELQ/condom thing.

    At least that's what I think Luke suspects and I think that might be mostly where his comments to Lulu might be coming from.

    Yeah I thought yesterday was weird. But then it could have just been Lulu propping. I thought there was supposed to be a big story with the faulty condoms but it doesn't look that way to me.

    I think I probably give these writers less credit than any of you based on the specs about Lacy.

    I even seriously doubt that they'll progress. I think after Laura leaves it will just be status quo.

    And in my mind it's just not in character for Tracy to spill it to Luke first...but if she were drunk she might.

    But Tracy in character and sober might carry it with her and NEVER tell.

    You all have good ideas about how it should happen though.

    MinervaFan I agree about the undercurrent of sadness in their scenes.

    That's good drama though so I don't mind too much. :)

  6. I also believe in the power of prayer.

    So we better pray. LOL

    CAuse with these folks?

    WE might not even get a "goodbye" scene.

    Much less like the one you described Lainie.

    That kind of scene belongs on a good soap that treats all it's characters equally.

    As far as my interpretation of it: I just thought the scene was weird.

    I do think Tracy was on the verge of tears and she said the word "wife" with definite angry undertones...maybe because of Luke spending his time with Laura instead of her while the abortion was happening?

    That could be a reason. I know if it were me I wouldn't be too happy my husband chose to be with his EX-wife.

    I did think the first scene was kind of sweet though...but I definitely think the change of attitude was about him being with Laura.

  7. I loved the new fic MinervaFan. Ohhh.....yes I cried. A LOT. *sniff*

    Yours and Ms.Q's vids I could not download however.

    Hmmm.....I want to be negative about GF's impending return and what it will mean for our girl but something tells me it won't be as bad as we're all thinking.

    Or most of us.

    I would like to see some growth there in the Lacy relationship....it IS "yesterday's news" about what Guza said in SOW. He said that months ago, or a variation of it.

    I'd like to SEE the growth please. On my actual TV screen. And I do see growth don't get me wrong. But if Laura waking up doesn't spur Tracy to tell Luke how she feels then nothing will.

    And I'm not so concerned about what Luke will say as just that Tracy says it.

    Problem is...I so don't think it's in character for her to say it first.

    But that's all the more reason why TIIC will do it that way.

    Anyway,...hopeful for some good Lacy scenes on Monday and maybe Tuesday or both days. :)

  8. yeah I read the same thing at SZ.

    spoiler talk

    Lulu's a waste of space.

    Sadly the way it happened will probably not look that bad.

    And it should.

    That's an awful thing to go and tell...

    And not that many people seemed upset that she did it..when you know if Tracy had told about her to someone that didn't know, the audience would go ballistic.

    I'm kinda hating that Tracy was only on the first half after over TWO WEEKS of not being on.

    ANd I don't think the spoiler talk between Edward and Tracy ever took place today.

    ETA about Luke I doubt he'll even mention it to Tracy. Watch and see. Of course I haven't watched to see his reaction. So who knows?

    spoiler talk over

  9. LOL My computer went wonky and ate my post.

    I wonder what it tasted like.


    Can you tell I'm tired already?

    *waves to smirks who really should post more and LOL at MinervaFan's fake spoilers.

    My only wish?

    That LaineyBev's story, or a variation of it...takes place/comes true...either before or after Laura leaves would be fine.

    Will Guza show us this love he says Luke feels for Tracy?

    Cause I really don't trust him as far as I can throw him.

    Luke or Guza.


    And there are many many MANY days I wish Luke was a nonissue...like THIS WEEK(tries to forget the things out of Luke's mouth this week and last week also).

    But I can't help it. I love Lacy. I'm a glutton for punishment right? LOL

  10. hmmm...if we do a group zine can we vote ?

    Because MF I'd send "The Fourteenth" if I were you...or at least that's one I'd send. That is probably one of my faves...and the AU story with SIMON *sniff*....I honestly think Jane would get a kick out of that.

    And hmmm...one more of yours I'd pick as a "definite" might be the Ned/Tracy story in Europe or the Dillon/Tracy one from early on with him doing the documentary.

    I think they're some of my favorites but honestly I love most of them.....

    The saddest part about Lainey's fic that I think made me cry harder than anything?

    We'll likely never get those kinds of scenes between them on this GH...not with the current regime.

    And that's the REALLY sad part. That what we will get can't even touch that story.

    And there's no reason why not because I think Guza COULD write such a thing if he wanted to.

  11. Well actually Debbie it's not that farfetched about mailing Jane the stories. But if you're going to waste the stamp might as well maill ALL your TQ fic stories.

    Address the envelope to TG also though....or write Jane a short note that they are for him to read if he wants to.

    I myself have thought about printing stories I read and sending it to them..because out of all the actors currently on I think JE/TG might actually approach the writers with an idea or find a way to work something into the scene.

    Of course due to copyright laws they can't take your idea and use it without paying you so I doubt they'd ever use the actual story (I don't know why....they could just pay you a royalty but my guess is the writers throw stuff like that in the trash without even reading it.)

    But still...I could see them liking some of the stuff you guys have written.

    And LaineyBev .....all I can say to your story is WOW.

    I bawled man. BAWLED. YOU should mail that to Tony and Jane. And I loved how you ended it. Perfect. :)

    And um yeah....I think tomorrow may be the only TQ day we get....but *hopefully* I'm wrong.

  12. What "Medulla Oblongata"?? LOL

    You've never seen "The Waterboy" or "Young Frankenstein"?

    The Medulla Oblongata is what controls our rage and/or baser impulses. I think.

    What can I say I was bored.


    I like the very last one best....could we sort of change it up and use the big pic of Jane in the last one...but use several different ones of the polaroid shots to change it up?

    Instead of the repeating images?

    Or even use the large one of Jane and pics of her with other people...you know action shots...the shot of her in bed at the Vegas hotel comes to mind. LOL

  13. Meh...I watched yesterday live for the first time in a looong time and I'm just tired of the ways the writers have Luke subtly putting down the Q's.

    There were at least two references to them being monsters or animals...and several more in past shows since he's been back.

    Yet he and Lulu continue to eat their food...live in their home,etc.

    So no...LOL I don't like him right now. I really don't see the point in rooting for him to stay with Tracy...if he's going to talk like that to her family. Because it's not like he makes a distinction when he says "family of vipers".

    Hello...he's talking about Tracy too. :(

    anyway....I liked the story MinervaFan. :)

  14. Unpopular opinions...ranting and just general meanness ahead: you have been warned:

    I've said before that I used to post at TWOP but voluntarily withdrew my posting privleges so that I can't reply. I did this for my own sanity. LOL

    Anyway....Ms.Chicklet's fic there, some of us are familiar with.

    Well I happened to lurk this morning and saw it had been updated and decided to read the update(I can't remember which was the last chapter I read....but I went back and scanned the previous five chapters).

    Anyway.....all these people on TWOP are praising this story as being so much better than Guza's crap.

    But when I read it...what I saw was chapter after chapter after CHAPTER of the same characters...kinda like Guza.

    I mean a BUTTLOAD of the Spencers. (and since I posted there long enough to know she loves the Spencers)

    I think Tracy has appeared in maybe five chapters out of forty?

    And Alan and Monica less than that?

    And not only that...but the story is kind of repetitive and boring...kind of like Guza's.

    There have been parts I liked...I like the Tracy/Coleman stuff a LOT. All five(give or take) chapters of it.

    Now that sounds mean I know...especially coming from someone who doesn't write fic. But hey if you're going to put yourself out there, you should be willing to accept the criticism that goes with it...right?

    But....if you're going to criticize something but you demonstrate that you can't do any better...shouldn't you at least concede the fact that TIIC DO have a hard job?

    Because I can admit that. I can admit that I wouldn't want Guza's job for all the tea in China.

    And it just kills me when people praise something that is the exact SAME thing Guza is doing.Not the same characters but using some characters WAY more than others.And then talk about Guza and how piss poor he does his job.


    Rant over.

    And to keep this on topic...Tracy Rocks !-*

    Link to the story in case anyone would like to read:


  15. Um...my opinion only but I hate the first photo crop of her with the really short bob. Can we do a "curly haired" pic instead?

    Not being bossy. My vote/opinion only. Entirely up to you Ms.Q

    Also....I'm not quite sure what you mean on FONTS. I mean I know what fonts are but ?? Not sure what you mean in terms of the board.

    Screen Caps....i have no idea. I don't know what's been capped and what hasn't.

    I'm not too fond of them as a rule....

    I like the one if there is one...the day Luke left...when he and Tracy were on the Q's patio..from a "picturesque" standpoint that one could be good.

    MAybe some from Vegas with Dillon/Georgie and some with Luke.

    I don't know.

  16. Nevermind...I checked my yahoo.

    I should not have checked the live post.

    No..no Tracy. But I thnk I really really HATE Luke now.

    I don't think there's any going back for me.

    Their first scene together will determine how I feel.

    If he tries to blame her or treats her like garbage,it's OVER for me.

    I'm done.

    Unless she makes him grovel and beg.

  17. To those helping with the JE/TQ site...An email has been sent regarding graphics. :)







    From SoapDish...

    Luke and Tracy part, but not for long.

    Edward and Tracy get ruthless and comical in their effors to save ELQ.

    I"m confused. An email sent to all of us? By Tracey? Or you or someone else? I'm totally lost. I haven't checked my yahoo....should I? Please elaborate.

  18. The episode was a dream of Dillon's on NYE...2003. Have no idea why were given this instead of a regular NYE party episode.

    It was fun but again made absolutely no sense.

    And I agree....JE is GREAT at humanizing her character and giving her layers...even in fluff like that.

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