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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Yeah I'm kinda confused too as to why people are all like "Tracy and Luke never interacted."

    They did. Not necessarily SL wise, but they did.

    When TG auditioned for Mitch and didn't get the part and DM/GM invented Luke for him, if I remember right, I read that the initial plan was still TG/JE...that Luke would have an affair with the bosses's wife and then try to carry out the hit on Mitch and be killed.

    But then TG/GF had scenes and the rest was history.

    So the story goes, and I wish I remembered where I read the thing about Tracy/Luke's would be affair back then.

    But alas I don't. I suppose I could find it eventually....I think it may have been JE or TG in an article a few years back.....

    Anyway...I don't find it absurd that Luke and Tracy would notice each other.

    Luke likes money, and he ALWAYS has, (partly because he feels it gives him worth) and Tracy likes the bad boys (and always has).

    And I don't think what happened yesterday was disrespectful to LnL or their fans.

    I don't think Guza has BEGUN to desecrate Laura or LnL......not when you compare it to the humiliation I know Tracy has sufferered.

    When Laura has to get on her knees to beg Luke to make love to her, or when she has to crawl across the floor begging him not to leave her (as Tracy did both with Paul), then I'll say Laura has been humiliated.

    What I saw yesterday was not bad for LnL at all...because what I saw was Luke still putting Laura first, by CHOICE, out of love.

    Not out of obligation or pity.

    I do think Lacy had a nice day too....but it wasn't all that, not for me. I think Luke can't pretend now that he doesn't know Tracy cares about him....but that's about all it accomplished.

  2. I thought the face touching was very nice.

    After watching though I think a lot of people took things out of the scene that just weren't there for me, like I didn't see Luke or Tracy for that matter declaring any kind of grand love.

    It was well acted scenes by two good actors and I thought JE/TG stole the show yesterday.

    But I don't think anything that was said or done was disrespectful to Laura or LnL.

    And even if it WAS....LnL own ONE DAY in November.

    Not the whole month. :lol:

  3. I will have to watch to really weigh in, but first off I'm not sure Luke's not somewhat playing Tracy.

    About the spoiler ? I'm sure Guza will do something to knock Lacy five steps back, since they took a step forward today (unless Luke was playing her).

    Sounds like JE had a rockin' day, though....Lacy or no.

    Now THAT'S what I like to hear.

    And Reg if I can get in, I'll be there in a sec...my mom's BDay though so just for a few minutes.

  4. It sounds good.

    But I feel for the LnL fans. UGH. Seriously. I think all this is out of left field but....I don't know.

    And I can't help but think Luke is scamming her.....we'll see.

    He better not be.

    Or I'll resurrect Marco Dane to go break his kneecaps.

    And don't think I can't do it, either. :)

  5. Gosh I guess I'll have to tape the last five minutes off SoapNet and watch JE.....I was home sick and watched about the first ten minutes and Luke and Laura were blah blah blah.....

    So I turned the channel, figuring I would hear about it if there were a good Tracy scene.

    Guess I'll have to tape.

  6. Keith I lurved Anjelica as played by the divine Ms.Elliot...I think compared to Tracy that Anjelica is a little on the dull side, BUT due to JE's portrayal I could never take my eyes off of her.

    I think Steve called Anjelica that due to her red HAIR though. :)

    And Steve? Soooo wanted her. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    *MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE *MAYBE* FUTURE POSSIBILITY OF STEFAN/TRACY* Cause Stefan wouldn't have Luke's hangups...Stefan would respect her and defend her and protect her if and when needed, and the marital bed? Would smoke so much it would BURN.THE.HOUSE.DOWN.


    15 minutes to showtime...and what's up with the "clock" on this site? It's messed up. Just me, or everyone else, too?

  7. Until he learns to at least *respect* her and her feelings? *me, stepping off the Lacy train* .....although truthfully I have only had one foot on it for some time now.

    Seriously. Cause ya'll thought yesterday was bad?

    read this: spoilers

    Luke and Laura decide to remarry so LUke calls the family conference aboard the HS and announces to the family that he and Laura are getting remarried...and of course Tracy doesn't know until GUESS WHAT??

    She walks into the HS and overhears this. Man...I mean really...I get that when Laura farts, gold glitter flies out her butt. But it's a little thing called common courtesy. Luke SHOULD have told Tracy beforehand.

    AND having the wedding at the Q's is apparently his idea.

    Oh.....I just really really want him to DIE. The worst part is, I fear Tracy will be waiting for him when Laura leaves. I don't mind her being willing to forgive him, but HE should grovel. I mean really really grovel.

    BEcause nothing else will be acceptable to me for me to like them as a couple again. It's one thing to screw up a little and be a *little* mean, but this is so far past that, it's ridiculous.

    OTOH....I LURVED JE's performance yesterday. She blows every other performer, including TG, right out of the water for me. I love her all the time, I even love her hollering and scenery chewing sometimes. But I especially love when she's subtle.

    And in my opinion, she brings out the best work TG has done in YEARS.

    Today may be the day Tracy is drunk at the HS after Luke and Laura leave to go to Beecher's Corners, but I fear it won't be that way, I fear we'll get no Tracy after Luke and Laura leave.

    The drunk scene *might* be when the engagement is announced.

    Guess we'll see today.

  8. Um yeah......when I heard

    sid spoilers below ya'll

    that the L&L wedding would be in the Q garden, I thought to myself, "Lucas Lorenzo....you need to be bowing down kissing Tracy's feet."

    such a woman he will never find again.

    Even Laura, IMO, would never be THAT gracious.

    Of course I think this is where Tracy gets drunk. I don't think she makes a spectacle at the wedding, but I do think she's not taking it as smoothly as Luke thinks.

    As far as L&L....my friends I am not delusional. He'll never love anyone like he loved Laura.

    HOWEVER, the fact that Tracy is the almost total opposite of Laura is GOOD. Even TG said that if Luke ever fell for someone again it would likely not be someone like Laura.

    I do think in their own way they already do love each other, we know Tracy loves Luke and I think Luke loves Tracy. Not like Laura, not as intense, but still.....very interesting and compelling and devoted in their own wacky way.

    Have you noticed though that Jane never gets quotes in these articles or interviews?

    The last one I can remember where there are quotes from her is the one from SOW where JE/TG did the joint interview last summer...and the joint interview in SOD or SID with the fab pictures.

    But see, those were not articles about specific stories. Anytime it's a storyline being discussed, Jane is nowhere around.

    Is this the mags doing? I doubt it. I would think they'd want Genie and Jane's opinions also.

    I think it's Guza/GH.


    Just something I noticed.

    And YAY !!

    Today is THE day folks.


  9. Hmm....let me check my eyes. NOPE.



    And heh. Ms.Q said Laura was boring.


    Yeah. I AM that immature.

    Hold on a minute, I think there may have been a Tracy tidbit you missed.

    ETA, guess not....but it's all in the SID post on SZ if anyone wants to read.

    And that's it for the mag spoilers this week I guess, thank GOD for SID cause I don't think the other two even mentioned Tracy.

    ETA again that I *think* Guza is going for sympathy for Tracy here, or abject humiliation, either way, I likely WILL feel sorry for her and possibly LUke, and I hope TG/JE bring their "A" game cause their scenes are all I'm going to be watching for.

    That and possibly any GF/JE scenes. Laura IS supposed to eventually find out Luke is married to Tracy, right?

    I would LOVE a Tracy/Laura scene after she finds out IF she finds out.

  10. Addresses? I am copying and pasting from a SkyLo CP from SZ.....they generally have lots of addresses.

    Of course just change the names...such as JE/TG in place of RC/TK, as appropriate:

    GH Comment Line(voicemail)


    ABC Daytime Feedback (Ask for the viewer comment line) :




    Jill Farren Phelps, Executive Producer


    ABC Comment Line

    818-460-7477 Extension #2 then #4 F/ daytime & then #464 F/

    Email addresses ~

    President Of ABC DayTime

    [email protected]


    [email protected]

    Executive Producer Of GH

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    President of ABC Programming

    [email protected]

    Magazine E-mails

    Soap Opera Digest

    It's Only My Opinion -- Feedback for Carolyn Hinsey's column

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Soaps In Depth

    General Comments

    [email protected].

    Soap Opera Weekly

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    General Hospital Addresses~


    "General Hospital"

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Robin Christopher

    "General Hospital"

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Robert Guza Jr.

    Head Writer

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Jill F. Phelps

    Executive Producers

    "General Hospital" ABC TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Brian Frons

    President of ABC Daytime, ABC, Inc.

    2300 Riverside Drive

    Burbank, CA 91506


    Soap Opera Digest

    Sound Off

    261 Madison Avenue

    New York, NY 10016

    Soap Opera Weekly

    261 Madison Avenue

    New York, NY 10016

    Soaps In Depth

    270 Sylvan Avenue

    Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

    TV Guide (east)

    1211 Avenue of the Americas

    4th Floor

    New York, NY 17036

    TV Guide (west)

    6922 Hollywood Blvd

    12th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90028

    Soap Expert

    C/o The Daily News

    450 W. 33rd St.

    New York, NY 10001-268

    I've always read snail mail is more impressive. I've also read that if you write snail mail, don't go on and on about who you DON'T want to see, because TIIC count negative mail about Sonny *FOR* him, not against him. JUst using him as an example.

    Telling them who and what you like and who and what you want to see probably is the simplest approach.

  11. soapdish, but I think it refers to the spoiler we already know:

    When it comes to marriage, Tracy puts Luke's happiness before her own.

    Well we already know because Wizard confirmed it, that Tracy doesn't tell Laura she and Luke are married, so that L/L can get remarried. That must mean the same thing. But I thought I'd post anyway.

    Jane is soooo going to kill me/break my heart/make me a blubbering mess. :(

    But ANGST is good. LOL

    And I think that it's already been spoiled that Luke tells Laura eventually that he is married to Tracy...and I think it might be *Laura* of all people, to realize Tracy is in love with him and tell him...especially after Tracy is willing to give him up.

    EEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good stuff people good stuff

    SD over

  12. ACtually Lainey most of the time I think I'm pretty positive. :)

    Because it ultimately doesn't matter to me if Lacy stays together and I've already made my peace with whatever decision Jane makes about staying or going. One more month or several more years? It's all good with me.

    I just watch for Jane/Tracy. And who's she with really doesn't matter to me, not as long as I get to see her. and I plan on enjoying her for as long as I have her.

    And what she's doing? As long as it makes sense and it's not EvilTracyTV 24/7, doesn't matter to me either. Within reason of course. There are things that if they crossed a certain line with me, I'd just turn the TV off. No griping, no complaining, just no more Tracy or GH for me ever again. I'm not going to mention what those lines are. But if I stopped posting here, you'd all know anyway. :)

    I think once upon a time what Tracy did and who she did it with did bother me, .....but I've learned to "adjust" my expectations with this regime.

    I love Tracy and Jane and I'm excited to get to see her. Yeah I'd say that's pretty positive.

  13. You know MinervaFan those are great thoughts.

    Thank you for posting them.

    I want Tracy to be loved.

    However long Jane stays, whether Luke and Tracy remain married or not (sorry Lainey but it's a possibility that they won't, although I'd like them to) I just want her to be loved. Whether it's Luke or Robert or someone new or a totally different kind of love (non romantic?) I just want to see someone love and accept her.

    I'm for the interest of Tracy first.

    Staci and I were talking in the BR about a little girl that Loves Tracy, and I joked that she's like a little MiniMe cause she's about the same age I was when I first loved Tracy.

    I don't know...I guess I just saw Tracy right to the bone. JE just brought it for me, how this woman turned to money because money was the only thing that never failed her, how she literally freakin' ACHED to be loved by her family...by her son(s), by her husbands, by ANYONE...and how time and time again she just gets the shaft and gets screwed.

    If I thought for a minute that Guza would write the material correctly, I'd want him to write Tracy getting screwed over by Luke again just so Jane could be submitted for a prenom. Just for the scenery chewing OTT material.

    THAT would make the last three years worthwhile.

    I do think Tracy is going to go through the ringer again but that doesn't mean that I don't think Tracy will come up fighting and swinging and that she won't be okay.

    Tracy is Tracy. She always IS okay. And the kicker? She's okay no matter WHO or WHAT is in her life.

    She's had to learn how to be because she's never had anyone stand by her side unconditionally. Not even Lila.

    So....while I'd like to see Luke/Tracy develop *something*, I'm all right with seeing her beat up emotionally because Jane will bring it, and I'm all for seeing Tracy showing the depths of what she may feel for Luke.

    I'm so tired of reading Guza talk about it. I want to see it.

    I am actually excited about what Guza has in store for Tracy while Laura is awake.

    And after.....helping Luke pick up the pieces?

    I have no idea, honestly.

    But I can't wait to watch.

    I think it's going to be some of Jane's best work in YEARS.

    *waves* to Lainey*

  14. yes Ms.Q I think it means the L&L marriage won't be legal.

    Debbie does Fey love Laura?

    And you already know you're not a minority of one.

    You know how I feel about her, and how I feel about her has nothing to do with Lacy because I've ALWAYS thought she was a big bore. Hated her for treating Scotty like crap, and I don't think she's ever given me a reason to be interested in or like her.

    I'm also with you Debbie on the Lacy stuff. I'd love to see them change and grow. In fact, I'd rather see them split up if they aren't going to do that.

    BUT as long as JE gets airtime/story without Luke, most days I could care less.

    It isn't that I don't love Lacy.

    It's just that I love JE/Tracy much much more...above all else. With or without Luke.

    Sorry Lainey. I do want them together, but as long as JE gets material, I'm a happy girl.

    The problem?

    Without TG/Luke, or sometimes as a prop for Dillon/Lulu, to this regime, Tracy doesn't exist.


    And NO Tracy today.

    But she will be on this week. :)

  15. spoiler:

    Was this listed here as a spumor? :

    Cause now it's a spoiler. Wizard on SD confirmed it. Tracy will keep the truth from Laura so that Laura and Luke can renew their vows.

    I have mixed feelings about this.

    My first reaction is OH, my poor girl.


    I kinda like that she's being sensitive.....but my guess is that Laura is already regressing by this point and like I said above, Luke and everyone else knows it's just a matter of time before she goes catatonic again anyway, so why bother telling her the truth?

    I also kinda don't like it because I do feel that little by little Guza is de-spining her.

    But I'm sooooo happy that it's not Evil!Tracy coming out.

    I was more worried about that and to tell you the truth, even though I miss Scheming!Tracy, I'll take this version of Tracy over no Tracy at all cause JE just rocks it, PERIOD.

    The woman could do almost anything and I would watch.


    Tracy is on this week....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    spumor talk

    I do think that Tracy would try to support Luke after Laura goes catatonic again, and I do think Tracy would step aside and let Luke remarry Laura (not for real....for some reason they can't get a divorce or they can't get a divorce as quickly as they would like and so the union isn't a valid one.

    My guess?

    The drug is already starting to fail before the "remarriage" and Patrick/Robin tell Luke this is a side effect and she may be regressing and THIS is why they don't bother getting divorced, because they know Laura might be catatonic again before the wedding even happens.

    Also...I think there's a possibility that Laura will find out about Rick Webber and THAT will be what finally pushes her over the edge to go catatonic again...so that history is just repeating itself and Laura will be forever stuck in time, remembering what she did and freaking out just before her remarriage to Luke, so that when she "awakens" again it'll be the same thing all over again.

    Just my thought.

    I do think Laura will sense something is up with Lacy. Why else would she ask questions about what is going on....I have thought many times what the "Laura finds them together" means. What are they doing or saying when she does?

    Something that makes her suspicious, that's for sure....otherwise why would she ask?

    I do think Laura will ask Tracy if she has feelings for Luke. I think that Laura will figure out right quick that Luke is lying about something and Laura will pick up on Tracy's behavior and will ask her if she loves Luke.

    spumor talk over

    And I will read the fics as soon as I can !

    *hugs fics*

  17. Hey all !!

    There's no place like home, right??

    Aaaaah. :)

    *blows kisses*

    Well I suggested the BR this evening at 5:30 CT but I'm not able to get in...and I'm getting out of here in about five minutes.

    I've had about all the *FUN* I can stand for one week thank ya very much.

    My car is sick....gotta go to the mechanic tomorrow, so I have no idea if I'll get a chance to get online this weekend.

    If not I will miss ya all.....and KEEP YA'LLS chins UP okay??? :)

    ETA HEY Ms.Q !!!!!! :)

  18. You know...even after I left off steam yesterday on SZ, I never really doubted that it was mostly for his children.

    I thought so when I first read the spoilers and I've been thinking so up until this morning.

    I taped and watched Tracy's scenes...once again *very* brief but brilliant...Tracy KNOWS something's wrong.

    She doesn't know what, she knows he's not about Skye because Skye was there with her baby while he was gone.

    She knows it's not about Lulu or Lucky directly, because Lulu was also there. And Tracy knows deep down, she soooo won't admit it out loud but I think she already knows it has something to do with Laura.

    And Jane is playing this perfectly. I can see the insecurity and little chinks in her armor. She's worried and she's scared.

    spoiler ahead:

    Good for Jane to play but bad for Tracy because ScaredTracy in the past has ALWAYS.SCREWED.HER.LIFE.UP. Case in point? The spoiler that Tracy is going to try and tell Laura about her marriage to Luke. Case in point? Her getting rip roaring drunk.

    *rubs hands in anticipation of Jane's scenes that I have been waiting THREE years to get to see*

    spoiler over

    So I mostly agree with Debbie. I watched all of Tracy's scenes then FFwd through Laura/Luke until the "ring taking off."

    And I agree with Debbie. There was definite hesitation. And he LOOKED at it. Did you notice how he didn't even seem to bother with the pics,just through them in the drawer. But he stopped and looked at his finger and *hestitated* before he went to pull it off, plus there seemed to be some sad little music going on there. LOL

    Oh yeah. It's mostly for his kids. I'm not in denial about him loving Laura but I just might buy after that, that he loves Tracy too.

    But the spoilers? May make me hate him all over again.

    Of course after I watch them I might change my mind.....LOL

    So yeah....*definite hesitation.*

    Debbie and I agree.

    Did you HEAR THAT LAINEY? Did you????


    Chin up girl !

    ETA yeah STaci I saw that on SZ. :( Our girl is not evil. Just misunderstood.


    ETA I still don't think the next month is going to be easy for us TQFF, so it'd be good for us to encourage each other...and *maybe* not to go to much to other boards nor pay too much attention to spoilers until they play out.

  19. *waves to Debbie*

    I tried to get into the breakroom.

    And Ms.Q I PM'd you again.

    And Keith I try to keep a good attitude about it but I did kinda freak out on SZ for a minute.


    Lainey wherever you are out there, don't give up !

    And no matter what , we still have TRACY !! :)


    I'll be leaving soon ya'll so this will probably be my last post tonight.

    I've got a ton I could do but ya know what?

    I'm not going to ! LOL

    See ya all tomorrow...oooh tomorrow should be fun online.

    Will we even see Tracy?

    Hmm. Hope so. *crosses fingers*

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