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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. *waves wildly to TracyLuv.*

    I am all for a weekly scheduled chat, the only question, should it be the same time, same night every week?

    Like I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday sometime between 8-10 central...or therabouts.

    Just a thought.

    Angel I totally want some flirtage with Scott/Tracy.

    MinervaFan I'd love to FINALLY truly get to see Tracy/Luke teamed up together.

    Magic I am a member at GHFF, it was one of the first sites I joined, but I rarely post there, usually just to bump up the Tracy thread if she was on recently. And I'm sure I've seen you there, too. I definitely know your name from GH2 for sure (I only lurk there).

    About sweeps, well...Guza has told Alan relapsing and getting hooked back on drugs, a story that lasted about two weeks, (that should have lasted MUCH longer), so I totally can see LUke and Tracy teaming up to see what Scott is up to.

    Here's the thing: the explosion tomorrow, I think is the very first of the show, then the next sixteen shows are tracing time back sixteen hours, so even though it's only one day, there is almost a month of episodes that technically take place BEFORE the explosion, for Tracy and Luke to plot against Scott.

    So yeah there's time for it to happen. I am confused as well about Kin's time back. I had heard he refused unless they offered him a contract, then I heard he got one but it's short term, then I heard he'll be recurring, and on and on......basically I think him being here for sweeps is a guarantee and everything else after that is a toss up. I'd like to see him stay longer though.

    I have also heard the "who killed RW" story will wrap during sweeps, then I heard the "fallout" would last until May.

    So I'm just going to watch and see I guess. LOL

    hooked I think SD DOES make more than JZ...but I agree, Alan has WAY more purpose than Bobbie these days.

    Oh and have fun in Florida and drive safe.

    Ms.Q IS the Clip Goddess, is she not? As compared to GH's fake Goddess, Sam I am.

    I am proud of you hooked that you were able to post that clip. WAy to go ! LOL

    Now YOU can be a clip PUSHER too !

    Oh and I voted for SD, JE and Lacy too !

    ETA oh yeah, on my home computer, it does not bring up options like "bold" or font or colors, when I click to post a reply, like it did before.

    What have I done wrong to make it do that, and how do I fix it?

    I just have one big blank square, no options are available at all.........

  2. There's an anonymous "spoiler" from SD that says

    Luke and Tracy team up to find what Scott is hiding. Could be, could not be, grain of salt and all that. I think it's plausible because it's already been confirmed by Wizard that Scott tells Tracy he still loves Laura. Scott isn't likely to tell Luke anything unless he's gloating. So Luke very well may ask Tracy to try and find out what SCott is in town for.

    It's obvious it's more than about Laura. Because he hasn't been calling about Laura this whole time, nor has he been visiting her until now.

    It's been rumored he killed Rick Webber, or that HE is involved in the hostage crisis(he DOES check into the MC the same day or the day before the hostage stuff happens) or that he is after whatever the thieves are after that is in the MC's vault. Or for some other reason.

    Anyway, I could see a version of this happening. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

    spoiler over

  3. Staci I wished it were something like that, and maybe it is, but others have spec'd that Luke is looking for a clue as to who killed RW and for whatever reason thinks he will find it there.

    Or that LUke is after what's in the vault as well.

    the vault spec makes more sense.

    Magic KS is only supposed to be here temporarily, but I hope TIIC give KS a contract so he can stay.

    IF Lacy breaks up, I wouldn't mind Scott and Tracy again at all.

    hooked I wish TG had THAT much influence. We'll see. I'd love a "love scene" for Lacy.

    And wow. Didjya ever notice, how symbolic sweeps are? The people TIIC consider to be "IN", are always "In" the situation, as inside the hotel.

    While those TIIC don't seem to care as much about, are on the outside looking in, as in outside the hotel.

    Maybe not always, because pretty much the whole cast was inside the hotel during the fire three (!) years ago.

    But ever since then? Yeah.

    Kinda sucks.

  4. *waves to nex and pinkpopsicle*

    MagicHappens I have lurked at GHH2 and read some of your posts ! Nice to have you here, of course it's always nice to meet another Tracy lover !

    About the fics....well I would write one but it would suck. So, it's all for YA'LL that I DON'T write one.

    See how considerate I am?


    Oh and Reg I'd be happy to read anything you've written that you're unsure about.

    And um.....hoping for Tracy today. That is all for now.


    ETA EEEEEEEE at your avatar Magic. I LOVED Tracy/SCott. Just.Loved.Them. :)

    Of course there really hasn't been a "coupling" of Tracy's that I hated, per se.

    But Stacy ROCKED !

  5. spoiler from Wizard/Merlin of SoapDish:

    Scott tells Tracy he still loves Laura.

    spoiler over

    ETA did anyone else that watched, happen to catch that little throwaway line from Lulu, where she and Dillon were tallking about Alan and she said, "wow who would have thought that someone unconnected with the mob could be so capable of," or something like that.

    Just a little jab from Guza to try and convince us that the Q's are no worse than the mob.

    A big FAT pile of horse manure, courtesy of TIIC.

    Sometimes, I hate this show beyond measure and I want Jane to yank down her drawers, moon them all, and then QUIT before they can decide they need to kill another Q.

  6. My thoughts: Pinkpopsicle, , again...what a cute pic. :)

    hooked good luck on the poem.

    Ms.Q, grain of salt, remember.

    I agree, Jane is outspoken and likely says pretty much what comes to mind, but I think she's less outspoken at work than she used to be, mainly because back in the day she was probably the leading lady of her age group on GH, but now....she's a lot more expendable in the eyes of TIIC, and she knows this, I'm sure.

    She's still got a kid at home, true...and Adrian in college, and I doubt she'd up and quit.

    She loves working with TG and he LOVES working with her. :wub:

    So I doubt she'd up and quit.

    I also agree I'm so over fretting if GF comes back. I think actually it's inevitable. I wish it weren't. It may happen next month or next year, or it may be never while Lacy is paired, but who knows? I'm not gonna sweat it anymore.

    I'm just going to enjoy the spark that TG/JE bring.

    Deb congrats on your new place. A new place is always fun and exciting I think. And a townhouse....fun !

    I am enjoying the COH fic quite a bit........and your updates to the AU. YOU did the impossible Deb. You actually made me like Laura, or rather, your version of Laura.

    The teen Laura I remember was quite a brat, not unlike her daughter is now.....

    Have fun shopping Lainey. And I have to go in to work today but I am putting it off.

    Shopping sounds like so much more fun.

    Come and pick me up Lainey and I'll go with you. LOL

    *waves to Deb and knh*

  7. Oops you're right, I think I still do have his email address....I bet Keith might too but I'm just guessing....*waves to Keith* if he reads this. LOL

    I should email Dave though and let him know we're all hanging here again......

    He may not want to re-join SON out of loyalty to GM (who really also needs to come and hang here) after the SB/oldSON war of 2005, which is still being talked about, I think..... :lol:

    Yoo-hoo !!! Lainey !!! Get your LuNacy lovin' butt back in here. You're making Staci worry.

    THANKS nex for all that hard work. WHEW.

    And I'm sure I'm forgetting...oh, Deb, I love the little COH fic. :)

    Will I sound complete hillbilly if I say I think Elvis was sexy in that movie?

    Oh well. Guess I am, then. Cause he was kinda hawt in that movie, and normally he does nothing for me.

    would LOVE for TQ to make another appearance today.

    ETA *waves to pinkpopsicle* and pp I have a question: is that really YOU in the baby pic in your profile?

    That pic is sooooo cute. Adorable.

  8. Ms.Q I believe Lainey was here on Tuesday.

    We MISS her though, but she has been around in the last few days. Unlike: coolkid, kenna, smirks, 4xCrazy, and angel, and that's just a few of the slackers off the top of my head.

    Remember the days when clickboom was here regularly? And Dave, who really needs to come back now that SB is defunct?

    Good times.

  9. Guess that makes me a clip taker (addict?). Ha ha.

    It's okay hooked.. I've been known to take a few clips in my time, too.

    You...me...Lucky Spencer. We'll all be okay. We just need to take it slow. Tracy can be VERY addictive.......

    We don't want to put the clip pushers out of business......because a good Tracy clip fix every now and then can be a great thing.

    Speaking of Lucky and Tracy in the same sentence, WHY has he never had a one on one scene with his step mama?

    His lame-o sister gets time with her.

    So should he, and he and his step-uncle Alan should talk about overcoming addictions.

    Moronic GH. <_<

  10. I'm all for that, but someone at SZ already has a thing started for him, and if I can remember WHO, LOL....I can PM them (can't post since my script ran out two weeks ago) and ask what we need to do.

    This person was thinking about going to this balloon place and maybe doing a BIG balloon bouquet and a cake or something.

    I think SD would like that. But that's up to ya'll, I can try to find out who is doing that project or we can do something separate.

    Tracey at JE might remember what poster it is....I think she's contributing to that person's idea.

    Either way, I'll go with the consensus, it seems easier though to chip in with the others to send him something.

    ETA about Scott C....his contract expires in April anyway. I think the "Logan" rumored to be casted for Lulu, is just a Dillon recast and NOT a new character. Because I can totally see them recasting Dillon.

    I don't get the Dillon hate on some boards.

    I certainly don't think he's any worse than Lulu. Yet more people seem to love her and I can't figure that out either. *shrug*

  11. hooked I wish I was a clipper, I'd share what I have, but alas and alack, it's not one of my talents and I don't have any saved...I can answer almost any history questions about Tracy, which is what I will do for Reg here in a minute. But that's about all I'm good for.

    I don't even write fics.

    I just sit back and read everyone else's.


    Deb SoapNet is a lifesaver. Without it I would not have seen most of the Tracy episodes, as I normally never bother taping unless I already know from the recaps that she's on that day.

    And Woo-HOO to me winning the limbo contest. :)

    Reg I'm not positive about the Mitch marriage, but I think they married in 78 and were still married when they left in 1980, although I'm sure it didn't last long after that.

    Tracy married Paul in 1991 and they divorced in 1993.

    I *think* the marriage to Luke may be her longest one.......although there have been conflicting statements about how long Tracy and Larry Ashton were married.

  12. Did I win the limbo contest? :)

    Oh and I've tried several times but no luck with the BR.

    But yaaaaaay at EIGHT days of TQ.

    I have a feeling though that we all know what all this airtime is leading up to.

    Stupid IIC.

    We need to create a Quartermaine spinoff .....STAT.

    Oh and EEEEEE Jane should have gotten her flowers and cards today.. :)

  13. Can I ask a stupid question? What is the AU story? I haven't been around this board for too long and I keep seeing it mentioned. Sorry for sounding ignorant.

    Also...while I am thowing the clip requests out there, (I promise I will stop asking for things soon--ha ha) the last one I was hoping to see was from 9/18/2006 when luke/tracy talk about lulu's decision to abort and they talk about not wanting to be 18 again, etc. and then at the end he thanks her for being stand up about the whole thing.

    hooked the AU story I was referring to means "Alternate Universe" meaning that story may not bear any resemblance to what's really going on in Tracy's life. I was talking about the one Debbie is working on, that she has been kind enough to let me and a few other people read and critique while she's working on it.

    She's not finished yet and not ready to unveil to everyone just yet because she doesn't post fics in chapters.

    About the clip......YO STaci ! She's the clippage queen......:)


  14. I'm not a clippage queen but I think Staci may have that one.

    And GUESS WHAT????

    It's 01/17/07.

    Happy 60th Birthday Jane Elliot ! We LOVE YOU !!!!

    ETA Deb....I love what you added so far to the AU story.

    Awww...sweet. :)

    And ya'll....I hope TIIC aren't firing SD.

    Every time I think about it, I get choked up. I'm a wimp I know. I just think I'm gonna BAWL.

    Alan Quartermaine and Scott Baldwin were my two first soap crushes.


  15. Nooooooo not the BR !


    Speaking of down for the count though, this board is wonky. We must all promise to meet over at JE online if and when the board goes down because it's been acting up a lot lately and the last time it acted this way it was down for two or three MONTHS !!!

    I know I signed off last time though....and here I am still logged in.


    Details from the show from anyone who has watched yet please....I'm still stuck at work and would love commentary.

    Can't wait to read your little fic Deb !

    And ooooh moving is tiring but the first few months in a new place is always nice I think. :)

  16. I'm pretty sure the spoiler about


    Luke protecting his own, is about Lulu, since either Wizard or GI on SD gave a partial list of the hostages at the MC and Lulu is one of them.

    Unless Luke is also a hostage though, I can't see how he is protecting Lulu, from the outside in, unless he's playing hero again.

    Just like the train wreck.

    Tell me something....do TIIC have ONE.SINGLE.CREATIVE.BONE. in their collective bodies?

    Cause I smell wash-rinse-repeat.


    Oh yeah......Alan is a hostage too......:(

    spoiler talk over

  17. spoiler from GotInfo:

    AHAHHAHHAHA !!!!! MWUAHHAHHA !!! Make him grovel Tracy !! Do it !!! (my commentary, LOL)


    Week of 1/29/07:

    Luke returns home. Tracy is UNMOVED. (my caps).

    UNMOVED people.

    Go Diva Girl !

    Work it Tracy !

    Make Lucas Lorenzo work for it baby !

    Go girl !

    spoiler (and commentary) over.

  18. I knew the whole Sam/Tracy stuff would be lame....and it makes Tracy look lame.

    spoilers for today:

    I mean, seriously....Jason's a mobster's enforcer. Even if Sam were a contract killer, he likely wouldn't care, and he isn't going to care that Sam used to be an adult film star. (or maybe she posed in mags, I don't know...just going by recaps.)

    Sam should know Jason won't care.

    NOW, on the other hand, Edward might. So I can see Sam quitting her job believing that Edward would fire her anyway.

    But supposedly Tracy threatens to show these pics to Jason which gets Sam freaked out?

    How dumb. How lame. And how badly I want my girl out of that.

    Sorry ya'll. I just do.

    The story might be interesting, if Sam had the brain power to be a worthy opponent to TRacy and try to dig up something on our girl....like that abortion she had that Edward doesn't know about....only Sam will find out Tracy lied and instead gave the baby up.....Hee.



    But the story as it is? Is just snooz worthy lame, and to add insult to injury, when Sam finally comes clean and tells Jason Tracy was blackmailing her, we'll get the obligatory Jason in Tracy's face, and Jane will have to look scared, when in reality, Tracy would be no more scared of Jason than she is of Sam.

    spoiler talk over


    On a good note, Scott AND Luke are coming back soon !

  19. Double Squeee !

    I suppose we should have snacks tomorrow and a cyber Birthday Cake as well.

    I think Jane looks like she would go for an unusual cake flavor, like strawberry.

    Tracy? Well we know she eats cake, or likes cake, from last year's BDay surprise. My first instinct was to say chocolate but I don't think that's quite right.

    I think she so rarely gets a Birthday Cake that she doesn't care what flavor it is.....


    I can't hate Luke for one reason: he got our girl a cake.

    Isn't that sad, that it takes such a little thing, to make her happy?


  20. I think I will call the comment line tomorrow, they usually post the comment line # at SZ, we can check the Scrubs or SkyLo CPs, they usually include the numbers there.

    I'm so happy Jane will be getting our stuff tomorrow. :)

    Eeeeeee !!!!

    And wow. She looks better now than years ago.

    Most women don't look BETTER as they age.

    Jane? Is an exception.

    And double EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    She's on again today. :)

  21. I'm really glad Jane is getting the five/six/seven days in row and all. And looking fab while doing it: the positive.

    The negative? I watched Thursday and Friday all together and FFwdng time included, it took me about 25 minutes to watch the Tracy scenes from both shows. Which averages to about less than 10 minutes an episode?

    Still ten minutes is better than nothing, and I'm grateful to have it....but I can't help but notice I FFwd'd through three or four Jason/Sam, Jason/Sonny, Carly/Sonny scenes, to ONE of Jane's.


    I love Jane and Tracy, and again glad she's getting the airtime. But it's obvious it's not HER story.

    I also have a feeling that the Sam/Tracy rivalry is leading somewhere.....hate to keep going back to the Sam is Tracy's daughter stuff but I can't help but feel Sam being around is more than a plot point to bring Jason back to the Q's and/or to give Tracy a rival.

    I still think there's more to it than that.....we'll see though I guess.

    I haven't watched yet today.

    I am READY for Luke to come back. So ready. I hope and pray Tony and Jane will have some good stuff coming up. I think they will.

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