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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. knh, TL, and Ms.Q, and anyone else I'm forgetting....glad you all are feeling better and/or got really scary medical proceedures out of the way.

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've just been really busy, and to tell the truth, I have nothing to say. *shrug* I'm really bored with no Tracy, but no Tracy does save that hour a day for me. Although I could be watching Lulu. It's not like if I miss a day of her, I won't have another day to catch up.

    Sorry if I haven't left reviews of every fic, but I am faithfully reading them all and loving them all. I LURVED the "Beautiful Disaster" update especially. That little story has so much CHARM. :)

    And um, what clips of Marco? *whines* what page are they on? I missed them.

    I know I have a few vids to catch up on and I will as soon as I can...... sorry. :(

    I don't seem to have much time these days.....

    Off to eat B-Day cake, my sister's middle one is five today. :)

    YAY !

  2. FIrst off, what do Lulu and a Hoover have in common?

    Yeah, that's right. You guessed it. They both SUCK.

    That will be my only bash for the day.

    No, really.

    Secondly, no Tracy all week also sucks. Not a bash. Just an observation. No Tracy today as far as I can tell from the LP. I'm home, but I just can't bring myself to watch this cesspool show Live. Ooops, okay, that was two bashes.

    I'm trying to keep it to a two bash minimum. Really.

    Thirdly...Staci, YOU ROCK. You have PM's.

    Fourthly, *waves to everyone*....angel, Magic, Deb, Staci, TracyLuv, coolkid, Keith, Lainey, Reg, nex, hooked, 4XCrazy(I don't think I ever wished you happy birthday, if not, belated wishes ! ; smirks, pinkpopsicle, tracyluver(who hasn't been around in forever), Lady Ashton, daysfan, DruRocks, psychofan, and anyone else I missed, it wasn't because I meant to, LOL.

    Deb, you have a beautiful voice. :) If you ever sang professionally, think about making me one of your Pips. I can "ooh ooh ooh" and do hand motions and everything.

    For those who haven't been feeling well, sorry to hear that. I have you all in my prayers and have faith things will get better soon.

    Deb, sorry to hear about Fey. OUCH. Car wrecks are scary.

    Stories I've been reading recently that I really like: "The Penitent" by Morgan 4510 on the Ficathon. Awesome AU story.

    dorianfan on the ficathon.."I would miss you." I also like this one

    Lainey, "Dry" ROCKED my socks.

    I'm also liking Mackenzie/LunacyLove(on JE.com)'s "Sands of time"

    hooked..."Chance Encounter" rocked. *Le sigh.*

    No Tracy today. :(

    I love everyone's avatars. Is it easy to make one? I need one. I think I am the only one without one.

    I particularly want one like pinkpopsicle's and Staci's.

    No mention in the new mags of our girl either.


    Now I'm off to do the laundry. FUNNNN !

    *holds Lovefest peeps back with a stick* I KNOW you all want to go with me to help, but I have to be firm.

    The honor of washing my unmentionables is ALL my own.


  3. Watching LIVE.

    Off work(technically, vacation...although I still went in half a day today).

    NO Tracy yet.

    I'm torturing myself, but commenting live is fun. :)

    I will edit with Tracy scenes.

    ETA the Lacy talk was about Love and how "till death do us part" is an illusion.

    Tracy is nice to him, tells him she'll make him coffee, Luke says you don't know how to make coffee, LOL..

    she tells LUKE "Their" children (hee) still believe in love and that they need support, so they need to go support Liz/Lucky.

    Luke asks if she'll do him a favor, she asks, "be your designated drive?" and Luke says, "please."

    and Tracy tells him to get her purse.

    The man is carrying her purse.


    I loved it.

    Best part of the show so far.

    More edits later, but I think they are going to be window dressing today.

    So they are at the wedding, Tracy went off to get a cup of coffee, Luke called her darling. Awww. Sometimes he can be sweet. :)

    And so far, that's it of them.

    Will edit if more comes up.

    "The wine is domestic, the food is pedestrian, five minute after the bride and groom say "I do", we're outta here, I'll take you out to eat."

    Tracy to Luke. :)

    They had dialogue where they knew something was up with Lulu and Liz at the wedding.

    I wonder if they'll figure out about the baby.

  4. Awww Deb. *sends ultra chocolate fudge brownies your way*

    I agree. I don't think the vid depressed me though, although it definitely wasn't a "happy, perky" one, but as always Stace, I am in awe of your talent.

    You rock, Sista friend.

    And Deb, yours too...your dad has a GREAT voice, and has he ever done commercial work or anything? I swear I've heard him before, but maybe it's just because he sounds uncannily like Louis Armstrong.

    Well, I think so, anyway. :)

    And wow, yes...I posted that roller skate clip at SZ. I forgot how hawt the roller skate kiss moment was till I watched it again, years later.

    And how fun Scott/Tracy were.

    And while I LURVE Lacy, if Tracy would get better treatment elsewhere (see with this regime, I think Lacy- still married and still fairly intrigued with each other after two years- is as good as Guza gets) I'd drop them like yesterday's news.

    Brownies all around ya'll. :)

    I still have to say in principle that even when they aren't nice to each other, that's part of what defines them.

    They won't ever be typical lovey dovey....to put it bluntly, but that is part of who they are.

    It doesn't mean Luke has to keep disregarding or ignoring her...surely the writers see it now too, or otherwise, why the comment from Scott about self respect?

    But it does mean he COULD and SHOULD treat her kinder than an afterthought he remembers on his "things to do" list.

    *kicks Luke back in line*

  5. Welcome back Lainey and Deb !

    As for me, I'll take any Tracy I can get, although I'd rather not see Evil!Tracy TV 24/7.

    I am going to attempt to download Tuesday's scenes again Stace...hopefully it'll work for me this time.

    Does anyone know much about the Diamond Caper movie? I'd love to see it if Jane had a big role in it.

    Although I do have to say, she was only in Baby Boom for two minutes, but they were the best two minutes of the movie.

    So I might watch even for a glimpse of her.

    ETA Stace, I think I love all your vids...and am so in awe of your creativity and talent. :)

    I think "She's a Lady" might be one of my faves though. It's a fun song, and the vid was cute !

  6. No, you don't need an account. When someone says they're in the breakroom, they usually leave a link. Click on the link, eventually it'll bring up the log in page, sometimes it takes a few minutes....other times for whatever reason, we can't get in at all.

    But if you get the log in page with the TQ Lovefest Breakroom and Jane's pic on it, it'll have a space for your user name and profile.

    Profile optional.

    Type in your user name, you can go by daysfan or your real name, whatever you want, and then hit enter/login, and it will eventually take you to the chatroom....no account needed. :)

    Come join us !

    Sometimes, it's just a few of us, other times, it's a crowd ! There's no particular time we chat, but someone usually posts the link when we're in there.

  7. Stace I am sorry, I read my response to you about your vid and I think I sounded so rude.

    Sorry. :(

    I wasn't saying "YOU know, I was saying, you know, like...ya know? LOL anyhoo, sorry if it came off sounding rude.

    I also appreciate you looking the clips up for me. :)

    Thanks so much !

    PS...Friday's show...I loved Tracy and Alan.

  8. I have a request...*looks at Staci* or anyone else who can help me...a poster at SZ has a friend doing a Lacy vid...hey that's something we can all look forward to, right?

    But her friend is looking for clips from their wedding. Now I'm not sure if she meant the Vegas stuff or last year's almost wedding, but I'd love anyone forever who could supply clips to both....

    Just thought I'd put that request in here. :)

    Thanks in advance ya'll.

    Now I'm off to watch Friday's Lacy scenes.

    ETA kristin that is a weird story but I guess it happens sometimes...you must be very hip looking, clothing stores tend to only hire hip looking people that dress well. LOL


    And Stace For whatever reason you know I still can't get sendspace to play a vid on my home computer, I can do megaupload but sendspace gives me an error message every time. So I will watch tomorrow at work.

  9. I haven't watched yesterday yet but it sounds like a good Tracy Day!

    I'm so glad Jane is getting airtime and GOOD material at that.

    Didn't I tell ya'll last year I had a funny feeling that THIS would be her year?? :)

    It's shaping up good so far. *sprays anti-jinx formula*

    I hope everyone who is away is traveling safely.

    I read those spoilers on SZ Stace and it should be interesting to see them play out.

    As I said earlier, LOL......I've got about ten pages of clips and vids and fics to watch/comment on, I feel bad that I am so behind.

    Have you all read the AU fic posted at the ficathon and JE.com?

    It's pretty interesting. I like it so far. :)

    ETA Stace I love the banner and avatar. They are soooooo CUTE, aren't they? :)

  10. Yes, that writer also posted the story at JE online as "LunacyLove" I think....she posts at SZ and asked for a link to post Tracy/Luke fic.

    I have read the four chapters so far too...she posted them at SZ.

    It is very AU but good so far...

    I always love ANY Tracy fic, as long as our girl seems to stay in character and in this one so far she does.

    BTW Deb didn't you know the board was down yesterday?

    Almost all day.......:(

    I think anyone who needs to save a vid or clip off the thread needs to do so cause if and when the board goes down completely, we may lose all our posts. At least, that's what happened two years ago.


    I'm hoping it doesn't happen again.

    So I'm liking ghost Alan so far, he seems fun. BUT I'm a little tired of the *hugging*. Can we get some kissing now, too?

  11. Stace actually I didn't know that you had emailed me till you said so. I am bad, REALLY bad, about checking my yahoo and I rarely do unless I know I've got incoming....

    And YOU m'lady are a DOLL. Shallow?

    NEVAH !

    But very sweet, thank you. :)

    Reg what's a TMac fic? ? :huh:

    And can't wait to read the others.

    I want Tracy and Luke to go together to throw rocks at windows.

    Did I say that here already? :)

    I hope the "Alan's "ghost" thing is not only for laughs.

    JE will have a new article in the SID mag after this new one, so in two more weeks we should get a preview of it.

    She's supposed to let us know what makes Tracy tic. GOOD. One mystery of the universe solved.

    oh and SID spoiler:

    LUke figures out pretty quick Tracy is seeing Alan and decides to "ghostbust" Alan. SEe, now that just sounds lame and hokey.

    I know JE/TG will rock it, but OY.

  12. I have about fifteen pages on this thread that I need to go back and comment on...vids to watch, fics to comment on, etc...that I haven't had time to do.

    I've read all or most of the fics and love them but can't do detailed feedback at this time.

    Maybe this weekend?


    Anyway, about some of what Lainey said, *turns spotlight on Lainey* :

    I actually love that Tracy can be soft sometimes and harder at other times, because that actually makes her more human and more relatable.

    It also makes her more interesting, because you don't always know how she's going to react. I do agree that Guza has written her as more angry, especially in the beginning when she first came back. He's also famous for "we need someone to do something EEeevil, let's get Tracy to do it."

    But, Guza seems to be a lazy writer, and that's what lazy writers do. Make the character fit the plot instead of the other way around.

    As far as her being in love meaning that she can't be softened and also hard, well...yeah, she can. This is Tracy. She's lived far too long a life putting up those walls, for them to ever come down permanetly and completely.

    She's a brick by brick person.

    And WOW. I just had an epiphany. No pun intended. But as I typed that, I remembered where I'd heard that expression before.

    I used to work at a facility for rebellious teenage girls...I was a dorm mom and everything, LOL. But one of the girls one time, was talking about her walls, and how they weren't built overnight, and how some people have that rush of an experience where their walls come toppling down, and others are brick by brick people.

    Well, Tracy is a brick by brick person.

    It's *totally* Tracy, to be and feel close to Luke one day, and then push him away by saying "earn your keep" the next.

    And it was only for a split second, maybe I misinterpreted TG's facial expression in the previews, but it looked like Luke was a little hurt by what she said.

    JMO from that split second.

    I loved the Lacy scenes yesterday, and the Ned scenes. Best stuff in the whole show.

    I would have liked to see a hug or something between Lulu and Tracy. Scripted or not.

    She's standing on my last nerve again.

    And hooked I am loving your story ! :)

  13. Well I think about the Luke spoiler

    , that it would be silly to assume that his drinking isn't about Laura. Ya know, that old one step forward thing.


    Hey I love them ya'll, but I'm certifiable, or at least, I feel like it some days. So.....*shrug* Whatever happens, happens....

    I think today sounds very underwhelming if you expect a lot of airtime for the Q's, but sounds okay for our girl.

    But that''s all Jane. That's what she does.

    Making somethin' out of nothing, every time.


    I did hear the scenes sounded good though, especially the Luke/Tracy and Luke/Ned ones. and one Tracy/Edward one.

    I may just tape though and watch in the morning.

    I have a *horrible* sinus thingy going on, and I am soooo drained, and have been for days. UGH.

  14. Well, like I said, I wasn't telling someone what to post or what not to. That would be useless anyway, since we're all going to post whatever we want, and as long as the post isn't an anti Tracy post I can't say that it does or does not belong in here.

    *shrug* I was just thinking of Reg and Deb.

    I'm not a moderator, and I meant no offense, to you TracyLuv, or to anyone else. And of course, don't leave and post somewhere else. You know I love ya and I love reading your posts.


  15. OH PinkPopSicle I totally hear you and I know what you're saying.

    I pretty much agree.

    My personaL feeling is that part of what the boards are for is to release steam and rant about characters.

    To say what we wouldn't say to TIIC even if we wrote a letter or called.

    And I have no problem on a personal level with character dislike, it's absurd to think we're all going to like the same things. I think for some of us the ONLY thing we agree on is Tracy love. Or almost the only thing. LOL

    I just think in this instance, it's not fair to take it out on Laura.

    Cause this time, it's not Laura's fault that Luke is a putz.

    But again, I'm not the board police and I hate being told by someone who's not a mod, what I should and should not post, so I'll leave it at that.

    It was just a thought.

    I haven't watched Wednesday's eppy yet so I can't comment on how Luke acted.

    I think it's clear as I said, that LUke will always put Laura or things pertaining to Laura first.

    I, like you, Pink,, think it's absurd that LUke fell in love with Holly, had multiple affairs WHEN LAURA WAS THERE, and was semi-serious about Skye, yet is treating his wife like CRAP and we're suddenly supposed to believe he can't move past Laura.

    It's ridiculous. No one is saying he has to love Tracy MORE.

    I think it's CRAP he can't love again, and I think it's just Guza or Geary or someone's way of stalling for whatever reason.

    I don't think Geary gives a crap what the fans think in terms of what he plays.

    I think he loves the people, I just think he believes they should have nothing to say about how the plot moves.

    And I have to say, I support that idea.

    So I have to wonder though, who's stalling and why.

    I think it's mostly Guza, I think he has no idea what to do with them in order to move forward, which is why they never do, which is just SAD.

    Because if you don't know what to do with the two most dynamic characters on the show, played by the two best performers, you need to hand the reins over to someone who does.

    Anyway. *shrug*

    spoiler talk

    whiting out:

    I think Guza is going to take Tracy back to parts of her youth and childhood for whatever reason, when Alan visits her. I don't know if there's a purpose to this or not, but I have the feeling that we will see Alan and Tracy in a scene, and Tracy will look in the mirror and see herself and her brother as young children during part of his "visits".

    I'm rambling, I haven't heard that confirmed anywhere, just my thoughts.

    spoiler talk over.

  16. I haven't watched yet.


    Let me see.

    Well, first of all, the Chinese place downtown from where I work, gave me fried rice instead of steamed with my sesame chicken at lunch....and I saved it until JUST NOW.

    And it was SOOOOO good.

    Hmmm. Positive. Well, I hate to be the board police, and guys you know I love ya ALL, and God knows I'm guilty of bashing from time to time (although I'm getting better at it, more out of boredom and nothing to say, but I'm getting better), but I know there ARE some Laura fans that post here.

    Deb likes her.

    Reg LURVES her.

    And maybe...even though I understand the frustrations we feel, just maaaybe we should be nice to Laura.

    CAuse ya know, if for no other reason, stuff like that has a way of coming back and biting us in the butt.

    I think Laura will at the very least always be a shadow in Lacy, even if they killed off the character.

    It's something we have to accept.

    LUke is never going to love Tracy more than Laura or put Tracy first as long as something related to Laura (like today) is more immediate and pressing.

    He just isn't. And I don't think that's negativity. I think that's logic based on reality.


    BUT.....I still believe Tracy and Luke are a much better match, and faaaar more entertaining, when they are USED CORRECTLY.

    And I know Tracy loves Luke.

    I think Luke loves her in his way, as much as he can after Laura.

    The man has a spot in his heart that has an occupied sign on it. It's a fact, and that ISN'T going to change.

    The GOOD NEWS?

    The rest of his heart, is waiting to be filled again. HE just doesn't know it yet.

    I think we should write and call the comment line if you don't already.

    Maybe it won't do any good, but LOOK how it helped Stuart.

    The fans WON that battle.

    So write or call and tell them what you want to see.

    A hint: I've always heard that they respond better if you just tell them what you like. Mail or calls for what you DON'T like still counts as positive response for that story or character (go figure, I don't get it either.)

    I think this story coming up SHOULD be good for us. I also agree, I don't think Tracy is protecting the person who actually killed RW. Of course it's always possible she may think she is, because she doesn't know who really did it, but anyway I digress.....

    I am just glad we have Jane while we have her, however more months/years that may be.

    I have just made up my mind to try and enjoy it and cringe through the rest.

    We ahve gotten through tough stuff.

    We'll get through this.

    But I do agree? NO HUG????

    *kicks Luke*

    And now I'll say goodnight. :)


    I was so sorry to read you weren't feeling well and I did miss seeing you here ! I hope you're feeling better ! :)

  17. Okay, another thought:

    also whited out:


    SoapKing has already confirmed I think, that Tracy asks Carly to help convince Lulu to stop investigating Rick Webber's killer.

    I think SK also said Tracy asks MOnica not to tell Luke what Lulu is doing.

    I think it could be that when Tracy heard Lulu and Dillon asking questions about Monica and Rick, she went to her brother and Alan told her he suspected Scott or knew SCott had done it.

    Tracy went to SCott to confront him, and Scott has blackmail material on her.

    Scott told her if she ratted him out, he'd reveal what he has on her.

    AND/OR, he threatened LUke, and Tracy wants them to back off for fear SCotty might hurt/kill them too.

    For the record, having SCott be the killer for ANY means other than self defense, REALLY SUCKS EGGS.

    But I figure with Tracy, she's either self preserving, or protecting someone she loves, or both.

    I think she DOES know though.

    spoiler over

  18. Well it's official:

    Those who are spoiler free, I'm whiting it out cause it's a doozy:


    Scott DID kill Rick Webber, as stated on the cover of SOD according to SZ

    And the SOW shows GH wants GF back.

    If they try to say Tracy and Scott acted together on this, I say we all drive down to LA and chain ourselves to Guza's car until he changes it.

    Anyone with me? :)


  19. I am on my way home to watch now.

    It seems our girl may be winding down her grief by the time her hubby comes to comfort her.

    I hope not though.

    Their scenes are what I am looking forward to most.

    about the spoilers:

    could be several things, it COULD be Tracy protecting Edward or even LILA !

    Or it could be Tracy is simply concerned Lulu will get hurt

    Or it could be Tracy did it. *GRRRR*

    ORRRRR....it could be that she's simply afraid that the killer being found will somehow bring Laura back out of her catatonia. And actually I'm thinking it's more along those lines.

    It BETTER be.


    spoiler talk over.

  20. I can't get into the breakroom.


    No matter since I"m still at work and need to catch up on stuff anyway.

    I may check back in later and may not, it depends on when I leave here and all.....

    I see a lot of people saying that today was kind of a let down for them.

    I DO think it sucks he got no onscreen goodbye, but maybe that's because he'd not really leaving?

    Hmm. I dunno.

    I think SD and JE both excel at comedy, and I don't think it's necessarily disrespectful to bring him back and have him play this.

    But we'll see I guess.

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