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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. So am I the only one who didn't hate temp Jax? Oh the actor is all wrong for Jax, but I wouldn't mind seeing him play someone else. I thought he had good chem with Jane in their five minutes together.

    And you're not old Carrie. LOL I have rescheduled for my mammo but it will be the first Friday in Feb before my appointment. Eeeeee I'm so excited I can hardly wait. <_< My sister and my mom have both had non-cancerous cysts in their breasts and I know it's important to get checked out. I am going to make myself go because it's the smart thing to do, my distaste for doctor's offices in general, aside.

    And yeah, I agree, the "I thought I had a husband"? Saddest line I've heard from our girl in a long, loooong time. *sniff*

  2. Okay Carrie....that is too weird. It was a mammogram I was supposed to go for today. Was this your first one? I've never been before and I completely chickened out.

    I hate hate hate going to the doctor's office but Blue Cross Blue Shield called my mother(since she's my secondary contact) and told her I needed to schedule one. I will do it, eventually. Eventually......LOL

    I bet you got shaky since you didn't eat. It's good that you started to feel better, though. :)

    I LOVED that even Coleman, and Jax, were obviously concerned about Tracy today, even though Coleman did it in a scummy way. Tooooo sweet when Tracy was leaning on Jax. Awwww.

    Wow, it sucks that today is the only day we're gonna get. :*(

    ETA I did enjoy AZ today, he was the only other part I liked watching. Him and Trevor. Bruce W and Steven M are such good actors.

  3. I'm home watching live, due to the fact that I took off early from work for my doctor's appointment (which I promptly chickened out of, so here I am at home).

    So, I'll do a recap (my first EVAH !) although anyone else who wants to chime in with their recaps is more than welcome. I'll just edit my posts as each Tracy scene happens.


    First scene: Hospital

    Wardrobe: Friday's black and white number

    Scene partners: Logan

    comments: short first one, Logan tells Tracy he knows what happened to Lulu. Cut to other hospital scene.

    *runs to get grapefruit snack*

    COLEMAN !!!!!!!!!!!

    (third scene at Jake's) OOOOPS somehow the third scene got up above the second scene...

    Coleman hitting on Tracy LOL

    Jerry talking to Tracy like he knows her, "how nice to see you again"

    Tracy to Jerry" nice for who?"


    Jax comes in, the "new" Jax is verrrry dashing. Rowwwrrrrrr

    New Jax is a good actor, too. We need to keep him as Tracy's new boytoy *ducks*

    Second scene: Hospital

    Jane looks striking as always, BTW. PS about the Logan/Tracy thing mentioned up above.....I think Logan/Tracy have more sparks than Logan/Lulu. I wouldn't mind it. The age thing is a little much, but....they would have heat.

    Logan is telling Tracy that Luke sent Lulu off to go see her mother. The way JD played it was that he lied to keep Tracy from worrying, at least that's how it came across to me.

    Tracy is definitely more mad than worried about Luke, at least so far. She makes a comment that she was glad she didn't have to worry about Lulu, (I think in the first part of their conversation, she said "speaking of manipulative snakes, have you seen my step daughter? Love how Tracy calls a spade a spade, and just doesn't care....). She then says she has to find Luke before he keels over dead from a lapdance. :lol:

    Logan telling Johnny that he gave Lulu's stepmother a cover story but it's not going to hold up long. So maybe Logan lied just cause he wants to be a hero? Who knows. Either way Tracy seemed to buy it when he told her.

    No Tracy in this segment, I'm assuming the next time we see her, she'll be drinking/drunk?

    Fourth scene: Tracy in the background of Jerry/Jax...eating peanuts?? not sure, but it looks like she's cracking something.

    And nothing more of her at this point, scene changes back to hospital and the "bomber."


    Boring show so far, honestly. You guys that watch live, I don't see how you do it.

    Next at Jake's:

    Awwww. Coleman watching Tracy moping at her table. little *squee*

    Tracy: (talking to Jax and Jerry who were talking about leaving town or something): "that's a good idea, all men SHOULD leave."

    She walks to the bar (sorry, I may forget/miss a bit) and gives Coleman back an empty bottle (a BIG empty bottle). She says something about leaving him a 25 cent tip LOL.

    Coleman says something to her (couldn't hear it really, it was low) and he is on her side of the bar and tries to hit on her.

    Tracy tells Coleman to get his hands off her, twice I think, and the second time Jax is behind him and Coleman walks off.

    Tracy says something about if he sees Luke to do something, then she tries to walk off, it looked more like she just tripped and fell, not passed out, but the scene ended, and yes, Jax sort of caught her.

    Last part: Tracy still unconcious at the table now, Jax holding her up, sitting beside her. Looks like Coleman is behind them.

    Tracy wakes up, Jax says "I thought you had a board meeting" Tracy says "I thought I had a husband."

    That's pretty much it, Tracy was filler, but still the best part of the show.

    No Tracy in the previews. :(

  4. I wished Tracy would have a real reaction to it. I expected this so eh. I'm not upset about it. I WILL be mildly perturbed if they don't even get a scene tomorrow. All in all I can't blame Luke, he's been there for a while now(even by their time it's been a month) and I was stir crazy after a week of being in a hospital bed so I know the "I got to get outta here" feeling really well. I do blame him for not being honest but I also understand that, because no way would Tracy just stand by and watch him take off.

    There will be so many days between him leaving and coming back that by the time he does come back she'll just be relieved to see him okay. She'll be a little mad, but likely won't get more than a passing POV in it all. Just like she was never allowed to be mad at Dillon, we'll see one angry conversation and then it'll be like status quo again. I'm kinda hoping I'm dead wrong, but honestly, what is Tracy going to do, otherwise? It's a little harsh to threaten divorce over it, so really, her options are"get mad, and get over it."


  5. About the deleted thread at SOC, I've asked in the past and I've never fully understood why some threads are deleted, either. I've been told if they aren't relevant to current GH and/or if they don't move discussions along, they get deleted.

    By my count, half the threads on the board need to be consoldated, and about one fourth need to be deleted then. I don't get why a "couple with the most potential" thread is allowed to stay up but a thread discussing a scene from the show the prior day is deleted.


    Hopefully Tracy will be on today......

  6. Yeah knowing Tracy was on today helped liven up the day a bit, thanks hooked.. :)

    I don't mind if Tracy is shrewish. Of course I haven't watched and I might hate it when I do, but when you have a husband that acts like a five year old, you have to act more like a warden or his mother, than his wife. Sometimes. Tracy's been sweet and nice with him, as sweet as she gets, and it did no good, so eh. I don't blame her for anything she does to keep him in that bed at this point.

    I'm glad to hear LC is going to *crosses finger* maybe get a story out of all this, and I hope Jane is a good part of it. Because honestly I don't give a fig about anything else on this show, and I'm going to have to have something to look forward to GH wise while TG is gone. Also glad to hear we got a sweet Trucky scene. :)

    I'm a sucker for all things Trucky. :D

    I hope Jane is on for Feb sweeps, even if it is not until Luke comes back. I want this year to be a good one for Jane, SL wise, with or without TG there.

  7. Staci I will mail out that Tracy/Marco article for you to scan.....I am just so behind in everything right now that I keep forgetting.

    Just look for the package with the chicken scratch writing and you'll know it's me.

    I am so BORED. BORED at work, bored WITH work. Bored with no Tracy on my TV and no Tracy scoops that I trust.

    UGH. <_<

    If I was a good actress I'd fake sick and go home. Soooo don't want to be here today. I did want to ask if anyone is doing anything for Jane's birthday this time.

    Oh and Remos I liked your little fics.

    Here's hoping we get Tracy today, tomorrow and Friday.

    I need a Tracy fix badly right now.

    I hope she also has a part in Feb sweeps, but I'm afraid it's mostly going to be mob related since Sarah Brown is coming back. I'd love to be surprised and see lots of Tracy and the Q's for sweeps, I hope it happens.

    I tried over at SD and I think it's just the GH part that's down, over at the DOOL side they are saying it's because someone outed an insider (which they did previously when it was down.)

    I don't know why that would cause the mods to shut down the boards?? But what do I know?

  8. I don't know if anyone on here was dissing Genie or not. I hope not, not because I care about Genie or her feelings, or her fans or their feelings. It's just that I personally think the Genie/Laura/LnL fans are already annoying. The L/L fans on SOC bashing Lacy, and the L/L fans on YouTube making snotty comments, are already annoying enough. Do we want to give them more ammunition? They're hard enough to deal with as it is.

    And yeah, for anyone from SoapDish lurking here, I posted almost the exact same thing there. We should learn to get along or stay out of each other's way, I guess.

    The last thing we need is trolls from SoapDish posting on THIS thread, invading the one last place we have that is actually Tracy/Lacy friendly.

    No offense to anyone. I just get so tired of them....LOL Like nails on a chalkboard.

  9. I don't know about all the Genie dissing, hooked. You're a grown woman and you can do whatever you want, but IMO us dissing Genie's weight or her personal life don't make us much better than the Genie/Laura fans like those on SOC that come into a Lacy appreciation thread just to start crap.

    I mean, I happened to come on SD and saw that post and I didn't think anyone here did it but they linked back to this thread. I don't know if they just lurk here or what, but I guess they saw your post and that's how they knew it was you that said it.

    I just think there's enough bitterness associated with this show and I think all fanbases are frustrated and taking it out on each other. I responded back and said I didn't think it was a fact that any Tracy fan had dissed Genie because at the time I didn't know for sure any Tracy fan had dissed her weight. I also responded back my own frustration of not being able to go on any other boards and talk about Tracy or Lacy without having a LnL/Genie fan starting crap.

    I guess both fanbases are getting on each other's nerves. Anyway, I'm babbling, but I just think instead of starting stuff we should just learn to get along with their fanbase and if we can't do that, we should ignore each other.

    Because I don't want that kind of stuff associated with Jane's name or Tracy the character's name. It makes me uncomfortable, even if I had no part in dissing Genie's weight.

    And I'm not trying to condemn anyone. I just get tired of reading the sniping back and forth. I'd rather have peace, LOL.

  10. Stace you weren't being rude.

    The LnL fans are mean and nasty about Lacy because they're bitter about their couple and the fact that ABC/Frons, who apparently were supposed to jump through hoops to get Genie back and reunite LnL, didn't do it.

    They're mad and bitter, and there's no way they're going to let fans of Luke with any other woman, be happy.

    Hence, my decision to filter. I guess I'm just not much for debating the merits of my couple and I don't feel I should have to. I like them, I want to be able to say I like them in a thread, without being told how much they suck.

    The saddest part is, this poster doesn't have the slightest bit of remorse over coming in and bashing Lacy in a pro-Lacy thread.

    YOU weren't rude. At all.

    Same thing for any LnL fan who would make nasty comments on your videos. They obviously don't have much to do, if part of their time is spent doing things like that.

    It's best to ignore them.

  11. I will chime in with the thank you to Staci for confronting the LnL bully on SOC.

    My post may be removed but I advised in my reply to simply use the ignore feature, which I rarely do, but sometimes...it helps when you want to keep your sanity.

    So glad to hear from you TL.

    I hope you and Dana get to feeling better soon.

  12. I.am.so.tired.

    But I finally got my cake in the oven and waiting for it to cool. I haven't been home from work long but I did catch the end of the show.

    BTW someone was over at SD dissing Genie in a bad way tonight and of course they blamed the Tracy fans. It did make me mad though that they said Tracy fans were bashing Laura and Genie because Lacy was "falling flat" or some crap like that. And someone said the only people Lacy was falling flat for was Luke and Laura fans. I don't know, I know some Tracy fans who aren't Luke and Laura fans don't like them, but I think the vast majority of Lacy haters ARE LnL fans. *shrug* And so far I don't think they are falling flat, but there are times when I watch some of their scenes and I think some unnamed something is a little "off", and it bugs me because I don't know what. Maybe because all this lovey dovey stuff isn't who Luke and Tracy are.

    I don't mind them showing affection. I just wish it were more in character with their relationship. He loves Tracy partly because she's NOTHING like Laura.

    I want him to ask her for something and her to say "get it yourself" every once in a while. I did like that she busted into him over Skye the other day. It shows she still has her fire and isn't afraid to bring it down on him.

    GOOD. That's a start. It still really sucks though that so far, no Q/Tracy scenes, and it does seem as if the day of the funeral is all we will get, at least for now.

    I really still haven't watched all the last five days. I have so much to catch up on......

  13. I actually watched most of the show today (don't know why since I haven't seen the last four before it) and I cried through Monica and Edward's scenes. I liked Lacy, but.....if having Lacy means Tracy is going to act more like a Spencer than a Q, I'm done. I don't want Lacy if it means she's going to neglect her remaining family. She should have been there for her family today, at least a few minutes. I hope we get those scenes, because in the MediaNet pics it doesn't even look like Tracy is sitting with her family.

    That's just wrong. :( And it makes me so sad.

    And oh yeah. I still hate Skye. She sucks. Badly.

  14. Isn't today the "can't miss" day as listed in SOW? :)

    I hope it's a "can't miss because it's a good Lacy day". Cause if it's all about the EWCBO, ewwww. No thank ya.

    I have five whole eppys to catch up on. RL is crazy right now, I have enough time to tape and run....guess I'll catch up tomorrow morning while getting ready for Turkey day.

    I am making coconut cake and Grean Beans With garlic and bacon to bring to my parent's house...my sister is making the turkey.....what's everyone else having?

  15. First I have to ask again, since my tape broke and I have to retape the episodes, which shows was Tracy on this week? Monday, Tuesday, and today, or was she on Wednesday, too? Can anyone help with that?

    About the Lacy being boring. Jane and Tony never bore me, but I adore Jane, so....even if the scenes are less than stimulating, I'm going to watch her, and I'm just so glad to see her, most of the time I don't think I give a lot of thought to being bored. I will say their story needs shaking up somehow. I think they need a temporary split, and I would prefer it happen when TG is actually on screen instead of off. I do think the story has become stagnant, and it needs a shot in the arm. Not that I'm bored by them, but I do think only the most devoted fans would NOT think they are boring if all they are doing is repeating the same conversations over and over. I'd still take TG/JE in one room for all of sweeps, than I would watch anyone else, but I can see how lesser fans would find it boring.

    As far as the continual ongoing outcry about Luke and Laura vs. Lacy: I made a comment at JE online (yes, I posted there once today) about it. I support people being upset that this was LnL's anniversary and they got nothing (although I do think the "dancing at Wyndam's WILL happen, maybe Monday). But my problem is that in my personal experience, so many people in that fanbase aren't going to be happy with Luke with anyone else, and all they want to do is whine that Genie isn't here, so I give that no merit and no foothold and no attention, really. I just find constant whining overly annoying, especially over an actress/character who has been quoted in the press as saying she's done with soaps. (Not that I buy that, but.....) Why bother, when those people are never respectful of Tracy or Lacy? They never will be. So I can read their comments and let it get to me, or I can do what that kind of behavior merits, and I can just ignore their whining. And if that sounds harsh I guess I'm just harsh. It just gets old hearing the bashing of Lacy from LnL fans....and they never say anything new. Maybe if some of those people were just once respectful of my couple, I could work up sympathy for them. But they rarely are respectful of Lacy, so why bother? I do feel bad for posters like Smirks and Tracey at JE online, but that's mainly because like I said, they either love Tracy or are respectful of her.

    I do think all the complaining is a good sign Lacy have something together and are doing something right, because Skuke NEVER got this kind of reception. It may be Sunday night before I get to watch today's show, but I'm so glad I have this safe place to gush about our girl. It's so peaceful here, and some other places are such warzones......I need another break. LOL

  16. I'm not so sure Tracy has a link to AZ at all, I think that people are just still spec'ng from way back when Tracy first mentioned she knew him on air. I would love a BW/JE scene or two though, and I hope I get it. But some major connection? I seriously doubt it, and to tell the truth, as much as it might mean good material and airtime for JE, I really don't want her in a mobular story at all.

    I watched bits and pieces of yesterday. Jane Elliot is the most beautiful woman on the canvas, hands down. She even looks good all frazzled. I just was really struck yesterday by how lovely she is.

    Kristin I will read your story probably sometime tonight.....

  17. *waves*

    I know how you feel TracyLuv, I had plans but bowed out, and am thinking about taking a half a bottle of Midol and going to bed, LOL.

    About the LnL fans, I think they're just unhappy that Laura isn't there, and they don't want Luke to be happy with anyone else. That's understandable. I don't think it's understandable or acceptable that some of them have to be so mean about it though.

    I would chat ya'll but as TL said I'm not feeling 100%, maybe some other time.

    Meant to comment earlier and tell TL and hooked how cute cute cute you guys are ! Loved your pic together, can someone post the one with all three of you and BSG here on the board? :)

    Ooopsie Edit: has anyone else read this little Tracy fic ? Pretty angsty but good, thought I'd give a link, it's on FFnet:


  18. I haven't even watched yet and I can tell it must have been good scenes by the number of LnL fans out of the woodwork trying to deflect. LOL It will be tomorrow afternoon minimum before I get the chance to watch but I can't wait ! Sounds like good stuff, but truthfully, I'm looking forward to Jane and Tony on Monday and after. :) Mama will ROCK it. I just know she will.

    *waves to everyone* Hope everyone is having a good, safe weekend. :)

  19. I haven't gotten to watch yesterday's yet but it sounds good..maybe this weekend on SN.....

    I do think the spumor that Luke "dances with Laura" at Wyndam's will happen because for a minute anyway Luke will die. My spec. I think they'll show him thinking about Laura.

    Now, as long as they also show him thinking about our girl too, great. I can deal. But if we get the Wyndam's thing and no thoughts of Tracy, I think I might have to seriously just skip being on line that day. LOL

    Why does our girl have to fall for the seventies version of Lulu, the overpropped overrated blonde one?


    And boooooo to her not being on today. BOOOO. :(

  20. Woo hoo. I finally got in, so maybe now the board will be faster.

    Deb and Carrie, loved your stories. Deb, yours made me cry. :( At WORK. LOL I have to stop reading the fics at work.

    I am so bored with no Tracy to talk about. :(

    The spoilers do sound good though. Of course if the writer's strike and they don't bring in scab writers, eeeep ! No LuNacy for quite a while I'm afraid. I hope they do something. End the strike early or hire scabs. I just want my Tracy, we don't get enough of her as it is.

    I kinda figured all along that AZ was the one who killed his wife. But wow I guess he always was a nut if he were going to shoot his own son out of jealousy. But I have my doubts that Johnny is his son.....and maybe he always knew that or suspected it but didn't want to openly question his wife.

    Kinda rooting for AZ to take Lulu far far away. I guess his obsession will be like Helena/Emily. Oh, joy. what fun. :P

    Well, I'm off to spend money. LOL

    Talk to ya'll later. :)

  21. :)

    about Luke opening his heart to Tracy. I just hope that's not some kind of stupid "pun" on him having a heart attack. It could be both. I'm going to be optimistic and say that I see the following scenario happening: the rumor is several people, Carly, Maxie, and others, are on a launchboat on the way to Wyndemere when the boat capsizes. The bad part is this is not supposed to take place until the 8th or 9th, so it may be the first we see of Tracy on her way to the ball (leaving Luke alone with Loser...I mean, SKYE, without Tracy there until then.) I realize in GH time it's only a few hours, not even a day, but still....in real time it'll be over a week without Lacy together.

    Anyway, I think Guza will stick with the "Tracy can't swim" version, and if Tracy is on the boat.....she will also either almost drown or Luke, hearing the boat capsized, will think that she might have drowned. When he realizes she's okay, he is so overwhelmed that he pours his heart out. :) I like that scenario and think it is quite likely, especially if the boat capsizing is true, and it seems to be. We just don't know if Tracy is on it. At the very least, SOMETHING must happen to make Luke come to open his heart. It could just be the danger and the knowledge they may not make it out alive. It could happen after Luke has his heart attack, and honestly, I like this idea the least. Deathbed declarations are so....cheesy, and I just don't like the idea of it happening that way. Sorry. About the SOD spoilers and the surprising twist, I think the twist will be that Scott gives up a place on a boat back to safety, to help with Luke, maybe even helping to save his life. Which changes how Luke feels quite a bit about Scott, but maybe not about Logan.....

    *waves to Lainey and everyone*

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