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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Crap. I thought I had Thursday's show on tape. I guess I missed taping it, I'll have to go back and watch the clips. It was the best Luke/Tracy stuff in a while, I thought.

    When I ever get around to doing my edit tape, LOL...(whenever that might be), I guess that'll be one not on there. Sorry, guys.....

    *waves to nex*

  2. *waves to all*

    Yeah Staci I did comment on your banner, I said I liked it but the third pic, the one where Tracy and Luke are about to kiss, you can't make out Tracy's head because the background and her hair color are both so dark they blend together.

    I like the idea of the banner, that kiss was HOT !

    I enjoyed the fics, hooked !!

    I have to go back to work tomorrow. *sigh*

    Hope everyone has a great night !

  3. No Deb I think you said it perfectly. I want them back together too, but he most assuredly should work for it.

    I know we get the "hearts and flowers are not them" thing, but that it one reason why I want to see him try to go that route.

    Not necessarily candlelight and moonlight and stars in the sky and seranading and all that cliched stuff, not even necessarily because going that route will work.

    But I do think Luke doing something like that, will imply far more effort for him than just thinking up another scheme. He can think up another scheme in his sleep, where's the effort in that? (which is why I don't want next week to be a reunion for them, they can scheme together, but it in no way should be him making anything up to her).

    I think Tracy will be touched he went to the effort to try and be romantic, even if it doesn't work. I think he needs to think outside the box on this one......and at least if I see him doing it , I'll give him credit for it, and I think Tracy will, too.

    ETA *waves to Lainey*

  4. *waves to funny1*

    Thanks for the backup at SOC Staci but it looks like Liz or Ruby took the whole thread down. I guess it was just a fight waiting to happen, so that's a good thing I guess.

    About "Oh Baby," I meant to tell you how much I enjoyed it, I squee'd when I saw the updates, I loved them. I feel sorry for Coleman though. Will the truth ever come out? I would like to see him get to have a part in the kid's life somehow....

    About the banner....the background needs to be lightened, you can't even make out JE's head in the third shot where they are kissing.....otherwise it looks great ! Good job !

  5. Linda whateverhernameis also spoiled that, I think it's from breakdowns so pretty reliable.

    Apologies to Lainey and others but I honestly hope that doesn't mean they're making up that soon. If so, he didn't work for a thing. I'm glad they're getting scenes together, but one little scheme doesn't make up for everything.

    BTW....did you know SOC is saying in the thread that there's no Trach bashing?

    Seriously? I guess you have to be a Tracy fan to notice it. How lame.....I love my girl, she deserves to be bashed, even if I don't pay attention to most of it....

  6. Hi all !

    I feel like a pincushion, I took that glucose test today and of course they had to take blood three times, and I couldn't pee in the little cup at first....lots of fun....LOL

    I won't be watching live today, I've still got to get my tags renewed and drop off some stuff at GoodWill...when I went to the DMV the other day the electricity was out, I guess the tornadoes down here did take out some people's power, but we were lucky that it was mainly just rain and power outtages here, the tornadoes went around us this time...other parts of Arkansas weren't so lucky.....

    Sorry for the rambling. :)

    But I'm going to guess they likely won't be on today, anyway...although it would be nice if Tracy were, with or without Luke.

    Yay! halee agreess with me. GMTA.

    *waves smelling salts under Lainey's nose* Maybe not May, but it would coincidentally be their 3rd anniversary and the mushy girly gooberish part of me thinks that would be just so sweeeet.

    I might be around later tonight but I'm off after the other errands to find a necklace for my niece to wear with her black dress tonight, it's a semi-formal dance (her first, *sniff*) and I'm going over there to help her with her hair.

    So I guess if Tracy is on, it'll be a nice surprise when I get back. If she IS on, details, please !

    *waves to Deb* thinking of ya, can't ever forget ya*

    *waves to everyone else* :)

  7. well said nex, and ICAM.

    I love that the temporary split happened, because it's a soap and yes, it's going to happen, eventually. The most important thing is that they eventually find their way back to each other.

    Luke's got a lot of growing up to do, ya'll. A LOT.

    And our girl does need to get back her independence and fire. I have to mention when Luke said his line about "no one else would have us but US", that Jane played it really hurt, I thought. I also have to wonder if her line about "well I guess we'll see," or something like that, might mean that Tracy will get an actual date or flirtation with someone else.

    Now if THAT doesn't help Luke appreciate her, nothing else will I think.

    Gotta go guys, another appointment in the morning and it's so hard for me to get up. UGH. I'm gonna have a hard time getting up early for work Monday morning. I can't believe my vacation is almost gone......*sniff*

    Night, all !

    ETA I've been to that site before, when Luke was gone they dropped out of the top five, I'll have to go check it out ! :)

  8. I'm going to get rocks thrown at me by Lainey, most likely, but I'm not in a real hurry for that reunion. It doesn't have to be Valentine's day for me, in fact...I'd love a May sweeps renewing of the vows, for their third anniversary. It wouldn't even have to be a big deal, just him talking her into dinner, and giving her back her ring, and then when they're alone, a "vow" renewal of sorts...and then, back to the state room.....

    Thanks for the email hooked. :0)

    Yeah, I mean, I want them together, but I do think he must work for it, and I don't want it overnight because it will feel like he DIDN'T work for it, know what I mean?

    As far as the spoiler, I want Tracy on Monica's side. I just do. :(

    ETA I do still want Lacy to have plenty of scenes together, like today. I just think there should be some near misses, before the "reunion" is for real.

  9. oh, telling LnL to get off the cross? That was me!

    That's the one. I knew it kinda sounded like you or TL or Lainey but I wasn't sure if it was even one of us. I wouldn't have put it exactly that way, but I so wasn't expecting to read a defense of our girl, that when I read it, if I'd had anything in my mouth I would have spit it out. Too bad though that it was at the end of the thread, so probably few people will see it...I think the people that need to see it, will see it eventually.

    hooked I have emailed you. I may not respond to yours right away, I'm going over to my sister's to see if she can color my hair. I've been in a fire engine red mood lately....I don't know though.

    Check in with you guys later !

  10. hooked I checked my email, I didn't see anything from you, did you mean for me to check or just remos?

    BTW...*blushes* I know I try to say we need to not be gettin' into it with the EWCBO's fanbase or the fanbase of that couple, but whomever told them to get over it because they were complaining AGAIN about EWCBO's return being marred by Lacy, on SoapDish, I am patting you on the back. I only wish I'd said it first, but I try to stay away from anywhere I know is not Lacy friendly these days. Since they're the only reason I watch, I'd rather go someplace that is friendly towards them....I get so tired of hearing that particular claim, that it's all Tracy/Lacy's fault that the ratings just didn't shoot throught the roof. That's ridiculous.

    BTW I also meant to send good wishes Deb's way....I miss her input here....

    And once again, that kiss was HAWT !

  11. I'm here to do a live recap....hoping for more than a sixty second Lacy scene today.

    First Tracy scene: Wheee ! starts out with Lacy. :)

    Tracy on HS, kicks something....Luke walks in, "I thought I might find you here."

    Tracy turns around "why do you show up when I don't want to see you?"

    Luke: "Tracy you know that isn't true."

    Tracy: "It is true. Our marriage is over." (me: waaaaAAH)

    END SCENE. I hate this show and their endless scenes of people like Carly, and our girl gets five seconds. UGH

    Second scene:

    Okay, so far, no second scene. And Good LAWD, Barbie and Ken (aka Carly and Jax) are so boring together. An answer to insomnia, that's what they are...apologies to anyone here that likes them.

    Lacy better get the opening scene after commercial.

    EEE they got the opening after commercial.....

    Pretty long scene compared to the others lately...

    Tracy says she's looking for a place to live. Luke says it's like they knew they would need this place, he says he wants to take her down to one of the state rooms and live on love. (awwww) he tells her they can make a nice living together, Tracy says till when, till she wins the lawsuit and the gravy train dries up.

    She asks him where he went, brings up helping him kidnap Laura, running herself ragged while he tried to die in the hospital, he kisses her, (HOT kiss, ya'll) and they break apart for a moment and she kisses him back.

    "That's what I'm talking about", Luke says to her, Tracy says, "I've missed you. Just not enough." (nooooooooooo Tracy. Noooooooo).


    Also, other than Tracy bringing up kidnapping Laura, there hasn't been any mention of her "shadow."

    Okay...I am so mesmerized by their scenes...and so bored by others, LOL...that I can't always remember everything that's said but I'll try:

    Next scene (and probably the last Lacy one, although maybe hopefully not the last Tracy one):

    Luke asks why the lawsuit if they are over, why "spit where she eats?"

    Tracy said because she told Monica not to and she did anyway and Tracy almost lost Luke, says she lost him anyway, and sort of laughs, mentions Luke sneaking out with Skye the very day he was due to be released to *her* care.

    Says that she is tired of him meaning more to her than he wants her to, and goes to get her stuff, her back is turned to LUke and he tells her they are good together, and no one would have either one of them except them (LOVED this, so true),

    and Tracy says, "well I guess I'll just have to find out." (meaning Tracy may be open to seeing someone else? Hmmmm)

    Luke says "You know me, you know I don't give up this easily."

    Tracy sighs, says nothing, and leaves.

    It looks like Luke has tears in his eyes, Tracy honestly just looks fed up (not good ya'll.....) I hope we get a scene of her breaking down, PLEASE. PLEASE.

    No such scene today. *rme*

    Waiting for previews, there was no more of Tracy or Luke (but several more scenes of Lulu, who woulda thunk it?)

    No previews of them.......:(

    Overall, good Lacy scenes, but I personally think Jane is playing it as if Tracy is done, ya'll. Luke would have to pull a rabbit out of his butt at this point......

    Which, Lacy or no Lacy, would be disturbingly interesting to see....LOL J/K

    On the bright side...he has her rings, and WHEN they get back together, maybe he'll even propose again. :)

    That's my positivity for today.

  12. Actually I think the Laura spoiler is nothing more than Luke offering to let Tracy stay at the Spencer house. I think it's not even an offer of reconcilation, I think he just offers because he as stated today knows she's sleeping on the ELQ couch. And I think she's so offended by Luke's lack of consideration for how she'd feel staying there, that she considers it to be the last straw.

    I'm thinking when Luke offers, SoapZone will be a fun place to lurk at for their reaction. J/K. I can already predict what the L/L fans there will say over that.

    And I agree, actually. Luke shouldn't even offer, even if Tracy is sleeping on a couch. He should draw money out of the till at Kelly's, if necessary, to rent a house until they can figure out what they want to do. Or ask Bobbie if Tracy can stay at the Brownstone.

    Luke himself was staying in the Q boathouse. He has money from Kelly's, right?? Or not? I can never remember if he and Bobbie still half own it.

  13. I think they will get a short scene Carrie, one thing about the new writers, all the scenes are kinda short.

    Second scene with Tracy and MOnica, Tracy grilling her about her whereabouts, wondering out loud about Sam's hit and run, and walks off....

    Aww, man...don't tell me that's ALL of Lacy today. They have such sparkage, though. Luke walks up behind Tracy who is watching Monica get into the elevator with Bobbie (who is taking her home). To her credit, Tracy looks interested (and maybe a little concerned?) with what 's going on there.

    Luke asks Tracy where she spent the night, Tracy said she had work to do in the boardroom, Luke says, "you locked the boardroom door and slept on the sofa." and Tracy doesn't deny it (me:awwwww, our girl sleeping on the sofa). Tracy asks what he wants, Luke says, "I need to want something to see my lovely wife? What if I say I want you?" (me: awwwww)

    Tracy tells Luke "I wouldn't believe you" :( and she walks off.....

    I hope that's not it for them but everyone's scenes are so short, it might be.....

    Yep, that was it for them. I like the balance of the new writers, I wasn't bored today (I think I like Claudia...CRAP, another reason I might have to watch)...but Tracy's scenes were probably only slightly longer than yesterday's. Five minutes, tops.

    waiting for previews to see if Lacy are shown...

    Nope. No Lacy in previews. I hope we do get them tomorrow or Friday, surely that little exchange wasn't "Tracy calls it quits with Luke."

    It was Monday she wasn't on , right? So she's been on two days this week, hopefully she'll get at least one more day.

  14. I'm watching live...Tracy is on, only one brief scene so far with Monica....wondering what's going on with the car, new clothes, yellow jacket, yellow is one of JE's colors I think !

    Hair looks good, I think...kinda oomphy, as oomphy as short hair can be....

    Luke on too, with Lulu and Logan at the Spencer house. Maaaaybe we'll get Lacy today? EEEEEE

    So far...that one glimpse is the only Tracy...Luke was looking for Lucky, who is at the hospital because of Spam, so maybe Luke will come up there and see Tracy....eeeeee !

    CAn you tell I'm bored?? LOL

  15. I think Sonny will turn Luke down, and I say Yaaaaaaay ! I'm all for them getting a little excitement and adventure....but separate from the mobular characters if possible, please.

    Linda Hirsch spoiler for next week, interesting:

    Tracy shoots Luke down (could this be him trying to get his legs back and Tracy cutting his legs out from under him?)when he proposes to her that they team up to prove if Monica did hit Sam with her car. Interesting. I wonder if Monica is arrested for it and Luke wants to prove she didn't do it or maybe they think she did and want to prove it as a way of blackmail to get back in the mansion? Hmmmm.......if that's the reason, wonder why Tracy says no, either way.....

  16. I also wanted to add that we might want to put in our letters that we LIKE a balanced, softer Tracy, and not the one note villainess crap of a few years back. I'm okay with her acting out in her anger, but it seemed like Guza had her pretty balanced before he left (okay a little too soft), but I don't like how she told on Monica to the cop so easily today. I don't like her striking out like that without any hesitation, and I don't want these writers painting her in a corner.....

  17. Oooh. I agree, and we need to put something pro Tracy/Monica in our letters. I want to see that too ! We also need to speak up for SD, he should be bugging Tracy every day now, LOL.

    I agree Carrie that sounds like it hurt ! You may want to put ice on that.

  18. PRINT???!!!

    I've been handwriting these suckers. :)

    I figure that'll make even more of an impact than a typed one.

    I'm home...I'll give a Tracy recap if I can. I'm actually on "vacation" this week, but no money to go anywhere, so I'm "spring cleaning". LOL

    I hope Tracy is on for more than just to taunt Monica. I want LACY on today !

    Tracy, first scene: (she's wearing the same clothes as last Thurs/Fri...is it still just one day? I guess that makes sense that it is, but she's still wearing that fur thing Staci hates (I don't hate it, for the record).

    She walks up to Monica as Monica is talking to the cop about her car being stolen and says "Monica. What's going on?"

    Second segment: no Tracy. :( I miss Lacy. I never realized how much until the possibility of Luke having to fight for her (which I've wanted to see all along.)

    I think Spin/Maxie are cute, and I don't even like Spin. Lulu and Johnny? NOT hot. Luke and Tracy are waaaay hotter.

    Very short scene with Tracy telling the cop Monica is talking to about the lawsuit, LOL...and asking Monica why she's back at the hospital in scrubs. The cop asks Monica if she was driving under the influence of alcohol.

    End of scene. *sigh*

    Next scene, Monica defends herself to the cop but avoids his question about whether or not she's been drinking. Tracy doesn't really have any words here, it's mostly her reactions. They bring Sam in as they are talking and Tracy watches Monica's reaction.

    They certainly are making Logan look guilty as the TMK and Monica as the one who hit Sam. I think it was Nikolas, OR it could have been that Sam was hit twice, maybe? Maybe once by Nikolas and the second time by Monica? I don't know....

    I forgot to finish my edit. that was all of Tracy today. Blink and you miss her, and really...not worth watching. Jane had maybe two lines.

  19. *waves to nex*

    Carrie I wrote JFP, Garin Wolf (the HW for now), Jane, and Tony. I haven't mailed them yet. I don't think it'll do good to write Brian Frons, but I might later if any of you did. I also don't know about writing the mags....I may do one today. But I have at least four written.

    *bats eyes* do I get a gold star for each one?

    And UGH. Nothing in the new SOD about our girl, but isn't this a SID week also? Maybe SOW or SID will have something. I so hope that ELQ spoiler is true.......

  20. Actually I think the left side view is cool, too.

    No Tracy today, it showed Monica driving, drinking in the car, then she comes back to the hospital locker room, crying and obviously upset.

    It also shows her calling to report her car being stolen.

    No Tracy in the previews, either. :(

    I think she's supposed to be on tomorrow though.....

  21. I like your suggestions for the letter, I'll use them !

    Yeah, so far, no Tracy.....I think I'll keep the TV on but I'll just listen for Tracy's voice. I can't sit here and watch if she's not on, although I may recap if I catch any more Monica stuff.

    About the avatar, I actually like the side view of that haircut, since it really does look better from the side, to me at least.

  22. *blushes* No, not yet. But I was actually thinking of writing one today. What exactly are you guys saying in your letters? I honestly have no idea what to write that would take up a whole letter, I might do the post card thing....

    Do we know that Tracy will be on today? I hate to watch live if she's not on. But I guess I can wait for the first half hour to see if we get a glimpse of her.

  23. Happy Belated Birthday halee and to hooked's husband. Hope they were fun ones !

    About the Anthony Z thing...oh I'm totally sure that's where Guza got the name. No doubt. He'd think it was hilarious.

    funny1 I got the email and the other fic you sent, thanks, I enjoyed reading it !

    remos I also liked your latest story.

    I'm intrigued by the maybe spoiler about Lacy, but the fact that they didn't spell Tracy's name right usually makes me wonder....I'd love for it to be true though......

    As far as the heart attack victim, it won't be Tracy. It's already been spoiled that it's going to be a member of the hospital staff. Since I think Maxie is still a volunteer there, it could be her, but my guess is Epiphany.

    *waves to hooked*

    I plan on trying to be around to post live today if anyone is interested in a recap.

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