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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. So the good news is (me being optimistic here) that I think the main reason TG (and by association JE) haven't been used much this sweeps is because of TG's knee surgery. I saw something on SZ about it(forgive me if someone here has mentioned it, I'm sooo tired this week and only half paying attention to things) and it seems the scene with Tracy hitting Luke and Luke showing off his purple knee was for real (I knew it looked real purple and not like makeup to me). I'm guessing he knew when he came back from his last break that he would have to have it, and the writers haven't used him much because of that.

    I'm being optimistic again, remember? LOL

    At any rate.....I hate that Lacy don't have a story right now, but hopefully May sweeps for them will rock. Letter writing, anyone? :)

    I keep hearing Luke will go to work for Claudia....as much as I actually hate that idea, if it gets Lacy airtime, and a story, I might give it a chance.

    Well....back to work all. Have a blessed day !

  2. Oh, remos...LOL you know I meant I liked it on it's own. *plumps up remos's ego again*

    And funny1 if you don't mind emailing me your stories I would love to read them, I just don't do the LJ thing. Just one more password to remember, and I'm lucky to remember my own address and phone number and work passwords at times....LOL

    *kicks GH/ABC*

    Tracy/Lacy RULES. Now give them a story. :angry:

  3. They've moved it to the IL. But considering they've spelled 'Tracy' wrong, and the grammar is atrocious, I wouldn't put much stock in it.

    Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed it.

    Hey, I'm starvin' for fics, we're having a Tracy drought, what can I say? :(

    And LOL at the comments about the SD stuff. Yeah, I tend to think anyone who can't spell her name right probably made it up. Although, this person could have heard it somewhere else and they're presenting it as their own, and just didn't spell her name right.

    I'm kinda like you though, I have my doubts.......

  4. I only remember the True Religion thing because I remember it being in a soap mag quote or something. I think it was his choice of clothing if he could only have one thing, or something like that. I wouldn't recognize designer jeans or how much they cost if they jumped up and literally bit me in the butt.


    There's a little blurb on SD that (I'm not blacking it out, it's SD, GOS and all that) that Tracy and Claudia will become friendly and that Luke will work for Claudia.

    My thoughts: I guess I can see Claudia and Tracy getting along, I can even see Tracy giving her tips on how to handle some of the "bidness", but I think it's very iffy. I'd much rather have confirmation the earlier "spoilers" about ELQ and the mystery client and the anonymous money in an envelope are true. I just can't see Tracy having a big part in the mob story either way, when the ELQ story would most likely give her a greater POV.

    Hope she's on today...........

    Oh and remos I read your updates to your fic "Finding Happiness", I really liked the story a lot. :)

  5. I think Jane just likes to dress comfortably. I don't live in either LA or NY, although I have been to LA once, but I think NY actors are far more into fashion and showy-dress than LA people are. NY is far more "arty." I think you can't just look at the way someone dresses to determine anything of substance about that person. For instance comparing MBE to JE in the pics, I'm not sure but the NBC lot is close to the ABC lot there, and it's already been said several actors were marching on their lunch breaks or breaks from filming or rehearsal. I watch DOOL and I'm pretty sure I've seen MBE wear that outfit or similiar outfits on the show as her character. JE might not have even gone in to work that day, I don't know, but at any rate, as others have said, she has been quoted as dressing for comfort.

    Maybe Jane doesn't fit in with the arty NY actors and that's one reason she chooses to act in LA. I certainly know I've seen pics of Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, and well....countless celebrities in LA out in public in sweats and caps and sunglasses. Part of it is to avoid being seen, part of it is that they spend their days working, dressed up and made up, and they want to give their feet/face/hair a break from the makeup/hairspray/high heels/tight clothes. I'm certainly not going to compare Jane to other actors who dress differently and who DO wear makeup and do their hair up in public. The actress Loni Anderson once said in an interview that when she was married to Burt Reynolds she never once took off her makeup in front of him, nor did she ever let him see her without makeup. She even slept wearing it. Jane is far more comfortable in her skin that that, and I don't see that as anything other than a woman who knows you aren't just about what you wear or put on the outside.

    In a time when things like botox and plastic surgery are the norm, I find that pretty refreshing myself.

  6. Wow. It doesn't seem they really are using TG/JE this sweeps, are they? Of course, we're getting to see them at all, and they did have quite a featured role in November and February, so maybe May sweeps (their 3rd anniversary) will be better for them.

    Hey, it's more free time for us and less time to watch this suckfest. POSITIVITY, people !

  7. I have an eye appt at 4 so I was going to watch GH and do a live thingy but when it was apparent Tracy wasn't on I left the TV on but really didn't watch.

    I did see Scott at Logan's bedside, and the beginning of Lulu diddling yet another guy. How many IS that for her now? Three men in just over a year and a half? She's more "active" than Maxie, now. Lulu just grosses me out in "romantic" scenes, sorry. I couldn't watch more than a minute of that crap.

    Oh, and for the Diane lovers on this board, CH got a supporting actress pre-nom.

    I'm so disgusted with GH. If it weren't for Tracy and Jane, I'd just quit.

  8. Thanks. I remember the proposals and him leaving. And I vaguely remember Larry in reference to the cartel and all that. I think I just put up a mental block on it all because in my mind Ashton would have never done that to Tracy.

    And they barely established a death with his character, they could so easily bring him back. I would like him to serve as Tracy's personal assistant at ELQ. Or maybe Luke, Larry, & Spinnelli could all open up a P.I. office together, and Tracy would be Boss Lady.

    Okay that's it for me. But my question for today is: What is up with Monica's inner dialog voiceovers? That is so cheesy. Make it stop.

    Happy Hump Day All.

    ICAM halee that Larry never would have done that to Tracy, at least, not without a very good reason, like maybe he was forced to do it also. I like your ideas about him, Luke and Spinelli with a PI office. I think Luke and Larry could be the NEW LnL (friendship-wise, LOL). :D Sorry, I couldn't resist. So many couples these days are the "new" LnL :rolleyes: why not Luke and Larry, too? I actually think the two of them would be hilarious together. Throw in Alex Masters from The City, ANOTHER of Tracy's men, former FBI if I remember right. Oh, and Coleman thrown in too. That would rock. HEE. I'm not sure Tracy would WANT to be boss, but I can definitely see her hanging around there to put in her two cents, and probably get involved in some cases in a roundabout way.

    Question: for those who knew Larry, what would Spinelli call him? The Pseudo-LordShip?

    ETA I just realized, all but Spinelli would be current or former husbands/lovers of Tracy's. So, instead of Charlie's Angels, they would be Tracy's....what? I can't think of a catchy name.

    and YAY! Tracy IS supposed to be on today, right?

  9. *blushes*

    I thought you might like it, LadyA. :)

    As far as how Ashton "died"...., in 1990 (December if I remember correctly); Ashton out of the blue proposed to Tracy after her breakup with Scott. If you guys think Guza is the only one who doesn't follow up on scenes....that scene was a Friday cliffhanger and we didn't see them for days, and when we finally did, it was the two of them in a different room with Tracy once again refusing him (they never showed the first refusal) because she felt there was no passion in his voice when he asked her.

    Shortly after this, the Q's boat, the SS Tracy, sank, and Tracy, Larry, and Ned all had to go live in the gatehouse because Monica closed off a wing of the house to save money. Monica threatened to cut even more expenses and that's when Tracy told Larry to leave (I missed their final scenes) and he left town.

    Shortly after, Leopold Taub, Harlan Barrett (originally slated to be played by TG), whom Tracy dated, and Cesar Faison were all shown as being part of the Cartel that was supposed to take over ELQ. There were references to a fourth man never mentioned for a while, until eventually it was revealed it was Larry. Because Harlan, and then Paul (who was, it was later revealed was being blackmailed into cooperating, which I always thought was a last minute rewrite to make him a good guy, because when he first started it was obvious he wasn't a good guy, I thought) both tried to seduce Tracy, and Paul was successful at marrying Tracy, it was implied Larry's proposal was also supposed to be for the purpose of getting his hands on Tracy's stock. :(

    At any rate, there was talk among the other three that the fourth man needed to be eliminated, and then talk that it was done. Larry was shown once onscreen months after he'd left PC, in a restaurant with Anna and Robert while they were on their honeymoon. It was around this time that he was referenced by the other men as having been "taken care of." I don't remember any onscreen indication of this happening. I don't even remember the Q's hearing that he had "died". Of course, he wasn't talked about hardly ever after that. I don't know if Ned mentioned him to Lois or Alexis or anyone else, and if he did, I don't know if anything was ever said about him being dead or alive. I think it's entirely possible that since they rewrote Paul as a good guy, that Paul averted the attempt to kill him and Larry is alive somewhere.

    It's sad, as I said before, that TIIC don't care enough about the Q's to bring him back. A triangle with him, Tracy and Luke would rock.

    Thinking about him....there are more than a few similarities between him and Luke. He's more "foppish", but the wanderlust and the need for excitement and adventure are the same.

    Sorry for the long story. LOL I think that there is more story to tell there. It would make a good fan fic, to give "Trash" some closure...or not. In "Solace", a GH fan fic that includes Tracy, Larry hooks up with Helena Cassadine, and Tracy hooks up (sort of ) with Victor Cassadine, with whom she'd had a previous affair, and I have a link to that (unfinished) story if anyone wants me to note the Tracy chapters, I'd be glad to send anyone a link to it.

  10. Just popping in to say, I did catch a little of Spin and Maxie. I think I like them. TIIC may ruin the only other watchable thing for me besides Lacy, but for now, I like them. And OH LadyAshton, here's a link to a recent pic of Hugo Napier (ex Larry Ashton).



    I miss him. I wonder if Larry is really dead, and I wish TIIC cared enough about Tracy to bring him back (eh, they've brought back other vets, why not him?)because I would love some closure for them. I don't think they ever really explained whether or not everyone else thought he was dead. It could be a great short term story (I don't think he should come back full time. They'd make him the TMK or something equally ridiculous.).

  11. *waves*

    Hope everyone is having a good day...I plan on watching live *if* I'm here, but only long enough to determine if Luke and Tracy are on. If after the first twenty minutes I don't see either one of them, I'm turning it off. :D

    I'm kinda sad they might be back in the Q mansion so soon. I know I've already said that, but I was looking forward to them roughing it for a while longer. :(

  12. Wow. It looks like I might actually make it to Sunday school this morning (I have such a hard time getting up that extra hour).

    About the thread at SOC, looks like it's already deleted. What a shock. You could email Liz and ask her why, but I'm sure she'll say "it isn't relevant to current discussion" (even though we have a thread on Robert and Holly, two characters that haven't been on in over two years, that never gets deleted. :) (a little sarcasm there).

    It's just as well.....a thread like that isn't going to do anything but start a fight and it's just not worth it. *shrug*

    TTYL ! Have a good day everyone, and QueenTracy, I love your avatar ! Hilarious !

  13. Happy Late Valentine's Day everyone !

    I liked yesterday, but I liked the HS scenes better, and I now why, now: I watched those live, and didn't know what was going to happen before it happened. Yep. Being spoiler free, or watching live, before you've read the derogatory comments online, really does help enjoy the show more.

    I can't help but wonder: do you think that having Maxie and Spin in the same scene with them (almost) is some kind of parallel? If you think about it, Spin is like Luke a little, and Maxie is like Tracy a little, too.....and I just thought it was interesting TIIC chose both pairs to have the same set at the same time for their scenes. Weird, quirky boy likes sometimes mean, lonely girl, weird, quirky man, adores sometimes mean, lonely woman....just a thought. And since Maxie/Spin and Luke/Tracy are the only things I stopped to watch, that's all I can comment on. It took forever to FFWd the rest of the crap yesterday.

    I may be in the minority, but I'd love to see Luke working at Kelly's to stretch out longer than next week. Even if Tracy moves back in the mansion, Luke shouldn't get back in that easily. I wish the writers would think outside the box a little. I mean, once Luke is back in, then what? Where do they go from there? At least, with them living separately, we might get to see him try and woo her. I'm afraid TIIC are going to play it like Luke getting Monica's clothes to blackmail her with, and them getting back in the mansion, is all the "wooing" Luke needs to do.

    Not liking it. Sorry.


  14. I would do the BR real quick but I am getting out of here today....and then I have my other job tonight, I might check back in after 10pm.

    Staci my Corolla is kind of a maroon color (tell me that's your color....TWINKIES ! I think I saw you driving on the interstate yesterday. J/K :)

    My dream car is a candy apple red 1967 Mustang convertible. Some day, maybe....

    hooked I know Austin's a fun place, I am kinda excited, but I won't be there on the weekends, and I may need an extra push to want to go out and do something once the workday is done. I have heard some people there are putting in 12 hr (nothing new for me) to 16 hr days (yikes!).

    I so need a new line of work.....

    I actually am looking forward to it, it'll be a fun change and I do like change, even temporary ones....

    *crosses fingers for good Lacy/Tracy stuff this week*

  15. I got back to work this morning only to find out I'll be going to Austin for a month, starting around the middle of March....I probably will come home on the weekends but I haven't decided yet. I'm not sure my car can stand the drive, that would be about fifteen hundred miles a week or more on my car and I think she may not be up to it. She's already got over 200,000 miles but it's a Toyota Corolla, it's been a pretty reliable car so far....

    Still it might be exciting and a nice change.

    Who knows? LOL

    It's very quiet here today, where is everyone? (echo)))

    Here's hoping for Tracy today ! :)

    hooked you have a pm !

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