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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Waaaait a minute you guys. They WILL be on tomorrow. Remember, it's already been spoiled that Luke makes "an impassioned plea" to Tracy on WEDNESDAY and she gives him "an unexpected answer". We thought it was about going out of town, which part of it might be, but it's probably a continuation of today.

    BET on it. :)

    *whew* there went my positivity for the day. LOL

    And SOC? Phffft. Although in their defense, there are a lot more Sam, Liason, LuSam related threads than there are Tracy ones. If they merged ALL those threads, people would only be able to reply once or twice and then the thread would have to be shut down because it would be too many pages. Also, if they merged ALL those threads, the board would look empty I guess....I guess it allows more thread room to merge the threads that don't get as many replies (the Tracy threads).

    I hate to defend them, but I almost understand it. I do think they're biased, don't get me wrong. I just can sort of see the logic behind merging certain threads and not merging others.

    It sucks Tracy isn't as popular on SOC as she once was, but eh.

    LACY WILL BE ON TOMORROW !!! I know they will !!

  2. Yeah, I love my girl, but the hair needs to grow out. shoulder length is best, she's too "mature" *cough* for really long or short hair. Years ago on DOOL, she looked okay (not great) with the ultra short hair, but now?

    You just look better with the "SWISHY" hair, Janey-poo.

    My opinion only, although I'm sure Staci misses the swish, too.

  3. Tony and Jane are just SO good. They say so much more with a touch and a look than ANY combination of ANY other actors or pairings on GH. Love them ! yesterday was good, but today..>>TODAY, my friends....HEE. Is the "ring" moment.

    live recap, please? :P for those of us stuck at work.

    To the "two more days" of TQ thing, no...SOD said Tracy and Luke are leaving "this week" but remember, that SOD is from 052708. So they mean THAT week. The week of the 27th. Not this week. Of couse, we may not get much more Tracy from now till then, but this week isn't the last.

  4. Staci I loved your post on SOC. Dead on IMO and I wanted to cheer you on. :)

    I haven't watched yet so I don't know what the previews look like, but there was the "heat turns up" and Tracy "warming up" to the Haunted STar, so suppose it really is smoke, maybe Luke tries to cook dinner and burns it instead? Sounds pretty plausible.

    As far as Tracy leaving with Luke, I'll decide how I feel about it when I know how long JE will be gone, and if she gets to leave again to bring him back. I don't know, to me it's just another way to ignore the Q's, whom we only have a few left of anyway and we never see them. But then, we've had at least one summer where we saw Tracy ONCE for five minutes, so at least if she's offscreen with Luke, she'll have stories to tell when she gets back. I don't like the idea of Sam staying to run the HS while they're gone, because I don't like Sam at all, but as long as we don't get jealousTracy in scenes with Sam, or Sam getting physical and Tracy standing there taking it, I might be okay with it.

    If we get at least one good scene of Lacy on the run, instead of them just walking out of the HS, it might be worth it.............

    although we might miss out on Anthony Z and Tracy scenes, and I really am dying for a few BW/JE scenes.

  5. Luke is going to be a dog...

    There are all kinds of jokes I could make about that one statement alone (about realLuke of course, not the non-human one).

    So, today is good, yes? Worth sitting through live, or should I tape? For those who are wondering, five minutes or less of Tracy is NOT worth sitting through live. Ten minutes or more, at least, before I'll even consider it.

    funny I meant to tell you several weeks ago I did get your email about the stories. Thanks so much for taking the time to send them to me !

  6. I know I'm late but I hope your B-Day was good, Nancy !

    I also hope all the mamas had a good day yesterday. Is there a way to change our posting name on this board? I created a new account at SOC, kinda tired of ILTQ....although that one is still active. My newest is JaneandTonyFan.....

    About Lacy losing their spunk, I think Guza is either bored or doesn't know what to do with them. Proof positive he's burned out, because I can think of so many missed opportunities and so many potential stories for them.

    BUT I still think Jane/Tony have the best chem on the show and can make so much out of so little. Yet because their scenes are so repetitious on the surface I can see why some would think they've lost something.

    I would personally rather see Jane leave with Tony, because I think the potential for a Lacy adventure/on the run story is so COOL. We would miss her, but I think her staying in town won't make much airtime difference anyway, so, I'd rather Tracy leave with Luke.

    I'm kinda curious about the "the heat is turned up" and "Tracy warms up to the HS" spoilers. Could they be literal? Sounds like it.

    And YAY, Tracy's on today !

    Have a great day everyone !

  7. Yeah, not surprised about SOC, whenever there is a decent Tracy thread or she is winning some poll, they usually yank it.

    ILTQ, The thread about couples was not a poll. So there was nothing for LuNacy to win. I just like seeing them represented ;)

    Let's hope for some fabulous LuNacy tomorrow. B)

    Oh, well....I just knew by the time I tried to check it was deleted. I, too...am not surprised. I suppose I should care more about being banned there, but I have actually come right out in an email to Liz asking why certain posts/threads were deleted.....and said that I think she and Ruby are biased in how they moderate. I told her I never understand how they decide what gets deleted and what gets left up. (this has been a while ago now). Liz responded and copied Mr.Kroll (the "owner" of the site?) and said she was sorry I felt that way and she was copying him to let him know of my concerns because she felt she wasn't biased, or something like that.

    I don't see how copying him with my email proves she's not biased, but whatever....

    She's a known Jason/LIason fan, so that may be why those threads are rarely deleted/edited.

    She's also a Laura fan, and an LnL fan I guess, as is Ruby....*shrug*

    I no longer expect fairness at that site, and I know by now nothing will be done about it, so I post there at my own risk.

    I have to say, there was one time I mentioned that I felt Luke was the one with the charisma in that pairing, that Laura had none....and my comments were deleted, and NO REASON given. I wasn't actor bashing, I never mentioned Genie, nor was I addressing any particular poster. Just deleted comments. That proves IMO they are biased in what they delete as far as I'm concerned. Once Liz stated one of our Lacy threads was deleted because it was "inactive" even though other threads on the board less active than that one were still up. When I pointed this out, I was THEN told the "batch process" will pull threads it sees as inactive and that they have no control over it.


    I'm sure the smackdown thread was deleted because it was not 'relevant".

    Sure....threads about Holly and Robert.....two characters that haven't been on in years....is relevant....but Lacy/Tracy threads aren't.

    Okay, whatever. LOL

    I just try to enjoy the threads when they're up , as long as I'm logged in so I don't have to read the LnL fans comments. Life's too short to waste it defending what I like to someone who only wants to argue and tell me I'm wrong.

  8. Heeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey, we can't win anyway, might as well laugh. WITH THEM, of course. Not at them. Wait......they don't have a discernable sense of humor....hmmm.....well, with them, at them, who cares ! :)

    Bada-bing, bada-boom !

    And no. One thing I do remember (because as I said, it's the only thing we agree on) is that Laura is boring.

  9. Unless Luke was to say Tracy was just a game and Laura just woke up, the LnL fanbase wouldn't be happy regardless. And since we know both of those are untrue, I'm voting to piss off the LnL crowd for $500, Alex.

    And heeee ! :lol: So true, and I love your last comment. I guess that's why I don't care if any of them don't like it, because it wouldn't matter HOW it was written, most if not all of them, would hate it anyway. So eh. Hate away, I say.

  10. Unless Luke was to say Tracy was just a game and Laura just woke up, the LnL fanbase wouldn't be happy regardless. And since we know both of those are untrue, I'm voting to piss off the LnL crowd for $500, Alex.

    Actually, the nastiest thing about Tracy came from Greenbutterfly, who seems to think the only way to hold her 'angel' to the light is to destroy our girl. The irony, of course, is that none of us feel the need to defend Tracy 'cause she can stand on her own. It's fun to watch the butterfly quiver, though...

    If you mean Laura, the one thing (THE ONLY THING, apparently) that GB and I agree on is that Laura is a big bore. No, I think GB just doesn't think much of Tracy, which is okay by itself, it's her love of characters that aren't any better than Tracy (Carly, Spammy, Maxie, Claudia) that boggles my mind.

    I don't think she sees their faults, at least, she doesn't see them AS faults. If that makes any sense.

  11. I have to say that I don't really care if Lacy wins the poll at SOC. I'd rather they didn't, matter of fact. Let them have their Lusam and whoever.....if I ever agreed with the majority opinion over there, I think I'd cry.

    As far as Maxie/Tracy, Maxie is Tracy in training, Maxie has a long way to go to reach Tracy's stature. I used to like Maxie, but if what I've read is true and Jason is hinting Maxie is like Carly, I'm done with her. *shrug*

    If that's where Guza is going, buh-bye Maxie. Nice knowing the part of you that was entertaining.

    Really no one can deliver a smackdown like Tracy. But of course, Tracy is meaaaaan when she does it, and no one else is. <_<<_<<_< .

    whatever. It's not that I'd ever deny Tracy is mean...it's just certain people saying Tracy is mean with her smackdowns....and ignoring that the very nature of the smackdown requires meanness.

    *rant over*

    And ooooh. I'd love a nice little speech where Luke talks about moving on, but the people who don't like Lacy or Luke moving on, are going to hate it, anyway. Meh. So I say, if we have to read the snotty posts, we better get something good and make the migraines worthwhile !

  12. I replied to your response Ms.Q, and danged if RubyT didn't not only delete my earlier responses, she deleted my response to you, I have no idea why, other than the fact that they're biased against anything anti-LnL or anti-Laura.

    So, I just rephrased and posted again. :lol:

    Like you said though, not worth the headache.

  13. Okay... riddle me this... do Americans have any sense of humour and sarcasm??? (Outside of you lovely folk, of course)

    They are over there on SOC saying that Luke is so terrible that he would kick his own son out of the house for money. It reminds me of the Ramone bit last summer. Is everyone so literal?

    Just yesterday someone was saying they love Cdn. TV because it's so comedic. Do ya'll have anything naturally funny or is it all late night TV celebrity character assasination?

    I think Tracy and/or Q FF have a terrific sense of humor. LnL or Luke/LauraFF's? Not so much. Very bitter, unhappy, "we have to have it our way or no way" type of people from my experience.

    And of course, all of us would love to have things "our way." The difference between those with a sense of humor about their faves, and those without ones, is that the ones without a sense of humor think that it's somehow OWED to them, that they get things their way. That TIIC have failed them and it's the greatest sin ever.

    I think Q/Tracy fans have resigned themselves for so long to the fact that our faves don't really matter to TIIC, that we are just happy to see them, and we roll with the punches a lot better than most.

    That, and I just think a lot of Laura/LnL/LukeFF's are without any type of sense of humor in any capacity in any situation, unless they're bashing JE/Tracy or some other "threat" to the LnL legacy.

  14. It's possible he may cut his vacation short, but he's traditionally always come back the first week of October, I don't see that changing this year. I don't think TG considers his time off for knee surgery to be a part of his vacation, but eh. Maybe.

    Either way, I *hope* we get some Tracy while he's gone. Pleeeease pretty please.

    I thought Scott was supposed to be part of trying to stop the mob war. Where IS he?


    On the bright side, Tracy should be on Thursday, no?

    And how was the Claudia/Luke scene (was that today?) still flirty, or not?

  15. *waves to all*

    been trying to avoid here lately, as I don't want to bring anyone down and I don't have much positive to say GH wise.

    But I always enjoy Tracy, and doesn't JE just look FAB. Cool "ILY" scenes, enjoyed much better if you avoid the bashers. LOL

    I hate that TG is leaving so soon, but he did not take off from March to April like he usually does, so I guess that's why. Unfortunately if that IS why he's leaving a little early, that means he may be gone for almost five months.

    On the upside, once I get everything settled in my new abode, I've got redecorating I can do to keep me busy during what would be GH/Tracy viewing time...and maybe if I can, get around to finally doing that Tracy edit tape. LOL

    See, there's a bright side to everything.

    Don't look now but for those who don't know, there's another Luke and laura themed post on SOC.

    Enter at your own risk, people.

    I'm not going to give a link, since I'm hoping it dies a quiet death.

    *smooches to Deb* Your insightful posts (and your FICS ! :) ) are missed by me tremendously.

  16. Forgot to say happy birthday BSG !! Hope it was a good one.

    I am officially just waiting patiently for JE to retire or quit or whatever. For Tracy to die. Whatever. The sooner the better.


    (although I wish JE nothing but he best in her personal life, I have run out of patience with Guza and this show. I'm done.)

  17. I think the spoilers are interesting, but I would much rather see Luke show Tracy he loves her, at this point, than simply saying it. We've heard him say it, and really....talk is cheap. I hate to think that is what the other spoiler meant about "we will know Luke loves Tracy before he leaves." I already know he does, and while hearing it is nice....it's been done. I'd rather get a few good scenes with him putting the ring back on her finger, or them celebrating their anniversary, than I would a simple "ILY".

    I especially hate that we might only be getting it because Tracy might be jealous of Anna. :huh:

    On the upside, YAY, Tracy spoilers !!

    I have an idea for a fic, if this inspires anyone: I have noticed more than a few similarities between Luke and Larry...both like money, both like to be waited on, both love(d) Tracy, both like adventure, both have wanderlust, both are not that great at parenting but do love their children.... and I thought, what fun it might be, if Larry weren't really dead (they never clarified that, anyway) and he contacted Tracy for help because he's been on the run all these years but now he's afraid the people after him are going to hurt Ned or Brook Lynn. Tracy turns the tables on Luke by being the one to disappear without telling her husband where she's going, but Luke is soon hot on her trail.....

    I would love a fic where Luke meets Larry, I think it would rock. LOL And Tracy would be mortified,especially when someone else pointed out the similarities.

  18. I hope your foot feels better

    THANKS ! :) It burned all night long, I don't remember a sprain burning like that. I literally couldn't sleep. At first I thought I might have a fracture but it's getting better, so maybe not. I decided to stay home today and keep it propped up as much as possible. In truth I am afraid to go down the stairs again, it would suck if I fell again and made it worse. It's kind of funny because I've been in this apartment three years almost to the day, getting ready to move out, and this happens...and three years ago when I moved in I had my leg issues at the same time and was in the hospital. Kind of a full circle thing, but really weird. Flat on my back with my leg propped up now, flat on my back with my leg propped up then....weird.

    Thanks funny I'll be looking for your fic !

    Sorry to hear about your family stuff Addie.....you certainly sound like you have a colorful family !

    Since I'm home I'd love for TQ to be on today....but I guess that's not likely, right? :(

  19. I don't know about writing anything, but I love the positivity. As far as SD, some of the "insiders" there are just making things up, based on what they want people to think. You know, an LnL fan is going to post anti-Lacy stuff, etc. I don't go there anymore.....there are a few good posters there but a lot of them are just, as smirks once said about SoapZone, a "whole different kind of fandom." I don't really trust spoilers at all anyway, but especially not from there.

    I do think TIIC are setting it up for Jane to have more to do while TG is gone, which is good. I think it should be interesting to see what she'll be doing with Anthony Zacchara on the loose while Luke is gone. Wonder if they'll have scenes? I think JE/BW would rock in scenes together.

    Hope everyone is doing okay....BTW Tiffany didn't tell us she updated "Beautiful Disaster" on FF.net, did she? I checked and saw it, good update, Tiffany ! I love that story. :) So much better Lacy stuff than we get on GH. Speaking of fic updates....*looks at Staci*

    I loved your new "confession", remos. Well done. :)

    funny1 I'd love to read your latest fics if you don't mind emailing them to me. :)

    The movers came and brought my furniture over to the new address today. I was taking a box downstairs and fell on my foot. It isn't swelling too bad but it HURTS. Ugh. If I can't get my shoe on in the morning I am going to work barefoot.

    Have a good night everyone, I am off to take a bath and go to bed. :)

  20. I'm cool with Luke leaving to save or help Robert, but nothing else. If he runs off *with* Anna, even if it's not romantic, eh....*bites tongue*

    Anyone else notice that on that TG interview when the woman asks who his favorite co star was, that she totally started just talking over him WHILE he was talking, as soon as he said JE? <_< As if that wasn't what she wanted to hear so she just didn't care about being rude.

    But I loved that he continue to talk about JE even when she was talking. Didn't even miss a beat. :lol:

    Thanks Staci for re-posting that link for me.

    I hope everyone has a good safe weekend if I don't pop in before then. I wish Deb would sometimes pop in and offer her commentary. She's got discipline to stay away this long....I can do it for about a month but I always end up coming back....although my online time is nothing like it used to be.

    I have a feeling this is going to be a GOOD weekend for everyone, starting today. I have a feeling of anticipation in the air, if that makes any sense. :)

    Now, if the goodness could just come over BG so he'd write our girl more material.

  21. I really hate the Luke/Anna idea/spec whatever. I'm tired of that kind of crap.

    Sounds like no Tracy today, or only in the background if at all?


    *runs through post, wind whipping through hair*

    It's miiiighty quiet in here ya'll.

    *pokes LoveFest*

    Ya'll awake?

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