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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. I guess we're all kinda having insomnia. I was tempted an hour ago to go to the store and get some cold medicine, but I took some Tussin instead and just waiting for it to kick in so I can get some sleep, maybe.

    (there's nine people including myself lurking right now so I know some folks aren't getting enough rest.)

    About all this Tracy stuff...I keep hearing on other boards how awful she's being, and true I didn't watch yesterday. I do like soft Tracy better than vindictive Tracy, and I do hope we get the tender scenes between Luke and Tracy next week that we should have gotten this week. I'm having flashbacks of her being written as this one note villainess and I don't EVER want to go back to that period again.

    I totally agree with remos though....youve got to move down from the mountain eventually, which means being in a valley for a little while. This is their valley. I can't imagine it'll last forever....however I do want Tracy to keep some of her strength with Luke. I also am looking forward to him trying to win her back. That's what we've been wanting, to see him work for HER, right?

    It may not be the ideal circumstances but it looks like we're going to get it. I'm a little apprehensive that the ELQ spoilers aren't true, but didn't JFP already say Tracy would be doing something for the company that would backfire in her face? Or was that supposed to be what we're seeing now? I don't know.

    At any rate, I really don't see them leaving TG without a romantic pairing, and I really don't see GF coming back anytime soon.

    I think Lacy will remain apart, maybe even date others *ducks from Lainey* but in the end I think they will reunite.

    And I'm really going to try and go back to sleep. That's my contribution to positivity today.

    Man, pancakes at IHOP sounds so good and it's only five minutes from my house....I am HUNGRY...... :P

  2. I agree with hooked, , I was just coming on to post that, I think Sonny is going to say no, then Luke takes in the unlikely progeny ( I do think this is Spinelli) with his PI business and Tracy gets him fired from that somehow, because isn't Luke sometime soon supposed to get a job from Tracy?

    I think this time she was justified in freaking out when he left. He almost died HOW many times, and left without a word, so the situtuation was far different. At any rate it should be fun to watch them together at ELQ.

  3. Well...I had my doctor's appointment scheduled for this morning and it was my first visit to my new PCP.

    I like her so far....better than my last one, this new one, she's like, "well you have this and this and that means this" and it's such a foreign feeling for the doctor to address things right off the bat like that for me, so I was kind of stunned into silence. LOL

    But she didn't do a mammo...I asked about one and she said, "well you're still really too young for that" and she did the manual exam on my breasts and said she didn't feel anything but she might order a mammo anyway since I was having the pains above my breasts...

    I was kinda looking forward to having one just for the experience. A little twisted and weird, I know. B)

    I haven't watched Monday, or Tuesday yet, but I watched nex's clip from yesterday and I have to say, I was a little disappointed in their "reunion." I love Jane but I thought she played it a little too one note mean, I thought there would at least be a glimmer of pain there. Could be that we'll get it today or next week I guess.....

    I'm in the "angst is okay because it's necessary on a soap" camp, but I don't think their angst should be ordinary, since they as a couple are not ordinary. I have to be honest, I love soft Tracy, but I don't ever want to see her be a marshmallow again, not over Luke or anyone else. Soft, yes, when it's called for, but I loved how she stood up for herself yesterday. I don't want that to ever end. TakeChargeTracy ROCKS !

    I'm lovin' the TG/JE vibe. I looooved how Luke was all "you look GOOD" (and just me or was that also TG saying it? ) she really DOES look good. Luke is an idiot.

    *kicks Luke in the kneecaps and runs off*

  4. I love sweet potato fries. East Texas Burger Company in Mineola, Texas, has the best sweet potato fries. They're famous for their burgers, fries, and pies...and I think there's a rumor that Bonnie and Clyde once were involved in a shoot out in the alley behind where the restaurant now stands...hmm, I wonder if that means Sonny and Jason would also like to eat there....LOL.

    And when I get my cheat day on my diet, sweet potato fries will be one thing I would like to have. It's a long drive to Mineola for me, but totally worth it....

  5. Eh, I don't care much for ABC.com. They don't so much now, but for a while back there were posts all the time about Jane being the ugliest thing they'd ever seen.

    I get that people can have their opinions but I just find that place to be irritating.

    I did lurk to read your post, TL, , and some other Tracy thread there was a post by a poster named "ILTQ" (not me) and that freaked me out. LOL

    *crosses fingers and toes for Tracy today*

  6. i havent been here in a while, and i really only came to say this: I LOVE TRACY"S NEW HAIR!!! She looke 10 years younger and F-A-B-O FABulous!! it also shows, not only that shes doing good things for herself w/o luke, like updating her style, but it shows that shes important to GH! with all of the frontrunners getting new looks, Tracy is right there with them! And with the new hair came a (i dont know if it was New, persay, but it looked new to me), tighter fitting jacket that showed her off in all of her gorgeous glory. No more flowy [!@#$%^&*]. I thought everypne here would LOVE it, actually. BUT...i, unfortunately, still saw that HIDEOUS jacket with the black feathers appearantly make a re-appearance (its in somebodys banner) has any one seen helen mirren in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover? because that thing looks almost exactly like a jacket she wore in that film.

    Thats all.

    *waves* you should stop by more often. I do understand though.....there are times when I wonder why I come online.

    Sometimes, LOL...it just ain't healthy. But I do miss your posts ! :)

    I miss coolkid's posts as well....

    And pinkpopsicle, and anyone else that hasn't posted in a while !

    Wouldn't it be cool if everyone who ever posted in this thread posted at least once a week?

    *looks at Keith*

    I do hope today is a Tracy day. One minute a week ain't near enough.....

    ETA yes funny1 I got your fic, read and enjoyed it !

  7. So Soapdish says Jerry IS the one giving Tracy the money, for her "silence".

    Grain of salt and all that. Either way, she's in the spoilers, yay ! Guess we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out. I think it's OOC for Tracy to sit back and say nothing, if she knows someone is bringing in substandard drugs for the hospital (if indeed that's what's going on). Her family has always been involved with the hospital and her mother loved the hospital, her brother was Chief of Staff. I can't see Tracy just sitting by and saying nothing, but maybe getting kicked out makes her desperate for money? Or maybe it's just one of those OOC things we have to swallow.

    funny1 I am PM'ng you my email address.


  8. I'll just be glad when she's on.....I don't care about anyone else, and I'm afraid Sarah Brown is going to take up waaaay too much airtime that could've been given to someone else. Like namely, my girl.

    funny1 I'd love to read your stories but I was wondering...do you ever post them on FF.net? I have a LJ account but I've never used it...no reason to, LOL...and I don't even remember my password so I can't get in to read your fics. If you don't post them anywhere else, that's fine, just thought I'd ask.

    I'm off to help my sister with her moving for a little while.


  9. Well I'm sorry call me a rat if you must, but I had to report that poster on SOC who called Tracy/Luke fans "Nazis".

    That was a horrible thing to say and I got an "infraction" for saying far less than that last month. I reported it and to my surprise Liz didn't just edit the post, she deleted the whole thing.

    Sometimes, they really take me by surprise, because honestly, I didn't think they'd do anything about it, surely not deleting the whole post.

    And yeah I feel like a five year old tattle tale but stuff like that is what drives people away permanently.

    However as I told that same poster, I keep my sanity at SOC by using the "ignore" feature.

    It's a handy little invention that prevents you from reading the posts of any poster you choose to "ignore" as long as you are logged in while lurking.

    I hate to have to use it but I swear SOC has been a breath of fresh air ever since. :)

    And I gotta get up and help my sister finish moving tomorrow so I better get to bed. I fell over backwards in the bed of my dad's pickup truck last week, both legs straight up in the air, my sister pulling on my pant legs trying to get me back up, and me hollering when I hit the truck bed because it hurt like heck and then hollering again when I realized I looked like an idiot and people were probably staring.

    Can't wait to repeat the experience tomorrow. Pure comedy. :D

    Although I did have a sore butt bone for like three days after that.... :lol:

  10. Nah d0on't worry about it. LOL

    I'd much rather have my girl on my screen. :(

    remos sorry to say, they do this pretty much every time TG leaves. In 2005, during his summer break, for ALL THREE MONTHS, we saw JE ONCE.

    Yeah, you read that right. ONCE. In three months.

    God forbid we take away airtime from Sonny or Jason by showing Tracy while Luke is away.

    Oh, and airtime from Carly and Lulu and Liz and Sam..... *snort*

  11. Yes, or Max tries to jump Tracy by mistake. Or...... for a more dramatic plot point, one of Sonny's enemies kidnaps Tracy thinking she's Diane (although I really don't know why they would do that, but I'm sure someone could think of a reason.)

    Maybe they want her to defend THEIR mob boss and figure scaring her into it is the best way to go...

    I'm bored, what can I say?

  12. So in my own little Tracy lovin' world....in all my creative writing classes, the number one thing we were told was behind any good story was asking "what if?"

    So, what if? What IF, Tracy looking so much like Diane (from behind or the side, certainly not the front) would mean that she would be mistaken for Diane or Diane mistaken for her?

    There's a story in there somewhere. *points to the fic writers* Ya'll know what to do......

  13. Just warn me and I'll skip the scenes, if she does hire Diane.

    B) (and that's the nicest thing I can say this early in the morning).

    I do have to kinda wonder if there's a reason why the two of them have the same coloring.....if it were Guza, there'd be no rhyme or reason.....he's not that deep or complex. But.....I guess we'll have to wait and see....

  14. From anonymous or confirmed?

    Unpopular among us here, but I'd rather it be Scott or Alexis than Diane. *grates my nerves*

    Not unpopular with me. ALexis is shrieky and annoying on a good day, and the best I can say about Diane is that we hardly ever see her. Yeah, if Tracy is going to look aloof to Luke, the BEST way to do it would be to hire Scott on HIS behalf.

    Not pointless, mobular Diane, who can die any day now, thanks. I really resent that that character has gotten more airtime than SCOTT BALDWIN.

    Pfft. Ludicrous crap.

    On the bright side, Tracy next week, and who knows, maybe even tomorrow? EEEEEE !!!

  15. Actually, isn't Sonny's old penthouse TRACY's old penthouse? I do believe it's the very same set, just updated over the years.

    Of course, then Jason will see Jerry coming there and he'll get on his high and mighty highhorse. No thanks. I'd rather see her living above Kelly's, as Staci suggested. That's probably what they will do, though. Put eeeevil Tracy living across from *insert halo* Jason.

  16. I don't think older women should have ultra-short haircuts, period. But as I said before, I don't expect it to last long.....

    As far as Tracy being portrayed as mean, I think she will be written that way for a little while. And, as long as they don't have her knowingly pushing drugs or transporting street drugs, which is completely OOC, I'm okay with her having a mean streak period. Out of ALL the current characters, Tracy is one who has the last few years, given way more than she's gotten in terms of family and romance. She's given, given, given...and gotten stepped on or pushed aside the whole way. And, I think she's fed up. Why shouldn't she be? I'm okay with her getting mean as long as there's a reason for it, as long as the anger is directed at the person(s) who she feels caused the problem, and it's not meaness just for the sake of it, and as long as she is also written as still being vulnerable underneath it all. I'm not okay with TIIC writing her as a one dimensional shrew steamrolling over everyone without cause, but so far....she is pretty justified at being angry with Monica AND Luke, especially if she finds out Monica was drunk while operating. I don't want to see her kicking puppies, but acting out of anger and hurt, I'm okay with. It does seem that Tracy isn't going to just take Luke right back, and I'm also okay with that. Enough with doormat Tracy. She SHOULD be angry.

    I am concerned about the Jerry thing. But I'm withholding judgement on that until we get more details.

  17. I think JE looks fab no matter what, although there was one atrocious VERY short cut she did right after DH fried her hair.

    I don't like that this cut makes her look like Diane, because I hate Diane. But otherwise I'm okay with it, although she won't get the trademark swish for a while. I'm sure she'll let it grow out, JE never keeps one length/style long.

    I do like that Tracy gets kicked out of the mansion. I wish she left voluntarily, but eh. I'm off to watch my tape for today, or the Tracy parts of it, at least.

  18. LOL Sorry TL I didn't mean to post a Jane B-Day thing on SOC after you did. I wonder why they didn't just consolidate?

    Lots of people loving our girl. :) I love it.

    About the $10 million spoiler, oh I hope it's true, but someone on SD was talking about how Jerry is going to be moving drugs (maybe watered down prescription drugs, not illegal drugs) and that the guy with the tatoo who is giving the orders tells him to give him information about who works at the hospital, and it was mentioned that Tracy is still on the hospital board.....and that maybe Jerry is the one who gives her the money to help them move their drugs. I don't know, I really can't see Tracy doing it if she knows what they are doing. On the other hand, it would save the hospital money, and she's been portrayed as cheap before with the condom thing. So eh. Who knows, the spoiler might not even be true. But if they wanted a plot point bad guy, they've used Tracy before.

    Sometimes, TIIC suck. :angry:

  19. I love all the Tracy spoilers and I hope they're true !


    I don't have a problem with anyone posting spoilers here from SoapDish or anywhere else. I think it sucks that we sometimes really get our hopes up for things that never happen, but that's a risk you take when you read spoilers.

    I actually think there's a good chance the recent ones could be true. :)

  20. Oh I forgot to comment on the mammogram thing. Sorry you had that weird experience, Carrie.

    GOOOOOO! ILTQ. Glad you're going. I have lumpy breasts.... found my first one at 17. When I was 24 the technician told me it was the worst mammo she had ever seen (Idiot! I was 24! She should have been fired. And oh honey.. I may have been lumpy, but they were all BENIGN... so it wasn't the "worst" you've ever seen, just the lumpiest!). Anyway, I'm 40 now.. and I get mammos every six months.. they're all benign cysts, but because they're so many there is a danger they might hide new "non-benign ones." I'll be honest -- mammograms hurt! Especially if you are large breasted.... but there are good hurts in life, and this is one of them. And for the record, if men had to do mammograms with THEIR private parts, that machine would have been improved a LONG TIME AGO.

    yeah, I'm gonna go. I might have to be prodded into it, but I'll go. :) My sister found her first lump at nineteen, and even though it was benign, the doctor did a lumpectomy (maybe because of the size of the lump, I don't know).

    I don't have the big breasts problem, so maybe the mammo won't be too bad. Not much to smoosh. :P

    About the spoilers: being positive: I actually think the ELQ ones are true. They pretty much line up with the mag ones where JFP said Tracy would do something concerning the Q family that would backfire in her face, and that she would be holding Luke at bay.

    I think her hiring him is a condition of her taking him back, but I also think she refuses at first to get close to him again after she sees firsthand how destroyed and devastated MOnica is after losing Emily and Alan.

    I think Luke purposely messing things up is part of the "causing havoc for her family", but I also think the mystery client is going to cause huge trouble for ELQ and the Q's. The spec said they're more dangerous than the mob, and that really kinda makes me mad, why does a Q story HAVE to either show them as incompetent or evil, or them bringing about some kind of catastrophe (the condom scandal comes to mind).

    I do think it's a good chance because of what JFP already said, that they are true, though.


    Could be good, either way, we get more Tracy !

    Always a good thing.

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