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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. BTW....did I tell ya'll I had a dream that Tracy and Kate were trapped somewhere or held somewhere and Luke and Sonny had to save them?


    Now, I hardly dream GH. Probably cause Tracy-less GH is more rotten than a vat full of raw meat left out in the sun. And the memory is vague, it actually happened before Luke came back I think. BUT I could go for it. That's saying a lot, since personally, I'm not all into that "Luke has to have a plot where he risks his life for Tracy" thing. I'd much rather see TG give up a vaca, and LUke give up one time leaving town to be with Tracy, than to see any great "Luke as hero for Tracy" stuff. I don't know. I kinda go back to the fact that one of the things Luke loves about her is that she can rescue herself. I'd much rather, if Tracy were in that situation, to see Luke *try* to help, but have Tracy in the end be right by his side fighting her way out, maybe even rescuing HIM. I think that would impress him, and we'd still get him putting forth the effort of trying to get to her. Which is really all that matters to me, is that we see him being there for her.

    Anyway, it'd be cool if someone could fic my dream just based on the little that I can remember. I don't think it was Zacchara keeping them prisoner. Maybe Trevor?

    *Looks at Deb or Staci or Carrie or ANYONE who likes to write who might run with this*

    Cause you know, having him *SWOOP* in * (I just love that word, LOL) to save the day would be so cool. Don't forget Sonny in the story. Can you imagine Tracy's reaction to having to thank SONNY?


  2. I'm sooooo glad our girl will be on during the sweeps/ball stuff. Now, if she could just be an active part of the mob stuff too.

    Yeah, I said it. I've never been anti-mob. Just anti ALL MOB ALL THE TIME. And I don't have a problem with her being in that story as long as she isn't calling Sonny and Jason "good and honorable" men. I hope Guza buys a clue and writes her in it in a larger way than what's played out so far. I haven't watched this week or last week either, I have last week on tape but haven't had the time.....I'm so frustrated with this show that right now I can't muster up the energy to even watch for Tracy. But I will eventually, I'm sure. I have to say sweeps sounds kinda interesting. I'm just afraid it'll in the end be one more thing ALL.ABOUT.LULU. Guza's Lulu fascination is KILLING this show.

    I have good hopes for Luke and Tracy. I feel some good stuff is coming up for them. I'm just ignoring the Skye spoilers. I'm hoping most of the Skye/Luke stuff gets CUT. *BWHAHAHA*

    *waves to everyone*

    And Angel, sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. :)

  3. I finally got around to watching Thursday's show. I taped it so I watched it first, the VCR didn't tape Wednesday so I watched the clips. I think watching Thursday first helped, because Wednesday and the Ramon crap didn't irritate me nearly as much as I thought it would....I just thought the whole Ramon thing was weird. No build up to the scene, no bother to hint that Tracy might be cheating on Luke, nothing. Just Luke coming in and kissy kissy and Tracy about to kiss her masseuse. No biggy.

    Weird, weird, weird. I hate this show. And as far as I'm concerned, it was all either a dream, or a joke. I care so little about this show anymore that YES, I can and will retcon Guza's rewrites/retcons. I wasn't all that impressed by the Luke/Tracy reunion, but I DID like it was made clear he came back because he missed her. :)

    Thursday was not enough Tracy for me but I did like the interaction up until Luke started blaming her for Lulu's stupidity. I haven't watched yesterday's tape...should I bother? LOL Here's hoping today will be better.

    Don't like hate me or nuthin', but I'm starting to want Scott/Tracy more and more. Or at least, a good triangle. I just LOVE Kin/Jane scenes. He's looking a little scruffy lately though. Needs to shave, badly.

  4. Thank you all for the well wishes about my friend. :)

    I went to a corn maize this past weekend. For those who have never done it, as I hadn't until then, it is an experience. LOL

    *sigh* I should just stick to lurking, or stick to this thread only if I'm going to post. SOC gives me a headache every.single.time.

    It's a hard habit to break though but I have to say I am much happier when I'm away. :)

    Although I do miss my TracyQ lovefest peeps.

    Happy Thanksgiving remos and blessings and peace to your friend.

    Good day everyone !

  5. *waves to all*

    Just a quick note and Hello.


    Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Belated BDay TL. :)

    For everyone leaving town and going on trips, have fun and stay safe.

    Tracyless GH just isn't interesting, is it? I refuse to believe our girl is a victim of sweeps. *blocks negative thoughts*

    Nope. Uh-uh. *shakes head*

    I'm excited for Luke's return. :)

    Just remember some of the best Tracy stuff has been unspoiled, ya'll.

    OT news: I don't know who I told here, I know I told Stacy. My friend Shannon has been battling cancer almost two years now, and had lost her sight from it about a year and a half ago. She passed away Friday.....it's hard for everyone but especially on her parents because she was their only child. And still so young at 32. :( Anyway, her funeral service was peaceful and sweet, and I have no doubt where she's at, and even though we all miss her I wouldn't bring her back here for anything. :)

    Not trying to depress anyone, just wanted you all to know what's been up with me lately. Oh and I've been helping my mom and dad fix up their "new" house. I hope everyone else is doing good. Miss you all. :)

    And Tracy Rocks. That is all. :)

    Fever: (one definition online: ) excessive passions brought on by strong emotions. Or something. Just thought that so fit Lacy.

  6. I'm very sorry to hear of Fey's father's passing Deb.

    And I do want to say something, and maybe it should be better kept to PM's but since it really applies to us all, might as well do it here, right??|

    First off, Yes, I am a Christian, as I recently stated.

    And I do know you have to give your heart and life to Jesus in order to make Heaven.

    It's not my belief, it's what I know. And I contemplated even saying anything, but I've made up my mind, I have to stand up for faith and not be ashamed.

    I *am* ashamed that anyone ever calling themselves a Christian would tell you God hated you. God doesn't hate people.

    He DOES hate sin, but he hates the sins of ALL people, even those who are Christians (because just because we're saved doesn't mean we're perfect. Just forgiven, and YES, YES, we still sometimes stumble and mess up. We just have to repent and get back up again).

    Anyone who would perform a hate crime, or kill, or treat another human being with anything but compassion and love, who calls themselves a Christian?

    Needs to seriously take a hard long look at THEMSELVES.

    And unfortunately, a lot of people who do perform hate crimes say they are acting for GOD.

    Well, they're not acting for the God I know.

    Which leads me to what I've been meaning to come on here and say for a little while now. I really need to not post online anymore.

    I hate the way I talk on message boards, I hate how I lose my temper over fictional characters, and I hate that I obviously have some anger issues to deal with or I wouldn't be acting this way.

    But I've got to deal with it before it overwhelms me.

    And I've just realized how short life is, and I have to go back to giving my life to my faith. I'm sharing this with ya'll because I can't NOT share it.

    I know how important Jesus is to me, and I have been so far away from him for what seems like such a long time, and I have to get back to Him.

    So, I doubt I'll be posting here anymore, or anywhere else for that matter.

    It'll be hard at first but I'm sure it'll get easier as time goes on.

    I may pop in after a while to see how everyone is doing, or just to say hello.

    But I want you all to know that I love you, and God LOVES you.

    Anyhoo, just to answer a few questions, my dinner went well.

    The meatloaf tasted more like hamburger steak, but it was good.

    I ended up making a chocolate/caramel double layer cream pie, and it was sooooo good.

    And one last thing, Stace, if you will email me your home address, I'll mail you that article on JE/Gerald Anthony that I never could figure out how to scan, and let you do it if you are so inclined.

    Bye for now, and you all take care, okay? :)

    But I do

  7. Welcome back Staci.

    Welcome back, EVERYBODY ! (just not to leave anyone out.) :)

    Kristin if the calendar still says it was due yesterday, print that sucker out, and show your prof, and if they still won't budge, I'd go over their heads if the grade is going to make or break you.

    Did other people know it was due yesterday, or is everyone late? If there are other people who saw the wrong date, maybe if you all descend on the teacher at once that might help you?

    angel too cute about your hair.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have a dinner to plan for tomorrow night.

    Is mashed potatoes and meatloaf too pedestrian?

    It's Paula Deen's cheesy meatloaf recipe, so it's a little different....and I'm thinking about something creamy and cool for dessert, can't make up my mind on what to serve yet though.

  8. No TQ today I don't think.


    Hope everyone is having a divine day.

    I am personally responsible for the misery of at least one family today, which just brings a tired, sad end to an unhappy, hectic, day.

    Did I mention how much I LOVE my job? :()

    I would go home and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's but I've done that once this week already. LOL

    Can't do that too often.........

    Edited to *wave to Lady A*

  9. No TQ today I don't think.


    Hope everyone is having a devine day.

    I am personally responsible for the misery of at least one family today, which just brings a tired, sad end to an unhappy, hectic, day.

    Did I mention how much I LOVE my job? :()

    I would go home and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's but I've done that once this week already. LOL

    Can't do that too often.........

  10. Actually, being a Christian myself, for almost the last ten years, I can tell you that Christianity is made fun of waaaay more than people of other faiths.


    Or maybe I just notice it more because I am one, but I can tell you HOllywood considers Christianity as a joke, for the most part.

    And on soaps? It's nonexistant or is treated disrespectfully/as a joke.

    Why do I even bother watching GH? It's certainly not because I expect my faith to be represented.

    It's not for the sleeping around or the other things normally associated with soaps.

    It's for Jane Elliot only. I wasn't watching before she came back, and I won't be watching when she leaves.

    I *heart* Tracy Quartermaine. I think she's the bestest female television character EVA !

    And she is the sole reason I bother with ABC daytime, or GH, at all.

    I didn't even have cable before she came back. LOL

    I just *HEART* her that much ! :)

    pinkpopsicle sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing, and Collette, glad to hear your grandfather is doing better.

    Grandparents are precious, and I miss mine every day. :)

  11. I finally watched last Monday's show, even though I haven't watched the other past two weeks that I have taped.

    I liked the Dillon/Tracy goodbye, it didn't move me like I thought it would and I hated that the rest of the family was standing there when they talked, but it wasn't too bad.

    *waves to hooked*

  12. *waves to all*

    I have to pay to use the computers here and my time is almost up.


    Anyway, Staci I know what you mean about Ned and I agree, I think we understand what the other is trying to say.

    Haven't watched at all last week and will have to catch up when I can

    My time is almost up.

    Bye all oh and welcome remos.

  13. *waves*

    UGH. I want more for Tracy than that one on 071707 and the next day.

    I'm glad we'll be seeing her, but UGH.

    That can't be said enough. LOL

    Hopefully I'll get a break in class tomorrow afternoon...could anyone post Tracy recaps if you watch live, since I won't get a chance to watch her stuff till this next weekend?

    Much appreciations and all that. :)

  14. *waves to all*

    awesome story Lainey. Why (just curious) did you never post that "bomb along the road" story on FF.net?

    It I think is my fave, although they are all awesome.

    You capture Lacy so well. :)

    As soon as I remember my password to FF.net I will leave you a review there too !

    Night all !

  15. *waves to all*

    It seems like today she was only on maybe the last fifteen minutes?

    Best fifteen minutes of the freakin' show, no doubt.

    *sticks tongue out at spoilers*

    As far as Ned and him scoring the film, I *think* that he wouldn't need to be on site for that, at least not until the very end. I think he watches the taped film and then scores it, so him hanging out with Dillon would be close to the wrapping of the film.

    So I kinda didn't get the "hanging out with my brother" part, cause they'd likely be interacting only at the very end.

    Unless I'm just wrong about that, LOL...but if the way it's depicted in other TV and movies is to be believed, that's how it's usually done.

    And what do I care?

    Dillon's leaving.

    *runs off crying*

  16. I watched Tracy's scenes today, so I watched out of order, but I hate watching live, because every time I do, and I sit through the scenes of other characters, I'm reminded of how much I DON'T care about anyone else but Tracy, and maybe her immediate family and whomever else she cares about.

    The rest of the characters, every last one of them, are completely irrelevant to me. Some of them, downright dullsville.

    But Jane makes it all worthwhile. I think tomorrow are the pics we all saw on MediaNet, where she looks so rough. LOL

    *waves to inyron*

    Nite all. Going to bed.

  17. My main problem with Ned is not that I don't understand his motivations.

    It's the attitude he has with her.

    You can distance yourself from someone and still treat them like a human being.

    And if you CAN'T, don't be a hypocrite. Admit you suck at practicing what you preach, and admit you don't do what you expect of others, and move on.

    Ned and Dillon are hypocrites.

    Tracy's not a great mom, but they are CRAPPY sons.

    And if they'd ever admit that, I'd be fine with that, because the hypocrisy is what I can't stand.

    They both think they're better than her.

    They're not.

    Moving right along......I guess I'm just not into GH right now too much, or else I would've already watched my week old tapes from Thursday and Friday, although I did make a point to tape this morning also.

    I will be out of town starting Sunday night, through Friday night, back Saturday, and gone again next Sunday through Friday for work. I don't have a laptop and unless I can find time to take a break and log on during the day, I won't be posting next week or the week after during the workweek. No posting at night either unless I find someone with a computer.....Of course that also means I won't get to watch GH during the week, at least it will be a break from the regular routine and grind.

    Hope everyone had a nice 4th. :)

  18. I hope everyone has a happy fourth.

    Colette have a safe trip, wouldn't it be funny if you and knh were going to be at the same wedding.

    Kristin....just have FUN. I love the noise of family, because we don't get together too often. :)

    But I will remember you in my prayers.

    And WOOT ! Bridezillas is such a campy, so-bad-its-good show. I love watching it. :) A guilty pleasure.

    ((HUGS)) to everyone. I know our girl is on tomorrow, but I STILL haven't watched Thursday and Friday yet so I am going to be behind in commenting on tomorrow.

    I know she'll rock it, as always.

    Happy 4TH !

    ETA *waves to nex and TL !*

  19. *waves to Deb, she of the short and SASSY hair*

    I'm bored, must get back to work. Sounds like no Tracy today, but it's hard to tell. You can't trust SZ's live post, Tracy's story is currently too stupid for their taste.

    Because every other story on GH is Shakespeare and sooooo well written and compelling, dontcha know.

    *note sarcasm*

  20. *waves to nex**

    I watched your vid nex and I love it ! I posted comments at the JE board....

    I also really enjoyed everyone's fics.

    Sorry for such brief comments but I am so behind... I still haven't watched Thrs-Friday of last week, I have catching up to do. LOL

    Welcome Colette!

    ((HUGS)) Staci. You are MISSED !!

    I don't think she's on today......

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