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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. I logged on and just realized I have nothing to say.

    Tracy Rocks. That is all. :lol:

    Oooh. Random thought: Isn't it funny, that when someone asks your opinion of something, and you give it, they get mad because it's not what they want to hear?

    People are funny. I say, if you don't want an honest opinion, don't ask for one at all.

    Right? Right. :)

    It's going to be a looong week with no Tracy.

  2. So, on two conditions, I think I may want Tracy/SCott from here on out. *runs from Lainey*

    Provided that:

    Number one, that he did not kill RW after all, or that he did it in self defense.

    Number two, that he forget his obsession with Laura. (which makes no sense, anyway).

    Oh yes...and he needs to be on contract.

    With those criteria fulfilled....I think Stacy could be HAWT.

    (me...just finished rewatching the Scott/Tracy scenes from last week.

    HELLO ! I still see something there.

    Yeah...I can't sleep.

  3. I had a good time in the BR last night too... thanks everyone.


    I understand the frustrations...but *maybe* the scenes were just delayed?

    I need that comment line number though. I want them to know how much I think it makes them look incompetent, to cut a scene already spoiled to be happening. I didn't watch yesterday, but I'm *sure* there was other drivel that could have been cut instead.


    So TL... you still got that number handy?

  4. Well the only thing we knew for sure was that they were going to be on today.

    SON did preview that they'd have a new perspective on their marriage...and I think yesterday took care of that, of course other people previewed she'd be on today....so either they got cut or the spoilers were wrong, and SON is rarely wrong.

    That sucks.

    I'm already in a bad mood, this isn't making it better.


  5. ICAM with you Magic..

    In fact I could have sworn Tracy was remembering Paul as she looked out at the rose garden. He was her last real love (that we saw onscreen) and it was only real on her part.

    And I could just see that weight also, and her inner decision to NEVER take that kind of crap again.

    TG had tears in his eyes, but I'm not sure if it was due to what Tracy said about Laura, or Jane's obvious battle with tears herself, or Luke's reaction to thinking he might have blown it with Tracy.

    Or all three. But Good LORD, if Jane doesn't get me EVERY.SINGLE.STINKIN'.TIME.

    NO matter how vile Tracy can be, I ALWAYS feel for her. Even when I shouldn't. And yesterday convinced me Tracy is madly in love with Luke.

    She even checked on LAURA.

    He better not break Tracy's heart.

    LnL love or not, Laura coming back some day or not, there's no excuse for how Luke acted yesterday, and there will be no excuse in the future. He shouldn't HAVE to be ugly to her, not even for Laura.

    ETA *waves madly to hooked.. You DID say you're going to be inspired to write another TRASH story while in London, right? :)

  6. *waves to everyone*

    *hugs to you hooked, and have a safe trip. HOw long will you be gone again?

    We'll miss you, you little break room addicted thing you.

    Okay, after I watched....I still want to punch Luke's lights out.

    Him making fun of Tracy talking to Alan by pretending to talk to Alan himself?

    Made me :angry:

    The last scene rocked though...but I don't know if I can handle many more scenes like them.

    Her hurt face reminded me of Paul, and how she'd look when he dissed her.

    *sniff* she made me cry today. Poor Tracy.

    LUke BETTER make nice tomorrow.

    I still don't think I'm back on the bus though.....I think I may take a detour into "what about Tracy and Scotty Land"?

    And oooh LadyAshton, TRASH is a perfect name for Larry/Tracy.


    Don't change a thing.

    Well I'd add more but it's past my bedtime already.

    See you all tomorrow. :)

  7. No, no, no...make no mistake. Right now?

    I haaaate Luke. Right now, anyway.

    I can get loving his first wife more.

    I can get him being protective of Laura.

    But him issuing ultimatums to Tracy, who for the most part has been nothing but loving and good and understanding to him?

    Uh, he needs to take a step back. Cause Tracy is his ONLY friend and she LOVES him.

    I'm sure when I watch it won't be as bad as it sounds, but I'm not feeling too kindly towards him right now.

    ETA but I still LOVE all of YOU.


  8. Aaaah..so the scenes today were the scenes where they come to a realization about their relationship.

    It would be cool if I thought one single thing was going to change.

    I DID hear people cheering.

    So that's something. Luke has a smack down Loooong overdue coming from Spanky.

    Dear IIC,

    You HAD a good thing going with Luke and Tracy.

    Make him grovel...and I might forgive him.

    Otherwise, ya'll can kiss my barefoot Arkansas Cherokee BUTT.



    ETA so it wasn't a "good, sexy" spoiler guys.

    BUT I hear Tracy did say "ILY".

    Jane will rock that. THAT I hope is worth watching for all by itself.

  9. I know SON spoiled it but I'm starting to wonder if the spoiler we're all waiting for got cut.

    Of course there's always tomorrow but.....eh.

    I want Scott/Tracy, but only if we find out Scott didn't kill RW.

    I'm done with Lacy. I can still enjoy their scenes and read the BRILLIANT fics you guys write. But I'm done loving them as a couple.

    I gave Luke until today.

    It doesn't sound like it got any better.

    They are making Tracy look pathetic, and I'd rather her be alone and with some dignity than this crap.


  10. Wow knh....great post. Rock on. I agree with most if not all of it.

    pinkpopsicle I loved both your stories. That one was pretty hot. LOL

    As far as Lacy goes....looks around....I think we're all on the same page here, or we seem to be.

    Here she is opening up a vein and bleeding, and Luke has...well, more than a paper cut, but by and large, I think we know who's more invested in this relationship.

    It's pretty clear that Luke is never going to put Tracy first. That, plus the way that Tracy is acting, is making me seriously rethink my Lacy love.

    Scott was right to question Tracy's actions.

    She normally ISN'T one to be second. Strangely though, as others have said, ALL her relationships have kinda been like this.

    With the difference that in the past, Tracy gave the men ultimatums and threats about their affairs, or she just up and left....whereas now, we have her HELPING her husband with his first wife.

    This is just not Tracy....and yet, strangely, it is.

    But even if I can't say it's completely OOC, *I* don't like it.

    And I'm giving Lucas Lorenzo the rest of this week to make TRACY feel needed and wanted and special.

    If he doesn't, I'm off the Lacy train.

    I can deal with them being friends but I can't support couplehood with him acting this way.

    pinkpopsicle I'm not sure I noticed the handwringing, I'll have to go back and watch for that.

    ETA *waves* to pinkpopsicle.

  11. I don't like the inferences to Monica and Alan's relationship...but HEY I got to see Tracy so it's all good. :)

    About the spoilers...yeah, it's likely they'll stick her in there all summer. I can see Guza going there. It could be interesting.

    It could be stupid.

    It's a toss up.

    Cute little story Deb. I enjoy all or most of the fics I read, everyone here is a good writer. I liked pinkpopsicle's latest stories and everyone else's too.

  12. yeah, I remember being a little kid and watching the scene where Scott found the letter. He didn't think at the time that it was rape, he thought it was an affair. He called laura a tramp.

    Now, I can't remember if she confessed to him during this conversation that it was rape, she may have.

    Either way, Scott was mad at BOTH of them, which leads me to think he didn't realize the truth until later. I doubt he would have called her a tramp if he knew she was raped..

    But, she could have told him, and THAT is why he decked Luke.

    I wish we had a transcript or clip of that Scott/Laura convo.

    As far as Luke and Tracy having sex offscreen, I don't think it was happening while Laura was there.

    Since the verbal references have just started, I tend to think the sex has just started.

    The way TG/JE played it, so awkwardly, in fact...I'd hazard a guess and say it's possible they've only done it once or so....and maybe thought they were going too fast, or were too overwhelmed when they did it, and likely took to sleeping in the same bed only, but decided to take it slow in terms of the sex.

    I can see them having that conversation, even though two years is slow enough and they are married.....

    I hate that ANY Lacy stuff happened offscreen, we hardly see them as it is.

    BUT, I may be in the minority in that I absolutely LOVED the conversations yesterday and the way TG/JE played it.

    So very tender with each other. Hmm, maybe that first time offscreen was the cut scenes from the day Luke was supposed to try and get rid of Alan? I doubt it was onscreen then either but I bet we got a shot of them going upstairs together or talking about it anyway.

    The next day's scenes were just too suspect not to have something gone on the day before, if that makes any sense.

    Anyway...I thought the Lacy stuff yesterday was good. I liked it.

    And progress offscreen, while sucky, is better than none at all. RIGHT? Better than the one step forward, two back, kind of stuff we've dealt with for almost TWO YEARS.

    I'll take some offscreen stuff as long as the onscreen stuff makes reference to it, like we got yesterday.

  13. This is going to be a short post....LOL I'm so behind on comments.

    I enjoyed today, but I'm tired of the hesitant kisses.

    It's like either the director (or JE/TG?) are afraid of going ALL OUT and showing how passionate the characters can be.

    It was a great Tracy day though !

    *waves to everyone, welcome to brownstonegirl and Totem-cat..

    And YAY ! TQ should be on tomorrow, RIGHT??

    I hope so.

  14. Okay I hate jumping ahead and commenting on spoilers when I haven't even commented on fics and watched vids, but since the spoilers seem more pressing at the moment, here it goes:

    Slightly negative interpretation disclaimer. But a realistic one, I think:

    I think Guza is building Lacy up so he can tear them down. I think so because that's what he does to all couples. However this is a daytime drama and if Lacy didn't have angst, it wouldn't be realistic. At least Guza giving them angst makes me think he sees them as REAL.That's a plus.

    I DO think we'll get a VERY good week in terms of bonding next week though...but the "ultimatum" thing doesn't sound good.

    Two definitions of "ultimatum" :

    A final statement of terms made by one party to another.

    A statement, especially in diplomatic negotiations, that expresses or implies the threat of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted. (me: uh-oh).

    I do think the ultimatum is going to be Luke to Tracy, "if I find out you are working WITH Scott to help him get guardianship over Laura, we're through."

    Now I don't know if he'll say it like that, but that's the ultimatum, I think.

    Personally, since Laura obviously wanted Luke to move on, and she deliberately made Nik guardian, I don't see Tracy's machinations as all that bad...and I think it's something in theory that Luke can forgive over time.

    I just hope it isn't true and that it is a scam.

    I'm afraid SCOTT will make it look like it's not, though. :(

    Meaning that if he wins guardianship he'll make it look like Tracy was really helping him, whether she was or not.

    ABout Skuke: I can't take another round of them, and if Guza goes there again after Lo is gone, I might take a GH sabbatical.

    Cause I can't take any more Skuke/Lacy hijinks.

    I don't think they'll go there in a romantic way. I think Skye/Ric will hook up, but......who knows?

    At any rate, I expect the lacy stuff next week to ROCK.

    Everyone should watch.

    I think it's going to be awesome. :)

  15. *waves to Deb*

    Why did the whole thing make you uncomfortable?

    It didn't make me uncomfortable but I was unhappy they chose to once again make it comic.

    A little humor is fine, but I know BOTH can do better at a would be makeout session/love scene.

    It's time for seriousness, at least a little bit of it.

    As far as cut scenes, it wouldn't surprise me, we already know they cut Monday.


  16. Deb I believe I'm going to go with pic number 3.

    Hope everyone had a good holiday.

    I'll comment/catch up on vids/clips later.

    Tracy should be on tomorrow !


    And I'm outta here.

    Staci I soooo hear you on not being online as much.

    Plus truthfully, really I haven't had a lot to say for months now.


    I usually find something else better to do, like reading a *gasp* BOOK.

    Yes, a REAL LIVE BOOK.

    :) :) :)

  17. Deb do you think we can make the lighting a little softer in the pic for the avatar?

    Other than that I think it's perfect.

    And EEEEEEE !!!!! *jumps up and down at the spoiler*

    *hits head, falls down, gets back up again*

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FINALLY. :)

  18. Deb is there any way to make the lighting in the pic softer?

    I actually like the spoilers.

    I will hate it if Tracy makes a deal with Scotty to help him get guardianship over Laura, because I think once Luke finds out that will be the end of Lacy.

    I am happy though that Tracy is mentioned in the spoilers at all and I will take scheming Tracy over no Tracy at all.

    I won't look forward to Lulu's self righteousness and her getting up in Tracy's face.

    I don't trust Guza not to ruin Lacy, but maybe this won't ruin them. They need some angst, for sure.

    IF the "changed perspective" spoiler is true, Luke might be more forgiving. He forgave Laura for having a child with Stavros.

    Tracy conspiring with SCott is child's play in comparison.

    *waves to hooked*

  19. *waves back to Ms.Quartermaine*

    So, what's "WeAllNeedLunacy" or whatever?

    And I'm glad to see different Lacy boards sprouting up, but I don't have time to post at this one and the JE one.

    I wish I did.

    Thanks for the Marco stuff, I will try to watch tomorrow.

    And oooh Debbie. I want the pic Ms.Q just posted of JE, as my avatar. Can you do it for me? :) If not, that's okay. But I love the "oldschool Hollywood" vibe of her older pics.

    She should be on tomorrow. First time since the LiZ/Lucky wedding that I'll be watching.

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