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Posts posted by ILoveTracyQ

  1. Deb the anti-Tracy stuff can be annoying. But I have to be honest. It's not really the Tracy hate that gets to me, because I can understand that. I don't "agree" with them, because I love her, but I can totally understand why people would at the very least, dislike her.

    It's when I hear people say things like "Tracy's one-dimensional"(and in truth the writing when she came back WAS kinda making her look that way), or Tracy has no heart, or Tracy is ONLY about money, etc, etc, blah blah, that I take offense and think, "are these people paying attention?"


    But I made my peace with online posters bashing her or misunderstanding her. I may not like a lot of what they say but there's no way EVERYONE will understand or like/love or sympathize with Tracy, just like there's no way EVERYONE loves or understands any one character.

    And Deb I think you DO understand Tracy. You have a great grasp on the character.

    *waves* to everyone and hopes the weekend is going okay. I'm off work Monday. Yay. Although I'm behind and may be there a short while anyway.

    It's raining here and has been the last 24 hours or so. We've gotten a lot this month, and while I don't mind it, it makes me want to do nothing but be lazy, which is what I have been all day. LOLOL

    I wish I had popcorn and I'd curl up and watch a movie....but buying popcorn would mean getting out and I don't know if I am that desperate yet.


    I have not had a chance to watch the old clips. I wish there were more of Tracy and Mitch though. I've seen a few.

    She really did love him.

    You guys? What's your take on it? I mentioned in the BR once that I know Tracy feels unloved, and thinks she's unworthy of love, so she picks with and stays with men that she knows/thinks don't love her or won't love her...or she stays with them because she's desperately lonely.

    My question is, WHY??? (besides Edward's taunts, there HAS to be other reasons. Any guesses?)

    knh I think it's wonderful you've decided to go back to writing. :)

    Good luck with it.

    About Stuart and Alan, um...I'm with Staci on this one. I'm in utter denial. IF it does happen, and TIIC write it correctly, I honestly don't know if I'll be able to get through JE/SD scenes if they have a goodbye one.

    I really don't. I get teary just thinking about it. :( :( :(

    Yeah I'm sure LC and JE, along with probably WK, RC, SC, and JI are of course saddest about it.

    I really hate this show sometimes. I mean, I understand letting people go. But WOW. The next three or four people fired seriously need to be a member of another family.

    And the next three or four people hired need to be Q's, or connected to the Q's.

    Thank you God. Amen.

    ETA eh, I like that the article Staci posted praises JE, but hated the way they attacked LC and the kid that plays Spinelli, for that matter.

    There's harshness, and then there's just plain mean hatefulness. The comments about LC especially, were all kinds of wrong.

    I call foul. :(

    ETA to ask, why does this board show my post as two hours ahead of time? The computer at work doesn't but this one does. How do I fix that?

  2. Now look what you all have done to Lainey.

    For shame.

    Okay so I mentioned the ring too. I think. So shame on me. ;)

    I will agree that JE is *NOT* a sloppy actress. At all. So there will be a point to this, her not wearing the ring. At least, on a soap where Tracy gets a POV on a regular basis, there'd be a scene(s) where the absence of the ring is discussed.

    And it could just be, JE figures she might not get that scene, so she's showing Tracy *trying* (note I said TRYING) to detach herself from her hubby.

    I definitely think it means that Tracy is torn between keeping her self respect, or throwing caution to the wind and taking him back.

    I *don't* think she's divorced. Not yet. I think she's waiting, and even silently has given him a deadline. If he doesn't come back by......then Tracy will head to the DR.

    And Luke will walk in the front door an hour after Tracy has left, find out where she went, and FOLLOW her.


  3. JE/KMo...yep. Definitely same cheekbones.

    Chins slightly different.

    Eye color different I think (aren't KMo's brown?)

    Absolutely a similarily though.

    I didn't notice the ring being gone. Think it's a plot point for when Luke comes back? I doubt JE would forget to put it on.

  4. First I have to say, welcome to pinkpopsicle and hookedongh and anyone else new that I am forgetting....I know some of you are not new to the board but you are new to the thread....

    nex I LOVED your vid.....so *sweet*. :)

    Ms.Q I also enjoyed your latest vid and the Oh Baby updates

    I liked today's show but not enough TQ for me. I can't wait for Luke to get back.

    I wish we knew what TG's schedule was, because for the last three plus years I've been watching since Jane's been back, he never took off at the end of November, it was always the first of January. And they say he'll be back in time for Feb sweeps, so I'm guessing the end of January? Which means he's been gone an extra month than before?

    Mental note to TG: it'll be easier for the writers to write a story for you if you stick around more (and it'll bring Tracy around more too which is good).

    non-TQ related spoilers

    Leslie C in SID mag (according to SZ) says that she and Stuart do not know where the story is headed (so is it true he WON'T die of a heart attack after being arrested for RW's murder, but rather will die a hero in the hostage situation (that spoiler hasn't even been confirmed yet, about there being a hostage situation, but with the creepy guy hanging around Lo's room , I'd say it's true).

    Anyway LC says Monica thinks Alan did it and Alan thinks Monica did it and they are trying to protect each other( HEE ! I like this, and this is how I imagined it, that the suspicious behavior is because one suspects the other, which means they probably didn't do it.)

    Just a little blurb, thought I'd share.

    spoiler talk over

    Oh, yeah. And you can REALLY see the resemblance between KMo and JE. I could see it today when they were sitting on the couch.

    Just saying.

    Although we already know the "past" spoiler is NOT about Tracy.

  5. Debbie......you KILL me with that dancing and singing. LOL

    I'm kinda thinking that the breakdowns for the week were wrong, and some of the stuff set to air tomorrow or Friday was today.

    So.....if not, that means: *GASP* Tracy Q will be on FIVE DAYS this week.

    And while I wouldn't want her on five days a week EVERY week, methinks the woman is DUE.

  6. That's our girl. Awww...Deb I love it. I think Jane will love it too. :)

    How goes the gift, does anyone know? I know Tracey got my card for Jane and my check on Monday I think.

    ETA does anyone subscribe to SOD, or buy almost every issue?

    It seems the issue before last, the one with the 2007 preview on it, has a quote from Jane somewhere in it, about being paired with Tony, and I don't know the exact quote but I'd love to read it.


  7. I don't think Tracy "knows" anything. And I don't think Lulu and Dillon even hinted they suspect Monica or Alan.

    I do think Tracy put Monica's jitteriness and their suspicions together, and came up with "Alan or Monica must have done it."

    And don't worry, when push comes to shove, Tracy will protect Alan over Luke, and that's 100 % the way it should be, and any other outcome would piss me off. It may have been TRACY who took the datebook, and it may be Tracy who confronts Alan and Monica.

    I don't know...just guessing.

    I do NOT want Tracy siding with Luke over Alan though. No matter what. That to me is unacceptable.

  8. Yeah I heard that spoiler, and we called it. *shrug*

    The good part is, it all sounds like a plot point and will last about five minutes.

    The bad part is, TRacy is just going to look ridiculous and bitter by doing what she plans to do.

    Of course Sam did have the diving business, so in her defense, it's not like she's STUPID. I wouldn't say that, and I'd even go so far to say as she may have some business accumen.

    I'd even say it's possible, with how distracted Tracy has been due to Laura/Luke and Luke leaving AGAIN, that she might slip and make a mistake.

    Everyone does.

    What I HATE, is that the only reason they are even showing ELQ is because of HER. What I HATE is that in reference to Sam vs.Tracy, Sam is always made to look better.

    Um, okay. Whatever, GH. I still don't like her and I never will. I dislike characters on principle, that are in my face 24/7. So until she gets cut to 2 days a week, or less, the propping is wasted on me.

    I don't think Tracy has a college degree...I think it's already been said, that she wanted to go, but never went due to getting married and Ned coming along, etc etc.

    But she followed Edward around when she could, and being involved in that way is the best job training there is.

  9. Hellllooooo in here ! ((((echo))))))

    My goodness. Where is everyone?

    Well I hope all the last of you procrastinators have sent or are sending today, your stuff/contributions for Jane's Bday.

    I *squee* just hope she likes it, and I believe she will.

    I had a nice time in the breakroom last night ladies.

    Talkin' bout Tracy and her sexy men...ALL of them. I don't think there was a single one who wasn't mentioned, LOL.

    We even talked TRAX, Staci. Wherever you are. :)

    Anyhoo.....I've got stuff to do around the casa but I'm sure I'll check back in sometime today.


    Hope everyone's day is going well.

  10. EEEE !! So happy to hear that Marco/Tracy are endgame.....sooooo happy. :)

    *crosses fingers that story doesn't change*

    No Tracy today. TIIC suck.

    And does no Paul Hornbsy mean no little Tracy chitlin's running around? :(

    Ooh. She should have ALL girls. Two or three. Now that would be an AU story.

  11. I guess it's okay to talk about your fic here Deb, I won't give away specifics so as not to spoil those who haven't read any of it yet, but I had to comment:

    I Love it. You do realize you could probably just change character names and submit the final work as a novel to be published don't you? Because it's so far removed from today's GH that no one at ABC would ever know. LOL


    What is it about fan fics that brings out emotions in me that real GH rarely does?

    Is it because the fans really care about the characters?

    I think that's a huge part of it. Because when you care, it usually shows in the writing by the HEART.

    I agree with Lainey. Your version of Tracy still rings true to character. How she is reacting is pretty much how I'd expect Real!Tracy to react in that situation.

    And can I just completely GUSH, and say that I very well might be in LOVE with Marco?

    Can you bottle him and send him to me?


    He and Tracy are Endgame in this story, right? RIGHT??

    I also love your Alan, and his relationship with Tracy. Luke was appropriately sleazy. LOL

    Mitch....I don't know what to think of him yet.

    Your Edward? After the scene where Tracy is talking about him laughing at her, HE can contract an itchy, smelly contagious rash, and be banned by polite society until he can behave correctly.

    And if can't learn to do so, he can DIE.

    I just realized though that due to this being an AU, there will be no Lord Larry, and Ned does not exist.


    But other than that, I LOVE it. :)









    Thanks Deb. Mucho appreciations. :)

    The PM is on it's way. :)

  13. Me: promising to make with me own widdle hands, and mail to Debbie, her favorite treat, if she will let me peek at the AU story.

    *bats eyes prettily*

    Yes. I am addicted to Tracy. And I am going through withdrawals.

    I neeeeeds me some Tracy.

    On the RL front, I just mailed the "other" Tracey, my card for Jane, and my contribution to the BDay gift.

  14. I didn't realize I was still logged in. LOL

    No Tracy, at least no mention of her.

    I'm kinda wondering, what IS it that Dillon does, that has people hating on him so much?

    He and Georgie, last time I checked, were NOT boyfriend/girlfriend anymore.

    He could treat her better I guess, but his treatment of her is a plot point so she'll look elsewhere.

    I don't know why Dillon is into Lulu.

    It boggles my mind.

    Georgie's a bit on the boring side, but LAWDY.

    She's more woman than Lulu will ever be.

    Just wondering if there's some other reason for the Dillon hate.

  15. The AJ stuff is just rumor at this point but who knows?

    I sorta agree with Staci, I don't expect a WHOLE lot outta the Sam stuff.

    *I* actually think, that Tracy's investigating, will be what finds Sam's dad.

    As far as her being Sam's mom?

    Eww. I was teasing before.

    Yes it'd be good for airtime, but that's the only POSITIVE I can get outta that.

    Of course, I don't think a DNA test was ever done on Sam, was it?

    HEE. :)

    *skips out of post*

  16. I'm telling you people.

    Sam is soooo Tracy's kid. Or at the very least, a Quartermaine/Cassadine hybrid.

    Why else the background check? Hasn't Sam's background already been looked into once?

    So you better learn to love her !

    Get it? Got it? Good. :P

    Personally? If it gets Jane airtime, she can not only be Sam's mama, she can be Skye's, Lulu's(ooh wait incest nevah mind), Maxie's, Pete's , Spinelli's AND Milo's.

    Our girl's been busy busy busy.....:)

  17. Well negativity is allowed as far as I'm concerned.

    I was soooo upbeat and positive when Jane first came back and now?

    Not so much.

    But it's based on the fact that Jane obviously isn't a priority of GH.

    Sad but true. I get happy when she's on, and it shouldn't be such a rare event.

    I *do* think this year will be good for Jane SL wise. I don't know how or why I know, I just DO.

    So anyone who wants to rant a little, or go off, or just vent, is more than welcome to as far as I'm concerned.

    I would prefer positivity, I think GH is bad and negative enough......and I do think we should TRY to be positive, but I'm not going to tell someone else how to post, nor am I going to bite someone's head off if they aren't positive that day.

    Believe me, I understand. There's not much to be positive about, and sooooo much to be negative about, that it just makes us FEEL BETTER to let it out from time to time.

    Everyone else can do the same as far as I'm concerned. If you've got something to be positive about, great. If you want to vent, fine.

    Sometimes I'm upbeat about GH, but it's been a while. Like six months a while.

    Sometimes I'm not.

    I'll warn people if it's a ranting post, and those who don't want to read it, can scroll on by.

    But personally I think the boards are for expressing how we feel about the show, negative or positive.

    That's what they're here for.

    No need for anyone to apologize because they get upset at the show or characters/ couples. At least, that's how I see it.

    Carry on.

  18. spoiler talk

    so basically, ELQ, which TIIC never bother to show us, we might actually see because PUKE works there?


    I really really love Jane, but I'm about tired of this.

    I didn't even care enough to tape Monday's show...I taped Friday's, and haven't even watched yet.

    That's how fed up I am.

    I don't like that Dillon is going to side with Sam, or that Sam will likely show Tracy up or make Tracy look incompetent and stupid.

    I do however like that we'll see Tracy separate from Luke. I just hate that there's no way she can completely win against *ugh* Sam.

    But it's airtime right?

    And we expected Dillon to side against Tracy, right?

    So we know that the trained monkeys are still manning the typewriters, and we know not to expect anything brillant.


    spoiler talk over.

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